Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Pre-move update

Pre-move update

Sorry for the lack of updates, all zero people read this blog.
I am moving to my new place next week.
In the meantime I will have some projects to do after I am settled in.


Cancelled games blog

The cancelled video games will get their own blog.
That means every game will get their own page.
Yes, even the games I've got barely any info on.

I am doing this because the current method makes the pages bloated and take ages to edit.
This new system will make it easier to edit pages.
I will also change the red text for HELP WANTED to green to avoid it looking like dead links.

I am also thinking of expanding my range.
I might include the range up to 2015 so I can include PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii games.
Still no handhelds and mobile games because that is way too much work, but maybe...

New games I have done research on:

Blue  = detailed, on its letter page
Red   = HELP WANTED (needs more info)

Captain Scarlet Retaliation
Crimson Order
Final Score
Hateful Chris: Shoot The Moon
Internal Pain
Lost Legion
Reality Deathmatch
The Epsilon Conflict
The Underworld Crime Does Pay
The UnHoly
We Come In Peace

The perils of Google search


Prank call archives

I found quite a lot of saved video files of prank calls from YouTube on my old external HDD.
I made it a habit to do this from 2009-2015.
Just as well since some of these accounts are down or have missing content.

The two main channels:

Those names have links to a list of missing calls that can't be found anywhere.
As it turns out I have quite a lot of these missing calls.
I have an idea...

On Bitchute I will open an/some archive channel/s.
I haven't decided between one channel each or both get the same channel.
I will upload these missing calls.

Some things to keep in mind:
* all videos are 360p or 480p (not that it matters on Bitchute or at all)
* I did not save any of the video descriptions
* I don't have many MBD calls; I only downloaded my favourites
* if the people behind these accounts requests I remove them, I will


Also Quikfax, but that'll have to wait...

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