Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pre-move update

Pre-move update

Sorry for the lack of updates, all zero people read this blog.
I am moving to my new place next week.
In the meantime I will have some projects to do after I am settled in.


Cancelled games blog

The cancelled video games will get their own blog.
That means every game will get their own page.
Yes, even the games I've got barely any info on.

I am doing this because the current method makes the pages bloated and take ages to edit.
This new system will make it easier to edit pages.
I will also change the red text for HELP WANTED to green to avoid it looking like dead links.

I am also thinking of expanding my range.
I might include the range up to 2015 so I can include PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii games.
Still no handhelds and mobile games because that is way too much work, but maybe...

New games I have done research on:

Blue  = detailed, on its letter page
Red   = HELP WANTED (needs more info)

Captain Scarlet Retaliation
Crimson Order
Final Score
Hateful Chris: Shoot The Moon
Internal Pain
Lost Legion
Reality Deathmatch
The Epsilon Conflict
The Underworld Crime Does Pay
The UnHoly
We Come In Peace

The perils of Google search


Prank call archives

I found quite a lot of saved video files of prank calls from YouTube on my old external HDD.
I made it a habit to do this from 2009-2015.
Just as well since some of these accounts are down or have missing content.

The two main channels:

Those names have links to a list of missing calls that can't be found anywhere.
As it turns out I have quite a lot of these missing calls.
I have an idea...

On Bitchute I will open an/some archive channel/s.
I haven't decided between one channel each or both get the same channel.
I will upload these missing calls.

Some things to keep in mind:
* all videos are 360p or 480p (not that it matters on Bitchute or at all)
* I did not save any of the video descriptions
* I don't have many MBD calls; I only downloaded my favourites
* if the people behind these accounts requests I remove them, I will


Also Quikfax, but that'll have to wait...

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

The Wayback Machine needs improving

The Wayback Machine needs improving

I use the Wayback Machine for my research on cancelled video games.
However, the Wayback Machine is pretty lackluster in features.

The Internet Archive Wayback Machine search functions needs to be better. Here's how:
 * full search engine for finding the keywords on archived pages
 * take you straight to the page with the keywords, not the website's main page
 * sort by date or relevancy
 * date range to search for pages on certain years or between certain years
Example: Dinosaur Hunting Xtreme is a cancelled PC game by Legba.
The only archived link I can find this game mentioned is Legba's website.
Searching for Dinosaur Hunting Xtreme on the Wayback Machine does NOT return Legba's site.

Example: Hab-12 is a cancelled PC game by Ratloop.
The only decent search result is Ratloop's website.
But you don't get Adrenaline Vault's preview in the results, which is a very helpful source.

The Internet Archive FAQ on the matter mentions they'll be implementing this in future.
"We hope to implement a full text search engine at some point in the future."
However, this article was uploaded years ago! Please implement it now!

When I search for anything, whether it be a video game, movie, or book, I want relevant results.
I want to see every website that mentions the keywords, not random websites.
Screw your metadata, it's worthless.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Chris Chan vs Elliot Rodger differences

Chris Chan vs Elliot Rodger differences:

* both were virgins with rage, though Chris allegedly lost his to a hooker; Elliot considered hiring a hooker as an act beneath him.

* both have mental illnesses; Chris with autism, Elliot with bipolar disorder.

* both wanted a girlfriend for different reasons; Chris wanted a daughter named Crystal to fulfil some prophecy, whereas Elliot wanted to feel normal like the normies he always saw.

* both are obsessed with franchises: Chris loves Sonic the Hedgehog and Elliot loved World of Warcraft.

* both have raged at their beloved franchises: Chris at Sonic the Hedgehog for the blue arms debacle; Elliot at World of Warcraft for being too popular and the Cataclysm expansion.

* Elliot used to dye his hair blonde to fit in; Chris nowadays dyes his hair some unnatural colour to stand out.

* Elliot at least made the effort to better himself with reading and lifting weights; Chris keeps saying he'll better himself but never does.

* Elliot was born into wealth; Chris was into moderate income.

* Elliot's parents were divorced and his life was split between them; Chris' parents were together but slept in separate beds in their cluttered house.

* both used to pace around the mall to attract a girlfriend, but Chris used an attraction sign and Elliot didn't.

* Chris hated all males as they were JERKS; Elliot hated all males and females for both being JERKS.

* in high school most of Chris' friends were females (galpals) whereas most of Elliot's friends were males (fellow losers).

* both had pocket knives to protect themselves, but Elliot actually used to his to ward off some drunken thugs one time.

* both had tantrums over social media; Chris when people block him on Twitter; Elliot when a supposed friend unfriended him on Facebook.

* both had sanctuaries of recreational fun: Chris has The Game Place hobby shop, and Elliot had a local internet cafe.

* Chris pledged brand loyalty to Nintendo and then Sony; Elliot never did so as he had an N64, a PS2, an Xbox, and then was a PC gamer.

* both had fantasy worlds with themselves as the leader of it; Chris had CWCVille with himself as Mayor; Elliot had the world with himself as dictator.

* in these fantasy worlds they both wanted to suppress sexual activity.

* both were narcissistic but for different reasons; Chris got his ego from his many 'talents' (drawing, singing, etc), whereas Elliot saw himself as the supreme gentleman.

* both are mixed raced: Elliot is white-Asian, Chris is white-Cherokee (allegedly).

* both have embarrassing penises; Chris' is bent, and Elliot's is like 4".

* both were told they would never have girlfriends; Chris from the dean Mary Lee Walsh; Elliot from his supposed friend Addison.

* Chris is an only child (not counting half-siblings like Cole); Elliot had a younger sister (not counting his new half-sibling from his step-mother).

* both got poor grades in high school; Chris from being slow-in-the-mind, Elliot from not caring about life anymore.

* after graduating high school Elliot kept some of his friends; Chris did not.

* most of Chris' high school friends only befriended him out of pity; most of Elliot's friends only befriended him because they were fellow losers (and would unfriend Elliot once they got social lives and girlfriends).

* Elliot has travelled to multiple countries; Chris has never left the United States.

* Chris disobeyed his parents to travel to Ohio to see Julie; Elliot disobeyed his parents by trying to run away from home to avoid going on a trip to Morocco.

* both have been trolled online; Chris by Encyclopedia Dramatica, Elliot from the forum.

* Chris has had multiple sweethearts (which were all trolls); Elliot had never had a single sweetheart, troll or otherwise.

* both adopted hobbies to fit in; Chris took up My Little Pony and Sailor Moon to be with Megan, whereas Elliot took up skateboarding to fit in with the 'cool kids'.

* Chris hates tobacky but has tried weed; Elliot was indifferent to tobacco and only smoked a few cigarettes to calm his nerves but never became a habitual smoker.

* Chris hated alcohol but tried it and liked it and could be an alcoholic; Elliot had enjoyed alcohol from the beginning but did not become an alcoholic.

* Elliot documented his life in his memoir, My Twisted World; Chris documented his life with videos.

* both have held only two jobs: Chris had Wendy's and Costco, Elliot had two custodial jobs.

* Elliot actually saved his money, whereas Chris spent most of his money on video games, toys (Lego, My Little Pony, sex toys, etc), and other junk.

* both cried on their graduation day: Chris because he felt he deserved more credit; Elliot because he felt his good times were over.

* both had preferences for their ideal girlfriend; Chris wanted an 18-24 girl (no niggos), and Elliot wanted a tall hot blonde.

* both were combative against their parents: Chris against his father for not washing his hands and his mother for hoarding, and Elliot against his step-mother for being physically and psychologically abusive and his father for siding with her every time.

* both had fantasies of killing people, but Chris only wanted death against certain trolls; Elliot wanted to kill everyone.

* both have attacked people with substances; Chris at the GameStop with pepper spray; Elliot would douse couples in public with coffee or iced tea.

* Elliot would often drop out of classes because he could not deal seeing couples and unavailable hot girls; at least Chris stayed and finished (unless he got suspended).

* Chris dealt with stress by sighing a lot and escaping to his fantasy world and video games; Elliot dealt with stress by crying and sulking a lot.

* Chris has had public freakouts, leading to bans; Elliot contained his anger and only had meltdowns in the car or at home, thus obtaining no bans.

* both were traumatised at a young age; Chris by the alleged abusive babysitter, and Elliot by seeing pornography at a computer cafe.

* Elliot was hypersexual and masturbated frequently; Chris did not fap often due to his bent dick.

* Chris went through a variety of emotions during his twenties; Elliot only experienced sadness and anger.

* both are racist in some way; Chris has used stereotypes of various races in the Sonichu comics, and Elliot thought blacks and Hispanics were beneath him.

* both are sexist in some way; Chris considering stripping to be a form of women's liberation, and Elliot outright hated women, stating their brains were inferior.

* Chris has lived with his parents all his life; Elliot was kicked out both parents' homes at age 18.

* both had a life of privilege; Elliot was born into wealth and Chris has been on his welfare for years.

* both were tormented in school; Elliot through consistent bullying, and Chris from allegedly being pinned down and his screams recorded.

* both have had conflicts with minorities; Chris had an encounter with an old black lady in McDonalds, and Elliot was bullied by his two Latino roommates while at UCSB.

* both believed in conspiracies to keep them virgins forever; Chris believed The Game Place was the headquarters, whereas Elliot believed all girls were in on the conspiracy.

* Chris would get revenge on JERKS by making them in Soul Caliber III and beating them up; Elliot would throw his drinks at couples and/or swearing at them.

* Elliot had gruesome desires to flay men and rape women; all Chris imagined was beating up and strangling his trolls.

* Elliot would buy designer clothes for a confidence boost; Chris wears second-hand clothing because he doesn't know or care about fashion.

* both had just one IRL friend who ended their friendship; Chris had Megan, and Elliot had James.

* both their IRL friends left for different reasons; Megan was tired of Chris inappropriately touching her and creepily adopting her interests; James got concerned by Elliot's increasing misery and psychopathic tendencies.

* both purchased lottery tickets but Elliot was obsessed with winning.

* both have done foolish things thinking they would get money: Chris destroyed his PS3 for some kind of bounty; Elliot drove to Arizona four times to buy lottery tickets he was sure would be jackpot winners.

* both were shut-ins; Elliot couldn't stand seeing couples and felt trapped inside, whereas Chris was too absorbed by toys and video games to want to leave.

== will update if I discover/remember more ==