Darksydephil is one of the most notorious lolcows out there.
Here is a list of pretty much everything negative/absurd he has said, done, or believed.
For archival purposes, of course.
Thanks to: DrgnKiller, Snort Burnell, Josh Poems, and Kiwi Farms for supplying and reminding me of a GREAT majority of these.
UPDATE: this list is now over 241,000 words long!
(more to come)
- cussed out someone a fighting game tournament and then hid in the bathroom
- had an unboxing video that did not unbox anything
- had game giveaways... for just the game case (games were already sold)
- he allows his website admin Onyx to spy on everyone's PMs
- drives his car without his glasses as required
- moved to an expensive gated community house despite his financial situation
- purchased/leased a BMW that's out of his price range
- showed off the many license plates the previous homeowner possessed on camera (illegal?)
- constant misogynistic sex jokes
- talking during cutscenes, sometimes making him not hear crucial information (e.g. MGS 3)
- talks shit about his parents to this day for not buying him a desired X-Men toy
- blames everything on online lag/poor netcode/cheap combos/controls/everything
- blames game developers for not playtesting a game when it is all his fault
- brags about coming 4th place in a tournament despite exploiting a flawed port
- treated John Rambo and Howard like shit
- racist jokes, especially towards blacks and asians
- openly states he only plays games for views
- begs for donations/bits/subscribers, which is against the Twitch ToS
- livestreamed copyrighted material on Twitch
- accidentally leaked a near-nude image of PandeLee
- one time he woke up PandaLee when she was sick so she can make him some dinner
- took PandaLee's side when she was blatantly antagonising the chat, making it Sub-only
- when PandaLee was hospitalised, Phil cared more about sandwiches than her wellbeing
- didn't pay or help pay for PandaLee's hospital bill
- didn't much care for PandaLee at the hospital because she was his ex by that point
- said he would never show Kat on camera and then did so
- likely forced Kat to be in her debut video, hence her grimace and discomfort
- always had nearby food when doing DSP Tries It (too much food)
- obtained gout from eating way too much fast food
- continues to wolf down fast food despite his gout
- has a bad back, and the Seattle air magically cured it
- got banned from Blip for antisemetic 'jokes'
- claimed that no one was offended by his Holocaust jokes; it was trolls who reported him!
- ragequit Twitch when a Twitch admin politely requested him to lower his bitrate
- rushes through games to get onto the next one on his schedule
- does not like playing RPGs (they have a 'niche' audience)
- masturbated on livestream
- lied about masturbating on livestream and then owned up to it in order to gain money
- later claimed he masturbated on cam because he was in a loveless relationship with Leanna
- hired a Connecticut tax accountant to do his Seattle taxes and then bitched about mistakes
- claimed he built gaming PCs for a living and then purchased a pre-made one
- purchased a pre-made PC for $3000+, only to find out it can't record at good quality
- his $3k computer can't even play TF2 as it is too demanding for his PC
- his $3k computer is a Windows 8
- has an overly-expensive 'business' bandwidth internet plan
- has had Patreon goals that were hit but never delivered
- ragequit Persona 3 on easy
- got stuck on the name entry screen on Persona 4
- had a shitty webcomic called Broken Joystick
- stole from Penny Arcade for his shitty webcomic
- does not read onscreen instructions due to needing his glasses and being distracted
- not reading onscreen instructions can lead to bad things e.g. crouch jumping in Black Mesa
- unwittingly accepts troll fanart that mocks him
- DMCA'd and copyright claimed TIHYDP videos, despite them being fair use
- mass uploads many unedited videos
- complains that his competitors edit videos and that makes them stupid
- rides his legacy peak years rather than improving
- continues with his stale formulaic ways rather than adapting to be with the times
- started a review series but barely does them because of low views
- blocks anyone and everyone on twitter
- used Patreon money to buy a better camera he doesn't need
- didn't know what vitamin A was at like 30 years old
- made an infamous shower video
- made a sequel shower video just for attention
- uses stream chat to help him through games, especially FromSoftware games
- lies about aforementioned steam chat help, later owns up to it as handholding
- bitches about hating microtransactions and yet is caught playing WWE Supercard
- has spent at least $40k total on WWE Supercard (outdated: it's more nowadays)
- not knowing basic geography (Bully geography class for example)
- disables comments and ratings most of the time
- had a $1250 Patreon goal to revive Project 7; goal was reached but never delivered
- his KOGaming isn't original in both name and concept
- charges fans for Ask the King questions but yet gives detractors more attention for free
- filmed his TV for his Let's Plays for years until he finally got a capture card
- hoarded collectible statues and tried selling them, even the slightly broken ones
- cries about his financial situation and yet constantly spends on fast food
- once ordered over $100 worth of pizza and other food for just him and PandaLee
- has a university degree, stuffed it in his closet and declared it useless
- never made a safety net or Plan B for when his YouTube 'career' eventually fails
- calls himself the King of Hate, even though he admits that hatred isn't good
- never allows his chat to talk about anything not related to him or the game he's playing
- had to have his hand held by PandaLee during co-op LPs and was henpecked
- made vlogs and house tours of his new Seattle home, which soon got him doxed
- made a business card with his home address on it and made this business card public
- complained that trolls swiftly doxed him after moving, even though he doxed himself
- got swatted and lied about being in danger, even though visual evidence shows he was fine
- locks any thread on his personal website at any time. No freedom there!
- blocks anyone and everyone that talks to a detractor, even if its friendly neutral talk
- threatened Machinima on stream about their policies, to which they ended the contract
- gave PandaLee a fake wedding ring and was preparing to marry her
- called EvilAJ2010 a psychopath, even though he was a bitter ex-fan
- allowed BSV to get away with death threats and pro-pedo talk because he donated to DSP
- claimed iJustine got gangbanged by EA to get hired (a joke albeit tasteless)
- no sense of empathy. Someone dies in a game and he cackles like a seal
- calls his detractors and haters jealous, even though no one would be envious of him
- claimed not to care about the SoK and yet celebrated when the SoK dissolved
- stated he will never play Minecraft and then played it because he needs the money
- claims to be good at games if he wants to be
- doesn't clean his gaming consoles, leading to dust killing them
- has no patience or desire to learn, which hurts him especially in stealth sections
- runs meaningless polls where he ignores the results
- goes so far as to combine the two negative poll answers to override the winning positive
- complains about 'dead' months because he only cares about AAA and viral games
- made a video about his friend's death and monetized it
- immediately mutes everyone in multiplayer games due to fear of trolls
- in any online team matches he plays with fans, he ignores all advice given and still complains
- faked a stream to secure some Twitch bounties; got blacklisted by taking down the stream
- stated he wanted to slap an 11 year old in real life because she/he was 'annoying' on VR
- later lied about wanting to hit him/her; stated the kid's parents would've hit him/her
- read John Rambo's private text messages out loud for an Ask the King video
- constantly shits on PewDiePie
- admits he is jealous of more successful Let's Players, doesn't change how he LPs
- anyone that says a negative thing about him is an 'idiot' who doesn't know anything
- accidentally purchased Dissidia NT because he thought he had to in order to play the beta
- insulted people who get early copies of games as 'shills' in a tweet during his off-time
- this aforementioned tweet caused a shitstorm. Everyone called him out. Fake apology given
- excused his racist content as it allegedly 'WAS allowed' back in 2010
- needed to spend hundreds on a plumber, just because he didn't raise the water pressure
- loves H1Z1 for being a fast-paced Battle Royale game, even though Fortnite is similar
- refused to watch the trailer for Pokemon Let's Go, based the game based on 'vibes'
- makes a jackass of himself in every E3 coverage
- refuses to play sequels that aren't numbered but then plays non-numbered sequels
- told game devs to kill themselves. Example: his WWE playthroughs
- thought Drake from Drake & Josh was Drake the rapper
- his current gf Kat used her ex for his money. Phil doesn't see or care what might await him
- doesn't know what Central Time Zone is
- claimed that the PS3 didn't have a messaging system or an Achievement/Trophy system
- claimed he invented the use of the word 'Playthrough'
- claims he has done nothing bad to deserve detractors and trolling
- claims to have invented the concept of Let's Plays
- claims he popularised Let's Plays
- claimed he inspired people to do Let's Plays and become successful
- can't/won't name a single LPer he personally influenced (with proof from said LPer)
- doesn't know what a DNA test is
- brought Kat onto his Halloween 2018 stream and blames Tevin when the trolling scared her off
- "Dragon Ball Super isn't readily available to watch or mainstream."
- claims to adore JPGs and yet actively tries to avoid playing them on stream
- made Veteran's Day all about him, and was glad he didn't have to join the army after 9/11
- claimed that "Dragon Quest is near and dear to my heart." but hasn't played one
- claims that other LPers don't play JRPGs like him, but the opposite is true
- made a very disrespectful comment about Stan Lee the day he died
- thinks that T-pose is a meme, not aware that its an gaming industry term
- claims that he knows authentic Italian food; all his Italian meals use way too much sugar
- claims that there is no Wolverine toy story, even though there is video evidence
- claims that wrestling is not a sport
- claims to be above the popular streamers by not doing memes, and then unironically dabs
- spent all the tax fundraiser money on moving Kat in
- spent over $5,000 on credit cards just to stay afloat
- despite the massive debt, still claims he makes more money than Tevin
- accused Tevin of using viewbots. His stream had benefited from viewbots
- immediately blocks trolls on mic and acts like he owned them
- bitches about people being able to play games early, calls them 'elitist'
- purchased Dark Souls 3 from the Japan PSN store for double the price just to play it early
- stated he would buy an engagement ring for $100. "It's the meaning that matters. Okay?"
- claimed that his relationship with Kat is in danger because of trolls
- his elderly father works full time, and yet Phil says he can't work full time at his age
- used his sick - possibly dying - parents as a guilt tactic for donations
- has only played Kingdom Hearts I and II, refuses to play non-numbered sequels
- shits on Square-Enix for not presenting the plot to Kingdom Hearts well enough
- constantly states that the Switch has no games
- claims he never hated on Monster Hunter, despite calling it a grind that no one cares about
- likes to claim he's Italian, such as how he eats pizza
- finds the term 'geek' offensive
- loudly crunches empty water bottles into the mic and doesn't see a problem with that
- openly laments that his girlfriend Kat could be earning more money
- claims that homework does not work as intended and actually harms learning (no elaboration)
- "Every DLC ever made should've been in the main game and is rushed and uninspired."
- claims he makes more money streaming than working any full-time job
- claims game devs follow him for his inputs from years of 'expertise'
- boasts about wanting to marry Kat... a fangirl he barely knows personally
- kept purchasing lotto tickets even as his mountain of debt grew
- hurt his right knee by leaping off the couch after he passed out drinking
- claims he still has muscle from when he used to lift weights
- claimed that Far Cry 5 sold poorly, when it actually sold well. Claims he doesn't care.
- "Mashing buttons is way easier than trying."
- bitched and talked shit about Ninja and then went full damage mode when Ninja found out
- received a fake $9k donation and tried to keep it quiet so he can still shill for $$
- received a $100 tip but focused more on a Spider-Man video of his being claimed
- believes the PC port of FF4 is a complete remaster of the DS version and in full HD
- turned down a Twitch bounty even though he really needs the financial help
- "I never said AC3 was good. An 8/10 is just above average."
- refuses to believe that KH3 was leaked because he wants to shit on early-playing 'elitists'
- refuses to believe that at least some of his detractors are former fans
- his Minecraft streams are literally hand-holding due to refusing to do research
- continues to boast that he has a life, despite rarely leaving the house
- "I only feed strong working ADULTS! You better grow up like ME, then I'll feed you."
- bitched about Ninja getting random donations, when he himself just got 10k worth of subs
- quit a stream simply because no one in the stream chat was talking to him
- "It's very disheartening when people aren't paying attention to me."
- Claims BlazBlue games are just rush down fighters with no variety or strategy
- claims any fighting game that ArcSys makes is similarly dull and simplistic
- claims Kat got him sick around Xmas time, even though she was sick two weeks prior
- 'forced' to take a day off because he has an appointment for a haircut
- has an illness of severe headaches and choking, thinks it's the common cold
- "It takes up to 8 months to get a passport."
- ranted about Jack Black not being a relevant YouTuber, even though Jack Black has 4+ mil subs
- hates people buying co-op games because more co-op games will be made (he has no friends)
- stated that Drake playing Fortnite didn't help Fortnite, all because he [Phil] hates Fortnite
- "Dragon Quest 11 is a niche game. So is Okami."
- equates viewership on stream to a game's quality. No views? Bad game!
- claims he donates to charities, even though he's constantly begging for money
- won't disclose what charities he even allegedly donates to
- claimed that the neighbours' landscapers only show up on time when he's streaming
- "Nobody cares about Dead or Alive 6 besides hardcore fighting game players."
- said that the Dead or Alive franchise is dead (speaking on people's behalfs again)
- claims that his internet is excellent. Any online lag is the game's fault, not his
- bitched about PewDiePie and other people whose fanbase have a nickname. "A cult!"
- he believes GTA3 on PS4 is an HD remaster.
- "Being a stand-up comedian is the hardest job on the planet."
- "The looter shooter games are dying. Calm down with that shit!"
- "I've only ragequit like 10 games in 10 years." - lol nope
- thinks he's smart for streaming and e-begging and not getting into the work force
- claims that telling him to upgrade his webcam quality is a decrator meme
- cried about having to buy expensive medication for his sick girlfriend
- thinks Shenmue is an RPG
- "A lot of people hate Resident Evil 4 because of change."
- likes that his gf Kat sleeps on the couch downstairs. "It's GOOD cuz I can actually sleep!"
- claims he can't do any running due to a bad back
- states that using shotguns is for scrubs in a serious FPS games
- celebrated Machinima deleting their YT videos, thinks they are officially dead
- thinks that roguelike is a new genre
- "Onimusha, Shenmue 2 and Stardew Valley are NICHE games" and thinks they are RPGs
- "My skin isn't thin, it's just very sensitive."
- thinks that 4X is a new genre
- claims to not sweat whilst gaming
- Claims other YouTubers don't create playlists and since he does that makes him better
- "I don't understand modern game development. I don't." -- this says a lot about him
- doesn't realise that Patreon takes 10% of the money he makes; he thinks it's a glitch
- yells at his chat to shut up but still expects helpful tips and advice
- thinks that people who can't sit through the 20+ minute Week In Preview are mentally ill
- sometimes stalls at puzzles, 'thinking', waiting for the answer in the chatroom
- claims he hates Skrillex, and yet likes the weed song from Farcry 3 (that's by Skrillex)
- stated that Hercules is a forgotten Disney movie that no one watches or cares about
- bitches about combat button mashing mechanics... but he always mashes buttons gaming
- states that if a game's difficulty is too easy on standard, that's the dev's fault
- claims that he has logs that prove that detractors were planning to destroy his KH3 stream
- refuses to share the aforementioned logs
- "Drake isn't a rapper, he's considered a hip hop artist."
- thinks that Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is a metroidvania (it's Ritual of the Night)
- doesn't know how to view tweets he liked
- muted a song to sing it himself, but accidentally muted his own mic instead of the game
- bitched about parents watching Super Bowl, even though the Super Bowl hadn't started yet
- "I'm BEASTING when I play CoD multiplayer!"
- is willing to dab for donation milestones
- laughs at a man who co-owns a business and lives off his wife's money; does not see irony
- flips out at viewers who point out that he complains too much
- "Nobody cares about Nintendo games after a month."
- let a top donator troll name stay onscreen. "Would be gone if someone cheered more..."
- claims to not understand the troll name top donator due to being a mature adult with a brain
- hates jumping in FPS games. Claims its not in a real FPS game
- claimed that Kingdom Hearts 3 is not made for children, but only long-time fans
- claimed that Titanfall 1 and 2 flopped
- blames his girlfriend Kat for the cancellation of his series DSP Tries It
- insisted he couldn't continue playing KH3 for a stream due to shovelling out the snow
- then changed his story and claimed that there was no snow
- didn't play the Kingdom Hearts 'spinoff' games, but all the KH games are plot important
- shits on Apex Legend for being a hyped F2P game that takes attention away from him
- and then decides to play Apex Legend because he wants a slice of the pie (hypocrite)
- assumed that KH3 spent 13 years in development (he probably worded it wrong)
- stated that KH3 should have been made harder, and yet played on the Standard difficulty
- is quick to claim that someone is a troll or detractor to remove them from his chat
- bizzarely claimed that him moving out of his condo isn't his fault
- admitted that he focused on the negative aspects of KH3 in his review to get it done fast
- tore KH3 apart in his review but still gave it a 7/10
- still thinks that TIHYDP died down in 2017
- gave his fans the idea of TIHYDP, later claims it was entirely the creation of the trolls
- on his days off he would go onto his chat to remind people to tip him
- rants about hipsters using beard oil, but meanwhile he has a patchy goatee
- pays $300 a year for Adobe Premier Pro when he doesn't even edit anything
- claims he's the "realest motherfucker" but doesn't want to say opinions that Twitch won't like
- claims his sauce is too expensive and time-consuming to bottle for selling
- doesn't really know how to swim, states that floating is good enough
- has an embarassing amount of credit card debt
- kills three people on his own team, gets kicked from the match, blames the game
- shits on streamers playing Apex Legends for the money, yet is only playing it for the money
- drives his car to the mailbox to collect the mail (the car got stuck twice)
- "It took us 35 minutes to check the mail cuz we kept getting stuck."
- says that Twitch laying off employees is completely different from Blizzard doing the same
- "You can't get a legit Valentine within 2 days, hate to tell you. That's not how it works!"
- gets $135 in tips. "Well, I guess I'll have less of a negative balance in my bank now."
- refused to acknowledge that he used to mention donating to his PayPal
- lied about not watching his own Poorly Cookin with the King videos
- blames his co-worker hating him for why he quit college
- called Metro Exodus the best FPS game in 10 years; only gave it an 8/10
- called Far Cry New Dawn a boring reskin of Far Cry 5; gave it a 7/10
- refuses to play Anthem for being team-based but he plays Apex Legends, which is team-based
- "Luffy the monkey king. Super stretchy with the gumgum juice."
- believes Bleach was cancelled after two seasons
- claims no one cares about Platinum Games since Bayonetta 2; forgot about Nier: Automata
- if he doesn't care about a game or franchise, Phil will declare that no one cares about it
- case in point: "No one cares about KH3 anymore."
- used the wrong map of the EU, which excluded half the EU countries
- gets distracted by his stream chat, gets killed, and blames the game developers
- called meterologists "fortune tellers who don't know much" and they get paid "TON of money"
- blames YouTube for killing KOGaming
- quit the Jump Force stream at the final boss to eat dinner
- kept viewers waiting two days until he finally played Jump Force again to beat the game
- has new custom emotes that are of him happy/friendly, which he barely is
- one of his new custom emotes is borderline stolen (the pig in a blanket one)
- immediately creates his own party because he hates people talking, even non-toxic talk
- admits he lurks Kiwi Farms on Twitter and then swiftly deleted the tweet
- stated that the Resident Evil 2 DLC adds nothing new; he is flat out wrong
- needs the chat to help him play Tetris 99
- claimed that EA claimed his videos due to music; the composer stated that its unintentional
- states that 2019 is a dry year for the Nintendo Switch (no research at all)
- states that the Nintendo Switch is suffering and has no third party support
- states that Nintendo is only in business still due to amiibos
- Wants Nintendo to be sued because he believes the Pro Controller D-Pad is defective
- raged at jerks trolling him with cheers, told them he would laugh at them as their dog died
- claims having two internet lines is cheaper than having one
- claims that walking through the mall is streneous exercise
- claims he'll never dress up for his videos, but has dressed up for playthroughs before
- claims he will never slander more successful people, but he always does this, e.g. PDP
- claims that no one has shown their life as much as he did (Chris-Chan easily beats him)
- "My body is the best it's ever been."
- sounded like he dropped the N-bomb during a playthrough of ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove
- "The way you can get some interactivity with me is to TIP ME!"
- states that it is easy to make a Paypal all so he can goad viewers into donating to him
- turned down the Drunken Peasants podcast appearance because he thought he'd be mocked
- claims he has no time to exercise or eat homecooked meals, but he isn't unhealthy
- thinks that 'Talk Like a Pirate Day' is only 5-10 years old (it started in 1995)
- honestly doesn't know why daylight saving exists and why we use it
- stated that John Lennon was assassinated due to criticism
- tried to guilt some donations by claiming that trolls are claiming he abuses women
- refuses to go onto a podcast because he can't control their chat
- "I don't really care about Bayonette 3. I'll play it though."
- hates Subnautica because he assumed it's the game's fault he took out the vehicle's battery
- claimed that the word 'fag' was Connecticut lingo
- DSP thought the word 'fag' was inoffensive for 30 years and had to be told it was bad
- stated that he has since grown up and seen 'fag' as a bad word, but has used it recently
- will play Boarderlands 3 because he has 'history' with the series; hates the first two games
- stated that listening to reviews makes you a moron but yet he has listened to reviews
- laughed at a fan with a mental disorder who rambled on the mic
- tried to eat Cup Noodles with a spoon
- hates long thin noodles and reckons you look like an asshole if you eat them
- "Aim assist wouldn't fuck up in real life if someone jumps!"
- used save states when playing Donkey Kong Country, ignored fans' protests
- 2019 vacation plans involve going everywhere where he took his ex
- states that playing 20-year old games requires use of save states or it will be boring
- "Nobody liked Diablo 3. Everyone said the game was BORING! Worst in the trilogy!"
- thinks Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is like Dark Souls when it is more like Tenchu
- called Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice a puzzle game because some enemies need a little strategy
- hates Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice because he can't do invincible dodge rolls or spam magic
- "From Software games ALL have input delay by design!"
- becomes sick if he chugs 20% of a water bottle (around 120mL of water?)
- thinks that Goku's spirit bomb taking people's energy makes them ill
- hints to fans to open credit cards to donate
- bans people for saying he uses a guide for Seriko, but he has accepted help via Twitter
- owns a hammer/axe and a hand-axe for self protection
- lied about his weight to seem healthier than he really is
- said Ninja wouldn't exist without Fortnite, and then did damage control when quoted
- claimed his upper torso was all muscle in his early 20s
- misunderstood the Boardlands remaster release for being the release of Borderlands 3
- "I was a figurehead in the Street Fighter community on the East Coast!"
- guy gets arrested over swatting, and Phil makes the news all about him
- “You commit a felony if you step on my street without my permission.”
- claimed Kat told him to mention his upcoming birthday more (to get more donations probably)
- told a viewer pretty much that anxiety is "neglible bullshit" and "not to worry about"
- shits on Shirley Curry for getting more popular than him for a "dumb reason"
- believes he doesn't deserve to pay taxes due to trolls messing with him
- wants to have a small wedding not out of convenience but out of cheapness
- believed a troll's warning that Kiwifarms members will break into his house during vacation
- claimed fans are monitoring Kiwifarms; it's probably just him lurking there
- claims he's had to permaban people multiple times, thus misusing the term 'permaban'
- again claims it is a crime to step onto his street... that the state owns, not him
- claims it takes him around 2 days to eat a cake
- believes that Joker, being a supervillian, has superpowers
- says borderline racist comments about racially privileged students getting into Ivy League
- took donations to fund his secret wedding to Kat instead of paying his taxes
- responded to detractor comments on Twitter on his wedding night
- blocked a long-time fan and chat mod on Twitter because he voiced an opinion on Phil
- bans people suggesting he get a job, even though his own mother suggests it too
- lost 4 mods in a month and considered them trolls or allies with trolls
- "An easy mode for Sekiro is warranted."
- doesn't believe that there were women in gangs in Victorian times
- believes the Switch version of Cuphead is a deluxe version with extra content
- beat the final boss of Sekiro and began boasting and bragging
- calls his chatroom fans idiots for not supporting his bragging
- gave his donating fans way more credit than his parents, who gave him way more money
- "Phoenix Wright is a JRPG."
- claimed he'd be really popular on Twitch if he streamed back in 2011 when he was popular
- didn't care about Reggie Fils-Aimé retiring, despite allegedly loving Nintendo
- states that he'll stay in his gated community house no matter what (RIP his credit rating)
- claims no one cares about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate anymore
- banned a guy in his chatroom that asked the hypothetical question of a divorce happening
- "My next major life accomplishment would be not having to work as much."
- someone typed out a detailed list to help him in Minecraft. He ignores it for being long
- acts like PewDiePie made YouTubers look bad (that's rich coming from him)
- claims all game devs love him but are afraid of his trolls and their messages
- bans people for posting emotes in the stream chat
- "I have a batting average better than anyone in real life"
- Says hype for MK11 is dead because elitists got paid to play it early
- purchased the season pass for MK11 and only played 2 DLC characters because he doesn't care
- skipped Days Gone because it plays a bit too much like other games
- believes he has more fan than haters, calls his fanbase the 'silent majority'
- desperately needs money but will send donations back if he must buy games with it
- "I'm reformed. I'm not one for trolling."
- refuses to buy a gun because he'd shoot anyone who breaks into his house
- admits he could do a collab with PewDiePie if it's about games and he calls the shots
- claims to understand memes, even though most go over his head
- believes he was making memes before they were called memes ('meme' was coined back in 1976)
- claimed Oregon is mostly liberal
- believes that putting his PC in front of his air conditioner will freeze it with moisture
- claims he can do a backflip if he didn't have a bad back
- believes that saying "chill" all the times makes something chill
- claims that trolls are bad because they show the world what DSP says and thinks and believes
- claims his life is fufilled by getting trolled in stream chat by day and with Kat by night
- "In order to make a mistake, you need to be told you're making one."
- claims he usually won all his 1v1 fights in school
- made the whole ProJared debacle about him
- waited around three years to get back at ProJared for mocking him
- knew about ProJared's tweet back in 2016 but in 2019 he claimed he didn't know it existed
- railed on ProJared not for the cheating but for a tweet he made in 2016 about Phil
- gloated about not being involved with cheating, even though Kat cheated on her bf for Phil
- claims 400K people read every single tweet he puts out
- “When I have to get another job, I could probably get employment at Microsoft or Boeing.”
- doesn't hate pedophiles; nonchalantely states they'll get caught; sees no moral boundaries
- believed he held power back in his early years at YouTube and it sure attracted the ladies
- "These content creators are vile degenerates!"
- believes he redeemed himself after two tweets on shitting on ProJared
- believes that EvilAJ2010 was the first detractor, the very first hater of his
- lied about not knowing of PandaLee before she was 18
- lied about not talking to PandaLee before she was 18
- doesn't wear his wedding ring all/most of the time
- insinuated that he used donation money to fly Kat to his place multiple times in 2017
- claimed he never got Tevin banned from Twitch, but admitted he made his fans do it
- forbids his mods from having friends in his stream chat
- forbids his wife Kat from streaming, even though he has business-class internet
- claims his autograph alone is worth more than anything Tevin will ever do in his life
- cares more about winning matches than keeping his viewers happy
- doesn't know what Field of View (FOV) is
- took time off at the same time as he did the previous year, suggesting he is faking illness
- thinks he'll never get gout again due to drinking cherry juice during dinner
- claims George R. R. Martin is lazy just because he hasn't written a book in a while
- admits he uses income tax for his purchased games and not sales tax (tax evasion)
- "Kat was dick before me" (meant to say 'sick')
- "There was a large group of people who were disappointed with Sekiro and what it was."
- advertises his streams as 'RAGE AND SALT', yet is baffled why people want him to rage
- claims being married to Kat keeps his sexual urges in check, so that means no more sex jokes
- claims to be healthy and yet is eating reheated old frozen ramen and pizza
- Doesn't understand what a baby boomer is when people call him one, thinks its political
- tries to start controversy with a tweet, is shocked when people call him an idiot
- doesn't know the difference between 'rabble' and 'robble'.
- thinks blocking people on twitter stops their followers from trolling him
- didn't even know he has to put an @ in front of a name to search for them on Twitter
- thinks his 'only two genders' joke worked, yet no one liked it or thought it was funny
- won't buy and play expected AAA games due to low funds, expects fans to donate the games
- banned a popular female Twitch streamer from his chat simply because she's competition
- "Mario Kart isn't very competitive."
- has a hand axe under his bed for self-protection, bans any mention of it in chat
- now refers to his gout as 'a blood condition', even though blood is not relevant to gout
- thinks that its 'erroneous' to assume that sales increase around Christmas time
- doesn't play game people want to see; instead plays a game nobody wants to see (e.g. LoF2)
- believes Machinima going out of business is 'ironic justice'
- "Live-streaming is just like filming a show in front of a live studio audience, dood!"
- thinks that him being older and mature means not having any sexual thoughts
- thinks being marriage means you're not allowed to be attracted to another person
- doesn't want to get a job outside the house because trolls will mess with him in person
- tries to make walking simulator games fun by interrupting everything to read cheers and tips
- claims he invented several detractor memes, like 'LOOK AT MY SKELETONS, BITCH!'
- believes that if you summon people in Dark Souls 2 then that invalidates your review
- states that playing on easy difficulty for your own enjoyment is wrong
- despite ranting against easy difficulty options, he himself has played games on easy
- took away his little stuffed chat mascot simply because no one was acknowledging it
- "I used to order a pizza as an appetizer."
- claims that sunlight makes him look unhealthy
- claims that he uses a spoon to eat ramen so that he can drink the 'juice' (he means broth)
- admits he frivolously spent his money due to not knowing how to save/spend it
- cut down his ten hour streaming event to six hours by being late and having long breaks
- refuses to play good indie games and instead plays mediocore AAA games
- plays AAA games weeks after they come out and wonders why not many people are watching him
- infers that choosing shirt designs is a lot of work and takes hours to do
- too lazy to even eat food on camera for DSP Tries It these days
- it takes 1-2 days for Phil to update his schedule for E3
- quits his stream early just because no one is donating, even though fan engagement is high
- assumes some longtime fans are detractors because they say forbidden memes and bans them
- refuses to clean his house or office during his day off
- bans a mod because it was his birthday and Phil thought he was lying and starting a fight
- demods a mod for defending the banned birthday boy mod
- hang out with 5+ dudes in his college dorm. "Very heterosexual", more like in the closet
- "Twitch doesn't show favoritism towards me, I just don't break the fucking rules!"
- barely sees his wife Kat, especially now that she's started working nights now
- says "Happy D-Day" like its a holiday that should be celebrated
- demodded Gahlf simply because he was doing his own thing outside of stream that Phil hated
- hated Layers of Fear 2 because he got the bad ending
- hates Tim Schafer with a passion for mismanaging funded projects (like Phil and Project 7)
- claims Kingdom Hearts has a stagger meter for bosses and FF7 is just copying it
- states that the protagonist of DQXI is "the Luminary, not the Hero", but it is the Hero
- believes that since SSBU is 'old', new characters announcements are 'non-announcements'
- believes that violating someone's personal space for personal gain is wrong (lol)
- states that he'll beat up Dr Disrespect if he or someone like him was filming him
- claimed Apex Legends is dead, despite a very big season 2 coming out very soon at the time
- Called Link's Awakening a remaster (its a remake)
- "Nintendo would've won E3, but they didn't do a stage conference, so I can't say they did."
- received a $100 tip, says "it'll at least help out somewhat."
- complains about Dr Disrespect making Twitch streamers look bad; Phil fapped whilst streaming
- roasts Dr. Disrespect for being suspended from Twitch, meanwhile Phil was suspended twice
- bans people for stating that giving streamers your disability cheques is bad
- lied about why he got demodded from a Twitch tournament chat
- "Sadly, a lot of people who watch streams online aren't very mature."
- overdrawn his bank three times but still buys the MK11 season pass even though he hates it
- bans a fan who points out that Phil is wrong about his MK11 matches having lag
- assumes no one plays Metroidvania games so he doesn't have to play Bloodstained
- claims no one cared about food until the Food Network came out
- disobeyed his mother telling him to shave his goatee because his wife Kat likes it
- compared making fun of his hairline to making fun of someone with a disability
- had a contest: top tipper gets a villager in Minecraft named after him or her
- a $20 tip got disqualified because the guy's name had 'horse' in it and Phil got mad
- bans a 10k bit supporter for life because he doesn't like Phil hating on other streamers
- thinks he's extremely honest and genuine
- calls himself one of the most hard working, honest working people getting screwed by shills
- states that streamers who are happy and always smiling as faking it
- believes you can't legally say a game is bad if you get it early
- made $2000 in a week, but that's only "some money" according to him
- laments that he doesn't qualify for food stamps
- blames his aunt moving and dying for why he can't sell his condo
- "I can't afford to get offline employment."
- "Being a titty streamer is IMMORAL and I'm against it!"
- declares Crash Team Racing to be at Dark Souls difficulty because he sucks at the game
- states that he never said a particular statement and then says the alleged statement
- hates CTR because it plays like a game from the 90s... which it is
- hates CTR because it's too hard for him on normal difficulty
- admits he only wears his glasses when driving on highways and not for local roads
- states he used to be able to sing like Seal or The Bee Gees when he was young
- states that you can't be mad at him for anti-Semetic jokes because he helped elderly jews
- almost called Crash Team Racing a gay game during LGBT Pride Month
- claims that hard games like CTR exhaust him, but he's done many runs of Dark Souls
- states that monetary contributions are required but not mandatory
- called Crash Team Racing a puzzle game because he doesn't know how to maintain boost
- states that you can't mock him for being bad at CTR since he beats FromSoftware games
- claims that 'DSP needs glasses' is a detractor meme, even though he should wear them
- brings up Etika's suicide, pretends to understand it, and then quickly dismisses it all
- assumes that memes and trolls drove Etika to suicide
- shits on people for donating to DrDisrespect when he's not streaming, yet he does the same
- "I've suffered from mental illness in the past. I know how serious it is!"
- "People complained that I was camping too much last session. WHATEVER! I got my wins!"
- "I broke up with my ex." lol no, SHE dumped YOU.
- monetized his "RIP Etika" pre-stream with 8 ads
- Phil lied about it getting monetized; his provided screenshot is from before he enabled it
- "I'm one of the people who gets attacked the most on the internet."
- spent 1.5 hours ranting about how people called him out about talking about Etika's death
- believes Persona 5 Royal will be a Switch exclusive with nothing new
- sets up an Amazon wishlist, is very mad when no one buys him free things
- is upset that his viewers stop donating him after he takes a break between streams
- won't watch Stranger Things season 3, thinks that the game will explain stuff for him
- skipped Adventure Mode in CTR but won't skip the story missions in Mario Maker 2
- claims he wins 100% of chargebacks - lost a chargeback - "I never said I win 100% of them!"
- blames his viewers for why his prestreams are so long. "You should be used to it..."
- self-diagnosed himself having heart disease two years ago, claims he's better now
- bans a Mario Maker map maker from his chat because Phil hates his stage for making him rage
- thinks that he can get a discount buying furniture if he buys three things at once
- got charged $800 extra for ordering all the furniture, does nothing about it
- wants YouTube to stop existing because they don't pay him enough anymore
- assumes that people that donate to Tevin would have donated to him instead
- refuses to do the dating side content in Judgement because it's "weeb shit" and he's married
- claims the Nintendo Switch is a handheld console and the Switch Lite confirms it
- refuses to sell or give away his unused consoles and peripherals e.g. PSVR
- claims that adults should sympathize with him because it's 'life' and 'reality'
- thinks that he can successfully run an Italian restaurant or franchise easily
- asked to clarify on insulting a guy's dead brother. "Fuck off. It's time to move on."
- "Only people that like SF5 are the people that can't accept the game sucks."
- dislikes Fire Emblem games for being too Japananese-centric
- claims to have thick skin; his history of blocking and banning people says otherwise
- plans to sue his new tax attorny if he makes a mistake with Phil's taxes
- needs his wife's permission to get a haircut or dye his hair
- claims that him streaming is the sole reason that Tevin exists
- compares Tevin a drug dealer and a criminal
- claims him playing a game makes it transformative, but TIHYDP editing the footage is not
- insists he does not fall asleep whilst streaming. He's nearly dozed off a dozen times
- claims that restreaming a stream is illegal, despite there being no legal precident (yet)
- claims that commentary over gaming makes it transformative, but Tevin restreaming is not
- claims he looks his age, but a life of idleness and fast food render that incorrect
- he learned how to ride a bike due to living in a bad neighbourhood and could of got robbed
- claims to have never been in an earthquake. Appearantly his headphone block them out.
- claims that he's become a better more understanding empathetic person... pfffft
- insists that he can't do any romance content in games at all because he's married
- lied about not marrying Kat on a secret trip. Possibly lying upon an impending child birth
- blames his mom for his bad, rashy, oily, pimply skin
- claims that his real fans know that a $1 donation doesn't help; still begs for money
- about Fair Use: "In reality, until someone gets sued, nothing is legal or illegal!"
- states that watching porn is immature, but he has watched porn with Leanna before
- states that if you do relationship quests while married, you're in a broken relationship
- claims that he is very honest and upfront and yet discloses zero details about anything
- has no idea how to work his printer, can't be bothered learning how to print a page
- scheduled being sick a month in advance to avoid going on a podcast
- stated that he got in a car accident but change the story details many times
- "Gay romance options are SJW options."
- thinks Yennefer and Geralt's relationship in The Witcher III is 'preordained'
- claimed he stopped making sexual jokes eleven years ago (around 2008)
- "What's my favorite burger topping? Uhhh, the bun."
- can't play two Mario games together but does play Minecraft and Dragon Quest Builders 2
- assumes that none of his fans are into EVO just because he dropped out of the pro scene
- admits that his wedding to Kat was rushed because his parents are ill and maybe dying soon
- doesn't know what a 'forced wedding' is, can't even guess it
- admits he stopped paying for his condo in Conneticut due to being too poor to pay it
- "I'm taking a risk of being in a crime every time I step outside!"
- refuses to play Fire Emblem: Three Houses because you can date women in the game
- shits on anyone who makes a book (e.g. PewDiePie and Ninja)
- stated that Ninja will fail on Mixer - is swiftly proven wrong
- talked shit about Mixer, but then says "I'm not saying anything negative about Mixer"
- insists that 10 years ago he never would've called Fortnite "dumbshit" - does it these days
- ragequit a match in Madden NFL 19 simply for fumbling a catch
- charged his fans $1000 for a 'big surprise'... that he got a cat (adopted the previous year)
- his new cat Jasper is declawed (cruel and becoming increasingly illegal in the USA)
- likely had the cat declawed upon adopting it and then lied about it always being declawed
- has to rely on his aging/dying parents to help with possible vet bills
- felt he needed to use the cat as a mascot, to replace the stuffed animal mascot no one liked
- had a monetary goal raised to reveal his new cat; revealed it for free later on
- "I've done way more entertaining things than the Evo staff have ever done over the years."
- "Jasper is a superlative, positive influence on our streams."
- “Currency doesn’t actually exist! Money is imaginary!”
- is hoping to exploit his cat with t-shirts and donator-only emotes
- doesn't think that because a donation goal is high that the reward should be any good
- refuses to turn his stream back to acknowledge and thank a $100 tip
- "I have no interest of being a father to a HUMAN son!"
- claims he's too old to have children
- rants about people buying microtransations in GTA Online; has spent thousands on other games
- refuses to shave because the people watching aren't "real people"
- tells his chat to relax in a passive aggressive demeaning tone
- claims to be faking rage because it is his schtick
- has a rage-a-thon as a Patreon goal, despite the rage being faked/exaggerated
- ignores poll results to play games that weren't even on the poll
- takes pride that he has outlasted his trolls and haters and rivals
- claims that the soundproofing foam is hard to take off. His declawed cat easily rips one off
- jokes that his cat could get shocked by laying over the cables
- used savestates when playing Super Mario 64, insists that it isn't cheating or abnormal
- seems more happy telling people what he won't do as opposed to what he may/will do
- gets insanely defensive over waking his cat; his Instagram shows him disturbing Jasper
- “How much for my sauce recipe? More than you can afford that’s for sure.”
- has no idea what a rainy day fund is
- received a lot of money in cheers one time. "That's not how life works."
- received $2000 a week, still begging for money like he has none
- drived 25 miles below the speed limit, believes he did nothing wrong
- "I have a photogenic memory when I tell stories about old stuff." - you sure do
- creepily takes candid photos of Kat playing games for instagram
- knows that trolls are mentally ill because he used to an internet troll himself years ago
- claims that the best way to debunk the haters is to ignore them - always acknowledges them
- doesn't know what can and can't go into a dishwasher
- doesn't know who David Jaffe is
- declares the Nintendo Switch a dead console simply because he doesn't like any of its games
- "I'm faster than Mike Tyson. He's pretty old and probably can't move well anymore."
- assumes that anime-style games are for niche audiences and refuses to play them
- has a Patron goal of $2000 to play WoW Classic; only plans to play it for one day
- rails on Blizzard for charging $15 to play WoW Classic but he has Netflix and Hulu and PS+
- claims he can easily beat up his old self from ten years ago
- claims he can easily beat up his old dad
- won't play Dragons Crown, likely because of the thicc chicks, and that it's best with co-op
- hates his fans so much he spent the 1 hour of WoW Classic session just waiting to play
- "I'm a guy who's very down to Earth and just wants to play games and have fun."
- uses a pic of him as a Rastafarian to promote his 'rage-a-thon'
- leaves his door open when playing horror games so his cat can give him a jump scare
- believes that using detractor memes as emotes takes away their power
- believes that saying detractor memes will make the trolls stop caring and stop using them
- wanted to use a gif of him masturbating as an emote on Twitch
- Twitch denied the masturbation emote "the same day", but he was streaming on YouTube
- can't be bothered taking a minute or two out of his life to take a pic for an emote
- claims that since he grew up next to a Subway that he knows the history of the company
- "I have strong eyebrows."
- "Dark Souls copied all of the bad shit from Ninja Gaiden Black."
- plays horror games but refuses to get near the spooky stuff
- dims the lighting on his webcam to hide his scared reactions
- believes that if you are in a relationship IRL, you don't need to do dating in video games
- "I'm not a fucking virgin, I don't need waifus and dating missions."
- claimed he never directly tweeted at ProJared
- "Social Justice is not politics. I can talk about it all I want."
- did not know that the latest Fire Emblem was a Switch exclusive (and was glad he skipped it)
- has a fake troll that tries to start a top-donation war (said troll is actually a fanboy)
- constantly shits on Subway, who are sponsoring Twitch. Wonders he gets no sponsors
- thinks that switching stream resolution is a lot work
- still claims he always wins chargebacks
- claims not to care about YT no more, but mutes ingame music to avoid losing YT money
- claims Kat knows what trolls say about her, even though she wants nothing to do with them
- sets up a $100 donation goal the day before he's going to a restaurant with Kat
- "Some of the memes made about me are VERY HARMFUL!"
- claims he was forced to be a YouTuber for money
- insists that no one with a happy life talks shit about him anonymously; those are retards
- his constant air conditioner usage is killing his electronics
- compares YT demonitization to paint companies claiming your artwork paintings
- calls out his chat for having doubts over his financial woes and problems
- insists that his content is for young adults, not kids
- his response to requests for gender-neutral language use is to call everyone "it"
- spent two hours building a stone penis in Minecraft (that looked more like a fork)
- has no problem building dicks in Minecraft, but can't build boobs because he is married
- thinks he can call his cat Jasper over like it was a dog ($2000 well spent)
- calls his home a house when it is in actuality a condo like his old home
- thinks he can still get a high-end job despite not working for 9 years and with his infamy
- claims that it is not healthy human behaviour to watch someone you hate
- tweets about 9/11 at 5am and his words are insincere, without emotion
- claims that he has grown up in the past few years... in his 30s
- used a sniper rifle in close quarters combat and proclaimed that the gun sucks
- orders the chat to talk to him, and the whines when the chat doesn't talk to him
- then bitches at the chat that he can't talk to him as he is distracted by his game
- plans to spray his cat with the water bottle when he [the cat] chews on electrical wires
- claims to not shit on any games or people that like games he has no interest in
- doesn't want a kid as he already passed on his 'amazing life knowledge' to his fans
- denounces any game, good or bad, being repeatedly requested to him as a troll meme game
- thinks that insulting people on stream is ay okay, so long as he doesn't concern appearance
- compares multiplayer games to Smash Brothers due to tryhard competitive players
- "I absolutely look forward to the shill, uhh, CHILL streams every day!"
- believes that gout is completely hereditary and not at all affected by health or diet
- thinks that streaming helps him escape from IRL drama; creates drama online
- claims that he won't say to move on from 9/11 because he has matured... in his late 30s
- claims that since other streamers don't talk about taxes that they must do tax avoidance
- insists that racist shit like "Chinky Chang Charlie Chan" was funny back in the day
- constantly spends his low funds on luxury goods and services instead of paying bills
- his parents give his wife money for her birthday, he immediately buys an exercise bike
- assembled the exercise bike poorly and it broke after one use; blames Amazon and reviews
- thinks that his cat will be fucked up in the head for being locked in a room for 4 hours
- refuses to let his cat outside in case a squirrel kills it
- refuses to go to a gym because playing video games 6 hours a day makes him "tired as hell"
- believes that viewers are supposed to interact with streamer, not the other way around
- mocks a fanboy for Phil not wanting to interact with the stream chat. "Your loss, sucker!"
- thinks that YouTube automatically demonetizing his videos is illegal
- hyped up the Genesis Mini and yet did no research on its games
- states that he'll never have a meet-up due to possible trolls, then says he never said that
- couldn't figure out how to stream Genesis Mini until 3 hours of trial and error
- "Pay attention to chat? Why? I'm playing a game."
- sets the stream category as 'Talk Show & Podcast' to bend the rules for his long presteams
- "Dolphins suffocate. They can drown on air."
- too lazy to put Halloween decorations away, allows his cat to chew on the choking hazards
- "Last 2.5 years have been very evolutionary for me."
- thinks that his e-begging is equivalent to panhandling or a waiter/waitress' tips
- claims that any valid criticisms of him in the past no longer apply to him
- "Do I still enjoy gaming like I did 10 years ago? Not really. Nothing is REVOLUTIONARY!"
- claims that he'd be bored of gaming without the chat, though be rarely looks at it
- thinks that adulthood is spending his morning calling Amazon and the freight company
- equates people exposing his past sins to 'cancel culture'
- "I feel like I actually have a purpose here."
- believes that any YouTuber who talks about him is an attention whore
- “I don’t know who the hell still buys physical discs for games quite frankly.”
- doesn't want to replay SF2 with amnesia, but will play Dark Souls over and over
- claimed that critics on YouTube ruined him, but he's been e-begging years before DIHYDP
- cancelled a stream to deal with Amazon delivery service rather than postponing it
- mocked people getting injured from vaping
- thinks that moving his cat and the cat bowls into a room is a lot of work
- made up a story about trolls trying to get his power cut for no more house tour vlogs
- "People say I'm an entertaining, good person."
- is so weak that a 20-30 lb exercise bike is a two-man job for him
- lied about not knowing when his interview with TheQuatering was so he can avoid it
- claims that his grocery shopping trip burns off all the calories he gained that lazy week
- admitted that he never expected to receive the 1k tip goal and the cat reveal was unplanned
- admitted that he used to take down detractor videos but then blames Machinima
- "I pioneered reactionary Lets Plays on YT."
- cannot stand the sight of his ex Leanna; sign of her cheating on him?
- watched his own videos and called them boring
- states he is his own boss but rescheduling is impossible
- wants to own his own restaurant so he can throw trolls out (whi can get him sued)
- compares his onscreen fapping to the American Pie pie-humping scene (a fictional event)
- wants to own a sandwich shop because he think it can be better than Subway
- declares 2019 to be his best year, despite being his worst year of debt
- thinks that his interview with The Quartering led to an upsurge in positive views and fans
- doesn't know that you can loop playlists on YouTube, blames YouTube
- his Halloween special had a $3000 tip goal, with decorations worth around $20 USD tops
- cannot choose just one streaming service; given enough funds, he'd buy all of them
- "I feel that I produce a different kind of content than anyone else on Twitch."
- believes that YTers and streamers are showing off their pets are because he revealed his cat
- can't answer how many pushups he can do, implying that he cannot do a single pushup
- moved to Seattle for better taxes; refused to move to Texas for the zero income tax rate
- claims that every company that fired him has gone under because they lacked him
- claims that his goatee has white hairs, not bald patches (webcam close up disapproves it)
- claims that remastered games are better than new original games (that he hasn't played)
- bans a donating fan for telling Phil not to get butthurt about his life situation
- declares he'll no longer play "Dark Souls clones" but quickly makes exceptions
- doesn't know how to take a screenshot on his computer; uses to phone to take a photo
- refuses to give a fan - who is single - dating advice because he [Phil] is married
- occasionally pauses gameplay to rant about his "hectic" life
- thinks that calling Amazon and booking barber appointments = busy life. No spare time!
- is pussywhipped by his wife Kat and has never seen certain comic book movies because of her
- purchased Pokemon Sword because Kat told him to (yep, definitely whipped)
- can't even watch Joker because Kat hates movies about mass killers
- called a fan's trans procedure "ridiculousness"
- "I'm loving life. My personal life is at an ALL TIME high!"
- ignores his fans' requests to play the hot new games
- tells his fans that it's their job to talk to him and not to each other
- a fan donated money for Phil to buy and play Untitled Goose Game, Phil used money on bills
- said fan complains to Phil, gets banned from the chat
- adopts the "WHY AM I TOXIC" meme as an emote to own the trolls, get triggered by the emote
- thinks that because he has bad days that he suffers from actual depression
- calls Kat a "good support system" even though she's always playing Overwatch or not home
- got Rick Moranis' retirement reason wrong. rants and shouts when corrected
- thinks that the term 'mongoloid' is a medical condition
- "Only old people know who Mickey Mouse is."
- believes that detractors want him to prove his financial situation so they can hack him
- claims that smoked so much weed in college that he blacked out and assumed it was laced
- wants donations to be made through PSN credits to avoid paying taxes on it
- banned the word 'Subraru' in his chat; it was Kat's ex-bf's car (Phil is still salty)
- needs money for bills but refuses to do anything for the money, such as pushups
- claims that trolls making money off of him is criminal money that he can sue to win
- assumes that all Tevin does is restream DSP and not do other things, like his DJ job
- claims that his hair is messy and "depressed" due to wearing headphones all the time
- "F-Zero is very straight forward and boring. It's a pretty boring game."
- believes that him being unlikable is a detractor meme
- compares being stream sniped to slavery
- claims that bringing up the existence of something isn't an insult (unless it's his gout)
- jealous that Fortnite streamers make more money than him, calls them children with no lives
- claims that the army didn't confirm UFOs; all they confirmed were unidentified flying objects
- believes that a gaming trend is dead just because he no longer cares about said trend
- refuses to play the hot new games, wants to play same ol' annual WWE titles
- thinks that e-begging is acceptable and a "necessary evil" that every streamer does
- believes that if he practiced Street Fighter or Call of Duty games, he could be a pro
- once called himself the "The Edward Snowden of the FGC" for 'exposing' SFV's netcode
- claims he gets bored of games easily, but yet proudly boasts of being a gamer
- "I was the most entertaining guy that played Street Fighter 4."
- "This new fanart makes my streams feel new, fresh and interesting."
- called a known detractor a "diaper head"; doesn't know or care that it's a racist term
- changed the insult to "diaper face". He's a mature adult, not a clown, dood!
- thinks that an online game server that kicks idle players is stupid
- claims that he inspired co-op LPers like Super Best Friends and Achievement Hunter
- complains about cartoony games (like Fortnite) and yet plays cartoony games (like PvZ)
- "To everyone that sat here complaining about the game, fuck you!"
- referred to Phoenix Wright as a JRPG
- believes that if an argument makes him look bad, it must be illegal (or so says his lawyer)
- "I'm a positive forward thinker. I don't shake my hands angrily at the past."
- "I had facial hair and a full mustache at 15. I have a lot of testosterone."
- "I was trapped playing games I didn't like to make money, now it's totally different!"
- "Hindsight is 50/50."
- refuses to set up filters in OBS to prevent stream snipers because that's too much work
- believes that MediEvil remaster is an indie re-release
- yelled at the game devs for 're-releasing' MediEvil , still played the Ghostbusters remaster
- "...Mac and cheese is AMERICAN and doesn't belong on pizza!"
- claims to have done research on nasal drip treatments, says there are none
- assures that his streams are about talking, not about gaming
- shits on EA until EA gave him free game codes, so he does a 180 and loves them
- has bidding wars to name characters in games that he hates or will rage/bored quit
- "Nobody preorders physical games anymore."
- does so much research about games that he tends to spoil himself and not care about the games
- took three weeks to eat his birthday cake
- gives a down-on-his-luck fan a motiovational speech... that revolves around himself
- doesn't truth his fans to let them know of behind-the-scenes news that affects them too
- can't work out 52+25 in his head. "I'm going to use a calculator."
- complains about having to buy games since he expects fans to donate them to him
- refuses to temporarily move Kat's PS4 to his office to play games that she buys
- can't figure out how to do gameshare on PS4, states that Sony and his fans are idiots
- compares himself to Jonah, who was punished for NOT doing what he was supposed to be doing
- sits on his ass all day playing games, getting 100k a year, whines about having a hard life
- isn't a lawyer, doesn't know the law, but does know what is illegal and what isn't
- claims all he has of value is his collectable statues; he still has his condos and cars
- "Asking for an incentive is STOOPID!"
- blames game devs for allowing him to get trolled in online multiplayer games
- claims that he threw all his plants out because they had spiders on them
- "Pouring water into a mug is too much of a hassle. I'll just use a bottle."
- claims to be mature, goes "blah blah blah blah" to drown out people on mic until muting them
- bans people from his chat who mockingly say goodbye to him
- "You're not talking to me, that's why I'm not taking to you."
- blames game devs if he can't beat games in time for his dinner
- "Twitch sticks up for me and protects me."
- lied about the helicopter company - the one he got fired from - going defunct
- claimed he was able to eat at a restaurant due to keeping some coupons for over a year
- claimed that $30 for two ramen bowls is the same price as making the ramen bowls at home
- chose a Yoshi costume for the 2019 Halloween stream (funny cause the Yoshi tax fraud meme)
- brought up Kat's past on the 2019 Halloween stream, upsetting her; he still blames Tevin
- if he got the knowledge of Kat's past from KiwiFarms then it means he lied about not lurking
- assumed that the Yoshi tax fraud meme is about him
- is surprised that a Metroidvania game does not save progress between save points, ragequits
- prefers to eat penne pasta because he is too lazy to slurp up spaghetti noodles
- thinks that it's unlikely anyone can play a game for 4+ hours at a time
- desires to physically harm his viewers who complain about anything
- rants at Ninja et al for going to Mixer for more money, meanwhile he's moved all over
- claims that as a mature adult he did not buy any candy, for himself or for trick or treaters
- hides troll tips from donation goals so he can earn more money
- states that reading reviews is dumb but read Death Stranding reviews because he hates Kojima
- refuses to believe that Super Smash Bros.: Ultimate outsold Street Fighter II
- claims he gets review codes (pffft) but doesn't disclose this 'fact' (may be illegal)
- hates the 'elite' YTers/streamers for getting review codes early, but claims to get them too
- again called people who got to play Doom Eternal ealy "special snowflakes"
- made Kat's PSN name a fake name to confuse trolls and doxers, leaks her real name anyways
- claims that Kat constantly finishes games before him; she's a better gamer than him
- insists that past betrayers like Howard and Rambo are in the past; keeps bringing them up
- admitted he receieves tips/donations off-stream and feels no obligation to tell his viewers
- "Mountain Dew Kickstart is healthy for you. I know! I did the research!"
- claims that popcorn isn't unhealthy and that you can eat as much as you want
- is so lazy he would rather drive his car on his day off than do cardio
- believes that the chat hand-holding him is a modern thing and it is outdated NOT to have it
- thinks that Fanta is pronounced 'Fawn-ta'
- thinks that by making clown noises over a copyrighted song he won't get content claimed on YT
- "The cat is our kid." (and yet got him declawed)
- "Jasper was chewing a phone charge cable this morning, I had to scold him."
- "How do I use this weapon? Oh, there you go! You aim and fire."
- dotes on his cat and treats it like a baby, constantly worrying over it
- is told that a fan of his passed away; makes it all about himself
- "I talk upwards to 8 hours a day. I'm on par with a radio host."
- is mad that his wife doesn't watch his playthroughs but rather a bigger YouTuber
- states that mocking his snorting and throat clearing is akin to mocking a short kid
- claims to be a fan of Pokemon but has no idea what Bidoof looks like
- "My content is geared towards adults."
- lied about not being able to afford some games to mooch more tips and donations
- states that only fat people go to the gym and he is almost skinny
- is told that his wife goes to the gym; he quickly changes the subject
- doesn't know the male and female gender symbols
- doesn't know what elemental type Pikachu is
- "I never had any crazy, rowdy or out of control fans." - KGhaleon, BSV, Sidella, King Tut...
- when a whale donates $20 to Phil to give the money to a poor fan, Phil just kept the money
- states that he is a celebrity and people come up to him wanting autographs all the time
- hasn't had a hobby outside of gaming and watching WWE in 11 years
- doesn't understand how an ice type is weak to a rock type
- ranted about cosplayers on his old website; does cosplay for special streams
- can't work out that a grass gym leader would send out grass type Pokemon
- believes you need to name Eevee something specific for it to evolve into anything
- thinks that because Boogie2988 retweeted him once or twice that Boogie must be a fan of him
- is amazed that a move called "bug bite" is a bug type move
- has one slow day of low donations and assumes that his streaming days are numbered
- states that game devs are hacks who don't deserve to be paid and should be unemployed
- is a big fan of SFII and yet doesn't realise a Pokemon dressed as Ryu is a fighting type
- "I fart a ton while streaming."
- "Anyone with neon colored hair is a childrens entertainer."
- "I have resting bitch face. I look pissed when I'm really not! I'm just concentrating, okay?"
- "I've friend zoned a girl before." - yeah, her name was Leanna
- doesn't know how to make mashed potatoes and yet wants to run a restaurant
- rejected a fan-made remix as there not enough of him in it.
- claims companies won't hire him as he isn't a shill and speaks nothing but the truth
- "I don't even know what's considered fast food."
- "Why are you reading subtitles? Don't you understand spoken dialogue???"
- detests Cyberpunk 2077 for interactive sex scenes - loves heavy Rain and South Park TSoT
- listens to his chatroom for game recommendations than reviews e.g. Splatoon 2
- made a lame comeback to someone calling him a clown and lies that the chat loved his 'ownage'
- claims that his fear of his cat getting hurt by a squirrel means trolls don't have pets
- "I love video games. I have a passion for it. I'm a life long gamer." PFFFT
- claims that his YT channel is just archives and yet is pissed when he gets copyright claims
- constantly harps that he has no money, is pissed off when people question his finances
- can't answer questions with absolutes, like what his favourite game or food is
- charged his fans $2000 for the cat reveal, won't show the cat anymore as it is 'personal'
- correlates donations with audience liking a game, even if it is a whale donating big
- "I'd get bored of gaming if I played games off of streams."
- states that the first thing he would do when his parents pass away is to sell their house
- claims there's only a tiny difference between gaming in 4K and his current bitrate
- claims that Disney princesses are "whiny, entitled, fucked up characters"
- refuses game donations if he doesn't want to play the game
- refers to his fans and viewers as 'clientele'
- got a speeding ticket for going over the speed limit in a school zone, blames glitchy camera
- went to McDonalds and hated it; why go?
- states he has a busy life that includes being super busy with his cat
- thinks that just having a cat constitutes as having a family
- banned a longtime fan who pointed out that Phil talks about detractors too much
- is pleased that YouTube updated its ToS that screws over content creators and detractors
- claims to have never bullied or shit-talked anyone; PewDiePie, Ninja, Machinima, etc
- insists that his wife is a good cook but she always seems to ruin dinner by undercooking it
- reckons that he can be a better journalist than other journalists due to having experience
- thinks he can write better reviews than them, despite giving odd scores to reviewed games
- reckons that playing games takes a lot of skill but can't do easy reaction videos
- "I'm much happier now than I ever was with my ex."
- "I only rage, shit on devs or blame things maybe 1/30th of the time."
- lives in a gated community, still got new alarms installed
- tells his fans to report any 'detractor' YouTube channels
- claims that telling his fans to report 'detractor' YT channels means he's not involved
- refuses to explorer and experiment in games, uses streamchat for the solutions
- "Super Mario Kart is too stressful for me to play."
- ragequit Pokemon Sword due to a Magikarp being in his raid (and healing before entering it)
- "My chat is one of the most lenient chats on Twitch."
- claims his Twitch chat isn't moderated 'that' much... it ain't called a Nazi chat for nothing
- claimed to know all the secrets of FF6, still had to get help from the chat
- claims that if you think that 'never' means 'never forever', you have the mindset of a child
- blames his age (37 at the time) for his resting bitch face
- is proud he can lift an entire gallon of milk
- claims no human can lift a keg of beer
- doesn't notice a shiny Pokemon, chat has to yell at him that its shiny
- thinks that he can suddenly develop cancer and die because he doesn't see a doctor
- claims that his baldspot is caused by wearing headphones
- blames his fans for making him wear headphones
- insists that him wearing hats as a kid caused his bald spot decades later
- calls screenshots "framegrabs"
- used to pour grease and oil down the toilet; now he pours it down the sink/food disposal
- claims he was the bullied one in school (clashes with his 'macho' image from back then)
- ate his earwax on stream
- rocks back and forth when the camera isn't on, covers up his camera feed to hide it
- thinks that people who bring up his bald spots are "ugly motherfuckers"
- "I could survive a day in prison."
- his most likely reason for going to prison would be for "beating the shit out of someone"
- states that is mentally 25 because he is all about video games and pop culture
- believes that Christmas movies have to be positive and wholesome and not like Bad Santa
- "I'd be good at hosting an award show. I'm very good at improv."
- claims to be very into Catholicism and the Pope; doesn't remember the Pope's name
- vows to shut down the stream if people in the chat keep talking about irrelevant things
- "I'd never ban someone for saying my stream is boring."
- thinks that him only talking to people online and not IRL won't weaken his social skills
- "I'm married and have a family now. I'm too old to learn new fighting games competitively."
- "Nintendo is lazy as fuck in 2019 and puts no effort into anything they fucking do."
- can't get Doom II to work on his modern PC
- blames Doom II as his lemon of a PC can play Myst (the original)
- claims that buying a new iPhone will be a tax write off, even though he's a console gamer
- the reward for hitting a $2000 donation milestone: a dab
- thinks that eating a can of soup prevents him from getting fully drunk
- "I love my job cuz so many people say I'm their friend and an inspiration to them."
- believes if you adopt a pet but then return it, you've traumatised it for life
- states that he could return his cat one day but it won't be traumatised for some reason
- doesn't want to have kids, wants his tubes tied, is mad when told that's for women
- compares having gout to only having one arm
- claims you can't be a successful YouTuber/streamer without a webcam
- claims that it's alright for him to mention money problems but not his chat
- so paranoid he refuses to take a picture of his Christmas tree out of fear of trolls
- "DBZ Kakarot is an RPG based off the plot of DBZ."
- called Radditz the original Vegeta
- "I didn't learn any lessons this year. I forgot more than I learned."
- says "I've shared my life more than any other person on the planet" like it's a good thing
- claims that taking the week off to get married was a big financial hit
- "Nobody's forgotten me in 11 years. I'm still pertinent."
- thinks that his KOGaming channel proves he can do edited content, still doesn't do it
- states he would have committed suicided in 2017 or 2018 had he not met Kat
- insists that his backpack being too heavy was a cause for his bad back
- states that he would still be streaming during WWIII. What a war hero
- claims that going to a cheap sushi restaurant is fine... sushi isn't cheap, Phil
- "I think flying type is strong against electric type."
- claims his wife could be doxed if she went onto the Drunken Peasants podcast
- banned a viewer but not a troll because the viewer harrassed the troll first
- claims he can not only win defamation lawsuits but that he can get thousands in damages
- as expected, games that made the most disappointing game of 2019 list were games he praised
- somehow put Death Stranding on both his GOTY list and most disappointing game of 2019 list
- his #1 most disappointing game of 2019 was KHIII, but he's always hated the series
- his 2019 GOTY pick was Resident Evil 2, a game he hated playing
- claims he's one of the few people that remembered that Resident Evil 2 existed
- "I'm the happiest I've ever been." pffft
- pretty much admitted that he has the chat hold his hand due to having no skill or caring
- "stupid people must be made fun of" but don't do that to him or that's bullying
- never learned how to ride a bike because it's "not useful" to him
- states that he isn't getting bald patches but grey/white hairs (that look flesh coloured)
- "Sexual content every 10 seconds turns me off."
- speaks for everyone when bitching at games like a grouchy old man
- tells a fan who got bullied at school to get the bullies arrested or deported
- lies about how he is not playing WWE Supercard anymore
- allegedly told the board of directors of his gated community about his detractors
- claims spaghetti is a pain to eat and thus is a side dish for him
- claims that any troll tips are for him to keep because he deserves it
- just realised that his phone has a calendar and has no need for a real wall calendar
- hates games that promote exercising
- claims that kids don't donate to him
- claims detractors will always hate him, even if he sacrificed his life saving children
- "The general public sees me in a positive light." pffft
- thinks that foreclosure of the CT condo does not mean he'll be getting sued
- thinks that he'll keep his house after being sued for $50k on his CT condo foreclosure
- claims he doesn't have Discord, showed his desktop and lo and behold he has Discord
- "I'd win in a fight against Goku cuz I'm real and he's not."
- believes that declaring bankruptcy will solve all his fiancial problems
- refuses to answer if he ever had a crush on a cartoon woman as a kid (insecure)
- thinks that doing challenge content is just attention whoring scams
- believes that since his cat is male he can't possibly have children
- lost two hours of progress in Pokemon because he turned off autosave and didn't save the game
- blames his dwindling YT presence entirely on trolls
- thinks that Chapter 7 bankruptcy means the debt collectors won't claim what his gf owns
- thinks that bankruptcy will clear his debt
- loves Transformers yet doesn't know what mecha is
- "The graphics of FF7 aren't good, yet people kiss it's ass. The characters look like shit!"
- "My mom, my... my wife is making baked chicken right now."
- "I did 7 straight days of streaming without a break, dood!" woop de doo
- proclaims to be a huge Dragon Ball Z fan and yet proves to know diddly-shit about it
- "Zarbon is a shapeshifter."
- thinks that at one point they made a fake dragon ball during the Namek saga
- called the gravity chamber on Goku's shapeship the hyperbolic time chamber
- when told to catch fish, his first instinct is to swim in the water instead of fishing
- claims he never had a spending addiction; had a gaming statue collection in his CT condo
- didn't buy rice for the Asian stir fry, too lazy to buy it, ruined Kat's night
- states that he doesn't have a cult-like fanbase
- if there is an anti-DSP sign at a WWE show, he assumes that the troll went just to show it
- compared the death of Kobe Bryant to his progress in KOTOR not saving
- assumes that blockbuster movies are shown in theatres for one day only
- "If I dispute a troll trying to get a Paypal refund, I ALWAYS WIN!"
- states that he has no time to watch WWE, rages when told of spoilers
- plays the old Doom games to hype Doom Eternal instead of playing Doom (2016)
- claims he is pretending to be bad at games on purpose but believes that TIHYDP ruined him
- believes that disabling comments killed TIHYDPs (nope)
- admits that he reads guides written by fans, and that he doesn't fully read them
- claimed nobody knew what Ponzi schemes were until the early 2000s
- claimed that one of the earliest Ponzi schemes involved Street Fighter
- "DK64 was 5 years outdated the day it came out."
- believes he is $600,000 or so in debt (finance major here btw)
- his first goal in life include being "a good father to my cat."
- owns 14 credit cards, around $132k debt to them
- around $500k in debt and yet we're supposedly jealous of him
- has had his Toyota for three years, has only paid $1k of its $15k lease
- lied about having zero electronics that aren't used for business use (ex: Kat's PS4 and PC)
- said he didn't have a pet on his tax forms but did list pet expenses
- claimed to have been sick and dying, was playing WWE Supercard on his sick day
- “I was unconscious on Saturday. NO LIE!" nope, he was playing WWE Supercard
- claims the bankruptcy forms are just drafts (which legally they aren't)
- "Accounting isn't black and white." pfffft
- claims he never commited perjury, even though lying on his bankruptcy form IS perjury
- "You could literally put everything false on it and there would be no ramifications"
- claimed to have talked to his bankruptcy lawyer... on Superbowl Sunday
- claims that no bankruptcy lawyer has ever gone to jail for putting false info on a form
- blames trolls back in 2015 for his dire financial state today
- "If you call me a liar, you're so fucking pathetic!"
- claims how his 'company' is successful but he personally is going bankrupt
- couldn't pay his bankruptcy filing fee; goes deeper in debt trying to pay off his debt
- claims he can't do a 24 hour stream as he'll need to take the next two days off
- fakes having a cold for sympathybux donations
- thinks that by saying "it's a slow night" will increase donations to balance it all out
- poured water on his cat because he didn't want to lift him off his couch
- keeps changing the value of the coffee maker to downplay its price ($500 to $150)
- refuses to play indie games despite being a variety streamer and can't afford AAA games
- "I could take a cut of detractor money if I wanted to. It's defamation. I'd immediately win."
- too lazy or afraid to reach out to old friends; expects them to reach out to HIM
- believes that birthday/Xmas gift money should be used on fun things and not bills
- admitted he told the IRS that he is doing a fundraiser for his payments
- thinks brain tumors are very rare, compares it a time rift opening and dinosaurs killing him
- thinks scrubbing out two toilets and the cat's water dish is basically cleaning the house
- asks fans to donate so he can see the animations rather than using the animation test button
- mixed up RPG FPS survival with battle royale, thinks it's all the same
- demanded originality from game devs, plays the latest CoD without fail
- "I never go out of my way to insult someone." PDP, Ninja, game devs, etc...
- "I was the test case for cancel culture."
- believed Bloodborn 2 will be multiplatform, even though Sony owns the IP
- always creates himself when designing his ingame appearance in games
- "I'm going to make my character look really evil this time!" - creates his exact own face
- states he can't play motion control games due to space, though his CT condo was more cramped
- blames his throat and lungs on his mother smoking and not being fat. Nothing is his fault!
- "I'm Italian! All Italians talk with their hands like me, dood!"
- claims he's too busy with family life... a wife he barely sees and a cat that hates him
- claims that money is tight; has a haircut every week
- loves retro games and yet complains about most retro games aging badly or being outdated
- "Fun first. Being legit first. MONEY SECOND! That's my streams, dood!"
- "I'm a man of the people!" meanwhile fixes polls to avoid playing games he hates
- "Crushes, in essence, crushes are incredibly immature"
- can't/won't praise someone getting engaged in he doesn't know them
- claims to be the crusader for the common gamer; sheepishly abides by streaming restrictions
- in his eyes for a game to be retro it has to be good and not outdated
- "I'm still relevant after 11 years."
- claims a tax account will charge a $1k+ to file taxes if you're self-employed
- "People that work at H&R Block are just people who aren't good enough to be accountants."
- "I don't have outbursts of anger anymore unless a game pisses me off."
- "There's nothing scary about bankruptcy at all."
- "Gone Home started the walking simulator genre."
- "I'm only an asshole to people who are assholes to me first."
- "I may be paying for my bad choices financially now, but my life is great!"
- hates jokes about wives having boyfriends; struck a nerve, Phil?
- "DK64 is leaps and bounds worse than Sonic 06."
- "I'm one of the few people on the planet who gets to do what he loves for a living."
- doesn't want to play games released a year ago; plays retro games all the time
- bitches about retro games being outdated; hosts a retro stream
- expects donation competitions, confused when people can't afford to chip in
- gets tired from sitting down
- runs polls where all the options make him look like the victim
- treats a hand-held stream like it's different from a usual normal stream
- has many streaming subscriptions yet tells his fans he doesn't have much time to watch
- cancels his Netflix subscription, acts like's good at saving money
- claims he's cut a lot of luxuries: still subscribed to half a dozen streaming services
- "I don't want Jasper to be part of my internet life" yet hid him behind a $2k paywall
- claims to still love games but all games suck now according to him
- afraid of taking photos and videos of his cat because trolls may harrass the cat
- tends to bitch about innocent questions asked by fans than simply answering the questions
- "You're an immature idiot if you look at a character's rear end in games."
- stated he is doing absolutely nothing to prepare for the coronavirus
- says unhealthy people are "the weak" and death by coronavirus is to "pay the ultimate price"
- rarely refers to Kat by her name, always calls her "my wife"
- whines about his wife ordering expensive meals for dinner; still buys inedible WWE cards
- is almost proud that he is a hermit since he'll probably never be exposed to the coronavirus
- would rather have the chat hand-hold him than to immerse himself into an RPG
- bitches about no demos for big games nowadays; refuses to play the FFVII remake demo
- won't play the FFVII remake demo to avoid spoilers; he already played the original
- can stream at 60fps but "I heard the visuals are good, so I'm only streaming at 30fps"
- so insecure of his marriage he covers his eyes whenever sizable tits and ass appears in games
- thinks games should have ingame stores for DLC
- banned a fan for wishing him well in court and saying a supposed detractor meme
- thinks DLC for $3 should be free; has no problem buying $60 games and WWE SuperCard cards
- stops gameplay to do lean-in manual bans on chatroom detractors
- misgenders androgynous/crossdressing characters, even if they state their pronounds 20+ times
- "This is not a kids friendly channel. It never was!"
- did not show up to his creditors meeting (not a good look for him)
- thinks he can avoid IRL detractors by rescheduling the meetings (it's all public info though)
- equates dating in video games to legit cheating on your partner
- would be pissed off if Kat did dating in video games, which she would cause he's a simp
- called people idiots for buying all the bottled water at Costco, leaving him with none
- refused to go onto a podcast because he assumed the request was immediate and not later on
- won't play Code Vein as it is a Souls clone; will play Noih 2 as fans want a Souls clone
- thinks that kids can't get credit cards (forgot about pre-paid cards)
- claims to know nothing about the false copyright strikes made in his name (probably true)
- doesn't care if detractors' accounts get banned due to false DMCA strikes
- thinks that retweeting a deleted tweet means it is trickey and false
- thinks its weird that E3 might not happen due to coronavirus
- calls businesses that host venues stupid for cancelling plans due to coronavirus
- wants the coronavirus to spread so immunity will build (never mind all the deaths)
- such a defeatist that he wants the coronavirus to run its course rather than fight back
- glad that begging and hand-holding is easy. "I laugh like a snake now cuz it's easier to do."
- is willing to spend $100+ on his cat; money he doesn't have on a cat not listed on tax forms
- exclusively buys expensive soap; business degree and good at budgeting!
- tells people to drink tap water and not bottled water; only drinks bottled water
- downplayed the coronavirus and didn't stock up, bitches about no toilet paper in stock
- $500k in debt and going bankrupt but gets his groceries delivered
- thought that the Fed dropping the interest rate to 0% was to encourage consumer spending
- did not stock up on food in advance, especially cat food
- calls people who did stock up on food in advance "panic idiots"
- calls people who hoard toilet paper assholes; purchased enough to last him 3-4 months
- "The worst part about human existence is drama and gossip."
- "I gotta worry about people bullying in stores right now cuz of panic."
- his special vest reserved for donation goals met is... a vest he purchased 11 years ago
- uses the vest as a donation incentive via 'vest streaks'
- the $100 tip goal is for him to reveal the brand of the vest
- doubled the donation goal to put a cowboy hat for the stream (no one fell for it)
- refuses to put on the cowboy hat during his FFVII remake playthrough even after getting $200
- for all his bitching about Dr. Disrespect, wearing his vest makes him look like Dr. Disrespect
- names an NPC after his wife Kat in Animal Crossing so he can mail letters to her ingame
- bashes a fantasy game of magic and demons for being unrealistic
- most common strategies to fighting bosses: mash attacks and/or spam OP magic/moves
- expects most, if not all, bosses to stagger when hit
- claimed that ALL face masks don't prevent catching illnesses, just you spreading them
- plays all games seriously, including chill games Animal Crossing
- said that Kat is doing all the grinding in Animal Crossing, eliminating all the fun
- thinks cats exclusively need seafood and not other kinds of meat
- thinks cats and other pets like cheese; most mammals are lactose intolerant
- upset that Doom Eternal is a frantic arena shooter and not a cover shooter a la Mass Effect
- always sticks to default difficulty and aim sensitivity because he is a 'normal gamer'
- assumes that the middle difficulty is always what the devs intend you to play
- ranted at Valve for making a new Half Life for VR, which he can't play
- lied to his creditors about his income; he didn't include tips into the Twitch income
- claims to never make 'on demand' videos but will make a product review video for shillbux
- probably committed perjury to his creditors by lying about working on filing his taxes
- claimed that his Switch was business related but later said it wasn't (more perjury?)
- has no remorse that he racked up tons of debt (still thinking he won't have to pay it)
- thinks he can't go to prison for abusing bankruptcy laws to avoid paying all his debt
- claims that if a stream is boring, it must the game, not him
- "Guitarist is short for guitar musician."
- doesn't care about worried people during lockdown; sees them as potential donators/tippers
- can't tell when ingame cutscenes end, leading him to just stand there and die
- hates puzzle bosses, can never figure out how to beat them without chat handholding
- doesn't get the hint when there is a new weapon before a boss area, doesn't use it
- is baffled that a game set on the hardest difficulty level increases the bosses' hitpoints
- told his trustee that he no longer watches WWE Network; still does (it's business related!)
- banned a fan for spoiling Wrestlemania. Only unbanned when he threatened to never tip again
- $500k in debt and still planning wedding anniversary dinners
- such an baby that he can't handle a business being inefficient due to a virus pandemic
- "it's a pandemic and they have a skeleton crew. Well, FUCK OFF THEN! DON'T GIVE ME AN ISSUE!"
- thinks you should be able to pull drivers out of their vehicles ingame like a Halo game
- the $200 donation goal: he'll put on aviator sunglasses (and have even worse vision)
- claimed he waited years to play the FFVII remake, even though he called FFVII overrated trash
- says that if you use pre-order DLC then you are a cheater; uses pre-order weapons/summons
- claimed that giving the bank permission to foreclose on his CT condo is a one-up on trolls
- bans a serial donator/tipper even though he wins around half of the chargeback disputes
- likes half-naked mens wrestling but not the crossdressing part of FFVII
- complains of having precious lttle free time, but does find time to take multiple naps a day
- so paranoid that he interprets popular phrases from Game of Thrones as threats to him
- "If you think you have Corona, don't go to a doctor to check." not like he was going out...
- "Not a single human was satisfied with Kingdom Hearts 3. No fanboys were pleased."
- thinks the hardest part of being a streamer is the IRL harrassment and abuse
- "People were blown away by the sex jokes and immature humor I used to do."
- "I'd be popular and making more money if it weren't for the trolls."
- hypes up parts of a game he's not even up to yet
- "Cloud has no fucking opinion. He's just cardboard."
- thinks crossdressing is edgy and is a totally 90s thing
- thinks edgy parts of games are put in just to get people talking about the game
- boasts of his wife mastering the pasta sauce recipe... pouring a cup of sugar into the sauce
- when banned from a WWE Candy Crush group, he joined their rival faction and moped
- "Booksmarts came naturally to me. I can learn and apply stuff easily."
- "I pick things up pretty quickly." Pffft
- thinks citing from his legal documents is "misinformation" (well he did lie on them)
- tells people who doubt him being in pain for 2 days to jump off a bridge (advocating suicide)
- says he's been advised not to talk about his personal life; talks about his ear infection
- yells about people prying into his personal life; he talks about his personal life constantly
- is proud that "I get to see her bra and panties whenever I want" in relation to Kat
- the reward for reaching $5k more than his donation goal is a crappy 'celebration' video
- compared phsycial violence to an animal to deleting a file on a computer
- critiques others' parenting skills depite not being a parent and thus experienced
- claimed he experiences x10 the stress of a restaurant owner
- whines that he has no time with his 'family'; is his own boss and sets his own schedule
- "I'm not some kind of an idiot."
- states it is easier to do live reactions than to make edited videos
- thinks that reactionary commentary is hard; most of the time it is dead air
- plans to sue Twitter if they ban his account
- talks shit about RekietaMedia and then asks him for legal advice
- stops playing to answer fans' questions, then bitches at his fans yelling at him not playing
- injects himself into the Keemstar vs H3H3 drama, claims he dodged a bullet by avoiding it
- claims not to be a part of drama and yet stirs up drama all the time
- says Keem is not a good guy for running a show called Drama Alert. Okay, Mr. King of Hate
- says he won't add troll tips to the donation goal; does so anyway
- likely won't shit on Animal Crossing because Kat likes it and he simps out for her
- the $10k donation goal special event is wearing his vest and 'guest appearance' of his cat
- acknowledges the single-digit $ troll cheers more often than the big $$ fan/whale cheers
- invests none of his earnings into his streaming; his laptop and gear is from the mid-2010s
- brought back DSP Tries It but exaggerated his reaction to convey that he's 'changed'
- blames WWE mobile games for ruining his li fe in 2017; his own fault and not the trolls
- compared a Fire Emblem game to Harry Potter
- "Tifa was just thrown into FF7 for sexual appeal."
- contradicts the above statement by also pointing out she also has fighting appeal
- didn't care about the riots and looters until they targeted stores he shops at
- told his wife to quit her job if she sees looters walking into her store
- lives in a safe gated community; acts as if he is as vunerable as in living in a ghetto
- wants the mayor of Seattle to enforce an 8pm curfew, thinking it will stop the riots
- felt it appropriate to play a game about being an undercover cop during this anti-cop tension
- "Nobody got offended by the stuff I used to say."
- "I used to do racial comedy in my videos. I NO LONGER DO THAT! For the most part..."
- "I'm older and wiser now. Thousands of people hear what I say on a daily basis!"
- refuses to delete a rape joke song because it reminds him of the wrongs of his past
- "My eyes have been opened. I'm no longer racist or sexist!"
- says that 2020 is an insane year... for everyone but him since he's a shut-in recluse
- rips on all tips + donations under the impression they are trolls who will chargeback him
- ignores a majority of advice in the chatroom unless it is in tip $$ form
- "The Ratchet & Clank remake was a failure."
- categorizes every platform game as 'for kids'
- will claim that his chatroom hates a particular game to avoid playing it
- has lied about his numerous sexual escapades in college, some while still in college
- one of these sex stories is hitting on a girl who had a bf... and Phil didn't even bang her
- also made up a story about hanging out with stoner friends, which involved bodily expulsions
- covers his eyes during the lesbian kiss scene in TLOUII and seemed quite homophobic about it
- didn't buy a new vest for the donation goal despite stores opening again
- whinged that he couldn't find the exact same vest to buy, even though his fans are sick of it
- the fans reach the vest donation goal just in time... but Phil didn't put the vest on
- blames his fans for not donating for the vest sooner
- reads a fan's email, gets teary eyed... and then talks about his 'hard' life
- worse yet, the fan's email was about how hard HIS life is; Phil made the moment about himself
- begs absentee mods to ban a troll in chat, finally goes to do it himself, can't find him
- lies about not being able to tell fans tips apart from donation tips to milk for more tips
- outlasted EVO. His response? To make fun of the fact it was rife with sexual abuse
- shits on the fighting game community for having pedos; meanwhile he groomed underaged Leanna
- says he knew about the groomers... then says he didn't know about the groomers
- did nothing with the alleged knowledge of sexual harassment in the fighting game community
- "I'm fine with being called a cockroach if it means I'm the ultimate survivor. Fuck it!"
- refuses to go into overtime even when he's getting tips and donations left right and center
- "How many times have I washed the vest? Uhh, I'm not counting... Several times I'm sure..."
- acts like 2019 was ages ago so he can dismiss complaints made about him then
- got a haircut... but he barely looks any different. Money well spent!
- thinks he owned the 'haters' by plugging his vest off-recording; trolls recorded the clip
- thinks KiwiFarms is nothing but ineffective losers; still notified the police about them
- thought he was important enough to be hacked during the 2020 Twitter account hacks
- likely colludes with his paypig whales to arrange tips to hit donation goals
- "I don't cause drama, I don't get into feuds, I've changed as a person."
- gave a death threat to the troll who sent a DMCA claim on his Twitch account, getting it banned
- threatened the troll on stream and wondered why Twitch won't help. Good use of business degree!
- "I'm the target of every kind of bullshit on the planet!"
- finds it weird that bigger streamers didn't get DMCA'd, thinking they are more hated than him
- threatens to leave Twitch... gets temp-suspended thrice but still doesn't leave Twitch
- thinks he is important at Twitch for streaming for three of the seven years he's been there
- "My mod made those badges. I OWN THEM! THEY'RE MY PROPERTY!"
- has people in WingsofRedemption's chat is see if any of those people are mocking him
- whines about SJWs but has also whined about being sick of seeing white protagonists in games
- compared having a parent with cancer to not having enough free time for gaming
- celebrates hitting a donations milestone... by slyly asking for more donations
- is disheartened that the only difference between regular and spicy chicken is the spiciness
- ate a chicken sandwich on stream, then took a break to go eat (oink oink)
- rants that he is not a vest wearer... while constantly begging to uphold the vest streak
- is allegedly staging fake tips to save the vest streak
- gets temp-banned from Twitch a THIRD time... sticks around like a battered wife
- supported Twitch because they banned Tevin; Phil got temp-banned three times and Tevin is back
- believes one of his strengths is consistency; yeah, consistently awful
- admitted he browses Kiwi Farms again (after years of insisting he didn't)
- begged Rekeita to do an interview on the DSPGaming channel so he can pocket the tips
- held a poll but ignored the winning vote as he wants to be a more variety streamer
- not being given special treatment on Twitch has made Twitch "lost some quality" in his eyes
- claims not to care about the vest streak; reminds everyone he doesn't care every night
- has a trend of waiting a long time to play a game only to very quickly give up on it
- can seemingly control his burps and snorts at will; does it just to be an asshole
- doesn't want the police defunded because trolls will troll him without repurcussions
- walks off camera during streaming for a 'water break', gets several large tips... hmm...
- started a new playthrough of Nier... because he's too lazy to transfer the save file over
- uses the vest streak to disprove troll 'lies', even though chargebacks and fans hating the vest
- wants to wax nostalgia on stream and charge fans for it
- states he is not grumpy in a grumpy impatient tone
- broke up with Leanna in April but shilled her soap products and took donations through May
- thought the word 'king' was a detractor meme; was wearing a 'King of Retro' shirt at the time
- rants about long donation messages; he wants your money, not your words!
- admits he hadn't had sex in ages at one point
- "I don't care about my wife."
- thinks he has yet to reach his peak
- twists the trolls' theories to the extreme to discount them as conspiracy theories
- thinks the brown bits in his tap water are 'creatures'... it's feces
- believes that if he got the Wolverine figurine he would have been accepted into Yale
- is still salty about the Ninja and Drake event, thinks no one cares about them anymore
- believes people only know Drake from memes and the Fortnite 'non-event'
- refuses to add donators to the leaderboard if they have troll names (keeps the money though)
- "Maybe I'm just an old fart. I am."
- hates Kanye West for being an attention-seeking buffoon... okay, Mr. Fapgate
- refuses to eat a salad for DSP Tries It as it "undermines the premise of the show"
- the actual reason he doesn't eat salads is because his body can't properly digest them
- thinks all third-party Switch games suck
- is disturbed by the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial... some parallels there, Phil?
- believes he has the right to insult his viewers while streaming; Twitch ToS says otherwise
- a donator calls out his racism; Phil calls him a troll and bans him
- finds is very weird why people hate him for his racist jokes and swollen ego
- thinks all the 'good things' he's been doing will outweight all the karma he's accumulated
- lied about setting ads on videos, believes YouTube is 100% in control of it
- defended Mr. Wizard, EVO co-founder and pedophile, on Twitter
- believes that he's so tame and mild that KiwiFarms go out of their way to mock him
- lied about making fun of Ninja and Dr. Disrespect's looks
- called Ninja a "cartoon character" as he wears a cowboy hat and a very shiny silver vest
- admits he missed Tevin
- refuses to promote streams and then wonders why no one shows up for the streams
- states he is not a cult leader; meanwhile he uses brain washing techniques to rope in donators
- states he isn't the type of person to be constantly distracted by his phone or the stream chat
- a fan keeps wanting to join Phil's SF2 lobby; Phil believes it is a troll and hates him
- Jasper got on DSP's lap, accidentally scratched him, so DSP picked up and dropped the cat
- lectures the audience not to throw or drop any cat (like he just did?)
- refused to watch the Down the Rabbit Hole video about him because Knudsen didn't consult him
- states that his sleepy eyes are due to the air conditioning and not being bored of the game
- complains that his cat is doing cat things, like meowing or climbing on him
- gets triggered by comments of too much sugar in his pasta sauce, defends his 'heritage'
- takes in over $12,000 but still begs fans to buy him a PS5
- thinks that people calculating his debt vs his earnings are detractors with ill intent
- believes that a 10/10 review means a 100% perfect game, no ifs ands or buts
- is still envious that people get copies of games early to review them
- talks about asses and feces and farts but bans people for offensive usernames/messages
- says his trolls aren't malicious, but didn't they SWAT you? Haven't they 'ruined' your life?
- wonders why he can be brigaded but not bigger streamers; doesn't connect that he's a lolcow
- fell for a fake Twitch counter-DMCA link, leaking his IP address leading him to getting DDoS'd
- taunted the DDoSer, which got him DDoS'd harder
- banned some stream chat regulars for 'trolling' WingsofRedemption's stream chat
- called a GoFundMe for cancer patients a "first world problem"
- counts the fries when he orders fast food
- asks his fans how to improve his streams... then calls them "demanding", "Self-entitled", etc
- didn't own a red vest but hyped it up as a donation streak goal for that money $$
- has never heard of the phrase "bog standard", thinks it's an original troll detractor meme
- refused a $950 series of donations from a suspicious person... still wants the money legit
- "I would never demand a contribution. Remember, contributions are mandatory."
- only eats twice a day: a big dinner and a sandwich when his wife gets home from work at night
- still stays up in the early hours drinking gin; so much for marriage fixing him
- fought tooth and nail to keep a $50 fake tips; still lost, was salty
- lectures that children think he's got expendable money; meanwhilw spent $40k on mobile games
- claims to not care if the streak vest ends; whines that he doesn't want it to end and e-begs
- joked that his vests are a 'tools of his trade', yet he uses them as tools to get more money
- made a coat rack for his vests using double sided tape
- banned the name Philippos from his chat because it means 'fond of horses'
- believes that his detractors seriously thought he had an offshore bank account
- downplays the seriousness of COVID-19 but calls troll speculation 'conspiracy theories'
- dismisses any and all 'troll conspiracy theories' but addresses them all the time because drama
- lied about not issuing any takedowns to Machinima
- is a mature adult but blames everyone but himself for being a laughing stock lolcow
- thinks his detractors are mostly scumbags but doesn't think he has toxic fans
- "Chicken tugger? What does that even mean? What would you tug on a chicken?"
- knows detractor meme references because he browses Kiwifarms more than he admits to
- is weirded out by dating young girls in games; befriended an underaged PandaLee in real life
- complains about content creators reacting to things; his gaming style itself is reactionary
- thinks streaming gaming is basically a 9-to-5 job and losing all friends is a part of the job
- believes that if people stop talking about a 'conspiracy theory' it falls apart and is false
- "I'm the master of my own destiny" and yet e-begs for donations and is dependent on whales
- is not willing to appeal to donator's requests for series e.g. Cooking With the King
- lies about not caring about stream attendance (even though he brings it up when its low)
- then says first-party Nintendo games don't bring much attendance to his streams
- admits that the vest streak was broken on day 63; refuses to reset the streak counter
- states that the vest is a symbol of success (of scamming the gullible, maybe)
- too lazy to get up off the couch to get the food delivery from his front gate
- thinks adding people as friends on PSN allows trolls to see the friends of his friends
- so paranoid he wouldn't push a stranger on a swing in case they get injured and sue him
- blows bubbles on stream; is a mature adult and not a childrens entertainer, dood!
- gets called the nickname 'Bubble Man' and has no idea why
- his salty Italian sauce costs $50+ if buying every ingredient fresh (makes 6 meals); gouty!
- projecs hard when he says dark scenes in games will mess up kids (when they just mess HIM up)
- incentivises donations and tips to choose the vest; disregards the poll and wears what he wants
- is too lazy to edit 'KOGaming' out of his videos descriptions
- goes through more headphones than the standard streamer; must be the pigroach sweat
- complains about physical money even though all his income comes through digital currencies
- rants about Ninja and Dr. Disrespect needing gimmicks... okay Mr. Vest and Bubbles
- hates the big streamers for being 'cartoon characters' then says he's always loved cartoons
- thinks these cartoonish streamers act the same way off-stream as on-stream
- "They literally turn on a stream, play a game, receive a paycheck, and turn the stream off."
- gets all salty jealous when reminded that PewDiePie got a $10k donation
- lied about not e-begging back in his 'glory days' (around 2010)
- qualified in a round of Fall Guys but accidentally ragequit
- states he has been the victim of racism; offers zero evidence, not even anecdotal evidence
- lied about not being able to see the IP address of tippers; says Twitch gives him them
- doesn't clean his headphones, leading to ear infections
- when asked if he had a stroke he got very defensive, suggesting some possible truth to it
- his couch can't support his weight; blames the couch and not his weight
- praised and defended the notorious Cuties movie
- "Cuties is like Footloose with a modern twist."
- admits Kat makes him takes his wedding ring off when she and him are out and about
- thinks he invented cancel culture
- doesn't mind if a whale talks shit about him so long as the whale pays up
- allegedly gets a small tip from a whale to schedule a big donation to save the vest streak
- claimed to love the King of Fighters series, despite continuously skipping the games
- "I've already played Street Fighter V tons of times with zero rage." pffft
- made a Chadwick Boseman moment of respect into a rant about his trolls being evil
- made a $2000 donation total stream a special one; won't pay $60 for a game the fans want
- says the vest streak is "organic" and yet goes into overtime some nights for whales to save it
- thinks Atlus USA and Atlus Japan both make games independent of each other
- compared horrific animal abuse videos on YouTube to him receiving low views on YouTube
- claimed another ear infection to take a day off for Kat's birthday
- played WWE Championship during this time off
- if he cannot beat a stage on the first try, it is "bad game design"
- asks fans to recommend games for the Rage-a-thon; dismisses games that has made him rage
- says Street Fighter V does not make him rage at all (pffft)
- called his fans stupid for voting for a Rage-a-thon and not an indie marathon
- googled eardrum surgery and used the first figure given ($18,000) without consulting a doctor
- vest streak ended... but went into overtime for the whales to save the streak (it did)
- doesn't want to dance like a puppet for the whales; still wears the vests and blows bubbles
- says H.P. Lovecraft was an anti-social racist shut-in; et tu, Phil?
- his earphones are disintegrating due to acidic sweat, ear bacteria, and grease
- admits his greasy hair and rancid ears melted the cupping of his earphones
- blames the earphones for poor quality and downplays his unhygenic ears
- has a 15 second donation animation for a $100 tip and heavily hints at wanting to see it
- didn't give the name of the person who made the animation, just called them "a fan"
- he couldn't play games with a 'perforated eardrum', so he played WWE Champions until 3am
- usually gets chargebacked but due to his ear infection he thinks it is now a personal attack
- the vest streak ended and he whined on twitter but says only trolls cared about the streak
- blames being sick for the vest streak ending while also blaming his fans for withholding tips
- his first instinct upon the vest streak ending is to either restart it or continue it from 276
- blames his dusty office for ear infections, will clean it; no word on cleaning himself more
- made a big deal of cleaning his office, suggesting he/Kat doesn't clean it regularly
- hadn't cleaned his carpet in six years
- his loveseat damaged his wall; he blamed the loveseat and not himself putting it there
- spins in his decade-old chair to celebrate big donations (revealing his bald spot)
- did a 180 on Cuties and is now condemning it after having defended it
- claims nobody knew what Cuties was until it came out on Netflix; it won awards for nothing!
- called Tony Hawks Pro Skater a puzzle game because he actually has to find stuff
- his rememberence to 9/11 in the year 2020: less than two minutes given in his pre-stream
- heard a neighbour's fire alarm going off, knows they're not home; complains and ignores it
- thinks his trolls are the lowest form of life
- rants about people holding a baby gender reveal party; his only family is Kat and his cat
- admits that as a streamer he charges for chair-spinning and the glasses because its his 'job'
- says the only dirty thing about his gaming room is the dust; doesn't mention the semen stains
- insists that him playing WWE Champions is a dead meme; had recently played prior to saying it
- didn't know what a rainy day fund was
- admitted that the whale HankDumas has been secretly donating behind the scenes
- emptied two retirement accounts to keep his 'business' going
- ranted about trolls saying 'nasty things' about Kat in the chat (a.k.a. her past)
- insinuates that the trolls were why Kat left the 2018 Halloween stream; she was clearly bored
- made a disgusting joke about him sitting on the toilet, getting stuck, and breaking the toilet
- mocks himself by saying if you dream of him you are cursed (and he smells bad)
- has a new donation incentive: for $20 he will eat three Zombie Skittles
- is obsessed about Kiwifarms reporting on his Connecticut condo, giving them attention
- says the Kiwifarms trolls are using false info; they are literally using the court documents
- assumes some/all the Kiwifarms trolls are unintelligent losers; some are legit lawyers
- upset that he couldn't pre-order a PS5; needs those day one views!
- rants about elitists getting the PS5 'early'; got his PS5 this way, pretends to be empathetic
- refuses to cancel his PS5 pre-order to not look like a hypocrite
- loses Street Fighter matches to trolls that literally mash buttons; pro fighter!
- openly talks about his fecal problems onstream with no shame
- receieved a 100k bits cheer; is happy for a minute then goes back to complaining about games
- mocks LowTierGod by pretending his turn his webcam off when he doesn't get enough tips
- "I may be a well-intentioned streamer who does it for the love of it"
- sprays Jasper with a water bottle and claims he knows cat psyche and has trained him
- receieved $1000USD~ in bits; still blackmails his paypigs to tip more to buy the Xbox Series X
- assumes that Twitch cheers are unrefundable; if the credit card is stolen Twitch will refund it
- did not consider that the whale giving 100k bit cheers might be using a stolen credit card
- mentally tortures himself over the fear the 100k bit cheers WAS made with a stolen credit card
- mocks children who talked on mic because of their young voices; mature adult!
- doesn't believe that hacking in an online game is possible with a dongle of sort
- claims King Tut never got his money back from fake tips; Tut says he did get get his money back
- put video game streaming on the same level as construction work
- reckons it'll take a week to put up the Halloween and Christmas decorations
- hears cop sirens outside his house and gets paranoid; still can't get over getting swatted
- so paranoid he refunded a donation simply because the donator's name was Pranks
- compared chargebacks to getting swatted in terms of ruining him
- joked that getting more water was to contact the whales; they don't respond to him anymore
- still doesn't realise why he's a lolcow, still thinks it's all jealousy against him
- hated Heath Ledger's version of the Joker as it is not comedic enough and 'out of character'
- considers himself unattractive and accepts it and is content to never improve himself
- tells fans not to stop tipping just because he seems to be doing well; most are fake tips!
- is sick of YouTube so he refuses to mute the game music; still pissed when the vids are claimed
- lists off his schedule for a typical day; showering/bathing is noticably absent
- joked that he drinks toilet water and chews the residue
- threatens Jasper with a spraying via the water bottle when he wanted Phil's attention
- refuses to eat Zombie Skittles even after the donation incentive is hit
- his right ear is swelling up again, showing he still doesn't wash his oily dirty ears enough
- claims he has a strong stomach but a salad from Wendy's made him ill once
- complained about Cyberpunk 2077 being delayed, now wants it delayed again because he's too busy
- his doctor says don't use earphones; he insinuates the doctor is an idiot
- assumed his ear problems are mostly caused by him sleeping on his pillow wrong
- assumed he knew what caused his ear infection, saw a doctor anyways
- assumes anybody who annoys him is a detractor, even if they are a fan
- refuses to give away free Twitch subs for any reason ever
- someone made an insulting donation about his wife, put the donator's name on the leaderboard
- has Halloween decorations up but keeps his lights fully on
- says he's not better than anyone else; talks down to his fans and calls his detractors idiots
- lied about never getting tips behind the scenes; has admitted it before at least once
- is jealous that 'influencers' got an Xbox Series X before he did
- said that if he DID get an Xbox Series X early he world wait until launch day to open it... pfft
- said that if he DID win the lottery he would still enable donations and tips
- so paranoid of fake tips he treats all donators with distrust until he manually verifies them
- sprays Jasper whenever he's about to bite the wires; doesn't think to cover the wires
- thinks spraying water onto an area with electrical wires is a good idea
- reckons Danganronpa games are 40+ hour games... well, he does do slow unnecessary voice acting
- his definition of a loser is someone who has nothing to lose
- is suspicious of big tips during a RPG game stream; assumes his fans dislike RPGs like him
- lost a game of Fall Guys, ranted to the camera, didn't see that he qualified, quit the match
- says calling someone a retard is a "deep personal cut" and not PC; calls his detractors retards
- justifies calling people retards by calling it 'observational humour' but only he can say it
- gets temporarily banned from Twitch for a fourth time and does a pity stream for tips
- believes the conspiracy theory that all the fake donations are from the same person
- says he just wants to play games and have fun but always stops playing to address detractors
- prides himself on being the 'variety gamer'; mostly plays the latest/viral games and Fall Guys
- lies that he created a persona for his YouTube let's plays; it was just him, nothing new
- his proof that the chargebacks are from a stolen credit card: all contact information is blank
- unaware that if he wins the chargebacks from the stolen credit card he is keeping stolen money
- claims he has never flagged anyone's content and thus he doesn't deserve false DMCA claims
- purchased two new pillows thinking that will help his dirty oily uncleaned ears
- vowed to increase security against fake tipping... with a method that basically doxes youself
- pressured people to make registered accounts to donate; some fans don't bother now
- his perspective on donators potentionally being doxed: "that's just life in 2020"
- says that the audience of people 'illegally' restreaming him is HIS audience
- says there is technically nothing legally wrong restreaming him; has called Tevin a criminal
- still thinks Tevin is only known for mocking DSP, showing he knows nothing about him
- admits he put a lot of money into WWE Champions; lies that he still doesn't play it to this day
- lied about saying he'll never play Minecraft again
- gave attention to the fake divorce papers non-event
- just one troll made the fake divorce papers; Phil treated it like it was a coordinated attack
- all his 'hot tips' and 'insider info' is just him on Kiwifarms
- asks the fans what types of games to plays, then bitches at the fans for making him play them
- replied to the Xbox tweet clowning him saying he's never been distracted by family (lie)
- thinks that Xbox dunking on him is free publicity, hoping this will spur donations and tips
- says "everyone knows who I am" like it's a positive thing
- put all his vests in a pile which Jasper jumps on; inb4 cat piss ruins the vests
- refuses to believe that a fan or troll of his would be impersonated
- only takes impersonations seriously when they give him fake tips
- claims he's better looking than some trolls; okay mister patchy beard and bald spot
- says that trolls are afraid of him; okay mister lives in a gated community and has an axe
- "Don't worry about the past"; okay mister 4th place EVO champ who wanted a Wolverine toy
- receiving fake tips exhausts him because he obsesses over reading and reacting to them
- disabled onscreen tip messages to spite the trolls, pissing off his fans and whales
- "This isn't a tips stream, it's a gameplay stream" -- pffft
- never plays with Jasper, leading the cat to have lots of energy during Phil's bedtime
- doesn't want his fans to raise concerns about possible fake tips, calls these fans "dumb kids"
- "JUST IGNORE IT GUYS, JUST IGNORE IT" meanwhile shouts the loudest and longest about it
- tried to unban a fan, accidentally unbanned a lot of trolls
- spent $40 on an alarm clock; good use of his business degree!
- admits the new donation system didn't stop the troll tipping; won't rollback to help his fans
- changed the definition of a documentary to dismiss all the ones about him to be "clickbait shit"
- says he doesn't blame Leanna for not cleaning the house but still blames her
- "She went off and did her own thing" - she got a job, made soap, and upgraded boyfriends
- his main reason for why Kat is a better replacement is because she cleans the house: soulmaid
- assumed that moving into the Seattle house would grant him free time, didn't factor in the debt
- is puzzled that people give donations to "people that really don't need it" instead of him
- basically pressured Kat into not streaming, blames the detractors
- says he won't make drama videos like ReviewTechUSA; makes drama rants on stream instead
- bragged that he got $3000k in bits even though he's sad because he didn't get those bits yet
- STILL begged for more tips after the $3000k in bits; chargebacks 'negated' all of it -- pffft
- complains about gaming news articles with spoilers; has himself read guides and spoilers before
- the aforementioned article doesn't have spoilers, it's a recap of prior games
- lied about never lifting weights before; in the past he claimed he was muscular in the 2000s
- "success is measured by the money you get" and believes people would kill to be in his position
- doesn't care that a known detractor donated to him, will keep the tainted money to 'own' him
- mostly aims for the legs or the head in FPS games, whines when his shots miss
- rants when his mods aren't present; doesn't notice when two of his moderators have a flamewar
- says his viewers addressing the mod fight is derailing the stream, derails the stream to say it
- so paranoid he keeps tabs on all donating accounts for inconsistencies and funny business
- told his Seattle gated-community neighbours he streams and e-begs for a living
- addressed the rumour he has a $500 coffee maker, proving yet again he lurks Kiwi Farms
- refuses to show proof he does not still play mobile games - trolls would spin it regardless!
- his Halloween marathon poll has games he won't play, like SFV, Danganronpa, and Among Us
- Kat has three days off and yet he refuses to do (Poorly) Cooking With the King during that time
- doing a Cooking With the King segment puts his family at 'risk' and messes with their 'schedule'
- says Yakuza games take priority over other games; has nearly fallen asleep during Yakuza games
- will ban anyone from his chat, be they fan or whale, who brings up 'waifu shit'
- dismissed the Down the Rabbit Hole video about him because Fredrik Knudsen didn't contact him
- assumed the Rabbit Hole video about him added negative spin, but it is pretty objective
- won't wear the Sonic hat no more because the trolls compared him to Chris Chan
- decided to wear the Sonic hat after a whale dropped a $600 tip
- insists Twitch broke the law with their intention to take down all clips with copyrighted music
- speaks about law and legality with authority; has barely done any research on the topics
- didn't know that a free subscription service would have auto-renewal e.g. EA Access
- thinks EA broke the law with a misleading subscription service (he didn't read the fine print)
- would tell his past self to be careful with what he posts; pffft he'd do the same things again
- said his early years of making content was 'innocent' (more like constant sexism and racism)
- so jealous of those who got PS5s early he made a spiteful fake unboxing with rocks in a box
- praised superblindman for his early PS5 but then made the salty fake unboxing; two-faced!
- refuses to divulge his budget because people would roast him for financial mismanagement
- "I need to give you my personal financials from behind the scenes? You need to go see a doctor"
- "I'm not trying to insult anybody" yet insults anyone for questioning his finances
- reckons video game videos/streams can be considered performance art (not at his skill level)
- says his gameplay is 'transformative' yet Tevin is illegally restreaming despite commentary
- lied that he has never gotten freebies or sponsorships before
- decries freebies and sponsorships as for the elite but blames trolls for why he gets none
- bitterly jabbed at Slowbeef on Twitter, showing his still has that grudge
- says he won't give Slowbeef a second of his time; rants about him for over a minute
- lies about crushing detractors on Street Fighter to cope with losing/ragequitting to them
- “This is legally an office”
- lied about only taking down reuploads; has taken down some TIHYDPs and other 'detractor' videos
- hides his married eyes from an exposed breast on the screen
- "I don't wanna see tits on the fucking game! I refuse to look."
- is appalled by seeing digital tits in a game yet makes tits jokes all the time
- refers to detractor videos as "garbage content" when 99% of them are just his content
- hates his fans talking about voting in elections yet wants them to vote in his rigged polls
- doesn't want to talk about finances yet reminds me to tips and donate quite often
- ragequit and uninstalled Fall Guys because the kids kept beating him
- accidentally called Kat his mom because she mothers him and makes better pasta than his mother
- refused to blow bubbles for a fan's birthday, makes a homophobic joke instead
- states he wasn't bribed to put on the Sonic hat; he was in a good mood! (after a $600 tip)
- got 'scammed' by Macy's because he did not read the contract carefully when ordering
- whined about a $800 couch he had to pay for; charged $2000 to reveal his cat Jasper
- "I paid 800 for a love seat that I didn't like." - good use of business degree!
- rails on Google and YouTube's 'culture' of toxicity and being pampered; he sounds just like them
- says Google employees are sheltered, whereas he himself was sheltered by his parents
- "I'm super excited for little ho!"
- his $3k computer STILL can't run TF2
- defended Sean Connery against allegations of chauvinism; is himself a chauvinist
- purchased a PC more focused on editing than gaming, and yet barely does any editing
- his Barry Burton costume: vest, fingerless gloves, GUNNAR glasses, and pop gun
- quit TF2 due to other players using troll names; says the 'fans' hate the game (just him)
- didn't check his Subway sandwich order, whines when they give him the same sub twice
- gives marital advice even then in his own words he barely sees Kat
- had to learn that people have feelings and that you should consider them
- worried he might not get the PS5 on launch day. He needs those day one views!
- says he's a flawed person but blames others for not pointing his flaws (kindly of course)
- "Honesty is the biggest thing."
- praises honesty and yet bans anyone who speaks honesty that paints him in a negative light
- "I have a lot of trust in people" yet lives in a gated community
- re-defines what 'e-begging is' to exlude what he does
- "I'm not an e-begger!"
- someone accidentally sends him $30, refuses to refund him until the chat pressures him
- doesn't know why he is called a pigroach, then explains why with no awareness
- tells his fans not to donate to rich streamers who have contract but to him
- “Normally I wouldn’t care about tips being slow.” pffft
- e-begged on twitter for tips/donations after a slow day
- won't allow people in the chat to sarcastically hint about donating. "hint hint" = lean-in ban
- rants about IGN reviewing the PS5 and Xbox series X with weird review scores; does the same
- "Obviously I make some money on the stream, that's all I really care about"
- rants about mobile games being packed with microtransactions; he knows from experience
- puts lots of money into mobile games that eventually wiped his accounts
- complains when trolls bring up his mobile gaming habit; talks an awful lot about it himself
- points out that the COVID-19 coronavirus has a 90% survival rate; still wants people to isolate
- says that Kiwifarms will roast him for his failures, proving yet again he still lurks there
- insists that constant 'dead air' is something he can't control (because he's not entertaining)
- "Money doesn't matter to me" then reminds everyone to chip in with contributions
- got a new emote; one is him with a faked goatee (it's too hard and full of hair)
- says YouTube is a dead platform due to demonitisation; somehow detractors make money off him
- is annoyed that people are celebrating Christmas early; uses the early Holiday Season for tips
- "I'm a pro at root cause analysis"
- forced a fan to prove his donations, one was false. "Go fuck yourself! You are mentally ill!"
- "I don't hold grudges."
- his chat tricked him into thinking his stream was down
- "Even just a dollar helps" and yet ranted at someone who donated just a dollar and banned him
- changed his PS5 payment method and got the shipping delayed and got salty about it
- did not think of transferring money from his bank to his PayPal
- does not see the parallel between the unobtained Wolverine toy and the PS5
- says YouTube is just an archive and yet whined over missed PS5 day one views on YouTube
- encountered the one doing the chargebacks and gave a weak apology then ranted for ages
- seeing people tweet about the PS5 has him jealous enough to call them shills
- says he wouldn't accept a free PS5 from Sony if he wasn't allowed to criticize it... pfffft
- "I don't shill for anyone, never have and never will"
- puts the chat into timeout because they posted copypasta rather than talk to him (he's boring)
- just wants to enjoy playing a game but forces himself to be distracted by tips and the chat
- didn't mention the $200 chargeback until someone brought it recent chargebacks
- unboxed his PS5 and got it covered in cat hair because he doesn't clean the fur beforehand
- wouldn't show the chat the PS5 controller as "everyone's already seen it elsewhere"
- insisted a 5 foot cable was 3 feet, held it out to prove it, it fulls his wingspan
- gets new headphones for PS5 even though he has an ear infection that affects hearing
- won't let Jasper play in the cardboard box the PS5 comes in
- didn't do colour correction on his camera, leading to a yellow video tint
- excused the colour tinting as not having experts helping or specialized hardware
- keeps the PS5 on the carpet; R.I.P. another console to death by dust
- his setup he has a dangerous mass of cords and the TV perched on the corner 3/4 profile
- is confused why the PS5 controller won't sync to the system; turns out he forgot to turn it on
- turned off auto-rest on his PS5, hopes it doesn't overheat
- took the PS5 for a spin... on Bugsnax, a kids game
- speaks on mobile gaming like an expert, neglects to mention the thousands of $ he's spent on it
- doesn't make his own dinner and lets Kat, who is suffering from chronic tooth pain, do it
- rant about 'idiots' panic buying, while he himself plans to buy as many groceries as possible
- permabans anyone for copypasta, meanwhile his reminders to tip and subscribe IS copypasta
- posted a screenshot of a Kiwifarms thread, disproving that all the KF info is from other people
- mashes buttons in Demon Souls, denies it, wonders why he keeps dying
- won't re-enable YT comments despite good ratings because he fears DIHYDP videos
- dares his viewers to see if any other streamer has a death counter, ignores all evidence
- removes the death counter due to it being too much work
- also admits he will get embarassed by the high death count number, knows trolls will be accurate
- has a $20 Patreon tier to answer question, but answers everyone's questions for free on stream
- rants about the Video Game Awards because he feels he knows more about quality games than them
- complains that late year game releases aren't nominated for GOTY awards, thinks it's quality
- doesn't want The Last of Us 2 to win GOTY because it is liberal shilling and has cringey sex
- says that the microtransactions on Ultimate Team in FIFA are pay to win; okay Mr. WWE Champions
- mixes business with pleasure, doesn't want to play games he likes if contributions are low
- blames the pacing in The Last of Us 2 for it being a bad game; doesn't mention the sex scene
- DSP says he is very liberal; cringes at anything LGBT or progressive
- "I'm someone who's independent, someone who wants to think for himself"
- ranted that mainstream media dared say that his old hometown of Bridgeport, CT, was a nice place
- stated that if everyone puts in good effort, the world would be better; he does the bare minimum
- dismisses the hypocrisy of laziness by saying he's here six days a week; quantity over quality!
- "I don't talk out of my ass constantly anymore"
- "I don't wanna talk at length about it" yet rants on Twitter and on stream about it
- thought Demon's Souls would be easy but rages when the Dark Souls QOL features are missing
- whines that his teammates go AWOL in Call of Duty; doesn't communicate, mutes everyone
- may shoot enemies first in CoD games but he always goes for the legs or waist and not the head
- took two weeks to realize he has a faulty PS5 controller
- claims he fell into doing gaming as a job, but he;s always taken donations through Paypal
- states that him e-begging for another PS5 controller is not e-begging
- says that people pointing out his e-begging are jealous idiots, even his own fans
- tells people if they don't like him they can just leave; that same toxicity lead to TIHYDP
- says he has a grocery store really close to him, and yet go for fast food whem out of things
- says he didn't signal to whales during water break, he instead refills with toilet water
- insists he never grinds in RPGs anyone, yet grinds onstream
- states that he isn't behind getting a YT detractor channel getting shut down... suspicious
- complains when a game is too predictable; complains when a game is very RNG
- wouldn't allow a company to use his video content... because their offer was too low
- lies that he can't see the credit card numbers of tippers; it's how he IDs fake tippers
- gets a new PS5 controller and it is also 'faulty'; blames Sony and not himself
- won't refund the fan who bought him a new controller, bans anyone who brings this up
- “I have very big thumbs” and shows an average sized thumb to the camera
- blames gout for his 'oversized' thumbs
- wants people to stay at home during the epidemic and contribute to him so he can get groceries
- blames trolls for forcing him to declare his cat, which he should have done to begin with
- admits that he takes down detractor videos (the same ones that doxed him supposedly)
- doesn't mention things that could put his family at risk, like Jasper getting sick
- blames haptic feedback on his innaccuracy in CoD games and not his shitty aiming
- "I'm not going to sit here and talk about it at length" - talks about it at length
- won't allow his chat to derail into politics; derails the stream to talk about politics
- says that politicians should be accountable to their voters; he isn't accountable to his fans
- downplayed the vest streak, then started a Santa hat streak
- tried to put the Santa hat over his headphones
- when asked what his last meal would be, he got offended by the implied death threat
- went on a tirade about escaping his execution because 'stupid question gets stupid answer'
- declines the possibility of a fan meet-up,,, because they expect him to give prizes/gifts
- makes up that some fans confess they only show up for his pre-stream, hence he's keeping them
- states that without pre-streams, people will be like "when does the game actually start"
- so jealous of WingsofRedemption he bans his fans from his chat
- says that by calling fans a nickname you take away their identity (by giving them an identity?)
- already tried to have a fanbase nickname back in 2012 to sell t-shirts: the Hate Army
- bans people for talking about behind the scenes drama; observes behind the scenes drama
- covers his eyes from a lesbian sex scene but doesn't look away from a near naked man... hmm...
- claims to know who all the detractors are, won't admit he has spies who inform him
- allows himself to be distracted by the chat and cheers, bans lots of people
- unbanned the fans who caused the stream derailed, rendering his rant null and moot
- says he's not recording for YouTube for a bit of honesty, which comes across as dishonesty
- lied yet again that he's not in it for the money
- calls fans/trolls who tip small amounts '50 bit bitches', stole it from detractors
- is convinced that Demons Souls Remastered has input delay, proved himself wrong constantly
- says he has skill with Soulsborne games; does the same old spam attacks and cheese bosses
- his response to a possible fan meetup? Threatens to report the organizer to the police
- whines that Call of Duty games aren't realistic
- is upset that people still care about Fortnite
- says that streamers that do memes are pathetic; okay, you vest-wearing bubble blowing bozo
- insinuates that the real streamers are the ones playing hot new releases, not meme games
- admits streaming is hard because he has nothing meaningful to say
- doesn't like fans/trolls that act up to make the stream entertaining
- won't lower the tips threshold for the vest because he wants that money
- is jealous he didn't receive a Cyberpunk 2077 action figure; it's the Wolverine toy again!
- hates that The Last of Us 2 won the game awards, called it 'butt kissing' from 'elites'
- lied that he does not quit a game if it doesn't bring enough donations e.g. Yakuza 7
- believes that there IS something as bad publicity, thinks he's influencing game sales
- doesn't like content creators who give away consoles as gifts because they want fame and good PR
- implied he would give away gifts for good PR if he could afford it (hypocrisy)
- refuses to believe he has generous fans (or as generous as hard data suggests)
- rants that Social Blade is always incorrect, not realising that is always approximations
- cheeses a boss in Demons Souls by killing it from afar; whines when he gets killed from afar
- admits that detractors making fail videos of him are legit, even out of context
- gives his blessing for TIHYDP videos to be made; will probably flag them down
- rants about trolls making shit up about him; won't provide proof of the truth
- admits he has flagged highlight channels before, says he doesn't do it anymore (pffft)
- received a $100 donation, put on the vest, then took it off some minutes later
- says he exists nowadays because of natural growth; does not mention the whales funding him
- calls Kiwifarms a laughing stock trying to ruin his life; is himself a ruined laughing stock
- vows to spray water at Jasper for distracting him... while Jasper's in front of the TV and PS5
- admits that he mobilised his Twitter followers to vote Ghost of Tsushima for GOTY over TLOU2
- said Ghost of Tsushima didn't get any attention at launch; it sold 4 million copies at launch
- still upset about the coffee maker he purchased years ago that trolls keep 'lying' about
- says he doesn't ask for review copies but implies he wishes he does
- says he can easily get review copies if he wants; doesn't realise he's a toxic person
- claims small YouTube channels can get early copies, and yet ranted about the 'few elite'
- says he didn't care about people playing Cyberpunk 2077 early, ranted about it for five minutes
- played Cyberpunk 2077, a very hyped game, and got little in donations; blames 'overhype'
- stepped into a forbidden area in Cyberpunk 2077 and got shot, blames the game for being stupid
- messed around in Cyberpunk 2077 to find things to complain about on Twitter
- doesn't know or care that every open world game is buggy, just wants attention/clout
- doesn't realise or care that stalling to find glitches in CP77 is upsetting his viewers
- derailed the stream for a suspicious $1 tip
- gave attention to a lie that Kiwifarms will file a class action lawsuit against Twitch
- “I have no idea if this is true or not” but ranted about Kiwifarms as if it was true
- did not research on Kiwifarms about this, which he won't find since the email sender is a troll
- he does not believe the lawsuit but wants to believe it because he hates Kiwifarms
- cited Nick Rekieta as an authority on law, but he once called him a fake lawyer detractor
- lied about Untilted Goose Game again (used a fan's tips to pay his bills instead), so no refund
- lied that he still doesn't play WWE Champions, but his Line account has his phone number on it
- said that the 'Line app' is a detractor meme, proving he knows about Line
- his ear infection came back just after he was exposed using Line for WWE Champions... hmmm...
- says he has drops left, but he shouldn't have drops as you must take the whole dose
- exaggerated the 'cocktail' of drugs he took in high school; he mostly took them for acne
- having to do a password recover for his insurance app ruined his day
- revels when he outlasts businesses like a sociopath after they part ways with him
- blamed OPSEAT going under for their chairs quality, not trade tarrifs; calls it karma
- blamed trolls for spamming lies about Phil to OPSEAT, but OPSEAT found the fap video
- gave free advertising to OPSEAT, said OPSEAT backing out broke the law
- gives business advice; okay Mr. 500k in debt and barely floating by on whales' donations
- says that everything made in China is crappy quality, even though half his stuff is from there
- now calls his trolls 'haters' because 'detractors' gives legitimacy to their actions
- disabled nudity in Cyberpunk 2077 because he is a married man and needs that money
- immediately backed out of a sex doll conversation in CP77 because it might lead to sex
- barely looks at CoD death replays to see his shitty aiming, blames lag and his controller
- treats chargebacks as money taken from him as a net loss rather than money not net gained
- getting $60 per stream is in his eyes a bad slow night, so he ups the begging
- received $200 in tips but refused to put on the cowboy hat because he did not promise it
- spells 'doxed' as 'DOXXed'
- denied that the Line account is his, provided no evidence, says it was a troll's spoofed #
- knows not to accept the suspicious $100 tip, accepts it anyways to wear the vest
- claims he changed his cellphone number, but his resistance to change makes that unlikely
- acted like a total Karen when getting his doctor's appointment for his ear infection
- bragged that he makes more money than smaller streamers just after he begged for tips
- sometimes doesn't bother updating the YT thumbnails, such as using Yakuza 7 for Cyberpunk 2077
- whined that Cyberpunk 2077 is a mishmash of elements of other games... that he likes
- thinks that any looter-shooter game is like Borderlands and no other game
- forced himself to play Cyberpunk 2077, even though he hated it, because he wants that money
- tried to charge $20 for a chargeback to deter/keep fake tips (didn't work)
- the tip that spurred the aforementioned scheme was not contested, suggesting it was planned
- showed a screenshot of his Paypal account: $-48! Successful streamer and business btw
- "Let's not talk about money today" but continues to talk about money
- fears that trolls will use the newly banned words on Twitch, but he gets racism daily no probs
- ponders how toxic streamers have a following; yes, we wonder too
- wants COVID-19 cured... not to save lives but so that he and Kat can eat at restaurants again
- "listen to the experts!" "I want the lockdowns to end!"
- admits he doesn't shower enough
- “People that don’t like me are really stupid”
- provides no evidence for anything because he assumes his detractors will 'move the goalposts'
- provides no proof of his refund request for Cyberpunk 2077, so he keeps playing it until then
- locks Jasper out of the room when he chews on the cables, doesn't get the hint that he's hungry
- says that he has no problem making male friends, but he has no male friends, only Kat
- says Cyberpunk 2077 is a waste of money; spent $500~ that night on WWE Champions
- doesn't know anything about the stocks or the stock market, gives advice anyways
- despite checking each tip for validity, he allows obvious fake ones e.g. $88 from "An Apology"
- keeps finding excuses to not wear any gear; ear infection for Santa hat, soap in eye for glasses
- is bewildered that his chatroom bot does not prevent 'banned' words that use symbols
- believes that the people that ask the same questions in his chat are trolls and not just bored
- takes vitamin D vitamins because he goes out into the sun about once a week
- broke his replacement PS5 controller wihin a few weeks of getting it; blames Sony
- insists he is very honest despite his long list of lies
- almost killed his old laptop with water damage by leaving his thermos next to the laptop
- received 100 gifted subs from Dansgaming, acted as if it were a personal gift
- lied about his patchy beard; claims that the bald patches are white hairs
- lied about not saying The Last of Us II is a bad game, just the story
- his streams get stressful when he has to decide what he wants his wife to cook for dinner
- ranted that the viewer-voted marathon games sucks, begs for donations to change the games
- used the password MrStupid1 for many accounts, blames his trolls when it gets discovered
- the password was found in a database leak linked to Twitch viewbots... hmm...
- claims trolls logging into his accounts cost his $3k, but declines to explain how
- ragequit and deleted Fall Guys after raging about the physics, in the end called it boring
- "I do what the fans want" but only does what the PAYING fans want some of the time
- had never heard of sultanas until Christmas 2020
- calls his trolls 'cult leaders' for telling his Wolverine toy story in a negative light
- gloats that his trolls are scared to type in chat; they don't type because they will get banned
- gives definitions to the words simp and incel, doesn't realise he sorta fits the definitions
- admits he still believed in Santa until he was a teenager
- is happy he got a desk calendar from Kat for Christmas, but every phone has a calendar
- spent 9 minutes telling a story about a fortune cookie he opened a decade ago
- "Traditional Chinese dinners end with a fortune cookie"
- his fortune cookie from ten years ago said his luck will change, insists it came true
- instead of promoting peace and goodwill at Christmas time, he ranted against trolls
- spent $1,014 on WWE Champions on Christmas Day
- blocks and refunds as many fake tips as he can, still gets chargebacks
- reacted like a child to a sex scene in Cyberpunk 2077; he's a mature adult, dood!
- muted the iconic soundtrack in Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 because he wants that money
- caught typing on his phone for whale donations whilst whining about low tips
- blamed the spammers of ASCII art in his chat on trolls, but they are actually his bored fans
- has zero interest in Dreams because creating his own games is too much effort
- "The common gamer is not going to drop $60 to sit there and make their own game"
- too lazy to scroll up in his chat to get hand held, blames trolls spamming
- ponders why Forbes has a Sexist Man list since they're a business
- takes most deaths in Call of Duty games seriously, cannot just shrug it off, has to pin blame
- wants kids to spend their money how they see fit, to have no sense of money like him
- picked all the gay options in Cyberpunk 2077; possibly homosexual tenancies
- says for 2021 he'll be a meme streamer, but he's already a meme streamer
- admits he's done meme things, such as the vest streak, blowing bubbles, eating M&Ms, and more
- took a tip from a troll because he was excited to finally get a Paypal-verified tip
- his first reaction to a seemingly busted microphone is to hit it rather than check cables
- may be exaggerating/lying about fake tips to encourage whales to hit the 'real' vest total
- complains of a glitch in AC Valhalla that makes him permanently drunk; okay, Mr. Gin
- his precautions to prevent fake tips will prevent small-tipping whales; calls them scared
- says that trolls have no power over him, but whines because trolls cost him money
- took 25 minutes to put on the vest after the goal was met
- excuses his constant yawning from lack of caffeine and not his late night gin drinking
- is caffeine dependent, relies on it for energy, will not consider healthier living
- started 2021 by being very toxic with a rant about so-called anonymous tipping
- "I learnt more in elementary and the first two years of high school than I ever learned in uni"
- had used glue to put the soundproof foam on his walls
- blames his dwindling income on increased tipping fraud and not his dwindling fans/whales
- wants to hit the tips goal every stream but tips aren't expected
- suggests that bot accounts can help him hit 200k subs on YouTube (hint hint)
- wants 200k on YT despite hating the site
- is thankful he declawed Jasper because he keeps clawing at the television for attention
- claims he was only acting like a bigoted asshole in his early YT days to fit in
- insists he only lessened his bigoted commentary due to being tired of them and not wising up
- says he checks his phone on-stream to see what the trolls are saying (so much for not caring)
- deliberately squeaks his chair to give a hint hint to whales to donate more
- for a replacement
- "I don't need to look at the kill cams, look at my screen to see what actually happened"
- Jasper coughs and sneezes in his gaming room, showing he doesn't clean the room enough
- says he blocked 260 fake tips, but if they were fraudulent then Paypal would investigate already
- claims he doesn't have a microphone that works with the PS5, but his $100 headset is for PS5
- still has his Christmas decorations up a week into 2021
- can make over $100 a day but still calls it a slow day because he didn't hit $100 in a stream
- appreciates that Dr Dre didn't die, despite him previously stating he doesn't like most rap
- suggested a reaction image of him be used as a substitue for the now-banned PogChamp emote
- refuses to honour the Viewers Choice poll because he's too busy with other games
- doesn't like kiddie games due to people like Ninja, but liked Fall Guys as it was untouched
- "I have a loving relationship with my wife....who also sleeps downstairs"
- joked he would start banning people in chat for using emotes of other streamers
- "All extra money this month is going to those extra expenses" yet doesn't elaborate on 'extra'
- won't set up an Amazon wishlist for items he needs, only wants money (might not buy the items)
- receieved two big donations from a whale, claimed he doesn't know how to refund one of them
- had an impromptu Ask the King on Twitter at 3:47am due to late night gin drinking
- very poorly described how to build a PC, including using 'gel' instead of thermal paste
- his PC building advice also said use IDE cables... which have been obsolete for over a decade
- then blocked people on Twitter asking him for more clarification on his PC building advice
- says he doesn't care about politics but then goes on a gin-fulled anti-Trump tirade on Twitter
- calls his e-begging 'crowd funding' despite not having a project/product to release, just bills
- insists that his 4th place win at EVO 2005 is valid, even though EVO themselves disagree
- runs away from Gojitenks everytime he sees him in a Street Fighter lobby
- "If you are not talking about me or the gameplay, you are derailing the stream"
- spent $2200 on WWE Champtions within the first ten days of 2021
- declared that a fan of his telling everyone is his birthday is a detractor meme
- so salty at dying in Call of Duty he removed the GUNNAR glasses, the $50 tips goal
- ragequits CoD games even when his team is winning (muscle memory)
- disputes CoD killcam footage that shows his terrible aim and awareness, blames the devs
- beat Cyberpunk 2077 all the way through, still asked for a refund, pissed when no money back
- tried to clout chase on Twitter, ended up calling a BLM guy "problematic" \
- thinks he's a centrist being attacked by left-wingers and right-wingers
- says e-begging for tips on Twitch is the most stable job he's ever had
- thinks a tips goal motivates tippers; unaware that whales discourage tippers
- apologised for the fapcident many years later because he doesn't want to remembered for it (ego)
- blames the Internet and not himself for the negativity he gets, plays the depression card
- compared himself to Robert Downey Jr as though he had similar talent with comparable problems
- admits the fapcident doesn't matter, while also claiming it matters because it affects him
- spent his day off on Twitter, denied he spent more time than average on there (lie)
- says people confusing him and CWC are getting lolcows mixed up, acknowledging he's a lolcow
- “obsession is not normal human behaviour” ok Mr. WWE Champions
- says the HDMI port is giving him motion blur
- accepted a fan-made emote that photoshopped out his patchy goaty and wrinkles (ego stroking)
- didn't know the global lul emote on Twitch was TotalBiscuit, a YouTuber he once had drama with
- wants to take more breaks even though his 'job' isn't stressful
- says he has a great life with family and business; an absentee wife, a declawed cat, and begging
- says he is happy and content with his life; his late nighte gin drinking says otherwise
- is happy that that he has no friends because he has Kat
- got a very obvious death threat on Twitter, made a song and dance about it
- then didn't talk about the death threat ever again
- moved to a gated community to escape the 'toxicity' even though he gets online harassment
- then inadvertenly doxed himself shortly after arriving, thwarting his supposed security
- says he has security now... an alarm and a hand axe
- says he doesn't have much anxiety; okay, Mr. checking every tip and muting every mic
- states it isn't healthy to sit around worrying about things all day
- moved his facial muscles to disprove the theory he had a stroke; still has a drooping face
- thinks him doing more daily streams than the average streamer puts him above them
- openly lies about lag when he gets stomped in Call of Duty
- hit the $100 tips goal, only had five minutes left in the stream, did not wear the vest
- "I don't get paid by Twitch"
- didn't update the tips leaderboard until the chat nagged him to update it
- then wore the platinum vest in the last five minutes of the stream just to disqualify it later
- lies about only going overtime when the tips goal is hit; he actually goes overtime TO hit it
- his chat tries to get him to ban racist content in his chat, just calls them whiny babies
- says the racist trolls are only doing it for the attention; gave them attention
- blamed his fans for 'derailing' his stream to moderate the chat,
- also blamed his fans for his outburst and rant and the inevitable anti-DSP detractor videos
- yells at his fans to "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" about ban-evading trolls and threatens bans
- thinks that strokes don't cause strabismus, but his eyes really aren't aligned
- said his fans were 50/50 on the marathon poll voting; 83% voted for Open Choice
- banned a chat user for namedropping Sons Of Smackdown, which is his new WWE Champions guild
- a troll was impersonating a fan when namedropping Sons Of Smackdown; Phil bans them both
- “I have no idea what you’re talking about”, “I’m gonna preemptively ban you”
- kept failing the tutorial in Hitman 3, obsessively saved the game
- whined like a baby when he couldn't save scum in Hitman 3 when the servers are down
- ranted about Hitman 3's servers being down rather than listening to chat to restart the game
- shaved his beard to hide his patchy bald spot
- "It's not just about receiving tips" yet e-begs and bans all talk of money
- declared 'detractors' don't exist anymore because he said so
- “No more detractors, that’s outdated!” and yet still calls his trolls 'detractors' at times
- won't re-enable comments on YT videos because he fears DIHYDP and insists it's a dead channel
- says he's worked super hard for YouTube; floods dozens of unedited videos a day
- his new emote includes the Paypal logo, which is copyrighted
- admitted he stole the emote from someone in his forum
- says Paypal has no protection against credit card fraud, which may be considered slander
- claims to be a good Street Fighter player; keeps running from Gojitenks
- made $100 from a stream and spent it on a Nikki Bella 3-Star Bronze in WWE Champions
- “You can’t do that offline, it only works online!” - has not played 1v1 offline in ages
- feels the need to mention he farts all the time while streaming
- says Heracles' name in Immortals Fenyx Rising is wrong; got confused with the Roman form of it
- brings up Kat getting harassed at work by idiots to get a few sympathy donations
- lost his shit when evilibrium asked if he could make an emote of DSP's fapping face
- says he can't stop people using his fap emote; threatens to ban people who use it
- bans any sexual talk in his chat; says sexual stuff all the time on his streams
- says he'll never have another embarassing moment like masturbating on stream... we'll see...
- insists he has radically changed in the last five years
- says that some current viewers don't know about him fapping on stream; educates them about it
- says the fapcident happened 5 years ago so stop bringing it up; will bring up 4th place EVO 2005
- his advice on grease disposal; fill a paint can to the brim, seal it, and give it away (joke)
- complains that big name streamers are making the big bucks... as he takes donations
- observes that he is making enough to pay his taxes monthly; before or after WWE Champions?
- complained that King Tut's big donations meant he controlled what Phil played, which was true
- still allows his gaming decisions are influenced by whales who donate big
- warns viewers not to share overly personal information in the chat; pot kettle black
- says Ninja shouldn't teach impressionable kids about racism, while has made racist remarks
- chases clout by ranting about Ninja being impressionable and not responsible
- says Ninja is partly responsible for his impressionable fans; shirks Derich's antics
- admits his ass is disgusting
- rages about no-scopers in CoD while always using the scope; refuses to no-scope
- states he doesn't care what people think about him; recently bemoaned about the fapcident
- "I always have been anti-racist"
- says it is wrong to judge someone by their skin colour; has made racist stereotype jokes before
- chopped jalapenos, didn't properly wash his hands, then picked his nose and rubbed his eye
- ranted about people mocking his 'depression'; it was simply a time when he was bummed out
- ragequit a stream, immediately his WWE Champions account had activity; still says it isn't him
- claimed Yakuza 7 was the first Yakuza game with details on hostess clubs; every game has them
- likes big sweaty muscular men like Ultimate Muscle
- claims he has fan interaction in chat; mostly only looks at donations and to ban people
- accepted being called a cabron (Spanish slang for a cuckold)
- admits his reaction times are slow; still blames lag and netcode 90% of the time
- admits he gets mad and grumpy when donations are low
- mocks fans who want him to go overtime because they enjoy his content; he thinks they're trolls
- lost 47 minutes of progress in Yakuza 7 due to lack of preparation; "nothing I could do!"
- says he's never frivolously spent donation money
- refused to cash in on the Gamestop stock craze because hates Reddit, almost praised Wall St
- claims Guitar Hero and Rock Band killed arcades; they were wanning in the late 90s
- pronounced doge (as in Dogecoin) as dough-geh
- he kisses and says goodbye to Kat everyday in case she dies
- doesn't want to be remembered for dressing up; his Twitter pfp was Sonic and Colonel Sanders
- refuses to believe any comments that praise his appearance, thinks they are gay trolls
- says he takes two short breaks from gaming a day; likely plays WWE Champions during those breaks
- is tired of people bringing up his new WWE Champions guild, doesn't outright deny it
- also doesn't outright deny that the phone number for the Line account isn't his (it is)
- expects Jasper (his cat) to obey commands like a dog
- e-begged for money for a mysterious bill, won't say what it is, lied that it's the ITS
- thinks eating gummy vitamins is good enough to counter lack of exercise, no sunlight, and gin
- thinks herbs count as vegetables, especially in fast food
- exaggerates how much money he owes in condo fees and car payments, says he needs thousands
- his #10 spot for most disappointing games of 2020 is Donkey Kong 64, a classic from 1999
- his #1 spot is Cyberpunk 2077, mainly for the sexual content (he's a married man, dood!)
- some of the games on his best games of 2020 list were also on his worst games of 2020 list
- #10 on his best games of 2020 list is The Last of Us II... which is #2 on his worst games list
- #9 was FF7 Remake... which is again also on his worst games list
- Crash 4 and Demons Souls Remaster are also on the best list despite making him super salty
- loved THPS 1+2 despite not finishing it and muting all music for copyright reasons
- “Bugsnax is not for kids, it will terrify children and give them PTSD.”
- used to tough it out in CoD games with lag; admits he ragequits CoD matches constantly nowadays
- set up a poll that rewards points for tips; this violates Twitch terms of services
- talked shit about Wings for his worsening weight loss; he's the same way with banktuptcy
- says Wings' marriage is loveless; he and Kat spent most of the day apart, separate lives even
- ranted about needing to leave his old videos up to learn about the past; never watches them
- lied about never deleting videos; he has deleted various videos, such as him infamous rape one
- gave financial advice during the pandemic even though he isn't financially affected by it
- says he's only started accepting donations since the adpocalypse; he's had Paypal for ages
- joked that he has a meth lab in his house (really shouldn't joke about that)
- thinks that dual weilding two revolvers is unrealistic and probably impossible in real life
- admits his viewing audience are mostly children and he's an out-of-touch old man
- implies he is procrastinating playing older games rather than newer ones
- "I've had next to no issues at all on Twitch... at all!"
- misread a word and demeaned the one who said it; admitted he misread, admits no fault
- doesn't want anyone to have gout, but does want trolls to jump off a cliff
- thinks modern trolling involves intentionally ruining someone's life
- thinks trolls have no lives and nothing else better to do than ruin his or others' lives
- thinks lolcow observers are worse than the lowcow
- won't engage in the 'sleep with one, marry one, kill one' meme because he's married
- held up a stream for several minutes to lecture his top cheerer to not be 'toxic'
- still thinks Twitch erronously banned him one time for false DMCA claims
- didn't realize that the 'tax app' meme refers to WWE Champions
- "If you don't have a job and sit around playing video games all day, that's probably a bad idea"
- says you're a troll if point out he went from over-sexualing commentary to being a prude
- toned down the sexual content ever since he got caught masturbating on stream... hmm...
- calls ranch dressing "ranch sauce"
- commented about LowTierGod committing tax evasion... pffft
- his cat woke him up by scratching him at dawn, super tired and grumpy, won't take a day off
- says he only spends money on the essentials, like resutarants and delivered pizzas
- doesn't remember him saying "MEE REEE", thinks it is a bullshit troll detractor meme
- returned to Fall Guys with bubble blowing; so much for maturing
- "a decade ago, when I was a kid" you were in your mid-20s
- considers 'retard' a schoolyard insult, yet said it for many years as an adult
- admits he got called a retard a lot in school
- says he won't say 'retard' anymore because he's a mature adult (in reality it's Twitch ToS)
- raised money for taxes in early 2021, then turned around and said it wasn't for taxes
- ranted that many content creators don't pay taxes correctly... you ought to know, Phil
- held Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury hostage behind a tips paywall
- banned a heavily-tipping fan who made disguisting comments, didn't refund the money
- "There was no hardcore begging season last year". pffft there's one every season
- called his fans “disgusting COVID-riddled people”; ok Mr. Ear Infection
- responds to trolls talking about WWE Champions, indicating he is defensive and hiding it
- said there was no e-begging at all last year
- admits that the people in his chat are lowlifes and that trolls and fake tippers are worse
- says the WWE Champions evidence is BS; his own mods divulged it
- insists he isn't playing gacha games due him being granted bankruptcy
- thinks the bankruptcy lawyers and judges found him completely in the clear
- compares the 'conspiracy theory detractors' to Qanon believers
- put on two vests at once, says it isn't serious... then start shilling for it as a tips goal
- considers himself an internet success
- "Drake makes music for idiots... but you can like it and that's okay." such maturity
- 'inadvertently' started the vest streak again
- "Yes, I have a closet full of vests and I use them for business purposes."
- lies that he ever asked his fans to click on ads back in 2010
- admits he did ask his fans to click on ads... in 2009 (somehow that makes all the difference)
- said he didn't mind the new vest streak ending but also wants to immediately restart it
- ranted again about lolcows, acknowledges he is a lolcow
- says people who simply observe lolcows and not engage with them are just as bad as the trolls
- refuses to credit trolls for views and spreading word of mouth of his existence
- blames trolls for costing him opportunities by archiving his embarassing failures
- "There's nothing controversial about me!"
- insists people trolls him because he is successful
- heavily restricted the Viewers Choice event: no games that are hard, long, not fun, or expensive
- compared his trolls to floating feces he flushes down; he's a mature adult!
- "I do not play one game constantly"; Street Fight II Turbo
- is puzzled why people why wash their hands after they use the bathroom
- blocked someone on twitter just because Derich had blocked him; monkey see monkey do
- doesn't know Ellen Degeneres but knows she's a toxic asshole; takes one to know one
- admits he is a fan of gin, can namedrop his favourite brands
- wants known tippers to use unique codewords to prevent fraud
- so insecure of his marriage that he refuses to do missions if they have sexual content
- insinuates the vtubers prey on men; he preys on the gullible and paypig whales
- rants about vtubers act like prostitutes for donations; he puts on vests for money
- called out Twitch for censoring a Metallica concert; censors himself all the time
- "Twitch are pussies for being careful with copyrighted music"; mutes all copyrightable music
- said Metallica was dumb for going against Napster; he himself fights against illegal restreamers
- called out trolls flagging videos out of spite; has himself flagged TIHYDP and detractor vids
- still thinks Pewdiepie needs YouTube to survive; he's worth $40 million
- told a fake tipper they are a low life loser and to sit on a cactus and spin
- refuses to play on the intended difficulty level, always plays on easy casual difficulty
- stopped a stream for about 45 minutes to set up a new payment method for donations
- says that mentioning WWE Champions is a meme and therefore must be forgotten and ignored
- is willing to spray himself in the face with a water bottle for tips
- moped that supermarkets aren't stocking everything that he wants; first world problems!
- let food in his fridge and cupboards expire, leading him and Kat to throw away lots of food
- is unaware that bullets move faster than knife swings in CoD, compared it to rollback in SF
- thinks that being considered a 'cult leader' makes him spiritual
- acknowledges that gacha games are essentially gambling; still plays WWE Champions
- spent three hours on Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection before he got to the first checkpoint
- assumes every tip with an insulting message is a fake tip and WILL get chargebacked
- said that if he makes a joke song mocking Wings or LTG it is not considered harassment
- an example of a song about LTG is "LTG is a sexy man! $30 he'll turn on his webcam!"
- "Factual observations are not malicious intent"... unless it is a troll saying them
- is unaware that he and LTG are very similar with demands for money for things (webcam/vests)
- doesn't care about streamers that do gimmicks to get kids to their streams; he's one of them
- thinks KiwiFarms is bad because they radicalize trolls into doing 'nasty things'
- got woken up by his cat at 11am, said he might as well start the stream; still waited til noon
- spent 45 minutes in Divinity: Original Sin in a menu ranting and watching the chat give hints
- couldn't go to a doctor because his wife will be working that day, can't go alone
- thought carpetbagging was named after the act of people who literally steal and bag carpets
- a WWE Champions event happened and he said he couldn't sleep that night... hmmm...
- mocked his audience by telling them they have to be an adult to understand his tough adult life
- admitted the toughest part of his day off is the grocery shopping
- raged when dying to a boss that makes him have to redo the stage
- his idea of an 'unedit clip' of an incident is the raw original video that he deleted
- beat the first stage in Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection after 265 deaths; the king of retro!
- gets a suspicious tip; "I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and accept your tip."
- deliberately made a misleading tweet for sympathy and attention
- thinks he was being streamsniped in Fall Guys
- assumed that a troll in Fall Guys was specifically targeting him and not just everyone
- complained about some US states opening without needing masks; has said masks are ineffective
- Kat's new work shedule was some big change for him that shifted his day off
- flipped his shit when he got chargebacks from donations he got in November 2021
- compared chargebacks to request refunds from restaurants; had bought and refunded Cyberpunk 2077
- refused to accept any tips with stupid/offensive names, detering potential tips
- admitted he has accidentally called Kat "mom" because they both cook him dinner
- said he used to troll and harass people back in his youth; can't see that he is boring now
- says he was a loser for being a troll; is still a loser for being debt-ridden from gacha games
- "Why would you wear jeans around your own house?"; has a cat that scratches his legs
- admitted that jeans are for work, and since he sits streaming all day it isn't work
- had a falling out with the guy that made his website because he screwed up ordering a computer
- says the 'everyone is an asshole to you, you're the asshole' saying is wrong (he's the victim)
- says he's always taken advantage of; doesn't see the pattern of why that happens
- the codeword to prove you're a legit tipper is 'bacon'; pigroach oink oink!
- got very defensive when informed he makes over $250k a year; he makes about $100k a year
- said he doesn't get 7-8 hours of sleep; says he sleeps at 1-2am and wakes up at 8-9am
- accepts the term 'sissy', does not defend himself, claims to have a thick skin
- showing his jeans on camera was included as a 'joke' tips reward (secretly want the goal hit)
- accidentally left his stream on to have dinner, a whale sent bits, he never acknowledged them
- called his fans assholes for calling out his terrible CoD strategy of using mostly melee
- makes up impromptu songs about getting ass fucked and incest (sometimes both)
- banned a tipper because he said "I Love Sexy Babes"... on International Women's Day
- pointed out fake giveaway scams on Twitter; had given away empty game boxes before
- "Never ever would I wish harm upon anyone who's ever done something bad to me. Never."
- "I never wished bad on anyone"; told his fans to spam a guy on PSN; wanted to slap an 11 y/o...
- believes that every troll, no matter how minor, is out to get him cancelled or in trouble
- considers fake tips to be spam and bans them on sight
- jumped into a pole in Fall Guys, eliminating himself; is bewildered and puzzled why it happened
- ranted about the theory that OIC is a troll; OIC has admitted he's troll-tipping Phil for power
- "The risk/reward of going to Walmart vs the crime that could happen... it's not worth it."
- continued e-begging just after hitting the tips goal
- praised women by saying "we're equal with men", thus accidentally calling himself a woman
- says he respects women; disrespected Leanna and now Kat by expecting them to make dinner
- says Kat changed his life; barely sees her, only mentions her about her cooking or her at work
- ragequit four CoD matches and got put into another server... against bots
- says Uber costs hundreds of dollars despite Kat not living very far away from her workplace
- Twitter removed a post of his for copyrighted music, called Twitter "a dogshit company"
- called Twitter's removal of his Thriller deepfake a "fake DMCA" despite legit copyrighted music
- held a particular whale up as a gold standard; said whale wasn't a regular, just generous
- bans any and all negative comments about whales in case they scare the whales off
- fought troll toxicity with more toxicity, figuratively poking the hornet nest
- "I'm toxic? I'm ending the toxicity! The toxicity is harassing for no reason, you dumb fuck."
- grew up on the mean streets of Connecticut, and yet is afraid of WalMart
- says he'll stop playing games in less than ten years due to failing health... pfffft
- doesn't believe that a mod of his leaked chatlogs despite the plentiful evidence
- says what he and his mods discuss is boring; the chatlogs revealed his discord name
- says the chatlogs are fabricated, refuses to show the real deal (definitely hiding something)
- allows people to discuss the chatlogs but also doesn't want people discussing the chatlogs
- believes that being declared bankrupt is a sign that he is in the right about his finances
- "I'm trying to learn as I play" says the pro fighting game player
- is shocked that his 'bored' audience (no tips/donations) voted in a poll that he keep playing
- lied that two alarm clocks didn't go off for being late so he could play a WWE Champions event
- refused to enforce the no-racism rule in chat because a whale said it (only gave a warning)
- “There’s zero tolerance. I don’t care who you are.”, “Don’t say that again", "your only warning"
- the $300 tips goal is to put on a pair of jeans... which will be off-camera
- reckons being more prolific than WingsOfRedemption means he is better than him
- made KGhaleon a mod on his forums, who is notriously unstable and flip-flops his support
- blamed his fans for distracting him during Super Mario 3D World causing him to die a lot
- admitted he is getting old after failing at Super Mario 3D World... old man Burnell!
- believes that Ninja did not popularise streaming or boost Twitch as a platform
- "He's done zero, nothing." but previously admitted Ninja had raised money for charities
- says Ninja and other streamers are 'popular because they're popular' and not because of skills
- says he doesn't care about Ninja yet spent over 15 minutes ranting about him
- later brought up Ninja while playing Fall Guys; obsessed and jealous
- ranted about Ninja for playing a kids game (Fortnite) while playing a kids game (Fall Guys)
- implies that he could have been as 'lucky' as Ninja if he just acted out like him
- accepts that he is like Al Bundy, living in the past
- says he won't dance on camera for tips; puts on two vests at once like a clown though
- says his favourite type of shower is showered with money
- cancelled a stream due to Stream Elements going offline, leading to whales charging back
- derailed his stream to rant and rave about another mod (ThatAnonyMouse) that went rogue
- says the leaked Discord chatlogs reveal nothing; they revealed Phil doxed PwDubz
- the leaked logs also confirm that his Discord account is his WWE Champions account
- insisted he did not share information about PwDubz; had shared a pic of PwDubz's driver license
- made PwDubz take a photo of his driver license for 'proof of ID' i.e. blackmail
- made all his mods show him their ID (doxing themselves) for future blackmail
- says he censored PwDubz 's driver license in the image he shared; this is a lie, he did not
- believes sharing a drivers license image is not doxing (it has full name, DoB, and address)
- said ThatAnonyMouse went rogue for no reason; turns out Phil mocked Mouse's child sex abuse
- said ThatAnonyMouse is the doxer of PwDubz due to showing the (now censored) licence image
- lied about not policing what his fans do outside of his streams, banned fans trolling Wings
- "Everyone will forget about this by tomorrow" regarding the expose
- "I'm not the type of guy who holds grudges and holds ill will"
- makes his mods shame viewers into donating to him
- more than half of words and phrases that get you banned from his chat are about e-begging
- has said he's the king of retro and yet had to get advice from the stream chat
- mocked trolls who said $10 a stream is 'measly' which betrays his ranting about needing tips
- says he doesn't understand the hate against Asians; has made racist jokes about Asians
- later on wore his Japanese themed shirt, which has a racist stereotype and gibberish katakana
- says no one would want to see 1v1 him and Wings in CoD, despite the fans wanting to see that
- states he still wins chargebacks, despite evidence to the contrary
- doesn't ragequit and admits faulty gameplay when he's got lots of tips; money does buy happiness
- won't play Monster Hunter Rise for being "too complex to learn solo"
- made a big rant about retail companies because they shifted his wife's schedule
- lied about his wife now working during the day or lied about talking to her during the day
- “You wanna hear how the economy is doing, I’ll tell you” says the bankrupt person
- made a big deal about Jasper now being in the night streams
- says he last drank gin in mid-2020... pffft
- in reaction to being called immature for decorating for his birthday, he made poop jokes
- says that wasting time observing lolcows is toxic behaviour, sneak calling himself a lolcow
- claims he doesn't hold grudges against the old EVO competitiors
- says people like Gootecks and Mike Ross were "getting old" after SFIV died down; so did he
- says the EVO competitors would always tout their rankings; ok Mr. 4th place at EVO 2005
- claims Gootecks and Mike Ross talk shit about him but provides no proof at all
- states Gootecks and Mike Ross were like 'flash in the pan' despite their years of elite play
- "I can't tell you the truth about Kat's past" you mean her cheating and demonic possession?
- confirmed that Kat has had a cloudy past
- insists he didn't steal Kat, but she was dating Jeff the Subaru guy at the time they met
- says he won't talk about Kat's life and yet has mentioned her work shifts
- runs away from Gojitenks claiming he has bad lag, but Gojitenks parries projectiles like a pro
- yelled at people (who don't know him) for playing in SF lobbies with DSP trolls
- derails the stream to answer troll questions and comments all the time
- believes that the Ice Bucket Challenge participants only did it for clout and attention
- can't believe that the Ice Bucket Challenge raised lots of money to ALS
- warned his listeners of fake charities that simply pocket your money... hmm...
- "Restreaming me without my permission is the same as selling drugs or mass murder."
- responded to the Dan Avidan allegation saying he never talked to any underaged girls (Leanna)
- "Money isn't everything in life, stupid."
- admits that the trolls get to him, implies that his fans and whales have thicker skin than him
- thinks no one cares about him doxing PwDubz
- believes he has only quit very few games
- tells content creators not to groom and sext their fans; literally met Leanna that way
- backpedaled when people pointed out that Dan Avidan's situation is just like his
- still claims the bald patch in his beard is white hair
- lied again that he doesn't make mods show their personal ID to him as proof
- thinks he is improving at playing video games despite admitting getting older and slower
- demonstrated how he eats hotdogs, makes hand gestures that look like performating fellatio
- says he can could eat up to four hotdogs in one sitting
- "I'm not a miserable person!"
- made a very toxic rant when he tried to coax paypigs to tipping to test the new Twitch animation
- runs out of silverware constantly due to being too lazy to wash them daily
- says he doesn't want money from trolls (he totally does)
- made up a lie about a troll uploading videos to his channel via a 'mobile code'
- says he would never grab his crotch in a video; has fapped on stream before
- admits he can't sit still, rocks back and forth constantly, even when eating dinner with Kat
- his new top animation gif is a clip from Home Alone 2, which is a copyrighted media
- believes that saying Ninja only got popular by appealing to kids is a compliment
- only thinks Fortnite is the battle royale mode, says no one plays it seriously anymore
- thinks that trolls asking him dumb questions all come from an 'illegal' restream
- doesn't like Ninja for preying on children; okay Mr. blowing bubbles while playing Fall Guys
- flip-flops on hating and not hating Ninja
- insists his rants about Ninja are not rants
- "Morons follow morons"... pot kettle black, Phil
- calls his trolls basement dwellers; barely leaves the house himself
- refunded a $62 tip from a whale because he thought it was a fake tip
- blamed the whale for not having a verified Paypal and for mispelling his own name in the tip
- "I would never say ever that I'm a victim."
- says that people shouldn't be judged for what they say/did 10 years ago; 4th place at EVO!
- took over a month to get used to the daytime -> nighttime schedule
- derailed a stream to fall for bait about whales being spotted
- ranted that no one got the joke, despite acknowledging around ten people laughed at it
- has a donation animation gif of a censored John Rambo and Howard
- stated that there is no censorship; 'blowing up' the SD footage 'blurred' the edges
- “The streams are very fun. Why aren’t you giving me money?”
- "They spawned me on the edge of the map walking off the map!" no, YOU walked off the map
- refuses to wear the platinum vest because detractors voting for it are somehow trolling
- believes that PwDubz set up the doxing for drama
- still believes that PwDubz censored his drivers license (we have screenshot proof he didn't)
- reckons he got a receding hairline because his mom cut his hair and it wouldn't regrow
- goes to bed at 12am-1am while Kat goes to bed at 10pm-11pm... healthy relationship!
- joked that he's 76 years old; has the looks and reaction speed of someone older than mid-30s
- showed jeans to the camera, has a noticeable stain in the crotch area
- got a $200 donation requesting the Sonic hat, refused to wear it
- spent up to $2100 on WWE Champions in the last event; that's where your donations go, whales
- uses dual pistols in CoD, haves fun, but calls it stupid (his fixation on 'realism')
- "I've never done anything racist in my entire life."
- received around $700 in one stream and the very next day he's back to begging for tips
- admitted he squandered the money on "nice things" (like WWE Champions?)
- showed his stroke face to 'prove' that his mouth is not crooked (it sort of is)
- "I just make my mouth crooked to make stupid faces." - admits he's acting like a clown
- believes that OnlyIcedCoffee appearances are rare (he deactivates his account and uses alts)
- encourages his fans to entice their friends and family to help him reach 5k Twitch subscribers
- the reward for 5k Twitch subscribers: wearing a full jean tuxedo for a stream
- then revealed that the 5k Twitch subs goal was fake (more like he realised it was a tall ask)
- made OnlyIcedCoffee a mod; so much for not rewarding him for being a whale paypiggy
- only appreciates a big audience if they are tipping him, stream hype is nothing if no $$
- his birthday streams have gaming-related balloons you would get a pre-teen (manchild!)
- says that fans are not entitled to ask anything from the streamer, even if they a whale
- reckons taking over an hour to do grocery shopping is a normal adult thing to do
- "I always thought DMX's lyrics were very real and true! I mean...I'm not saying they were good!"
- shat on CDPR for hyping up Cyberpunk 2077; is excited for the much-hyped Elden Ring and new GoW
- think if you find and exploit an OP mechanic it's good, but if you're told of it then it's bad
- "Look at this! Super Mario figurine! Brand new! I bought it years ago!" then it's not brand new
- "Gojitenks don't you have a fucking life? Can you take a day off?" says the gamer
- blamed his parents for not telling him what was acceptable and what isn't
- the reward for hitting 900 Twitch subs: him playing a game he played in 2015 or earlier
- is bewildered that people bring up alcohol all the time; does late night gin drinking
- "Of course I'm not fit but I'm certainly not super fat or anything like that"
- "Stop sexualizing everything that's a woman, you sick perverts!" - used to own sexy figurines
- blames non-existent lag for bad gameplay; doesn't blame actual lag when it occurs, blames devs
- points out gaming channels that barely talk about gaming... during a very long prestream rant
- "I have glasses! I just don't wear them because they're for distance!"
- took a hypothetical question about dinner with Danny DeVito literally, ranted
- ate cake for his birthday even though he has gout (he has to avoid carbs)
- "Gout has got nothing to do with chocolate cake!"
- showed his connection settings on stream, revealing he only gets two bars signal strength
- his birthday outfit is a denim vest, looks like a homosexual, like Chris Chan in his vest
- doesn't want his fanbase to give themselves a nickname, hates that unity and bonding
- accepted a tip that mocked his 4th place win at EVO; he needs that money!
- now loves the penne meme, jokingly wants to use penne enhancing drugs
- expects a shotgun to kill someone from afar
- threw his back out doing 'physical stuff', so he couldn't take down his birthday decorations
- ate half a disgusting McDonald's sandwich even after hating the first bite
- complained about the meat being cold and soggy, but it's made to order; he waited too long!
- is so weak he bruises easily and doesn't notice until he spots them
- cleaned the storage room in his house for the first time in seven years
- excuses his constant rocking back and forth as back pain (that the Seattle air cured?)
- went very toxic at his fans for suggesting he use DoorDash for DSP Tries It videos
- believes he doesn't expect his viewers to donate or sub or tip, just give their time
- wants more artistic games; plays every new Call of Duty game
- "This is my job...but the most important thing is that I have fun"
- says he's unconcerned about Twitch now cracking down on grooming; groomed Leanna and Kat
- says it's good to see gamers overcome and persevere; says he'll look up solutions and/or cheat
- "I love gaming! But they missed the point of what you’re suppose to be doing while gaming!”
- “This game feels like work! It does! It’s work!”
- exclaims it is bad game design if you can't beat a level within an hour
- only paid his 'tax guy' half, and still hadn't paid his quarterly taxes
- changed his story: his CT 'tax guy' didn't screw him over, him moving to WA was what did it
- admitted that he will spend tips on his and Kat's anniversary dinner
- is convinced that people must have 'cheated' to beat Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection
- “You have to know what you're doing to play these games”
- "Someone named Blacks and Jews tipped me $5", says he won't say their names, already did
- is bewildered that people would give tips to sleeping female streamers; his own mods do this
- “By the way I forgot to mention this, Jasper woke me up and 2am this morning"
- “I don’t even really know how or what quickscoping is" yet quickscopers are "tryhard scrubs"
- doesn't want rumors spread about whales... not to spare their feelings but to ensure they donate
- claims he spently his money wisely; bankruptcy documents prove otherwise
- is baffled that a sniper rifle doesn't one-hit kill someone if he shoots them in the shoulder
- encourages donations just so top-tipping detractors can't pick his next vest colour
- critized people for going to restaurants during a pandemic after he came back from a restaurant
- was surprised that 'toothless' means no teeth
- says taxes are stupid, doesn't know how they work, hates having to pay everything he is owed
- says it's stupid that tax laws benefit the rich; discharged around $500k in personal debt
- “Hold on. I think my wife may be arriving home... Nope! That’s just a plane passing overhead”
- hates the word 'hate' and will ban people for it; okay Mr. King of Hate
- refuses to drop the King of Hate moniker because it is brand identity and he'll be trolled
- decided not to do a 100k followers special because he suspects bots are following him
- won't turn away from the mic to burp because he can't control them
- played a game by popular demand and wanted to stop playing it, said "this is not working out"
- bemoaned that it was very difficult to get vaccinations in his area (he's just lazy)
- “The elite already got their vaccinations! It’s us the commoners that are struggling!"
- tried calling around local clinics and hospitals for the COVID vaccine... at midnight
- supports gacha games and microtransactions so long as its within moderation (pffft)
- "You shouldn't be spending hundreds of dollars on every new character that comes out"
- says he hasn't watched pro wrestling in months; will ban you if you spoil PPVs for him
- believes his mere existence beats gojitenks but states gojitenks beats him most of the time
- left his room for 15 minutes on stream and stated he never cleaned the pan his cake was in
- guilt trips his fans for voting for the platinum vest in 80°F heat
- told his chat to lay off Tevin, despite hating him for years
- refused to answer how many pushups he can do in a row, called the donator an asshole
- believes you don't need good brakes in your car if you don't drive like a madman
- doxed a verified tipper who said one can use gout as a pre-existing condition to get the vaccine
- cannot come up with his proudest gaming moments because his fans' job to think of them
- “No, I’m not avoiding your cheers, I’m just not answering them!"
- said the PS5 isn't worth getting, even though he bitched and moaned about not getting one
- said his house was made of 'el cheapo' materials, but Kat really did rip the drawer off
- gripes about bots boosting his stream views; most of those bot accounts are already banned
- welcomed Twitch's plan to purge bot accounts, convinced self he'll like the real sub count
- “When my wife comes home she immediately washes her hands and takes off her external clothing”
- upset that the Resident Evil 8 demo is only available on Saturday because it inconveniences him
- "I’m not sacrificing my only day off with my wife... and my family! Just shut the fuck up!"
- acknowledges that it's unrealistic to expect a sudden open vaccine slot, and yet wants one
- "I'm enjoying myself. I'm having fun." then bitches and yells at the chat
- encourages his fans to donate because he knows he can't rely on whales forever
- blames his chat for why the tip goals are so high, because they're waiting for whales to tip
- announces that his taxes are finally done
- got a 10k bit cheer and immediately asked for more tips
- joked about doxing a detractor; has doxed people in the past
- doesn't like non-DSP talk in his chat but makes an exception for discussing the COVID vaccine
- assumes that a demo released a week before the full game's release is basically spoilers
- believes that if people are getting bored of constant CoD gameplay they must be detractors
- “My hobby was playing games, but my hobby now is spending time with my wife and my cat”
- ranted against companies creating artificial scarcity; plugged Twitch subs before sub goal hit
- decided to get takeout food for dinner during a heatwave
- doesn't realise or care that Twitch streamers can gift subs, refuses to gift any
- ate barbequed beef at a Hawaiian restaurant, despite needing to avoid red meat for his gout
- “Usually when you eat fish it tastes like fish! It has a very fishy taste!”
- insists he doesn't care for 'conspiracy theory' nonsense; always falls for drama bait
- is baffled by a gin + cherry juice mix due to alcohol; still drinks gin
- “The original Nier game didn’t come out here! I don’t even think it was dubbed over!”
- didn't understand why the RE:8 demo was PlayStation only (Sony paid for exclusivity)
- “There is really nothing out for the PS5, but my wife wants one and hasn’t been able to get it”
- speaks for his cat when he says the cat doesn't want to come into his hot office
- doesn't know or care that cats like heat, assumes his cat will feel the heat like he does
- thinks he beat Ghosts & Goblins Resurrection on Legendary difficulty (he turned it down)
- insists PWdubz is a detractor who reported him to Twitch who lied about being doxed
- sent his paypigs to DCMA to flag content on r/DSPDiscussion
- "I would never joke about someone dying or anything like that"
- does not believe in innocent trolling; ALL trolling is malevolent in his eyes
- is baffled why his paypigs, especially the pedos (BSV) and coomers (Derich), get trolled
- has instructed his mods to monitor fans' off-site activity to see if they mock his whales
- says if you make fun of porn-addicted Derich you are a scum who isn't right in his eyes
- says he doesn't care about pop culture anymore; still makes pop culture references
- “My focus this month is on tips”
- got a 17 kill streak in CoD, went back to sucking, blamed the game
- called his fans "the dumbest fucking kind of person" for 'defending' CoD and not him
- demanded a troll apologise to him for calling penne points "pig points"
- called NieR Replicant "NeiR Automata Replicant”
- “I have to pay my electricity bill! Please crowdfund my efforts!”
- finds girls talking about sexual things as 'cringe'
- “My dad did some digging and told me we have Native American in us as well!”
- refuses to get the COVID vaccine on a day his wife is working because he can't do it himself
- “All the other appointments I can find that work for us are very far away” aka over 5 miles
- pondered why his fans are concerned that he spent $70 on a baseball game when strapped for cash
- couldn't figure out what a baseball movie called The Babe could be about
- got kicked out of the Twitch partnership program, has no idea why
- refuses to believe it was because he doxed PWdubz, says that is false old evidence
- "I did nothing offensive! I did nothing to anyone that would warrant any of this!"
- “I know I didn’t break the rules, but I’m still the victim of abuse!”
- admitted he makes thousands and thousands of dollars off Twitch; so much for struggling
- began shit talking Twitch the moment he learns he's taken off the partnership program
- didn't wait and see if it is a glitch or human error, immediately burned bridges with Twitch
- littered his YouTube video reacting to his unpartnership with a shit ton of ads
- used a disgusted tone when talking about how Twitch took a cut out of tips, bits, and subs
- freely explains how bits work to the fans who buy bits, ensuring they won't be doing that again
- insists that him suggesting donating via other methods isn't asking for money
- "I don't talk about political things on my stream at all!" unless it's big like COVID or BLM
- "I've streamed on Twitch since 2013!" yet he left Twitch for years after his bitrate bitchfit
- is too lazy to make polls on websites other than Twitch
- thinks being shadowbanned means to get banned with no explanation given
- "I don’t judge people for what they like. I have never judged people for what they like!”
- pointed out his wife is crying, whined on stream rather than consoling her
- “Nobody cares about the vest but the idiot trolls anyways!” to the faces of fans who donated
- lambastes businesses for weighing in on social issues; does the same thing (he's a business)
- "My opinion is not offensive" and yet has offensive opinions e.g. defending Cuties
- "Did you see me standing on my sandbox?”
- celebrates free speech (yet bans detractors) and expects Twitch to be pro free speech too
- the Twitch admin “isn’t coming forward likely because they don’t want to be publicity flamed”
- only put on one vest, “we have trolls in the chat today, I'm just going to ignore you guys”
- got out a calculator to work out his new tips goal; anyone else doing that would be yelled at
- “Why the fuck would I read chat when it’s just a bunch of idiots?” very respectful to fans
- got handheld in Divinity: Original Sin II, complained about not playing how he wants
- disobeyed the fan's handholding, accidentally started DLC content, complained about pacing
- refuses to believe that PayPal shows your full name and other 'doxable' info
- banned a regular tipper because he pointed out that PayPal shows your personal details
- calls Kiwifarms and Discord forums echo chambers; his chat and website are also echo chambers
- says people have the right to question anything that is said or done... unless he says/does it
- supports free speech but will ban people for 'cultish' behaviour
- encourages his fans to use fake names for their PayPal accounts (this breaks ToS)
- knows fully well that PayPal doxes you since he suggests fake names and burner email addresses
- most of his commentary to playing NieR was references to NieR: Automata
- said the only COVID vaccine he could get is 2-3 weeks away (blatant lie)
- knew OIC was potentially trying to dox mods, ignored the issue and did nothing
- ranted that Joystiq is a dumb name with dumb spelling; okay, DarkSydePhil
- knew that Twitch has exclusivity agreement so no instant YT uploads, broke this rule for years
- "I violated the same rule for four years so why am I being punished now?"
- is unwilling and/or unable to make a slideshow presentation
- claims he "phased out Patreon"; still collected money from it
- watches ReviewTechUSA, even though he says he ignores Richard and other content creators
- hates the "cultish viral movement that Phil is bad, that has no factual basis whatsoever"
- "If you want to contribute to me, DO! Stop fucking talking about it all day!"
- “I'm really tired of people saying I’m a bad person and a bad content creator!"
- claims to have lucid dreams e.g. woke up and saw ghosts in his room (that's not a lucid dream)
- "The best way to deal with internet trolls is to ignore them" ...pffft
- claims not to know why Twitch removed him from the partner program; blames trolls anyway
- stayed on Twitch because of his 'community' (read: whales)
- allowed a loud buzzing sound to annoy his viewers until they yell at him to mute it
- the loud buzzing noise was made by his PS5 choking on dust
- ; blamed the game
- added emotes of black people to the auto banlist in his Twitch chat
- ranted about Twitch not caring about "the human aspect" of departnering him
- admitted he was a casual streamer because he can't rush through RPGs like most other genres
- hates Divinity: Original Sin II and pretty much called his fans morons for voting for it
- called D:OS2 a “troll voted game to make him look bad” (said 'trolls' being his fans)
- "I don't even care if it's Viewer's Choice"
- demands his fans hold his fan for Divinity: Original Sin II or he'll drop the game
- decided in the end to drop the game in the end due to OIC's tipping influence
- “Every single time I have any kind of relationship I have to think of long term implications"
- said "I'm holding you nicely" to Jasper while only holding him under his forearms
- claimed 900 people were subbed to his Twitch; most of those were gifted subs
- insists he is used and abused regularily and it totally isn't his toxic behaviour
- “I choose to move forward positively instead of being paranoid”; rants about detractors
- refused the swimsuit scenes in Danganronpa V3 because he's a married man, dood!
- forgot that NieR Replicant is a remaster of NieR
- almost splurged on a new laptop, chair, and green screen in early 2021
- “I didn’t do anything that was ever in direct violation of Twitches rules!"
- “Every manager I have ever had has treated me unfairly."
- admitted he makes $125k a year on Twitch
- “Twitch was incredibly disrespectful to me!”
- “My $5 pateron really means nothing, it’s just premium forum access. I’m just being serious.”
- "I'm not gonna over-the-top just start banning people left or right or whatever."
- thinks it's okay to ask for $200 a day because he's 'known' and not a new streamer
- ranted about roguelikes not having enough checkpoints
- ranted that roguelikes are not good game design and not a good genre for streaming
- “Why are games chores! Why am I playing a game and getting annoyed!"
- doesn't care about reviewers' opinions, expects people to care about his game reviews
- upset that reviewers gave Returnal a 9 despite flaws, thniks the whole review system is bad
- "Don’t put out a number score!", but "You have to quantify your review score number factually!”
- “I don’t get why modern games don’t let you save whenever you want!"; uses save states
- upped the daily tips goal to $400, still insists his fans/whales don't donate extra (wink wink)
- rants about reviews that criticize the game but still give it a good score; does the same thing
- assumes people actually treat Metacritic scores as infallible, says the website shouldn't exist
- main reason for considering a move to YouTube: he keeps his precious emotes; muh emotes!
- refuses to adjust the brightness settings on his TV because he insists on default settings
- “I originally left Pateron because of trolls! The trolling activity became too much!”
- warns fake-tippers of being investigated for fraud; is the embodiment of fraud
- ranted that the game devs at CDPR didn't get paid much; he himself took Project 7 money and ran
- "I don't like taking medications because your body builds up an immunity to it."
- made OIC a mod after months of insisting no one can buy modship
- says it wasn't a mass shooting since the guy was aiming at someone and inadvertently shot others
- insists a troll purchased and used credit cards he acquired off the darkweb
- “Maybe roguelikes are outdated! Maybe people don’t want to waste their time!”
- “Pokémon Snap is kind of challenging”
- mixed up 'legal' with 'contract', reckons he can sue Twitch if they ban him or don't pay him
- admits he can't afford sue Twitch (once again waving around empty threats like a child)
- "I'm enjoying myself, therefore I deserve payment."
- reckons the only reason why reviewers give roguelikes/lites good scores is due to good drops
- says he doesn't have to hit the tips goal everyday, then immediately says he has to
- insists he can't lower the tips goal or else "I'll go out of business!"
- used an item that increased damage to him rather than heal himself in Returnal; "WOW!"
- buys a respawn point for the stage 2, dies on stage 1, is upset he isn't taken to stage 2
- "This game makes you feel like shit! It actually does! The game developers don’t care!"
- “This game type shouldn’t exist!” in reference to roguelikes
- spilt water on his crotch; shows the stain to the camera and kept on gaming with wet pants
- actually believes people fall for obviously fake anti-vaccine trolling
- "Because I'm a 12-year old girl to do a stream with plushies!"; has done streams with plushies
- "If you include all your personal info into Paypal, you are doxing yourself!"
- calls what he does a business and didn't realize he has to pay income tax
- “Returnal resetting your progress when you shut the game off is insulting to me!”
- “I have no idea what the Washington state divorce laws are.” uh oh...
- pronounces foie gras as "fhrag wah"
- refuses to get LED lights for the background because he wants originality from other streamers
- "Why would I want to do what everybody already does?"; has foam on walls like other streamers
- is knowingly taking money from an underaged child, which is illegal
- stopped calling himself the King of Hate because he is afraid of cancel culture getting him
- spoilt Resident Evil Village for himself by reading the reviews
- "I like celery in my egg, uh, my macaroni salad! Now we’re not going to have it. God damnit!”
- threatens to ban anyone who says anything about eggs
- had to be told it was Cinco de Mayo and decided have a Mexican bake to 'celebrate'
- so terrified of trolls he keeps holding off on CoD multiplayer with patreon backers
- backtracking on PayPal doxing you as it turns out PayPal DOES give your full name and address
- now blames his fans and whales for putting their real details on their PayPal accounts
- “If you’re stupid you can accidentally dox yourself! Don’t be stupid!"
- “Here is my PayPal that I use for intelligent stuff!” pffft
- lied that he didn't see personal info from tips; his Discord logs disprove this
- disregarded the PayPal warning tweet by the verified user with no counter-evidence whatsoever
- “I told you guys this year was suppose to be a turn around year for me!”; that's every year
- thinks the 'illness' in Nier came from “the dragon” in Drakengard
- congratulated Tevin for reaching 1000 Twitch subs and tells him not to be a shithead to him
- beat a boss in Returnal (after patch) and thinks hard games don't feel hard to him anymore
- complains about freedom of speech on Twitch, a private platform
- “Kat wants a PS5, but she can’t get one because of how scarce they have been!” hint hint
- acknowledges that websites log IP addresses, confirming his website logs IP addresses
- lied about telling his fans/whales to use a fake name for their PayPal accounts
- tested PayPal with a friend and his real name showed up; excuses it as Phil already knowing him
- instantly caught out an impersonator of a fan; insists he can't see your personal details
- assumed that all the fake tips from stolen credits cards were by one person
- assumed that the detractor is using 50+ stolen credit cards; provides no proof for any of this
- complains that he is expected to provide evidence to back up his suspicions on fake tips
- played Resident Evil Village with very low lighting, spent a lot of time adjusting settings
- dropped constant hints of his creaking chair, malfunctioning laptop, and due mortgage
- ponders why the streams is so slow recently; spends ages asking for tips and not enough gaming
- saw a taxidermied deer skull and assumed it was an incorrectly rendered graphic glitch
- neglected to add a $200 tip to the leaderboard because the tipper was unverified at the time
- compared Resident Evil Village to Bloodborne because they share a grimdark European style
- responded to ReviewTechUSA's tweet calling him out... so much for ignoring drama
- “I’m not expecting or asking for support” usually followed or preceeded by requests for tips
- proud that he wasted hours backtracking and investigating everything in Resident Evil Village
- “What is it they say…back to the cutting board?”
- “I have a phone call scheduled this afternoon with my mother to wish her a happy Mother’s Day”
- wants to play a chill relaxing game but shat over Death Stranding, a chill relaxing game
- withdraw his praise for Tevin upon realising Tevin is still making streams about him
- "Tevin, you are a good-for-nothing loser who DESERVES to lose Twitch partnership"
- encouraged his fanbase to report Tevin's Twitch account (targeted harassment is against ToS)
- believes that getting his fans to mass report Tevin is a good thing
- takes no blame in Tevin's Twitter getting suspended the day after he urged his fans to report
- acknowledged his fans in his Twitch chat celebrating that their reporting got Tevin banned
- refuses to put on a fun wig to have honour a tip, calls his donator "you dumb fuck"
- lies that he doesn't complain when he has a slow night
- “My taxes and my mortgage are huge hardships that I need to pay right now, ok?"
- thinks that calling a baby born in a car 'Carson' is an inappropriate joke
- showed off his (lack of) Pokemon knowledge by stating there was a Ghost type Eeveelution
- believes he legally owns emotes that people drew for him
- "You're not gonna see on my streams wasting time with this shit"; said on stream wasting time
- assumes that detractors only focus on him because their positive content is unpopular
- paints all detractors as lonely losers with no friends... pot kettle black Phil
- claims to support freedom of speech but says people can't talk about Kat divorcing him
- “It’s been determined that in culture that video games are works of art! It has been!"
- "The experts agree!"; doesn't name the these so-called experts
- pronounced Louisa as "Lu-eek-a"
- reiterated he hadn't spoilt Resident Evil Village and yet knew what to do in certain parts
- allowed a big fan and tipper to be banned because he dared mention a detractor in chat
- admits he worries about big tips that could be fake but uses them immediately to pay bills
- assumes that no one wants to see Cooking with the King, hence why he'll never bring it back
- laments he's never experienced 4k gaming; owns a 4k TV but doesn't broadcast in 4k
- E3: “all the idiotic content creators running around being desperate trying to make it big!”
- his first reaction to a new whale is to ask for his/her email to confirm they're legit
- pronounced cadou as "cadoooo"
- ponders why mines deep underground would install air vents
- admits he makes about the same money since losing partnership, meaning he can pay bills
- stated he felt bad setting the fundraiser goal at $3000... for just that week
- "My wife is probably wondering where I am."; is only 8 minutes overtime
- “People say keep saying why don’t you downscale your life... the thing is I am trying!" Pffft
- has no emergency back up plan, is completely at the mercy of his whales
- one of the perks to donating to his Patreon is a shoutout; gives detractors shoutouts for free
- warns about spoiling the plot to Mass Effect, a game he played over ten years ago
- “It was never about the money. Don’t worry about it guys. Seriously it was never about that."
- allowed his tyrannical mods to ban permaban 172 people from chat during his $3k fundraiser
- only raised $1700 of the $3000 goal yet was oddly calm about it; secret deal with a whale?
- his $3000 fundraiser actually went to his attorny fees, not his mortgage or bills
- unaware or uncaring that misusing the money from said fundraiser is actual fraud
- got his Twitch payment, did not even thank Twitch
- lied that he can't show when the payment came in, meaning it might be from before the fundraiser
- “[Returnal] doesn’t fit the model of a content creator!”
- said something that sounded like the N-word, got suspended from Twitch for a week
- "They banned me! They banned me in the middle of a business stream! No justification!"
- Twitch swiftly removed the suspension; still thinks it was deliberate and moved to YouTube
- “I currently drive a very e... ec... uh... what’s the word? Uh I forgot the word for it."
- "I need the items I need to beat the game or the game is just wasting my time!"
- found the Twitch bathtub streams “extremely distracting”... I bet they were, Phil
- made all his YouTuber Supporter tiers the same: crowns, emotes, and a shoutout
- hates that superchats show up on the chat because they show his greed
- doesn't count superchats to the $200 daily tips goal
- refuses to lower his bitrate to 720p, hint hints that he needs a new laptop
- removed a "known troll" from chat... that he'd only know if he browsed Kiwifarms
- isn't sure if he's going to stay on YouTube, already selling memberships
- accidentally said vest when he meant face mask; has got that vest goal on his mind
- declares Twitch to be "falling apart" for mistakenly banning him
- bemoans having to edit his streams a little bit more for YouTube
- now bans anyone saying "HATE ARMY" in chat even once
- says his old racist content "can't even be categorized as racist by anyone with a brain"
- says you can't look like a sissy: "You can be incredibly buff and still be a sissy."
- begs his fans for new artwork for his streams, won't compensate contributors
- is stunned that Twitch's departnered him for hateful slurs; says words like 'retarded' daily
- "I don't use hateful slur language at all ever, ever, ever, ever, ever! Never!"
- says Twitch banning him is not legal and wouldn't hold up in a court of law
- demanded that Twitch reveal who reported him and make a public apology
- once called Twitch cowards for censoring Metallica music; furious that they stand up to him
- "I never broke the rules!"; playing copyrighted content, begging, misusing funds, drama, etc
- insists he's the least racist; calling Necromorphs jews, "in China they say...", etc
- "I want everyone on this planet to be happy!" (except his detractors and trolls)
- is puzzled why a private website like Twitch would moderate their content
- didn't realise that Twitch taking action on toxic behaviour also includes streamers like him
- gave Twitch 1 week to respond or he won't return (after they took 2 weeks to respond)
- insists he never spoke ill of Twitch; spent the last five minutes calling Twitch garbage
- assumes he can twist Twitch's arm into apologizing after lamenting that they don't care
- thinks Twitch responded in an unprofessional way (unbanning and apologizing within 2 hours)
- assumed his alleged 'hate speech' was just insulting looks; has called people retarded idiots
- says that it doesn't matter what Twitch ToS or his contract says, state law is on his side
- admits he will split his time between YouTube and Twitch after vowing never to return
- thinks his allergies result in sneezing and his throat closing up (lying or serious condition)
- reckons he can retaliate to trolls as toxic as they can dish it and Twitch will allow it
- won't sue Twitch; not for moral reasons but because he'll only get $30k and "it's not worth it"
- acknowledges he'll be supported by the same regulars and whales, doesn't try to expand
- feels safer and at peace on YouTube, feels like he can get away with his toxic clownery there
- intervened between a disrespectful whale and a mod by defending the whale for the $200 tip
- banned all Derich accounts, told the real Derich to email him to get verified somehow
- refuses to enable likes+dislikes and comments because apathy (actually mostly to deter trolls)
- “Right now I have no major income coming in”
- supports freedom of speech until he gets defamed or slandered
- pretends to ignore large tips that suggest/plea for him to stop begging so much
- calls Twitch out for normalizing hot tub streams as "predatory" and then asks for donations
- encouraged his viewers to go watch the hot tub streams if they want to
- believes he left Twitch but in reality he was mistakenly suspended and he ragequit
- wants to hit 200k subscribers on YouTube after years of not caring
- wanted to quit Divinity II because he had to strategize and couldn't coast through it
- “Jasper kitty is a troublemaker, but he’s not destructive!”; still sprays him with water
- lied that Jasper was declawed at the shelter when he clearly said that he got him declawed
- admitted he never watched The Quartering's content before doing the interview with him
- “Who eats hotdogs and has a side of veggies!?! When you eat hotdogs you don’t eat like that!”
- knows he is on limited time hence why he rushes through games as to not 'waste time'
- pretends to be disgusted with the hot tub streamers, actually hates them for stealing viewers
- stated he'd never go back to Twitch even if they apologized
- "I’m not going back now. Nope!” then later admitted he may go back to Twitch one day
- called Twitch the new Machinima for taking away his partnership 'for no reason'
- says he has a group of people contacting him behind the scenes, won't admit it's his Discord
- proposes that whales are better than detractors simply by virtue of them donating to him
- "TIHYDP became about hurting me and my family!"
- "Logical adult humans like us understand that crazy!"
- "People that are normal would never hate me or laugh at me in a negative way!" pffft
- made over $15k within 30 days of been de-partnered from Twitch through sheer begging
- begged for more money after having just got paid by YT, lied that he wasn't getting paid yet
- too lazy to edit out the word 'Twitch' from his prestream art, just deletes the art anyways
- “People told me no! Never go back to Sekiro! You’re too good at it and it’s boring!"
- deeply upset that barely anyone replies to him on Twitter, blames trolls
- admits he is paranoid about being reported on YT, but yet feels safer than he did on Twitch
- got over $1000 in tips a day and didn't go overtime for the fan
- debated whether to play Biomutant based on its reviews despite saying reviews don't matter
- dislikes the 'elitists' who get early copies but then relies on their reviews
- for input
- laments that his Biomutant playthrough will be stale and reptitive... like all his playthroughs
- “Biomutant is a boring repetitive game” then goes back to playing Pokemon Snap
- says Biomutant “feels like a game you’ve already played before” then talks about retro replay
- still pissed that Twitch hadn't yet answered his ultimatum to him
- "Did I get the vaccine? Sorry, I can't answer, that question is way too politically charged."
- admits he is no longer into gaming and is bored of modern releases
- “The internet culture was SO positive back in the day!" pffft the internet's always been nasty
- says that internet culture got negative, but he has admitted to trolling fighting game forums
- “The trolls are a cult who want to see me fail!”
- “The McDonald's cheeseburger is a nice little mini-snack”; oink oink pigroach
- “The nastiest thing at McDonald’s is the ice cream! It’s fucking disgusting!"
- said trolls are "still infants inside"; okay Mr. bubble blower
- “Today is action day! Tomorrow is Ask the King! See what I mean? I’m a variety streamer!”
- equates fans wanting him to play CoD again to them donating to him
- states that him being around for 13 years means he must be doing something right
- "I have to make smart choices and it’s impossible in 2021 to know what to play all the time!”
- still salty over not getting his Wolverine action figure, now blames collectors as well
- said Nintendo is a cult that could make “Super Smash Booty Dooties Duty” and people will buy it
- appealed to emotion to his viewers saying that Twitch de-partnering him made Kat cry
- “I don’t tell you guys everything that people do to me to hurt my family!”
- “I have to tell you guys the things these people do to me otherwise who would believe it!”
- tells his fans not to buy amiibos; has previously wasted money on gaming statues
- reckons Twitch de-partnering him is worse than anything he's ever done on Twitch
- salty that John Rambo monitized his video about pigroach; has monitized similar videos before
- states that he didn't win just a fighting game tournament but multiple tournaments
- relieved when there is no gojitenks to wreck his shit in Street Fighter games
- "I've never in my life charged someone to play me in a fighting game!"
- "Yaroslev Tarta... Tartakovsky? What a name." then mocks Genndy Tartakovsky and Russians
- refuses to budget for future payments because that would mean quitting WWE Champions
- refuses to take a few seconds to google currency conversions; stops stream to audit tips
- makes as much money on YT as he does Twitch, if not more; still begs to pay his bills and debt
- disabled likes and dislikes on his YT videos because the ratio shows how small his fanbase is
- stole @YakAlmighty's Aloy photoshop of him rather than simply retweeting it
- wrote an insincere Memorial Day tweet, with grammar errors, and he doesn't even vote
- spent half his Mass Effect begathon in menus, dialogue, and cutscenes scenes, not gameplay
- spent quite a while in the menus in Fallout New Vegas changing the menu cursor colours
- smacks and bashes his malfunctioning PS5 controller, hint hints that he needs a new one
- "My parents are way more like my parents than me!"
- claimed he healed his herniated disc by simply adjusting how he sits on his loveseat
- claimed he won't need $200 tips a day goals after he gets paid in mid-June
- speculates that his Metal Gear Solid playthroughs was when people started to hate him
- joking claimed his video game character crush was Urien from the Street Fighter series
- admits that playing against Gojitenks makes him feel weak, understands the skill gap
- states that Mass Effect 2 is a filler game
- raged against the Paul vs Mayweather fight because there was a $50 fee to watch the PPV
- “Wresting is fake but it’s still more athletic than that boxing match!”
- says you can see half-naked men sweating together for free; you would know, Phil
- asked his fans to make donation animations, with zero compensation as usual
- accepted new fanart for the pre-stream, which is so garbage it borders on trolling
- wants to go back to Twitch despite tearing them apart and burning bridges with them
- panders to the LGBT community during Pride Month; has a history of calling people gay and fags
- implied that transgender people are mistakes of science and not normal
- says his stream chat is "a safe space for all" (except detractors)
- is vexed that an “authentic Italian” restaurant has Americanized food; eats Americanized pizza
- enabled subs only mode to his stream chat, killing the fun and chill vibe
- believes that YouTube is seriously following him and taking his suggestions earnestly
- says if you read the synopses on Wikipedia, you don't need to read comic books
- stated that the USA's workers “are all untrained, uneducated and unskilled!”... like Kat?
- didn't read ReviewTechUSA's superchat correctly
- pretends not to recognise the names of detractors, especially when whales impersonate them
- came up with many excuses not to continue Divinity: Original Sin II; one was "it's too old"
- “I don’t want to go back on a promise to my viewers.”
- expects his viewers to $upport the stream even when they're begging him to play something else
- thinks Divinity: Original Sin II is 120 hours long (because he takes breaks and forgets things)
- “I’m not a political streamer! Politics have no place on my stream!”
- believes Elden Ring is innovative for having a horse
- thinks "Jasper drinking gin" is a reference to WWE champions
- died on the tutorial level of Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
- responded to Albert Wesker being cast by a black actor by calling Albert Wesker an Aryan
- can't have fun with Guilty Gear because he needs to master every mechanic lest he be bodied
- claims he made a ton of friends in the fighting games community
- claims the fighting games community abandoned him; more like Phil uploading other's matches
- reckons the pros hated him for making casual YouTube content and envious of his 'success'
- thinks 'console exclusive' means not on PC
- stated he played Diablo II back in the 90s... release date: 2000
- got a big tip from an unknown person, said he'd refund it, kept it anyways
- “Only twenty bucks tonight. That’s terrible! I thought you guys liked this game!”
- wants an Xbox Series X as he is drowning in debt living on tips and donations
- says the Series X will allow him to "unplug from the real world and relax" which he already does
- planned to do a fundraiser to buy an Xbox Series X, yet makes a shit-tonne in donations
- admits he is braindead and won't remember the down+back attack in Virtua Fighter 5
- used a randomly selected unflattering finger-sniffing thumbnail rather than choosing another
- “I promise you after this week you won’t ever hear me talking about tips like this ever again"
- claims he said COVID would be a long-term issue in the beginning, which is a total lie
- claims an airline gave him a $300 voucher to shut him up for flying through a thunderstorm
- “I forgot to measure my fecal matter, next time I’ll try to remember before I flush”
- wanted to make Mario Golf a regular weekly feature
- said he put Divinity II on hiatus... then said he's not ever going back to it
- stated he'll ignore anyone asking about Divinity II, even his own fans that paid him to play it
- got pissed off that YouTube did a subscriber audit, after kissing YT's ass for months
- confirmed the only time his PS5 has ever completely ever turned off was when it crashed
- "Don’t touch gambling! Don’t ruin your life for that man! It’s not worth it!”; you would know
- “If you’re going to gamble anything it has to be expendable income, ok?" ok Mr. 15 credit cards
- “I said many time that buying all those statues wasn’t worth it! Didn’t I?"
- claims he read the real Lord of the Rings books (as opposed to the fake ones?)
- says he likes MLB games because he doesn't need to pay too much attention
- defends the anti-Asian content in his videos by saying he had lots of anti-everything in them
- reckons he is a real streamer because he doesn't try to look presentable with 'eyecandy'
- says gimmick streamers have dual monitors and neon lights; he has beige walls and dust
- suggested real gamers don't look like models with 'ring lights'
- "I hate people that are fake."; pretends to be so poor he can't pay his taxes
- made his Twitter profile banner image a quote from himself
- “I never banned anyone who named themselves after SnowKarl" but he did
- “I played a lengthy game in VR and afterwords I barfed twice” but never gives details
- failed to get a job within the ten years of promising his mother he would
- interpreted his mother's words as waiting until ten years pass and then get a job
- refuses to believe that some prestream fanart has a penis in it when it's clearly there
- failed to notice another prestream fanart has LowTierGod edited into some stolen artwork
- took on a viewer's challenge to defeat gojitenks three times in one stream for $200; failed
- called Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin 'bootleg Dark Souls' when it's Nioh-esque
- said Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin was not fun; beat the demo and said he liked it
- exclaimed that streaming and e-begging is the hardest job you can do
- spent a few minutes explaining that donations about eating ass won't get his attention
- reckons his homophobic jokes aren't homophobic because everyone interprets them differently
- balanced a roll of toilet paper on his head; he's a mature adult, dood!
- pondered why he gets Minecraft content on Twitter; tweeted about Minecraft all the time
- pretended not to know about much YouTube membership costs
- got upset that Virtua Fighter 5 requires you to learn moves and not just mash buttons
- got upset that each fighter in VF5 has different moves and not just the same base moves
- reckons old VF games didn't play like VF5 i.e. skill-based, not button mashing
- “Off the top of my head looking at this list”
- reduced the daily tips goal to $100, still asks for donations when it's hit
- “I don’t understand sidestepping”
- “Now I’m a full time streamer who isn’t known for fighting games”
- “My chat is used to a very consistent schedule because I’m a very consistent guy!"
- complained he had trolls in his chat; chat had six quiet people
- decided his favourite PS5 game is Astro's Playroom... because it's free
- doesn't know if his wife Kat watches TV shows without him
- acknowledges that viewership is down, owns up to it, but bans trolls who point it out
- "My streams are not failing! We have just separated the wheat from the chaff!”
- says his stream chat isn't dead, doesn't acknowledge most messages get deleted by mods
- reckons he is much better off despite his viewership plummeting and whales leaving one by one
- "I don’t have free money to do anything!”
- "If anyone wants to buy me a Series X I’m all ears, but so far nobody has come forward!"
- refuses to allow his wife Kat buy him a Series X as it will 'ruin' their relationship
- “Hoggish greedly... haha what a name!”
- only received $2 during a CoD stream; blamed the game and the viewers as usual
- sang boy band songs for over ten minutes for some reason
- admits he relies on games to get viewership and not his (tahxic) personality
- “There are only about 50 people who make a living off non streaming content”
- banned a fan who correctly pointed out that his YouTube revenue is going up
- “Every time I have ever gone to the beach I’ve overheated! That’s not beating the heat!"
- "Why would I go to the beach when I can sit in my house with the air conditioning!"
- "I don’t get beach culture! Why go outside!?"
- “I go in the water to cool down but when I come back out now I’m hot again! What’s the point!?"
- spent ten minutes explaining why he won't bring up the Frank Hassel drama
- states he doesn't have time to play games off-stream; has time to watch other LPs with Kat
- refuses to divulge what content creators he watches: "Stop asking intrusive questions!"
- “You used to be able to get custom pizzas at Pizza Hutt" ...you still can
- says he was ripped in the early-2000s and weighed 250lbs in the mid-2000s
- said he never did 'stomach exercises' when he meant to say 'core exercises'
- “Less than more than half reduced”
- thinks sonic booms in SF games come out instantly like hadoukens; former SF pro fighter
- sweated on his bed with two AC units on full blast, unaware it's either bad ACs or bad health
- plans to buy more fans and another air conditioner for his bedroom
- called Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart boring and redundant but then said he looked forward to it
- claimed he pinched a nerve in his sleep, but it could be a sign of diabetic neuropathy
- "I’m not going to talk about my vaccination status in life"
- “I’m not going to talk about me TRYING to get vaccinated” nice slip up
- says Danganronpa games don't make sense because they're not legally realistic
- “I am someone who wants to sit and enjoy games for what they are!” pffft
- "The majority of people who come check me out say they like my content, they tell me that!"
- got stuck on the second course of Mario Golf: Super Rush
- acted with fake positivity and behaved himself when Vegan Gains was in his chat
- “There is no authentic pizza in Washington state, I’m serious”
- “I leveled up! Leveled up... my butt cheeks! Ackackack!” mature adult with a business degree
- says he's not ReviewTechUSA because he doesn't go topless on-stream; made a shower video
- says he doesn't look like ReviewTechUSA; he actually does
- restricts his chatroom from discussing other content creators because it's his competition
- "I have a nice life now"; drowning in debt, begs for donations daily
- "I don't think it's fair to leave the responsibility of support to just one person"
- “People who think about friends who he went to high school with are losers.”; has no friends
- won't wear the vest in 75°F but will wear the cowboy hat despite ranting about sweat
- runs a cold shower to cool the bathroom while he shaves at the mirror
- “Every single air conditioner on Earth requires a window to work! That’s how they work!”
- “Central air isn’t air conditioning per se, it’s called central air!"
- “I’ve had to cook the last three days in a row... which sucks!”
- “Since it’s so hot here sadly that means I’m going to be yawning a lot today”
- is bewildered that he is expected to finish games chosen by the Viewers' Choice Patreon poll
- ranted about Kiwifarms for being a site of hate yet browses the site
- compared all Kiwifarms users to Kokichi Oma, a fictional character from Danganronpa V3
- essentially calls all Kiwifarms users evil, even those who do absolutely nothing to others
- “I was nervous, but to me... now the future is looking good!”
- said Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart could have been a PS3 game due to it underwhelming him
- “If they are going to charge $70 for these games they need to blow my socks off!”
- thinks 50 ms of ping is ideal, usually has around 80~ ms
- conflated his lack of interest in Halo Infinite as everyone's lack of interest in it
- raised the daily tips goal to $150 after weeks of boasting he'd be fine with just $100 a day
- raised the tips goal because fans would stop donating at $100 reached; he wants that money!
- one of the proposed rewards for reaching the $150 tips goal: the cowboy hat
- said his car was at the mechanics, slipped and said it was a car payment
- claims his PC is not a lemon because it is used more than likely any other PC out there
- “I think I slept well last night, I don’t remember”
- “The humidity is sapping oxygen and energy out of me and it’s making me yawn”
- air fryer: “You have to scrub it! It’s like double-triple the work of cleaning up as an oven!”
- “I'm not in debt I just can’t pay my monthly bills! Uh, and my tax payments”
- accidentally called Kat his parent when talking about not wanting to have kids
- “Nothing at Taco Bell is real!”
- “I’m a guy who makes gameplay!”
- thinks a single new tire and a tire rotation costs $500-$600
- claims trolls ruined his fan multiplayer events
- forgot how to play chess despite supposedly being good at it
- indirectly stated he doesn't play indie games because they don't make him enough money
- “I can’t showcase indie games! I’m not in a position to do that!"
- "I’ve not been late to streams, stop it!”; late to that very stream
- still upset at Returnal, slams people who like it despite it not being 'revolutionary'
- wants to be greeted and guided by staff at the department store (because he's useless)
- eats frozen burritos for breakfast made from 'good ingredients'
- said a comment about him sitting on his ass making easy money is dumb... but it's true
- insists he doesn't have paranoia, looks out the window at trucks that pass by
- reckons if you walk into his gated community you are breaking the law
- keeps mentioning his profuse sweat to guilt his fans into not voting for 'winter' vests
- calls cleaning counter-tops “topological cleaning”
- updated his Patreon to mention nothing was ever promised (thanks for the money, dummies!)
- “Naan bread is a fresh flatbread type of bread that usually has a char flavor to it”
- “I don’t hold grudges!”; ProJared, slowbeef, Rambo, EvilAJ, Kiwifarms, etc...
- purchased expensive filters for his furnace a year in advance
- “Did I ever go back to my high school after I left there? No? Why would I do that?!"
- “Hamburger Helper is an hour of work” and assumes you have to wait 20 minutes for it to cool
- “I burnt the top of my mouth! I don’t have 20 minutes to waste letting it cool off first!”
- thinks it's totally normal to spend $9000~ a month on bills
- assumes that anyone who calculates his earnings and/or his debt has no understanding of money
- blamed his lack of tips on Europeans (foreign viewers); plays less than an hour at nights
- refuses to play games that give him rage because it increases trolling but not tips
- didn't count a superchat to the tips total because he didn't like its message
- calls his fans "shit heads" because they want him to respond to chat while he plays CoD
- claimed his audience was 'fickle and picky' back in 2013; they're still fickle and picky today
- held an emergency weekend fundraiser to pay his bills AGAIN
- then said Kat was organizing ordering food the next Saturday (with the raised money)
- “Olive Garden sucks! It’s Americanized fast food!”; makes Americanized pasta
- "There’s not a single thing at Red Lobster that would be considered real American seafood!”
- “when I drink coffee I drink unflavored plain black coffee with a little sweetener and creamer"
- allegedly hates Nintendo nowadays and yet shills for them when their games are on sale
- “Nintendo fans conditioned themselves in to failure because they keep buying Nintendo"
- claims he was skinny before going to college
- “Any remaining muscle mass on my body is from 15 years ago." wasn't even muscular 15 years ago
- "I don’t work out anymore, my life is just sitting down and playing video games all day”
- "my thumbs are wider then the average persons, that’s why I have issues with typing tweets"
- “I’m too old to do a 24 hour marathon by myself!"
- somehow sees a difference between his 'special' fundraiser and any other marathon stream
- tried to trick people into tipping by pretending StreamElements wasn't showing tips
- has no idea what he'd do for a job in Seattle, proving the 10 year plan was abandoned
- “Mario Golf is the ultimate cash in game! You wanna talk about cash ins? This is it!”
- ragequit and deleted Mario Golf: Super Rush due to not having certain club emblems
- “FUCK YOU NINTENDO!”; alleged Nintendo fan right here
- "The more power you get the more fucked up in the head you get"; you would know, Phil
- “Everything announced at E3 and all these events are all duds!"
- "Outside of Elden Ring everything has been duds!"; previous shat on Elden Ring
- called a new viewer an idiot for knowing what DSP Tries It is about
- “If I get Microsoft Game Pass that will open up my horizons!"; will probably quit every game
- "It’s costing me no money! It’s zero additional fees outside of the monthly subscription!"
- goes to several different grocery stories to get ingredients; first world problems!
- “Every once and awhile you have to spend money even if you don’t have a lot", "grow up!"
- believes he takes good care of his shit because his shoes lasted him 5 years; is a shut-in
- referred to the menu of the fast food joint Sonic as 'cuisine'
- pretended to be upset at a comment asking if his Indian food is 'dot or feather'
- claims he got his cat Jasper a rabies shot, despite it never leaving the house
- “Going out and eating doesn’t cost much more then eating at home”
- “I’m not like other people who run their shit in to the ground! I take care of my stuff!”
- referred to his gout as a 'blood disease' despite gout being caused by uric acid, not blood
- said he was 'designated' his gout, implying he was appointed with it
- made very weird faces as he ate goat meat curry, teeth probably fucked so he's in pain
- "There's bone in the goat meat. See this? This is bone! It's rubberized bone!"
- took him an hour and 48 minutes to finally touch his controller and play Fallout New Vegas
- "What was the last movie I watched? I have no recollection. Zero. I couldn't even tell you."
- threatened to ban a longtime fan just because he asked an 'intrusive' question
- "If you think that was verbally abusive you're a fucking idiot, you can go too."
- "I'm 39 years old! I know more about money than you do!" had $500k debt and 13 credit cards
- believes he is owed money, love, a home, and opportunities, like a spoiled brat
- thinks he is owed notoriety; is already notorious, nowadays tries NOT to gain more hate
- feels he deserves a honeymoon but couldn't have one because he couldn't afford one
- believed a fake fact that Super Mario 64 is 47 years old (as of 2021)
- hates eating food that he needs effort to eat, such as bones, seeds, pips, shells, etc
- allegedly did 25 pushups off-camera, did them way too fast with his flabby arms to be legit
- never thought to aim the camera down at him doing the pushups, believes he is owed the $200
- "I legitimately did those push ups right here in stream and he went back on his deal with me!”
- asks his fans/whales for tips, not superchats, for instant money, ensuring less superchats
- purchased an Xbox Series X after the marathon, claimed a fan donated it to him
- "My fans will actually believe me I didn't buy this because they know I'm not a scumbag!"
- refuses to show evidence the Series X was a fan donation, not even showing the UPS packaging
- got an Xbox Series X despite crying that it had no games and Microsoft was stupid
- hates trendy YouTubers/streamers and yet tells his audience to 'smash the like button'
- lied that he never called $1 tips a "pittance"
- doesn't know how to set up surround sound for PS5
- accidentally leaked his Xbox mobile app code on stream
- accidentally showed the previous Xbox owner's email address on stream
- accidentally admitted he purchased the Xbox Series X
- assumed Forza Horizons 4 has raytracing because he can see reflections on his car
- defended the whale OIC by saying that Asia is a country and not to mock his birthplace
- “I’m sure Final Fantasy VII runs like doody on the Xbox... it’s a PS1 game after all”
- played Battlefield on the new Xbox, thereby swapping CoD for BF... variety streamer!
- “How is it that people have been able to find me and troll for so much in recent years!?”
- put the Xbox Series X on hiatus because 'variety streamer', not even playing his new console
- reckons that getting an Xbox Series X for free from a fan is considered a success
- believes that having one strenuous day of activity a week makes up for a sedentary lifestyle
- spent his day off getting a haircut and eating at a restaurant; supposedly deeply in debt
- so paranoid he got up to check a truck driving past his house (dump truck, not SWAT van)
- raged at a fan's superchat about catching up to Phil in Divinity II in only 30 hours
- accidentally mentioned a WWE Champions mechanic while playing FO:NV, proving he still plays it
- refuses to become a vegan; he loves the red meat!
- insists his beard is going white; it is but there are bald spots as well
- "Why does anyone care so much about my appearance?"; doesn't care at all about his
- ranted about celebrities that do work on cameo.com; would do it too if he was a celebrity
- said people who pay for celebrity videos is dumb; pays for celebrity wrestlers on WWE Champions
- "What's so funny about paying someone to say whatever?"; has had paid shoutouts
- discounts any celebrities cameos because they don't know him, but they MIGHT know him
- believes his trolls are literally infatuated with him
- ponders who exaggerates 'minutia' out of proportion; this is how he complains about games
- “I rarely platinum games when I platinum them”
- “My brand new Series X, which is just sitting there unused” and gathering dust to die from
- public named and shamed a fan of his for letting his YouTube membership lapse
- "Why do a cameo when I’ll give you a giant custom video just for you!"
- “Everything I said in those leaked Pateron videos are things I’ve said before!" good value
- “Organic money and diversified contributions”
- never noticed an incredibly offensive username tipping him
- admits he is weak since he let his muscles atrophy
- still butthurt about not getting $200 for allegedly doing 25 pushups (off camera)
- accidentally leaked another email address when taking a photo of Jasper by his TV
- "There was no disciplinary actions taken against my account"; was booted out their program
- is baffled that fans ask why his PayPal is empty, even though he himself says its empty
- says you can't buy mod status in his chat; OIC got his after vast donations to him
- threatened to again ban fans in chat for talking about topics that aren't him or the game
- claimed a 'generous' fan donated him a laptop (hint hint he him purchased the laptop)
- “The laptop coming is a low end laptop” and yet he supposedly had "no clue" as to its specs
- “I had no idea this was even being sent to me!” after he JUST said he was expecting a laptop
- refused to name the unknown benefactor who allegedly donated the laptop (it was him)
- got a new laptop despite only using it to monitor his slow stream chat
- almost dropped the new laptop upon unboxing it
- asked if he's excited about the laptop: "I mean it can't be worse than what I have, right?"
- accidentally punched his mic when lowering game audio, damaged the mic, ends the stream
- spent over an hour setting up the laptop, mostly being quiet, wasting everyone's time
- accidentally punched his mic again during the aforementioned laptop installation
- “Tonight was one of the slowest streams I’ve had in awhile. I don’t understand why”
- claims his wife likes his patchy goatee turning white
- "I would do whatever my wife wants!”; ok, Darkcuckphil
- mistakenly explained that a “refrigeration unit” can't work with a hole in it i.e. a drain pipe
- “Link is a human... I think he is, humans in this world just have pointy ears for some reason”
- “I don’t even remember divinity 2, it’s so unmemorable..."; it was the paid Viewer's Choice
- “I would like to one day do a tour of Europe” pffft
- actually believed that OIC was on vacation (he was still tipping on alt accounts)
- is genuinely sad that around 50 views left the stream during a bathroom break
- “I can see the colour variables are better on this new [laptop] screen”
- whined like a child when his YouTube payment was late, already made hundreds in tips that week
- his 'big announcement' coincided with sudden lack of money... hmmm...
- makes his own schedule yet chooses to have his day off on a day he doesn't get paid by YouTube
- the first thing he did when he got paid by YouTube: took Kat out for a 'big dinner'
- sits around alone on his day off, with his wife at work, arguing with trolls on Twitter
- uses the work 'yikes' like a middle-aged Karen (which he pretty much is)
- claims he doesn't pay attention to the trolls and yet spends his days off fighting them
- lowered the tips goal to $150, acted like he was doing the fans and whales a favour
- hopes that new game releases will attract and retain crowdfunding support
- whined that people hope he plays Xbox Game Pass games right away, an idea he proposed
- claims some of the most vile things he's read on the internet are wishes for him to lose money
- states that he can't be made fun of like how he mocked ProJared
- never stocks up on cat food, leading to Jasper possibly starving if short-term income ceases
- "I didn't ask for any money. You're out of your minds! You're scumbags for even saying that!"
- his 'big announcement' locked behind a paywall... was a golden vest that was 'donated'
- "The goals are too stagnant so I got a new ve-, ah, a viewer wanted to donate a vest" ooops
- the gold vest is basically a hipster waistcoat that costs $25 on Amazon
- got a new laptop and a light thin golden vest, then asked for more money for more 'upgrades'
- "its refreshing to have upgrades after years of not being able to do them myself"
- “Stinky doody gameplay! Call of stinky Duty! Dooty!"; not a children's entertainer btw
- “Stop telling people to tip in chat right now! It’s my job to tell people when to contribute!”
- “I’m honestly shocked you guys didn’t seem to want to see the gold vest tonight. Oh well..."
- claims he watched 2Girls1Cup by accident... sure, Phil
- still believes that YouTube superchats are 100% non-refundable
- stereotyped the Japanese people as only listening to video game music
- “Sonic cuisine, I really want to try it because I really haven’t"
- will include various hats to be donation incentives, an idea he shot down numerous times
- dislikes Life is Strange 2 because “it made America seem like it was full of racists!”
- is expecting his elderly parents to pass away some day
- assumed his parents are passing soon because they brought up what'll happen should they pass
- has a layer of "floor fluff" on his carpet, which is probably dust or lint
- “In reality the cowboy hat doesn’t really heat my head up that much”; has complained before
- states the Yoshi and Sonic hats are not hats, they are 'costumes', so he won't wear them
- doesn't want to wear a silly costume because he doesn't want to inconvenience himself
- "Fuck the dumb cowboy hat, no one cares about that"
- "The vest, that's what I brought it for"; another slip of the tongue
- "Very shiny metallic, which is why I chose it"; another admission he purchased the gold vest
- states he is not addicted to porn
- tells his cat not to eat too fast to avoid throwing up, doesn't think of a vet consultation
- "Remember, there are some behind-the-scenes contributions"
- "I never call a contribution a donation"
- has to stand up and do 'exercises' for blood flow because his health is declining
- says he is not unhealthy; fat, gout, nerve issues, ear infection, balding, stroke face...
- refused to play Fallout New Vegas until someone in chat told him where to go next
- pretended that Feasting with the King is a unique idea not done by others (i.e. mukbang)
- acted that Feasting with the King is different that DSP Tries It (it's the same + more food)
- admitted he has eaten out at least once a week since he moved to Seattle seven years ago
- loves Jersey Mike's Subs because they make the sandwich in front of you
- “Most of my back issues are fixed now by not using my back”
- reckons Italian food in Connecticut is more authentic than Italian food in New York
- “You can’t always guarantee that people will keep their word in this life”
- ranted about traffic being busier on his day off
- played Microsoft Flight Simulator, a chill game that's boring to watch
- “I hope there is a casual mode because admittedly I don’t want to learn to fly a plane"
- “Any entertainment medium should be for all ages!"
- "KO gaming was a channel on the rise until YouTube blacklisted it!”
- "I don’t do anything controversial on my streams in any way shape or form!"
- allows trolls with offensive usernames to idle in his chat
- called his beard patchy then said it was white hairs
- his new laptop chugs when viewing his stream; another lemon!
- got offended when someone pointed out that all he does is stay home and play video games
- fell for a fake Twitter account that announced a Clayfighter sequel
- forgot Haruka's name in the Yakuza games, one of the most important people in the series
- forbids people in his chat from encouraging donations; only he can e-beg
- won't team up with Wings because Wings 'lied'; Phil pretended to be sick to avoid the podcast
- says he doesn't have nerve issues, then admits he has nerve issues in his hand for 10+ years
- talked jovially of the food he ate on his day off, didn't mentioned his court date
- “Every once in a while I’ll mention ways to contribute"; more like every five minutes
- wonders why everyone talks about his financial situation when all he talks about is just that
- thinks that moving to a less expensive house is "unreasonable"
- one reason for staying in his gated-community house: his cat Jasper likes it
- exclaimed that tips go directly to his bills, and maybe games and other non-essentials
- “You guys have no idea how much I’ve spent on lawyers and legal fees”
- was impressed by cars and street lights while playing Microsoft Flight Simulator
- joked that going bathroom on a small airplane means going out the window; mature adult btw
- “Is there football in Canada?”
- banned King Vanity for asking the fans to donate if they like his content
- refused to play CoD due to boredom, retconned his reason in support of the Activision victims
- asked his fans for ideas on how to better his stream, turned down all suggestions
- did not follow instructions in Microsoft Flight Simulator, is bewildered by the low grades
- refused to do barrel rolls in MFS for his fans, is worried about 'dying'; no fun allowed!
- “Give me ideas that will require no effort whatsoever!”
- refuses to film himself cooking as he doesn't want to expose his kitchen
- says not to talk about money, then panics when his PayPal is acting up
- derailed the stream the instant he can't receive tips via PayPal
- assumed everyone was panicking about the PayPal fiasco, but only he was freaking out
- calculated 82+13=105
- says he doesn't eat off paper plates but DSP Tries It videos prove him wrong
- assumes pure fruit juice is healthy
- pretended "the people" said Skyward Sword HD is boring, replaced it with PUBG, ignored fans
- pondered who is sending tips in other's names, but allegedly can see who sends verified tips
- uses the word 'lend' when asking for donations, unaware it means paying back the money
- refused to play Power Rangers because people have already played it for long; pro fighter btw
- still insists he can't see your personal details when you donate to him via PayPal
- used glue to stick his fire alarms to the wall, alarmed when the glue melted during a heat wave
- bans trolls with vengeance, turns around and cries that he's a victim
- refuses to eat sushi unless it is fresh, does not care to know how to kill the bacteria
- stated the authentic way to eat ramen is to have it as hot as possible
- claimed ANOTHER fan wants to contribute gifts to him behind the scenes... hmmm...
- said he never 'baited' the platinum vest, but he literally sidelined it
- "I do my best these days to ensure I don't say stupid shit"
- claims he is a totally different streamer to how he was years ago, "like night and day"
- “There is no fucking way I’m going overtime with this tonight, I have my day off tomorrow"
- laments that big news, such as Blizzard firing prominent staff, happens on his 'day off'
- "wow just took a first sip of a new seltzer and its bangin"
- showed off his new 'gifted' chair on Instagram like a child
- "I can now truly call it an office. Why? Because I have a real, professional office chair"
- admitted he purchased the new chair, no surprise there
- got very defensive about how much it cost
- purchased a cheap gamer chair made in China, claims to have spent a week researching chairs
- keeps his bottle of bubbles next to his laptop for an imminent spill
- wanted to go to Paris, France, searched Paris, got every Paris location, complained
- “Why is the Taj Mahal next to the slums? These look like building I could see where I live”
- “What’s the difference between New Delhi and Old Delhi? The type of meats they carry!"
- "Where is Wyoming? Who knows where Wyoming is?"
- is bewildered that quitting a match in online Halo matches results in a temporary ban
- "In general, cultural stereotypes are not offensive at all unless you're a wimpy little bitch"
- asked what he'd do with a clean slate, derails it with a rant that he was slandered by trolls
- dropped a big hint about a possible last minute tip, expectedly got a whale to drop its load
- wants YouTube to become more like Twitch because he wants that money
- upset that you can't buy growth on YouTube with gifted subs/membership like Twitch
- “Pad thai is the official food of Thailand”
- claims he doesn't enjoy the misery of others, gaslights that he was always positive
- “I can feel the oxygen level in my blood getting low and I’ll have to get up and start moving”
- defended OIC even though OIC apparently tried to dox his Phil's mods
- calls anyone who believes the OIC rumours to be stupid, disregards all the evidence
- "Don't listen to people on the internet" says a person on the internet
- hates memes because most of the ones said/posted are at his expense
- was able to get a Jasper-proof chair, proving he got his cat declawed once he got him
- made a racial joke about a black woman stealing a backpack, claimed it wasn't racial at all
- "Look out, there's a black woman coming!", "It had nothing to do with the colour of her skin."
- believes it isn't racist to make racial jokes but you're the racist if you call him out for it
- so paranoid, he heard his wife came home early and thought it was an intruder
- acknowledges his financial strategy sucks, does nothing to save more and avoid WWE Champions
- refuses to answer how he can afford to buy new stuff when he has bills
- got $7 on a stream around the time he purchased a new gaming chair... hmm...
- claims he doesn't make drama is his life; Nazi jokes on Blip, fapstream, ragequit from Twitch...
- wants to only play new original releases, unless older game playthroughs make him money
- claims he's been vaccinated and thus can't get the Delta strain of COVID-19
- praised the Xbox Series X controller for being lighter than the PS5 controller, which he praised
- stereotyped the Chinese as the only ones making cheap knock-off products
- "You gotta be careful when ordering online! That’s why I deep dived when buying my chair"
- "He [Jasper] can't mess up fabric, that's why I bought a fabric chair"; DarkTongueslipPhil
- doesn't understand how tax write-offs work
- blames trolls for mocking his health issues, yet he himself caused his health issues
- accused gojitenks of cheating by exploiting "lag patterns"
- exclaimed his WWE Champions gem reference was misspoken, called audience conspiracy theorists
- raised the tips goal to $300, hopes the whales are still under pignosis
- his reason for the $300 tips goal: he wants his YouTube channel to build up to his Twitch acc
- “My mortgage payment is very high" but still wants to live in a gated community
- ate a bacon cheeseburger and Footlong Quarter Pounder Coney on stream; how's the gout, Phil?
- wore the Sonic hat as he ate Sonic 'cuisine' even though he said he'd never wear that hat
- "It doesn't even have any lettuce on it", "The lettuce is TERRIBLE"
- took a photo of his half-chewed food to send to Sonic due to them getting his order wrong
- theorized he couldn't get a milkshake delivered due to distance; it's a ten minute drive
- allows OIC to do his trolling schemes because he makes makes most of his money from him
- admitted that tips also go to his day off with his wife
- “Do I know what the capital of Australia is? Uhh..."; refuses to look it up
- called a swimming pool a “chlorinated water area”
- “Mel Gibson is one of my favourite Australian actors!”; Mel Gibson is American
- “Why was Mount Rushmore built all the way the fuck out here!?", expected it in a big city
- doesn't know the presidents on Mount Rushmore; valedictorian, dood!
- thinks Microsoft Flight Simulator is glitched because he flies at night and can't see much
- raised the minimum fee from $1.00 to $1.49 because PayPal raised their fee from $0.30 to $0.49
- believes he is exempt from slandering someone if he does it in self-defence
- compared slandering in virtual world of chatrooms to IRL slandering
- called Twitch a "dishonest devil" with a "silver tongue"
- ranted that Twitch doesn't care about you... and made the rant all about him
- has a warning of last-minute fundraising in every stream and yet we're jealous of his success
- flexed on Justin Wong's YouTube Silver playbutton by mentioning his own one from years ago
- glued his vests to the wall
- uses a cheap third party Xbox Series X controller, wonders why he goes through so many batteries
- "The official Microsoft charge kit is $50 or $60 bucks!"; costs $25 USD
- says he was donated said controller then soon admitted he purchased it
- admitted he's had the same mobile number for years, proving the WWE Champions account is his
- "Now, as an interactive streamer, people could guide me", admitting he is useless as a gamer
- ran out of the shower to get back to stream chat, making him overheated
- shuts off comms to protect his family, calls people assholes for recommending he keep doing that
- is proud that he doesn't do shilling or product plugs, but his e-begging balances that out
- likes walking simulator games because they require very little effort to play
- simultaneously believes and doesn't believe in the supernatural; DarkSydeFencesitter
- believes that 'beta' means 'demo'
- thinks 40% humidity outside is high
- responded to a black NPC's question with "because you're black!"
- calculated 60+37=107
- defends OIC even after OIC revealed he has been donating under alt accounts all this time
- threatened to quit Hades if the fans and whales did not support him financially
- did not know that there was a Greek god of wine, thinks its funny
- "Who's my favorite from the Greek mythology? I don't know if I can even answer that question!"
- called out hypocrites for playing Blizzard games; hates Tim Schafer, will play Psychonauts 2
- “I’ve read the Bible many times, studied it”
- “If channel memberships default to auto renew than how can it dip every month?”
- weighed in on political figures sex scandals even though he says he's not about politics
- accuses Jose of being a troll who crashes online Street Fighter matches
- worried about too many calories in his fast food order, eats it all in one sitting anyways
- "There's no possible way you could ever know my income" but it's all there on public record
- his epic fundraiser failed due to too many fundraisers and not using Line to summon the whales
- had a $1250 goal for his bills even though the $566 is enough to pay the mortgage and utilities
- "I don't want my fundraiser to be about money."
- claims he ignored a Raid Shadow Legends sponsorship; declined it because it was work
- was worried about not being able to pay his mortgage bill, purchased fast food for no reason
- was legit offended that Carl’s Jr. was closed on a Saturday
- pronounced jalapeño as 'halapeenyoh'
- pretended to not understand that his whales are getting jobs just to contribute to him
- “If anything I hope that I have portrayed myself as an honest person!"
- acknowledges he can't prove that he's spending donations on bills, you just have to believe him
- is proud that he conditioned his cat to fear the spray bottle
- "I would like to do things for my family that would be nice!"
- "I don't make much money. Look at my lifestyle!"; fast food, air conditioning, buying gear...
- uses his limited wardrobe as proof he has no money
- didn't know that a Polish-made game would use the day/month/year date format
- referred to Jasper chinning things as “rubbing his sensory glands”
- “They have Disney World in Africa? It’s probably all Lion King stuff...”
- “I don’t know if it gets cold in Japan in the winter”
- says he doesn't whine about finances because he's a mature adult
- claims he received an Amazon gift card so he purchased new hats to wear on stream
- "I make more being here doing this than I ever would out there at some in-person job."
- preaches that companies in America do not care for you; does not care for his fans
- exclaims he has no skills for the workplace; building PCs and streaming does not count
- insinuates that you can't develop skills while out of the workforce
- “I felt like I got beat up after I sat in my chair all day playing video games.”
- lied that he didn't know Discord has voice chat, but he used it to talk to his Twitch contact
- caught following an account on Twitter that informs people of console restocks (hint hint)
- lied that his known phone number is tied to his WWE Champions account (it is)
- failed to realise that by signing up for Line it confirmed his phone number
- states the Line account was registered by someone using his number, but it needs his phone
- didn't add a $50 supersticker donation to the tips goal but it wasn't a tip
- chose a military peaked cap as a donation incentive; the Hitler the gaming
- complained that the military hat didn't have a skull on it (likely a totenkopf)
- banned people for calling his military cap a Nazi hat, literally acting like a Nazi
- stated a fan purchased him new headphones... right after a begathon stream... hmm...
- "What was for dinner? My mo-, uh... what was it called? I'm having a brain fart."
- “I have suffered over and over again! I know that I am putting out content I feel good about!”
- “I won’t put out reaction content because I put out intelligent content!”
- will accuse in-game deaths in a multiplayer game as caused by a stream sniper
- is bewildered that a whale won't donate big if Phil doesn't play a game said whale likes
- refuses to shuffle around vests and hats because he feels overheated from almost everything
- insists he has never insulted ProJared and thus does not have to apologize for
- tells his chatroom to read his Twitter posts but not to respond to them
- supposedly researched his military hat but didn't know if it resembled a Soviet hat
- claimed the trolls changed the colour of his military hat to blue somehow
- doesn't know how Gameshare works, can't play the games his wife purchases
- doesn't know how to make his PS5 the primary console
- refuses to ask his wife for her PSN account so he can play the games she purchased (whipped)
- won't wear a wig because it will make his pig head sweat
- his 'camo' hat is makes him look like a right-wing militia fanatic or a whale hunter
- insists the camo hat fits him perfectly on him but it really is too small for him
- the camo hat aka the boonie hat cost $10.49; only the finest for his fans!
- says that by playing GoT you can forget about TLOU2, two games that aren't alike
- now calls Jasper his "life companion"
- doesn't like publishers that remaster 'old' games but will play SF for the jillionth time
- won't play JRPGs back to back because they're long; will play Oblivion and Skyrim in succession
- doesn't understand that someone would opt out of being a member rather than let it auto-renew
- rants that YouTube does not send out notifications when he streams
- "One of the issues cats can get is what's called a urinary tract infection."
- admits Jasper has had UTI before, which is telling of his care for his cat
- proceeded to tell everyone in graphic detail his cat's incontinence
- “Having a sick pet sucks! Especially when you can’t do anything immediately to help them!”
- left calling the vet until Sunday, when its closed, increasing Jasper's risk of kidney infection
- said that the closest vet appointment was coincidentally his day off
- only tried one vet office, did not try other vet offices to save his cat's life
- then the next day he reported Jasper is getting better; the Seattle air cured him!
- ignored the hat poll results so he can wear the camo hat again
- his 'white hat' is just a camo visor cap with white hair glued on top; Boomersydephil
- his last hat is just a simple boonie hat, so that makes three camo hats and a Nazi hat
- is ignorant about file compression: "What’s the point of having the SSD if it has to copy it!”
- lied that Jasper got static shock off the chair where in reality he sat down very hard
- "I would fantasize that one day I would become a wrestler and have the title belt!”
- admitted he purchased a new hat before he even got the 'fan donated Amazon gift card'
- didn't recognise Hogwarts castle in Wizarding World in Universal Studios
- got aviator glasses to go with his 'aviator hat' aka the Nazi hat
- whined that he got his payment late again, still says streaming is a stable job
- ranted about the digital world gone rogue, forgets this world still needs human maintenance
- is bewildered that people might want the weekend off: "How about fucking work? Get to work!"
- revealed that he doxed PwDubz because he shared a 'detractor meme' that offended Phil
- stated James Rolfe makes video unprofessionally despite evidence to the contrary
- believes he's overqualified for a middle management job
- said he has three bills to pay but then later on lists five bills (hint hint)
- “Me venting has nothing to do with you guys at all, but this is the place for me to do so!”
- “Remember guys, my days off are dictated by my wife”
- "I’ve advanced! I’ve matured! I’ve changed for the better!"
- says he'll play the new CoD beta, forgetting/ignoring his boycotting of Activision
- “I don’t care what the statistics say! Fornite is played by children!"
- "90% of [Fortnite] is played by children!"; so much for not caring what the statistics say
- explained he doesn't want kids because he doesn't want to pay for them
- won't walk bare foot because Jasper tracks litter all over the wooden floors
- chops lettuce and puts it in tupperware containers
- “Anyone who is normal would never remember what they could bench!”
- exclaimed COVID won't last forever, but early that year he said we should accept the new norm
- won't do late night streams because he wants that money and Kat won't let him stay up late
- says he won't do what society wants him to do; shills masks and vaccines like society wants
- defended his notorious FFXIII unboxing video as just one unboxing video gone badly
- did his FFXIII unboxing video during a fire alarm, didn't re-schedule or re-do it later
- had a depression episode where he clutched his 1997 Tekken 3 tournament trophy and moped
- lied that he doesn't hate Sekiro, he just tinks “the gameplay was too limited”
- talked about the governor of New York State being accused of sexual harassment; no politics btw
- “It’s not a typical dragon style, it’s Asian styled! Like a giant flying worm!”
- is confused why people would turn off auto-renew for YouTube memberships
- refused to talk about Jasper at one point, banning people who do
- "You’re an asshole trying to make me look bad! Why bother telling you guys anything anymore?!”
- talks to his hats, trying to guilt-trip his fans into tipping so he can wear a hat
- bemoaned the 'elites' who gets games early again, not learning his lesson the first time
- failed to realise he himself has received 'free' items from 'fans', making him an elite too
- changed his story about not getting Xbox Game Pass, only got it after he got the Series X
- "I don't frivolously just buy shit. I can't! I don't spend money on fucking bullshit!"
- vaguely threatened Twitch for 'mistreating' him
- "Twitch is going to get their... going to get what’s coming to them! Let’s put it that way!”
- claimed he was one of the most politically correct Twitch streamers of all time
- "Hateful speech? I was the least hateful guy on there, man!"
- "I literally never talked about race, never talked about politics, never talked about religion"
- "I never would attack another content creator, I made it my policy"; ProJared, DrDisrespect, etc
- believes he got de-partnered by Twitch for being mass reported and not for any content he made
- still denies that the Line account is his, even though it has been confirmed with his phone #
- accidentally admitted the Line account is verified, thereby cementing it is his account
- tried to rally his fans to get others to become YT members; DSP cult leader
- still receives chargebacks despite his ironclad verified-only PayPal donations allowed
- commented that Psychonauts 2 is like a 2000s game
- threatened to ban people in chat for talking about emojis and other things that aren't him
- claimed to have lost an entire day's worth of tips to chargebacks, provided no proof
- "I’m someone who tries to see everything from a middle viewpoint” aka a boring fencesitter
- now considers Twitch de-partnering him as illegal and may seek legal action a la DrDisrespect
- kills time by singing Cher songs, which is copyrighted and Cher
- “I’ve never said any hateful slurs... but if I did it was because I was provoked into doing so!”
- hates the Fallout New Vegas DLC because it is a challenge he can't nuke his way through
- called jazz music "saxophone music", listens to it all night with his wife
- “I don’t really follow pro wrestling anymore, I just know what’s going on”
- “I’m more into fruits now that I’m older!”; the food or the other kind?
- refuses to put RetroArch on his Series X as to him it "sounds like illegal emulation"
- thinks there are male chickens (they're roosters) and female chickens (they're hens)
- "I don’t want to invest my time in a fighting game that is already dead!"; plays SFII again...
- admits he purchased the hats to make them tips goals, is deeply upset when no one tips
- so greedy he won't allow superchats to be counted to the tips goal despite begging for them
- broke his boycott of Activision because 'a lot of people' demanded he play their games
- speculated his fans couldn't handle the 'retro' nature of Psychonauts 2; plays SFII and FONV
- “You are not one to talk, you only did a superchat when you could have tipped.”
- “This guy started going all in like he was trying to prove something! I hate that!"
- claims he is 'double vaxxed'
- banned a lot of chat members for discussion OIC's doxing of moderators and detractors
- stated he can't let his wife stream or else she'll be harassed by everyone
- thought he found a 'self-emptying lake' in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- took 25 minutes to find Vatican City in Microsoft Flight Simulator
- denies adding words to the chat filter but Discord leaks proved he did add words to the filter
- upgraded his tipping policy from aliases to aliases of known people (to protect OIC?)
- can't convert coordinates to decimal degrees, too lazy to look it up
- banned a tipper named after a charity stream because he wants nothing to do with charities
- tried to find 'Ancient Rome' in Rome, Italy
- said the Roman Colosseum wasn't that big and could probably only fit a few hundred people in it
- blames the trolls for 'chasing away' potential sponsorships, doesn't blame himself at all
- blamed trolls for costing him sponsorships despite him proudly not taking sponsorships
- had the audacity to call his trolls hypocrites despite looking like a massive hypocrite
- wants to be enjoy shilling sponsored products despite hating the 'elite' streamers who do that
- threatens to ban anyone for asking why fan Snowkarl was banned
- put his controller down and waited for chat to stop mentioning Snowkarl, derailing his stream
- called his Fallout New Vegas LP a completionist run despite not doing all the side content
- clarified the difference between Feasting with the King and DSP tries It: he eats all of it
- one of his urgent bills to pay is his Costco membership fee
- “I don’t want to be mean to you! I don’t want to be that guy!”; is mean to his chat daily
- “Have you read the Bible? Yes. Have you read the entirety of it? Fuck no!”; studied it, eh?
- yelled at an alleged 11 year old for donating to him, still took the kid's money
- refused to put a stop to Derich's spam, says no one is complaining about it
- states he wants to transition to politics and world news when he's older
- refers to the act of playing with his cat as 'fighting' or 'boxing' the cat
- promised his viewers 'newer styled content"; same old SFII and Bethesda type games...
- exclaims he has to adhere to his tips goal rules, the rules he made and occasionally breaks
- “Do you guys like the streams? Do you like the content? Then support!”
- ranted about tips so much his Xbox went into sleep mode
- claimed he had a successful stream yet he derailed it for a 20+ minute rant and only got $21
- dismissed a logical argument on Twitter because the guy's profile pic wasn't him
- feels no need to take an improv class because he's been doing improv for over 10 years
- whined that he can't give tippers more benefits a la Twitch, still wants increased $$ support
- wants people to become members for no added benefits: "that's not the point of the membership!"
- posted a thumb injury pic to Instagram, claimed it was to 'bait' responses when he got mocked
- claimed his thumb injury was a "deep cut" but it barely broke the skin (thin skin!)
- muses that people take Twitter too seriously; rages at trolls on Twitter on gin night
- his idea of improving finances: adjusted the tips goal rewards and two-tier memberships
- "Actually, I'm constantly changing myself dependant on feedback and criticism"
- states he barely spends time with his wife due to his 'work'; sets his own schedule
- believes fans aren't becoming members because of YouTube's lack of features, not fans leaving
- “If people stopped using Twitch they would go out of business overnight!”
- wants YouTube to become Twitch 2.0, even though he's always talked shit about Twitch
- "They're pretty eager to take everyone's money while ignoring concerns and improving nothing".
- says he isn't angry while ranting with a scolding tone
- insists he wasn't expecting a positivity when shilling hats, even though that's what they're for
- put the hats behind a $100 paywall, even though a few days ago he mocked that suggestion
- swapped the hats and vests paywall $ amounts but not the corresponding tips animations
- pointed out that he won't give fans/trolls the limelight, cementing his selfishness and greed
- got confused that his PS5 charged his PS4 controller
- seemingly can't confirm if someone is banned from his channel
- privates all his livestreams under the belief that it will help him in the YT logarithm
- mistakenly thinks Among Us requires a large number of teammates to play
- “I don’t want to play Among Us! It’s a party-styled game that’s virally popular!"
- refuses to mute his mic when coughing and belching: “That’s not going to happen! I’m a human!"
- reminded us that he only purchased a basic laptop, rendering the hype and setting up moot
- “My moderators are busy people with lives!”; unlike you, DarkshutinPhil
- announces tips that don't show up on notifications, a clue he's lying and making up tips?
- detailed how he prepares his food days in advance like a fine cuisine restaurant
- reckons the Twitch strike proved something is wrong; only 1m~ people stopped viewing Twitch
- claimed to see both sides of the 'no free PS4->PS5 game upgrade', still ranted on-sided
- “Nobody knows the profit margins of Gamepass!”
- “Mobile phone games have no end game! They are designed to be an endless cycle of spending!”
- doesn't understand why people get cars nowadays and thinks they're a bad investment
- turned his wife's birthday into a personal holiday for himself
- called Psychonauts 2 underrated, but it had an 87 on Metacritic at the time he said it
- ruined his decent build in Hades because he thinks it failed him; he just sucks at the game
- wants to play Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl because it is a party game, though he hates them
- admits as a middle aged man he can't keep track of multiple things onscreen (he never could)
- considered wearing a paper bag on his head as a tip goals
- whinged about missing out on day one views on a channel he knows is spiralling into obscurity
- refuses to have a superchats counter onscreen for reasons
- states he can't wear headphones with the Nazi hat but he totally could
- changed hats so he could wear his headphones, upsetting fans who paid to see the hat
- “You can bitch and moan all you want, go fuck yourselves! It’s my stream, I’ll do what I want!”
- explained that wearing a different hat is “taking back control”... from his paying fans?
- seemed genuinely upset that he couldn't wear the Nazi, er, M. Bison hat during SFII streams
- lied that the military hat wasn't available the previous week; he just didn't hit the tips goal
- "I'm just a normal guy with a life and family."
- says he barely makes ends meet with his $120k a year income
- what he's doing to improve his streams: nothing, he's waiting for YouTube to improve
- "Begging is asking for something for nothing. You are a moron."
- reckons South Park is a good representation of children
- banned people from posting the number 4 in his chat because he skipped it when titling videos
- says he didn't want to leave Twitch but they didn't ban him, he left them
- is genuinely upset that YT lacks features Twitch has
- will do an interview with Rich from ReviewTechUSA if there is zero drama (aka never will)
- rejected the interview because fans can ask questions, which means trolls can troll him
- whined about being unable to debunk trolls' claims, thereby calling his own arguments bullshit
- insists trolls aren't merely mocking him, they want to get his personal info to defraud him
- so paranoid he thinks a troll can somehow get his IP address through a private Zoom call
- insists he knows a fake Derich when he sees one; banned the real one that same stream
- revealed that some Sega CD games were made for a cancelled console, a fact he already revealed
- hint hinted that his fans give him $100 to flip his schedule so he won't play Psychonauts 2
- announced he's got back into AEW, took a day off around the time CM Punk returned... hmm...
- claimed his cousin was murdered in Tijuana and other weird unverifiable stories
- ranted that the sun was too high on his wife's birthday as if anyone could turn the heat down
- "What did we order? My mo- MY WIFE wanted to get a regular chicken sandwich."
- his first response to receiving a sloppy saucy burger is diarrhoea and popped zits jokes
- “I took a picture of the sandwich to complain! Normally I wouldn’t do that!” (pffft)
- still ate the sloppy saucy burger despite complaining about it (oink)
- did no research on sushi available at a local restaurant
- refers to sushi as raw fish but sushi is primarily vinegared rice
- lied about a druggie shooting up since he said he was in two different places simultaneously
- broke the speed limit driving him and Kat home
- ate sushi on Kat's birthday despite saying he'll never eat sushi or any raw food
- believes you shouldn't feed your cat fish as it is for human consumption and can make them ill
- “Pet food is unregulated! Why do you think some of them have cheese in it?”
- “Yes Jasper is a part of my family! If you don’t like it fuck you!”
- vowed not to play Sonic Colors: Ultimate due to its poor reception; hasn't stopped him before
- ignored the Twitter poll results because he suspects users on Kiwifarms rigged it
- mistakenly assumed he left the poll opened but it only lasted 3 minutes
- 'knows' Kiwifarms rigged the poll, revealing he still browses the site
- believes only the USA celebrates Labour Day
- refused to put a top tipper on the leaderboard because he didn't like the tip message
- beat Hades but didn't bask in the ending; “I know this isn’t the real ending! I have to leave!”
- is proud that he put out "more raw gameplay of anyone on this planet in this past decade"
- “I have a busy positive social life! I have a wife! I have a cat!”
- says if anti-DSP 'conspiracy theories' were true they'd be proof; there is (like this list)
- reckons such conspiracy theories are abuse, even if delivered in a neutral factual manner
- explains only crazy dumb people speak those theories; his ex-mods and ex-fans testify
- “I never talked to my ex before she was of legal age but that’s what people tell themselves!”
- concludes that he doesn't waste his time talking anti-DSP theories it in a half-hour rant
- still believes that Kiwifarms planned to break into house; it was bait to prove he browses it
- mistakenly said the aforementioned break-in posts on KF were deleted, but they weren't
- believes that people who make DIHYDP videos make money off it
- believes that people who make and/or watch DIHYDP videos are "insanely jealous" of him
- admits he used to blame DIHYDP videos for the trolls, now he just blames mean commenters
- attacked a fan's comment about obese cats as a personal jab at Jasper kitty
- “A burger and fries is poison to a dog! It's a fact! People shouldn’t even be eating that shit!”
- took a few days off to celebrate Kat's birthday like a child
- believes Housemarque is only popular due to Sony
- still thinks Returnal copied the "roguelike formal"
- “Steam doesn’t kill bees, steam annoys bees so they will leave you alone”
- ranted for 13 minutes on why Rich from ReviewTechUSA isn't worth talking about
- “Having the Line app doesn’t prove anything! Maybe I talk to my family on it!”
- previously admitted he has no family other than his elderly parents, Kat, and Jasper
- his definition of a lolcow: "Someone who has hate clans who follow them around the internet"
- “If I get COVID how will I do my job! I’ll be coughing! I’ll be dying!"
- says he isn't a YouTuber as he streams on YouTube and uploads videos to YouTube
- repeats that he doesn't hate Ninja but will talk shit about him and be negative about him
- refuses to wear his glasses, just moves the TV closer to him
- says he isn't about the drama but fails to see why drama keeps finding him
- lied that the privated Patreon-only video where he dissed ReviewTechUSA never existed
- called out Rich for sucking on cucumbers; made a video of him showering
- blames Rich for having trolls; refuses to blame himself for having trolls
- 10:47am to him is "bright and early"
- banned people in chat for talking about musicians and not him or the gameplay
- denied he gets “behind the scenes tips”, immediately checks his phone for tips
- his big financial goal: a nice honeymoon for him and Kat
- stopped watching wrestling primarily because Kat's work schedule had changed
- lied that him playing WWE Champions is unrelated to him watching wrestling
- compared 9/11 conspiracy theories to the conspiracy theories involving him and mobile games
- praises his Twitter followers: “Thank you for being a part of my life”
- states intelligent people can can agree to disagree; bans everyone who disagrees
- admitted he had spent hundreds of dollars on WWE SuperCard, didn't mention WWE Champions
- showed onscreen a disgusting burger he ordered and ranted that he wanted a refund
- exclaims you cannot compare him to other content creators because they don't match his output
- is so paranoid of trolls he can't run a Discord server, fearing they'd infiltrate and ruin it
- proudly states he streams full time six days a week and barely spends time with his family
- insists his past, such as him not getting the Wolverine toy, doesn't mean he's a whiny brat
- "I was raised to have self-restraint and that you had to wait in life"
- “As a kid, I was the one who wasn’t handed everything”; as an adult he asks for donations
- advises parents buy their whiny bratty kids their desire toys before they are sold out
- strokes his ego that he can use his Wolverine toy story to give parenting advice
- “I would love to do charity events like other creators but nobody else out there is like me!”
- used YouTube's built-in superchat tracker despite saying YouTube didn't have such a feature
- “If you want new perks you’ll have to give me viable ideas”
- ranted about how he has 25k followers on Twitter and yet barely has interactions, blames trolls
- says he misses interactions with people; never enable comments and always blocks/bans people
- doesn't want free speech because he doesn't want to micromanage every comment he gets
- "They might disagree with me and that's ok"; disables responses on Twitter because its not ok
- assumes that any fans who respond to him positively will get harassed by trolls
- admitted to rallying his fanbase to mass-report Twitter troll accounts
- begged his fans to like and retweet his tweets for visibility
- thinks that liking and retweeting him will "shut down the trolling"
- believes that around 50% of his 25k Twitter followers are 'hate followers'
- states Kiwifarmers spent all day doing unproductive things while he rants on the prestream
- called Kiwifarms 'Kiwifarts' multiple times during his rant; a mature adult!
- wants to be like 'other streamers' despite making a point not wanting to be like them
- thinks its bullshit people can get away with being toxic, said during his toxic rant
- claims it's racist to refer to his military hat as a Nazi hat
- called poor people criminals
- thinks it's stupid that important historical documents are stored and not destroyed
- reckons WD40 will fix his squeaky chair; WD40 is for rust, which his chair doesn't have (yet)
- sprayed his chair with WD40, complained that it is still squeaking
- reponds to Vtubers on Twitter trying to get interactions
- gave a speech on the dangers of addiction... he would know
- said its stupid to buy the deluxe version of Lost Judgement to play it early; buys it anyways
- admitted that the 'PhilSmokesCrack' tipper is OIC on an alt
- banned a fan who correctly pointed out that PhilSmokesCrack is OIC
- doesn't understand why murderers kill: "Why would they want the legal trouble? That’s illegal!”
- states he has cannot and will not help his wife in her time of need
- “I just have to finish this conversation with my wife.”
- “I turned off the music! Look! I turned it off!”; shouts over the still-playing music
- complained about getting even less interaction on his Twitter ever since he locked it down
- "I told my fans if they want to talk to me safely, they can quote retweet me."
- thinks he's a good judge of game length; wastes time ingame commenting and clowning around
- smugly declared that Psychonauts 2 is on PS5 but he thought it was an Xbox Series X exclusive
- roasted a detractor on Twitter for having just 1 follower and then cowardly blocked him
- acknowledged a $20 tip but did not add it to the daily tips total
- allowed a whale to impersonate a known chatter since he still got the $$
- advised his fans to retweet as his privated account will make the retweeter anonymous (nope)
- refuses to have polls on YouTube because he cannot restrict voters and comments in them
- held no poll for the Halloween event despite taking donations; thanks for the money, dummies!
- says Life Is Strange isn't woke: "It has stereotypes in it, but you can laugh at that stuff!”
- is adamant that his very public '10 year plan' is now suddenly his business
- was confused that Deathloop loops over and over and got bored as a result
- called Deathloop a roguelike (it has no randomization, so no it's not)
- gin-posted at 1am in response to WWE using purple 'unicorn cum' in their Twitter images
- did a few unintentional Roman salutes when ranting about Jasper kitty
- admits he can't ignore the trolls out of paranoia they'll ruin his life
- lied that OIC hasn't been financially supportive of him since 2020
- promised more 'power' to his YouTube members but can't deliver due to not doing research
- assumes that YouTube is coded by lazy programmers that copy+paste spaghetti code
- won't accept money from people IRL for his streaming services
- says the Karen meme only applies to the internet and has no real-life basis (he's a Karen)
- is upset that Sony hasn't made settings catering to streamers
- encouraged his fans to double-dip the poll by becoming a YT member and join his website
- "I want consistency, but my schedule is dictated by my wife’s schedule!”
- bitches at games that cater to adult audiences, bitches at games that cater to younger audiences
- "Psychonauts 2 is not a game for kids! It has depression in it!”
- “Bugsnax is not a game for kids either! It has serious adult themes in it!”
- bans big-fan Snowkarl and all his supporters on sight (except the ones that tip him)
- accuses all Karl names as "cult behaviour"; his chat is for Phil only (DarksydeCultLeader)
- "I'm a content creator! I don’t do this for the money! I love this job!"
- states that most content creators are miserable and he isn't (pffft)
- admonishes Wings for "embracing the trolls" when Wings clearly hasn't
- assumes that embracing trolls makes you a troll
- states that if you read any info about him you are brainwashed by weirdos
- “You’ve circle jerked yourself so hard that your dick came off!”
- still upset at Burger King two weeks after a disappointing burger, still wants a refund
- "Nothing improves if you don't demand better"; okay, DarksydeKaren
- quickly shilled his YouTube channel at his semi-viral anti-BK Twitter tirade
- assumes that everyone outside the USA calls burgers 'sandwiches'
- stayed up to at least 2:30am enjoying his spot in the limelight on Twitter
- stole a tweet from Kotaku of all places to get Twitter interaction
- "I was robbed! Burger King robbed me!”
- didn't refund the bad BK burger because he had shopping to do and ate the burger at night
- took a jab at ReviewTechUSA for being bald, meanwhile he's balding with thinning grey hair
- called out Capcom for milking fans with DLC skins, meanwhile he's shilling new hats
- uses the name Karl (as in Snowkarl) as an insulting term; he doesn't bear grudges, guys!
- hates campers because they don't run into bullets like him
- praised DoorDash on Twitter in an attempt to reverse the negativity
- mentioned getting dinners via DoorDash literally the same stream he says he's low on funds
- stated that women doesn't receive hate online for being female because they're not like him
- assumes that Jose stalks him for the two hours of Street Fighter streaming a week
- admits that Jose isn't annoying or bothering him, still rants because he does annoy him
- "He did absolutely nothing at all at the competitive level" i.e. got defeated by a scrub
- believes its alright to insult other ethnicities/cultures so long as it's all stereotypes
- spends $200 on groceries a week and still spends hundreds a month on DoorDash
- spends $80 on alcohol every fortnight (oh my god he's drinking gin!)
- gets haircuts that costs $66 a pop (for a head with receding hairline and patchy parts)
- spent tens of thousands of dollars on songs from Apple iTunes
- did not take Kat to Japan or a proper honeymoon with all that disposable income
- kept getting charges of $16.51 from PayPal due to his addiction to gambling gatcha games
- sent $0 to charity despite previous claims he sometimes donates
- makes $10k a month and still goes into overdraft several times
- banned the Karl posting black power fists but not the Karl posting white power fists
- ruined his dinner date by accidentally twisting his ankle
- claimed someone IRL recognised him and pulled their car in front of him to say hello
- insists he wasn't bothered by the fan interaction yet he lives in a gated community due to fear
- unfollowed Derich on Twitter and then followed one of Derich's alts... hmmm...
- was very quiet on Twitter following the big expenses reveal on Kiwifarms, seething and coping
- complains about playing FPS games on console, never crosses his mind to play it on PC
- got some Twitter accounts sharing images of his grave financial situation suspended
- got /r/DSPDiscussion banned for excessive copyright removals (either him SuperHound)
- hired more mods for his chat to shut down any leaks (even banning fans curious about it)
- insists the drama isn't so bad but will go full Führer mode to stamp out the drama
- acknowledges that Call of Duty games are lag-fests with hackers but he dutifully plays them
- ponders why anyone would want merch from a streamer; still has a store with shirts for sale
- insulted DrDisrespect for giving CoD champion Scump, and insulted Scump for being a kiss-ass
- talked about people wasting money on microtransactions (fucking lol)
- insists he never gave away empty game boxes... because they had the manual in them
- stopped talking about 'kiwi farts' as soon as Kiwifarms put actual evidence on the site
- "If you say global warming is fake you’re an idiot!” then talks about buying an air conditioner
- “My wife and I will be trying to order another air conditioner for the house"
- compares his streaming to a service like Netflix
- states that the streamer has no obligation to do anything for fans, even to big tippers
- gave a speech about how you can't live a life of seething jealousy; says you, Dave
- "I don't watch other creators" and yet claims to know how other creators do things
- told people to not donate if they don't like him , swiftly regretted saying that
- "Silence is just as bad as being a part of the problem", says the person silencing others
- claims he failed his first written driving test by them marking a correct answer as wrong
- spent $140 on two copies for Lost Judgement, for Phil and Kat, because they won't Gameshare
- says he loves the stories in Yakuza games; always nodding off or looking at the chat
- “Even if you laugh at me the reward for my entertainment is being tipped!”
- “A lot of why I’m in the financial position that I am is because I’ve stayed true to myself”
- “PayPal sides with the content creator 9/10 times!” but yet rages about chargebacks
- changed his mind on playing Diablo II Resurrected because it's 'chill' (i.e. easy tips)
- stated that if you don't tip him you are hurting him
- had a day off due to no funds but ordered Chinese takeaway via DoorDash... it's all so tiresome
- gin-tweeted that implied that the bank leaks are legit and he may seek legal action (doubtful)
- accidentally said "renigged" on stream, did not apologise or clarify when it was brought up
- believes he is honest because he has no sponsors
- told his chat not ignore any paragraphs in the chat because it's either spoilers or trolling
- believes older Nintendo games come free, but in reality they come with Nintendo Switch Online
- still insists he did all those pushups on camera, refuses to do any more
- says he doesn't pay attention to any particular moment in his life; okay Mr. 4th place at Evo
- doesn't want to take suggestions for games to play because only he knows best
- claims that he is a victim of identify theft and that is why he spends thousands on shit
- says he was impersonated but did not give any examples whatsoever of anything anyone did in his name
- has his PayPal open daily to monitor donations and did not see any fraudulent charges... hmm...
- states there is both fake charges and identify theft, which cancel each other out
- "I spoke with people of various occupations" rather than just his lawyer
- won't give any evidence of his innocence due to 'legal advisement'
- admitted that he is unable to debunk any theories/claims about him
- stated that all the leaked data about him is half-truths; won't specify what parts are true
- "The more you say about something, the more it can always be used against you."
- threatens to go after trolls for committing federal crimes; lied on his bankruptcy forms
- didn't actually deny that the bank statements were false, which actually validates all claims
- gave the advice that if any website stores your payment details don't use it (so like 100%)
- "They could have ruined my credit!"; already ruined his credit
- insists the trolls hacked his bank to make payments but the leaks show years of bad spending
- blamed Bank of America for not having 2 factor authentication but he had never set it up
- wants more businesses to do 2 factor authentication but sighs when YouTube or Xbox uses it
- "Do I have power to do anything about this? Not really"; so much for going after the trolls
- banned tons of chat regulars for daring to question why Phil was so defensive
- instructed a tipper who didn't get the $6.66 tip animation to donate with a different amount
- got new mods for his chatroom but did not give them a list of trolls, hence accidental bans
- had his ass stomped by gojitenks in SFIII because in his own words "I was doing nothing"
- claims the FGC envied him for being popular; Darksydedelusions
- insists he was watched for his character not skills, despite claiming to be a former pro gamer
- states that him raging at lag was the fun factor; nowadays avoids the lag whenever possible
- now asking for a new computer despite bank leaks showing where he spends donations
- implied he won't play the much-hyped Metroid Dread because his stream won't have many viewers
- “That’s hard question to answer because even between us we forget all her recipes!”
- banned all 'Snow' usernames to combat the rising Snowkarl army
- pointed out that his wife Kat is a better gamer than him, accomplishing more in quicker time
- orders his fans to get vaccinated for COVID-19; so much for not wanting to take a stance
- went from an anti-vax lunatic to a pro-vax lunatic; "just tough through it"
- tells his fans to not worry about any bad reactions from the vaccine, which is endangerment
- “Covid uses grappling hooks to attach itself to your proteins”
- revealed he wants everyone to get vaxed so he can stop wearing face masks because he has a beard
- “I haven’t been sick in over a year and a half! This from cleaning yourself and wearing a mask!”
- claims he hasn't been sick in ages; ear infections, gout, greasy hair from lack of showering...
- “Luckily I live in one of the most liberal states in the country!”
- "You’ll never be perfectly safe! You’ll never be perfectly healthy!"; still wants you vaxed
- "I have trained myself to see perspective from someone else’s shoes!"... pffft
- used fictional characters like Uncle Ben from Spider-Man as examples of good nice people
- says people have beliefs based purely on emotions... much like his anger and envy at streamers
- thinks it's a necessity that big pharma are skimming cash off the backs of people
- implores you cannot call out unfair moderations of the chat as it is derailing the stream
- wants his precious emotes but won't allow fans to post emotes that they like (e.g. clouds)
- still thinks OIC is on hiatus but he never left
- blames trolls for having no retirement fund anymore
- is not setting aside money for his retirement, still thinks he's taking care of his family
- thinks Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' is a song and thinks Pink Floyd a person
- is proud of his Stone Cold shirt his wife got him; almost middle-aged manchild
- won't play Kirby games because they're "not challenging"; so much for chill streams
- still hasn't cleaned his dusty office, leading to his Xbox Series X slowly dying
- insists he wins almost all his chargebacks despite previous admitting he lost some chargebacks
- sings that trolls have no life and then reminds people that contributions are low so tip
- “Twitch kicked me off the site”; in actuality they removed him from the partnership program
- “Roguelikes are a way to reuse assets a lot and have an excuse to do so”
- blames every game crash as the developers deliberately making crappy games
- drops games because "Attendance was low! Contributions where slow! Tips where bad!”
- “Thank you guys, that’s $6 in tips…that’s better than nothing!”; UngratefulSydePhil
- "I do donate to charities but I don’t talk about it because my trolls would ruin it"
- thinks he can get away with claiming to be charitable because the bank leaks don't show it
- regularly pins tweets begging for financial support
- thanked his viewers for the generous tips, but the very next stream he bemoaned a poor stream
- banned someone just for making a humerous tip incentive
- says he won't do silly actions for tips like a clown, now tip for the hats and bubble blowing
- “Not gonna take my shirt off to make a buck!”; had made an infamous shower video
- claimed to have played Diablo II a ton as a kid, but his D2R streams showed he was bullshitting
- banned the number '1' because fans were voting in the chat and were deemed spammers
- “I should get the game on the Series X if it’s not on the series X”
- always buys Halloween decorations every year despite his debt, still gets cheap nasty ones
- set a tips goal of $300 for the Halloween decorations; more like WWE Champions decorations
- "I would argue it’s hundreds to thousands of people giving me small amounts!”
- compared raiding him in stream chat to painting hateful slurs on a physical business' building
- considers himself a "positive person" and was baffled as to why he would be raided
- wants people to be held accountable for their online actions but doesn't condone using real info
- believes that the internet has zero regulations in place, wants more regulations
- allows OIC to be in chat despite an ex-mod revealing OIC doxing mods, detractors, and tippers
- “It has nothing to do with me! It’s bullshit!”, thinks ignoring the problem absolved him of it
- thinks being a Japanese idol means no school and acting like an adult regardless of any laws
- declares a stream a bad one if trolls pester him without moderation, regardless of $$ gained
- "I don't want to sound rude or ungrateful", but then asks for more tips
- notes that an above-average view count means trolls, despite not caring about view count
- got a new lawyer who tells him basically the same things as the old lawyer... money well spent!
- claims no one who review Death Loop actually finished it due to not finding the bugs he did
- “As you know, I crowdfund my life.”
- "Tip or shut the fuck up!”
- shamelessly returned to bubble blowing to get more tips
- confirmed Kat only works 3 days a week but still says she works full time
- said no one is talking to him, a fan asked what his favourite movie is, banned that fan
- insists only he can talk about money, not even curious fans willing to donate money
- his Halloween tips animations are lazy dull 'jump scares' that glitched and hardly played
- misinterprets the phrase 'rent free in your head' to determine Snowkarl is not in his head
- refuses to understand the Officer Sanders meme, banned someone for it anyways
- says it would take "significant time commitment" to learn Tekken games; plays games all day
- reused the same Halloween decorations from last year, set up even less than usual
- once mocked elite streamers for fancy setups, meanwhile was surrounded by decorations
- admitted in stream chat that the bank leaks are true and not invented by detractors
- blocked Kat's sister on Twitter because she starred in a porn and trolls Phil
- said his chat is not a place to hang out with friends
- "It’s not your place to talk about whatever you want in chat!”
- "The point is that you come and have fun with people WITH the content creator on the stream!"
- stated he is now zero tolerance on those causing drama; simply timed out Snowkarl for drama
- assumes anyone who talks off-topic are purposefully derailing the stream because they hate him
- refuses to play Smash but wants to play Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl, a Smash clone
- plays Monkey Ball games like collect-a-thons, runs out of time collecting bananas
- treats the game like he is controlling the ball, not tilting the stage itself
- sang with a Jamaican accent about grabbing monkey balls and sucking on bananas
- “Floaters? What does that mean? The only floaters I know are in my toilet!”
- lied about not wanting to turn helper mode on
- got $150 at the start of a stream, continued to pressure and guilt fans in keep donating
- asserts he did not ragequit Divinity II but says it made him so rage he quit the game
- complains about Jasper vomiting all over the house, does nothing to prevent it
- says that tips pay for things that happen out of the blue like his taxes
- stated that Chinese people lie, steal, and break laws because that is “Chinese culture”
- passed the blame of being Sinophobic onto what other people told him about China
- ranted the people getting and streaming Farcry 6 early are only in it for the money
- "Fuck you, you disingenuous sell-out pieces of shit and the thousands who watch your content!"
- assumes that streamers that play games early are basically shills doing paid-advertisements
- has himself received and played free games from devs, does not see the hypocrisy
- “The temptation to trust a content creator who play these games early is too strong!"
- says he's not bitter to have turned down offers for free games; his big rant means he's bitter
- is proud to pay extra to get an early copy of a game, is jealous of those who get 'em for free
- "Every piece of content and every word that comes out of my mouth is real!”
- wants those day one views but won't apply himself for tasty pre-release views
- "People aren't that smart! They watch idiot content creators lie and make a big paycheck!"
- dropped Metroid Dread because it's not spooky enough for October; will play Farcry 6 instead
- “It’s been a long time since there was a new Metroid game. There are not a lot of fans left!”
- “I’m not going to go too far in to my feelings on this”; spent two-thirds of pre-stream on it
- thinks a modern game with multiple boss phases with enemies gauntlets within is outdated
- stated he rewatched a Hateful Truth episode he made... so much for not rewatching his own content
- banned a two month member from his chat for pointing out his (Phil's) bad spending habits
- claims all his funds got frozen, but the leaked bank statement says the opposite
- "I hear that your butt, actually naturally can spread out, separate the cheeks like two turrets"
- accidentally read a whale's $1 tip for the glasses goal, not the generic $25 tip message
- was pleased that Facebook was down and denounced it as evil, uses Twitter just as irresponsibly
- said Facebook is very insecure; was hacked on FB because he always re-used the same password
- “This old school mentality isn’t meant for the modern world!”
- “This looks like a bunch of doody! Yeah man, this is doody! Bunch of doodies! Banana doody!"
- "Dicks with guns! Yeah yeah! Those dicks with guns! Gotta get those dicks with guns!"
- “Actually I haven’t had anything to drink today”, which implies he drinks most days
- said he hadn't drunk anything, then called the Alan Wake Remaster "Adam Wake Remaster"
- made his own shitty pizza and yet has the nerve to call out fast food joints for ugly food
- his homemade pizza was horrid: too much pre-shredded cheese, not enough sauce (proud Italian btw)
- defended his pizza but then took a bathroom break: "I have the bubble guts right now...”
- says he keeps his calm through adversity; detractor videos says otherwise
- “Something always fucks me over"... yeah, by your own hand!
- claims he has been told by legal counsel not to talk about the bank leaks (which he denied)
- states "no one asked" about the bank leaks even though he's literally banned people for asking
- says Monkey Ball games are repetitive because back in the days they didn't have space for story
- begs his fans/whales to tip extra due to wanting to leave copyrighted music on for Alan Wake
- insists that a game isn't good if it makes money for streamers; hates games that don't get tips
- "Not every game needs to print fucking money for streamers!"
- "A long time ago people used to play games and not actually stream them"; won't do that nowadays
- says devs and gamers need to grow up from outdated Battle Royale genre; plays SFII all the time
- 'owned' a troll for saying he's never won a BR game legit; he won by hiding all round
- “Most of my viewers are not 15 year-olds.”; fails to mention that they're still teenagers
- allows his moderators to ban anyone for any reason, leading to limited channel growth
- banned a fan just for saying that a description Phil gave about his stew sounded disgusting
- says Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a kids games, then says it's competitive and he can't keep up
- “Your tips go towards me doing something on my day out.”
- exclaimed that the Halo Infinite beta was for 'special people' but it was for everyone
- was shocked to be told that anyone could've played the Halo beta: "well I wasn’t told about it!"
- created his own rendition of MJ's Thriller and sang it
- claims Twitch will go out of business due to the 2021 Twitch leak that year
- wasted no time dancing on Twitch's imminent grave after their data breach leaks
- says that the Twitch data breach was secret; the leaker made it very public on 4chan
- states he jumped ship from Twitch; more like he ragequit after being de-partnered
- laughs at streamers' payouts being revealed, but their also revealed his payouts (all wasted!)
- is jealous that 'toxic' streamers that act like idiots were proven to earn way more than him
- also jealous that the streamers are better off because they don't consume WWE Champions and gin
- assumes he is "small potatoes" compared to other Twitch streamers; gets $100k a year on Twitch
- claims he is always transparent; disabled his Streamlabs tips leaderboard after getting $1100
- quipped that Twitch deserves the leaks, but he of course did not deserve his bank details leaked
- justified his bitching and ranting at Twitch because the database leaks are big news
- says he made lots of money back when he was carefree and not begging constantly (no penny drop)
- his definition of impromptu: a pre-planned decision/choice if the initial plan goes awry
- admits he stopped caring about his life, which explains his poor health and no 10 year plan
- "Hide the screen when you hit play"
- doesn't care if his audience enjoys the stream, he needs to get tips!
- “Yo! I almost squirted in my pants!”
- states he likes Hershey chocolate best but then changed it to Nestle to one-up a fan in chat
- guilt-tripped his fans into tipping to keep playing the Battlefield 2042 beta
- new incentives to being a YT member: priority questions for Ask the King and game requests
- is glad he stopped streaming on Twitch but said before he would return if they kiss-ass
- said that if you are a millionaire streamer you should disable tips and subs and stream for free
- compared the Twitch leak to a restaurant's recipes being leaked for anyone to copy their food
- stood up and stretched, exposing his hairy belly to the camera
- was puzzled why Far Cry 6 wasn't getting views, but he previously complained about prior FC games
- tasked his viewers to talk in the chatroom, unaware they're scared of being banned
- "No Tyrone, my wife is at work tonight."
- says he 'had' to laugh hilariously at 'idiots' getting a Nintendo Switch OLED
- admits he is out of the loop with common gamers, is proud of it
- declared people getting a Switch OLED as financial irresponsible... fucking lol
- called out Nintendo as promoting a worthless product (still a Nintendo fan btw)
- insists he is very careful about what games he spends money on, yet wagequits them all the time
- "I can't just spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars everyday"
- still thinks he can't see tipper's details on Paypal, bans anyone who mentions it
- mentions that drinking from his thermos makes his mouth dry; still with the gin, Phil?
- feigned ignorance of Puppet Phil, one of the most well known detractor videos
- his next YouTube membership goal reward: a new hat!
- forgot to play Lost Judgement for a week despite loving the Yakuza games, had to be reminded
- discontinued the double vest incentive even though it was a money maker for him
- lies that he doesn't get much behind-the-scenes tipping
- surmises that good games attract more of an audience than AAA games; plays every AAA game
- acknowledges he won't be alive in another 50 years
- ponders that he'll be miserable in his 80s; is miserable every day nowadays
- states that no one cares about PewDiePie yet points out Pewds still gets millions of views
- "PewDiePie was a nobody back in the day, I was a big YouTuber." ackackackackack
- suspects PDP 'faded into obscurity' once his audience grew up
- reckons that tipping him means you like him, so even troll tips are from secret fans
- described in graphic detail taking a shit to explain why he took such a long break
- will keep his dead unsafe forum alive, saying it costs less than $100 a month
- chastised his fans for leaving the stream during Super Monkey Ball, then ragequit it
- disgusted his audience with loud phlegm-clogged coughs, laughed like a demented witch about it
- takes his wife out for a nice meal when he's strapped for cash
- pays for Kat's gas even though she's using the car for work, not paying for her own gas
- immediately begs for money once he stops recording for YouTube
- "Don't feel bad about not tipping..." and then, "Guys, tonight sucked with support!"
- "I hope you all realize that not hitting these tip goals will only cause me to beg more."
- states he needs $1000 to fix 'identity theft' issues
- also needs $1000 to fix a busted shower valve (that can be replaced for like $50)
- assumes the plumber will tear down the walls and replace all the pipes
- "All my money is going on essentials" such as gin, WWE Champions, iTunes, but not plumbing
- used the other shower he never used in seven years, indicating he's never cleaned it at all
- cleaned the drain which took an hour, indicating he's never cleaned that other drain
- yells at fans who say support is low but he himself says this
- refuses to lower the cost of YT membership despite more potential members
- asked for $1000, disabled tip animations, didn't recognise known tippers... hmm....
- doesn't know what kissing a chicken means
- announced he will discuss a problem on stream, but then said it wasn't an announcement
- watched Kat play Lost Judgement, spoiling the game for him
- states that the leaked bank statements are a complete lie
- revealed that the "extremely rude surprise" that ruined his morning was some expired yogurt
- loves Lost Judgement but threatened to wagequit it if donations were low
- unashamably openly tweets mid-stream for financial assistance
- says he's only gambled a few times in his life, conveniently ignores mobile gacha games
- reveals he was bullied in school, now he's a bully to his fans in general
- allows Philsmokescrack to be the top tipper because he's a money creature
- mocked Philsmokescrack for losing the whale tip war
- his idea of keeping someone in your prayers is to say a quick prayer outloud
- clamped down on any talk of the plumbing situation even though he had brought it up before
- relaxed his ban-on-sight policy on Snow and Karl trolls for no real reason
- blamed his diminishing YT memberships on lack of 'blockbuster games' and not himself
- believes it is normal for people to upgrade their phones every year
- says he won't call people brainwashed for buying the Switch OLED, then called them brainwashed
- points out Animal Crossing: New Horizons was 'hot' during the pandemic but now no one cares
- had the money to pay the plumber but waited until he got paid by YouTube
- called his fans idiots for assuming he'd call for a plumber ASAP: "that's not how it works!"
- didn't do research on typical plumbing costs, assumes the repair quote will be $1000+
- showed more concern at losing tips from a fan's frozen bank account than the fan's well-being
- says he wasn't banned from Twitch; was banned from earning money on Twitch, which is worse
- “Metroid Dread is not an original game because it’s a sequel!”
- bitched about no original games and yet was hyped to play the GTA remastered trilogy
- bitched about how there is nothing getting hyped up over; "I am hyped up for Forza Horizon 5!”
- believes machetes cannot go through skulls but 'smaller knives' can
- began banning people for bringing up the $1000 he made in the whale tips war
- got mad that no one seemed as upset as him at Nintendo for optional online expansion service
- incorrectly believed that $49.99 is just the expansion, but it's the base service + expansion
- occasionally describes in disturbing detail being covered in sweat
- ranted about the same troll comments every stream; loves the same tipping messages every stream
- ignored everyone complaining him about not including superchats to the tips total
- banned a fan who repeatedly superchatted asking about the vest streak
- pondered how kids could play Monkey Ball games because all he played were Street Fighter games
- bitched about Monkey Ball but kisses the game's ass because he gets big tips playing it
- asserts that streamers who put on makeup are "fake people"; Kat puts on makeup for streams
- got very defensive about not finding men attractive, especially Brad Pitt... hmm...
- actively tried not to wear vests despite it being autumn, a season he hyped as being suitable
- believes that streamer-viewer relationships should be solely provider-customer
- admits that the glasses, hats, and vests don't mean anything even though they are tips rewards
- feels no obligation to acknowledge tips and superchats, regardless of amount donated
- says wearing hats and vests make him sweat lots and distracts him, guilting his fans and whales
- believes that wanting him to wear vests and hats is deliberately hurting him
- tells fans who want to see him wear goofy clothing to "fuck off and don't come back"
- wants fans who wish to tip him just to see him dress up to "grow the fuck up"
- "If you have an issue with that, go fuck yourself. I don't want your support, I want you gone."
- doesn't realise or care that excessive sweating could be diabetes or alcohol withdrawal
- states that if you tip and feel like you are owed anything, you have an "entitlement complex"
- doesn't much like online multiplayer games, still signed up for the beta test of Halo Infinite
- suggests indie devs wait to release their games in dead months with no big AAA game releases
- “Anyways that’s enough upcoming games talk, let’s get back to reality and talk about me!”
- bitched about Monkey Ball because even when he looks up how to beat stages it's still not easy
- set the 350 YT members reward is a community-voted hat purchased from Amazon
- “When I was a kid my mom and I would have a day out together and go to Burger King!”
- “When you get McDonald fries they are never fresh!"; you CAN ask for fresh fries
- believes McDonalds fries their burger meat rather than grills, hence he likes BK better
- “Be a mature adult without being a little shit piss kid!"; MaturesydePhil
- says that anything that's not a ground beef patty is a burger; eats turkey burgers
- “I don’t know who told you I have running water in my bathroom!"; has a constant drip
- “What did I have for dinner? Let me think about that...”
- “It’s probably too late for a Squid Game Halloween costume"; it's just a green track suit
- yelled that the physics in Monkey Ball are unrealistic: "This stage is not central weighted!"
- gives nothing for big tips then ponders why whales rarely turn up to contribute
- instructs his fans not to mock people not there to defend themselves; does the same thing
- thinks it's fucked up to use mocking memes about people; mocks ReviewTechUSA for cucumbers
- says he's indifferent to WingsofRedemption yet has a history of mocking him
- threatened to ban people talking about Wings, doing the same excessive banning Wings does
- is shocked that he would be refused medical help after he kept cancelling his ENT appointments
- "I can’t get to the doctor to figure out what’s wrong!”, blames America's healthcare system
- did not add a $25 tip he received during his break to the tips total
- “It’s been extremely slow tonight... I don’t know why nothing is even going on...”
- assumes that his viewers behave like him, the only ones in chat who aren't like him are trolls
- re-enabled his comment section out of sheer desperation
- says that an open comment section is good, immediately shits on this nice deed by warning trolls
- claims "nobody knew" he re-enabled comments, but he turned on comment verification
- proposed his fans to suggest games to play, will rule out 90% of all suggestions
- asked if he would play an anime-style game: "What do I get out of that?"
- believes he can't make content like more popular streamers because they earn 100x more than him
- states he'll never be a shill, then starts playing YouTubers Life 2 early access
- behaved himself while playing YouTubers Life 2, not many sex jokes or the like... hmm...
- got very agitated when he encountered PewDiePie in YouTubers Life 2, seethed with jealousy
- paused his stream to tell Kat to put the garbage out
- “I want more views! I do!”, “It doesn’t matter to me how many people we have here"
- believes large creators have teams that do everything for them, hence he can't emulate them
- “No large creator responds to their chat! They can’t!"
- “When you come to my stream your job as a viewer is to take it for what it is!”
- "If you are just gonna come here to complain about how the contributions are low, contribute!"
- "Just because we hit the tips goal doesn't mean you can stop tipping."
- says he hasn't drunk gin all 2021, but the bank leaks show he's drinking wine instead
- sarcastically said the key to success is to beg for money
- pronounces PewDiePie's name as Pew-Die-Pie, making a subtle death threat
- does not know the difference between famous and infamous
- recognises WingsofRedemption memes, despite saying he doesn't care about him
- accuses anyone of bringing up other streamers as derailers and bans them
- "Iraq War vets only enlisted for the free education."
- pronounces curator as 'cure-rit-er'
- instructed his fans to up the donations if/when he plays the GTA trilogy with copyrighted music
- says he doesn't drink gin during streams because then he'll say and do stupid shit
- ranted that gojitenks wastes his time; still chooses to battle him
- whined that players in SSF2T can throw him to break combos, doing mechanics he doesn't know of
- stated that due to all the positivity streams he'll get negative streams soon, so tip more now
- advised underaged fans to lie about their age when making accounts, breaking YouTube ToS
- wants Street Fighter VI to be dumbed down so he can get good at it with his limited free time
- doesn't want Street Fighter VI to ruin his life... a life with $500k debt washed with gin
- bans people for complaining that Phil pauses the game and talks way too much
- ponders why the same game can generates lots of tips some days and no tips on other days
- broke his pseudo-promise of playing co-op Back 4 Blood with his fans
- put off playing Back 4 Blood during the Halloween season to play other games
- is proud to allegedly turn down tons of sponsorship offers he gets
- revealed a secret troll plan: random people say attendance and/or tips are low to weaken morale
- acknowledges that he wagequits games but denies he is wagequiting Lost Judgement
- “There is no hype this year! This time of year is dead! They hype is gone!”
- assumes his fans want to see him play the GTA games again based on 'vibes'
- showed off his flabby non-muscles
- extended the stream for more tips, got a $300 tip, cancelled the extension
- acted like a total clown when getting the $300 tip
- doesn't care that the $300 tipper did sex crimes and may appear on a sex offender register
- strawmanned his trolls as evil stalkers who crap on him whenever he gets any success
- assumed his trolls lost their shit when he got a $300 tip; the only shit-losing was from him
- derailed his stream to rant about trolls raining on his parade; so much for a chill fun stream
- openly told his fans that buying a YouTube membership gets you absolutely nothing
- banned a whale and wouldn't unban him unless he dropped lots of money; DarksydeExtortion
- says that every dollar helps but then complains that $1.50 tips are basically nothing
- “Your tips are my liquidity, see what I mean?”
- justified not doing the funded Project 7 trailer because fans demanded he play new games
- “I never intended on doing this for a living!” but previously said he'll be doing this forever
- shat on 343 for rushing Halo Infinite then tells Sloclap to rush Sifu
- his favourite action movie: “anything from the early 90’s and 1980’s”
- assumes the GTA trilogy will have a full second of delay and that's why he'll suck at them
- is snooty and looks down at lower income areas, case in point a Burger King joint downtown
- instructed his viewers to watch his streams live and tip rather than watch his YouTube videos
- says he doesn't care about events happening on other streams but has commented on DrDisrespect's
- claims he doesn't shit on games anymore
- shat on DrDisrespect for saying shipping Halo Infinite without a battle royale mode is unwise
- "A game doesn’t need a battle royale mode to be good!"
- bans people that contradict him: "People are contradicting me, get banned!"
- doesn't know what monarchies are
- won't use his webcam to show his fans the rest of his room because he won't be onseen
- admitted to underage drinking while in high school
- talked about N64 Online Expansion issues without understanding them: "What the fuck is Winback!”
- stated that the Switch emulation uses a horrible emulator while giving very minor examples
- didn't start counting tips until after the prestream, ignoring all prestream tips
- is bewildered that in Japan kids and teens can do things without adult supervision
- got disgusted when Lost Judgement made him crossdress: "Japan goes nuts for this shit!”
- states crossdressing is "Japan fetish shit" and "a part of their culture"
- tells his fans not to start a relationship with him; Leanna and Kat were fans of his
- claims he received a $1500 bill for legal fees due to identity theft
- doesn't know or care that banks can't legally charge you for fraud and he can chargeback the $$
- insists he needs a lawyer to handle the identity fraud charges, won't even call his bank first
- won't show this bill to prove this claim at all, not even in censored form
- posted about needing $1500 around the time a new WWE Champions event launched... hmm...
- reckoned the bank will never find out who defrauded him of $1500 (how convenient)
- allegedly got defrauded of $1500 while watching like a hawk for unverified tips and chargebacks
- talked shit about Keemstar retiring, then whined when Keemstar did a video reponse on Twitter
- lied that he doesn't watch Keemstar or care about him, but he was on Keemstar's show once
- called Keemstar a rumour monger while he himself slandered ProJared based on rumours
- stated that he's never done anything drama-worthy, ignored the fapcident or anything else
- chastized Keemstar for 'punching down' on him but did not actually refute what Keem said
- seethed that Keemstar retired with fuck-you money, meanwhile begging for money to pay his bills
- says he has a right to his opinions on toxic garbage content creators, mad that Keem does too
- claims to never try a relationship with fans; calls them "my friends" and they vote for vests
- assumes that most of his donators don't care about vests or rewards but this is false
- whined that Teespring disabled his inactive account
- talked at length about the bank leaks despite saying his lawyer told him not to talk about it
- “My priority is putting food in the mouths of my family and this shithead prevented that!”
- warned a viewer not to say anything negative about him but banned him anyways
- started using the phrase "game of life" after being roasted by Keemstar with it
- roasted Facebook the way Keemstar would but with cringey fighting game mechanics thrown in
- ranted about not caring about Keemstar for about an hour
- assumes he 'won' against Keemstar because Keem replied to him and Phil 'moved on'
- got upset that paying for discovery on Twitch doesn't give you immediate success
- believes he is a "normal streamer", but he isn't normal, he's a failed streamer
- “I don’t know what everyone seems to be talking about cars, I’m not even into car culture!”
- ragequit Super Monkey Ball because he lacks patience
- called the Monkey Ball games "roguelikes"
- believes he escapes every sinking ship even though he sinks his own ship
- didn't take a tipper seriously because they had the word 'hate' in their username
- thinks his PS3 is bricked but it simply can't connect to a network, so not a hardware issue
- didn't test the PS3 prior to the Halloween event
- states he wouldn't stop streaming even if given $1.5m tax-free
- insists he has to snort into the microphone and then banned the person who complained
- ponders why people would mock others with disabilities, but he's mocked stutterers before
- raised the tips goal to $300 with no glasses or vests for the 2021 Halloween event
- dressed like the Cookie Monster for Halloween; not a children's entertainer btw
- was surprised that a full body costume had no way to relieve himself without removing it
- proclaimed that a DoorDash order cancellation upset his wife but not Feasting with the King
- had a vegetarian platter Feasting with the King but not cookies as the Cookie Monster
- called the Mediterranean Sea a river
- pronounces cumin as "coo men"
- purposefully made stupid faces so people would "meme him", totally not like other streamers!
- complained that the unruly chatroom breaks game immersion but tips + donations are fine
- thinks that using the correct key on the correct door is unrealistic and thus dislikes it
- pleaded for more YT members even though he he supposedly relies on tips to pay the bills
- calls people who have neon lights in the background of their videos "boring as dirt"
- rallied his fans to help buy a new vacuum cleaner after Kat broke it
- "I get no sponsorship opportunities" and yet he claims he turns down all sponsorships
- spoke of how replacing vacuum cleaners is an adult thing and childish detractors won't get it
- believes that a 'bass boost' option for headphones makes them 'professional headphones'
- admits he isn't poor but is always low on funds due to bills and back-taxes (and WWE Champions)
- joked that he brushes his teeth and hair with the incorrect brushes
- claims that all the states in the US have daylight savings time (Arizona and Hawaii don’t)
- rambled on about his mental issues on stream rather to a therapist who can help
- activated his Twitter tips jar, wants tips just for existing on Twitter
- says he absolutely won't play Call of Duty Vanguard... unless someone donates it
- can't understand that his fan might be interested in the hot new CoD game; it's all about Phil!
- encourages his fans to donate redeemable codes for PSN/XBL credits to avoid 'public notoriety'
- assumes that politics memes in his chat reflect on him in some way
- railed against a viewer named Brandon because of the Let's go Brandon meme
- ragequit House of Ashes because he couldn't stand his actions getting people in-game killed
- stated that House of Ashes dropped his input, but it was his slow gin-impeded reaction time
- "Fuck you and your mother! Really, fuck you AND your mother because you're a piece of shit!"
- raged at a superchat worth around $150USD for calling out his ungrateful demeanour
- banned the aforementioned tipper after several more generous superchats, kept the money
- showed his stream a handwritten list of bills to be paid
- banned Snowkarl for realising that Phil is extremely irresponsible with money
- felt proud to ban Snowkarl for finally finding a reason to remove him
- claims his monthly taxes and mortgage payments alone is $5k+, but the bank leaks show its less
- says he's nice and lets people sneak diss him; lean-in manual bans every suspected troll
- "Roombas don't work if you have too much pet hair."
- banned CALVa Corp for insulting him and took him off the tips leaderboard
- ponders why companies make annual game updates, doesn't realise they do it for the money
- tells game devs to stop with the minimum effort; buys every remaster, rerelease, and HD port
- “I’m not going to promise when I’ll play Metroid Dread! There is no point!”
- bans people for bringing up Snowkarl in the chat regardless of context
- got $100 in a stream, asks for $50 more to hit the tips goal
- admitted he would rather watch the clip of him jacking off on loop than watch WWE again
- says he pruchased his PS5 a year and a half ago but the console wasn't out even a year yet
- stated his farts are very nasty, worse than WingsofRedemption's
- upset that he can't buy the GTA Trilogy games separately because he's poor
- upset that Xbox GamePass offered GTA III for free but not the other games, calls it a scam
- begged for the GTA Trilogy after someone gifted him Guardians of the Galaxy; DarksydeBegger
- said his internet went "to zero" though he was still online, didn't elaborate
- “You can like or dislike my videos, you just can't see them!"
- complained about the sun "beating in the window" but did not get up to close the blinds
- assumed that because Call of Duty Vanguard didn't tend on Twitter it's a bad game
- said that no one watches Call of Duty Vanguard streams, butthurt when DrDisRespect hit 800k views
- wants to bring the positive vibe back from before his relentless trolling (when he was unknown)
- insists that likes and dislikes are enabled but disabled the ratio, so thereby disabling it
- won't play Metroid Dread if given $60 because he has a schedule and bills to pay
- spent more time derailing the stream banning trolls than how long the trolls derailed the stream
- told his viewers he'll leave licensed music on but expects them to tip more to make up for it
- begged his viewers to also comment and click the like button
- begged his viewers for tips but calls them empty-headed morons for asking what bills he has due
- doesn't believe that Thanos belongs in a Guardians of the Galaxy game
- left the licensed music on for Guardians of the Galaxy, was shocked that the sound was muted
- complained that his demonitised videos only resulted in one pity donation
- stated Europeans don't like Yakuza games (for reasons he didn't clarify)
- loves the Yakuza series and talked of quitting them due to low stream attendance
- “Who here has played Road Rash before? Probably nobody, it was a late 90’s game”; it's from 1991
- said he's already played the minigames in Lost Judgement for Kat on her console
- hates cherry juice but he has drank so much in his life that he now finds it “refreshing”
- claimed he disabled comments to "protect his family", but he only had a girlfriend at the time
- boasted of owning a troll and keeping the superchatted money, got chargebacked
- has his YouTube play button in the background despite claiming not to focus on YouTube
- seethed with bitter envy that PewDiePie called out shills and is successful
- pointed out that his old computer uses 66% of his CPU just running his webcam, won't upgrade
- thinks CPU usage is linear based on load
- allowed OIC to be 'impersonated' with usernames of ice/coffee, bans anyone with darksyde or Phil
- tolerates impersonation of OIC but banned any and all names mentioning snow or Karl
- ranted that PewDiePie once said the N-word, well so did he
- ignored Pewd's words of not scamming your subscribers
- said that anyone who clicks dislikes on a YouTube video is a moron regardless of video content
- uses a pre-2018 version of OBS that doesn't even have grouping of sources, blames OBS for lag
- did not realise his mic died during a rant (to be fair his chatroom has <10 idle people in it)
- thinks all symphony orchestral music is Star Wars music or tries to sound like it
- likes Forza Horizon 5 because he gets a free wheel spin for basically anything
- doesn't know what a barn looks like
- joked that he's the IRL Wario... well he is fat and craves money
- talked about using DoorDash on his days off, but we know all this already from the bank leaks
- bans anyone who talks about WingsofRedemption, thereby becoming just like Wings
- praised YouTube for considering removing dislikes, hardly ever enables like/dislikes anymore
- assumes that trolls only came to his videos to click dislike, but only he cares about dislikes
- seethed when his subsequent YouTube videos got disliked; they are still visible!
- refused to believe that Keem seriously considered hiring him to make videos
- used Keemstar as an example of a horrible YouTuber (Keem is living in his head rent-free)
- reached the tips goal and immediately demanded more money
- couldn't get used to driving cars in GTA Trilogy due to it being 60 fps
- pretended to care about Veterans Day despite never talking about it before or after the day
- tries to be a 'people pleaser'... by pausing the game to talk to the chat instead of playing
- “Stop talking about Keemstar! I don’t care about that fucking loser! Who cares?!”
- pretended not to know that a chatter was referring to his KiwiFarms thread reaching 10k pages
- “I liked Soundgarden and The Beatles! I liked a lot of those bands from back in that time!”
- stated that CM Punk popularized 'Cult of Personality' by Living Colour
- "Ladies and Gentlemen we are back to 150 viewers on the stream, welcome back, welcome home!"
- called his detractors "mentally challenged morons", which may be seen as a slur against disabled
- lied that there are no error messages popping up for when people tip to him
- threatened to ban people who say there are error messages when tipping, banned the first guy
- said that you can open a video, click dislike and then leave, and it won't count as a view
- talked out of his ass about how long you have to watch a video for it to count as a view
- implied he wouldn't mind the YT trolls if they watch for 5 minutes to qualify him for ad revenue
- "I'm doing what I'm doing out of passion. I'm not here to make a buck."
- is disappointed that he didn't 'sell-out' with custom thumbnails and go full clown mode for $$
- pondered why his boring begging-filled low-effort 'content' gets dislike ratio'd
- "I don't give two fucks about Keemstar!" yet keeps bringing him up
- blocked Keemstar on Twitter and yet can still see Keem's tweets... hmm...
- said the GTA Trilogy made San Andreas too easy; has called the original SA too hard in the past
- defended the GTA Trilogy's ugly models by blaming "crunched aspect ratio" and higher resolution
- assumed people has only disparaged him for 5 years, was shocked to find out it's been 10 years
- told KiwiFrogga to change his name because it had 'Kiwi' in it, assumed it alludes to KiwiFarms
- doesn't like 'KiwiFrogga' as a name but is fine with 'LiquidShit'
- kept the end-of-stream begging in his videos and even called them "The Daily Wrap"
- says he enjoys going through the comments; has to manually approve them
- cried legit tears at 'how good' the writing in the Guardians of the Galaxy game is
- claims he feels sorry for people who work crappy jobs with no friends, like he did (and still is)
- insinuated that the friendless wage-slave people are now his detractors
- tells his fans to buy-in (i.e. an order) and then says to support if you can (i.e. a suggestion)
- set his Nightbot to give tip reminders every minute
- doesn't believe Resident Evil 4 should be remastered/remaked but got hyped for the GTA Trilogy
- fell for a troll bet to win 30 games in a row in SFIII for $600; accomplished it, got no money
- says he has no friends due to his 'busy life' and not his toxic personality
- still insists PayPal isn't a security risk, implies he can see donators' info
- “The only way is if you put your name and address on your account”, and there it is
- banned people for saying that people's PayPal accounts were compromised
- purchased new neckphones but did no research if they'll arrive charged and need to be linked
- tells his viewers to stay informed via his Daily Wrap vids; his pinned tweets have all the info
- “My family's safety takes priority over missing a little time on stream!”
- played Forza Horizons 5 like a drunk, going off course every corner, blames the game and hates it
- “People still want Metroid Dread, but that’s a chill stream game!"
- left his stream to go outside in the pouring rain to look for his Amazon package
- spent over 30 minutes outside in the rain snooping in his neighbours' mailboxes for his package
- was mystified that his tips support was low while spending half his stream outside AFK
- went on a big rant about having to put on shoes and socks and be out in the rain
- accused the delivery driver of stealing his package rather than giving benefit of the doubt
- complained to Amazon rather than waiting, possibly getting the delivery driver in trouble
- "I want it RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"; KarensydePhil
- found it rediculous that an Amazon employee driving the truck cannot answer his phone
- showed his phone to prove his Amazon delivery; won't show phone to disprove mobile game addiction
- got his Amazon package the same day, still assumes the delivery driver tried to steal it
- connected his unfavourable experience with Amazon to the current state of the United States
- didn't know how to charge his new neckphones via USB port
- swears his new neckphones do 'real surround' unlike his old ones, but they both do simulated
- took a few hours to realise his new neckphones cause echoes, much like his old ones
- thinks a mic pop guard is noise cancellation
- got excited about one person finding him via recommended videos; so much for silent majority
- allowed a comment on one of his YT videos to say "Get a job DSP!" without removing it
- insinuated that his fans create alt accounts and become YT members to give him more money
- assumed that 'today' meant 'right now', was pissed he couldn't play Halo Infinite multiplayer
- mistitled a video, played GTA SA remastered rather than Halo Infinity multiplayer beta
- “Nobody wants Call of Duty!", disregards that the latest CoD was in the top 10 games on Twitch
- plays Halo like he plays CoD: trash talking and blaming his team when he loses
- says the Halo Infinite multiplayer is free "but it seems to be going for the free to play model”
- “Anyone who has a Series X is like ridiculously happy and full of gaming!"
- wants Capture the Flag removed from Halo Infinite because he can’t win
- says he shoutouts every tip and then immediately says he can't shoutout everything as he's busy
- “A chiropractor can’t help me for my back because my problem is a severely herniated disc!”
- gave spoilers to the latest Spider-Man movie based on leaks; bans anyone else posting spoilers
- "Deathloop devs paid off the Game Awards for their nomination."
- insists The Last of Us 2 won GOTY awards because the 'people' voting were of an SJW movement
- messed up titling his Lost Judgement YT videos with two Part 39s and two Part 40s
- acknowledges that prolonged sitting is bad for your health and hurts his back, does it anyways
- admits that his prestreams are too long and his fans just want gameplay, does them anyways
- "You might think Phil's got thick skin" but the complaints about him do hurt him
- "I keep stuff clean. I hate slovenliness, things that are dirty and disgusting." pffft
- says it is impossible to ban someone accidentally; has previously accidentally banned OIC
- “I have a way of training my body, what’s going to have to give here is my bowels!”
- “I'm one of the most liberal thinking people in that regard!”; makes constant sex and race jokes
- “According to everyone I beg everyday!”
- jokingly said he is obsessed with poop; does possess an abnormal attraction to toilet humour
- made a newcomer fan a moderator, was surprised when said mod went on a banning spree
- assumed the rogue mod was infiltrating for inside info and ragebanned when their plan failed
- says people don't know how to handle political opinions; bitches about politics and SJWs
- defended Rockstar for their lacklustre GTA Trilogy but turned on them upon reading their apology
- says harassing game devs is stupid; has previously stated game devs should be fired
- keeps pausing gameplay to talk about food and other topics irrelevant to the game
- defended OIC when he publicly doxed people in the YT chat
- said he will permaban anyone doxing in his chat yet did not ban a single person that stream
- yelled at his chat for alerting him of the doxing; "You guys piss me the fuck off tonight!"
- blamed his viewers for being concerned about the doxing because that could drive away viewers
- called the doxing 'alleged' and 'bullshit' despite everyone seeing it happening in the chat
- says he has no chatlogs, then says he has read the logs
- “It’s not doxing if the information is public.”
- “It’s what I got these headphones for! So I could wear a hat! I’m just saying!”
- ragequit Halo Infinite multiplayer because he got steamrolled by players with actual skill
- called out his viewers for derailing the chat but did not call out OIC who actually derailed it
- “I’m not happy without money”
- says the pre-stream will be significantly shortened; lasted an hour and 35 minutes
- banned a longtime fan for 'complaining' about OIC doxing and long boring prestreams
- says he doesn't want to talk about drama, does it anyways
- tried in vain to claim OIC is barely on his streams, but it's proven he's on alt accounts
- called a longtime fan a bitch for leaving the DSP community after being threatened by OIC
- insulted his viewers for comparing the chatroom to North Korea
- claims he is a big fan of the Marvel Infinity comics, yet doesn't know Magus from Adam Warlock
- thinks Krang was an original comic character and villain in the first TMNT comics
- lied about never using a handcart
- "All of you in my chat who are not members yet, seriously what are you waiting for!?!”
- “Bobby Kotick is like Papa John!”, thinks when they leave the company the products gets better
- admitted he doesn't enter fighting game tournaments anyone because losing is bad optics
- worried that the word 'guang' in a tipper's name is offensive, told his audience to look it up
- refused to put on the pilot's hat for the flying missions in GTA:SA because no tips goals hit
- cried while playing Guardians of the Galaxy, joked he'd be made fun of, was surprised when he was
- cried during a cutscene about family; treats his own 'family' like shit
- "I showed some human emotion."
- admitted that he watches detractor videos
- states that trolls don't fund him; King Tut was a confirmed troll and other whales may be too
- picks his ears and chews on his fingernails with the same fingers
- “I’m not someone who is looking for praise, I never have been!"
- "I don’t care how people look at me or think about me”; bans trolls who look at him negatively
- claims he never said there was sexual harassment in the FGC; ranted about Mr. Wizard for ages
- forgot he went on an hour long rant when the owner of EVO got called out
- states that had he known of any misconduct in the FGC he would have called the police
- “Most of my clothes are 5 plus years old! I only get new clothes with my wife buys them for me!”
- “Sandstorms are just wind storms but it’s not solid so it goes up in to the air”
- “Mercedes doesn’t make trucks!”, thinks their trucks are modified cars
- was flabbergasted that Forza 5 has dab emotes; used to dab for tips
- assumes that people call him Dave because he resembles Dave Brent from The Office
- referred to David Brent as "Dave Bennet"
- says he doesn't mind if he's called Dave; has banned people for calling him Dave in the past
- "Dickheads are a big epidemic on Earth"; has a bald spot that makes his head look like a dick
- says he doesn't intend to inspire anyone to do anything (unless it is to tip him)
- thinks that you cannot quote what he says in any video because it is slander
- will ban any mention any mention of WWE Champions, still plays it to this day
- encouraged his viewers to tip big to see the new Christmas season animations
- set up Christmas decorations, tips animations and overlays while it was still November
- says that him being a gamer means he doesn't say polarizing things like racism and politics
- "I don't bother anyone. I don't, I just sit here minding my own fucking business."
- claims he's outgrown jumping on bandwagons... pffft
- guilt trips his fans into tipping more during the Thanksgiving and Christmas season
- spent Thanksgiving ranting about how companies and 'nasty people' hurt and mistreat him
- states Thanksgiving is like all American holidays
- took 13 years to realise he can zoom out with his webcam
- thanks to tipping "I go to sleep well and free of worry at night”
- drove Kat to and from work out of paranoid fear for her health and safety
- acknowledged he received behind-the-scenes tips, didn't add them to the tips goal
- yelled at fans to stop spamming the tips command in chat despite having a cooldown on it
- says he is thankful for being healthy then says his health could be better followed by a snort
- "I would be crazy to not be happy and more than satisfied with my wife, life, and job."
- “I can smell my wife’s cooking! It smells sooo goood!”; she's reheating his mother's frozen food
- “People are so miserable that they have to talk about others to feel good about themselves”
- took a 1.5 hour long break to get Kat from work, lied about being stuck in traffic
- says it took 20 minutes to drive to Kat's workplace; Google Maps says the route takes 4 minutes
- claims there were no parking spots to drop off and pick up Kat, but you don't need one
- says he hates harping about begging for tips, does it anyways
- allegedly had no money for Black Friday sales, but he did increase his roster in WWE Champions
- has no plans to help Kat cope with life if he were to pass away; no kids, no money, nothing
- assumes trolls think he hates his life and doesn't have a comfortable existence
- acknowledges his life was better 10 years ago
- states he had IRL friends he'd hang out with but it all felt fake, thereby shitting on them
- "10 years ago, I was alone"; had John Rambo and Howard and was talking to PandaLee
- brings up trolls' speculations on his life which he'd only know if he browsed Kiwifarms
- assumes that all trolls secretly hate themselves and thus lash out at his 'successful' life
- reiterated that the Wolverine toy story was not supposed to be about the toy but his parents
- said "it's a damn shame" when the hat tips goal wasn't met, wasn't grateful for what he got
- bitched that the super thanks feature wasn't available in time for Thanksgiving
- wasn't aware that super thanks is disabled on his channel due to disabling comments for years
- claims to love streaming for a living and yet would like a 9-5 job with better security
- says that anyone who subscribes to him is an active person, yet his chat barely has activity
- yet again claims he's not in it for the money but has said he needs that money to pay his bills
- lied that many people tune in just for his hour long pre-stream 'podcast'
- rebranded the pre-stream as a podcast to cease the complaints of his excessive long diatribe
- “There is a podcast first! It’s that simple! When I turn on my stream I want to talk!"
- wants more viewer retention, won't accept fan feedback that the prestream is too long
- stopped the stream to tend to a minor superficial flesh wound
- “I’m a hardcore RPG fan! I love JRPGS!”; complains about them being too long and no engagement
- implied he's only playing Metroid Dread for the $$ tips and not because it is a good game
- pondered why Guardians of the Galaxy didn't give him views (it's the streamer, not the game)
- told ReviewTechUSA to stop being a drama queen; pot kettle black
- lied that he never said that ReviewTechUSA hates him
- says YouTube should ban drama videos
- informed that he will never ask for tips to "stick it to the trolls"; the vest streak was this
- states he doesn't kiss people's asses; sucks up to OIC hoping for the $$
- was upset that a fan donated plenty $1-$5 a time because it discouraged other tippers
- purchased two new pairs of shoes to wear on alternate days as to not wear them out as fast
- desires to transition into politics and news for his night streams
- openly tweets begging for viewers and tips; so much for not being in it for the money
- accuses people who eat out at restaurants of being 'dickheads'; takes Kat out to dinner weekly
- tends to use pro wrestling terms like 'get over' even though he supposedly no longer watches it
- got upset that the airline industry didn't anticipate 9/11
- hit the tips goal, immediately begs for more tips to make up for past streams
- admitted he can't last a week without begging, even if given $1800 a week if he can't beg
- wants to visit Japan; won't even travel into Seattle
- thinks he can get by in Japan from his knowledge of Yakuza games
- repeatedly responds to Geoff Keighley on Twitter, chasing clout
- "I have to stop reading Twitter", still does it anyways
- was disappointed to not see an increase in tips and memberships, not grateful for what he got
- despite that he still made more on YT than he did on Twitch, disproving the donations dip myth
- made up a story about taking a shit that talked to him and mocked Metroid Dread; mature adult!
- says spicy chicken katsu is chicken katsu with hot sauce; valedictorian!
- "Every time something is sold out online, it's because it's been bought up by bots."
- "Stop telling people what they're doing is wrong. You're not the end all and be all of the game."
- "The Bolsheviks are a political party and wrestling family."
- says there were fraudulent charges to his credit card for four years; either a lie or dumb
- tried in vain to get the police to help him, got upset that they didn't rush to his aid
- states that the Apple purchases were not by him, but Apple accounts are linked to bank accounts
- gaslit all this by saying these were historical charges from years ago but implied it was recent
- “People do horrible things to my family on a daily basis!”, refuses to elaborate
- says he can't have a “personal relationship” with people long-distance, so goodbye parents
- “Someone was being racist in the chat? Well Fuck that racist piece of shit! Fuck them!”
- plays Forza games like open world games and doing the bare minimum
- accuses game devs of being shortsighted for not making their games stupidly easy for him
- is puzzled why no mods show up to moderate his boring dead-chat streams
- believes that his stream are meaningful and inspirational, gave unnamed testimonials
- told his 'immature' viewers he won't play Forza 5 online half a dozen times like a child
- says Forza is not a competitive racing game; ALL racing games are competitive
- asked his viewers if they would consider tipping more if he were to buy + wear a $40 Xmas vest
- changed his profile picture and watermark, thinks that will bring in new viewers and tips $$
- his profile picture is blurry because he took a 4k image and resized it to 800x800
- still deeply upset by the horrid Burger King burger he had three months ago
- assumed that Burger King refused to talk to him because he's a known content creator
- proudly states he's still a Burger King customer, rendering his quest for justice moot
- states he sticks up for content creators against trolling... pffft
- ponders why Jose and gojitenks keep leaving empty lobbies and end up in his lobby
- says trolls have literally no lives to be bothering him on Street Fighter... every Friday night
- "These idiots are going lobby to lobby and won't stay to fill the lobby", just like he's doing
- tells his viewers to ask his trolls about his 'situation' then says not to talk to the trolls
- finally realised he shouldn't be paying for subscription services he doesn't use
- thinks he knows everything about the Bobby Kotick situation because he read a single article
- had another mod go rogue and ban everyone, assumed it must be because of accidental misclicks
- needed to adjust to GTA:VC at 60 fps... right after playing GTA:SA at 60 fps
- believes his team should follow and protect him in multiplayer FPS games
- trained his paypigs how to donate to him, banned someone who dared questioned him
- turned the temporary r/Halo subreddit shutdown news about him and how he hates Reddit
- states he knows nothing about Reddit, then says it's where trolls and toxicity exist
- thinks Reddit is a place just for shitting on people a la Kiwifarms
- “I've been enjoying the holiday festivities in real life”
- announced that Metroid Dread was a success because the 'buy-in' (i.e. tips) were substantial
- refuses to play Halo Infinite for fun due to needing the support, will drop it
- says that all chickens are female and the male variant are roosters
- pronounced Arnold Schwarzenegger's surname with the n-word while wearing the Nazi hat
- tells people to stop saying he used the N-word but then makes multiple rants about the topic
- stole his deepfake tip animations from retired detractor LightSydePhil
- claims to know exactly what the Founding Fathers meant when they penned the 1st Amendment
- demonstrated his lack of awareness of social situations by not knowing how close to sit
- doesn't know what gelato is (authentic Italian btw)
- “It’s not about the money”; has a tips goal and membership goal counter onscreen
- can't fathom why people would rather buy physical copies of games than rent them or buy digital
- "Why don’t you understand the cultural shift between gamers and game developers?!"
- doesn't know or care about game preservation, calls collecting games “the most played out thing”
- revealed why he dislikes physical games: he's jealous of content creators and their collections
- vows to take down every YouTube video of him saying the N-word; didn't edit it out his upload
- refuses to delete the video with his N-word bomb, thereby keeping the evidence up
- subtly encouraged his viewers to flag YT viewers exposing his racism; targeted harassment!
- states he will sue people for defamation if they point out he said the N-word
- had a giant rant about the toxicity he created (being overly-defensive can be a sign of guilt)
- believes that if you think you heard him say the n-word you are legit medically stupid
- says he can't tell people how to behave on the internet; tells detractors to see a doctor IRL
- begged for money for the title of a stream
- “Games journalists don’t get racing games!", “Forza Horizon 5 is the highest rated game!”
- won't play Among Us because it is a meme game; played Fall Guys and YouTubers Life 2
- got upset that Metroid Dread doesn't tell him exactly where to go
- concluded that Metroid Dread is "bad value" because it is short, still loves the game
- “Until the water is melted I can’t progress”
- “Every game I play is way longer than what people tell me!”, hasn't realised its because he's bad
- was stunned that stalling while in save rooms or with the map open doesn't count as gameplay
- assumes that anyone saying they can beat Metroid Dread within ten hours is lying
- called the AMBER Alert stupid and took zero interest in the well-being of a missing child
- banned people in chat who questioned the intentions of a random whale who donated big
- believes that 'burning bridges' means one of the parties was in the wrong
- insists he never burned bridges with Twitch; left Twitch for years after the bitrate drama
- says you must be stupid and not a GTA fan if you like GTA Online
- had no idea G4 is back (a real gamer btw)
- states Night Trap didn't have violence
- immediately knew how to fight a boss in Metroid Dread after taking a break... hmm...
- called the final boss in Metroid Dread a puzzle boss because he can't mindlessly shoot at it
- got Street Fighter for Xbox Series X to escape from Jose and gojitenks
- spends his day off 'unplugged from the internet'; rants and whines on Twitter
- said video game award shows were pointless but then fixated on the Video Game Awards
- believed that if Deathloop won the 2021 VGA then it shows how bad journalists and real gamers are
- praised Halo Infinite for winning the Players Choice award in the VGA; planned to drop it soon
- replied to a random Twitch post on Twitter to whine about him being departnered and temp banned
- can't pronounce panettone despite declaring it a Christmas classic that his mother used to make
- states that Street Figher online on PSN has more player than XBL because of him and his trolls
- doesn't care that he wasted $30 on the Street Fighter Collection for Xbox
- says he doesn't like co-op games; enjoyed the ones he played with Rambo
- gave up trying to watch the trailer for the Suicide Squad game because the intro has talking
- doesn't care about the The Game Awards and yet whined about it as if he was invested in it
- “I guess we are going to have a piss fest tonight! Golden showers on stream! Ackackackackack!”
- desired to “build my YouTube channel up to prominence again" so he can take vacations whenever
- wants YouTube super thanks because he can barely make ends meet; bank leaks prove otherwise
- excuses his lack of friends or family interaction as him being too busy to live that life
- called friends "additional relationships"
- insulted and blocked Jose on the Xbox version of Street Fighter Collection like a child
- got owned by the same 'laggy online bullshit' on the XBL version of SF
- realised he fucked himself over joining lobbies in SF by blocking Jose, does it anyways
- states that tornadoes never happen in the state of Washington
- says he can't go to the zoo because it is a 45 minute drive away
- received an arcade stick for Xbox series X despite saying he doesn't accept random items
- his excuse to drop Forza 5 was that he was at endgame content (the game has no end)
- called a $10 tip generous but not a $25 tip, almost as if he expected it... hmm...
- got rid of the herbs growing on his backstep because Leanna grew them
- thinks his stream chat is broken or people are idling due to it being a dead chat every stream
- believes finally allowing YT comments and manually approving them qualifies him for super thanks
- admits that he can cry on command
- says phones (presumably mobile phones) didn't exist in the 1980s
- encouraged his fans to reach the $100 tips goal to wear the Nazi hat just for a few minutes
- openly talked about buying alcohol over the past few years, confirming the bank leaks
- probably tries to be as boring as possible to deter detractors from watching him
- spent many many minutes trying to obtain a specific car in the GTA games because boring/autism
- felt physically drained from playing Halo Infinite for 6 hours (and not even in one sitting)
- “I don’t take breaks anymore”, then takes some breaks during his Halo Infinite 'marathon'
- “I’m getting tired of the open world stuff in this game", ignores story missions to explore
- wanted to buy his wife an Xmas gift, then questioned a tipper's intentions when he gets a tip
- was puzzled that not playing Halo Infinite for a week lead to a drop in attendance
- “I don’t miss my parents that much. I do miss the holiday meals!”
- threatened to ban the viewers who request him to make a tweet begging for support like usual
- got loads of submitted fan art but only accepted the two that made him look best
- expected people would be motivated to become YT members during the holiday season
- “I'm a casual gamer and I approach games from a casual perspective”
- instructs his viewers to refresh so it counts as a new view... but views are counted by IP
- did not ban people posting spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home in his chat
- takes all corners in racing games inside to outside, blames the games when he crashes
- begged for tips not even five seconds after receiving a $200 superchat
- banned a tipper for thinking he didn't tip and was just a troll
- stayed after a stream to ban everyone who annoyed him in chat
- issued a DMCA to someone on /r/DSPDiscussion2 for posting an image of his patchy goatee
- still claims he donates to charities even though the bank leaks reveal no such generosity
- admits he doesn't do much charity because he gets no benefit out of it
- cancelled a charity event simply because he feared the trolls and their comments
- states he doesn't make charity public because he was raised Catholic; beg tweets for $$ daily
- assumes that sleeping well at night equates to being free of guilt and sin
- tried the Forza 5 online content once, assumed it was glitchy forever, and never tried again
- says he "had to" lease a BMW even though he “rolling in dough” at the time
- claims that you never need to play maintenance on a leased car as it's a part of your lease
- didn't know there was a penalty to pay for cancelling your car lease early
- got upset that YouTube wasn't yet implementing features they would introduce in early 2022
- couldn't do a shoryuken in SF Turbo when facing left, blamed the game
- conceded that the Xbox SF Collection is technically worse, prefers it due to blocking trolls
- ranted about Ubisoft and NFTs; plays WWE Champions so he is familiar with expensive images
- states the Ubisoft NFTs were announced at an event, showing no research
- put limitations on festive clothing tip reards as incentive to get tips
- “Shut the fuck up about COVID in chat!", only King Phil can talk about that
- played the King of Fighters XV beta because he played King of Fighters back in 1998
- stated that King of Fighters XV beta was unpolished and unrefined (it's a BETA)
- banned a fan who dared to talk about someone else's Discord
- unbanned the aforementioned fan only after whales complained and Phil values money
- won't disclose what he purchased Kat for Christmas because it would be used against him
- didn't like Halo Infinite since the game forced him to fight and not just run past battles
- advises his viewers not to spend above their means; has 14 credit cards and $500k debt
- admitted he has been spending beyond his means ever since he moved to Seattle
- said his parents are doing good even though he previously said they were dying
- believes if you express your sexuality “outside of an adult mindset” that you are a virgin
- put his Xmas tree up on Thanksgiving Day, thinks its weird to put it up later
- banned a few fans for complaining about how long and boring his pre-stream 'podcast' is
- got very offended that a troll impersonated a known regular and asked about his tax situation
- says that when people think of Thai food they think of pad Thai
- thinks Thai food is from Taiwan
- compared drama content creators like Keemstar to the Grinch
- hates the live-action Grinch movie because it’s 'sexualized'
- posted a photo of the first seasonal snow but it's of Jasper at the window with no snow visible
- loves Jingle all the Way because of his similar backstory of being unable to get a desired toy
- says he's not mentioning contributions constantly... as he is thanking viewers for the tips
- asserts that troll-tipping him and charging-back will ruin your credit for life
- broke his promise to play multiplayer with YT members, ignores all superchats reminding him
- thought he was going to become a corporate hotshot when the helicopter company gained ground
- “I’m not a gimmick streamer! I’m here to give you genuine gameplay moments and fun reactions!"
- assumes the majority of his viewers are not unemployed
- implied that he still plays WWE Champions while still paying bills
- says he won't go into female-only bars because there may be lesbian 'kissy kissy'
- seems to think that all massage palours are fronts for prostitution
- returned to banning anyone who says tipping with Paypal is unsafe when he himself agree before
- acknowledged the Top 10 Worst DSP Moments of 2021 video, pretends he doesn't know what it is
- described the tip-or-quit guilt-tripping ultimatums as "life"
- wants to quit Halo Infinite even though he gets more support than COD games
- banned everyone who wanted him to read a fan's superchat
- comments that businesses are losing money due to the pandemic and yet wants support to increase
- says he won't sympathize if you get banned for hate speech; got in trouble with Twitch for slurs
- "Plastic tree is made of plastic,"
- thinks it's okay to generalize people because he is just one person sharing his worldview
- "If I could grab pizza in a game or IRL, I would eat the pizza in real life and not the game!"
- was upset that GDC blurred his face when using his video; blurred John and Howard
- took a break to brush his teeth, took 11 minutes to come back... hmm...
- kept walking off-camera to look out his window for trucks
- thinks traffic drives into him in GTA games but it's him cutting lanes
- says that being on troll forums disqualifies you from being a mod; all his mods are on Kiwifarms
- blocks any and all Twitter accounts that 'shill' their own product via promoted tweets
- denounced the holidays and the pandemic as possible reason why tips and donations is low
- had a ten minute rant again on having relationship sidequests when you should get the real thing
- diagnosed his cat's behaviour at a 'mojito' or party animal (can't stop thinking of booze)
- had a 'weird psychic' feeling of needing to shoutout a tipper... who tipped 15 minutes ago
- insisted that his Christmas Eve stream has no money begging; begs to reach the hat tip incentive
- didn't use copyright-free Christmas music for his Christmas Eve stream
- said cinnamon is very sweet in flavour
- exclaimed pork belly is supposedly bad for you and makes you sick; eats bacon, still gets sick
- "Eating chicken off the bone is too hard!", said his life was too stressful to deal with it
- made a racist gaff at Filipinos saying their sauces smell like stinky socks
- said the fish had a fishy taste to it, added no sauce to it
- lectured that you can't judge food by its appearance; refused to eat the BK burger due to looks
- commented that the fish looked like moose shit and the stollen looked like a big turd
- made rude remarks about ReviewTechUSA while eating... so much for being nice
- stated he wasted $70 in inedible Asian food... so much for not talking about money
- explained what a fruit cake was in great detail, like no one knows what one is
- pronounced stollen as "stolen"
- put the Filipino food in the trash and the stollen in the tupperware... very respectful!
- watched Kat put the bone-in goat curry into the garbage disposal and ruined the blades on bones
- says to never feed human food to pet, that food being meat that dogs and cats can eat
- blames schools for why he's not responsible with credit cards, loans, and mortgages
- "I was stubborn, it was my way or the highway."; so much for schools not teaching him
- stated his fave part about his fans is them being there to financially contribute to him
- "I was memed into being bad, but I'm out of that now"
- used inflation as a means to guilt-trip the viewers into tipping more
- acknowledges he brings up tips and money too often, does it anyways
- said his Xmas stream is not about money, then shilled his new Xmas hat as a tips goal
- played The Forest for the Xmas stream
- ragequit The Forest for not having awareness and getting killed
- blames the YT algorithm for not being visible rather than improve his content
- vowed to approach 2022 with positivity, wants everything but him to change
- did away with the Hate label, which he took from others, for 'Unstoppable, taken from Rekieta
- his Xmas dinner recipe called for red wine, which he had; so much for not having any booze
- didn't follow the Xmas dinner recipe, only used half the requested red wine
- used the wrong cut of meat for his Xmas dinner, ended up searing it too long
- didn't dry rub seasonings into the roast
- cooked the roast beef with no foil in the wrong sort of pan
- overcooked the roast because he never checked on it during its cooking, only at the end
- didn't use a meat thermometer to check for readiness or even safety
- threw out the roast beef in the trash, didn't even bother eating it
- was shocked to see a $5-7 tip added to Door Dash delivery on Christmas Day
- pronounced peking duck as "peck-in duck"
- denied he wants donations to make up for his bad Xmas experience but still wants donations
- admitted he replayed Skyrim because it is casual and he wants to expand his audience for $$
- assumed that Twitch 'removed' him because of trolls because ex-network Curse had blamed trolls
- “I have to worry about every game I play and stream I do being profitable! I do! Ok? I have to!”
- says its bad to do a GOTY countdown of games he hasn't beaten; his bad list games are unfinished
- assumed that Jose and gojitenks were waiting for him the entire time to return to PS5 SFIII
- announced his Street Fighter schedule change days in advance, assumed the trolls were stalking
- threatened to quit Halo Infinite despite liking it enough to want to play it twice a week
- refused to answer what happened to the vest streak money, banned the guy who asked
- assumed that big content creators got big through shilling and viral advertisement
- acknowledge he has no idea how people make it big online
- “I don’t care who’s successful, I care who’s influential!”, yet he doesn't care about creators
- believes that he deserves the same level of success as big streamers but blames the trolls
- "I have no idea why people watch some of these creators and their crappy content."
- thinks he is being held back by people 'twisting his words'; usually he is solely to blame
- still upset he got banned on Blip (must have been trolls twisting his Nazi jew-killing words)
- says he is not stressing out; grey balding hair, daily rants, begging for $, gin tweets...
- warns viewers to watch out for streamers who shill; once shilled gamer chairs
- insists he never shilled gamer chairs; shilled Spawn Seats and OPSEAT
- "Other streamers only play for money", meanwhile dropping games for low support
- lied that he never received the gamer chair
- announced that he had just found a new hat while cleaning the house... hmm...
- wore a Pikachu hat despite roasting other streamers who wear meme gear for kiddies
- claims him avoiding Walmart keeps small businesses open
- called Japan a broken society
- complained about lack of realism in Halo, a franchise with aliens and sci-fi elements
- whined that he keeps getting stuck on doorways when walking backwards, blames devs
- ranted that stores were closing due to the upcoming snow after saying people weren't prepping
- pondered why 6 inches of snow shuts down deliveries; won't go outside if it's 2+ inches of snow
- whined that there were no fruit pies at the store due to snow; DarksydeKaren
- called delivery drivers snowflakes for avoiding snow; hides in a gated community as a recluse
- warned politicians to prepare for climate change; drives to his mailbox
- called garbage workers snowflakes for not going out in heavy snow; pot kettle black
- "I don't care what the cause is [of global warming], I just want it fixed!"; runs 2 ACs
- declared that school shootings and guns are the root of climate change problems
- claims it's too expensive to get delivered groceries; gets DoorDash regularly
- changed the difficulty of Lost Judgement to Easy off-camera rather than the 'intended difficulty'
- lied about not changing the difficulty even though he did it on stream after dying
- lied about Lost Judgement not having difficulty settings or even dying more than once in-game
- covered up the lie by stating he was overpowered, faked surprise to see he was on Easy all along
- ate out at least six times between 22nd December to 30th December 2021
- unveiled a new hat for the whales to vote on: the Deadpool hat, last seen in 2016
- admitted 2021 didn't happen as he had expected, had no backup plan or safety net
- mused why people assume Twitch is THE place to stream; he told us that while streaming there
- tells his fans not to go to places that abuse them; returned to YouTube after they 'abused' him
- disallowed talk about Betty White just after her passing
- mistakenly stated that his upcoming stream was the last stream of 2022 rather than 2021
- stated that dislikes do affect him even after they've been hidden by YouTube
- lied again that he does not have a handcart that he keeps in his dusty cupboard
- then admitted he owns a handcart that he used to move Kat's stuff in
- joked that a troll's real birth name is Dogshit; so much for a more positive new year
- hint hinted that he 'needs' a new PC and camera
- “I don’t need a top of the line PC, I just need a brand new one with all the newest upgrades."
- acknowledged he had got a brand new PC the previous year but he needs another one
- lied that he never ingrained in people's heads to donate to him while he was on Twitch
- admits that he still drinks but sometimes it is a margarita for a change
- thinks that food with zero calories loaded with artificial sweetners is healthy
- assumed he is becoming increasingly seen more in a positive light due to a charitable whales
- read outloud a troll list of DSP accusations and seriously believed trolls believe all that
- retired the King of Hate moniker but not the toxicity and trash talk that comes with it
- retconned the origins of his nickname in that he was the hateful one, not using others' hate
- then said detractors used his King of Hate name to make racist content and send it to businesses
- furthered with Twitter departnering him for use of hateful slurs... he's his own worst enemy
- insists racist comedy was acceptable ten years ago but it was always against ToS
- "I've grown, I've wisened, I'm a older smarter guy."
- claims he's seen the light and that racist/sexist/hate comedy is dumb but still does it
- says he's done a 180 and has become a loving person while banning people in chat
- ranted against conspiracy theorists with zero evidence but there's tons of evidence
- calls businesses "fucking dumb as shit" who cut ties with him for believing info about him
- claims Spring kicked him off for believing troll lies about him; he was booted for inactivity
- clarified that he retired the King of Hate name to get business sponsorships, not from maturity
- wore a King of Hate shirt the stream following his retirement of the name
- kept the YouTube URL and banner as King of Hate despite retiring the name
- "I really don't have that much to talk about" then talks for two hours
- accidentally loaded the wrong save in LJ, let it autosave over it and then blamed the game
- refused to accept he messed up and screwed himself over in Lost Judgment, called it a glitch
- "Adult relationships and adult marriages do not involve love"
- "If you think a marriage is all about love, you have serious mental issues"; very telling, Phil
- at one point claimed he was 5 foot 12 inches tall
- admits he once sharted himself in his pants
- one of his most disappointing games of 2021 was Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart despite loving it
- said Destruction Allstars has only got one game mode; it has four
- another disappointing game for him was the GTA Definitive Trilogy despite defending it
- added decent games to his disappointment list because they were not 'innovative'
- had Returnal as his worst game of 2021 because it was not ideal for his filthy casual streaming
- put Forza 5 on his best games of 2021 list AND his most disappointing games of 2021 list
- was surprised he talked the entire stream for his countdown, but he's had non-stop talking before
- states he can't live off tips alone despite telling everyone it was the only way he could live
- took 104 days to beat Lost Judgment due to bouncing around different games
- claimed he planned for years to turn his YT channel into an archive channel; either a lie or lazy
- pleaded his followers on Twitter to watch his streams via a 2am gin tweet
- stated Metacritic is a flawed site that's review-bombed; avoids games that rate poorly there
- lied that he was the one who paid for almost all of Project 7's production
- lied that he made barely made any money from Project 7
- lied that he discontinued Project 7 due to taking losses (he quit it due to laziness)
- “We never thought about how we where going to make money”, “Project 7 was actually a loss!”
- mocked a tipper by insinuating they are mentally retarded due to a typo in the tip message
- revealed he plans to use Twitch as a backup streaming site despite swearing never to go back
- accidentally referred to himself as the King of Cock
- got DoorDash deliveries for all three main meals in one day
- described his wife Kat as a moron for putting sour cream on a delivered pizza
- ranted about booth babes due to being unreasonable about such things since being married
- pronounces Vimeo as "Vimayo"
- said Dante’s Inferno is “full of nudity” but has “no sexual content”; has the level Lust
- thinks he's a regular guy who's not smarter than others; earns 100k a year and mocks idiots
- yelled at a viewer for not tipping the exact way he wanted tips
- stated that PayPal sides with the creator but then said chargebacks cost him money
- held up a sheet of paper with written text on it in poor lighting so no one saw its content
- states content creators have no idea they have obsessive fans; Phil has OIC and other whales
- believes that content creators talking about him are only doing it for views and clout
- "Drinking all my gin."
- questioned if a tip was legit based on the tipper's name; Paranoidsydephil
- knew that multiple tips came from the same person even though he allegedly can't see your info
- "You act like I can't see", hinting that he can see your PayPal info when you tip
- knew the tips came from the same person before auditing it, hinting at behind-the-scenes tips
- said multiple tippers had the same email address, proving he can see that too when you tip
- complained about multiple-name tipping even though he knows OIC does the same thing
- then said it was fine to tip to him under different accounts
- the contradicted himself by complaining that 'Jim' tipped under lots of names, which is a no-no
- "This is me being honest with you guys and transparent"; lied about PayPal anonymity and alts
- ranted about Pokimane getting banned for copyright even though he's done the same thing
- his rant towards Pokimane was full of envy to big content creators who shirk the rules
- says Pokimane "doesn’t deserve anything she has!”; has done nothing worthwhile himself
- called Pokimane a criminal even though she only streamed Avatar episodes
- wants Twitch to permanently ban any and all accounts that break the rules at all
- affirms that it is Twitch's job to remove toxicity from the site (hence your departnering, Phil)
- yelled at people who defend people who the wrong things
- was suspicious of the 1350 meme but thought it was a reference to the 1650 WWE Champions meme
- called reaction videos boring garbage videos; E3 reacts, ProJared, various trailers...
- says react video are easy-mode bullshit; does the equivalent during a livestream
- claimed it was Uncle Ben who said "with great power comes great responsibility"; it was Aunt May
- took two minutes to check his house for a fire
- had immense pride in blocking trolls in Street Fighter online
- claims he always beat Justin Wong in Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- told his chat to knock off eulogizing Bob Saget as it is 'irrelevant'; HeartlessSydephil
- believes that buying a nice house started the hate towards him as he was no longer the underdog
- lied that when he was 'white hot popular' he was intensely making vidoes, he got drunk most days
- stated years ago he'd never do cosplay as he is a “heterosexual male”; has since done cosplay
- "Your reason for coming is to take on my problems, not get away from yours!"
- immediately deleted a superchat that called out his copyright hypocrisy on Twitch, proving it
- admitted he used to bully and harass people online years ago (and still does)
- stated he only apologised once to someone he bullied online
- had his chat handhold in during GTA III due to having "no time to dicker around"
- complained that streamers get more money from being banned; always ran emergency streams for $$
- claims other streamers are cheating on their taxes with no proof, just instinct/deflection
- accidentally proved his retrospective events are lazy by saying streamers doing it are lazy
- stated that reactionary content is lazy; streams video games he barely does research on
- believes that when you are fired you have to leave the building and job the same day
- said his co-workers were shocked when he was fired; not because he was liked but more workload
- stopped his dad from chewing out his ex-boss by saying he was a big YouTuber and a bigger man
- lies that is a confrontational person but we have evidence he runs and hides like a coward
- said he knocked out his ex-boss in public, then later on claimed he never said that
- didn't clarify if the ex-boss in public was the previous good boss or the shitty new boss
- implied he was fired from the helicopter company for incompetence
- says his area has a mask mandate but then says people are not wearing masks and aren't arrested
- talked about pokimane again after she was unbanned from Twitch (just can't drop the topic)
- said he won't complain about Twitch everytime he brings it up, which he just did and likely will
- "Just being very honest...this sets me back!", and immediately starts begging for money
- referred to Devonshire cream as whipped cream
- claimed that Seattle gets no 'congestion', as in no traffic jams
- complained that people don't prepare for the heat; bought a house with an A/C that doesn't work
- said ring lights improve the video quality despite shitting on ring lights before
- wants a beast of a PC but not a gaming PC, and won't clarify the difference
- somehow had a garage chock-full of trash from just one missed garbage pickup
- now hates unions because the garbage company refused to collect due to labour dispute
- assumed the trash wasn't being picked up due to labour disputes in San Diego, not in general
- supports workers rights until it inconveniences him e.g. trash collection, food delivery, etc
- “I believe in unions but there should be alternatives in place when things like this happen!”
- defended OIC compiling a list of people he thinks are trolls and say it is irrelevant
- was not bothered by OIC getting him retweeted by pornstars despite him [Phil] having a wife
- got bothered by the dead chat even though he nagged them into silence for being off-topic
- believes that age = wisdom and that a decade from now he'll be even wiser
- thinks that Sniper Elite 4 on the Xbox Series X is the first time the game is at 60fps
- wants to branch out his channel to gaming news, rather much like his hated rival ReviewTechUSA
- considered hiring someone part-time his YouTube videos; LazySydePhil
- concentrates on games and barely interacts with chat and then complains of a dead chat
- called I Am Fish a chill game for chill streams despite raging most of the time playing it
- won't order a pizza since it's expensive but has DoorDash multiple times a week
- tried to rant about Troy Baker and NFTs but didn't know what an NFT is
- “Non-fuckable token! Ackackack!”
- poorly described NFTs as if they are like digital Monopoly money
- got up in arms about game companies and NFTs while he himself does whatever it takes for money
- called out Troy Baker for saying you can't criticize art unless you make art; Phil is guilty
- did not know that Troy Baker's NFTs were voiced despite supposedly doing research on the topic
- apologized for calling Troy Baker a hipster but he's called him an asshole too
- read out negative Twitter comments about Troy Baker, milking the hate for all its worth
- called Troy Baker a scam artist douchebag (pot kettle black)
- hated on Troy Baker despite retiring the King of Hate moniker and vowing to be more positive
- slandered Troy Baker by not reading Troy's apology tweets and says false information about them
- thumped his chest to force out a burp away from the mic instead of just muting the mic
- believes if you can afford to play a new game every day you are a “chosen one”
- defended Adam Sessler, saying he's not a bad guy, despite Sessler wanted trolls doxed
- admitted he cannot unplug from social media as he is addicted to it
- ranted that God of War on PC is no big deal because it is 'old'; regularly plays old games
- talked about overcoming alcoholism despite the bank leaks showing he still consumes alcohol
- allegedly stop drinking because he realized how many people like and support him (pffft)
- called loaded questions "qualifying questions"
- turned his 'fun' hats into paid DLC for his "signature character" look
- "PC gaming is more unreliable than console gaming and has less variety than consoles"
- says YT ad money is pittance but then worries he will get demonitized
- changed his whole appearance (grew out hair and beard) to be 'refreshing' for his YT career
- “Just so you guys know my mo... my wife is home from work today.”
- shamelessly begged his viewers to subscribe, like and comment his videos on YouTube
- begs for likes on his videos, a trait he slammed other content creators for
- stated that if you change your content to suit modern audiences then you've lost who you are
- then stated he specifically meant "older creators" after realising he qualifies as being lost
- begged for a new PC but not in January as he wants to set it up in February
- threatened to ban his whole chat if they continue the "high school drama bullshit"
- banned a fan who correctly pointed out that his YT subscriber growth stalled while on Twitch
- allegedly issued a copyright strike to supercrzy
- claims his chat has philosophical discussions on ethics even though he bans off-topic talk
- complained he don't have enough space on Twitter to say what he really wants i.e. begging
- begged on Twitter for tips for the "exciting finale" of Resident Evil 4, a 20+ year old game
- died 40 times in his second playthrough of Resident Evil 4... died 30 times his first playthrough
- praised gin but insisted he doesn't drink it every day (these days he also drinks wine daily)
- refused to be nicer to his audience, is seemingly proud to be an asshole
- believes that it is more dangerous if Kat stays in the grocery store longer than her workday
- only does grocery shopping once a week, never any extra times when it is needed or convenient
- says Bobby Kotick swept all misconduct under the rug; swept all OIC's misconduct under the rug
- pronounces caveat with a French accent but it's a Latin word
- complained the garbage men don't come in two inches of snow; won't do groceries due to the snow
- "Groceries are like 50% more expensive lately" so he wants 50% more in tips
- got IHOP delivered, noted they use too much grease, but will keep eating greasy food
- says no politics but then whined that governments' response to COVID drove up food prices
- thinks that Microsoft acquiring Activision-Blizzard will bring back non-toxic behaviour
- mistakenly announced that Bobby Kotick resigned, had to sheepishly withdraw that statement
- thinks Blackberry is defunct (they're still making products and services)
- banned a troll that mentioned a troll list, won't take action against the whale who mentioned it
- "The week leading up to to me getting paid is always the tightest week"; gets $100k a year
- “This is the slowest stream I’ve had in a long time”, yet says that every week
- compared being a streamer to being a blue collar worker who "puts in the work"
- acknowledges what he does is not blue collar work but "putting in the effort" makes it so
- "I do working-man shit. You know what I'm saying? I do working-man content."
- likened office work to blue collar work, which are distinctly different areas of work
- believes that Sony suffered a big marketshare drop despite PS5s consistently being sold out
- "GameCube is a failure"
- pretended to have no idea about his broken shower and vacuum cleaner
- won't answer if his broken shower was fixed and bans talk of it, suggesting it was a lie for $$
- knew that a tipper wasn't in high school, suggesting he knew the tipper was an alt account
- “I am here to make the best experience for my viewers on a daily basis" but not edited content
- doesn't consider adopting a child makes you family, but Jasper kitty is his 'adopted son'
- asks his fans what he can do to encourage new YouTube memberships, shoots down all ideas
- "Obviously there is a problem there, and I don't think it is with me!"
- blames the YT membership programme rather than his boring content
- says you can't become popular on YouTube doing regular things, it HAS to be clickbait and memes
- points out he doesn't do clickbait content; he does but it doesn't attract views
- had to be talked into finishing Resident Evil 4, was puzzled why he got no tips as thanks
- pondered why the Christmas and New Years tips generosity didn't extend further into the year
- observes his YouTube analytics daily and yet doesn't know what any of the terms mean
- "I want 200,000 subscribers! And by the way... I want them all watching!”
- “We’ve hit a stagnation in members" but it's the organic growth once the gifted members expired
- got excited for WWE 2022 despite hating the last three WWE games and doesn't watch WWE anymore
- exclaimed he can't use a humidifier or he'll have to clean it daily or mold will grow
- suggested his cat dish also gets mold
- says he can't tell who is fake in his YT chat and yet is somehow able to tell fakes apart
- says battle royale games are “so outdated! It was popular like 8 years ago!”
- thinks Fortnite was the first battle royale game
- hates battle royale games because the streamers playing them get more attention than he does
- “Stop watching content creators play the same fucking shit!"; plays SF games and replays games
- “If everyone wants to play GTA online, that means there is no GTA 6! There is no Bully 2!"
- opened his blinds for natural light even though it was a very cloudy day
- sometimes extends the streams for an extra hour to get more tips
- went overtime for an hour once and literally got no extra tips and didn't mention that at all
- believes he is streamsniped on SF via opponents choosing fighters strong against him
- thinks he is being streamsniped even though he has 'theme nights' of only picking one fighter
- doesn't like content creators promising things for follows and likes; does the same thing
- blamed his audience for expecting him play multiplayer with YT members, something he teased
- called his audience idiots for them saying he made $200 on the early stream (he made $193)
- refuses to do exclusive content for donators, depriving himself of needed income
- keeps making excuses for why he can't make members-only streams and other exclusive content
- doesn't want to divide his community money-wise but he does with whales and non-tippers
- thinks charging money for community multiplayer is a scam
- also thinks community giveaways are a scam; once gave away an empty game box in a giveaway
- says it kills him inside to over-promise and under-deliver.... pffft
- believes that there are barely any middle-aged people on YouTube doing daily uploads
- thinks he'll look at least ten years younger if he were to simply walk around more
- "If I just keep sitting on my ass and sitting on my ass, before long I'll just be a giant ass!"
- got upset that someone on Twitter reacted to him, inadvertently setting her fanbase after him
- “Please get me to 100 likes! it’s my goal to have 100 likes every stream now!"
- smelt smoke from something burning and assumed it was the Seattle fog
- believes some people don't have a morality code; has scammed his fans for years with no remorse
- openly mocked a paypig who tipped him with a question which he interpreted as malicious
- still mad that he got exposed for having an expensive coffee machine whilst begging daily
- did not know what came in the Street Fighter V Champion Edition set even though he linked to it
- criticized people who spend $20 on Street Fighter V yet spends thousands in WWE Champions
- banned someone for talking about personal pronoun usage despite saying he was an LGBT ally
- states he respects every gender, race, religion, and creed; bans any mention of such things
- reminds that spending all his money on back taxes and his tax attorney and not saving is 'adult'
- was bewildered that people were out and about during a pandemic, assumes they don't have jobs
- almost crashed his car twice on his day off, acted all Karen about it
- yelled about the drivers he almost collided though in his story he was the perpetrator
- just had to point out that one of the bad drivers was Asian
- “If you don’t like my stream, leave! This is my time to talk about whatever I want!”
- spent an hour talking about his schedule but then said it's bound to change, making it pointless
- part of his 'busy schedule' is answer emails, which most mature adults do
- believes people actually do watch his old 'legacy content' (more like trolls for their TIHYDPs)
- disregards his future life after live-streaming as a "silly situation" and doesn't think about it
- says to support small creators, not big creators, but subscription wise he is a big creator
- states he is no longer overly negative
- believes anyone promoting a product but enjoys it is not shilling, is somehow able to tell
- somehow read "gives the cat raw chicken" as "gives the rabbit raw chicken"
- thinks he cannot get a job if he quits streaming without extensive training or nepotism
- "I have a very logical mind. I only think about things when they become a reality."
- believes Jasper would develop depression if he got another pet
- insists he hasn't lost his passion for gaming, only for video editing with takes time and effort
- “I haven’t watched wresting since April 2020” but in April 2020 he said he hadn't watched it
- asked his fanbase to make him a short video clip to use as an intro
- thinks the accounts who are unsubbing from his YouTube channel are trolls who are using bots
- “None of the previous Uncharted games have run above 30 frame per second”
- won't play re-released games like the Uncharted 4 collection; replaying Skyrim again
- talked about NFTs, banned a few people in chat for talking about NFTs
- was surprised to learn that executives are more keen on making money than pleasing him
- “Nobody is thinking when they buy a game how they can get maximum resale value out of it!”
- says you can't consider resale value of a game because “you don’t even own the code on the disk”
- believes if you make videogames you’re suppose to be enriching society; Wokesydephil
- “People have found out they can’t get me kicked off platforms”, thereby absolving his trolls
- “I am focusing on building this channel back from square one”; has 250k subscribers
- says graphics aren't everything, unless he's playing a Nintendo game, in which case he talks shit
- says arcades are dead and barcades don't count because they're for adults, not the "same vibe"
- got frustrated to receive a $11 tip to reach the hat goal but it was the end of the stream
- states that the increased likes are having "concrete results” on his channel
- says “the world would be a better place” without racists" (which includes him)
- thinks trolls will back down harassing him once presented with 'the facts'
- tried to dox a tipper who left a message about WingsofRedemption
- “Every time you say Pokemon you’re saying the Japanese for pocket monster”
- "Enjoy your crappy modern games!"; plays modern games for a living
- claims modern fighting games don't cover the basics; doesn't play modern fighting games
- his new intro consists of stock footage of some pachinko place with cheesy fonts
- doesn't realise or care that the new intro video was confirmed to be made by a troll
- "Anyone who says the new intro is a troll is going to get timed out!"
- seems to think that posting spoilers in his chat is a legit criminal offence
- says he will "stay away from social media purposefully to avoid game spoilers”; Twitter e-begs
- wants a new PC to use with the Steam Deck for helping him streaming, not playing games on
- “My house is an open air house”
- accidentally counted the incoming sockpuppet money before they actually occurred
- got 30 new YT members and still complained about the lacklustre tips rather than thanking them
- thinks the developers of Halo Infinite deliberately puts fake latency figures on screen
- "Now you’re complaining I’m not interacting with you? Shut the fuck up! Fucking idiots!”
- asks chat if they want a Q&A, they say no, so he quits the game and does a Q&A anyway
- "Does nobody else have anything to say tonight? You guys wanted this Q&A, come on!”
- “My wife and I are realists and don’t daydream about things that can’t happen!”
- says he has no interest in wrestling but follows wrestlers on Twitter to stay in the know
- says he's never talked shit about other content creators because he was raised Roman Catholic
- "As a Roman catholic if I do something bad I feel bad and want to change that!”
- has openly admitted to being an asshole during his 20s and 30s (so much for his Catholic morals)
- stated he was keen to get a new job but COVID put the kibosh on that
- doesn't realise or care that COVID has actually made it easier to get a job
- called his whales "job security"
- boasted he really improved things in 2021 thanks to donations but didn't name a single one
- thinks being on camera instead of playing the slideshow is quality content worthy of your money
- unknowingly exposed OIC making sock accounts to boost his YT membership total
- derailed his stream to talk about how drinking your own piss is free and laughed like a hyena
- lies that he doesn't care if you block ads on his YT videos or don't tip
- has his Viewers Choice game and Gamepass game have the same requirement: be 20 hours or under
- the Gamepass game is chosen by the viewers, thereby making it a more expensive Viewers Choice
- believes Sony buying Bungie is only for the games and not the technology or skilled workers
- believes Sony buying Bungie was in response to Microsoft but such business deals take ages
- exclaims he doesn't care about Sony buying Bungie; spends 15 minutes talking about it
- thinks Troy Baker denouncing NFTs was so he can "continue being able to work"
- called Troy Baker a "bimbo" for apologising for associating with NFTs
- had another intro that was a troll-made creation that sneak-dissed him
- openly acknowledges that a detractor made the intro but thinks he is converting him to be good
- “The people making fun of me are no life losers!”, including the people making intros for him
- unveiled a new hat for his Skyrim sessions: a crappy plastic Viking hat
- his other hat is for his Skyrim sessions is a crappy fabric viking hat
- "If you get COVID after a booster, it will only be like a cold."
- believes Bungie's only game is Destiny and aren't currently working on anything new
- believes Activision-Blizzard still own Bungie in a way
- believes Bungie isn't Bungie because the people who worked on the Halo games have left
- blamed Kat for pulling out the AC adaptor even though it's naturally failed in the past
- “These game developers don’t understand how to make ranked matches.”
- got his COVID booster on a whim despite months of complaining he was unable to get one
- “I’ve never pretended to be an authority on anything!”
- “When you have a physical thing it means you own it!”
- observed how audience attendance and engagement has dropped over the years, blames the games
- explained his odd-shaped mouth as being deformed since infancy and not a result of a stroke
- did a close-up to demonstrate how both sides of his face moves but they clearly don't
- “No logically minded gamer should care about Cyberpunk anymore! The game sucked!”
- compared making a waifu in a game to going to a liquor store for the soda
- won't play with YT members because “it’s a pain in the ass! That’s why I don’t do it!"
- explained DDoS as: "internet packets basically lock up and make you have to restart your modem.”
- begged for fans to tip $6.66 to see the tip animation as he is tired of the $4.20 tip animation
- alleged that Halo Infinite is lagged because it has no new content and less players
- put The Forbidden City on hiatus, ruining the narrative flow of the game and its endings
- called Japan a 'small test audience' for beta testing purposes
- stated he needs at least two tips goals per stream as the vest tip is just barely sustaining him
- subtly admitted that one person is responsible for many tips and that others are his sockpuppets
- complained he is suffering without Twitch even though he's had stable months just on YouTube
- “My life now is the best life I’ve ever had! I’m living the dream!”
- “I have a nice wife and a nice cat.”
- believes sales of consoles nosedive after only a few years after release
- “Just leave a positive comment! It doesn’t have to relate to the content! I need the engagement!”
- thinks that because gaming magazines aren't common anymore reviewers shouldn't get games early
- banned use of the [retracted message] meme as it mocks the censorship in his chat
- “People saw the Wii as a disposal console”
- thinks it's ridiculous Nintendo kept making millions of Wii consoles during its life-cycle
- says that buying the Switch OLED is a "bad business practice" as he doesn't like portable Switch
- states that you're an asshole if you don't like hearing his sob story when he begs for tips
- gave a five minute history lesson of the Wii for a 30 second news item about the Switch
- insulted a viewer for pointing out that giving a history lesson on the Wii is not gaming news
- “I don’t understand Japanese culture” but does claim to know the "Japanese mindset"
- “Any psychiatrist will tell you you’re fucked up in the head if you enjoying laughing at others!”
- retconned the cat origin story in that he wasn't hiding it behind a $1000 paywall (he was)
- says that if he were younger and took days off from streaming he would be working out
- joked that he is running a money laundering scheme
- derailed a stream for several minutes to deal with an impersonator of a whale
- speaks for everyone when he says no console gamer cares about 4k
- stated that if a company makes something they can't diversify to something new
- assumed Rockstar is working on GTA6, even though Rockstar said it's a game in a series
- will ignore positive superchats but will rant about politically-charged superchats
- says YouTube's chat is better than Twitch's chat, even though YT's chat kept him from streaming
- used fans' complaints of the blurry stream quality to beg for funds for a new computer
- sometimes hasn't even downloaded + installed the game he's playing in time for the day's stream
- considered quitting Dying Light 2 because the first hour of streaming got little $$ support
- instructs his viewers to only support him for him and not to own the haters
- demanded that his detractors give him examples of him being negative
- admits he is negative at times, won't give examples
- called the superchatter an asshole upon assuming the tip message was an insult toward him
- admitted that calling another tipper a dunce is a negative action, sees nothing wrong with it
- says his pet rabbit 'lasted' thirteen years, as if it were an object and not a loved animal
- believe he is winning against the trolls because the same seven whales support him
- admitted that OIC made an alt account but insists he only used it for a while and stopped it
- won't listen to fan feedback that moving Pokémon Legends: Arceus to late night is a bad move
- thinks electric cars can only get like 50 miles before having to be recharged
- mispronounces every Pokemon name, even the ones saying their own name
- pauses every game every few minutes to talk to chat and beg and ponder why support is so slow
- "When you have to work your ass off to make the game fun, the game developer fucked up!"
- believes Dying Light 2 spent seven years in development and all they improved was the graphics
- lied that he doesn't ignore or ban criticism
- then admits that he bans criticism after he labels it as trolling
- defines criticism as being wholly different from criticising, which he punishes
- states he bans defamation; defames other content creators like Keemstar and PewDiePie
- denied a tipper's request to name a pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, kept the money
- watches Kat play Skyrim on his day off, despite saying he wants nothing to do with gaming
- spent most of his day off doing her chores, like picking up her makeup, while she plays Skyrim
- “So, we get up and we try to figure out what we want to order for breakfast.”
- usually orders a quesadilla and a side of fries for $11, but they are cheap to make at home
- lied that he's never purchased a game with crowdfunding and then soon dropped it
- "I'm known as the guy who literally plays games from start to finish."
- “I usually never drop a game even when my viewers tell me to do so!”; quits and blames viewers
- clarified that he stayed on Twitch after being departnered but quit after being banned for racism
- doesn't like Sifu because he can't spam moves and combos
- called Sifu a puzzle games because he has to avoid and/or deflect moves
- called Sifu unrealistic when he loses to fights, not when the protag blocks a machete barehanded
- "He can apparently make plants grow? What is he? An X-Man?"; could've said Poison Ivy
- played Sifu like a God of War game, holding block constantly instead of parrying or dodging
- “I don’t understand anything... What am I doing?”
- made racial jokes while playing Sifu, such as talking "Asian" without the crude accent
- “He’s 46 and he already has grey hairs in his beard!”; Phil's beard is grey and only middle-aged
- accidentally admitted he dislikes Sifu because it got challenging
- watched his cat gag rather than help it, referred to it "choking"
- referred to Mahjong as a board game
- revealed he didn't remember if he cancelled Hulu or not
- thinks you are using "cheating software" if you can see the dislike numbers on his YT videos
- stated the first thing he'll do after winning the lottery is go on a vacation
- confirmed he gives favours to his YT members like priority comments on his videos
- went to the dump and was stunned that there were people with trucks there dumping stuff
- admitted he was hiding Jasper before he officially unveiled him after hitting the paywal in 2020
- “Find a significant other who will cook you awesome homemade meals all the time!"; Doordash lots
- thinks getting a housewife that cooks dinner is considered good weight loss (didn't work for him)
- planned to redo another Summer of Retro, with RPG games he quit because of low support
- if you skip prestreams "you’re a selfish and impatient person who only focuses on themselves."
- says other content creators do prestream talks, ignores that those are short and to the point
- had surreptitiously looked up how to play Sifu as he suddenly knew what he was doing
- ate a chicken quesadilla breakfast not long after getting indigestion from another big breakfast
- considered a troll's comment of 'complaining is the biggest content you produce' as positive
- charged his viewers $25 for the privilege to name each pokémon caught in Pokémon Legends: Arceus
- thinks he'll get arthritis from years of playing video games
- thinks his very long pre-streams of non-gaming will be effective in preventing arthritis
- won't bring back Cooking with the King because he makes no money and "people don't like it"
- implied that superchats count as money donated despite previously insisting they weren't
- "I certainly haven't seen global warming reverse itself."
- berated a fan in his chat named Jason Voorhees until he up and left
- pondered why his stream chat died after he pretty much verbally abused a fan into leaving
- got baffled someone has a different attack pattern between having a staff and being unarmed
- could not mentally understand the wordplay of Sifu and sea food
- "Elevator goes underground? I don't think so."; has probably never been to a parking garage
- wants to talk about politics and current events but only if they affect him or his stream
- says no one buys games to make money; buys games and tries to make money streaming
- refuses to wear the fan-donated Skyrim viking hat unless his fans pony up to reach the tips goal
- talked about the Mandela effect to prove a point; constantly misremembers things
- thinks his detractors believe he ragequits every game and constantly plays gacha games
- pronounces Ubisoft as “Obisoft”
- “Nobody has ever been caught outright for pirating video games”
- “I cook 6 days a week! Well...we cook.”; orders food multiple times a week due to Kat's schedule
- “How is it that every company that mistreats me goes down the tubes right after!”
- lied about changing his PS5 password to 'refresh it' (Kat was likely using it)
- "Criticism has never ever not been allowed here on the channel, it's always been welcome."
- doesn't want people to be rude and nasty to him; calls anyone doing so a ""mouth-drooling moron"
- said anyone who doesn't understand criticism is "a fucking idiot"
- spends hours after streaming manually approving YouTube comments
- stated that console gamers don't play MMOs
- had food delivered to him and was still talking on stream over ten minutes after it arrived
- lied that Kat is working part-time is she can be heard as he goes to get his DoorDash food
- thinks tipping DoorDash more will screw him over as they will take more orders along the way
- believes that DoorDash drivers only make money in what you tip them
- "I don't like queso, I prefer real melted cheese"; queso IS real melted cheese
- had Monterey Jack cheese in his "authentic Mexican" meal, thereby making it Tex-Mex
- exclaims he doesn't want businesses that mistreated him to fail
- complained about American football and the Superbowl and justified it with "this is a podcast"
- pretended to be hyped for Horizon Zero West despite months of saying he wasn't interested
- stated that YouTube Shorts is only for content like “someone doing something stupid like falling”
- “YouTube shorts are basically TikToks! It’s stupid!”, ignores a way to make viral content for $$
- reckons he got kicked off Twitch due to detractors sending Twitch proof that he's a bad guy
- “I got rid of all that hateful stuff! I rebranded”; still has racist bigoted content up
- believes Twitch will/should take him back because he's a more 'positive' person
- admits that when he says he's being honest he's finally being honest in that moment
- put Street Fighter games on hiatus despite fans/whale donating just to see him play them
- swapped the vests for old tatty American football jerseys from his SF tournament days
- called Horizon Zero West innovative because there hasn't been a Tomb Raider style game in ages
- believes that buying your lover flowers for Valentines Day is foolish and embarrassing
- ranted about flowers because there was a line at the florists, so his whining was sour grapes
- projected pretty hard when condemning people who buy thoughtless gifts for Valentines Day
- "What's the point of going if we're just going to stare at the items we can't afford... Right?"
- assumed that an eatery wouldn't be busy on Valentines Day, didn't do research on the day of
- said he was poor and couldn't do anything special for Valentines Day, but ordered $50+ DoorDash
- ordered DoorDash from Olive Garden, a restaurant he had previously trashed
- had no backup restaurant/eatery plan, resorted to DoorDash like always
- had never heard of black pudding before, thought it was dessert
- pronounced potpourri "poo peeree"
- stated he threw out leftovers, which can get him fined in Seattle
- put baking soda and vinegar in his clogged food disposal, spraying dirty water everywhere
- used a plunger on the clogged food disposal, causing a geyser of dirty water to erupt on him
- spent 30 minutes plunging his clogged food disposal instead of eating his delivered food
- omitted a superchat's message that hitting 200 likes count, as he wants money not just likes
- assumed that a Bioshock movie adaptation will keep the twist ending and do nothing different
- lies that he doesn't care that companies don't want to associate with him
- banned a well-liked chat member, tried not to lose his cool while his chat spammed prayer hands
- got upset that YouTube won't tell him how to work the algorithm
- raised the price to name a pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, got confused when no more offers
- put Dying Light 2, a new game, on hiatus, but kept Skyrim even though it's making less money
- wanted to buy both console version of The King of Fighters XV; business degree at work!
- also wanted you to buy for him the PS4 version of The King of Fighters XV for his wife
- believes that YouTube account eligibility for Super Thanks is random
- claims that he has direct contact with YouTube that despite years of saying he had no contact
- says it's not about whales who swings by to donate big; sends begging tweets to entice whales
- cries out "auto combo" when he gets combo'd in fighting games, even if it wasn't an auto-combo
- never learned how to properly catch pokémon in Pokémon Legends: Arceus, ran away from legendaries
- doesn't like how you can fail to catch pokémon: "It's all random crapshoot gambling."
- calls any boss that requires strategy a "puzzle boss" and hates them
- tried and failed to explain King of Fighters lore, obviously hastily looked it up
- claimed the original Neo Geo console cost $900
- “Kula was the original Elsa from Frozen! She was someone with ice powers!”
- states he has no time to practice fighting games for competitive tournaments
- called out one of OIC's alts when he tipped $1.50 instead of the usual $5
- has no idea why he's an asshole online but "a respectable person" in real life interactions
- gets perfect'd in online fighting games and claims his opponent doesn't know how to play
- wants auto-combos removed from all competitive fighting games
- liked Horizon Forbidden West more than the original because the pandemic delayed similar games
- thinks aliens were in Horizon Zero Dawn, can't even remember the plot to it
- says Horizon Forbidden West is not more of the same: it has improved graphics!
- “I'm not playing Cyberpunk ever again, I refunded the game a long time ago”, confirming refund
- refused to drop his video output to 720p, resulting in lots of pixellation on stream
- “I want people to notice me because I’m honest!”, then asks for likes so he'll be noticed
- ignored a £100 superchat that simply asked him how he was doing
- sees views are down on both YouTube and stream attendance, blames the games
- refused to let a long-time fan name a Pokémon for free
- "Why are you calling the game boring and leaving? Give it a chance!"
- railed against viewers with short attention spans, but has said he quits games quick if boring
- “Just because the game is boring doesn’t mean you don’t have to give me money.”
- stated that a video game or movie won't give you a blowjob to retain attention; mature adult!
- was late to a stream because he microwaved his breakfast burrito
- “The mannerisms are flowing like a real human”
- blames his asshole behaviour on his "winning mindset", calling it his “Street Fighter mentality”
- says he got humble with age and that he is no longer as cocky
- believes that calling himself humble is proof he is so
- replayed Dark Souls again, ponders why fans/detractors comment his content is stale
- stated no one knew Dark Souls would be popular, hence why he skipped it upon its release
- pretended to recognise people (alt accounts) in chat despite them never posting in there before
- told people to use fake credentials on PayPal to send him tips (that's against Paypal's ToS)
- confirmed he does get your Paypal info when you tip him and you're dumb if it's visible
- shat on the placeholder logo for Street Fighter 6
- assumed the rest of the internet had similar derision for the placeholder Street Fighter 6 logo
- somehow thought Street Fighter 6's (temporary) logo was reflective of the quality of the game
- pronounces Sasquatch as “saucekwatch”
- refused to believe that a fan likes it when Phil loses and whines, insulted him and banned him
- exclaims olnine opponents who punish him for spamming moves don't know the 'fundamentals'
- confirmed that various tippers are not the same person (because he can see Paypal info)
- unblocked Keemstar on Twitter to rage at the potential podcast of DSP and WingsofRedemption
- unlocked Keemstar on Twitter, bitched at him and then reblocked him, which against Twitter ToS
- "I don't want to be involved with anyone else's drama"; badmouths people going through drama
- excuses certain 'elites' getting games early if they provide technical analysis
- realises he's on an 'island' of isolation, think it's self-imposed but it's also due to toxicity
- mocks fans who mistakenly dox themselves via Paypal donations, think he is no way responsible
- wanted to drop KoFXV because he was moved up to people who knew how to play and thrash him
- raged at a high-ranking KoFXV player who beat him with simple moves, proving Phil's poor skills
- baited his YT members with a chance to play him in KoFXV, dropped the game soon after
- went overtime on a stream and didn't panic, proving he lies about hectic time between streams
- didn't realise that Presidents' Day, being a bank holiday, would mean banks are closed
- believes people who had President's Day off are special snowflakes
- reckons no one knows when President's Day is unless they work for the government or banks
- stated he had saved up to pay his bills, which speaks of his lack of handling cash skills
- "What is an instant burrito? It’s a frozen burrito and I eat them for breakfast."
- thinks that a more pricier instant burrito makes it more healthier than the cheaper ones
- "I don't have friends outside my wife... and my cat I guess"
- had the word 'Ukraine' banned by the chat automod; no politics!
- states he can't play PC games because he is a content creator
- turned a fan's question about socializing at the office job into a rant of being mistreated
- “My life is more secure now because of your crowdfunding”
- got a $50 tip and launched into a plea for more money
- thinks that not playing Elden Ring a day early is doing his viewers a service
- "Everyone playing Elden Ring today are desperate assholes. I'm waiting for the OFFICIAL release."
- played Skyrim while every other streamer was getting those Elden Ring day one views
- admits he is computer illiterate despite his professed years of building PCs
- told his fans wanting more effort to "fuck off" as him playing games for hours is taxing enough
- threw a pity party by declaring he will never be secure since everyone betrays him
- says he is constantly playing catching up for money, blames everyone else
- "I don’t have time to sue someone!", which renders all legal threats about 'identity theft' null
- “Right now I make just enough to get by”; gets food deliveries multiple times a week
- “I don’t want to work 6 days a week but I’m forced to!”; runs his own 'business'
- did things in Elden Ring that suggested he read a guide beforehand, like know where items are
- miscounted his death counter in Elden Ring quite early on
- purchased a new hat: a cheap children's-size knitted beanie medieval helmet
- had an argument with a fan via superchats, "I don't care but I like your money"
- called his viewers idiots for suggesting he do something else in a game rather than waste time
- states you shouldn't run away from your problems; blocks and ignores his problems
- used viewbots which got exposed when he had to restart OBS and his viewcount plummeted
- "I'll listen to valid criticism", but ignores the valid criticism to do his own thing
- affirmed that he did not waste four hours killing optional bosses in Elden Ring (it was 3.5h)
- believes the only reason he is considered a lolcow is because of trolls' slanderous lies
- asked his viewers to make alt accounts to become YT members to make outsiders think he's popular
- said Elden Ring is more of the same but wants mutations from Bloodborne (aka more of the same)
- panic-rolls too often in Soulsborne games and legit thinks the bosses read his inputs
- “Elden Ring requires so much attention, it makes my temperature go up and stay there for hours!”
- considers Soulsborne games to only be fun when he is greatly overlevelled
- raged at Elden Ring's supposed 'insane' input delay yet still praises it as FromSoftware's best
- “If you roll and try to jump in real life you don’t have input delay!”
- still doesn't know the difference between input lag and action queuing
- admitted he purchased his supposedly donated TV via a slip of the tongue
- ragequit Elden Ring for a night due to thinking physics shouldn't apply to certain attacks
- “Wind doesn’t blow backwards! It moves forwards like everything else in life!”
- stated that the quality of food from Burger King has plummeted, still eats there
- says some games resonate with the audience but during those games he complains of low attendance
- “I only eat out once a week”, which is true since he gets DoorDash every other day
- “Salisbury steak is just pounded meat with gravy and things added to it to make it flavorful.”
- named one of his pokemon John Rambo despite not wanting anything to do with him anymore
- banned many regulars for supposed drama, banned people asking about the bannings
- banned a fan who superchatted because he thought he was sneak dissing him about 'delusions'
- assumes no one is playing certain popular games, does no research
- used another troll-made intro with detractor memes and detractor music used
- yelled that his landscapers are making noise doing their jobs while he's gaming
- watched his wife get further into Horizon Forbidden West than him, accidentally getting spoilers
- “I can stay later tonight because my wife isn’t home.”
- said he has considered collabing with vtubers provided they follow his list of conditions
- still thinks immigration to the USA is arriving at Ellis Island and given automatic citizenship
- believes that USA companies treat employees poorly compared to Japanese companies
- “The majority of people who follow me on Twitter are following me for business related purposes”
- said he wasn't going to play Gran Turismo 7 even after 'a fan bought it for him'
- claimed Elden Ring sold double Horizon Forbidden West, doesn't care Elden Ring is multiplatform
- “I don’t care about wrestling anymore! I just like to be in the know about the trends!”
- “We can’t use public transportation to get around because it’s not dependable or fast enough”.
- claims 2017 was the reboot of his life and now loves every say of his life since then
- “I feel like everything before [2017] was the lead up to my real life and now I’m loving it!”
- asked the chat where items are and then acted surprised when he just happens to find them
- yelled at a troll impersonating Volodymyr Zelenskyy; has called Ukraine "the Ukraine"
- “Have you ever heard of a bird that flies without flapping its wings in life?"
- invented a statistic that people gravitate towards inclines, calls declines bad game design
- still seriously thinks he's the victim of organised trolls who make shit up to discredit him
- calls video game graphics a 'gimmick'
- understands that people streaming a game early satiates interest in it; won't play games early
- lied that his audience doesn't want edited content from him
- boasts that he hasn't taken a vacation since 2018; sits on his ass streaming six days a week
- thinks he works harder than most workers despite having two hour long breaks
- stated that if a streamer loves a game they don't care about views or contributions
- “It’s incredibly hard for people to get noticed on YouTube, even for a big channel like I am!”
- ruined DSPGaming while on Twitch by saying it was worthless, ensuring it would be ignored
- “The haters will always succeed unless YouTube polices their website!”... by favouring him
- wants YouTube to be policed by state laws... and then says YouTube should police themselves
- “The double jump is so weird! It’s like you’re playing Super Mario!”
- thinks he shouldn't be hit while on a mount in Elden Ring as the mount should tank all the hits
- praised Elden Ring for exploration... then ranted that he wished there was less cryptic bs
- yelled at his viewers to stop spamming the chat that his microphone went out
- believes pasta sauce and marinara sauce are the same thing
- “I need to pick up the item I missed” yet it was in a location he had never been to... hmmm...
- marketed him playing FromSoftware games as 'rage' yet yelled at fans expecting him to rage
- assumed that when viewers say the streams are boring its because he's winning, not always pausing
- admitted he's just following tips in the chat, taking all the fun out of exploring on his own
- compared physically damaging yourself to playing a difficult video game
- told the viewers who want to see him suffer in difficult games to "get a life"
- instructed the viewers who want him to show emotions other than happiness to see mental help
- thinks the people posting mean comments are the same people who 'stalk' him in real life
- thinks that if you laugh at him, not with him, you literally want to hurt him
- “You’re hurting human society with a mindset like that!”; laughs at people's misfortunes
- says he is nowadays happy for other's success; roasts successful content creators all the time
- got upper back pain from sitting on his ass all day gaming, eating, shitting, and WWE Champions
- thinks his audience would want to watch his pre-stream rants on-demand
- praised his community after belittling them for 15 minutes calling him entitled and stupid
- “I don’t own or have any action figures anymore”, yet showed a Blanka figure on stream a week ago
- “As you can see I am a poorly aging lesbian.”
- decided to do exercises only after his parents agreed since he's middle-aged he better start
- banned a superchatter politely asking Phil to respect their pronouns
- complained that games have too much side content so he'll have to keep playing them
- called out people who buy Call of Duty mindlessly; buys every new Call of Duty game
- admits he uses the stream chat as a guide for Elden Ring and blames you for misinfo
- won't divulge what help he got to not be such an ass all the time
- “Have I ever had bubble tea? I get the tea without the tapioca balls or whatever.”
- admits he still drinks alcohol, though he does it to dull his back pain
- retconned his depression origin story: it was the fighting game community, not in high school
- couldn't help bringing up money in a tweet about WWE 2K22's release date
- got puzzled why people would be into gambling; okay Mr. WWE Champions
- says that Gladius is Latin for "sword" and "penis"
- claimed there is an inverse proportion to using large weapons to dick size
- likened having a big or nice car/truck to having a small dick; owns a BMW
- his solution to being behind in Elden Ring: play it less
- his motivation to keep playing Elden Ring: so the memes he sees won't be spoilers
- believes following wrestlers on social media is better than actually watching the wrestling
- ordered pizza from a rock-music themed pizza place after complaining of paying tow big bills
- “If you don’t see grease in bottom of the box that means you’ve got a real pizza.”
- “If you play 80 hours in Horizon you’ll play 60 hours too much!”; does everything in Yakuza games
- reckons if Pokémon Legends: Arceus had AAA amazing graphics it would fix the boring content
- fought a boss in Elden Ring that specialises in faith and holy damage with a faith and holy build
- says he can get back to competitive level in fighting games if he has the time
- stated he would attend EVO to compete if he just happens to be where they are hosting it
- thinks the pro fighting game players from his era have gotten rusty and he can beat them
- went on a rant on how to better EVO but ended it with “I’m an outsider and don’t really know”
- believes you cannot 'shit on him' if he does not know you
- “Jasper is chewing the water bottle I use to spray him! Stop it Jasper!”
- “I can’t play any new games anyways, I’ll have to take time away to do my taxes.”
- called Patreon his "legacy support" and won't honour any perks to any patrons
- “I don’t even know what HDR is, I’ve never seen it before”; owns a 4K HDR television
- admitted to looking up side content of Horizon Forbidden West to see if it's worth his time
- mocked his viewers that called him out for cheesing Elden Ring with overpowered gear
- treats playthroughs as his personal experience, not as an entertainer putting on a show
- uses a version of OBS that is 8+ years old, says he is too busy to upgrade
- claims no other streamer has a death counter when playing games, only him
- “People don’t want the death counter, it’s only a small minority who want it."; caters to them
- insulted his fans by stating you're a retarded manchild if you care about death counters
- won't be on RTU's podcast since he can't profit but wants RTU on his podcast so he can profit
- retconned his Italian heritage claims, insisting he never called himself full-blooded Italian
- thought he had paused Elden Ring when begging for more money, got killed while not looking
- thinks that making frequent fart and feces jokes does not mean he has problems or fetishes
- then said "I don't make jokes about shit, butts or asses all the time. It's a detractor thing."
- wants his viewers to create tiers and rewards for being YouTube members
- believes "sissy" is not a slur and he can't be disciplined for repeatedly saying it
- states all his interactions with OIC has been positive; used to yell at OIC for chatroom drama
- "I've become way more patient since I became a YouTube streamer", then permabans someone
- claims it takes an hour to get to Seattle even though he lives 15-20 minutes away
- suggested that he never takes the highway on his 12 mile route to Seattle
- whined that Kat's schedule means he can't plan dates with her, but he knows her schedule
- wants a "Star Trek future" of selflessness but says the problem is selfishness from others
- "People are selfish and only focus on themselves. It's always about me, me, me!”
- "You’re not a man just because you can grow a beard! You can still be a moron or sissy!”
- retconned his non-threat of violence to a child in VR chat, now saying he DID threaten the child
- “We have Disney+ but we only use it for nature shows.”
- admits to watching other videos/streams of games he's playing but insists there aren't spoilers
- states the streamers get the games early despite hating then 'elites' who get games early
- praised coffee for keeping him alert as if he's just found it out
- drinks black coffee but hates it because he refuses to add sugar or cream
- says Americans who say "having a beer" mean to drink to excess, unlike 'foreigners'
- believes he could sue Twitch and win if they remove him without warning as that is "illegal"
- thinks he could get $10-40k in 'lost wages' if he were to sue Twitch and win
- reckons he'll win his potential lawsuit against Twitch because DrDisrespect proved Twitch is bad
- "Please leave comments in my videos! It helps me out!"; has to manually approve each comment
- doesn't know what rollback netcode really is but hates it and the people who make it
- reminded his audience about daylight saving even though he starts streams at lunch time or late
- asked his viewers what they want to see him play, rejects their suggestions, calls them selfish
- claims that years ago he gave a waiter a $50 tip and the waiter gushed how he saved his life
- got mad that websites like YouTube treat its users like beta testers for new functions
- says he won't have the hand-eye coordination to play games when he's 50; can barely play them now
- instructed his viewers to keep tipping even after the tips goal has been met
- “They are making games because they want to make money!”, think that's a hot take
- lies that he hasn't had gin in years, but he's admitted to it and the bank leaks prove it
- called the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection a "shameless cash grab; purchased 2 versions
- pondered why people are buying another version of GTAV; played the Anniversary edition of Skyrim
- told his viewers he won't use summons in Elden Ring, uses them, and lied he ever said he won't
- Nobody knows what Rickrolling is anymore!”
- calls anyone who visits KiwiFarms stupid, then told OIC not to go there, insulting his whale
- stopped his stream to rant about OIC; “I'm too busy to focus on drama! I have business to run!”
- “I’m about to be 40 years old and I have to deal with stuff that 13 year olds do!”
- says he got more superchats than tips, meaning he lied about being unable to see superchat totals
- yelled that only an idiot cares about OIC talking to detractors; cared enough to derail and rant
- has the air conditioning on all year around when having lots of electronic devices going
- “People created toxic communities around my positive content.”; ran a website called Top Haters
- got upset that the guide he secretly read for Elden Ring was outdated by patches
- thought he was underleveled in Elden RIng because enemies take up to three hits to kill
- banned a superchatter just because he mentioned money in his donation message
- sees comments about videos more pertinent to the video content than the content creator
- considers victory over a boss not from having gained skill but by getting lucky over bullshit
- claimed OIC has never warranted getting banned; has banned OIC for causing drama
- used his Hogswarts Legacy discussion stream to take potshots at the fighting game community
- called the game “Harry Potter Legacy of J. K. Rowling”
- wants you to separate art from the artist and also wants you to call out 'shills'
- said that Kat "never puts liquids into her body"
- said that he won't play Mario Kart on the Switch as it's another re-release... as he plays SFII
- believes that Mario Kart 8 on the Switch is a 1:1 port with no re-balancing
- admitted that he drinks alcohol off-stream as it isn't professional to swig it on-screen
- feels very uncomfortable when fans rally for more donations, will ban the support
- got upset that FromSoftware nerfed Radahn in Elden Ring
- chews the dirt from under his fingernails on camera
- believes you should "appreciate and respect" him for trying to be entertaining while gaming
- thinks he deserves similar respect to other streamers who are better at entertaining
- banned people who negatively compared him to the aforementioned other streamers
- compared himself to "pro level" streamers who put in the hours to sharpen their skills
- retconned his need for redemption runs as he learned from pros that first runs are 'experimental'
- “Restreamers are essentially cult leaders!”
- thinks restreamers make shit up about him when they're just literally restreaming him
- compared detractors to cult leaders less than 12 hours of his mod KingGoken went all cult-like
- stated that Souls games are impossible without guides and has repeatedly been caught using them
- said "I'm being told" to excuse himself going off the path and getting items in Elden Ring
- claims the people only hate him because he makes money doing what he does
- got caught lying about his tips totals for over a year since he doesn't count OneMinuteMan's tips
- believes that all detractors are in it for a reason, like a sense of belonging or making money
- believes that detractors make money off of him, even though they kick out all those who dare
- thinks that ragequitting a game means you permanently never play it ever again
- hasn't realised why detractors focus on 'small potatoes' like him
- doesn't know that detractors focus on other lolcows as well and it isn't either/or
- seriously thinks that he can beat the detractors at their own game with defamation and slander
- believes he can win a slander lawsuit against his trolls because it has happened to others before
- decides whether to quit a game before finishing not by playing it but by the reviews he reads
- says you can't trust early reviews, but trusted the early reviews of Ghostwire: Tokyo
- ended up buying and playing Ghostwire: Tokyo anyways, rendering his rant moot
- insists he only used to play every new game 10 years ago and picking and choosing is new
- declared he won't see a doctor for his diabetes symptoms as it takes times away from streaming
- thinks strokes only come in the large variety, doesn't think he can have a small stroke
- does not think he is at risk for a stroke even though he drinks with a sedentary lifestyle
- claims he "slept on his heart wrong" to excuse the numbness in the left half of his body
- blamed his hurt hand on both a pinched nerve and sleeping on it wrong
- refused to spell out a fake Nick Rekieta's name as the top tipper, abbreviated it instead
- got worried that he audience will leave once he finishes Elden Ring despite saying it's growing
- “I need to at least maintain the idea that I’m a variety streamer!”
- “You have to do your taxes every year! Especially when you’re a business owner!”
- took three days off to do his taxes even though he pays an accountant to do them for him
- says devs shouldn't rush games, but then says he wants a rushed tie-in game for the Sonic movie
- “The era of games as a service is over!”
- pondered why people still talk about Fortnite, then mentioned it's still massively popular
- brings up topics in his pre-stream but doesn't want his chat to talk about them
- stated that to be a mod in his chat you will one day be chosen, regardless of ability or tact
- lied that he used to have a 'centralized' place to get his tax info
- "I would rather be a level 1 than Keemstar!"
- suggested that Keemstar has no moral compass and doesn't know right from wrong
- boasted he's better than Keemstar right after his e-begging got him a measly $24 in tips
- believes that having a car alarm makes the car "insanely antiquated"
- has a goal of 100 likes per YT video then calls his viewers idiots for pointing out this goal
- implied that popular content creators are not happy in life with their money and fame
- “You guys know me I’m not a fashion guy! I don’t even shave half the time!”
- “I have never been the type of person who hates on people."
- stated that pro gamers both agree with him and yet don't have the same complaints as him
- banned a fan who suggested that poor supporters should spend their money on food rather than tip
- acknowledges his position in life came at a sacrifice; blames detractors for all his woes
- called clips of him talking "garbage content", thereby calling his own content garbage
- says he's so busy and backlogged and then ten minutes later said it's been a slow month
- “I’m feeling itchiness in my moustache! That means it’s allergies! It has to be allergies!”
- lied about not doing a marathon event for his birthday
- “In life there is a legal system in America.”
- thinks that because he gets more views than detractor channels he should be first in algorithm
- his source poll of Horizon Forbidden West players who beat the game was actually trophy data
- did not explore around 75% of the map in Horizon Forbidden West
- got bewildered that his fans would make memes of what he says, doesn't embrace it
- "There is nothing super challenging about this boss, it's the garbage game engine.", still dies
- “I’m a gamer of a bygone era,” and hasn't changed since then
- lied that he hasn't been reading reviews on Ghostwire: Tokyo
- “I don’t put my content behind a paywall!"; has membership goal events
- won't put the stream chat up on stream as the detractors and dumb fan comments will distract him
- states that YouTube memberships have no value, hence why no one will buy them from him
- thinks YouTube only has to provide the benefits of the memberships
- boasted of the benefits of YT membership in his dead stream chat that is heavily restricted
- talked big of the emotes unlocked with YT membership but will ban spammers of said emotes
- fell for a fake story that one person made up to insist his detractors concocted the story
- does not believe he laughs like "ACKACKACK" but then demonstrated a similar laugh
- deletes Derich's comments because he gets paranoid and think they are all fakes
- has manually set superchats to not stay on screen for too long as to generate more tips
- assumed that his life is much better than trolls' lives despite being a laughing stock lolcow
- assumed that all detractors do is sit at home trolling; spends most days sitting at home
- says he goes with the flow but that he also plans things in life
- claimed he closed more accounts due to 'identity theft', limiting information he can get
- won't disclose what accounts he closed or for what purpose
- chased clout about violence with Will Smith and Chris Rock; once threatened to slap an lil girl
- believes the Oscars literally awarded Will Smith for slapping Chris Rock
- thinks the Oscars should have escorted Will Smith out even though Chris Rock didn't file charges
- thinks his viral tweet about the Oscars is organic but it is clearly botted
- encouraged people to follow him for drama even though he's said he's not a drama channel
- gets upset that YouTube auto-selects bad thumbnails, won't choose them himself
- gets upset that YouTube doesn't upload videos in the right other, won't schedule them
- his first thought on improving the presentation of his channel is better video thumbnails
- “I don’t know if I could be a good dad. I don’t know if I would want to be a good dad.”
- knows he'll be a lousy father because all he knows how to do is sit on his ass gaming all day
- “I’m 40 year old right now and don’t want a kid, maybe later in life that will change."
- believes his YouTube legacy is better than an actual legacy with having kids
- thinks midlife crises are an 'American thing' that always involving buying expensive cars
- “I actually do play some mobile games! The ones I okay are free to play or incredibly cheap!"
- admitted he still plays mobile games and even spends "a dollar here or there" on occasion
- celebrated his 40th birthday not with a party with loved ones but with a gaming marathon
- compared getting insulted on the internet to getting insulted to your face in real life
- “I’ve done absolutely everything I can to get people to become a member”, no members multiplayer
- “I can’t have superchat goals because I want tips” despite previously wanting superchats
- begged for money in his night stream despite surpassing his tips goal in the morning stream
- got his facts wrong in his rant about the revamped PlayStation Plus
- says he needs tips urgently for his day off, which is once a week
- “I’m here to make money! I could be spending time with my family!”
- forgot that Breath of the Wild 2 was due to come out in 2022, acts like the game had no set date
- gets release 'date' and release 'day' mixed up
- tried to dunk on Skill Up about PS+, got humiliated because he has no reading comprehension
- called out content creators getting free games; begs his viewers to donate games or game cards
- complains that people live in bubbles; blocks and restricts who can reply to him
- cried that YouTube won't help him reach his membership goal
- believes Sony shouldn't have trouble emulating the PS3 because "they own it"
- shat on Gamepass and PlayStation Plus despite running a similar business model
- wrongly stated PS+ is pricier than Gamepass, gets told he's wrong, and thinks it proved his point
- “I have to use Twitter! It’s a part of my job! If I don’t have Twitter I will be uneducated!”
- believes there is no value in buying digital goods in bulk, only physical goods in bulk
- thinks lack of support means people aren't giving the game a chance, not him being boring
- called his viewers boring if they think he is boring
- told a story of how he watched an old man get confused by a card machine and didn't help him
- “Please find a way to support me! I’m not pressuring anyone!”
- claims he feels bad at times pressuring people to financially contribute, does it anyways
- declared he will react to the Down the Rabbit Hole video about him if he hits 400 YT members
- wants to debunk the aforementioned video despite stating he considers reaction videos garbage
- has seen the Down the Rabbit Hole video about him despite saying he's avoided it for ages
- says the Down the Rabbit Hole video isn't bad and seemingly approves of it
- had called the Down the Rabbit Hole video a detractor video, then he watched it and now doesn't
- exclaimed he won't react to his Kiwifarms thread even though he lurks there
- seriously thinks Null runs Kiwifarms like a weapon to hurt people
- "Six million! That's a pretty interesting number, isn't it?"
- says he won't do a multiplayer members event because “it doesn’t benefit my non-members”
- “The only thing that’s scary about turning 40 is realizing I have to start working out.”
- “I own up to my mistakes!”
- did not add the $50 tips for the Kirby playthrough to the tips goal, making it a scam
- later on claimed he forgot who tipped, even though he bans people for reminding him
- made an anti-Buddhism joke, then told his viewers to go fuck themselves if they disliked it
- can't joke along that he wants a Wolverine toy for his 40th birthday
- "Why would I want a Wolverine figure at 40 years old?", wearing a Pikachu hat as he saying it
- corrected that he wasn't an alcoholic with gin, it's gin and coke
- “You can only self-do your taxes if they are not complicated.”
- “H&R block is just a bunch of interns looking for side jobs, they don’t know how to do my taxes”
- boasts of new members even when he knows there are people socking, even one of his own mods
- snapped at a new viewer for not knowing what the big occasion was (40th birthday)
- says ricotta cheese is expensive, therefore it is used in 'high end' lasagna
- called his viewers idiots for having fun with memes that he's decided are toxic
- states he can't afford to do Feasting with the King; uses DoorDash at least once a week
- exaggerated his viral retweet count by several tens of thousands
- banned a whale who superchatted lots of money joking about Phil starting an OnlyFans
- used cheesy clownish font for his 40th birthday stream thumbnail (not a children's entertainer)
- uses gatekeeping to mock content creators that don't play games like how he plays them
- mocked streamers who use summoning in FromSoft games; has used summons on numerous occasions
- mocked streamers that use cheesy tactics and exploits to breeze through content (like he has)
- mocked streamers that avoids challenges in games; avoided some minibosses in Elden Ring
- observed that the birthday food poll seemed rigged but chose whatever he wanted to eat anyways
- said he doesn't want any gifts for his birthday... unless they are tips
- admitted that his vests are a stupid tipping incentive that only idiots want to see him wear
- “YouTube just needs to copy everything Twitch has done!”
- “Even if you’re not that interested please become a member just to support this channel"
- considers having a shower and taking out the garbage to be work
- “I’m open to criticisms now!”
- threatened to ban a fan who was complaining about a detractor spamming emojis
- lies that he barely talks about trolls and detractors
- “I’m a logical human! I have logic!”
- states that YouTube has no information on how to make shorts, but they have a tutorial video
- stopped caring about the ending to Elden Ring upon learning he was getting the bad ending
- copied his Elden Ring build from Asmongold
- won't ban a person making creepy superchat messages because it is a whale on an alt
- did not realize that marinated chicken absorbs the sauce, assumed there would be sauce on it
- “I’m overweight but I am not like... obese.”
- admitted he was over-levelled in Elden Ring, refused to stop levelling by saying its impossible
- began defending game devs when everyone started slamming them; Darksydecontrarian
- unwittingly attacked game devs and his own viewpoints in his rant defending game devs
- believes wealthy people need to be very moral or ethical people or they can't have money
- wants all McDonalds stores to sources their ingredients from local grocers
- plays Lego games and remarks that everything is made of Lego bricks with genuine amazement
- played Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga and said “Who is Palpatine?" and “Jangalo Fetts”
- said the SF games lets him relive the arcade experience... on ports with online multiplayer
- considers people who can beat him in fighting games with 'online moves' to be scumbags
- won't react to detractor videos because he has no evidence on hand to disprove any claims
- exclaimed it is very difficult to define what a 'job' actually is
- can't show his cat on stream as his wife can't be home or his voice will annoy her
- stated that he isn't a Street Fighter fanboy as he hates SFV; still buys every SF game/collection
- lies that he has no control over putting ads on his videos, thinks it is only automatic
- "I need to make enough to pay for my day off this week."; Darksydemaskslip
- didn't want his viewers to slow down tipping him just because they tipped big on his birthday
- yelled at his viewers that them not tipping cancelled out the birthday stream funds
- spent all his birthday money almost immediately: "Everything I got during my birthday is gone."
- put in all the preparation for his birthday but not a single consideration for his anniversary
- doesn't see anything wrong with missing wedding anniversaries, thinks it's normal adult life
- denied his marriage was rushed but him and Kat don't even remember their wedding anniversary
- hates begging but hates breaking his habits of DoorDash, gin, and WWE Champions even more
- denied playing mobile games over the weekend but didn't outright deny playing them
- "Bottom line is, I need to eat tomorrow", doesn't tell chat that Kat makes money too
- thinks bosses that have attack patterns are gimmick fights
- “I deserve to be happy!” despite boasting that he is happy all the time
- encourages his viewers to laugh at his expense if something goes wrongs; yells at his viewers
- “People don’t become career politicians to be broke!”
- “Other content creators are not making their Elden Ring playthrough special like I am”
- says he can't do cardio exercises due to his back, but he has claimed his back got much better
- turned on Ultra-Low Latency mode then got surprised by the choppy video quality
- didn't bother turning off his router prior to starting the stream, lets his audience suffer
- took multiple breaks to kill ants
- thinks putting down traps will stop the ants, got surprised when they kept coming
- doesn't care about the ants even though they can destroy electronics
- stopped his stream to kill ants, only stopped when he got a $100 tip
- “The Sith have fucked up bodies! They're malformed with horrible debilitations and bad backs!”
- described his ideal superpower as basically a Groundhog Day loop
- has no idea why Darth Maul disappeared despite being a Star Wars fan
- compared Kirby and the Forgotten Land to Dark Souls and ragequit the game for the stream
- “I don’t want Elden Ring level bullshit in my Kirby games!”
- had a little Easter egg hunt in his house with eggs filled candy; is a middle aged man
- played WWE 2K22 in a 'retard' voice to mock those who asked him to play it
- “A big thing that is challenging for me is money!”
- lied about not having a broken vacuum cleaner, clarify that he got a new one that isn't broken
- focuses on OP weapons and spells in hard games because he lacks the patience to gain skill
- “You’re all salty because you’re idiots!”
- “I don’t care what chat wants! I need to do more damage!”
- “Ok, if you don’t find this stream entertaining you can just get banned and not come back!"
- gaslit his audience by saying he never said or did the things that he (actually did) say/did
- stated he is not spamming a particular attack in Elden Ring but is spamming a different move
- admitted he barely pays attention to his chat because his "idiot" viewers tend to go off-topic
- forgot it was Easter and had made no preparations in advance to celebrate
- asked whoever voted for The Outer Wilds to show up and tell him how to play and what to do
- uses guides when doing endgame cleanup in games and think it's a good thing to do
- patted himself on the back with Twitter posts saying he has beaten more games than all of us
- got so demotivated playing games he stopped playing them and did an impromptu Q&A to pass time
- described the negative 'bullshit' detractor videos about him as being covered in literal shit
- won't react to 'false' videos about him, nor real videos like Snort Burnell's or restreams
- says he'll only react to content he approves of, which will be prewatched ass-kissing content
- shifted the reaction video to the Down the Rabbit Hole video of WingsofRedemption
- "I don't want to make people pay for me reacting to the Wings video", charges for it anyways
- split his reaction to the DTRH Wings video to two streams a week apart, killing all momentum
- says he won't even watch the whole DTRH Wings video if the first-half stream flops
- speaks negatively of people with ADD despite raging when games make him do something twice
- "Back in the day there was good reasons to not like me but not anymore."
- used to jokingly instruct his viewers to send hate mail to devs, which is bannable under YT ToS
- “Only a third of members voted in the poll”, doesn't know or care that his mods make sockpuppets
- doesn't know why OrdinaryGamers is banned in his chat but assumes he deserves it
- bans anyone with a crown in their name as he assumes they are faking YT membership
- downplayed his viral Kirby ragequit, saying it's just Kirby, but that's what made it go viral
- admits he ragequit a Kirby game, a game made for children
- assumed that him farting becomes big drama, can't stop obsessing over bowel movements and trolls
- stated that detractors making videos and memes of his Kirby ragequit is hurting his business
- says he will never respect anyone who turned on a camera to make a paycheck
- lied that he's never cared about making money on YT in the beginning, but he's begged for years
- lied that Toby Turner never did gaming before monetization, but he was doing Happy Wheels vids
- exclaims that he has to expand his content on YT (like ReviewTechUSA, whom he dislikes)
- thinks that him (a lolcow) reacting to the DTRH Wings video (another lolcow) won't stir drama
- reckons he can't go viral beause he isn’t "an animated character trying to appeal to the masses"
- claims Keemstar started the e-fight even he [Phil] began bitching about Keemstar first
- quit reacting to the DTRH Wings video as soon as he got an anonymous $100 from OIC's alt
- says he can't react to a TIHYDP video even though EvilAJ2010 already gave permission
- “I held out on react content but let’s face it everyone who makes content does it!”
- “Everyone says you have a midlife crisis at 40, I’m the opposite! I love this!”
- admits that making reaction content is difficult for him somehow
- only spent one hour of a two hour stream reacting to the DTRH Wings video
- took a break watching the DTRH Wings video to talk for ages, pondered why viewership dropped
- permits being called the King of Diapers so long as isn't called the King of Hate ever again
- pretended to not know of troll Discord chats despite complaining about them on Discord
- made every comment Wings made about himself despite not being the subject of the video
- acted like he was better than Wings at age 24; ran a website called Top Haters at the time
- "The past is in the past and it doesn’t matter!”, then talks shit about Wings' past
- says he can eat shrimp to avoid getting gout, but shrimp has high levels of purines
- literally could not understand or relate to Wings getting help from his friends
- understood and related to Wings' crying “I just wanted to have a good game” moment
- ragged on Wings for threats against minors, but when he does it it's the heat of the moment
- "They say just quit the internet... you can’t quit the internet!”, knows he can't survive
- declares WingsofRedemption to be the victim despite him pissing everyone off into leaving him
- thinks that Keemstar's videos are more evil than violent and sexually sadistic content
- pondered why Keemstar uses a mocking voice to belittle others; does the same thing
- “I never sold out! Ever! If you like the content PLEASE support it!”
- believes it is illegal to commentate over a full video without getting their permission
- “So many creators sit there and do it without getting permission and it’s ILLEGAL!"
- wants to react to public domain movies on stream for $$
- compared how the Jedi counsel from Star Wars operates to how he was laid off
- misuses the word 'negating' to show slow streams undoing good streams and for you to tip more
- unnecessarily edited a video to include a corrupted part of a video instead of editing it out
- ranted against Secret Limited and his videos despite not watching detractor content
- thinks he got Super Thanks enabled for high engagement, but it was a site-wide policy change
- dedicated an entire video to the Super Thanks feature of YouTube to, yep, beg for money
- believes that Super Thanks will "change everything" and rescue his sinking ship of a channel
- asked his viewers to Super Thank him to test it out, breaking YouTube ToS in doing so
- doesn't want Wings to react to his DTRH video but admits he can't stop him
- refused to count a tip to the tip total because the tip message told him not to blow his nose
- didn't know that GPUs have USB ports; used to build computers for a living
- ragequit YouTubers Life 2 because he didn't know what to do and the chat didn't hold his hand
- quit YouTubers Life 2 despite it being a community-voted game: “I can do whatever I want!”
- called XCOM and Diablo “the same type of game”
- states he hates top-down isometric games; his choice of #1 favourite game of 2021 was Hades
- declined to do any more YT members polls to choose games, rendering the incentive null and void
- believes that detractor videos are legally defamation even they are in his eyes factual
- believes that every restreamer of his is taking donations, profiting off his content
- believes that every detractor making content is doing it for personal gain
- "I'm not covering drama content"; reacted to the WingsofRedemption Down the Rabbit Hole video
- dedicated entire streams to browsing the games on Game Pass, which is lazier than reaction vids
- outright encouraged his viewers to Super Thanks his videos, which again is breaking YT ToS
- stated he's watched other content creators videos then says he doesn't know what to expect
- “I did not choose to do this for a living! I stumbled in to this!”
- quit a stream early to eat Doordash delivered dinner, lied that it was Kat's cooking
- “I’m not an authority on anything! I never said I wanted to be!” yet says he's a real gamer
- thinks it is illegal that that he isn't getting Super Thanks on videos with copyrighted material
- defined Super Thanks as not a donation as to claim he isn't breaking YT ToS begging for them
- believes donations have to either be big or reoccurring, and on-off small tips aren't donations
- seriously thinks that his detractors are falseflagging him to make him lose Super Thanks
- expects his viewers to go through his old videos and give Super Thanks when they can
- called his audience toxic if they laugh at his failures but don't pity-tip him for trying
- “The last thing I want to do is become what I hate!”
- believes that a game that scores 10/10 can't have any flaws whatsoever
- “10 IS perfect! It’s math! Math is science!”
- “This isn’t about morals, it’s about math! It’s scientific! It’s black and white!”
- made constant mistakes with Star Wars lore whilst speaking with an tone of authority
- implied Carrie Fisher died due to drugs (she died of cardiac arrest)
- thinks Star Wars is like WWE in some weird bizarre way
- believes the Resident Evil 4 remake is a mere remaster
- exclaims that he's not a big deal anymore and detractors are beating a dead hore by now
- wanted to react to Down the Rabbit Hole videos of people he doesn't even know
- wanted to react to John Rambo and Howard's video exposing Phil
- "The main problem Rambo and Howard had with me is that I was a workaholic."
- half-heartedly admitted he may have flagged EvilAJ for 'bullying' in Phil's comment section
- lies that he doesn't care about detractors' content and does not copyright strike them
- lied that he has never tries to claim any videos using his content
- added +15 deaths to his Elden Ring death counter, which is still under the real death total
- wanted a banned account to tip so he can see it and unban it
- didn't flip out at Malenia's nudity in Elden Ring, suggesting he looked up a good on her
- took 121 tries to defeat Malenia in ER, resorting to guides and cheesing her
- claimed that just anyone can move to the USA no problem
- had a video thumbnail of him with googly eyes edited on him; not a children's entertainer
- thinks Memeology lies about him, but he literally uses clips verbatim
- lied that he didn't ragequirt Elden Ring for a bit and come back later
- played Lego Star Wars on May 4th (Star Wars Day) instead of Elden Ring, resulting in low tips
- “No joke, this is the lowest supported stream of the year!”
- banned a viewer for correctly assuming that a mysterious anonymous tipper was a whale's alt
- subtly implied that his wife was laid off, then rants about getting into his personal life
- "You're not gonna get any personal information out of me on stream", then talks about it
- "I'm not gonna reveal any personal information, I'm not a dumb fuck."
- ponders how game devs make money off Game Pass, proving he doesn't know how it works
- stated that 'back in the day' games were sold at different prices based on genre
- says The Game Awards are just for advertising, but Summer Games Fest isn't (it's by same people)
- loved Symphony of the Night until the inverted castle and then ragequit it
- said the thing he misses most in Connecticut was the food, didn't mention his parents
- eats large sandwiches and homemade pizzas for snacks (Fatsydephil)
- “I only eat one meal a day”, the rest are snacks are the aforementioned sandwiches and pizzas
- got perturbed that Trek to Yomi, a samurai themed game, has Japanese voiceovers
- watched his new neighbours moving in from his window like a creep
- discovered that a whale's alt belongs to a whale despite insisting he can't see PayPal info
- lied again that PayPal doesn't show any info, says you're stupid if you put personal info on it
- implied he drinks 3 cups of coffee a day: morning, dinner, and before the late stream
- offered outfit rewards for Super Thanks $$ goals, breaking ToS by using it to as crowd funding
- refuses to do reactions to live gaming events, gives his thoughts after interest has waned
- was surprised that his viewers were bored of him being overlevelled and OP in Elden Ring
- tweeted that he is not responsible for DMCA'ing content; sent the tweet at 4:30am
- complained that Lego games are collect-a-thons and too easy
- said LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is a relax & chill title, so it's a "niche game"
- did an impromptu reaction to another Down the Rabbit Hole video, which he was saving for events
- kept pausing the video to talk, ruining it for everyone
- turned the DTRH video on the Final Fantasy House about him and the people who hate on him
- talked in detail about how cults prey on the weak and gullible for money... hmmm...
- thinks that buying a video game means you own the software
- wants YouTube to copy Twitch despite bashing Twitch's features and functionality for years
- “There is no excuse that they don’t have gifted subs yet! None!”
- believes that Twitch don't watch his content and thus broke the law moderating him
- states that Twitch refusing to prove why they removed him is proof they know they broke the law
- believes he only made around 3 utterances of hate speech within 5 years (more like 30+)
- lies that he accepted Blip.tv's reason to remove him; had actually wrote a letter to the CEO
- does not believe that 'tranny' is a slur that can cause offence
- insinuated that being a white American he cannot understand Japanese words and characters
- “Chat is not dead! People are just not talking” (Copesydephil)
- thinks that shooting someone from behind in an online video game is "spineless"
- wanted a new high-end computer but not for gaming, gave no distinction on non-gaming tech
- wanted a pre-built PC because the sellers will 'install the best drivers' for him
- believes that Microsoft will screw up your Windows install with outdated drivers; uses 8.1
- doesn't know how to install hardware or update drivers; used to build computers for a living
- wanted a new DSLR camera... for streaming
- revealed that he and Kat have been hoarding trash in their garage due to lax garbage disposal
- does not always separate trash by category i.e. biodegradable and plastic
- disposes of food down his garbage disposal constantly which will result in plumbing problems
- takes weekly trips to the dump to drop off trash
- blames his fans and viewers for not giving him ideas on how to increase YouTube memberships
- now refuses to disclose why people get banned, leading to mods running rampart with false bans
- acknowledges his chat is toxic, admitted he let a troll shit talk him for months before banning
- uses a version of OBS from 2015, is convinced he has a "stable build"
- banned a viewer laughing at a chatter's joke, assumed the username was a dig at his tips total
- beat Elden Ring with 875 deaths, literally spammed and cheesed and learned nothing in the process
- lied that he never used summons in his playthrough of Elden Ring; killed Margit with a summon
- says he did everything in Elden Ring but didn't get the other endings or do Patches' quest line
- "A 10/10 doesn't exist if it has flaws, no game is perfect."
- "You are dishonest if you give [Elden Ring] a perfect score"
- gets puzzled that chill slow-pace streams results in low tips
- planned to move the chill Skyrim streams to the main daytime stream slot
- would rather that devs made better games rather than deal with toxicity, crunch time, and drama
- found it weird that game devs reuse assets, thinks that results in subpar products
- got excited over gifted subs, didn't realise he has to apply for the program to receive them
- improved his stream... by going widescreen with a new overlay
- used the new stream overlay to segue into begging for a new PC
- screwed up his overlay settings in OBS so that moving his camera moves the overlay
- “This is the worst idea I’ve..uh…anyone has ever had!” (DeflectionSydePhil)
- treats his Feasting with the King segment as an eat-along mukbang rather than a straight review
- thinks commenting on AI matches in WWE games is "good" as it lets him "be wacky"
- had a stream suspended due to the WWE games mixing in real life footage, got flagged for it
- believes it is impossible to buy current gen gaming consoles
- pronounces inhumane as "in-human"
- didn't look up the Bruce Lee portrayal in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, still talked about it
- “I crouched! I crouched! I tried to crouch! Actually, how do you crouch?”
- says YouTube did not reveal gifted memberships, assumed because got no notification no one knew
- got visibly upset that you cannot mass-gift memberships on YT like you can do on Twitch
- messed up in WWE 2K22's Creation mode by somehow undoing all his progress, wasting an hour
- upgraded his webcam to 1080p, granting his patchy beard and bald spot even more clarity
- returned his webcam to 480p after lots of frame stuttering
- states that a camera needs a bigger lense for better quality
- “Why do you think the camera lens on the iPhone got bigger!”, bans anyone who disagrees
- faked being upset that Bethesda delayed both Redfall and Starfield
- “I am of the same mind as Mr. Miyamoto!" then gave a made-up Miyamoto quote
- “I like big high profile releases! They bring hype to my streams!” (MaskslipSydePhil)
- “The high cost of gas is fake! It’s fake!" then blames only speculators for inflation
- “I have a guide here to help me be refreshed."
- thinks being colourblind means not being able to see in colour; so much for Mr. Accessibility
- “After I eat a bean burrito liquid, you know what runs through my intestines. Ackackack!”
- played Mirror's Edge worse on his revisit playthrough than his original playthrough
- “It figures this game would run late on a day I have to have a shower!”
- whined that he can't play whatever he wants, but then whined that there are no current AAA games
- outright instructed his viewers to consider tipping more during the night streams
- believes that there aren't certain words that get you demonitized on YouTube
- lied that Kat is working night shifts when she is there at the house cooking dinner
- states it impossible to defeat gojitenks in Street Fighter games, but he's done it before
- “I have had an eye-opening learning experience last year! My content is more meaningful!”
- declares penne points to be stupid and added nothing, but he loved when people used them
- “Here on YouTube I can be myself! I obviously can’t go on racist tirades..." (RacistSydePhil)
- “Twitch doesn’t give you chances!” yet had said Twitch approached him with with advice
- ranted for three minutes that he doesn't care that 1000+ people are watching him via restream
- wasted 20 minutes on stream trying to order food from a restaurant
- ordered a big meal for his reaction to the Down the Rabbit Hole Darksydephil video
- "I admit I never had kangaroo before! I've never eaten authentic Australian!"
- got all revisionist, claiming him boasting of being a top Street Fighter player was 'trolling'
- “This is not true and I can’t prove it!", but his proof was just an unproven rumour
- “This was mostly true, but a little bit untrue", fails to disclose which parts are which
- saw nothing wrong with emulating Howard Stern's jew jokes (Stern is jewish)
- only now sees how the age gape between him and Leanna (PandaLee) can be seen as creepy
- described his relationship with Leanna as “It was legally ok”
- lied that he didn't definitely flag the MGS2 TIHYDP VIDEO; he's said he might have
- changed his tune from “I might have stuck some down“ to “I didn’t strike any TIHYDP’s down.”
- blames his fans for not wanting Project 7 to return, yet he kept it as a Patron goal
- lied that during his masturbation session there were only 20-30 on stream and no one saw it
- nonchalantly talked about Leanna's medical problems after years of it being a forbidden topic
- had gotten upset that Leanna called him after she "basically moved out” and couldn't grasp why
- believes Leanna manipulated him by not telling her boss that he and her split up
- had referred to Leanna as his girlfriend around the time she didn't tell her boss of the breakup
- now owns up to the King of Hate moniker as proof he overcomes hate despite renouncing it
- corrected the record with Jaha: cried when Jaha said he'll beat his ass and would've allowed it
- believes YouTube removed him from AdSense due to his fans' overwhelming support not seeming legit
- tried to insist him blaming his fighting game rage on a persona of his
- outright told his viewers to feel ashamed for not tipping him
- “Privating videos doesn’t ruin engagement! I can see it in my metrics!”
- "OBS doesn’t allow you to change encoding!”, still uses OBS version 21.1
- "I said fucked up shit about iJustine, I apologise for that", hasn't apologised to iJustine
- hates learning new maps in multiplayer shooting games, can't rely on his “innate FPS kill"
- “Splatoon 2 was the same game as Splatoon 1”
- unbanned a troll who made lewd comparisons between Kat and Leanna, banned anyone asking why
- says his streams are superior to Yt videos where people try to shill you things, then e-begs
- lowered his YT members goal from 450 to 425, still thinks his channel is growing
- threatens to ban people in chat talking about feces; takes about feces all the time
- threatens to ban people for using the !tip command as it shows how little tips he gets
- got console decals and case replacements mixed up
- immediately complained about gifted memberships on YT as soon as he got it enabled
- immediately begged for tips after getting a bunch of gifted memberships
- begged people to get YouTube Premium
- didn't get permission from LowTierGod to do a reaction video on him, say he doesn't care
- didn't get permission from John and Howard to do a reaction video on them, says "public domain"
- “I don’t need his permission I’ll watch what I want! Fuck him!”
- considered buying expensive alcohol from World Market (AlcoholicSydePhil)
- declared 343 Industries “doesn’t have the skill" to make first-person shooter games
- “I would rather eat cat turds out of Jasper's litter box then play this again!”
- believes that the Halo Infinite subreddit mocking his atrocious gameplay is free publicity
- states that he's always had a hands-off approach to videos about him; has flagged videos before
- moans that he doesn't want to talk about his financial situation daily, does it anyways
- got really upset at people in chat laughing at his expense despite saying he has thick skin
- praised Mirror's Edge after a playthrough of raging and calling the devs dunces
- can't even name the over-the-counter allergy meds he's taking
- posted on Reddit in a r/LivestreamFail thread about him, despite saying he avoids the drama
- ranted about r/LivestreamFail as "immature mouth drooling idiots" but he literally posted there
- deleted the viral begging video and edited it, making his boast of boosted views incorrect
- seems proud that he spent ages reading and removing negative comments from his viral video
- decried that the Reddit drama "are clipping me out of context” but they link the stream
- does not realise that begging for money after getting money makes him look bad
- admitted, again, that you can dox yourself if you tip him via PayPal, downplays this
- “If everyone banded together to sue YouTube they would be forced to change!”
- doesn't care if his chat is spammed during his break
- begged for more financial support within a minute of announcing he's hit a new record in members
- “Kids? What kids? I don’t have any kids! Sorry to disappoint you!”; so much for Jasper kitty
- refuses to answer if he prefers Elden Ring or Skyrim as they are "different types of games"
- admitted he'll be playing The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with save states and guides
- “This is the game that started it all!”, forgets about Legend of Zelda and Zelda II
- believes the slowdown in Link to the Past is intentionally built into the game by the devs
- “Finding roms of classic games is illegal, and besides they removed them all!"
- "You can trust what I say because I'm not taking a dollar from anyone but you!"
- pauses the game whenever he has issues with gifted memberships, ruining the flow and fun
- unblocked Keemstar then complained when Keem reaches out to him
- exclaims that reaching out to him via Twitter isn't technically reaching out to him
- refused to DM Keemstar until Keem offered a $50,000 sign on bonus
- revealed he doesn't recall playing Zelda 1 or 2 just days after saying he grew up playing them
- gave "old school gamer facts” about Legend of Zelda that are common knowledge
- dragged Jasper into the room and held him very uncomfortably to prove he's still alive
- encouraged his viewers to post more of his content on Reddit so he gets more views
- ranted at the US president on Twitter to fix problems in society; isn't registered to vote
- clout-chased the Texas elementary school shooting on Twitter
- immediately followed his bitching at the US president with a tweet begging for support
- got jealous that Maximilian Dood got a closed beta invite to MultiVersus and he didn't
- called Maximilian Dood greedy for accepting the closed beta invite; would have done the same
- feels that popular content creators should not accept free games for reasons
- calls his viewers "fucked in the head" if they ask about his financial situation
- knows when days will be slow for support, then acts surprised when support is slow
- said his grandmother is half-Ukrainian, but Ukraine was founded in 1991
- did no research on how to opt into gifting memberships, failed to coach fans into getting them
- gives shoutouts to those who get gifted memberships, which include trolls and detractors
- refuses to share emails John Rambo sent him out of privacy; has previously read aloud texts
- gets puzzled that fans don't renew their YT memberships, which has no perks worth paying for
- thinks USD stands for "United States denomination"
- thinks if you die in your 60s there is something wrong with you
- believes that Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within had no involvement from Square
- believes that adaptations of video games into TV shows and movies is a new recent trend
- lied that no one in his community has central air
- exaggerated how hard it is to remove his air conditioning
- says Connecticut has traffic issues, but has also complained of traffic issues in Washington
- “I have a good life here! I’m not stuck! I can do whenever I want!”
- “I love living here! If I ever want to I have the option to go in to Seattle whenever I want”
- then says “I don’t go in to the city anymore, it’s rampant with crime.”
- deflected being called a shut-in to which exclaiming he doesn't use the highway
- ragequit Sniper Elite 5 due to not enjoying stealth and rushing into certain death
- claims he exercises for 30 minutes a day
- mentioned that walking for 30 minutes makes him sweat profusely
- hint hinted that him getting 100+ gifted YT memberships does not mean slow down the $$ support
- started getting major OBS problems around the time he wants a new computer... hmm...
- doesn't know he can install an old version of OBS, thinks he is stuck with the latest version
- begged his detractors to leave him alone after going viral on r/cringe
- states he doesn't beg for money while literally begging for more financial support
- gloats that nobody sees people's negative comments on his videos except him (which is the point)
- advises to just ignore the trolls and the drama; brings it up in every stream
- encouraged his viewers to post fake positive comments as it helps him
- thinks if you browse r/LivestreamFail and laugh at him or others, you have a miserable life
- refers to blocking someone in-game as 'banning' them
- made a disgusting joke about shitting out a troll (more scat fetish on display)
- wants to do reactions to videos about haunted and supernatural phenomena
- desires to replicate the success he had on Twitch by replicating the same tired streams
- gave a rousing speech to conquer the hurdle... of OBS acting up and not working right
- exclaimed that it requires a specific skillset to do what he does; can barely run OBS
- refuses to remake his fanart slideshow, spent ages researching for a solution
- liked the gacha part of Pac-Man Museum + more than the classic games
- sent out three tweets begging for support all in one stream session of Uncharted 2
- claimed his computer's GPU is dead and you can't tell “because he doesn’t use it”
- didn't bother to update his graphics card drivers (used to build computers for a living)
- refuses to prove that 1 Minute Man is real as he considers it 'doxing'... hmmm...
- implied that he can dox tippers despite his constant claims of being unable to
- banned a viewer for asking why Phil didn't add a tip from 1 Minute Man to the leaderboard
- “The truth is in my opinion”
- begged for money on Memorial Day
- spent more time on Memorial Day about playing Street Fighter in arcades than honouring troops
- called Mexican food expensive when it's actually cheap to buy and make
- complains about companies trying to go viral on Twitter; tries to go viral on Twitter
- thinks complaining about trolls is "the wrong move"; complains about trolls in Reddit and KF
- wanted someone with cleavage as a profile picture to change their picture
- too lazy to shop around for cherry juice, ends up buying the $9 a bottle brand
- compared gaming news websites to gaming magazines as outdated, obsolete, and not needed anymore
- assumes that if a game dev does an interview with a gaming website it must be bribery
- compared his content and tipping him to paying for a restaurant meal and then tipping
- can't wrap his head around content creators doing things for free with no tips or sponsors
- finds it odd that tippers want something in return, calls it 'making demands'
- fully admits he will spend your tips on what he wants, not what you want
- holds Jasper kitty incorrectly, gets bitten and scratched and calls him a rascal for doing so
- does energetic walks after each daily first stream
- split his State of Play reaction in two: unedited restream (copyright infringing) and reaction
- lied about not receiving enough tips, making it a slow day, just to give detractors their clip
- lied that a big hairy dog chased him when he was younger and that traumatized him
- still thinks Reddit pays attention to him after he went viral there, coaxes them for views
- called Uncharted 2 "outdated shit" because it doesn't autosave after every kill like he wants
- explained that John and Howard's video about him has "selective truths"; does that all the time
- think's he's moral for not monitzing his reaction to John and Howard but it was a membership goal
- hint hinted to increase contributions since he won't be monitozing his John and Howard reaction
- banned a viewer for pointing out that the reaction video was a YT membership goal event
- “They have turned Street Fighter in to Smash Brothers!”
- pretends to receive tips from 1MinuteMan, says the tip notifications go fast like his name
- admits that he sits on 1MinuteMan's tips and adds them during break (to bait tips)
- has become the very type of reaction streamer he claims he hates
- had superchats enabled for John and Howard reaction video
- lied that he couldn't disable superchats for the aforementioned reaction stream
- refused to donate the superchats to charity because people will bitch at his choice of charity
- planned to branch out and react to 'true crime' channels on YouTube
- got offended that Chun-Li never “looked Chinese”
- had someone edit the John and Howard video to suit his purposes
- “I was never a close friend with Howard", blames him for the video existing
- lied that he was trying to make amends with John but he's stated he wanted to make more videos
- “I felt true pain! That heart crushing feeling!”
- revealed that he's reacting to John and Howard's video because they're not around to refute him
- “I completely was in the wrong for what I said... but...”
- states John and Rambo make every topic about money; makes every topic about money
- admitted he underpaid John, didn't pay base fee, claims he couldn't due to Machinima
- admitted he lied in his initial video about not reaching out to John & Howard (he ignored them)
- claim he was young and dumb back then but he's matured; he was 30 when it happened
- turned his friend's death into a story about him and it haunted him until he moved away
- stated the claim he monetized the friend's death video is false since he didn't make much money
- believes Howard “poisoned the friendship well” and turned everyone against him
- claims he talked about John and Howard during 2017-2019 in a way to bait them into reaching out
- lied about deleting John Rambo's number and email address
- “I can’t have any friends outside of my wife and this is why!”
- “I’m not talking to Howard ever again!”
- thinks it is no big deal to unfollow a friend on social media
- blames trolls (read: fans) for continually asking what happened between him and John
- denies reading text messages on stream because they weren't Howard's texts he was reading aloud
- flipped out in reaction to a John Rambo video lampooning DSP's 'career' and e-begging
- assumes John Rambo made the aforementioned spoof video because DSP deeply affected him
- admits he namedrops more successful content creators because he's jealous of them
- lied that he wasn't acting as a heel in the community
- admitted he only hangs out with his wife because he's afraid of other people
- e-begged for money in the title of the react stream
- states he doesn't care what others say or think about him since they're not giving him money
- admitted he talked publicly about the John and Howard drama because he is insecure
- lied that he's never instructed his viewers to brigade or flame or flag anyone
- can't connect the dots that John and Howard quitting is connected to him not paying them
- says he has an email from John about him and Howard quitting, refuses to show the email
- failed to realise that buying statuettes and figurines and a BMW might upset John and Howard
- justified monitizing streams he shouldn't have as it's how he makes his living
- made himself the victim when justifying monitizing the stream of reporting his friend's death
- saw no point in removing the ads in the aforementioned death-reporting stream
- mostly monitized the drama stream which was precisely John and Rambo's point about him making $$
- denies that his channel engages in drama
- sent out a begging tweet before the stream even started
- claimed Ubisoft contacted Twitch and told them to revoke all his sponsorship opportunities
- stated he was apathetic to detractor videos but then suddenly said he flags detractor videos
- banned someone in chat who commented that WingsofRedemption said about him
- banned Howard during the reaction stream of John and Howard's video
- played off browsing Reddit and Kiwifarms as "people behind the scenes saw disgusting things"
- immediately whined having no monitized streams after the reaction stream, undoing any goodwill
- called John and Howard's video about him 'defamation' and the worst hate you can give someone
- "I didn't know how I was going to react to that segment", proving pre-watched John+Howard's vid
- called re-streaming him "extremely vile"
- "They don't have lives, they don't have family or friends they spend their lives on the internet"
- "I'm done talking about John and Howard after today", talked about them an hour later
- got puzzled that a shotgun blast at close range does massive damage
- hides behind cover, gets blown up by grenades, calls them "psychic grenades"
- thinks groceries stores should advertisement-free spaces because his cherry juice was moved
- e-begged his to help pay a big bill... which turned out to be expensive pizza for him and Kat
- asks for feedback and says he's "all ears"; blocks people and restricts people on Twitter
- is proud he can now walk to his mailbox and back without being out of breath
- insists Kat is still as stunning as ever despite recent pics of her showing massive weight gain
- turned on Subscribers Only mode in chat in response to the Discord leaks, proving he browses KF
- held his reaction streams behind paywalls because he didn't get enough support during them
- accidentally said input as 'income' as in "the more income I get the better" (FreudianslipPhil)
- can ban anyone asking questions, innocent or otherwise, for "creating drama"
- "What does DSP stand for? Dipshit Phil. Everyone knows that, I'm a big dipshit."
- brags about making $100+ in ad revenue from Reddit views, still begs for support
- compared The Last of US PS5 version to Super Mario World followed by Super Mario 64
- “We should be talking about [TLOU2] on its own merits!” but the merits are the story he hates
- made an odd homophobic remark to an ingame scenario, happened during Pride Month
- leaves his gaming console/s on all night
- has his Xbox crash, does not suspect it is due to leaving his console on 24/7
- "I am probably one of the least hateful guys that do content full time."
- picks food out his teeth and wipes it on his pants
- admitted that he begs for games and doesn't usually disclose which games he got for free
- keeps using the word 'pacing' to mean boring
- “I’m not freaking out over this” during a rant freaking out about it (low support of course)
- “We had a good time so I don’t understand why you wouldn’t pay me for it”
- made the Asmongold Twitch ban situation about him
- believes that at-will employment states can't fire you for no reason
- defended YouTube demonitizing someone over misunderstanding; same thing happened to him on Twitch
- is proud he can walk for 30 minutes without needing to stop for a rest
- mimicked a French accent and sang the can-can song for some weird reason
- assumes that all the recent spamming trolls are just one person
- reckons Starfield will fail because it is in space like No Man's Sky, which initially failed
- loses sleep after making reaction streams because they take so much out of him
- assumed that people wanting new game releases means they want to see him play them
- can't understand that his supports have limited funds, finds it weird that he gets poor streams
- doesn't believe inflation plays any part in the contributions he gets from his supporters
- calls every troll he sees a "dipshit" and a "fucking idiot" (ToxicsydePhil)
- blocked an innocent player in a SFII lobby due to thiking it was a troll
- “I am going to [beg] tweet! This is ridiculous!”
- believes tea doesn't have caffeine in it
- immediately suspected a fan was a troll for asking him to put on a hat regardless of tips
- chooses Tuesday as his day off despite his wife no longer working thus no need for Tuesday off
- "People should not be allowed to lie on the internet."
- stated that waking up an hour earlier is seriously affecting his health and business
- “I feel like shit! I do! Getting up earlier isn’t worth it! I’m killing myself!”
- announced he is 208 lbs, which gives him a BMI of 29.0 (almost obese, assuming he isn't lying)
- subtly admitted that he didn't do the 25 cameras off-camera like he said he did
- claimed his bank account was emptied by bills, then next day claimed he has enough for groceries
- “WE NEED OUR HAIRCUTS! We haven’t had our hair cut in 3 weeks! WE NEED IT!”
- lied that his hair reaches the back of his neck, showed his not-proof to the webcam
- asked why he should get a higher tier PS+ then says he'll get the higher tier to play Stray
- used a gif made by a detractor on Twitter
- responded to a video comparing TLOU vs its remake as a negative, but the video was complimentary
- refuses to do live reacts to video game events despite the potential for more views and tips
- didn't read Sony's ToS and then gets blindsided when his new PS+ is set to auto-renewal
- got really depressed when a troll told him he spent $900 on mobile games
- wishes his fans and trolls believe him with regards to mobile games, refuses to show proof
- stated his fans don't believe troll lies but then says his fans believe troll lies
- threatened to ban people who talk negatively of his haircut
- "Every time you namedrop me in a negative fashion, I benefit, so go right ahead, stupid."
- got puzzled that anyone would want to add wasabi to their sushi
- “I learned a lot of words from reading Ninja Turtle comic books.”
- called himself 'DSP The Resilient' despite having very thin skin and no energy
- “Crisis Core is a game that has been forgotten.”
- “As you guys know, I don’t like remakes! I don’t like redos!” yet plays them often
- still doesn't understand that the Final Fantasy VII Remake is not a 1:1 remake
- focused on the money part of an affair rather than the infidelity itself
- refuses to factory reset his PS3 because he'll lose his games (nevermind the PS3 will brick)
- got offended when someone asked him if he's taking meds; used to cry he was on lots of meds
- got offended with the nudity in God of War 2, mistakenly says they took them out of later games
- uses velcro to literally keep his clothing rack attached to the wall
- “I don’t following gaming news about Street Fighter because I don’t play competitively anymore.”
- says he doesn't indoctrinate children to tip but then plays kiddy games like Toy Story 2
- was too lazy to re-heat his broth, whined that it ruined his Vietnamese meal
- states waking up at 9am is “unreasonable and irrational” and you're an asshole for disagreeing
- “Wipeout 2048... is that like a remake?”, can't remember he bought and played it day 1
- says Mario Strikers is a waste of time because it's a sports game with no story
- “Playing a game with no story is a waste of my time!”
- banned a viewer for 'personal questions' aka asking where his tips go to
- is proud he moved out his parents' home to live independently after sponging off them for years
- implied that he flagged detractor videos by stating YouTube ignores 99% of all his flaggings
- assumes all unusual names in Steet Fighter lobbies are trolls of his
- got offended that his audience don't hear to hear him crack jokes during live reactions
- mused that his audience has gotten dumber as they now give more and more unhelpful feedback
- acknowledges that he is not intelligent enough to do live reactions, needs to take notes
- said people won't do research and will buy the SF 30th Anniversary Collection; bought it himself
- doesn't know the difference between a hero and an anti-hero, called The Punisher a hero
- “I don’t obsess over contributions! It’s the people who show up here to stir drama that do!”
- declared that no one cares about the tips totals after ranting that the tips totals have declined
- assured he wasn't worried about memberships expiring after ranting he had a sizeable slump
- refuses to belive that fans can turn on him, believes they must be impersonators
- found it odd that detractors tally up all his tips; does the same thing but omits some
- calls it a conspiracy theory that he isn't 100% honest when tallying tips received
- assumes that someone asking where a known tipper is must be a detractor stirring up drama
- "No one thinks like that but you. Really, no one fucking thinks like that! You're fucked!"
- sometimes accidentally saves a savestate rather than load it, leading to much complaining
- "I don't worry about support on my streams" then within half an hour stopped to e-beg tweet
- called the original Castlevania a "side scrolling survival adventure”
- thinks Grant Danasty from Castlevania 3 is a hunchback…and you can plays as a "ghost character"
- ragequit SOTN because it made him replay the castle: “I thought that was a cop out! I was mad!”
- “I loved the game but when that happened it felt like a slap in my face!”
- snapped at a tipper who politely suggested that he change games if it is too difficult
- compared himself to Maximilian Dood three days in a row
- “Street Fighter V did not sell!” (sold over 5 million)
- desperately sang over and over in an attempt at making it go viral
- said Washington never gets too hot the same day he walked off to crank all his ACs up full blast
- gets upset that merely touching a boss hurts you
- “What you gotta do is watch someone else play this and then replicate what they did to beat it!”
- calls Drake and Kanye West “horrible people” and he “hates them both as people”, won't say why
- unashamedly used save states when playing Castlevania as he has a schedule to keep
- unashamedly waited around for chat to handhold him through Castlevania 2
- claims YTers weren't honest about the quality of SFV; played it for four years and wagequit it
- changed his day off to make money to be able to spend money on his day off
- cannot seem to give advice on how to be a streamer, gives vague non-answers
- requested his fans tip him ASAP due to YouTube being slow with his monthly payment
- lamented a video he uploaded stuck in processing, never thought to delete and try again
- accidentally destroyed something in his kitchen due to being distracted by Jasper kitty
- refuses to divulge details to minor events in his life as the detractors will mock him
- had his breakfast microwave burrito explode
- assumes that all mentions of penne pasta actually refers to penis in Italian
- purchased Sonic Origins but immediately went to the sequels
- almost made an anti-Semitic remark when getting pissed off playing Sonic
- banned someone who defended him using coarse language
- thinks it's unfair to his fans he can't wear the Sonic hat but keeps it behind a $200 paywall
- didn't know Juneteenth was a federal holiday until the day it happened
- defined penny-pinching as cutting corners but this does not include leftovers
- "It doesn’t make sense that Knuckles is in Sonic 3 unless you have Sonic 3 and knuckles!"
- hated Disney as a kid and didn't want to go to Disneyland, now wants to go there with Kat
- spoiled a plot point in Sonic the Hedgehog 2 movie for a meme, hadn't seen the movie yet
- “If I was wearing the king of retro shirt right now I would be arrested.”
- “I would really like to work with Mr Ramsay. I respect him a lot.”
- refused to wear the Sonic hat despite getting a generous $49.99 tip to reach the tips goal
- proudly declared that he's holding the Sonic hat for ransom, said the detractors are accurate
- couldn't be bothered to read a $200 tip from Jaxx_Razor until well after it happened
- "Government is supposed to serve the people, not rule them!"; has never voted
- lied that he never tries to get content taken down
- proposed doing a 'closet cleanout' stream as a members goal
- “The chat seems to be frozen”, doesn't realise it is dead
- pronounces sasquatch as “sauce-ka-watch”
- acquired both the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Capcom Fighting Collection
- "I'm starting to regret buying this game on both consoles" but one of them was gifted
- pondered how tips can be slow on a new release... while playing Darkstalkers (over 20 years old)
- played Darkstalkers offline on minimum difficulty, got puzzled as to why support was so low
- blames the game when no one is playing in lobbies the same time he is
- talked shit about gojitenks, assumes he has no money
- says he's a hipster in that he does what the mainstream doesn't; does reaction streams
- tells his detractors to go outside; barely leaves the house
- jokingly told his viewers to give up food to buy YT memberships (some whales are overspending)
- was proud when he scrubbed his joysticks
- refuses to have a win:lose counter for online fighting games; has death counters in hard games
- “Ask the king is coming up... I forgot about it. Did you guys know?”
- banned a channel member for jokingly saying the stream can't start until Jaxx_Razor arrives
- believes people who lacks air conditioners at home go to the mall to cool off
- was craving to play a game, then spent 25 minutes scrolling through his PSN trophy list
- “I rebranded this year! I’m no longer negative!”
- proclaims the trolls have nothing to talk about now that's he's changed, still rants about trolls
- “Nobody pays attention to the trolls here anyways” then paid attention to the trolls
- really wanted to play the next part of the FFVII Remake, a game he hated
- “I live in Seattle” (he lives in Renton)
- avoided Slayer0804 the whale who pays Phil $50 to react to his shitty content
- got crushed in a fighting game with cheap spam moves, spams the same cheap moves the next match
- stated the Capcom Fighting Collection has no lag then blames lag when he gets bodied
- pondered how bad bots on YouTube are yet says no one really comments on his videos anymore
- planned to react to supernatural videos, crime documentaries, and 'real-life conspiracy' videos
- “I will not react to drama content!”; wants to react to LowTierGod videos
- tried to restart the vest streak and then stated that it is you, the viewers, who wants it
- got surprised that running four AC units at once may cause an electricity outage
- spent ages playing the slot machine in Casino Night Zone in Sonic 2 (GamblingaddictionSydePhil)
- talked shit about Sonic CD after years of declaring it was his favourite Sonic game
- derailed his stream to ramble on and on after he banned Keemstar from his chat
- misconstrued Keem reminding Phil about the proposed business offer as an insult to ban him
- "Keem was here trying to get a rise out of me and waste my time! That doesn’t work with me!”
- stated that Keem harassed him on Twitter; Keem only sent two public tweets, no brigading
- “He talked to me and swore!”
- treats Keem like shit, is unaware or uncaring that Keem can take his channel down
- lied that Arby's has sold out of a particular item and never had it for a week
- "I don't fuck around with other people"; PewDiePie, ProJared, Ninja, and now Keemstar
- was puzzled as to why Keemstar has to be involved in a podcast Keem is personally running
- did a paid reaction video of K-Pop music videos for Slayer0804
- thinks Keem wanting Phil to DM him is "some weird power thing" to ego-stroke or grandstand
- reckoned that Keem being unable to call Phil at an agreed time is a red flag (Keem has a life)
- says it doesn't matter how much money you have; mocked gojitenks for him allegedly being poor
- reckons that when he's died people will see the good he's done (pffft)
- "Hopefully there's enough people who I've helped somehow with the legacy I've left behind."
- stated he could 've sold out in his early years, forgot that he did do deals back then
- believes he's one of the very few streamers that doesn't have ads or shill products
- admitted that the business model he uses is a "begging model"
- “You could call what I do a begging existence.”
- claims he's happy to be a 'level 1 streamer' as it means he can do minimum effort
- still thinks him losing his sponsors is 100% the blame of trolls
- said trolls costs him sponsorships not even 10 minutes after saying he turned down sponsorships
- "Please support in any way you can. If say this is begging, then I guess I'm a beggar."
- told his chat to hand-hold him through Castlevania 2 so he can get to Castlevania 3
- “There is no accessible version of Chrono Trigger available!”
- “I moved to an area that has everything I could ever want available" yet has done nothing
- banned viewers and tippers who roast him for using save states during a boss battle
- is proud to turn down a $50k offer from Keem only to lose tippers out of disgust for his attitude
- got derailed by ReviewTechUSA's troll tip message of breastfeeding Phil man-milk from a bottle
- researched male lactation for reasons, assures he does not suffer from it... hmmm...
- changed his Twitter name to 'DSP The Rent-Free' after getting massively owned by Keem
- says he ignores the drama and yet falls for Rich and Keem's bait
- loses to online opponents who only do basic moves, nothing impressive, completely outplayed
- pointed out Rich misspelled his name in a tweet; misspelled his own name in his bankruptcy filing
- can't recognise Sonic 2 music despite allegedly being a big fan of the game
- got mad at Sonic 3 since it doesn't have realistic physics
- wore the Sonic hat for $100 during Skyrim despite charging it $200 for any other game
- advised people wanting to contact him for business to call his leaked phone number
- implied that sending him money is a "fuck-up"
- won't take Keemstar's money for a podcast; will take money from literally handicapped people
- considered not attending an IRL convention due to trolls and not due to his infamy
- tried to claim the 'level 1 streamer' insult as a moniker unaware it makes him look foolish
- delayed a stream to make a banner dubbed "The Level 1 Podcast" for his stream
- “You know what? It’s nice being at level 1! Take a look around here!”
- knew his podcast name was taken but think it's fair to steal the name due to inactivity
- says he didn't get to where he is stepping on other people and bringing them down... pffft
- states he has no problem appearing on a podcast (but he wants to control everything)
- lied that he was never offered a business deal with Keem and chose not to answer Keem's calls
- thinks talking to his stream chat on camera is as socially equal to talking on a phone
- thinks he's smart to not take $50k to be insulted by trolls; does it for free
- assumes that any video that has negativity about a person is 100% lies
- called Keemstar lazy for recording his rant on his phone, confirming he watched the video
- compared the drama with Keemstar to being in a toilet with shit he must escape from
- “It takes me over an hour to unpack my groceries when I get home.”
- goes to the dump every week, doesn't see a problem with that much waste being produced weekly
- wanted to play Atari games on stream, did not ask his underage fans for thoughts
- got very confused by the tutorial in Cuphead, much like the gaming journalists he mocks
- could not process why the hand-drawn animation in Cuphead would take ages to make
- still thinks he could have been in Channel Awesome (they ignored him after his Blip ban)
- lied that he perceived everyone hating him in the SF community (he says he used to love him)
- drunk-posted a bait meme pic at 1am about not 'falling' for any 'debate'
- refused to set up a members goal because he wanted whales to buy loads of gifted memberships
- admitted that every email he gets with an attachment goes to his spam folder
- lowered the Sonic hat goal from $200 to $100 out of pity for the poor fans
- acknowledged trolls get their way after naming his 'podcast' after a troll meme
- calls games/DLC out for being short after rushing through them doing barely any side content
- says Keemstar doesn't know how to call him; ignored Keem's calls out of spite
- set a monthly membership goal of cleaning out his closet
- “I am one of the most harassed and attacked people on the internet!”
- says he's not an expert on online harassment but then talked like he is one
- "I’ve changed myself and people are noticing!”
- “If you take ANY time to address a troll, that troll has won”, so admitted that Keem won
- thinks he can run a company better than them, thinks they are run by uncaring rich people
- doubled down on e-begging after one of his biggest whales told him to tone it down
- “I rarely if ever bring up my haters!”
- believes that if trolls left him alone he wouldn't be e-begging and would be making edited videos
- “Super Castlevania aka Castlevania 4 on the SNES” (it's just called Super Castlevania IV)
- derailed his stream to instruct his whales he prefers tips, not gifted memberships and superchats
- e-begged ReviewTechUSA and Rich's fans after he got some money via superchats from them
- “Cats love rubs on the side of the face because they have a sensor.”
- “I have a lot of funny stuff I wear if you guys wanna see it” but it will cost you $$
- “YouTube promised IP bans” (no they didn't)
- threatened to permaban a channel member for jokingly suggesting new viewers superchat hello
- “I don’t get to have days off in this line of work for things like holidays.”
- hates re-streamers unless it is ReviewTechUSA, then it is called a 'watch-a-long'
- “I stayed a little later tonight because the support that I was getting.”
- updated his Patreon for the first time in 4 years to remind people to pledge him money
- did not update his Patreon perks to be more modern ($10 gets you a shoutout, can get for free)
- says he makes "on-demand content"; refuses to do things that are demanded of him
- called Cloud Strife "emo" even though he's cocky, immature, and mouths off, the opposite of emo
- thinks you need the Knights of the Round summon to beat the ultimate weapons
- “Getting the golden chocobo adds 20 hours on to your playthrough” (more like a couple of hours)
- is undecided on playing the Crisis Core remaster despite it being his fave PSP game
- got upset that the original FFVII doesn't have save states but save points
- thought Jessie in FFVII was male, but he played the remake
- says FFVII was trying to be modern compared to the previous games
- states nobody could tell the difference between the pre-rendered background and the characters
- “Nobody criticized the chibi characters back then because everyone was so hyped for the game!”
- used save states every 60 seconds in Zelda 2, sometimes 2+ on the same screen
- declared that Zelda 2 is a cryptic game that you need a guide or hand-holding to progress
- claims the best way to deal with trolling it so use it to your benefit; unable to do so
- blames trolls for why he can't do KO Gaming anymore but he himself blamed YouTube's algorithm
- blames trolls for him overspending, thinks their evidence of him doing so is proof THEY did it
- thanks ReviewTechUSA for his tips even though he talks shit about him pretty mucn daily
- insists that he and Rich from ReviewTechUSA were never on bad terms
- lied that he's never said anything nasty at or to Rich from ReviewTechUSA
- moved his camera to show Jasper kitty; didn't move the camera to do 25 push-ups
- “The way the sparklers work is there is a spark.”
- 'power walks' 2 miles in thirty minutes and it makes him sweat like crazy
- called the devs of Sonic 3 idiots for making him learn and think how to beat the final boss
- unironically called Sonic 3 "like playing Dark Souls"
- still has nightmares of telling his college professor that it's a scam and that he might flunk
- “Almond milk has a nutty taste to it.”
- assumes all fireworks are illegal in Washington state
- “I have a very booked schedule unlike other streamers! I treat this like a job!”
- referred to his fans as 'customers'
- “I grew up eating polish food because my mom was effectively half Polish.”
- said Elvis and Prince "was a unique talent” which is code for having no opinion of them
- “I liked Micheal Jackson until he started grabbing his crotch like an idiot!”
- hates MJ's crotch-grabbing yet loves Bad, which has lots of crotch-grabbing
- “I think I would do a really great job as a voice actor."
- neglected to lift weights until he 'gets back in shape' from power-walking
- claims to love David Bowie yet has never heard of Let's Dance, one of Bowie's biggest hits
- “I had nothing in common with my dad growing up.”
- did the Honeybee Inn content in FFVII despite it having crossdressing, a subject he detests
- "Why is there all this sexual content?! Why are both Tifa and Aerith flirting with cloud?!"
- was in such a rush to end his stream he shut off FFVII without saving, undoing 30+ minutes play
- claims he generously gave John Rambo and Howard hundreds of dollars of his junk, err, things
- equates giving John and Howard his hoarded junk/things to paying them money
- refuses to buy physical games from stores anymore because it means having to leave his house
- wants natural growth for his channel but then encourages gifted memberships
- won't play PowerWash Simulator because it sounds like work (even virtual work is too much)
- shares images of Jasper "out in the wild"... indoors
- added his pronouns to his Instagram bio for no reason other than virtue signalling
- removed his sympathy-grabbing images and microwaved food images off his Instagram
- blames inflation for the downturn in support despite previously stating inflation changes nothing
- turned the God of War Ragnorak release date reveal into a rant about him being trolled for years
- "If I do fundraising events, I guarantee you people would actually be generous."
- won't allow criticism of how he runs his 'business' but will criticize other businesses
- turns down well-meaning people with genuine advice because 'no one' (him) asked for their input
- has never heard of Destiny but shit-talked him under perceived clout chasing
- has WingsofRedemption's nickname Richard stuck in his head, proving he absorbs detractor content
- assumed Wings' friends were not trying to help him but were exploiting him for views
- assumes no one wants to watch a camping trip of internet personalities; barely leaves the house
- gets upset when people react to him without knowing all the facts; reacts this way all the time
- hates the PKA podcast guys for "sitting around talking drama" while sitting around talking drama
- acted like he'd happily be a guest on PKA after saying he wants nothing to do with them
- thinks that every content creator who namedrops him is simply doing it to "make a buck"
- also thinks the 'toxic' content creators are out of touch with reality
- wants to be left alone by anyone and everyone a.k.a. wants to beg in peace
- lied that no one has ever asked him to play the Shantae games
- “K-pop music lyrics are meaningful”, only saying it to please Slayer the whale
- doesn't think America has an idol-style business recruiting kids to sign; Disney, Nickelodeon...
- “I have no notoriety anymore."
- lied that he needs business class internet to avoid the data caps; Comcast has limitless plans
- got very defensive when told Comcast has unlimited data for residential, insulted the fan
- “The prime minister of Japan got shot! What happened?! It’s always crazy when that happens!”
- turned the news of the death of Shinzo Abe into a rant about Gamestop
- excuses using savestates every 10 seconds because "I’m a streamer and have to put out content!”
- couldn't recognise the iconic Bloody Tears music despite being an alleged Castlevania fan
- “I gave a real honest shot at beating [classic Castlevania games]”; used savestates constantly
- won't eat steak as the red meat flares his gout, but will eat pork and ribs
- called his viewers "fucking idiots" if they count the savestates he makes playing retro games
- says you are a "fucking loser" if you care about challenge in video games
- thinks it is normal for content creators to beg for money daily to pay their bills
- hint hints to tip him extra to pay some upcoming big bills, then says he's not wanting extra
- revealed that his early pre-streaming YT playthroughs were done with a game guide open
- “I’m essentially living paycheck to paycheck” yet is supposedly happy and thinks we're jealous
- believes game devs make their game cryptic so you'll buy the strategy guide or accessories
- believes COVID is the main reason Gamestop is failing
- believes Gamestop could have been saved in they incentivized trade-ins
- believes 9/11 forced planes to become cramped and not offer full meals anymore
- tells his viewers to quit working at Gamestop but 5 minutes later says he doesn't want job loss
- confirmed he didn't pay his parents back paying off his student loans
- claims his detractors haven't affected him but doesn't mention he's stopped tweet-begging as much
- didn't know the materia system in FFVII existed. "Great game design, game devs! Idiots!”
- wanted his chat to handhold him on equipping his party in FFVII
- ate BBQ on camera and hyped it up as a big deal, ate it alone in a room with no atmosphere
- needed $850 to pay two big bills but spent at least $60 on BBQ food delivery
- “Authentic individual barbecue style restaurant business”
- calls rib tips "fake ribs" as they have bone in them
- thinks that having to chew the meat off rib tips means they are 'overcooked' and ruined
- believes that 'authentic' restaurants don't make anything in advance
- believes that 'authentic' restaurants don't reuse scraps of food from other dishes
- got upset that his delivered food didn't come with a plastic knife and fork
- "The rollback netcode kept using the wrong move!" as he mashes buttons
- blames you, the viewers, for why he has to e-beg constantly
- refused to react to the followup Wings DTRH video despite getting permission from Wings and Joon
- “I like working out! I like the feeling of getting a pump!”
- bragged that he enjoyed working out in his youth
- can't sell things on eBay anymore because he wants a friend to be a middle man
- does not feel obligated or bothered to plug to the channel whose content he is reacting to
- his reaction to a true crime story of a murdered woman: "WOW!"; WHAT?!"; "HOW?"; "HUH?!", etc
- turned a true crime victim's story and grief into a personal story about a highway accident
- admitted to drunk driving several times, changed lanes without checking who was behind him
- says the left side of his face got burned by his airbag but no such scars have ever been seen
- did not realize that reacting to true crime content might get him demonitized
- believes a person can't fit in a barrel unless they are dead first
- reiterates that there is nothing he can do about his life, he did everything correct
- defended Kojima and his defamation battle after years of shit-talking Kojima
- “All my money is going towards my financial responsibilities” but has dinners with Kat
- refuses to open up his PC to upgrade parts; used to build PCs for a living
- refuses to open up his PC to clean up the dust, wants a brand new PC instead of cleaning it
- wanted to buy (read: have fans buy) him a new PC just because the hard drive is dying
- acknowledges his viewers' suggestions are correct but says you can't talk like a know-it-all
- implied he can't build PCs anymore because he refuses to get help or look at tutorials
- called people who said he overpaid on an underpowered computer "pieces of fucking shit"
- admitted he contacted strangers over the internet to shake them down for funds for a new PC
- revealed he turned down OIC's offer to buy him a new computer
- lies about only being able to order food on his day off
- lies that he can't user submitted fanart due to OBS' limited slideshow space
- reloaded save states whenever he took damage during his playthrough of Zelda 2
- banned the names 'Tyrone' and 'Ian' from his chat, not caring that it affects fans called that
- admitted he can see PayPal info through tips when telling Snowkarl he can tell he's not 1MM
- told viewers to change their vote in a poll then wondered why no one was interested in the game
- “I haven’t had Ben and Jerry’s since I was a kid! Why would you fucking ask me that?!”
- hopes that the daily e-begging doesn't become a pattern
- quit Fable Anniversary not because he disliked it but because there were low tips
- only replayed Fable for the money it could bring, not out of nostalgia
- believes he deserves to have a weekly expensive meal out with Kat paid for by tips
- ranted for 10+ minutes about Subway, their menu, and how it's still popular
- gave advice for curing hiccups: hold your breath for as long as possible
- asked for help in Zelda 2 then said he was too busy to check Twitter which had maps sent at him
- accidentally revealed his YouTube search history, had looked up Doug Walker and Screw Attack
- suggested that K-pop idols don't eat French fries as they are "skinny teenagers"
- pondered why Bayonetta 3 would have an option for censoring the near-nudity, called it cringe
- "It's time to stop being afraid of my trolls"; blocks trolls on Twitter and restricted it
- showed a map of a Zelda 2 dungeon he was using to demonstrate how little he can navigate them
- showed his phone on camera after years of saying he won't do it as it is 'dangerous' (to him)
- ranted that his admittedly underused Instagram account only got 10 likes for a 'hilarious' vid
- acknowledge that he shot himself in the foot by restricting who he can interact on Twitter
- blames the trolls for why he has such little engagement
- blames his fans for why his boring social media accounts get no attention
- realizes that sticking it to the haters also sticks it to the fans, "it is what it is"
- honestly believes that he does good takes constantly and we are all too dumb to see it
- assumes that people don't share his boring content on social media is due to troll harassment
- begged for likes on his content but quickly added "like it because you like it"
- thinks there is a difference between giving trolls attention and calling out trolls' actions
- believes it is smarter to feed the trolls than to remain silent and ignore them
- confirmed a $100 tip that did not pop up, indicating it was behind the scenes and arranged
- did not connect the dots that he is the reason Kat shut down her accounts, not the trolls
- thinks the PC master race meme means just the exclusive PC games
- said his viewers aren't made of funny but then a minute later has confidence they can fund his PC
- turned down a free computer from ReviewTechUSA as it would "cause drama"
- got mad that Rich told people he's donating a PC as Phil wanted his whales to buy him one
- “I don’t understand how this became public knowledge before I even talked about it!"
- thinks it is alright to read people's private messages but draws the line at people reading his
- demanded a "top of the line current year PC" or he won't be “future proofed”
- lied that he figured out how to beat the final boss of Zelda 2, immediately knew what to do
- is proud that he beat Zelda 2 with savestates
- “Yes, of course I used save states, but I legitimately beat every stage!”
- admitted that the high-end PCs he built back in the day were shoddily built
- lied that all the detractor videos that got taken down were done by bots with no input from him
- lied that he's never made homemade pizza; has previously shown off homemade pizzas on Instagram
- says that everyone who tries to help him build/buy a PC is wrong and don't know anything
- wanted a new computer, new camera, new lights, and hint hinted that we all pay for it for him
- was going to accept Rich's offer for a new PC until Rich made it public (Phil wanted it sneaky)
- declared it was unfair that he got criticism for expecting his viewers to pay for his new tech
- used his age of 40 years old as an excuse as to why he can't build his own PC
- wanted other 'improvements' to the new PC but then turned down said improvements to his new PC
- planned to raise $3k to spend all on a new PC setup (lemon 2.0)
- claimed the old 'Darksy Deaful' meme for himself
- lied that he never watched John and Howard's video before his reaction; watched it in 2019
- cried about his Twitter stats despite previously stating “Fuck Twitter! Who cares about Twitter!”
- “I say intelligent things on Twitter!”
- stated FFVII is great and that he was 'misremembering' the game
- “There is nothing in my closet worth any value” but wants to sell the things that have value
- claimed that Mario and Luigi have different skin tones and therefore cannot be brothers
- claimed that Stray is unrealistic and the devs don't own cats or never studied them
- thinks defraging his computer often will fix the failing hard drive
- “Is Terminator 2 a pure sci-fi movie? What’s sci-fi?"
- “Why am I defensive about questions about a PC? I’m not!” (DefensiveSydePhil)
- “I managed to party all the time [in college] and get straight A’s!”
- skipped Bayonetta 3 because the considered the first game "forgettable" but gave Bayo 2 an 8/10
- “Who plays a game on a gaming service and just turbos through it using a guide?"
- was delighted to get a beta code for MultiVersus despite hating Smash clones
- believes John Ramiro making Daikatana “basically retired him for a while”
- believes the bigger the lens, the better a webcam is, regardless of specs
- said he wanted a cheap webcam but he wanted a DSLR webcam that runs for potential thousands
- “I never said I needed a 4K camera!” but had literally asked for one
- claimed he can't block the sunlight at his window without custom $500 blackout blinds
- “All the stuff I have behind me is meaningful to me!”
- chased his cat around the house to get him on camera for his intro to playing Stray
- ignored a cease and desist notice for his use of the trademarked name 'Level One Podcast'
- either got his fans to mass-report An1337 or knew it was happening and did not stop it
- got puzzled that him playing badly in a game would cause attendance to dwindle
- points out he can tell when a troll is baiting him, rants about the bait anyways
- “My computer was giving me error messages that it’s going to go blue screen soon.”
- says he's left his PC on 24/7 for seven years and never had issues
- thinks cheese and rice is strictly human food and they have no reason to be in pet food
- believes Stray is a flash in the pan that everyone dismissed since no one watched him play it
- was amazed that the cat in Stray can do cat-like things, like stand on tree branches
- claimed he'd play Fightcade on his new PC despite reiterating he doesn't want a gaming PC
- reckons people who played Super Mario Bros 2 needed Game Genie to beat it
- speaks for everyone when he says no one cares that he cheats retro games with save states
- "Can you imagine [Super Mario Bros 2] without save states?"
- found it odd there is more attendance to him raging at retro games than bored at modern games
- found it ridiculous that publishers can charge $70 for a AAA remake of a AAA game
- implied that he believes that TLOU on PS5 is just an emulation with mods
- could not support TLOU's accessibility features on PS5 because the animations look similar to OG
- goes on Twitter to be negative, despite saying he's a positive person who doesn't look for drama
- claims it's cheaper to run his 3 AC units than other heat sources due to inflation
- claims he's lost 8-10 pounds doing fast-paced walks for two weeks
- thinks you're cheating in a game if you put in tons of time and outplay him through skill
- lied that Capcom isn't interested in remaking Marvel vs Capcom 2
- said that what he said and did at age 37 was "when I was young and stupid”
- thinks trolls are wasting their lives pointing out to others his financial mismanagement
- lied that trolls 'extrapolate' what he says when they literally clip what he says
- assumes that no one will ever praise jim for anything positive (VictimcomplexSydePhil)
- defended his joke of selling a black girl into slavery as dark humour and you're uptight idiots
- declared he won't give a segment to trolls about his racist joke during a segment about the joke
- had his smartphone screen visible on camera, revealing WWE Champions onscreen
- so paranoid he got caught playing WWE Champions that he banned the word 'champions' from chat
- thinks people lied about Stray's length; took him longer than average due to screwing around
- believes anyone can use his trademark "DSPGaming" so long as it doesn't involve gaming
- thinks tabletop RPGs have nothing to do with gaming
- “Don’t listen to anything anyone says!”
- reckons he can ignore legal papers served to him if he wants to
- thinks his show is 100% original content, despite streaming games and his intro being fan-made
- believes that no one actually works 80 hours a week: "if you believe that, you're an idiot"
- excused his lateness as "paying bills" but his bills are auto-paid
- won't play Smash Bros because he can't 'compete'; can't compete in MultiVerse
- said his PS4 was no longer working as a lazy excuse not to hook it up
- “Laptops will always be limited to desktops! I won’t be able to game on it.”
- won't pay for The Last of Us remake; buys and plays most remasters and remakes
- lied that he hasn't eaten out ever since "COVID ended"
- got mystified at the plot and content of FFVII despite sayig he's done everything one time
- thinks Matlok Jade from the Fighter's History games is named after the Matlock TV show
- made insensitive racist impersonations when mimicking Japanese moves names in Fighter's History
- whines that no one in chat pays attention to the game (they do, they just don't tip)
- banned a fan from chat who spammed that he's proud to tip to anger the detractors
- admitted that his negativity reveals itself when $$ support is low
- scrambles to always move his phone offscreen lest it reveals he's playing WWE Champions again
- guarantees there is neat stuff in his closet, then says he has no idea at all what's in it
- “Maybe I’ll find some new statuettes in my closet" despite claiming he's sold/disposed them all
- refuses to be friends with John Rambo again because Phil's married and doesn't need him anymore
- “I’ve learned to walk in others shoes! I’ve opened up! Thank god I became more open minded!”
- claimed he was one of the first people to do mukbangs back before they were called mukbangs
- wants to do more diverse content but strikes down every suggestion made
- “We are not doing a completionist run” yet hunted in every nook and cranny for secrets
- stated his last gout attack was at the start of COVID when he stopped drinking cherry juice
- stated he stopped drinking cherry juice on a whim and then swiftly said it was expensive
- judged he's lost weight by the fit of his shirts (still tight but not as much)
- “I power walk 30 minutes everyday! 1 full mile and when I’m done I’m sweating profusely!”
- said he doesn't flag content but then admitted he gets notifications about the content he flags
- gave up on Dying Light 2, admits he gave up too soon, yelled at fans who begged him to continue
- lied that no asked him to return to Dying Light 2; has actually banned people requesting it
- assumed the chat froze during a Q+A session but in reality it was dead and no one was talking
- praised Fable for it's simplicity and yet quit the game, called it boring and simplistic
- got the words 'feature' and 'exclusive' mixed up
- has three AC units running because he can't figure out to how to open the windows
- “The weather always changes and they adjust it on the fly”
- said he experienced the Mandela Effect but only by himself
- “I am the type of person who if you tell me to do something I won’t do it! I’ll do the opposite!”
- tried to buy a computer off a viewer for $1000-1500 after trying to goad $2500 from his fans
- believes crushes are physically attractions to people
- “There is a lot of tedious boring shit in meaningful relationships” (you would know, Phil)
- often tells his wife that everything is alright and okay (marriage is fine btw)
- “I have been in other relationships that when things got hard the relationship fell apart."
- not once brought up emotions when talking about and Kat's relationship
- won't take Rich's PC because of trolls' comments despite saying he doesn't care what they say
- “Kat and I are in a equal partnership, we both contribute equally to the relationship.”
- could not maintain eye contact with the camera when declaring he does not play WWE Champions
- wanted his viewers to harass Player First Games into patching anti-notifications spam
- admitted that him being nice to Wings as Wings slanders him is proof he's at "level 1" in life
- changed his Twitter name to 'DSP The Closet Cleaner', which is slang for rimjobs
- banned viewers for giving advice similar to a Wings-esque "LOOK HERE LOOK LISTEN" moment
- called Iran and Syria "weird countries"
- expects his whales to tip regardless of the dumb offensive shit he says/posts on Twitter
- said he wasn't mature enough to appreciate FFVII's plot the last time he played it... in 2015
- admits that it is pathetic that he is exhausted after being outside for two hours
- insists his health has gotten way better, which means his pathetic state was even worse
- assumes that Wings watches his content all the time
- says he won't go on a rant about content creators during a rant about content creators
- says he won't hurt other people to get by; shit-talks everyone
- lied that Keemstar never offered him $50k
- lied that Keemstar never tried to call him; Keem did call, Phil willingly ignored the calls
- commented on the Pewdiepie drama despite not knowing all the facts because he hates Pewdiepie
- "No one talks about Pewdiepie anymore!" while everyone, including DSP, is talking aboit him
- says he isn't taking a negative stance on Pewdiepie as he mocks him and calls him irrelevant
- thinks he can get away talking shit about Pewdiepie because he did it in a tweet, not a video
- “I would be filthy rich if I started doing drama content!”
- revealed that he has private info on some of his detractors, which is either bluffing or doxing
- declared he isn't the type of guy to leak such info; once shared PwDubz's drivers license
- believes Pewdiepie stole his schtick; recording gameplay while screaming like a child
- believes privating a video doesn't affect the algorithm; believed the opposite with Machinima
- admitted that 100% of the tips he got during a stream went to food for him and his wife
- blamed his viewers on going many consecutive days with barely any $$ support
- exclaimed that he was amazing at fighting games unless money was on the line, then he'd choke
- assumed his fans mocking his excuse of blaming the rollback netcode to be supporting him
- won't play Xenoblade Chronicles 3 as it 100+ hours long; did a 100+ hour playthrough of Skyrim
- hoped to find things of value in his closet despite saying he already sold everything of value
- went on a strange rant about himself and trolls when asked if his content is low effort
- thinks 1994 was 18 years ago
- acted all surprise that he found hats and vests in his closet to use as future tips incentives
- “I have no use for this. I guess I’ll keep it.” (HoarderSydePhil)
- “Do you really think I have time to salvage things correctly?”
- “Normally when you eat chicken what happens is it sticks to the inside of your mouth.”
- assumed the butter in butter chicken is peanut butter
- "If you get Indian food and it’s bland it’s either not Indian food or it’s Americanized!”
- had a green screen in his closet and yet was using a promise of one as a membership goal
- his reaction to seeing racist comments in his chat is threatening to get racist on them
- defends African food more than African people
- assumed that a comment about Africans eating insects is racist (it isn't, they do)
- acted all high and mighty about being above racism yet does racist jokes all the time
- banned people from chat as he was crying whilst recalling a sad personal story
- says it takes an hour to get to Seattle from Renton but it actually takes less than 30 minutes
- believes he can add a lot to the gaming landscape with 14 years of playthrough "experience"
- "I used to be part of the pro gaming community" but left out the part of shit-talking them
- instructed his viewers to read his detractors' Twitter feeds
- called his detractors' Twitter feed a "toxic toilet" and spun around, revealing a big bald spot
- so scared of his trolls that he refuses to show what's in his closet
- called a restreamer a loser who wastes his daytime, as he wastes his daytime playing games
- “As you guys know, I’m an honest guy!”
- “No! I’m not doing DDP yoga! I have no need for it!”
- has never gone hiking in Washington in the 7+ years he's lived there
- refuses to do content that would improve his health such as a walking stream or yoga
- ripped on a troll begging for attention by giving the troll attention, derailing the stream
- wore a Bender hat, with eyes that resemble tits and an antenna that looks like an erect dick
- wore the Bender hat despite saying the Sonic made him look autistic (still does)
- resorted to turning off his capture card to prevent viewers seeing all the invites spam
- called game devs dumb for releasing games as he is in the middle of playing FFVII
- “Those games are out of my comfort zone!” yet wants to be a variety streamer
- wanted to replay Elden Ring as an event, actually wanted to replay it for the DLC
- charged $5-$10 for new animations (not per hour, the whole finished animation)
- revealed the real reason why he doesn't do online multiplayer: doesn't make enough money
- believes that the Drake and Ninja Fortnite event did absolutely nothing for the game
- says Epic lined their pockets from the Drake & Ninja event... from a F2P game they paid ads for
- lied that his 200 average viewers are interacting in chat... more like 20 present, 10 active
- blew bubbles for free and was proud to do so, but he's previously charged for bubble-blowing
- “We can’t have wheelchair emotes in chat because they are offensive!”
- "I just hit my funny bone on my ankle with my wedding ring.”
- said the plot of FVII confused him as a kid because he thought the game was lying to him
- stated that doctors in America are hesitant to write prescriptions
- wouldn't see his doctor for his ear infection then says it's the healthcare system's fault
- mocked his doctors who told him to change his diet due to his gout
- excused his anti-Asian racism by saying that the characters really are saying "ding dong die"
- wasted everyone's time restarting a stream and talking YT chat instead of playing MultiVersus
- admitted he can't get into MultiVersus because he isn't being financially supported enough
- told his fans to leave if they complain about him playing fighting games, wondered why low tips
- texted a whale to support him, got turned down, and took his rage out on on his fans
- admits he still plays mobile games, thinks he's owning the detractors by doing so
- lied that he's always admitted to still playing mobile games, but for years he denied it
- tried to gaslight his viewers that he's always played mobile games and you're all idiots
- states he doesn't spent money on WWE Champions but his own WWE Champions profile disproves this
- "I'm not who you say I am in those games!"; the bank leaks, Line number, and Discord prove it
- refuses to show his phone as it will expose his account; his account has been known for years
- refuses to bring up his phone showing WWE Champions because it is undeniable unedited evidence
- denies he plays WWE Champions but does play other mobile games, which is probably worse
- denies he plays WWE Champions even though his phone clearly showed him playing WWE Champions
- admits he lied about not playing mobile games because he wanted to avoid the subject
- stated he's never used his Twitter handle in a mobile game; he's used it for Pokemon Go
- acknowledges it is a pain to make his Patreon members go to his forums to do multiplayer
- "Ignore the trolls and they go away!"; never ignores the trolls
- refuses to react to his old racist moments as will get in trouble (still defends them though)
- banned a superchatter for "promoting detractor content" (the video of him spending 100k)
- says he will only react to "factually based things"; has reacted to paranormal videos
- says detractor content doesn't deserve the time of day; planned to react to a TIDYDP video
- knows what 'lies' his detractors are pushing despite not caring about them to watch them
- approves of content that is raw footage and not edited, except if the content makes him look bad
- seriously believes his detractors make "tons of money" off him, can't name a single instance
- lied that he has no money to spend on mobile games; bank leaks prove it
- says he plays mobile games casually, doesn't disclose if that means he spends money in them
- assumes his detractors are focused on the WWE Champions account named after his Twitter handle
- can't tell his left from his right (e.g. when playing Surgeon Simulator)
- “When you’re fishing you have to look like that creature on your lure to attract the fish.”
- renamed his Twitter name to reflect his mobile game playing (and spending tips on them)
- admits he lies to protect himself and yet expects his fans to see him as trustworthy
- broke a commitment he made to Kat about quitting mobile games (either that or he lied about it)
- wants to see the fans' reactions to his content, will remove all negative reactions
- stated zero money from tips goes to his mobile gaming addiction... pffft
- dismissed the evidence he spent tons on Marvel: Future Fight because he last played it ages ago
- denied he spent that much but all his e-begging events coincided with WWE Champions events
- acknowledges mobile games will shut down eventually, still dumps money into them
- has no time to edit videos or set up events with fans but does have time for mobile games
- lied about his replaced vacuum cleaner breaking just as a big bill was due
- ranted about RTU learning about his mobile game addiction rather than talking to him
- was more upset about RTU rescinding his YT membership than him watching detractor content
- decided not to accept Rich's PC, conveniently used knowledge of Rich's 'betrayal' to justify it
- endorses his fans raiding RTU's streams, which goes against YouTube's ToS
- says he doesn't dedicate time to shit-talking other content creators
- states that content that is hateful or untrue isn't technically content
- changed his Twitter name to mock the fact he always boasts of coming fourth place at Evo 2005
- permabanned Rich from his YT chat for giving advice on not e-begging for money
- pronounced chocobos and "cocobos"
- acknowledges that he did threaten to smack the child that roasted him in VR chat
- stated that if it would have been fine if he threatened the kid with a Street Fighter move
- snuck his phone with him to the bathroom and returned with WWE Champions on the screen
- believes that videos that shed light on DSP's misgivings somehow admit they are defamatory
- tells viewers that start to believe detractor content to leave rather than stick around
- hates Rich for giving him negative publicity even though he roasted Reddit for doing the same
- called fans who donate big "super selfish" as it will discourage others from tipping
- thinks that detractors are always contrarian but sometimes it's his own fans sick of the content
- “I’m willing to do things as long as you’re willing to buy in!”
- “I need money to transfer over to pay my bills!”
- explained what rollcade netcode is from a "professional standard" and then said it uses A.I.
- “Rollback netcode is bad from a competitive point of view.”
- “This is just my take and you don’t have to believe me” even though he said it was educational
- “People who disagree with me just don’t know better!”
- banned people who disagreed with him about rollback netcode then sheepishly admitted he goofed
- “It’s not like sea, it’s more like an isolated area with land masses all around it” (a lake)
- believes muscles and other shellfish don't inhabit lakes
- “You can’t listen to music when you fish!”
- “I’m such a busy guy that I can’t listen to music.”
- brought back bubble blowing for 100 likes even though he said it's silly and should be free
- “I use to be able to sing all Elton Johns songs but I can’t hit those notes anymore.”
- “Leave me likes and comments so I can learn”, refuses to elaborate
- says Chick-fil-A is too far away for Doordash; his nearest Chick-fil-A is 3.3 miles away
- disliked Smash Bros for being for kids, then wonders why MultiVersus get him a kid audience
- says MultiVersus has a better roster than Smash Bros bur doesn't know half the cast of MV
- accepted an outro made by a 'fan' that has a drawn image of a pig-like Phil
- begs for likes and then says likes don't matter is it still views
- thinks he is better than pro fighting game players for leaving that scene
- “This is not what a fighting game is suppose to be!”
- “It’s good even if you don’t like the content to be here”
- wanted to do a fisherman tipping incentive with the hat, vest, and suggested fishing lures
- gave a troll a shoutout while raging at said troll for not giving a $50 tip as promised
- “I’ll be right back a quick two minutes”, grabbed phone and left for eight minutes
- thinks he doesn't bring up money and tips nearly as often as he thinks he does
- “I don’t know what I’ll be doing for the next event. I’ll have to ask my wife.” (Cucksydephil)
- “Subway is too expensive for DSP Tries It!”
- “I would rather have dropping inputs than deal with rollback netcode!”
- thinks Woody from Toy Story is made of wood
- thinks Elija Wood played Harry Potter
- refuses to make a list of tip animations he wants, still wants them made for free
- “The music is too fucking loud! I can’t hear!”; never cares how the audience feels about volume
- banned a YT member from his chat for mocking Derich's porn addiction
- called unrequited love "unrequitive love”
- failed to notice what rapping is, head it but couldn't connect that it was rapping
- dedicated a large portion of his 'podcast' to ranting about RTU despite not liking drama
- says ReviewTechUSA is a failure of a YouTuber then blames YouTube for changing so much
- took great offence to ReviewTechUSA calling him a lolcow
- exclaimed ReviewTechUSA embarrasses himself with his content; embarrasses himself with gameplay
- refuses to take ReviewTechUSA's financial advice simply because he hates Rich
- refuses to make hilarious shirts that will sell, has his pride... as he pimps out goofy hats
- insists he won't read aloud his private conversation with Rich but then read his side verbatim
- hates his orgasm face being posted around as it reminds him of a bad time despite denying it
- equates getting caught fapping on stream to being worse than declaring bankruptcy
- treats the fapping incident as hurtful even though he laughed it off as funny at the time
- assumed that a 'detractor' video that debunked the escort saga was endorsing it as true
- told Rich to get self-respect and put out content that helps people... during a toxic rant
- said Rich was worse than Keemstar because he made more anti-DSP content
- lamented that the anti-DSP content/memes make his wife cry yet he keeps bringing them up
- “You’ve hurt me and my family! It’s not just about me! It’s about my family!”
- defamed Richard but didn't even address a single point in Rich's video
- explained that the vests are to show the titty streamers you can make money putting clothing on
- “I don’t degrade myself for money!”
- says he doesn't do stunts for views; took his shirt off, jacked off, eats food on camera...
- believes a bidet is a special thing and you can't simply convert a toilet to a bidet
- only exercises on 'shower day', which is "every other day"
- refused to count a $4.20 tip because the number 420 is a meme and thinks it's a troll
- says Jasper has a hurt eye, prays it gets better and gets back to gaming rather than look at it
- has no sympathy for Wings getting permabanned from Twitch, bans anyone who brings it up
- loved using the slots ability in FFVII, called the favourable results "good pulls"
- spent 15 minutes walking around a store trying to find an item rather than ask an employee
- couldn't find the butter and chicken meatballs, found them in their appropriate sections
- begged for money to buy his cat a $20 water filter, then says he went out grocery shopping
- impulsively purchased bagels, realised he had no dinner, so he made Kat order them a pizza
- "All these stupid assholes adopted pets and now all the vets are busy."
- joked that he spends too much money but subtly admitted microtransactions are a part of it
- said that Sony paying devs more money to have their games on PS+ is akin to Subway
- thinks it's alright to put down game companies because “it’s called an opinion!”
- wasted a stream waiting for online matches and refusing to fight the guy that squashed him
- demanded people like this videos or he'll never blow bubbles on stream ever again
- says 15 minutes is not long enough to run a hat poll... to his small audience of dents
- called a fan a "stupid idiot" and banned for asking the difference between two SF2 characters
- cannot talk about his day without bringing up how trolls will twist it into something negative
- wanted to buy fishing gear to go with the fisherman hat yet always whines about bills to pay
- showed his (allegedly clean) underwear on camera
- kept the aforementioned underwear ever since they were purchased in 2004
- doesn't mind being called an alcoholic so long as the alcohol mentioned isn't gin
- wants to change the gin meme to tequila as that is his liquor of choice these days
- admitted that he's always been drinking alcohol and that he never quit
- “Entry level thought of human thought.”
- showed a sealed copy of Lion King for the SNES, something he claimed for years he never owned
- showed a copy of Earthworm Jim for the Sega CD, which can sell for quite a bit
- showed a copy of Mutant League Hockey on the Genesis, another pricey game
- ticked that he had no collectables of value in his bankruptcy forms yet has rare retro games
- "I am not selling anything online... No way" then agreed to email Papavera to sell to him
- deemed a troll's insult a failure because just a single part of it was false
- tried in vain to troll his detractors by mentioning other mobile games he spends money on
- immediately revealed his trolling scheme of mentioning mobile games, ruining the scheme
- assumes that his detractors are secretly fans who are ashamed to admit they like him
- insulted Tevin's penis size, spoke at length that it must be the size of a grain of rice
- denies he got Tevin banned but he did celebrate upon hearing the news... hmmm...
- refused to look at the camera as he pleaded that he never reported Tevin
- says he never reported Tevin but forgot he once openly told his fans on Twitter to report Tevin
- says his audience "don't want the fluff" as he fluffs around talking and not gaming
- ranted about cheap Chinese made gaming chairs, a "scam", the same chairs he shilled to his fans
- blamed his laggy stream on his CPU having to render the water and trees of the fishing game
- won't play "knock-off Souls games" but did play MultiVersus, a Smash Bros knock-off
- assumed that a gay fan talking about a fishing lure is an offensive flamboyant stereotype
- "I am doing these extra marathons for FREE."
- got two power surges from having three A/C units on, couldn't figured out why they happened
- was too lazy to turn off the A/C before his wife vacuumed, leading to a power surge
- was too lazy to go through his vids to get a clip of MultiVersus invite spam to show a dev
- wears his beret wrong, looks more like a flatcap
- “The very first TIHYDP must have some intelligence to it because it’s popular.”
- said TIHYDP jumped the shark due to them showcasing his sexist and racist comments
- “I would only try poutine is it was authentic.”
- “The buttery jack tasted gross" but previously said he liked it
- “My life is jam packed! It’s busy!” (microwaving burritoes, then e-begging for six hours)
- “I don’t have time to make friends in real life!”
- said he's never been to the mountains despite living close to Mt. Rainer
- said he's never been skiing or gone to a water park in his life
- “I never see my parents, but I call them every week and have an in depth discussion.”
- yelled at a fan who arrived to the stream late and asked what the topic was
- said "Smash is dead", got proven wrong, then denied he ever said Smash was dead
- got really smug to block people in MultiVersus... until he got an error and couldn't block
- admits that he plays games he doesn't like because his fans like the games (and tippers tip)
- defends Derich even after he acknowledges that Derich spams the chat and ruins it for regulars
- finally played a game his fans want to see and is stunned why support is low (the fans left)
- made an audio-only video for Twitter e-begging for tips
- e-begged on Twitter six times in one day (16th August 2022)
- hint hinted to his fans about getting a new PC again, this time upping the cost to $2500
- got a $200 tip, went on break and immediately spent it on WWE Champions (account went active)
- said giving trolls attention is counter-productive to him as a streamer, does it anyways
- called EvilAJ petty for making his MGS TIHYDP videos private
- assumed EvilAJ privated the videos to spite his react event (EvilAJ privated them ages ago)
- “I got this morality code in me, and if that means I struggle the rest of my life so be it!”
- didn't ask EvilAJ for permission to react to his TIHYDP vids (so much for the 'morality code')
- was too cheap to buy food for DSP Tries It, arranged with Kat to make him sandwiches instead
- said there may one day be a Darksydephil autobiography but not any time soon
- refuses to respond to supertips with a positive messages if the tipper has a troll name
- “When I was a kid I was in to those 80’s things." (was a kid in the 80's)
- “High pitched positive happy thoughts.”
- lied that he was tweeting inside Dick's Sporting Goods when his local one is permanently closed
- allegedly went to a store on his day off for fishing goods when he could order online any day
- only (allegedly) went to one (closed) store, but there are several more in his area
- used his broken toilet handle as an excuse to e-beg for money (they cost like $10)
- blamed his fans for wanting him to change his 'business model' that the trolls 'destroyed'
- blasts content creators for low quality content but sees low quality content as viable
- called Madden NFL 23 horrible and no interest in it yet played it because it was free for a week
- played Madden NLF 23 on easy difficulty due to wanting to speed through the game quickly
- says he knows nothing about Madden but he previously played Madden 12, 19, and 20
- assumed EvilAJ became a detractor due to being blocked from commenting on DSP's YT videos
- lied that he had nothing to get TIHYDP videos taken down
- states he has no reason to attack TIHYDP but then said those videos took money away from him
- raged that EvilAJ would find him and crush him in Street Fighter games
- assumed EvilAJ was abusing "online only tactics" and using lag spikes to win (Copesydephil)
- called out EvilAJ for copyright striking TIHYDP uploads, which he can do and is against ToS
- assumed that EvilAJ's TIHYDP videos don't add commentary and aren't transformative and fair use
- assumed all of EvilAJ's videos aren't fair use and he should private all his videos
- called EvilAj butthurt yet he himself is very butthurt he can't react to EvilAJ's TIHYDPs
- thinks a tweet EvilAJ made is legally binding and will protect him from copyright strikes
- uses an EvilAJ tweet as 'permission' but EvilAJ made a later tweet rescinding permission
- talked about YT copyright legality but included his feelings into his legal definition
- believes permission can never be rescinded
- stated he will flag EvilAJ's channel if the reaction to the TIHYDP gets copyright struck
- admitted he has struck people in the past but is a changed man, but will strike EvilAJ
- believes he can strike anyone regardless of context but can't be struck for the same reason
- “A judge actually ruled this!” but does not name the judge or any details on the case
- defined a 'try hard' as someone who tries to win at games (as in everyone)
- said game companies don't care about customers' time due to releasing RPGs at the same time
- can't name any good games he's played lately unless you make a list of the games for him
- “Nobody here is even a wrestling fan but me and I’m not a wrestling fan anymore.”
- says no one plays Fightcade, a fan names pro fighting gamers that do, bans the fan
- “I’m going to lose viewers because I have to take a shit.”
- says he doesn't watch TIHYDP videos but knows The0utSyder's TIHYDPs are good due to meme usage
- “My shtick was that I would single out a game developer and harass them.”
- “EvilAJ hated me” but never stated why (as the reason makes him look bad)
- pauses the TIHYDP to commentate, even as the on-screen video text tells Phil to stop talking
- slammed EvilAJ for calling Phil a retard but it was screencapped YT comments calling Phil that
- claims he acted dumb on purpose as part of a let's player schtick
- called his own content a "joke" and his own fans idiots for thinking he was legit
- admitted his own content is boring during his reaction to the MGS2 TIHYDP
- played WWE Champions on his phone during his cleaning closet event
- acted very poorly to being informed that he was caught playing WWE Champions again
- pronounces masochist as "mazu-cheezst"
- ranted negatively about EvilAJ as he did not strike him for the TIHYDP react
- beat FFVII and said “I still think it’s a good game, just not the best” despite hating it
- said the people who recognise him IRL are "too pussy" to say or do anything negative to him
- knows people who see him IRL take photos of him and post them on online
- begged his fans for tips to cover the fishing lures he purchased (that cost $14~)
- used his fishing lures to literally bait for whales to tip him
- believes no one can DDoS him as no one has his IP address
- believes he didn't start getting hate until he played the Metal Gear Solid games
- gave a half-assed apology to EvilAJ, ruined it by shit-talking him and blaming him for trolling
- still ranted about EvilAJ after calling him obsessed
- refuses to admit that EvilAJ is better at him at Street Fighter (EvilAJ has more wins over DSP)
- took the bait about $$ support going down, feels compelled to correct intentional trolling
- blamed AJ for his old videos getting struck for hate speech (which they did have)
- bragged that YouTube will take his side but then got really paranoid they he may get suspended
- hint hinted for a whale to donate him $70 to buy and play TLOU of PS5 despite no interest in it
- dropped the Saints Row remake due to negative reviews despite not listening to reviews
- played the original Saints Row instead of the hot new remake
- always creates himself in games, has no creativity or originality
- dropped Bayonetta 3 a few months before its release
- can't eat 3 meat pizzas due to his age and 'condition'
- “If I go down and lose my ability to stream I have alternative content I can do” i.e. Twitch
- was sold on the new Saints Row for its the swearing and cringe 'humour' (mature adult!)
- made an insensitive comment after hearing a speech to think of others following the Ukraine war
- banned a fan who superchatted a message calling out Phil for letting Derich spam the chat
- claims he has two strikes on DSPGaming but refuses to show evidence
- assumes the two strikes against him are false but they are his copyrighted intro and outro
- subtly admitted he blames WingsofRedemption's trolls for striking him
- thinks it is illogical that trolls would move onto another target if the original gets banned
- bans anyone who talks about him playing mobile games despite admitting he plays them
- says that banned trolls are scumbags who no one likes, which is slander
- “I only use Twitter for business purposes!"
- “I’ve never abused DMCA!” yet admitted he did abuse DMCA taking down detractor content
- "My wife and my cat are completely reliant on ME!" i.e. admitting his wife lost her job
- “None of the solutions people talk about for me is viable! I have to ask for support!”
- "Go ahead, make your restreams and videos and make fun of me", giving approval of restreams
- “The job market doesn’t support the amount of support I need.”
- said he'd be homeless without credit, forgot that Kat can get credit in her name
- wanted help from Rekieta Law despite previously calling him a fake lawyer
- turned his camera to show his room despite saying he couldn't do so for the off-camera pushups
- appealed to the trolls saying it is in their best interest that they cease their activities
- says giving trolls attention means they won... after he had a 4 hour rant about trolls
- read a troll email from someone claiming to be a Kiwifarms user
- says he is nothing like Wings; both are fat gamers who e-beg
- said Wings goes after troll channels but he doesn't, also doesn't mention he used to
- lamented he got chargebacks despite saying he is immune to them
- refuses to show evidence of chargebacks (even WingsofRedemption showed proof of his)
- bemoaned that people believes he gambles in WWE Champions but his roster grew the previous night
- refuses to believe that his detractors will stick up for him when trolls go too far
- used his cat walking over him and waking him up for pity and excuse his usual grumpiness
- “There is always something in the back telling me things are going to fail…”
- “We are all humans with different components to us”
- “I played Fortnite before it was popular!”
- “Someone was using dark web stolen credit card numbers against me which is a federal crime!”
- says he can't play a GBA emulator on his PC as it would max out his CPU
- banned a fan just for talking about DSP's PayPal
- purchased new things for his stream just a day after announcing he had a bunch of chargebacks
- retweets his masturbation image after years of telling people the image makes his wife cry
- still complains about EvilAJ's Twitter account despite saying he ignores everyone on Twitter
- claimed he's been powerwalking for months but refuses to show proof (fitbit, pedometer, weight)
- blamed his membership drop on fans running away after his channel got strikes
- purchased a Wolverine action figure to own the trolls somehow
- purchased a pricey orange vest to add to the pile for a future e-begging tips incentive
- reckons the orange vest is identical to the iconic vest from Back to the Future, which is red
- asked for tips to pay for his haircut
- threatened to ban everyone in his chat (all 20 of them) for 'spamming' about a troll
- accused fans of alerting him to trolls of being trolls themselves to give the trolls attention
- believes people tune in to see him daily for entertainment and rely on him for gaming news
- hint hinted that his trolls should harass other streamers as they do the same things he does
- boasted about having 24/7 YouTube support chat then glumly admitted they ghost him
- trashed YouTube even though provide him with a platform and the support chat
- called his YT membership perks, like the crown and highlighted name in chat, "icing on the cake"
- said that YT membership is not like buying a product (but it will buy him products)
- admits that since gaming is his job he no longer finds it fun but he must do it to make money
- “If I don’t talk about the support I won’t get it!”
- “My life has a million different things going on!”
- said his spontaneous pizza party is something nice and totally not a fundraiser event
- “I always have a back up plan” despite saying he has no plan B
- “For the first time ever I’m going to order pizza live!”
- thinks he was the Duke Nukem of YouTube in his early years
- think he'll make “monstrous profits” if he went after other content creators but has morals
- believes ReviewTechUSA uses his fapping face in the background of his streams (he doesn't)
- threatened to ban a fan who asked about his toilet handle which broke 2 weeks ago
- thinks doing push-ups is a detractor meme
- hates Two Point Campus because the game teaches you to save your money for emergencies
- “Rich is dead to me! I don’t care about that guy!” yet still talks about him
- threatened to never have bubble blowing every again if his likes go below 100
- said Pac-Man World Re-Pac was easy but got the prompt to switch to Easy Mode from dying so much
- ranted that PayPal takes $0.50 of every donation so tip more than $1 at a time
- purchased a green fishing lure that blends with his fishing hat, rants when the fans vote for it
- claimed he stopped doing edgy humour because he was bored doing it (actually it's for $$)
- claimed Street Fighter "formed me as a person"
- “Splatoon is not a AAA game Nintendo fans!”
- assumed a donation from "The Cat" will be chargebacked due to the name
- knows WingsofRedemption memes despite claiming not to watch his content or know his trolls
- did not play Cult of the Lamb because it is a “viral popularity game” and a fad
- treated ordering pizza and eating it live as exciting and fun
- states that if you don't criticize Street Fighter V you're “sucking the balls of those in power”
- “That was a time in my life that I had friends.”
- “This is my history with Street Fighter” then talked about his life and not the games
- says he stopped playing competitive SF due to 'soul searching' but admitted it was due to money
- claims Street Fighter gave him the confidence to stand up and talk in meetings at work
- says you can't find Chrono Trigger on any store platform anymore
- claims indie devs became millionaires due to streamers playing their game and getting it viral
- thinks BMX XXX is so raunchy and the devs were immature
- “Topless females? Oh my god!”
- played Destroy All Humans the previous year but can't remember a single thing about it
- “Any money raised goes towards my pets.” (more than one pet?)
- called out his viewers because no one tipped in the two hours he was live
- wants his viewers to “get back in to a pattern of supporting" him
- “I am hated by hardcore republicans and hardcore liberals!"
- "I’m the most hated man on the internet!”
- banned a fan for not giving him a $100 if he won a 1v1 MultiVersus match
- bans anyone who offers to tip more if he wins matches since he thinks they are trolls
- acknowledged he probably lost out on getting money by banning potential tippers, doesn't care
- e-begs especially hard on the last day of every month for those last-minute donations
- blamed a drop in YT memberships on trolls but they were gifted memberships that weren't renewed
- again lied that he can't see personal info for donations received via PayPal
- spent most of his analysis of TLOU Part 1 comparing it to the original than its own merits
- spent his day off browsing Twitter commenting on JoJo Siwa Worldwide
- called TLoU Part 1 a cash grab and yet plays WWE Champions, a gacha game
- claimed all Naughty Dog changed for TLoU Part 1 was the visuals (the enemy AI is different)
- stated that Naughty Dog changed nothing for TLoU Part 1 while noting all the visual changes
- make images of himself insert in drawings of the Ninja Turtles (not a children's entertainer)
- “We cook meals here every other day”, implying Doordash or restaurants on the other days
- got his wife's input on the pizzas for them to get despite the pizza party being for the fans
- keeps postponing Ask the King, answers questions for free anyways
- “Only rich elite exclusive gamers can play" Marvel vs Capcom Arcade 1up machines
- accidentally revealed when pulling up YouTube that he watches Snort Burnell videos
- gets upset when games don't have couch co-op despite not having friends
- shat on Halo Infinite despite naming it his game of the year for 2021, has no recollection of it
- said that Ninja quitting streaming isn't news (still jealous)
- refuses to make his homemade sauce anyone because it's "too expensive", would rather get a can
- claims he's the biggest TMNT fan ever and yet doesn't know who Ray Fillet is
- promoted his pizza party as “eating pizza all day long” but the pizzas didn't arrive until 4pm
- his pizza party was simply a DSP Tries It with zero party atmosphere
- impulse held the pizza party and expected increased tips and donations to thank him
- complained he doesn't have the money to pay his bills after his impulse pizza purchases
- “It’s sucks... I already promised my wife sushi” and wants his fans to pay for it
- “Don’t bring up my wife like that! She’s not a part of this!” when he brought her up
- celebrated that Kiwi Farms was taken down even though the site was quickly back online
- called a fan an idiot for becoming a YT member because he doesn't like the fan's username
- ragequit the TMNT Cowabunga Collection because trolls would glitch out and prevent progress
- lied he doesn't play mobile games after he had already confessed he still plays WWE Champions
- lied that the bank statements aren't real after he had already confessed that they are
- said the bank statements are not real but he said they were real and used for identity fraud
- “Tipping is a fool proof way to make thing work.”
- “If I hear Spanish being spoken I can understand it, but I dont know Spanish.”
- says he knows Spanish since the language is rooted in Latin, a language he did study
- “I’m behind on things I need to do to function in my everyday life.”
- “I have a life outside of the stream!”
- wants to cut back on Patreon exclusive videos even though he gets good money from it
- says he hasn't drunk gin in 1.5 years but then immediately says he impulse buys it when shopping
- said the gin meme is not based on fact though he literally stated the fact he drinks gin
- celebrated Labor Day by shitting on laborers and said the American dream is flipping burgers
- stated that all job listings in newspapers and online have no career path or training
- “The mainstream media is lying about all these available jobs! They suck!”
- assumes that because got laid off no worker in America is safe and will laid off too
- “My wife is getting a nice meal this week! She deserves it! It’s happening regardless!”
- doesn't know what a brand account is on YouTube despite him running a business
- assumed that YouTube fixing his YT membership count was a result of him ranting at them
- called everyone who makes a living on Twitch "an asshole"
- “Nobody spoke out about SFV until now! I was the only guy! I spoke out! I had balls!”
- said he wants Nintendo credits to buy Splatoon 3, then says he's not asking for anything
- “Stop bringing up my wife! She’s off limits!”; brings her up daily
- stated he's always been critical of YouTube but that isn't why he doesn't get sponsorships
- “My wife has a birthday this week and she gets whatever she wants!” and then e-begged for money
- “No one cares about me...”
- “If nobody tells me what I’m doing wrong I can’t improve!” then ignores all criticism
- “Twitch didn’t tell me what I did wrong and that’s illegal! I could sue!”
- thinks that spraying his cat with the water bottle is in the cat's best interest
- “I quit Minecraft because there wasn’t anything left to do in the game” but barely did much
- still really upset at Burger King for ghosting him after his bad experience with them in 2021
- “Burger King is scum! I mean it! They did nothing!”
- took Kat to Burger King for her birthday in 2022 (ClassySydePhil)
- ranted about his wife's birthday referring to it as his birthday
- stated that Burger King ruined his wife's birthday... even though she had no issues
- pronounces the 'Got-Cha' fishing lure as "gacha"
- totally understands addiction, relayed his time with WWE Champions without naming it
- described the euphoric feeling one gets from winning at gambling with much enthusiasm
- said he used to be an alcoholic but currently has no problems with alcohol
- exclaimed that he can box and win against other content creators if he gets back into shape
- says that content creators boxing each other is dumb, doesn't care that they raise money
- "I'm infamously not a ragequitter at fighting games. I never ragequit at fighting games."
- changed his mind about disliking the celebrity cameo videos that roast him, now he likes them
- claimed that a troll joined in on a creditors' call which is a federal crime, but it was debtors
- claimed that Kiwifarms made people commit suicide, which is actually untrue
- says that all misleading content should be deleted, doesn't mention all his misleading content
- says that all negative content should be demonitised, doesn't mention all his negative content
- says screenshots do not count as evidence; had taken screenshots of EvilAJ's Twitter as evidence
- thinks jokes about probing anuses is hilarious but jokes about boobs is cringe
- “Batman Returns is like a horror movie.”
- “We went window shopping and bought some things.”
- “The PC hunt never began!” but he spent months e-begging for a new PC in early 2022
- indirectly confirmed he is being supported by whales and encourages his fans to become whales
- refuses to mute his mic when making guttural coughs because "it's being human"
- called half his viewers "dumb fucks" because they don't attend his streams
- didn't know Howie Mandel voiced Gizmo in Gremlins despite it being one of his fave movies
- “Back in the day I had way more views than my contemporaries who had millions of subscribers!"
- can't remember any movies he watched in high school, says he is too old to remember (he's 40)
- lied that his WWE Champions account is his but its confirmed via his Line and Discord
- assumes most people make 'defamatory' content to make money, but his detractors do it for free
- says negative videos shouldn't be monetized; monetized his videos about his dead friend
- stated you can only make YouTube shorts with the app and not from pre-existing videos
- “YouTube shorts don’t help a channel! You can’t monetize them!”
- “I told you I’m barely making by! That’s how this business works!”
- “Admitting my faults is growth” but didn't say anything about learning from his faults
- “When I was a fat fuck I knew I could lose it, I was just a lazy fuck!”
- lied that he stopped shopping at Costco since the COVID pandemic
- claimed he's lost over 25lbs just by walking for a month
- got a bit obsessed with making YouTube Shorts after ages of shitting on the format
- got too close to the camera in a YouTube Short, revealing his greying hair
- commented that YouTube Shorts are short videos and not long at all
- revealed his gaming setup in a YouTube short, revealing a horror show of cables and dust
- celebrated his victory over false copyright strikes with a boring stream packed with e-begging
- told an epic story of his false strikes victory: sat on his ass until they got overturned
- assumes that if a person makes an intro for him and then striked it, they're wasting their life
- assumes that the guy who made him the intro and striked it is a troll who planned it all
- blames the artist even though he accepted fanart after he said he'd never do it again
- thinks that verbal permission is legally binding and overrules Terms of Services
- denies he breaks YouTube's Terms of Services; breaks the Terms of Services daily by e-begging
- assumes that all DMCA strikes are false claims unless you're prepared to sue
- never actually thanked YouTube for overturning the false strikes
- said that 2022 DSP can defeat 2008 DSP in a fight, revealing how unhealthy he always has been
- plays Splatoon by focusing on kills and not any coverage, the opposite it's meant to be played
- "“Stop talking about the likes! It doesn’t matter that it’s gone under 100!"; still wants likes
- got a 17 losing streak in Hyper Street Fighter II (pro-fighter who came 4th place at EVO btw)
- rejected an offer for a donated camera because he's still salty he didn't get a donated PC
- admits that his restreamers are a positive since some viewers switch to him and become fans
- assumes viewers become trolls from the restreamers but trolls have been there from the start
- believes that if all his restreamers disappeared so will all his trolls
- thinks his channel will grow without his restreamers but they give him exposure
- says he will get more money with no detractors but some troll-tip him, ergo he'll lose money
- says trolls think they give him exposure, which they do
- refuses to believe that some of his supporters learned of him from detractor content
- can't admit that a sizeable portion of his audience are trolls
- reiterated that he isn't lazy, he just has no time to make quality content
- claimed that detractor content is lazy, meanwhile he does minimum editing
- thinks it takes effort and talent to make YouTube shorts in one take (just talking)
- seriously believes his years of doing playthroughs has given him impressive speaking skills
- believes Japanese people only play Japanese games and he's done his research
- stated that Splatoon is only popular because Japanese people will buy anything Japanese
- “I have a cult following of people who have been really waiting for me to play Earthbound again”
- “The Japanese love anything that is culture centric!”
- did the math and said he'd be $1000 short that month, which is the same amount he always needs
- said he lost $1000 in YT members but he didn't include chargebacks, meaning he's lying
- hint hinted he wanted a $1000 tip
- did not know how to steal a car in Saints Row despite it being a GTA clone
- “I’m pissed! I just want to beat the game and the game won’t let me! This game isn’t fun!”
- complains about the random aspects of open world games, which is one of their biggest strengths
- expects the final mission in games to be easy and 'fun' and not so challenging
- acknowledges he rages about games “because games are supposed to be fun!”
- beat Saints Row 1 after much complaining and temper tantrums, then said he'll play Saints Row 2
- thinks that bringing up his trolls is not feeding them but addressing them
- had his hair cut by his mother until he was 17, will get very triggered if you bring that up
- blames his receding hairline on his mother cutting his hair
- called a fan obsessed just because he asked a follow-up question to childhood haircuts
- “Is my TV LED or OLED? I don’t know... I don’t fucking know. I don’t care!”
- banned a fan who encouraged others not to tip in the last two minutes of the stream
- admitted he lied about not owning a cat (Jasper) because detractors were saying 'nasty' things
- lied he hyped up owning a cat but he did hype it as the eventual 1k tips reward
- dared his chat to name the last time he had a big tips goal... which was $1k earlier that week
- "I don't really want to sit here and harp on tips all night", does it anyways
- threatened to ban a fan who asked him to check his email because he was going to tip $$
- stated that Earthbound flopped because it took up too much shelf space
- stated that no YouTubers got games in the early 2010s, only games journalists
- said that viewer count doesn't matter as long as $$ supports him i.e. only cares about whales
- derailed his stream to announce he's receiving sponsorships for crappy mobile games
- “Splatoon was one of the most hyped games in the history of Japanese game making.”
- “Splatoon is a patriotic game for the Japanese!”
- stated that anime is made in Japan for the Japanese, ergo that makes them xenophobic people
- stated that if you go to a chain restaurant you are killing authentic restaurants
- “I don’t care about getting credit for my work, I’m not in this for credit.”
- “Trust me, a million people have tried to hack my email but nobody has gotten through.”
- is too lazy to add tippers with long usernames to the leaderboard
- complained of getting eye pain, went years of not wearing glasses when gaming
- “They changed the name of Crisis Core to Reunion” while ignoring the whole title
- said the graphical leap from SNES to PS1 was somehow big huge abd incremental
- blames Sony making the PS1 a cheap console as his broke during a hot Connecticut summer
- misblamed the PS1 disc reading errors on the glue for the laser but it's actually the plastic
- “The PS1 was one of the first consoles to output stereo quality sound!”; SNES and Genesis could
- claimed that modern games think Dragon Warrior and Earthbound “are too hard and annoying”
- “Grinding isn’t acceptable in the modern era!”
- said chain restaurants having seasonal menus is a gimmick to retain a customer base
- got a $199.98 tip and rounded it down to $199 to beg for more tips to get to $200
- won't play Animal Crossing but did play Disney Dreamlight Valley (same concept)
- doesn't like using grouping on OBS because it means more effort
- can talk about sucking dick constantly but won't have a name that says that on the leaderboard
- accidentally called his cat Derich
- put off recording Patreon-exclusive videos until the last day, took a day off to do them
- laughed at G4 laying off employees despite yelling at other businesses laying off employees
- timed out a fan who stated that DSP doesn't give enough appreciation to his fans
- says talking about video games is his 'job' but he barely keeps up with gaming news
- “I didn’t care about the objective, I just wanted to kill people” then wonders why he loses
- banned a fan who superchatted a comparison between tips and superchats
- banned a fan who superchatted to offer advice about not having a hats goal near end of stream
- called his biggest whale Snowkarl a "fucking idiot" for taking Social Blade seriously
- denounces Social Blade as a grave misrepresentation, stated he is actually doing very well
- declared his channel is doing splendid in the YouTube analytics (still e-begs just as hard)
- said August 2022 was one of his best months but he previously said it was one of the slowest
- boasted that August 2022 was a great month financial wise despite losing 300~ YT memberships
- "No I never said August was a slow month, stop listening to detractor bullshit", banned fan
- finds it odd that YouTube won't allow him to make a YT short from a video with copyright content
- defined a 'try hard' as someone very focused on winning the game (as in himself)
- implied that because he isn't a 'try hard' he is not actually trying to win at games
- banned a troll who said Phil was coping, proving the troll right
- hates Splatoon 3 for not innovating, but then says not innovating isn't always a bad thing
- calls Splatoon enjoyers idiots, but then says he doesn't talk like that anymore, he's changed
- “I found the eternal thing to do for a job! That’s why I’m still around!”
- believes he should have over a million YouTube subscribers but YouTube screwed him over
- “People view me as a relic.”
- states money isn't the focus of his streams but he sends tweets, e-begs, and wagequits games
- says no one watches Splatoon 3 multiplayer but refused to play single player
- “I don’t want to be big! I’m happy we are all gamers here! We are all people!”
- “Edited videos on YouTube don’t make money.”
- hint hinted that his wife wants to buy a PS5
- “My hairline is terrible but I’m not losing hair!”
- said his beard isn't patchy but his YouTube shorts reveal the opposite
- has once puked and shat at the same time, described this graphic scene with too much detail
- pondered why his dying channel has declining views and engagement, blames his detractors
- said that thousands of people watch him daily but the view counts aren't that generous
- assumes that GTA 6 source code being leaked will ruin the game
- lost $1000 in YT memberships the same weekend there is a big WWE Champions event.. hmmm...
- says he won't celebrate hitting 200k YT subscribers as trolls will unsubscribe to screw him over
- will not ask Keemstar for permission to react to his documentary yet wants permission for his own
- ragequit Call of Duty: Vanguard four times in one stream
- complained about getting a $100 donation as it was a superchat and not a tip
- said he never gets good views on Nintendo games as he is not a "Nintendo guy"
- stated that he's never been rude to anyone who recognises him in person
- claims he does not have low testosterone
- confirmed that his consoles are dying from dust since he's too lazy to clean the room
- believes that his consoles and computer generate dust, not merely accumulate it
- said that he does not like e-begging but feels like he must to get by, refuses to improve
- said he wouldn't mind getting a sponsor for extra money doesn't he won't be a sellout
- declared that his detractors are unintelligent people based pureply on their actions to him
- wants less freedom of speech to protect his feelings and his 'livelihood' from trolls
- laments that Twitch, owned by Amazon, should give a more fair revenue split, rather than improve
- thinks a lot of his YT subscribers are troll/bot accounts, not merely inactive accounts
- spends his YouTube paycheck on WWE Champions despite claiming he lives paycheck to paycheck
- doesn't blame his viewers for losing him YT members then blames them for fearing the trolls
- says he lot 300~ YT members but his total went from 640~ to 440~
- called gaming publishers dumb for using influencers to spread awareness of their games
- believes influencers being given 'insider info' on upcoming games is morally wrong
- considers influencers reporting on upcoming games "immorally paid-for hype"
- doesn't like influencers making money by reporting on upcoming games
- still holds a grudge for being roasted for calling out 'elite' content creators as shills
- hates influencers for seeing their audience as their paycheck; does literally the same thing
- criticized YouTube for allowing monitization of Shorts videos yet he's wanted it from day one
- assumes he knows exactly how YouTube will implement new policy charges, criticizes in advance
- gave trolls a fake quote for their vid clips but he said it with less hesitance than the 'truth'
- admits he has more medical conditions beyond his gout, nasal drip, and ear infection
- admits he'll be a shitty father due to apathy, medical conditions, and lack of money
- subtly admitted he won't live long enough for his hypothetical child to reach adulthood
- said having a baby is easy: get someone of the opposite gender to impregnate you!
- declared that the miracle of childbirth is nothing special and neither is parenthood
- claimed Kat is too busy to raise a child but at the time she was jobless and was gaming all day
- won't get another cat as they are predators and Jasper has “a certain personality”
- thinks you can't simultaneously own both cats and hamsters or you'll ruin their lives
- claimed Twitch is adjusting the revenue split 70:30 for "all partners" which is incorrect
- I didn’t play enough Smash to have a opinion.”, “I played enough Smash to know I didn’t like it.”
- told a whale to shut the fuck up and contribute rather than complain about not hitting tips goal
- shilled a Magic 8 Ball tipping incentive: tip $8 and he'll ask it a question
- “If you guys keep making fun of Derich I’m going to fucking ban every single one of you in a row!"
- complained of MultiVersus opponent using 'lag mashing', got mad when said player refuses rematch
- got gifted 100 memberships, immediately said he has no money and then e-begs
- assumed a new fan was a troll and banned them when they critized the overlong pre-stream
- stated the only ProJared thing he's ever done is make a few tweets, his chat proved him wrong
- claimed he has no memory of ripping on ProJared on stream
- believes that Funko Pops are a way to judge your popularity and level of positivity you have
- “I don’t care about the politics of a game! I care about the story!”, yet talks about politics
- quit Minecraft because the game made him actually play it as opposed to fishing all stream
- called Minecraft a “time killer waster style game”
- won't return to Minecraft because his world is most likely gone
- whinged that putting hashtags on his e-begging tweets doesn't help him at all
- hates the cyberpunk genre because “it is too sexualized and has too much advertisement in it”
- refuses to do charity events as he fears trolls will SWAT him and/or screw it all up for him
- “Best Buy doesn’t even sell media anymore.”
- said people that hate him are assholes despite admitting a history of talking shit
- stated trolls made Kat afraid but you can clearly see her uncomfortable from the very start
- says Microsoft needs to “dramatically listen to the community”
- thinks yelling at a community manager on Twitch will yield big change/s
- believes game companies should announce games as soon as they are copyrighted and trademarked
- said the Xbox Series X controller had "a small grainy bitness to it” (yes, bitness)
- wants a new Devil May Cry over a new Bayonetta despite hating Devil May Cry 5
- hurt his back and blamed his upper back pain on compressed lower disc
- doesn't realise that sitting all day with poor posture hurt his back, won't change a thing
- decided he might lift weights again one day despite his bad back and is in his middle ages
- states he can't improve his life due to his sensitive skin breaking out into acne
- won't do exercises to strengthen his back because he's waiting for it to heal... since 2012
- stated that he keeps his health issues private... after he divulged them for pity tips
- hint hinted he would like new glasses
- “$10 is 'blow it' money, y’know... it’s not a big deal” said the penny-pincher
- refuses to let his audience talk amongst themselves yet hardly engages with them
- banned a fan for superchatting a message to follow Derich on Twitter
- “Do I like churros? I’ve never had a churro. I’ve only ever had them in restaurants.”
- asked his viewers to buy him currency in MultiVersus
- said he and Kat would go on vacation and mainly gamble in a casino
- stated he would have a small fixed budget for casino gambling and has no intention on going over
- exclaimed he is not the sort of person to excessively gamble (except WWE Champions)
- insisted there is no official DSP Discord server despite there was being one
- assumed that fans asking about a DSP Discord server are trolls trying to derail his stream
- said 68°F/20°C is too hot for him to run errands in
- “Capcom doesn’t know how to sell their game! I do! I could sell it!”
- mistook Bungie saying they used ideas from Halo in Destiny as them "making the same game”
- went on a huge 30 minute rant about 1MinuteMan, took the troll bait
- lied that he doesn't know who 1MinuteMan is despite previously saying he knows who he is
- lied that 1MinuteMan tips randomly even though Phil has lied about 1MM tips
- insinuated that unless you are tipping him, you are not allowed to investigate anonymous tippers
- asked why he would lie about fake 1MM tips, but it's to encourage tips and reach tip goals
- admits he wants to hit tips goals and encourage tipping, but can't connect faking tips helps
- stated he doesn't do meme stuff for tips, ignores the hats and vests and lures
- stated he doesn't do the drama stuff for clout, but did rect to Keemstar videos
- compared saying that 1MM is fake to swatting aka "attempted murder"
- wants less free speech because people denying 1MM's existence is 'dangerous'
- declared that masturbing to sexy ladies online is immoral and shouldn't be allowed
- doesn't want men to stream themselves masturbating on cam... hmmm...
- lied that he does not guilt trip, fumbles his explanation that comes across as exploitative
- said that guilt tripping is saying you'll lose your home with no tips, which he has said before
- admits that what he does can be considered guilt tripping, but it isn't
- threatened to ban a fan who sarcastically guilt tripped (it's only okay when Phil does it)
- stated he's never had a fundraising stream to pay his rent or be evicted (has happened)
- concluded other streamers are "doing it wrong" despite them making bank and him e-begging
- stated that a racist clip of him from 13 years ago is unfair as he's matured (he was 27 then)
- admitted he didn't even watch the old clip of him to defend it
- insists that his detractors are 100% to blame for him being labelled a lolcow
- stated that him playing mobile games is a 'conspiracy' when he literally admitted to playing them
- spent his day off on Twitter justifying his historic racist moments
- said that he can't be removed from StreamElements as he signed a contract
- brags about living 5 minutes from everything he needs yet complains running errands takes all day
- got more offended by a troll mentioning gin than them mentioning they watch detractor content
- “There are plenty of people who are able-bodied who can tip here.”
- planned to do a react stream to classic commercials i.e. a marathon of ads
- believes that commercials from the 80s and 90s are in the public domain
- stated that the 'old Phil' is never coming back; e-begs and makes off-colour jokes like old Phil
- thinks he can leave offensive content up if he apologises for it after the fact
- believes that deleting videos means you're hiding something; has deleted compromising videos
- said that the 'internet never forgets' is "the dumbest, immature, most child-like stupid thing"
- said that he's not being mean to the guy trying to cancel him, after telling him to get therapy
- never shows joy when 1MinuteMan donates, indicating it is possibly fake/expected
- recycled his old tip animations and labelled them as 'classic' animations
- yelled at a fan for mentioning guilt tripping for money when he does it every stream
- "Have I mentioned money, you stupid fucking mouth-drooler?"; earlier sent an e-begging tweet
- denied that he gaslit the person who reported him to StreamElements after calling him crazy
- assumed that the flagger legit sifted through 14 years of his videos to find reportable content
- states the reporting him for past racism is an indication that you need mental help
- thinks you need therapy if you hate him, yet has vices he needs therapy for (addictions, etc)_
- got banned from StreamElements after much boasting he wouldn't be banned
- believes that 'standing up for himself' gives him carte blanche to insult people
- sees nothing wrong with telling someone they are mentally ill and needs help
- stated that dark humour is "uncancellable"
- gave an example of dark humour: children being kidnapped by cops and sold into slavery
- said StreamElements is the 2nd company to betray him; Blip.tv, Machinima, sponsorships...
- declared StreamElements a bad business all along the moment they dispense of him
- told StreamElements they are “shooting themselves in the foot” by removing him
- his solution to being removed from StreamElements: e-beg for tips!
- pleaded he needs tips to do things daily, then corrected to weekly (Freudian slip)
- “Once again I did nothing wrong! This sucks!”
- thinks he was mass-reported in StreamElements, but they are Israeli and don't like Antisemitism
- links directly to his PayPal on his YouTube videos, which is against ToS
- says he won't wagequit MultiVersus but he'll stop playing unless he gets more tips
- blames his audience for lukewarm reception (read: tips) to MultiVersus
- “The day after Thanksgiving is typically known as a day when Americans go consumer.”
- basically instructed his audience to send him large tips as PayPal only has one transaction fee
- wants to walk into a store and have customer service guide him to everything he needs
- wants his tippers to have their name in their PayPal tip so he knows who to shout-out
- called Keem a bully who shit-talks others; Phil used to do the same in the fighting game scene
- said Keem calling others mental is a bad thing; recently told a 'stalker' they are mentally ill
- stated that Keem walks around his house when recording videos to "make himself seem important”
- “I didn’t do anything with this guy [Keem] because he didn’t call me!”; ignored Keem's calls
- took his wife's advice to turn down Keem's $50,000 sign-on offer to do a podcast together
- “I never found out what Keem wanted and he never told me.”, “It was a podcast of some kind.”
- thinks he cannot focus on content without focusing on money, feels the need to e-beg
- judged Keemstar by old video clips of him; won't allow himself to be judged by old video clips
- was shocked to hear Keemstar admit he only plays games for money; does the exact same thing
- pretended to be offended to hear Keemstar wish cancer on people when he's said similar things
- admitted he told a troll to die in a fire but thinks that since he's apologised he's guilt-free
- can't believe that Keemstar was trolling with his trash talking, thinks he "became a puss"
- spent most of his reaction to Keemstar projecting on Keem with the video paused
- admitted he is jealous of Keemstar's success
- believes that he would have been rich and successful had the trolls and detractors ignored him
- thinks more money will enable a more comfortable life (of gin, DoorDash, and WWE Champions)
- pointed out how smart Keem is for cashing in on trends, refuses to follow suit
- thinks chasing trends means dropping everything to do so
- lied again that he never doxed someone with their drivers license on his Discord
- stated that Keemstar's audience is mental ill "ignorant dunces" (pot kettle black)
- called out Keem on his past bad behaviour possibly causing negative things like death
- claims to love and respect Etika despite not knowing who he was until his passing
- pretended to cry when talking about Etika
- - blames Keemstar (or at least people like him) for pushing Etika over the edge
- refuses to believe that Keemstar had no part in Etika's death, even from Etika's own mother
- thinks he has the authority to tell Etika's mother how she should feel about her own son's death
- ranted about Keem's beard when his own is grey and has bald patches
- banned a fan who superchatted a message pointing out previous big tips make up for a poor stream
- said game devs are doing things gamers don't want, then says gamers keep buying their games
- decided he can't comment on how other men look after previously mocking Keemstar's beard
- counts literal children in his metrics despite them not legally allowed to make accounts
- assumes he'll hit the tips goal every stream so he ends up wasting time preparing the lures
- “If everyone who watched my content subscribed, I would have more subscribers.”
- “I never drink soda because it’s bad for you” yet admits he has Coke in his fridge
- claimed that hot air hurt his back despite previously saying sleeping wrong hurt his back
- blames Jasper for sleeping on the couch for having a 'schedule'
- got shivers from sleeping on the couch, held his breath until he fell asleep
- felt like shit after a bad night, doesn't go see a doctor, e-begs business as usual
- “I don’t care what anyone says I have! I’m not listening to you!”
- stated that if his office gets to 80ºF/26ºC he gets a "brain swelling" headache
- figured that allergy medication will help with the brain-swelling headaches
- “If you want to see me play a souls game I’ll just replay Elden Ring” (variety streamer btw)
- “I guess you can say the criticism about me this summer was true to an extent” (skipping games)
- stated the autumn games releases will save his channel... provided his audience buys the games
- did another reaction stream to Keemstar despite swearing off ever talking about him
- points out that Keemstar takes advantage of gullible people; does the exact same thing
- roasted Keemstar for playing 'viral' games like Fortnite and Among Us; played those too
- said he was upset about TLOU remake sales figures and then in the same sentence: "I didn't care"
- refuses to go bald or clean shaven due to having "bad disgusting skin” the webcam can't show
- “The retro stuff has done better for me this year than the new releases”; it was by a whale
- thinks he looks like Bill Murray
- bans people for jokingly saying they tipped when they haven't
- bans people for taking credit for anonymous tips
- said that if he was rich he'd design his own liquor
- was able to tell who tipped him when the anonymous tipper didn't name their tip... hmmm...
- exposed a fan who tipped and wished to remain anonymous just to get back at a troll
- blames his audience for why he always talking about trolls because they always bring up trolls
- banned a fan for pointing out what PayPal literally says on their website about billing info
- shit-talked about Keemstar a third day in a row
- outright called Keemstar a pedophile for taking advantage of children
- claims he does not follow detractor memes but seems to recognise each new one
- pondered why 'chill' (i.e. boring) streams garner little financial support
- "I thought with how slow it's been, WE'D help out and hit some goals", confirming Phil is 1MM
- hates grinding to unlock characters in Overwatch yet loves grinding in WWE Champions
- thinks a phone number required for 2 factor authentication means hackers can get your number
- said Blizzard hires inexperienced dunces due to him having to wait for their games to install
- was keen to buy the Dead Space Collection because it came with a helmet
- stated Orion means “giant cyborg penis” (probably a lame joke)
- lied that he voluntarily left Twitch after seeing how bad it was getting
- advised his audience to not use companies they take issue with; uses YouTube after trashing it
- declared Twitch a kids site now while also blasting the hot tub streams
- called the hot tub content “heinous and immoral”
- declared that doxing is only illegal if you have malicious intent
- wasted a stream waiting to play Overwatch 2, kept leaving the room to check on Kat
- blew bubbles despite no tips just to entertain his bored audience
- forgot to turn off his stream waiting for Overwatch 2 and played WWE Champions live on air
- does not know what UTC is or any other timezones
- was pleased to be selected to play the Street Fighter VI beta despite trashing the game
- asserted that Xbox Series X was the right console to back despite always shitting on the console
- says he'll be a shoulder to cry on; bans people in chat for talking about their personal lives
- “People are stuck in to this mentality that DSP is a gamer!”; channel is called DSPGaming
- does not discourage his paypigs from taking out payday loans to tip him
- said something that sounded a lot like the N-word while playing Overwatch 2
- played Overwatch 2 like a single player deathmatch rather than as a team
- “She was killing people with a shooting assault rifle!”
- claimed without evidence that mostly 40-60s y/o watch him, while teenagers watch the restreams
- called Tevin very talents but says that he wastes his talent restreaming, which takes no effort
- "I don't judge people by how much they contribute"; more likely to ban non-tippers
- celebrated hitting 200k YT subscribers despite it reading 199k subscribers at the time
- acknowledged he technically hit 200k YT subs a few weeks ago but only now is it official
- claimed that he and John Rambo made co-op playthroughs 'prominent' and others copied them
- blamed Twitch's "liberal mindset" for mistreating him, then said he's more liberal than most
- gave us his blessing to live your life however you want (unless you're a troll)
- "I'm not bigoted, I'm not biased!"
- threaten to ban a fan (The Cat) for calling out Derich harassing porn stars on Twitter
- says he didn't insult calling someone gullible, but he called them “incredibly gullible idiot”
- banned someone who asked him if he was banned from Streamlabs
- published an excerpt of him calling Keemstar a child predator as a YouTube short
- spent his day off bemoaning his crappy day on Twitter like a teenage girl
- refuses to accept that PayPal doxes tippers even when confronted with proof from PayPal
- became extremely toxic to his fans as they distracted him as he played Street Fighter VI
- “Don’t ask me questions when I am playing! This is a competitive game!”
- threatened to ban bubble blowing forever if his "five fucking years old" viewers bring it up
- blamed his fans for distracting him in chat while he intensely plays competitive SF6
- allows himself to be distracted by chat then yells at chat for distracting him
- later on retconned his complaints, instead blaming one guy in chat rather than many
- jokingly called his fanbase the "circle of friendship" (DSP cult leader)
- gave advice on Street Fighter VI: “This is a game you need to practice to learn.”
- pondered why a newly launched game still in beta has glitches and sloppy netcode
- uses his dishwasher to wash paper plates, leading to the dishwasher breaking
- refused to show a photo of his broken dishwasher despite showing off every food blunder
- hint hint'd he has a bigger plumbing bill to pay
- admitted he stopped bringing up his broken shower because it got worse and more unusable
- didn't notice his broken bathroom tiles until his shower broke
- was astounded that he has to wait for service somewhere other than the doctors
- commented about a Nintendo article despite admitting he only read the headline
- commented on ReviewtechUSA's YT channel suspended despite saying he'll never talk about him again
- portrays himself as the average everyman despite the average man having a job and not e-begging
- asked for 100 likes during the pre-stream to get the bubbles out of the way
- refuses to admit when gets outplayed in fighting games, it's always lag or mashing or cheating
- pondered why the SFVI beta, launched to test online play, didn't allow for offline play
- does the same old tired SF2 combos in SF6, refuses to learn the new mechanics
- declared the Street Fighter VI online beta a failure due to the absence of a training mode
- outright admitted that fans who don't tip him are beneath those who do tip
- purchased a new webcam and immediately pointed out the now-visible giant pimple on his face
- claims he never says racial slurs just after one of his videos got removed for hate speech
- stated that the region of the United States he's in isn't supposed to get heat
- blamed the bad weather on 'they' and told them to cut it out
- acknowledged that he isn't in the target demographic for Street Fighter VI, kept playing
- called the Sons of Kojima "non-existent detractors" as if they never existed
- “I never said I would never blow bubbles ever again! Stop that!”
- said you must be an absolute idiot to troll him in Street Fighter VI chat
- was bamboozled by SVI's mechanics due to barely playing SFV, blamed the devs
- got so annoyed at SFVI he threatened to break the joystick he got donated
- claimed he had fun with Street Fighter VI even though he spent the last stream sadly pouting
- thinks that if you wanted a gaming room 'back in the day' you were weird; had a condo of gaming
- revealed he and his mother used to go out together to eat Burger King regularly
- “The key to a balanced diet is balance.”
- stated that the reason for fatness in America is the exposure to 'cheap stuff': oil and cheese
- thinks Americans are stupid that only eat processed food; eats frozen pre-made pasta
- “Please don’t ask for a magic 8-ball reading! Readings are $8!”
- banned a superchatter correcting him on Overwatch 2 due to the offensive name, ignored message
- yelled at a troll in chat for "killing the vibe", swore up a storm and killed more vibe
- “Disney Dreamlight Valley is better than Animal Crossing.”
- believes that unless he knows you, you are not permitted to put DSP on blast on social media
- boasted about having a 'podcast' as if it were a flex
- spent an entire stream seething and coping due to someone on Twitter calling out his lies
- admitted he had his day ruined by someone on Twitter despite claiming he overcomes his haters
- explained he could not "take a run" due to it being a "shower day" and it end his free time
- tried to gaslight his paypigs that they are misremembering what needs repairs in his house
- said he has no money for what he needs but then said he can afford his bills and groceries
- “I can’t even buy the Halloween costume right now! I have no money!”, wasted membership money
- said Christmas is the one day he can be romantic with his wife due to it being a day off
- “My wife and I don’t have a song because we didn’t date.”
- “We got to know one another by talking on the phone.”
- sent six e-begging tweets within eight hours (a new record)
- “I’m streaming literally for tips!” (mask off)
- explained he can't have fish because it would upset his cat due to him wanting to hunt it
- believes if you travel out of state you won't get ticketed or charged from red light cameras
- knows of an argument between FGC members despite admitting to not knowing what the complaint was
- "I guess you guys must want me to have a bad day off or something" (btw he doesn't guilt trip)
- admits he is jealous that 'regular gamers' can afford arcade cabinets but he cannot
- lied that he has no desire to own an arcade cabinet yet his voice was strained with envy
- lied that he didn't play a PS1 port of Super Street Fighter II Turbo at EVO 2005
- advised a troll that people might like them if he stopped acting like an dick
- explained that allowed mild trolling if it isn't offensive, whose definition changes on a whim
- lied that a YT member in chat asked Phil to ban him, said the fan "pussed out"
- called Guille, a blonde hair blue-eyed SF character, a "real American from back in the day"
- thinks the term "OG" means 'original gamer'
- banned a fan who innocently asked what bills are due
- reiterated that he has a family: he and Kat (who sleep separately) and Jasper (cat, no children)
- pondered why a Gamestop movie is getting made; dedicated several podcast segments to Gamestop
- mocked inflation affecting people like it's no big deal, won't accept it for a lack of tips
- believes he hasn't made over a million dollars total over his streaming 'career'
- debunked the myth that he's made over $1M over his career by simply saying it's not true
- does not know about to feel about games/movies until Twitter and journalists speak their opinions
- couldn't find thin-sliced beef for his Japanese beef bowls and can't cut regular beef
- admitted he had some money leftover after a day of begging, spends it on a costume
- “Catnip is a special plant or herb that is either live or dry”
- declared if he had credit he would spend it everything he can't afford
- acknowledges he lives paycheck to paycheck, still buys costumes and DoorDash and more
- said that people who order from fast food places are ignorant
- reckons the fighting game community is toxic because they roast him, an 'OG' of the community
- gave a quick memorial to Robbie Coltrane but never said his name, only calling him Hagrid
- can't figure out why his Xbox Series X, which he barely turns on, is not updated
- “Everyone who thinks rollback netcode is good are all brainwashed.”
- hates modern fighting games because he thinks “you’re required to play them a single way”
- “This guy must be using macros to beat me.”
- asked how he was doing, went into a long diatribe about his channel and not himself
- runs away from certain online players who can kick his ass, mocks others for doing the same thing
- sees no problem with women who weigh more than their husbands... hmmm...
- “My best dish is probably when I cook something Italian like pasta” (pre-made, tons of sugar)
- was puzzled how he could fight a Japanese player on the American version of FGC
- thinks crossplay means cross-country i.e. region locked
- exclaimed the only good part of being single was having lots of money... hmmm...
- publicly shared that his mother gets worse diarrhoea than him after consuming dairy
- worried he is risking his life working in 82ºF heat, took the AC out of his window
- self-diagnosed himself with Swollen Head Syndrome
- stated that headaches are caused by brain swelling and are of no medical concern
- felt disgusted by the Bayonetta voice actress debacle despite always shitting on voice acting
- compared a holocaust denier grandson of a holocaust survivor to him denying his Italian heritage
- described a 911 emergency call from a four year old reporting domestic abuse as "kinda lame"
- kept pausing the true crime react stream to dumb reactions that ruined the flow
- accidentally revealed his YT search history, such as Wings, Rich, Keemstar, SunnyV2, and himself
- went to the bathroom and returned with visible red marks all over his hand
- complained of having 'tingles' under his right eye
- rewards his fans for funding his react stream by begging for more support
- refused to fix the screen door, leading to stink bugs getting in
- didn't pick Cammy in SFVI due to her being low tier, rage-chose her, still got annihilated
- lost 13-0 to Chris G in SFVI, praised him after the crushing but bitched and moaned during it
- admitted that him being stomped in fighting games is "nothing special"
- blamed Amouranth for not immediately leaving her toxic relationship
- blamed Twitch for enabling titty streamers get abused in their relatonships
- assumed Twitch can somehow telepathically tell that Amouranth was forced to do titty streaming
- thinks is only for video games and titty streamers, nothing more
- offers no sympathy for people in problematic situations yet wants sympathy for his
- suggested that there is a conspiracy of people in cahoots managing sex rings on Twitch, no proof
- “Twitch is allowing people to be pimped!”
- got paid by YT the day before his day off, begged for support as soon as he returns
- said that Hellena Taylor, Bayonetta's voice actress, being $4k for her role was the standard rate
- thinks he is 'moral' becasue his bills are real and he isn't trying to sell us false hope
- says nude streaming is "trying to sell you something they never had any intention of giving you”
- whinged that chargebacks negated ALL his tips despite boasting it was a successful marathon
- acknowledges that he constantly talks about funds yet inists he has to do it
- bans trolls who talk about him constantly talking about money, yet he himself gets a free pass
- bizarrely said that him talking about money problems is a troll narrative but does it himself
- hoped that the late-year hot new game releases will get him money; squanders it all as usual
- misuses the word arbitrary to mean an accurate amount when the word means the opposite
- went all cancel-culture on Keemstar, describing Keem with terms that also apply to him
- told his viewers to stop watching Keemstar despite not supporting cancel culture or drama
- gaslit the Amouranth situation to explain he always supported her despite shaming her
- assumes that most of the internet despises Keemstar and his opinions
- determined that the G4 revival failed had not much to do with woke culture
- announced that he could sell out and make “a buttload of money" due to supposed sponsorships
- admitted that his 'chill streams' are just filler because he has nothing better to play
- “Gremlins is not a gory movie.”
- said Jim Carey was a “indie style comedian”
- refuses to believe his laugh sounds like ackackackackack, and doesn't need to prove it
- “I don’t watch detractor clips! At all! Why would I?”; his YT search history says otherwise
- implied that his viewers now have to tell him when he hits 100 likes
- ragequit a stream because he went overtime for extra tips and got none
- hates his detractors and detractor culture yet is literally a detractor of Keemstar
- states that saying the same thing over and over does not make it true; does the same for 'truth'
- could not understand why people can't afford the luxury items during inflation and pandemic
- pronounced masochistic "masogistic"
- assumes that kids are not allowed to trick or treat in his gated community
- played Scorn like Doom, spamming attacks instead of using the focus mechanics
- got offended that Scorn, a puzzle game, does not having glowing points telling him what to do
- guilt trips and abuses his fans for low support as soon as he stops recording for YouTube
- got botted and went from 300 to 3k viewers and back to 300 and thought they were legit viwers
- the aforementioned bots sent gifted memberships yet he saw nothing wrong with this
- ponders why millionaires, who earned their income with effort, get free promotional things
- assumes that all 'millionaire' content creators are shills
- looks down on five minute product placement plugs; e-begs for entire pre-streams
- doesn't like content creators that shill to their audiences, then shills for tips
- banned a whale who accidentally requested a chargeback and before he could explain himself
- saw nothing wrong when the whale Snorlax admitted that he tipped using the familly credit card
- sent Snorlax a threatening email calling him a criminal for requesting a chargeback
- declared Snorlax a troll despite evidence showing outside circumstances which Phil suspects
- got into drama with Snortlax over $23 in chargebacks
- saw his viewership double during a late stream but no one contributed, leading to ungrateful rage
- denied he was ungrateful to his fans despite his toxicity and blaming them for no support
- doesn't understand that you can be both honest and ungrateful at the same time
- gets upset when his public e-begging YouTube shorts vids get shared by the detractors
- acknowledged he got botted but did not lower his new YT members goal
- acknowledged he got botted but did not acknowledge the hundreds of fake accounts get membership
- called the botted views "a waste of time" despite loving the supposed attention
- didn't kiss ass in college to get a cushy job after graduating; worked in his dad's company
- “Japan doesn’t understand gaming culture!”
- thinks people pronounce the character Kratos "Krahtos"
- cannot answer which fictional character he'd like for a sidekick as he is a real adult
- immediately transferred his income to pay for bills, meaning he started the new stream -$390
- made a YouTube short of him ragequitting Scorn and didn't edit it at all to fit the format
- pointed out that because he was wearing a shirt he never wears on streams it means he's serious
- implied that he wears secret clothes on his days off
- called his detractors a joke because they expose his lies, hypocrisy, and gaslighting
- sent 3am gin tweets trying to win an influencer's old gaming PC
- placed the burden on his fans to keep up the momentum the bots started
- “You guys are not you’re friends!”, “I consider some of you my friends"
- condemns his elderly parents for being too old and infirm to move with him to Washington
- stated that he knows better than his parents and that they should have listened to him
- believes he in entitled to all money donated to him and if you chargeback you're a moron
- pretended to act psychic to mock how he guilt-trips his dents into donating
- pretended to act transparent yet refuses to address his bills and broken appliances
- pretends not to use pignosis but actively says that donations create happiness
- took being called manipulative into him literally being a mutant with psychic powers…
- told his viewers that if his emails to Snorlax seem negative to never come back
- said he never did any wrongdoing to Snorlax; literally accused him of committing fraud
- pretended that the 1k YT members was due to his hard work (500 of them are from bots)
- pretended that his milestone was organic growth; begs for gifted memberships
- wants YouTube to give him special treatment in the algorithm so he can reach 1m subscribers
- lied that getting view botted doesn't help when he knows that it makes him top of Gaming section
- assumes he knows roughly the developers of games do to ensure they work and don't crash
- purchased more fishing lures despite the game being delisted from Gamepass
- kicked Snowkarl out due to him asking difficult questions
- equates e-begging to honesty and tips + donations are positivity
- reiterated that he does not address drama; addresses drama every pre-stream
- wanted to do an interview to set the record straight but refuses to bring up legal woes or memes
- wants to tell his side of the story but refuses to go into details
- refused to do interviews with 'fair' people because their channels are too small
- wanted an interview with softball questions, no chat, from someone bigger than him, no memes
- realised he fucked up when Keem offers him just $100 for an interview after turning down $50k
- claims there is no evidence of him feigning distress
- referenced a countdown video with him as any entry, proving he watches detractor content
- thinks he'll win a defamation lawsuit against his detractors
- says that his trolls are ineffective but also wants to sue them or shut down their content
- got derailed a troll superchatting $1 every stream; ignores bigger superchats from fans
- admits he ignores all YT memberships he gains because they take effect the next month
- retconned his stance on the bots: he liked them until he learned they were mass-reporting him
- brought up emergency car repairs on the same day as a WWE Champions event... hmmm...
- hint hinted that it cost $200 to tow his car and $1150 to repair his car
- also brought up his dish washer broke and repairs/replacment would cost like $450
- shortened Nick Reiketa's name as "Nick R" and said it with a hard-r
- doesn't want teenagers to watch his content but they are his biggest demographic
- “My mo - my wife can’t work today.”
- talked about Kat losing shifts at her job and this would affect "her money, uhh, our money"
- “How can my car be broken when all we do with it is drive it back and forth!”
- “I don’t fucking know ships! What the fuck is a starboard?! What’s a pontoon?!"
- pretended not to get a 'down from the rafters' tip reference (it's his WWE Champions username)
- pretended not to get a WWE Champions event name tip reference
- showed a close-up of his supposedly confused face but it only exposed his lying face
- stated he can't afford new games but dropped $1000+ on towing his car + car repairs
- implied that his 2017 Toyota Corolla with 10k miles on it has never had an oil change
- rushes through stealth games and whines when there aren't checkpoints every two minutes
- complained that his mechanic is trying to rip him off but they are suggestions for more fixes
- dedicated a pre-stream to showing and explaining his alleged car repair bill
- his car repair bill looked suspiciously like it was made in MS Word
- informed his chat they can discuss any topic; previously ripped into them for going off-topic
- jokingly (then again probably not) wanted someone to tip big so he can see the tip animation
- wanted to react to conspiracy videos after years of not liking conspiracy theories
- broke his TV around the same time as his broken car and yet has the money to pay for them
- blamed the devs for a patch breaking the game but it's his Xbox Series X dying
- admitted he gets very grumpy when the stream does not reach 100+ likes
- pretended to trick the trolls with the car repair bill, but the real recipt got leaked online
- revealed that his 'trap' was to prove that his detractors expect proof for his claims
- pointed out that the car repair "meant nothing" after previously whining he and Kat were upset
- stated that all evidence of his misdoings not directly given by him is automatically false
- complained that trolls want him to show personal information after he showed his car bull receipt
- insinuated trolls on Kiwifarms organised to find his receipt but Kiwifarms was down at the time
- refused to do a tell-all interview that would prove his innocence just to spite his trolls
- admitted he purchased his (now broken) TV after ages of saying it was donated
- admitted he is a begger and if people stop calling him that he can fix his life
- refused to use a PC monitor as a backup TV
- “Bravia technology that has the insane black and white values.”
- bragged about the specs of his new TV but it has quite bad input lag
- dedicated an entire pre-stream to buying a new TV like a manchild
- dedicated an entire pre-stream to setting up his new TV like a manchild
- got upset that his new TV has TV features like streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc)
- was puzzled that a Sony TV would have a port for a PlayStation console
- got excited to finance his new TV as his whales would foot the bill for him
- got a $400 tip, thanked the tipper profusely and then encouraged more big tips
- said in passing he wasn't going to lie about losing chargebacks, implying he does lie
- defamed the people doing chargebacks by claiming they had explicitly admitted to doing fraud
- insulted PayPal for allowing people to win chargebacks against him
- whined about losing $300 in chargebacks after he already made up for them in tips
- admitted he is so weak he won't be able to carry his new TV up a flight of stairs
- planned to pay the delivery guy $20 to carry his new TV up the stairs for him
- “Back in the 90’s we didn’t know what a scumbag the lead singer of Creed was!”
- complains of lack of ammo to kill things in survival horror games
- wastes heavy ammo on weak enemies, whines when he can't kill the tougher enemies
- “It’s never said if Ethan is a mold person in [RE8]!”
- blames Japanese devs' lack of English comprehension when confronted by their puzzles
- explained he suffered a stroke of sorts back he was lifting a barbell
- used giving trolls the 'clip of the day' as an excuse to ask for tips and contributions
- paid for his groceries, bills, new TV, and DoorDash. but still wants more money
- accuses players in multiplayer games to be aiming only at him but he's an easy target
- got out of breath from shaking his magic 8ball for twenty seconds
- refuses to do the One Chip Challenge as might get "mud butt" and blames his lactose intolerance
- says he's half-lactose intolerant but there is no such thing, you're either intolerant or not
- refuses to bring back Kat even to a respectful audience as she still remembers the first stream
- insinuated that his wife is a fragile person that cries a lot and needs constant comfort
- made a racist joke that products made in Mexico are made of cardboard
- pronounces Metokur as "mah toker"
- refused to do an interview with Metokur because he read detractor lies that make Metokur a bully
- refused to believe that Metokur exonerated Phil during the catfish saga
- won't do an interview with Metokur over an old video; wants to stop being juidged over old videos
- interpreted 'doing' Joe Rogan as having sex with him as opposed to being on his podcast
- declared Hulk Hogan to be "an inside meme"
- declared that calling out Derich's spam in chat is "a detractor meme"
- “They don’t sell candy cigarettes anymore because they can’t." (they can and do)
- declared that Mr. Beast makes money by giving away money and it's sick and wrong
- condemned Mr. Beast from a Catholic perspective, meanwhile sins constantly and never confesses
- announced he had donated to a sick content creator years ago but never told anyone
- refused to talk about religion despite spending 5-10 minutes talking about his Catholicism
- declared that Mr. Beast is unqualified to do charity work
- compared his (rare) 'acts' of charity to those of Jesus Christ
- stated that Jesus Christ was never violent (he whipped the jews in temples in John 2:13-25)
- refused to go to church because he was open to other religions
- “If you study all other regions they all basically follow the same core rules.”
- “Who are you to tell someone something isn’t what it is!”
- said he volunteered to work at a care home but mentioned he was forced to do it
- concluded that because he suffered during his care home volunteer service, that is true chartiy
- revealed that he did the charity work for graduating instead out of the goodness of his heart
- considered buying a mannequin to put his hats and vests on
- bans people for watching detractor content even if they don't believe it or refute it
- will not allow people to believe what they want about him because that's 'toxic'
- wore a Ken Masters cosplay that disturbingly made him look like he was a crossdresser
- his Ken Masters wig was long and feminine, making him less Ken and more Karen
- spent $60-70 on his Ken costume but somehow made it look cheap as hell
- declared the Ken costume his fave costume as he likes how it looks on him
- thinks it is hate speech to call him a crossdresser when he wears a wig made from women's hair
- says it is messed up to poke fun how he looks; pokes fun at everyone's appearance all the time
- called a superchatter an idiot for showing up late and not knowing Phil was Kent and not Karen
- find the detractor name Ackdolf Pigler amusing
- said that what MoistCr1TiKaL said about him isn't wrong but all he watches is detractor content
- assumed that people don't like honesty on the internet, projecting his own toxicity
- blamed his lack of funds for his erratic behaviour, negativity and toxicitiy
- admitted that not getting tips is his weakness and acknowledges he takes it out on his fans
- says he doesn't want to seem like he's wearing a mask that hides his greed
- got offended when MoistCr1TiKaL spoke positively of Phil kept streaming after the fapcident
- admitted that he's not poor and is actually in a good financial position
- jokingly correlated e-begging to being a streamer
- blames trolls for getting kicked out of Blip.tv, Teespring, and Twitch, but it's all his fault
- asked for advice on how to improve his streams but refused to stop e-begging
- acknowledges what he does is begging but blames trolls and stingey fans for making him do it
- got Kat upset for spending so much time 'working' despite saying he's putting family first
- “I worked 24 hours yesterday on the channel” yet was too lazy to set things up art and polls
- said that by calling him Phil and not DSPGaming you are controlling a narrative against him
- thinks that 'being honest' means he is in the right
- complained that he doesn't have a channel named Darksydephil; he literally does
- admitted he will take advantage of his audience to pay his bills
- was late for his prestream due to spending ages cleaning up his cat's hairballs
- admitted that his 'podcast' stream on MoistCr1TiKaL was a publicity stunt for views + tips
- hoped that his MoistCr1TiKaL rant would be clipped and sent to Moist
- unveiled a new tipping incentive: a new pair of glasses
- "Phil has the pignosis, he brainwashes his viewers into contributing."
- whined that Twitter may start charging him $8 per month for his blue verification checkmark
- said that Elon Musk, a self-made billionaire, has no business sense
- gave Elon Musk financial advice then admitted he is not qualified to give such advice
- wants to be interviewed a big YouTuber who doesn't know him (so he can twist the answers)
- exclaimed that ReviewTechUSA only ever does things for personal gain
- assumed that nobody plays Call of Duty with stealth
- changed his Twitter display name to UnRagnorakable
- reacted to a Kotaku tweet as if their article headline is the full story
- said he didn't crossdress on Halloween and then defended crossdressing... hmmm...
- insinuated that if he had crossdressed there would be nothing wrong with it
- believes there is no such thing as a 'gendered wig' as in wigs for women and wigs for men
- showed the packaging for the wig, revealing he got scammed (wanted Kurt Cobain, got a Karen)
- called his fans "bigoted with a conservative mindset" for thinking he doesn't like being drag
- scolded his fans who plan to send him gifts to unbox as he has no time to unbox them
- realised he wasn't impressed by his new $900 TV so he wants a new PC to take advantage of it
- made a hollow promise to cut back on his e-begging
- "If you see me falling back into those bad practices, call me out."
- assured his audience that calling out his bad behaviour will make him calm down and relax
- announced he will no longer react to detractor memes, failed that same stream
- turned the revelation of being 'fired' from Twitter into a big deal rather than laughing it off
- roasted Inside Edition for not fact-checking every alleged fired Twitter employee
- dismissed the entire fired-Twitter-employees story because they mistakenly included him
- acknowledged he has a resting bitch face that always looks like he just got fired
- stated that the government should outlaw daylight saving since he hates shifting times
- calls reviewers idiots for negatively scoring a game he happens to find decent
- shits on game reviewers and then boasted that God of War Ragnorak got good review scores
- said he's not complaining about reviewers getting early copies and then complained
- exclaimed that he you can't call him boring because he says you're not being bored
- put a bowl of peanuts outside and thus encouraged neighbourhood pests to flock to his dwelling
- assumed that people are intentionally getting suspended from Twitter to bitch about Elon Musk
- hint hinted that his $3k lemon of a PC is dying and would like a new one
- projected hard that ReviewTechUSA does the same shady things he accuses Phil of
- denounced RTU because Rich does not include every little defense of DSP
- assumed that a gaming journalist was an impersonator after they stopped replying to Phil
- "We're are all kind of busy right now, including me."
- wants to talk about the history of Kiwifarms in the interview as if he knows any history of it
- explained that the interview isn't for people who disbelieve him but wants to convince them
- believed that his detractors were planning a 'big reveal' that would 'expose' him
- 'revealed' that he's always had a Discord, disproving his previous claim of not owning one
- lied that he only ever used Discord to talk to his Twitch manager but he has his own server
- told his Twitch partner manager to leave him alone and then got puzzled why he did
- laughed that his Twitch partner manager got fired
- pondered why he gets punished for having trolls, never questions what he does to get trolls
- engages in cancel culture yet is shocked when it happens to him
- pretended to like Sonic Frontiers so he wouldn't agree with the poor review scores
- used reverse psychology to break his self-imposed 'no e-begging' rule
- ripped into his whale Snowkarl for teasing that playing on Easy difficulty makes you a child
- thought that since his fans weren't commenting on his e-begging that he can resume doing it
- says he's a gamer first but then adds he needs your tips or he can't be a gamer
- announced he will no longer fall for troll bait in tips messages, soon fails
- blamed the 'negative element' on him not getting sponsorships even though he turns them down
- instructed his detractors to not troll him, re-stream him, or talk about him for a year
- seriously thinks that a whole year without his detractors will see him surge into success
- believes that without drama he will thrive but doesn't realise without it his channel dies
- “My streams have to have an echo or else I’ll get ear infections.”
- didn't react to a tip message from Joe Biden who bragged about banging Phil's mother
- wanted his fans to find and get him 15 second clips of his videos to use as YouTube Shorts
- “It might be hard to find a 15 second clip every week”, admitting his own content is boring
- seriously believed that Twitter would cease to exist shortly after Elon Musk purchased it
- asked for alternatives to Twitter despite once proclaiming there were no alternatives
- used the term 'gamer weather' to describe decent weather
- tried to excuse his shit gameplay by stating he watches bigger YouTubers do bad as well
- thinks he watched an 'average gamer' die to the tutorial boss in God of War: Ragnorak
- assumed the aforementioned 'average gamer' made $5k by playing God of War: Ragnorak early
- believes that you must be a skilled gamer to receive free copies of games
- “Everyone is playing God of War right now except me! God of War is my business!”
- refuses to believe he is bad at games just because other gamers are as bad as him
- thinks he only gets mocked for his bad gameplay, but it's also his ego and e-begging
- ranted about trolls mocking his bad gameplay despite previously claiming not to care about trolls
- based his entire rant on watching one video from one content creator
- believes TIHYDPs are only made of his content but there's a few for other creators too
- admits TIHYDPs made sense a decade ago when he didn't care but he ragequits games more than ever
- permits Kat (and previously Leanna) to watch other YouTubers play the same games he plays
- had his parents send him a pre-cooked Thanksgiving dinner due to Kat being busy
- complained that they got a smoked turkey, which he doesn't like, rather than be thankful
- called up his parents to get his Thanksgiving dinner fixed as it got damaged in the mail
- admits he gets no growth when playing new-release games
- states he doesn't really care channel growth after having boasted of sudden channel growth
- e-begged to have his fans send him emails of codes to redeem newly-released games
- e-begged wanting his fans to buy memberships for others as an early Xmas present
- won't accept generous e-checks via Paypal as he wants your money immediately ASAP
- does not believe that being homosexual is evident in voice and gestures
- denies visual and verbal evidence of homosexuality despite mocking 'gay voices' and limp wrists
- only realised his e-begging was rampant after hearing it from “other creators”, not his fans
- thinks the US military deserves more respect yet has failed to demonstrate such respect
- blames Elon Musk taking over Twitter making it harder to e-beg on Twitter
- spent $90 on just sides for his Thanksgiving dinner for two
- refused to wear the infamous Sonic hat for Sonic Frontiers unless the $100 tips goal is hit
- put the Sonic hat on for no apparent reason despite the tips goal not being hit
- discovered he can use the community page on his YouTube account but he's used it since 2021
- assumed the detractor Doody's name is a reference to excrement and not Call of Duty
- bitches about not getting enough support after he stops recording for YouTube
- wanted to use Twitter less due to more engagement on YT, doesn't care about potential growth
- thinks his channel is dying but hasn't yet realised it's been dying for years
- thinks hot new game releases alone can save his channel, not changing himself
- thinks when people compare him to Angry Joe they mean by viewcount and not toxic attitude
- “We need to figure out what to do with this channel!”
- realises his long-form video making is not viable, continues to do so
- realises he could be successful making edited content on subjects he likes, won't do so
- refuses to shorten the podcast by 30 minutes because allegedly his fans told him to d o it
- called Snowkarl an idiot for making him think about his replies to his $2 superchats
- 'knows' Snowkarl watches detractor streams, plying he watches detractor streams as well
- refused to put a hat on in the last 60 seconds of a stream just to thank the tipper
- can't find chicken thighs because “grocery stores only stock what’s popular this time of year!”
- “Before I go to bed at night I sit up looking at other YouTube channels.”
- “Lincoln logs are a toy, not a food!” (they are both)
- thinks Rich should get all the criticism for his habit of sucking cucumbers and kissing chickens
- has no plans for his future other than being debt-free, will stream until he dies
- thinks he made strides with toning down his e-begging but he barely did
- "I will not be able to keep playing games in the future"; can barely play them now
- "I don't really do much work at all, I just sit on my fat ass complaining all day."
- says he may be lazy but his fans and detractors are lazier for watching him all day
- thanked MoistCr1TiKaL for calling him out, condemned Rich even though he said the same things
- e-begged the very same stream he thanked MoistCr1TiKaL for calling him out for e-begging
- takes breaks to play other games, killing all momentum, then declared the game unpopular and bad
- "Horizon Forbidden west didn’t have a creative director”; it does, it's Mathijs de Jonge
- split his debt into “back debt” and “current debt” but it's all debt
- threatened Team Sonic for their bad controls in Sonic Frontiers (more like Phil not boosting)
- called his reaction to John Rambo and Howard's exposé of him "groundbreaking"
- refuses to show the emails that he goes off camera to read and reply to
- believes that an email that says he doesn't get emails automatically invalidates its contents
- spent 10 minutes ripping into a shitpost troll email despite declaring he'd stop taking the bait
- thinks mocking him for e-begging is a 'new' meme but it's been a meme for many years
- assumed that for every 1 person who disagrees with him, 5000 people agree with him
- assumed that everyone goes through the holidays in a haze like he does and doesn't enjoy them
- doesn't deny not playing WWE Champions, only disproves he's playing it at that very moment
- declared that his 10 year old TV 'adds frames' to his wife's PS4
- rattled off local Thanksgiving attractions despite allegedly being poor from big bills
- tried to blame his wife Kat for his internet blipping out for a second
- thinks all enemies in GoW:Ragnorak have 'super armour, thinks his heavy attacks should stutter
- “The entire chat is completely dead silent! I don’t understand it, I really don’t!”
- says it is impossible to track e-checks from PayPal (literally false)
- ponders why enemies with a higher level than him kick his ass
- hates games that scale the enemies' levels to yours as it means he cannot grind and cheese it
- felt proud he went a night-stream without e-begging yet he e-begged 5+ times in the day-stream
- “Guys I hope you noticed that I don’t beg anymore, so you should reward me for that.”
- thinks regular people are like him and have all day to play games
- is astounded when people with jobs, who don't have all day to play games, outpace him
- wanted his whales to give an early Xmas present of mass YouTube membership giving
- believes MoistCr1TiKaL won't do the interview because of lies but Moist said he's not interested
- believes MoistCr1TiKaL learnt of DSP's e-begging through detractor content but he admits to it
- “MoistCr1TiKaL has seen and believed mass misinformation campaigns about me!"
- "Nobody is asking me for my side!” yet denies all interviewers asking for his side
- assumes that no one wants to interview him because he's a dull person
- assumes that him e-begging is a meme and thus can be written off as a mean-spirited joke
- admits he will e-beg if he's close to hitting the tips goal
- believes that doing 'hypothetical examples of e-begging' is not subtle attempts at e-begging
- says facts can't be offensive, toxic, or insulting, yet sees some facts of him to be these
- thinks that subtle e-begging is not e-begging as he is not directly asking for support
- thinks being compared to fat e-begging lolcows like Boogie and Wings is stupid & nothing alike
- exclaimed he is not that fat and those who draw artwork of fat DSP is an idiot
- believes that watching his content will disprove all detractors 'lies' but it only affirms them
- doesn't consider his 'podcast' to be suitable for audio format despite there being no editing
- claimed he had three different people wanting to interview him but he turned them all down
- assumed that a 'porn should be made illegal' superchat message was directly at him
- “I will always be just a person to laugh at for most people.”
- “If I can’t afford a game coming up I’ll still make a mention of it” (not e-begging btw)
- "That’s an outdated gesture! You can’t give girls flowers now in the modern day!”
- said flower-giving is outdated... in a scene in God of war: Ragnorak, set in the ancient past
- believes that the number 666 has nothing Biblical to it
- believes that 666 refers to the birthday of Caesar Augustus, but it was Hebrew for Nero
- implied that the Bible is full of fairy tales despite his Roman Catholic faith
- got offended when fake lesbians kissed, was more delighted by getting an achievement for it
- e-begged for tips early in the stream, not near the end where he might not count it to the total
- wants a repeat of the 500 YT membership gift bomb
- refused to lower the members goal, hint hints you should become a YT member of his
- plans to do more talking-style content like Rich, whose style he dislikes yet wants to copy
- vows to jump on the bandwagon of reaction-style content, the laziest type according to him
- “Twitter is important for humanity.”
- admits he gets baited by trolls constantly, especially by Snowkarl
- assumes that his chat finds troll interactions to be boring (deciding how they feel for them)
- told his trolls to save their "nonsense" for the interview (which he won't do)
- tends to say the Yen currency as a plural (“2.8 million yens”)
- joked that adding a muzzle to a rifle makes it resemble a dick (not a children's entertainer btw)
- said ground turkey and “Mexican spice” are “good Mexican ingredients”
- thinks using an inhaler will help you survive inside a pressure chamber
- thinks air is "pure oxygen"
- stated that if you make fun of him you “deserve to be publicly ridiculed” for belittling him
- ragequit a CoD match because he spawned just as another player came around a corner
- cheats on his 'no e-begging' pledge in YouTube shorts
- threatened to cancel the annual Xmas event because he wasn't getting enough tips
- states that since he didn't originate locking events behind paywalls it isn't e-begging
- his idea of a "chill, fun, relaxing" stream is calling people dumb and make everyone bored
- vowed to lower the YT membership goal by the amount he dips, proving the goal means nothing
- lowered the YT membership goal to 400 members after calling his fans idiots for wanted it lowered
- acted immature and proud of himself for lowering the YT membership goal to 400 members
- tells a lame joke everytime a superchat or message almost makes him respond with the full truth
- made a disgusting scat joke of being shat on the face
- welcomed a disgruntled fan to do chargebacks even though he doesn't always win them
- began learning at age 40 that "people get older and pass”
- lies about no showing up in the YT algorithm but it still does
- assumes that despite how skilled and desired you are at a company, you can be fired at any time
- “I’ve been my own boss for over 10 years! Why would I go back now!” (e-begging, addiction, etc)
- believes it is illegal to film yourself in a restaurant without the owner's permission
- calls anyone who contradicts him an idiot even if they have facts and evidence
- his idea of "the season of giving" is YOU giving HIM money
- says he won't talk much due to a sore throat, then makes playful weird guttural noises
- got a $100 tip and took the hat off because it was bothering him
- assumed that "modern gamers" would not know half the characters in PlayStation All Stars
- said that Sony let their PlayStation All Stars IPs die but lots have got reboots/remakes/sequels
- says he loves nature yet never goes out into nature
- charged fans $25 to name a Pokemon and stated he was not obligated to use the chosen name
- charged fans $25 to name a Pokemon and stated he was not obligated to use the pokemon at all
- doesn't want to offend anyone by allowing a voted pokemon name that makes fun of someone
- thinks the name Philip means 'lover of animals but it means 'lover of horses' (like Kat)
- believes there is nothing that went wrong in his life hence he doesn't fantasize of fixing it
- says he's always looking forward but he always bring up his past, especially when he successful
- believes that focusing on pumping out content ruined his relationships, still does it
- feels ashamed that he had Tiger Electronics handheld games, but every kid had those
- excuses lying about his childhood as 'misremembering'
- somehow got memories of him as an 8 year old and a 16 year old confused
- “The sun will finally go away this week so it will allow us to have clouds and rain.”
- saw the Pokemon movie in the theater with his father; was 17 at the time
- speaks "half-intelligently” while streaming so long as he isn't too distracted by chat or gaming
- has no idea why Jasper kitty wasn't adopted, assumed it's because they had no records of him
- did an insensitive 'Spanish' accent for the tanned-skinned girl in Pokemon
- seethed and coped so hard in CoD games, iying like invisible players that are perfectly visible
- said he doesn't laugh like 'ackackacack', then gave fake laughs that sound nothing like his
- purchased a new Xbox controller thinking it'll help him with CoD
- blames his fans for making him go outside his comfort zone playing CoD multiplayer online
- thinks jumping around in CoD games is not how the developers intended it to be played
- defended Xbox for being available to buy yet Microsoft is under fire for mismanaging games
- said businesses don't understand monopolies because they don't understand gaming
- “I’m grateful for my pet Jasper, who is an amazing pet and a fun lifetime companion here.”
- “I couldn’t do anything I do without my loving wife.”
- whined like a karen that his DoorDash guy packaged his dinner with a cardboard lid
- "And then COVID happened" but he barely left the house to begin with
- gave a hypothetical in which he assumed he owns the house and car, implying he doesn't own them
- denied he is worth $1.5M and estimates the total value of the house + car is like $500k
- admitted he failed his 10 year plan to phase out of being a YouTuber and getting a real job
- thinks shifting to a podcast format counts as a separate job and thus fulfills the 10 year plan
- hates doing multiplayer with fans not because of fan interaction but because views decline
- “Everyone goes out to eat the day before Thanksgiving in America.”
- "Nobody eats ham on Thanksgiving, idiot."
- “You can’t read chat in a VR headset!” (you literally can)
- claimed to be "a prominent figure in gaming” back in 2015"
- “My true fans will always support me”, but they are whales who leave him after a while
- blamed COVID for being unable to transition to a real job but he wasn't working on it regardless
- said Black Friday is “a day everyone worldwide goes fully commercial and sells out”
- talked about McDonald's yet yelled at his chat who were also talking about McDonald's
- ate three burgers from McDonald's and treated it like it was special content
- exclaimed the gin meme was invented by trolls then stated he used to drink lots in older days
- pretended a character was doing the middle finger so he can do it himself and hope it goes viral
- did not understand why a PSA informing you not to believe everything you are told isn't relevant
- believes that the Operation board game was electrified and shock you when touched
- said the drawing on the Operation board game is androgynous because it has no genitalia
- watched the old retro ads beforehand for 'appropriateness', ruining the first impressions
- made rape jokes (groping and slipping roofies in drinks) whilst watching old commercials
- accidentally confirmed his marriage is failing whilst reacting to old commercials with families
- accidentally revealed that he drinks alcohol all the time but for the Xmas stream it's public
- assumed that his trolls invented the myth of him guzzling gin but admits to always drinking it
- says he “doesn’t have a favorite food because he eats a variety of foods”
- got visibly anxious seeing he lost 40 viewers despite saying he doesn't want to be Mr. Views
- "i will be honest, because as you guys know I am honest!"
- wanted permission to react to a TIHYDP despite claiming he doesn't need permission as its him
- doesn't want drama with reacting to TIHYDP content
- stated he's already debunked particular detractor videos despite not playing them on stream
- called trolls who make content about him "scumbags" who literally hurt him with the content
- considers troll videos to be zero effort but many have editing, meanwhile he barely does editing
- wanted troll channels to be outright deleted due to containing 'misinformation'
- says he's never heard of Secret Limited but also knows he's a detractor and calls him a scumbag
- lied again that he's never DMCA'd videos nor sent anyone takedown notices
- planned to react to Super Bowl ads despite yelling at fans for talking about football
- ate McDonald's on stream and called it "meaningful content"
- “I shitted my brains out after eating that McDonald's food.”
- spent $2500 on WWE Champions in just one week in late November 2022
- purchased a new gaming monitor without even checking the refresh rate, dislikes the ghosting
- set his oven temp too high and left it cooking while streaming, almost creating a fire hazard
- injured his back cleaning the casserole dish after burning its contents
- considered getting a gym membership
- purchased a treadmill and uses it, almost let it slip he purchased it when talking about walking
- doesn't wake up until the stream starts, revealed when saying he was brushing his teeth at 11am
- still hasn't opened the DDP Yoga he purchased a decade ago
- hint hinted he wants a $2000 computer despite sending such money on new TV and a gaming monitor
- stated he can't immediately run to Amazon to buy new electronics, confirming he did just that
- called Code Vein a “big cartoon boobies” game
- called Snowkarl a “Saudi Arabian” because Karl's bank kept blocking payments to Phil
- knows when Snowkarl is tipping him despite allegedly being unable to see PayPal info
- “I’m ignoring you all! You’re asking dumb questions! You're annoying!"
- “I always pronounce giga as gyuga. I don’t know why... I’m stupid I guess.”
- boasted of his herculean task of driving Kat through the snow; snowfall was only 0.1 inches
- driving through 0.1 inches of snowfall gave him an adrenaline rush
- brought up his surge in views but failed to attribute it to bots when it knows it's from bots
- failed to recommend some kid-friendly PS5 games, admits he doesn't know
- refused to tell what his wife is getting for Christmas because it can be used to harass her
- stated that accidental nudity or sucking cucumbers is more embarrassing than him jerking on cam
- brought up him fapping on cam even though he says that incident makes his wife cry
- states that people upload their nudes on purpose and sees it as no different than him wanking
- feels there is nothing more he wants in life, just more money
- reckoned if he wanted to buy a PC fans would $upport him, but won't buy a new PC because bills
- ate Taco Bell despite previously exclaiming he no longer eats fast food
- “I collect spolds, spores, and fungus.”
- “I’m not going to waste my life on these half-baked games!”
- got upset that people had left Halo Infinite to play the latest CoD; did just that as well
- boasts of doing well in CoD matches and then spams through the results screen to avoid proof
- spams buttons in CoD resulting in him messing up his loadout and a swift ragequit to fix it
- made a scat-eating joke when comparing good CoD matches (chocolate) with bad matches (shit)
- ragequit 12 matches in CoD in one stream
- stated if he were a Vtuber he would be a “big scary monster that’s bleaching all the time”
- “If I could ask Santa for one thing right now what would it be? For my back to stop hurting!”
- thinks Connecticut has “humid summers” on par with Florida
- said he only went to the liquor store to "browse for things"... pffft
- got upset that he had to bag his own groceries like a peasant
- leaves enemies alive and complains when they attack him from behind, says they were spawned in
- threatened to permanently ban fans and trolls that state he died on Easy in God of war: Ragnorak
- threatened to permanently ban anyone who says or even jokes that he plays any game on Easy
- stated he never plays games on Easy and then sheepishly admits he's downgraded to Easy at times
- got very excited to be invited to the Street Fighter VI beta despite always shitting on the game
- believes he will play Street Fighter VI better due to owning a new TV
- stopped playing Pokemon Scarlet because the paypigs did not donate enough during the day streams
- continues to bash Returnal as a bad horror game but it's not a horror game
- “I haven’t gone out in three weeks” but he went out during his recent day off
- “It’s so over-the-top slanderous to say I’m one of the worst gamers. NO I’M NOT!”
- “My life is full of activity!”
- stated that he doesn't read literature because he barely has enough free time running the house
- said Maximilian Dood ragequit The Callisto Protocol but he didn't, he boredquit the game
- roasted Maximilian Dood for playing The Callisto Protocol on Hard difficulty but he didn't
- criticised Maximilian Dood for playing The Callisto Protocol on Hard; DSP himself played on Easy
- acted like a contrarian during The Callisto Protocol, pretending to praise its flaws
- called journalists and content creators "babies" and "wimps" for not liking The Callisto Protocol
- “I don’t mind dying in this game. As long as I can go back and try again”.
- got pretty upset he hit the vest tips goal just before the stream ended
- generously did not run ads during his bathroom break as to "give back" to his community
- told a fan to leave and never come back for pleading Phil not to waste food
- called CoD a slow game because he is hiding in a room camping all match
- finds it odd that countries require visitors have a return flight ticket and not squat
- approves of the government beating you up if you litter a la Singapore
- called Infinity Ward a billion dollar company but they're worth much less than that
- whimsically sang a Christmas parody song that ripped into his fans for requesting more CoD
- knows that ReviewTechUSA has pepperoni nipples
- assumes that high viewership but low $upport is 'negatvity', trolls watching to laugh a him
- called his fans "unreasonable" for criticising him for constantly camping in online FPS games
- wants to give his fans what they want but not ragequits (does them anyways)
- likes the trial and error of The Callisto Project despite hating games that do that
- bragged that people don't know how to play The Callisto Project; had to be told how to from chat
- “For some reason the bubbles don’t blow well in the dark.”
- “It’s never bad to speak factually" unless those facts upset him
- believes he can "factually disprove" people who dislike a game because he likes it
- kept tweeting a YouTuber with over 1m subscribers because he wanted the drama and attention
- admits he plays games on stream for the money more than for the love of gaming
- states he used to not listen to constructive criticism from fans (still doesn't)
- says he doesn't agree with a negative comment about Maximilian Dood as he excitedly read it
- stated that the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) did not exist back in the 1990's
- got stuck on the map in God of War: Ragnorak, had to learn from chat how to fast travel
- declares a boss to be cheating if it dodges backwards from his spam attacks
- “Realistically the only games I will be able to play as I get older is turn based or RPGs.”
- spoke of the late Kirstie Alley as if he knew her personal motivation to do projects
- “Maybe one day I will write a book, but no one will care. No one cares about me.”
- “From day one Twitch was unprofessional!”, refused to elaborate
- “Fuck this game and fuck your mother and fuck these devs!” and ragequit
- coped and seethed when he repeatedly died in The Callisto Project after heaping praise on it
- “Warm sake? How would I even warm it?”
- doesn't like game of the year awards because none of his preferred games win
- surmised the Dead Space remake is just a remaster, but it's been confirmed a complete remake
- insists that lying about the stream start time and wasting time is good for his business and life
- gave attention to a $0.69 tip despite no shoutouts for tips less than $1
- “That’s some powerful gas right there. Suck it right out of the butt cheeks!”
- banned people for talking about Maximilian Dood's recently deceased dog
- "People always say I finish way faster than I actually do."
- pronounces panetonne as "pan-nah-tone"
- said that Mexican food is “dangerous” because it's “high in cheese”
- “I won’t be drinking a lot on the marathon” yet purchased three types of liqupr
- told a fan named 'femboy' to change their name as it's one of the stupidest names he's seen
- “Hideo Kojima is a-a good game developer. I’m not going to shit on the guy.”
- chose lots of red meat as his 'cheat meal' despite his gout
- said that a cat smelling your groceries bag is good because it can find holes in soiled packaging
- “Jasper likes to lick the vegetable.”
- refuses to answer if he got Xmas presents for his parents as it is "too personal"
- chose not to stream the Game Awards, instead played CoD to a minuscule audience
- complained that the Game Awards and no games win that people like (but some won that he likes)
- stated that the Game Awards is a circlejerk, double-down when informed of accessibility
- doesn't like that knives in CoD do massive damage while his spray-and-pray doesn't do much
- doesn't like that SF6 characters don't play like the SF2 characters: "I DON’T LIKE THAT!”
- wants a new Death Stranding but won't play it because he'll be "bored to tears”"
- “How do you play a variety of games but only focus on one? Contradictory statement!”
- claims not to read guides but sometimes knows where items are and how soon the boss room is
- “You’re the only person to tip me $100 this month”, didn't say thanks and isn't even correct
- said that if you quit The Callisto Project you should apologise to the devs
- told disgruntled players of The Callisto Project not to shit on the devs; shits on all over devs
- spent ages to get an online match in SF6 and left when he noticed his opponent had his mic on
- pondered why Capcom would interview pro fighting game players not him who only plays it weekly
- “Back in the day I didn’t care! That’s why I said racial things and gender insults!”
- refuses to believe that there were popular Lets Players on YouTube before him
- believes he was one of the big names that popularized playthroughs on YouTube
- stated that no one knows who slowbeef is, implying he still has his decade-old grudge
- admitted slowbeef predates him as a popular Lets Player, ignores the history to stroke his ego
- exclaimed that no one was making videos like him back then
- said that Best Buy had lost their way before they fired him and it's their loss
- “You can’t out-cheese the cheeser!”, then got out-cheesed
- compared girlfriends to feces when asked about cheating on them
- claimed he made detractor content creators quit but won't name any of them
- lied that he wouldn't keep playing CoD without $upport, then admits it is mainly down to $upport
- bestowed much hate on people who ride his coaltails, meanwhile does reaction videos on others
- announced he will finally boot his consoles before starting streaming so he can download patches
- complained there are too many games coming out for Xmas but it's mainly games on discount sale
- said that PC gamers have no right to complain about broken games, just play the console versions
- imposed a new rule: you can't complain about a game you haven't finished all the way through
- lectured on how people in the workforce behave; hasn't worked a real job in 14 years
- said that the The perks of owning a PC “are on the decline” therefore you should have consoles
- planned to have a guest on his podcast but just to talk exclusively Christmas stuff
- blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for ruining cities like Seattle
- believes you have to be middle class to afford family vacations every year
- “You shouldn’t have to learn what attacks are unblockable and what ones are not!”
- yells when games have cooldowns for abilities because he wants to spam them
- “The game needs to be more forgiving so I can win!”
- pronounces valkyrie as "vul-curry"
- sometimes forgets to include 1MinuteMan's tips in the total, meaning he fakes those 1MM tips
- sometimes makes 3am gin tweets to pro-fighting competitive players as if he were their friend
- refuses to believe that his detractors were-fans of his
- naively assumed that all his trolls follow him constantly and are losers with no lives
- said that he sees anti-DSP memes all the time, implying he browses detractor Twitter accounts
- thinks his trolls and detractors "have an agenda" but most are just laughing at his stupidity
- is bewildered when he can't beat bonus bosses without levelling more and upgrading his gear
- thinks that by asking for skill and better gear the game doesn't want him to have fun
- called Malenia from Elden Ring a fair fight; won the battle by spamming jump+R2 and stun-locking
- said he has no intention of making shirts of his cat but he wanted to prior to ban from Teespring
- “I don’t want Jasper to be in the public eye" yet shows Jasper on Twitter and Instagram
- “I don’t want to profit off my pet like some of these family YouTubers I see do”; $1k reveal
- banned a fan who pointed out via superchat how greedy he sounds e-begging for tips
- “Tis the season to gift memberships!" (the mask slips)
- tried to get in top 10 of Warzone for a big tip but got distracted by chat and died
- dedicates an entire night to recording private videos for Patreon backers because he puts it off
- refuses to edit and reupload a private video that used footage that got it blocked on YT
- thinks that some video hosting websites charge you money if the upload is 30+ minutes long
- told his fans criticising his poor gameplay to "leave and never come back, no one will miss you"
- “If you don’t like it leave! Now! Get the fuck out!”, then “Guys, why is everyone so quiet?"
- criticised his fans talking about subjects not about him or the game
- implored his fans to tip early for the hat goal even though he said he'll stop e-begging
- wants to get paid by fans for just attempting their bounties
- got his wife an Xbox Series S for Christmas despite allegedly living paycheck to paycheck
- says you can't get a PS5 or Series X anywhere
- says Pokemon games are hard and unfair because he can't figure out type advantages
- finally beat a Beserker in God of War: Ragnorak after 3 hours of trying by reading a guide
- believes that he can ban anyone from his chat and get away with it because "it's my business"
- believes that he can ban anyone from his chat with no repercussions even though it abuses ToS
- tried to justify how he keeps getting upgraded tech and can't remember his own lies
- got offended when his chat went from Trump NFTs discussion to wrestling jpegs talk
- was clearly hungover in a stream and blamed his fatigue and slow brain on a lack of coffee
- claims that if you play a Fallout game with music on "you get blocked worldwide”
- ranted about Dr. Disrespect losing interest gaming, meanwhile he's doing everything "intelligent"
- “What does semi-automatic mean?”
- "Kaopectate isn’t for heartburn, it’s for when you need to go shit!” (wrong and wrong)
- “I have a confession. I’m Jewish…I shouldn’t be here.”
- doesn't know 'ti amo' means 'I love you' despite being Italian
- insists that on vacation you should only buy culturally relevant things
- hint hinted he wants a professional video editor to make him YouTube Shorts (for free naturally)
- too lazy to do effects in YouTube shorts like zoom-ins with a video editor
- doesn't think to do something flashy on camera to draw attention to it as he's skimming footage
- proclaims you don't need a team to be successful on YouTube, hint hints he wants help
- acknowledges he skipped over big games to play CoD and Street Fighter
- was worried that Elon Musk would take away his Twitter verification but he already is well known
- assumes his Twitch audience and YouTube audience are mostly different people
- lied that his chat may find in-game chat annoying when he was clearly flustered by the insults
- stated he doesn't care about in-game chat after he derailed the stream asking how to disable it
- set the in-game chat to Japanese in a desperate attempt to hide the text
- turned off video capturing in SF6 lobbies so the viewer can't see the chat
- "Christmas Day is LITERALLY the only day off I have all year."
- bans anyone who mentions sponsors of past products he's previously shilled
- pondered why Capcom interviewed a pro-fighting game player and not him
- stated he would've done a sponsorship with Capcom for free despite running a 'business'
- says content creators are out to make a buck; e-begs and doesn't engage with others
- "Basically, I haven't got a single contribution since gameplay started. Figure that one out."
- ranted about Maximilian Dood eating sponsored food on stream; eats fast food on stream as well
- "I don't want you to benefit while giving me money in anyway. Give me money or don't."
- lamented toxicity in his chat and yet wants more viewers and this more engagement in his chat
- wants to play pros in online fighting games and yet avoids them because he knows he'll lose
- acknowledges that videos where he rages gets him views yet sticks with chill games
- welcomed an influx of new YT subscribers by e-begging
- feels he is owed $upport because he doesn't run ads or shill products
- claimed people who play SF6 on PC have an advantage and they found this out "during COVID"
- blamed most of his loses in SF6 on PC players with "monster setups"
- admitted he watches Maximilian Dood play SF6 and compares Max's matches to his own
- did not allow his fans to vote his Xmas Feasting with the King as he wants something nice
- admitted he purchased the streaming upgrades when before he claimed some were gifted by fans
- assumed that most streamers are alone or live with their parents and don't have an 'adult life'
- accidentally said "money" instead of "many" (FreudSlipPhil)
- "I have to take care of every creature living in this house: my wife, my cat, everyone!"
- assumes that in CoD because he shoots at an enemy first it should result in its death, not his
- “I don’t think pets should be a part of anyone’s content” then ponders why low views
- expects people to tip him if he places top 10 in a battle royale game
- “I’m not upset or complaining” and then “I’m a little upset”
- does not find it weird that around 2/3rds of all money made is from sockpocket accounts (of OIC?)
- does not care about a streamer verbally abusing their grieving moderator (SociopathSydephil)
- insinuated he can make 'hateful slurs' on YouTube since they won't care enough to suspend him
- asked a question about trolls and answered with money, "crowdfunding", and his life story
- asked how his day was and answered with the total money he got donated that stream
- “Welcome to the jungle, we throw shit here every day!”
- “If you could stop asking me stupid questions, I would like to hear the dialogue in the game!”
- “You cannot access the YT community tab on an iPad." (you can on a web browser)
- pretended he stumbled onto a puzzle solution when it's obvious he knew the solution beforehand
- praised his regular tippers but won't name of them outside of 1MinuteMan, a likely fake tipper
- acknowledged that him being bad at games is why people leave and attendance drops
- wants money from bounties and will bore his audience into leaving to get that money
- states that he doesn't write down names of people who post fake bounties, gets fooled again
- believes that MoistCr1TiKaL lacks self-awareness because he takes sponsorships and roasts Phil
- complains that content creators don't know the full story about him, but won't tell full story
- implied that he watches Snort Burnell videos
- is bewildered that he's called a pedo, but he's admitted to talking to Leanna when she was <18
- charged money to drink alcohol on the Christmas stream special
- pondered why people don't travel early to avoid the rush and have the time to do so like him
- couldn't use a jingle bells sound for tips received due to being unable to find license-free
- said he doesn't know LowTierGod and why people hate him yet knows why LTG gets into trouble
- asked about Twitter possibly going away and joked how it wasn't to be yet freaked out at the time
- thinks that him being kicked off Blip.tv was “the start of cancel culture”
- believes that Blip.tv loved him and has no idea why they would boot him
- said he should have been allowed to make jew jokes on Blip.tv
- stated that Blip.tv staff should have told him behind the scenes that Antisemitism wasn't okay
- stated that 'grown men' shouldn't hold grudges, yet has many grudges with content creators
- dissociated himself with Boogie, ReviewTechUSA, Wings, and other fat lolcows just like him
- says he is not like the aforementioned lolcows; insults his viewers and e-begs just like them
- stated LTG abused copyright takedowns and has doxed people; has done the same
- invented a myth that his trolls claim he's running a cabal of tax evasion and lying to the govt
- claimed he's done nothing to warrant a strike on his channels let alone get the boot
- says he wants the best for everyone yet has a pattern of talking shit about content creators
- claimed that YouTube always gives warnings to bad content but they've nuked strike-free channels
- drank Gray Whale Gin as a nod to the detractor memes
- charged $100 per shot of Gray Whale Gin that cost him $35~
- exclaimed that his wife knows he drinks gin but doesn't know why it's a meme
- charged his audience for him to drink alcohol on stream, which is against YouTube ToS
- considered half the shot glass as one full shot
- thoroughly enjoyed his gin despite claiming he doesn't even like it much
- barely reacted to the 43% proof gin, suggesting he has high tolerance to alcohol
- made a Snort Burnell meme after downing his gin ("Oh my god he's drinking gin!")
- lamented that he suffers from episodes of depression, anxiety, and insomnia (like everyone else)
- admits that he still plays mobile games and is addicted to them, won't name the games
- said gin was a meme because he used to have a gin bottle in the background; he had a cabinet
- boasted that the whales don't fund his lifestyle but hundreds of gifted members were from them
- stated he doesn't depend on whales to support him and the next day OIC dropped 100 gifted subs
- “Today I proved that I don’t have whales and this is a group effort!”
- found it bizarre that content creators like AVGN take sponsorships to pay their bills
- is proud that he doesn't needs to do a 60 second plug a stream (instead e-begs every 60 seconds)
- called his fans his sponsors which technically means that him e-begging counts as shilling
- "They say there are like 10-20 people that are the reason I can still make a living doing this."
- “We have no goals today” but has a tips goal and a membership goal
- believes 'shilling' only refers to products and promotions and doesn't include e-begging
- “In Asia they don't celebrate Christmas.”
- bemoans some streams as failures as only his whales talked to him, which is most streams
- says he doesn't go on bathroom breaks during streams but he's taken them before
- tried to claim a whale purchased his gaming chair but let slip that he purchased it himself
- made a Wings wrestler in WWE 2K22 despite not wanting anything to do with him even in passing
- used his family's falling out as an excuse to start a tradition of eating Chinese food every Xmas
- admitted that TIHYDP videos made him move to a gated community across the country
- implied he got into troulbe leaving his ladder up overnight where someone can peep into his house
- hinted that his childhood was boring due to being shelted and barely leaving the house
- “Traveling the world playing competitive Street Fighter”; only left the USA once
- posted an image of Jasper on Instagram despite yelling at content creators that 'exploit' pets
- spent $826 on Christmas Day on WWE Champions, breaking into the top 15 on the leaderboard
- praises Fred Meyer even though they are owned by Kroger and have the shitty practices as Walmart
- wants to interview big name content creators that bad-mouth him
- admitted he intends to insult the interviewer by 'proving' they are stupid for 'slandering' him
- thinks that "it didn't happen" is a good counter-argument, will provide no 'proof' beyond that
- believes that the trolling is calming down to the truth getting out; it's the Christmas holidays
- wants his detractors to approach him to talk; refused Keem's calls and Rekieta's interview offer
- "I stopped listening to the nonsense and the slander" yet still acknowledges it and calls it out
- knows that less e-begging means less trolling and more positivity; won't stop e-begging
- knows that ReviewTechUSA has his face in his Twitter banner pic despite avoiding him
- pointed out his cat is getting "tons of attention", suggesting the cat often doesn't
- tried to cheer up a pro-fighting game player on Twitter and talked about himself in comparison
- proudly showed off his Xmas dinner which was all crap from a can/box on paper plates
- scammed his whale Emil after he dropped 100 subs by declaring there was no tier 2 sub goal
- assumed his low engagement on Twitter is due to fans' fear of harassment but it's bots
- assumed his low engagement on Twitter is unique to him and others like him (i.e. lolcows)
- had his capture device destroyed by Jasper because he lays it unprotected on the floor
- can't buy a new capture card because he assumes the latest models won't work with Windows 8
- doesn't know how to upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 10
- planned to refinance his home so he can afford a Windows 10 computer and a new capture card
- forgot he has unopened capture cards in his closet as he e-begs for money to buy a new one
- swiftly accepted a private capture card donation, suggesting shady shit going down
- found nothing wrong with the person offering the capture card to have a fake Twitter account
- purchased a capture card as a backup despite being gifted one and having several in storage
- told his fans who insist he talks about money too often to go fuck their mothers
- wants his trolls' mothers to be physically slapped for having them
- refuses to believe his wife could possibly resemble a horse
- assumes his trolls never felt bad for being wrong about the escort saga
- discredited Secret Limited and all his works just for using a horse head to represent Kat
- assumes that Secret Limited steals other detractors' content
- assumed that Secret Limited does no research at all when making videos about him
- accidentally confirmed Secret Limited researches him when he said he compiles researched content
- believes that if you don't all the face-checking yourself, it's not real
- implores his detractors to hate Secret Limited for allegedly stealing their content
- believes that if you are wrong about something you should never be trusted ever again
- asserts that his trolls and detractors are lower life forms because they 'weren't raised right'
- thinks his trolls do the bare minimum to survive, meanwhile he plays games all day and e-begs
- said that 'intelligent' people don't pay attention to drama yet always does
- said he doesn't get angry anymore after he shouted about how dumb his trolls are
- accidentally called Kat his mom again when signing off for dinner
- replied to Musk on Twitter with suggestions on improving site despite not caring about Twitter
- replied to Musk on Twitter making the post about him posting 'dank memes' to stay relevant
- refuses to answer why he never upgraded equipment since it means admitting he wants them gifted
- doesn't think it is ordinary to sleep with your wife
- uploaded his old playthroughs to his channel because he thinks there is value in them
- “These playthroughs are invaluable! The reason being is they are lost content!”
- thinks he purchased Whale Tail Gin but he had purchased Grey Whale Gin
- boasted that he loves his life as his voice cracks and flails his arms
- blamed FedEx for being unable to stream games despite having spare capture cards
- called out FedEx as unprofessional despite the fact Seattle was hit with a recent blizzard
- assumed the FedEx employee lied about Phil not being home but he probably wasn't
- wanted a refund from FedEx because they couldn't deliver his parcel overnight due to blizzard
- called FedEx and admitted he spoke too fast to them resulted on him getting hung up on
- called FedEx at the worst possible time as the package facility was just closing for the day
- had to get his wife's permission to make the FedEx rant as it was their day off
- was stunned when he learned that FedEx policy meant they didn't watch his rant video about them
- went full Karen when his FedEx delivery time was pushed from noon to evening
- chastised IGN for making a video where "more than half" of it was a paid ad but it wasn't
- lamented that some people coast through life getting by doing the bare minimum... hmm....
- accepted fanart of himself drinking gin (with a Tevin face hidden in the image)
- threatened to ban anyone who mentioned his Windows 8 is outdated
- "If you keep spamming 'Windows 10' I'm going to time you out. Shut up! What the fuck?!"
- went full feminist by insisting men shouldn't make choices on their own without wife permission
- said it's fucked up how men treated their SO; woke up a sick Leanna so she could cook him dinner
- admitted he quit multiplayer because of trolling even though you can enable invite-only matches
- smugly did not fall for a doxing attempt; already doxed himself the week he moved
- thinks it is impossible a capture card can have a microphone and packet sniffer to spy on him
- had no time to spam his old YT videos even though you can schedule them ahead of time
- “It’s 2022 and computers can’t even handle two monitors!” (still uses Windows 8)
- installed old drivers on his non-supported operating system and was puzzled when nothing worked
- refused to take the advice of a mod in his chat to fix his capture card not capturing audio
- did no research on the capture card settings, resulting in choppy washed-out output
- “I’ve laid the four wires across my floor in the middle of my room neatly.”
- didn't know that VRR and HDR can’t pass through his HDMI 2.0 capture device
- did not try a higher stream resolution after learning the capture card uses less CPU load
- asked his chat if he's dropping frames while having OBS open which tells that info
- attacked anyone saying his stream quality looks worse, which it objectively does
- “People are invested in this channel.” (he means emotionally but it's also financially)
- complained he has no credit but then later says he will refinance his home to gain credit
- doesn't want to talk about FedEx ever again, suggesting he screwed up or made something up
- lied that nobody complained the new capture card made the video look bad
- coped that his new capture card sucks by saying it's his webcam quality that's bad, not gameplay
- thinks video feed can be 'full 1080p' when cropped to a 4:3 aspect ratio
- assumed that you have to 'insanely monstrous viral' on YouTube to make a living off of it
- thinks it's normal for a 'normal person' like him to e-beg to make ends meet
- caught on that some of his tippers are whales' sockpuppet accounts, still welcomes the money
- acted like an excited child when he met the giant anus in High on Life
- thinks that content creators that make 1-2 edited video daily is "not high effort work"
- stated that the 1-2 edited videos daily isn't popular; barely breaks 4 digits views on his vids
- admitted that content creators who do daily videos can make more views than him
- criticized YouTubers that make millions per video then said he isn't criticizing them
- assumes that YouTubers don't have safety nets in case their content gets demonitized
- feels smug that he has quantity over quality even though he barely makes revenue with low views
- said that 'normal' people don't care if a video is demonitized yet whines when his are
- assumed that Pewdiepie's audience never buys any products he sponsors/shills
- claimed he never sponsored the OPSEAT gaming chairs when he literally did
- does not want 'big' YouTubers/streamers making lots of money because he doesn't care for them
- mocked YouTubers making videos about changes to YouTube's ToS, unknowingly spreading awareness
- assumed Moistcritikal was talking about his own channel but he was warning smaller channels
- defended YouTube and called YouTubers babies, meanwhile cries about the algorithm and strikes
- "Change, adapt, or die. That's life."; still does outdated unedited video spam uploads
- believes there is nothing wrong being entirely funded by a live audience
- said he doesn't take sponsorships because he respects his fans too much (e-begs instead)
- said that taking sponsorships is an "elitist comment" because most creators can't do that
- disagreed that crowdfunding isn't unreliable; consistently is under the daily tips goal
- chortles at the idea of big content creators needing to do crowdfunding; has done it years
- brought back the gin as a tipping incentive, normalizing his alcoholism to the fans
- criticized his fans for voting in the Viewers Choice games he already planned to play anyways
- says he “hasn’t cheated and looked ahead” in God of War: Ragnarok yet knows the end-game content
- accidentally held his phone screen towards the webcam revealing onscreen WWE Champions
- got very upset when someone impersonated his cat and superchatted an insult to him
- claimed to not need a guide when playing RE classic despite using chat as a guide rhe first time
- revealed the surprise he teased throughout December 2022: LED lights
- threatened to ban a fan who joked that he is a boomer discovering 20 year old technology
- wasted ten minutes trying to herd his cat out of the room
- uses LED lights just like other content creators whom he mocks for likewise using
- uses LED lights even though he can see they are barely visible to the viewers watching
- lied that he never said that content creators using LEDs are dumb who copy each other
- said that people who criticize his LED ligts lack "human compassion, thoughts, emotions"
- got string lights for his stream despite saying they are tacky
- did not realise he has to tape the string light and not let them dangle on the floor
- exclaimed that content creators use LEDs for the views, then admits he wants to more viewership
- implied that he knowingly jumped on the bandwagon of using LED lights
- refuses to charge money to change the LED light even though he charges for vests and hats
- thinks he is different to other streamers but they too use LED lights and have artwork shown
- calls his fans condescending for pointing out why he's wrong, calls it "overtly negative"
- yelled at his chat for talking among themselves instead of being invested in the game as he is
- yelled at the chat for them wanting the vest after the tips goal was hit but he didn't care
- admitted that having to wear the vest is dumb and pisses him off
- got puzzled why no one buys YT memberships when a whale will just membership-bomb monthly
- says that trolls don't listen to what he says but they also twist what he says
- assumes that fans who don't know his side of the story must get their info from detractors
- called a fan a loser for correctly pointing out he's banned trolls who don't pay won bounties
- explained he has to insult people during pre-stream or he'll bottle up and explode during stream
- accidentally outed the names of one of the Dutch Brothers whales
- thinks The Three Amigos is" a combination of comedy plus not so serious”
- said he won't mock your looks unless you are Keemstar or style your beard weird
- scolds a person in chat by name and then "please understand I’m not singling you out right now”
- hit the hat goal and took 20 minutes to put it on due to chat being scared to remind him
- said his fans are being 'entitled' that he has to wear a hat/vest when the tips goal is hit
- called his fans defensive and spoiled whiny brats for expecting him to wear the vest/hat
- wanted to climate the hats and vest rewards because he gets hot while wearing them
- paused the game to mess around with the LED lights, comparing different shades of blue
- did not react much at all to the ending of God of War: Ragnarok, suggesting he's seen it before
- refuses to answer why he bans people for pointing out his hypocrisy as it will expose him
- “Can I name 10 books I’ve read in the past? Uh...”
- has no answer to what his most anticipated game of the year is
- “I will never tell you guys not to watch someone”; once said "Stop watching Keemstar!"
- thinks the music in a Tron commercial came from Ghostbusters (which came out years later)
- lied that he avoids troll tips and doesn't derail the stream to address them
- sprayed his water bottle at Jasper who was right next to the LED lights
- sprayed his cat with water during the middle of a cold winter
- revealed that he and wife talk about food most of all in their free time together
- pondered why he, a former shit-talking troll, attracts other shit-talking trolls
- said Arturo should have shown bank statements to prove he didn't steal funds; won't do likewise
- "We live in a society where you are innocent until proven guilty"; bans fans for 'trolling'
- expects the FGC to watch his 2 hour podcast to learn why they are wrong about him
- said that a FGC member said something bad about him, won't say what they allegedly said
- declared that the FGC doesn't affect Phil; made a 2 hour rant about the FGC
- hates that the FGC is a toxic community; was a major source of toxicity and de facto kicked out
- says the things said about him are in NO WAY true apart from the 'nugget of truth'
- lamented that no one believes him , then goes on a 40 minutes rant trying to debunk rumours
- tried to use the bank leaks as proof he was messed with but they proved he was lying about money
- “You’re not a man saying things about me on Twitter!”
- knows the whale Plumgorl is a man pretending to be female and accidentally used male pronouns
- received a custom-made Pokemon vest from a fan and immediately locked it behind a tips paywall
- thinks he's Italian because he eats garlic bread (which was invented in USA)
- explained at length why he needs a lamp: “lighting changes when the sun goes away”
- purchased ring lights off Amazon after previously saying ring lights wouldn't work for him
- set up the ring lights thereby making his room look like streamers' rooms he dislikes
- “No one ever asked for me to play Oblivion”, then “A lot of pepple asked me to play Oblivion!”
- planned an NFL Superbowl event despite not liking American football or sports at all
- told people superchatting about football to take their sports talk elsewhere
- banned people giving advice after his Doordash dinner was accidentally delivered to wrong house
- ponder why the Doordash driver would text him after his screw up to apologise
- can not understand why Doordash drivers have trouble entering his private gated street
- refused to answer a Doordash driver's call when he couldn't find Phil's house
- refused to answer why he didn't take the Doordash driver's call, pretended he has a phone demon
- said he was too busy to answer the Doordrash driver's call; not busy enough to text spam him
- admitted he can't do more gameplay in a marathon because he's "an old fart”"
- “It’s not Jasper's day to be in here! Get out, Jasper! Let’s go!”
- said COVID taught him the world isn't safe despite being from the 'mean streets of Connecticut'
- “If you are here uninvited we own the street, we can arrest you.”
- shared the Doordash tracking app onscreen, accidentally doxing his neighbours
- admitted he used a strategy guide both times he played Fallout 3
- used a Nintendo 64 controller in his new brand logo despite barely any association with the N64
- still has not installed a smoke alarm in his office (possibly illegal)
- reacted like a soy boy manchild when the ringlights turned on
- monetized the LED lights colour after denying it would be a tips incentive
- demanded $50 from a person he banned to unban them (ToS violation)
- banned a fan who pointed out that trying to take bribes to unban people violates YouTube ToS
- proclaimed he called people jews and faggots 15 years ago because his audience were teenagers
- talks about poop so much because “it does’t offend anyone”
- claims he grew up and is mature now; went from using racial slurs to toilet humour 'jokes'
- refused to do anything to fix the choppiness in his stream video (business class internet btw)
- pretended no one could see him before the LED lights to cope and justify wasting his money
- banned a fan who pointed out now he looks like every other streamer
- banned a fan who offered a bounty but said that cheesing kills don't count, cheesed and got mad
- banned a fan who pointed out he's being too toxic
- ranted about billion dollar companies; streams on YouTube. eats at McDonald's, shops at Walmart
- retconned why he left Twitch: "saw the writing on the wall" (it was due to departnership)
- doesn't want crunch time in the gaming industry yet always says devs should playtest more
- said games should be delayed to ensure quality; also said Cuphead DLC took too long to come out
- got $50 in tips and didn't put on the GUNNAR glasses until gameplay started, cheating the tippers
- put Disney Dreamlight Valley on his best of 2022 list despite being bored of it
- put Horizon Forbidden West on his best of 2022 list despite not liking it that much
- put Pokemon Scarlet and Violet on both the best of 2022 list and worst of 2022 list
- put God War: Ragnorak at the top of his best of 2022 list despite getting frustrated by the end
- “Stray is one of the best written games ever” (has barely any dialogue)
- lost 1.5 hours of progress in Resident Evil because he thought he could tank one-shot enemies
- ignored the chat when they instructed him where to find more ink ribbons in Resident Evil
- lied that he was playing Resident Evil on Hard, he was playing it on Normal
- thinks a non-branded jersey and beer hat are "NFL accessories"
- I think street fighter 6 plays fantastically” yet spent the whole beta complaining
- “If you’re hearing this it means this has been muted”.
- banned people wishing Derich happy birthday for "harassment"
- called a fan an idiot for him monetizing the LED lights, said it wasn't his idea
- gets killed in CoD or BF, asks "how'd that happen??" and immediately skip the killcam
- reckoned he wasn't popular on YouTube because he makes because only makes "curated content”
- “I don’t have whales!, then next stream: “I’m glad I have a select group people who support me”
- displayed no sympathy or empathy for YouTubers who got screwed by the new YouTube ToS
- had no concern about the YT bug, but then quickly panicked that it could affect him
- began calling his whales "curators", which is not even close to the word's definition
- pretended to be interested in One Piece to rope in more viewers and appeal to the weebs
- said his Catholic upbringing dictates his morals, yet behaved like an asshole in his 20s and 30s
- banned a person from chat on request from Derich (no favouritism btw)
- begins falling asleep whenever a cutscene with Japanese dialogue plays
- assumes that his fans watch his YouTube Shorts
- shot down a suggestion to feature his cat in more content because it is a gaming channel
- sees his cat as a "cherished member of my family", is sickened that he could make money from it
- denounces people who make money off their kids; calls Jasper his son and treats it like a child
- went full Karen over a refund on fast food where the store credit covered the taxes + fees
- thinks it is against the law for businesses to have unrefundable taxes and fees
- believes the sales rep who dealt his refund was a "dishonest scumbag" for following store policy
- admitted to eating fast food around the time Kat moved in even though he sworn not to eat it then
- believes that record companies are not entitled to royalties on their music in his videos
- mispronounced Mister Metokur as "Meh-toe-curr"
- pretended not to know who ItsAGundam is
- called Metokur and ItsAGundam "pieces of shit" despite admitted to not watching any of their vids
- said he would be going out the whole day on his day off but stayed home until 11am for DoorDash
- lamented how hard his life is, streaming six days a week and can't even enjoy his day off
- does lots of chores on his day off even though Kat only works htree days a week
- considered his previous bad actions to being that of a child now grown up; was in the 30s then
- doesn't think his audience likes tits and waifus; has weebs and Derich for fans
- bemoaned that Need for Speed Unbound doesn't give free unlimited restarts
- stated he moved to Renton, WA, as everything is within 10 minutes; DoorDashes all the time
- “Back when I was an alcoholic..." (still is)
- thinks you can stop being an alcoholic (it's a dependency)
- “Suck my buttcheeks! I’m the king of gulag! They call you buttsucker!”
- believes he'll never be banned off YouTube because he's "tame compared to other people”
- gave outdated info on how to get around YouTube community bans (possible ToS violation)
- took ReviewTechUSA's troll bait and read his superchat message and ranted for quite a while
- compared Ubisoft to the helicopter company he worked for
- assumed to know what is wrong within Ubisoft even though that information wasn't made public
- encouraged his viewers to get YouTube Premium so he could increase his earnings
- stated that if you watch someone's content with an adblock enabled you are hurting that person
- called out Nintendo for selling licensed 'gimmick' toys; had gimmick vests as donation incentive
- has no goals planned for the foreseeable future
- has no plans made in case his streaming career went away
- “Streaming will never go away. If YouTube or Twitch goes away I can just go to another platform.”
- conjured a plan to boost income: do things unrelated to gaming and attach gimmicks to them
- admits he's an asshole to people but adds he only does it when stressed out
- sat on the PS5 dashboard for an impromptu Q+A waiting for someone to pay his PS+ for him
- “I am not a religious guy in my present life.”
- changed a thumbnail to him doing a silly face despite not liking that clickbait gimmick
- says he is "more professional than other streamers” because “he treats streaming as a job”
- chewed out his mods for timing out a fan with a "fucking stupid" name who asked a legit question
- says Washington was one of the very last US states to join the union (it was 42nd)
- says Washington has modern infrastructure since it was founded... in 1889
- lied about getting a power outage despite no power outages in his area (probably blackout drunk)
- ponders why people bring up his bankruptcy even though he spent 3+ years talking about it
- doesn't like the 'name Purple Pickle', likes the name 'My ass has dimples'
- claims he doesn't care about detractor content but in his Discord he whines about it
- still gets upset when you bring up his 4th place win at Evo 2005 on a broken port of SFII
- claims not to care about WWE; still plays WWR Champions
- hint hinted that he has lots of people in chat that would like a gifted membership
- doesn't want to prove that 1MinuteMan is real because it might lead to harassment
- doesn't want to say "thanks for the money, dummy" but does agree with it
- says detractors want him to act like an idiot everyday; acts like an idiot everyday
- blamed his greasy hair on his Italian genetics
- “I could have an interview within 24 hours if I wanted.”
- spent 40 minutes drinking gin rather than gaming
- drank gin off-camera between the 2022 Xmas event and the random drinking mid-January 2023 stream
- assumes people are on sockpuppet accounts when they ask him questions he doesn't like
- assumes Gryffindor House is for poor White people who can't afford the Hogwarts tuition
- got 8GB mixed up with 800GB and then 800MB
- "Do I care about sports? No!" during his NFL Superbowl event stream
- casually drinks alcohol despite being a "former alcoholic"
- began putting hashtags in video titles just like other streamers he wishes to distance from
- researched how interviewer candidates conduct their interviews despite not having free time
- believes that poor people and those without professions are "imbalanced" and unhappy
- used fanart that show his face from 2008 to 2023 getting balder and fatter with time
- hint hinted that he wants new blinds and a blackout curtain
- reacted to a reaction video for a private Patreon-exclusive video
- used to mock streamers with high-end setups, is one of them now and currently mocks shitty setups
- compared game devs budgeting to his own domestic life budgeting as if they are anything alike
- gets excited when he finds an empty room to hide and camp in during a battle royale game
- tried to blame lag on getting lost in a game, runs into walls on purpose as 'proof'
- accidentally showed his YT search history of Wings and Moist despite not caring for drama
- doesn't believe that 10 year warranties exist
- doesn't believe people keep receipts from purchases made 5+ years ago
- bans people who point out that bounties are against YouTube ToS
- admitted he sucks at fighting games because he is a scrub (probably joking, never clarified)
- abbreviates tipper names for the tips leaderboard, abbreviated 'frying a grilled sausage' (FAGS)
- lost his temper playing Call of Duty: Warzone getting crushed trying to do bounties
- decries detractors making up 'proof' he scams Patreon backers, refuses to show the actual proof
- thinks his trolls should not bring up other things he's said/done after he disproves one 'fact'
- stated that his trolls "move the goalposts" when they bring up more shit he's said/done
- accidentally admitted tips were used for fast food on his day off
- jumps into FPG spats on Twitter despite professing to avoiding drama
- stated that big YouTubers are "Way worse" than him, refused to elaborate
- made a YouTube short of his cat despite denouncing content creators 'monitizing' their pets
- got upset that his YouTube short of his cat did not go viral
- expects his fans to binge his YouTube shorts and advised they get YouTube Premium
- finds it stupid that Twitch doesn't let you archive your streams long-term
- thinks that if Twitch does let you archive your streams long-term they would crush YouTube
- admonished Twitch for having volunteer employees; YouTube does the same
- admitted that his chat 'works' because he does not allow free speech
- admitted that his reaction commentary is the same schtick as other creators, thinks he's better
- pointed out that bounties are voluntary likely due to finding out they are against YT ToS
- “There is no way to play the classic MvC games in the modern era.”
- jumped on the bandwagon of talking about Arturo to call out those making clickbait about him
- made the Arturo alleged embezzling scandal into a segment about himself
- advised his fans to be honest and click the dislike buttton if they don't like the content
- took troll bait and admitted he ranted for 35 minutes about Arturo Sanchez
- watched a detractor video for a minute and assumed the whole video wasn't transformative
- is proud of not censoring himself during playthroughs, begrudgingly censors himself in YT shorts
- forced his viewers to watch his YouTube shorts during the prestream, no vote, just played them
- stated he can't sleep without Kat going to bed first, subtly blaming her for being up at 2am
- “I’ve seen nothing of the new Dead Space remake” but he's watched the IGN gameplay video
- “I don’t have time for hobbies, I’m too busy to have hobbies.”
- lied that he got rid of all this DVDs, he kept two bins of them
- barely reacted when Emil gifted 50 YT memberships
- admitted his YT membership count is inflated and whales are his saving grace
- stated that Emil and 1minuteMan's contributions are "nothing" but they make up the bulk of his $
- says content creators only do-over-the-top reactions to get popular; does the same
- “Ignore the trolling and it goes away”, never takes his own advice
- “I can’t master lock picking if they are all going to be different.”
- began to overreact to everything ever since he learned you can monetize YouTube shorts
- used a sneeze as an excuse to stop recording and e-beg for tips
- got derailed giving a rant about the ending of The Sopranos
- said The Sopranos has "no definitive ending” and thst is "disrespectful"
- called George R. R. Martin "the laziest bum", has never read any of his books
- tends to tell his viewers that he's just paid bills, hint hinting he'll like some tips
- admits he doesn't want to play indie games because he doesn't get many tips whilst playing them
- called himself an idiot for always being negative as it gives his detractors content
- refuses to acknowledge how his (poor) gameplay turns viewers off from watching
- can only name a few games he's ragequit when the list is extensive
- stated if you do things at work that don't make you money you're an idiot regardless of context
- assumes that you cannot run a successful business that does its own thing heeding no feedback
- called his own content stupid in relation to YouTube shorts that are literal 1:1 clips of him
- called his NFL Superbowl event "unique" even though it's the same old eating and snacking
- still uses ShadowLabs even though he claimed they "shadowbanned" him
- hint hinted his dents to give tips so he can test the new tip donation animations
- died in Call of Duty jumping from a two story window, wants more realism
- banned a fan who pointed out he doesn't question critics' response to Forespoken unlike Callisto
- celebrated Valentine's Day in 2023 despite previously calling it a scam and never got gifts
- lied that StreamLabs has a glitch that "plays back contributions from days ago”
- does not know how coffee works, thinks it blocks fatigue-causing chemicals so you're less tired
- "Venmo is a YouTube competitor." (he means Vimeo)
- "Venmo is a competitor to PayPal.” (Vimeo is owned by PayPal)
- "How about you take that question, turn it sideways and smell it!”
- went on a rant about not wanting to bring up his personal life instead of ignoring the question
- got very triggered about being asked about Taco Bell
- forgets to manage surplus money until it's all gone
- admitted that he's gone back to his old ways of begging for tips but he needs to, it's business
- "I wish you guys would just consistently give me $300 a day in direct cash, sound good?"
- denied he rants too much by going on a rant protesting such a claim
- says he has passion for games, meanwhile never looks happy gaming & always stops to talk to chat
- said that real Let's Players never release just a video a day
- thinks you have to be a huge YouTuber to bother editing your Let's Play videos
- blames his detractors for why he refuses to have children but he's always never wanted one
- joked he should do hot tub streaming for more views despite hating Twitch thots who do that
- refuses to answer questions/criticism if there are typos in the message
- got offended that his parents kept his childhood action figures to one day pass to his kid/s
- turned down a $500 bounty in Call of Duty: Warzone because the condition was it's for a new PC
- banned someone for not paying a completed bounty, which is against YouTube ToS
- refers his detractors as a "lynch mob" as if he's a poor victim
- bashed his viewers who aren't aware of the intricate complex systems of marketing
- thinks that him e-begging every fifteen minutes is better than taking sponsorships
- "After 15 years I'm still able to be successful"; $500k debt, sham marriage, no friends, gout...
- lied that his income is by everyone, not just 1-2 whales, even though he's admitted it's whales
- wishes he were an enormous content creator but he's always been proud of being the little guy
- "The YouTube cheque covers all my bills but I'm destitute anyways." (business degree btw)
- brought up that his day was horrible but refused to explain how, hoped for extra sympathy tips
- stated that pointing out he snorts a lot is "bullying his face" because he can't help it
- pretended that 1MinuteMan donated $40 instead of the regular $20 to encourage more tips
- pretended that gacha games are his guilty pleasure, sounded genuinely happy to confess it
- still denies he was removed from Twitch's partnership program for a valid reason
- lied that he doesn't hold grudges and has no ill will towards Twitch
- edited out the ToS violations from his CoD Warzone videos (taking bounties aka bribes)
- banned people pointing out him pretending the ToS violations never happened
- complained that publishers release games which are inconvenient to streamers like him
- was shocked that the Dead Space remake is not a 1:1 remake despite it never being sold as such
- “When I say I am going to be honest all I really mean is I’m going to be serious.”
- used to instruct viewers to tell him "relax" when he e-begs, now bans you if you try this
- didn't play Golden 007 on Switch, a classic, but instead played a SpongeBob game
- blames trolls for why his mods get harassed but some of his mods are lolcows themselves
- had to hold his Magic 8 Ball to the light to read the message, won't fix his lighting
- “Stink clouds out of butts” (not a children's entertainer btw)
- banned someone who hinted that taking bribes via bounties is against YouTube's ToS
- bans anyone who point out his hypocrisy of liking YouTube shorts now (he can make $$ off them)
- never hesitates to shit on ProJared, Tobuscus, or any other content creator he's had beef with
- whined for ten minutes because Zelina Vega is an in-game commentator in Street Fighter 6
- assumed Zelina Vega is not a gamer
- thinks Zelina Vega doing commentary for a game and him doing commentary for NFL are different
- reckons voice actors have to play the games they do voices for
- reckons you have to know what the voice lines even mean to deliver them convincingly
- doesn't know that hiring a cosplayer would be a sensible business move
- "Everytime I hear something about YouTube Mobile, i get upset" even though he pushes YT shorts
- banned Leviathan, who has 100k+ subscribers, from the chat for pointing out he's breaking YT ToS
- knows what a licensed financial advisor would tell him to do, doesn't do it
- thought he could cook a frozen chicken breast in a frying pan with a little cooking spray
- The instructions on the bag was wrong” and yet thinks he can run a restaurant
- said cooking in an air fryer is ten times the clean up as using a pan”
- “In order to make things flavorful in an air fryer you have to use oil."
- want “various instruction types” on all food bags for his cooking preference
- state only children and casual gamers own a Nintendo Switch; owns a Nintendo Switch
- lied that people in his chat tell him to camp in online games to justify him doing it
- renamed the bounties to "challenges" to avoid breaking ToS (it's still against ToS)
- “When you are here on my stream I can ban you for any reason I want!”
- sheepishly admitted that banning for any reason is against ToS, still does it
- lied that his chat were bringing ToS before he banned people but the logs say they said it after
- has a rash on his hand that has scabs and oozes blood but won't see a doctor
- stated he's always had skin conditions. thinks they're natural and not derived from poor hygiene
- thinks being a 'throat goat' means being good at eating large amounts of food at one time
- almost told his fans to watch the evidence of him breaking TOs but swiftly changed his mind
- said that his cat pisses on things “he knows to come back there”
- “If you find me boring it means you’re the boring one! Why are you even here!”
- thinks that saying "I'm not asking" while asking for tips negates him asking for them
- says The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is “Western style open world first person RPG style”
- looked up a guide of Oblivion when his chat was too slow hand-holding him
- wasted a pre-stream whining that his YT shorts are under-performing
- called Wings tacky for stealing his bubble-blowing, got corrected, desperately defended Wings
- wears "plain normal shirts” on his “shower days” and "Special shirts” are for “normal days”
- says you shouldn't support EA for screwing over the Dead Space team, bought the game anyway
- doesn't take into account PayPal's 2.99% fee, leading to misleading tips totals
- encouraged his fans to do big tips to avoid only getting cents instead of dollars
- calculated 2.99% of $1.00 as 40 cents when it's only 2.29 cents
- was stunned that his boring hour-long 'podcast' generates little income, sometimes $0 a stream
- is too lazy to look up superchat messages, wishes YouTube would implement the feature
- stated that civilizations have risen and fallen within 90 days; the shortest was a decade
- thinks E3 was serious but it was babes and parties with the actual business behind closed doors
- touches his chin whenever he asks to tips, perhaps an unconscious tic or force of habit
- proposed that the Final Fantasy VII Remake should have been called Final Fantasy VII 2
- called Final Fantasy VII Remake a good game despite shitting on the game after finishing it
- cut the video feed because he couldn't stop getting friend requests from trolls
- says wrestlers on Cameo calling him out is 'ruining' him despite claiming to 'owning the meme'
- thinks Nick Rekieta isn't a real lawyer and is a grifting content creator
- adjusts his balls on camera
- continued hyping YT shorts monetization even though he didn't even qualify for it
- won't do an interview if the interviewer's style isn't 100% focused on him with easy questions
- says Destiny playing games while interviewing isn't a slight against him... in a rant about it
- lied that Destiny was sent only the first half of DSP's opinion of Destiny's interview style
- stated that Destiny claimed his proposed interview with DSP was a trap, doesn't give proof
- couldn't stop shitting on Destiny despite allegedly being above the "e-drama bullshit"
- believes LGBT characters are added to video games to balance out the other people in the game'
- believed Hi-Fi Rush had no dodge mechanic despite it showing it in the tutorial
- is terrible at rhythm games due to slow reactions and lack of patience, blames the games
- ranted about Maximillian over Rumbleverse for a paycheck even though Max worked with the devs
- refuses to believe that pro fighting game players play games like Rumbleverse without shilling
- refuses to believe that people can like playing Rumbleverse without getting it free or paid
- ignored his chat when he demanded a list of people still playing Rumbleverse and they listed them
- said that Maximillian and others who moved onto other games is proof that Rumbleverse was shit
- denied hating Maximillian after ranting that Max is a greedy shill
- said that Peppermint from Hi-Fi Rush, a black person, had odd skin and assumed her to be tanned
- wants to be with the times on YouTube via YT shorts despite saying his old ways are the best
- refuses to believe that new battle royale games can succeed, thinks that "fad" died long ago
- assumes that anyone defending a content creator must be a brain-dead fan who sucks them off
- assumes that if you love a game you must play it constantly
- tells it like it is and then admits he doesn't know and could be completely wrong
- banned a fan who told him to ease with the e-begging as good games are releasing soon
- had a stream with high volume of chat talk but was disappointed as it was the lowest $$ earning
- says he barely drinks alcohol while his skins exhibits signs of long-term alcohol abuse
- "All the health problems my parents are starting to get in their late 60's I already have."
- "The doctor said that I have some of the most sensitive skin he's ever seen!"
- blamed his nasty skin on his mother as he allegedly inherited the same skin condition she has
- said he has no interest in the Potter universe and yet got the deluxe edition of Hogwarts Legacy
- purchased the deluxe edition of Hogwarts Legacy for early day one views despite hating that
- spent $85 on Hogwarts Legacy and then $80 on Superbowl props, guilt tripped his audience hard
- had a Freudian slip saying "pull" when buying off Amazon (WWE Champions pulling on his mind)
- purchased a Hogwarts house themed hat despite not caring for the franchise
- does not find it odd when whales donate saying they support him or the game and then leave ASAP
- almost name-doxed the paypig CMFool
- said he gains nothing slandering indie games, yet does it because they bring in low tips
- is upset people like remakes and remasters of games and they should play the cheaper originals
- “I want to diversify in 2023”; wears silly hats, blows bubbles at 100 likes, and e-begs as usual
- banned a fan for daring to suggest his wife help pay the bills
- proudly banned a fake Derich, left alone less-blatant fake Derichs
- says YouTube allowing 4K streaming is pointless yet yelled at Twitch for not doing 4K streaming
- believes if you are sent a product to review it is yours to keep regardless of cost or context
- believes if you are sent a product to review that you didn't ask for, it is not shilling
- got up and walked off camera to spy out the window at a neighbour's noisy car alarm
- refuses to be happy for anyone having kids
- shat on Pewdiepie and his wife Marzia having a baby, gave no well-wishing or congrats
- renamed his Twitter name to 'DSP the DIE-HARD SPORTS FAN' despite hating sports
- insinuated his fans are idiots for calling Hi-Fi Rush GOTY which he disagrees with
- “Hi-Fi Rush is a homage game and it not game of the year material.”
- ranted about people boycotting Hogwarts Legacy when he himself boycotted Activision Blizzard
- said cancelling someone doesn't work and yet rants that his trolls try to get him cancelled
- “For some reason when I was getting upset at the game my nose started running really badly.”
- said Hi-Fi Rush is not original yet it "has things no other game has done before put together”
- compared the gameplay of Hi-Fi Rush to Devil May Cry and Ratchet and Clank
- showed his phone screen but made sure to cover the notifications
- clout-chased Netflix on Twitter, gave them advice on how not to go bankrupt
- thinks his tweet to Netflix went viral (it got 4k likes)
- thinks he ratio'd Netflix with his unsolicited business advice tweet
- tends to bite his nails whenever a dark-skinned character appears on screen
- made a YouTube short giving his initial of Hogwarts Legacy after five hours of play
- wore an NFL helmet on stream but it made him look like a retard wearing a safety helmet
- couldn't assemble the NFL helmet at first despite assembling it the previous day to test it out
- said going viral means nothing to long-term growth, tries to go viral any time he can anyways
- exclaimed he can't be bought; does the will of paypigs and whales who donate big (OIC, Tut, E7, etc)
- lamented that his morals deny him opportunities for 'easy money', like $50k from Keem for a podcast
- denies being a lolcow despite admitting he is a lolcow and not to be confused with Chris Chan
- "I'm not some kind of living joke!"
- “Call me whatever you want. I don’t care! It means nothing!”, then: “I’m not a fucking lolcow!”
- refuses to use the word 'lolcow' in a hypothetical podcast despite liking to use memes to own them
- thinks one or two negative traits don't define him, but the e-begging and complaining do define him
- “I’ll be wearing non-branded NFL jerseys all day long!” (all NFL jerseys are branded by definition)
- often confuses remasters and remakes, such as with Metroid Prime Remastered
- was mistaken when he said Metroid Prime Remastered had no release date when Nintendo outright said it
- is unsure if he's seen any Harry Potter movies despite once owned the boxset on DVD
- retconned selling all his DVDs to keeping a box of DVDs but is unsure what's in the box
- wore a Harry Potter hat and scarf despite complaining of hot weather heat
- says he's not a lolcow and then wears his Bender hat that resembles an erect cock with balls
- spent over $200 on gear and food for his Super Bowl stream, most of which he didn't use
- ragequit Tecmo Bowl and called it a broken shitty game (king of retro btw)
- tempted fate by saying he is uncancellable and immune to cancel culture
- assumes Mr Beast is rich because of YouTube
- believes (thanks to his Catholic faith) that charity only counts when there is personal sacrifice
- described why what Mr. Beast does isn't charity and then denies it is a take
- admonished Mr. Beast doing 'fake' charity work for attention; no proof DSP donates to charity
- got very annoyed at his whales dog-piling him with tips during his drinking stream
- drunkenly admitted to have ordered a "high-end restaurant quality" pizza to be delivered
- allowed himself to get drunk for money despite being a self-admitted alcoholic
- tends not to warm the oven prior to cooking/heating food
- pretended he was drinking from the same gin bottle from Xmas 2022 stream but it was a new bottle
- defended Derich as he spammed the chat like usual
- made a disgusting comment about Derich taking a shit in people's cereal (DSP scat fetish)
- took all day to announce his big announcement: a reaction channel on YT
- stated that reaction content is so easy; his gaming content is also just as easy
- began a reaction channel even though he shits on the genre and the people who make content in it
- used his old THEKINGOFHATEVLOGS channel as his reacts channel, no distancing from the hate moniker
- began e-begging for memberships on the Reacts channel, double-dipping
- will only react to videos that Patreon members suggest, double-dipping
- reckons the benefits of YT membership on both his channels are totally unique to each other
- charged $4 to suggest a clip for him to react to, and $20 for a guaranteed reaction to it
- thinks making one reaction video a week and a larger reaction video a month is a good business plan
- switched to releasing the video in batches of 4-5 at a time, which is also bad
- tried being a Biden reply guy on Twitter
- “Yesterday was a good day for support but today might go horribly!”, gave no thanks
- lamented Americans calling it football since you use your hands, but origins of the name are Euro
- used an old photo of him and Kat from 2019 for Valentines Day (the only photo of them he has?)
- banned a fan who requested he add chapters to the video, couldn't figure out how, so banned the fan
- refused to react to detractor videos in the oddly-named 'DSP vs The Internet' react channel segment
- called his fans idiots for innocently asking if he'll react to detractor content
- believes reaction content must be reacting to an entire long video and that short clips don't count
- wants to react to dumb videos but not dumb videos submitted by non-paying YT members
- “Don’t expect me to watch anything over a few minutes for a react. That will never happen!"
- stopped reacting to Boogie video once he realised the credit card debt jokes hit too close to home
- immediately skipped reacting to a video with a black kid
- “The light-up spell is Leviosa.” (it's Lumos)
- comments on Moist Critikal's videos despite professing to not watch other content creators
- microwaved a frozen eggplant for dinner
- blamed Kat for his atrocious dinner even though he made it himself
- “I thought it said the horse is disabled.”
- kept saying "someone" kept donating memberships, won't say it's Emil due to it being just one guy
- says crossing-over memberships between channels is gross; has events crossing-over his channels
- bemoaned how there are no original ideas in gaming... as he copies other streamers' gimmicks
- “Does the river lead to other bodies of water?” (it's the literal definition)
- claimed the Harry Potter movies are the longest series using the same continuity
- was shocked there are dragons in Hogwarts Legacy but the game starts with a dragon
- wanted to know what chemicals were in a train crash and lost interest when his chat spammed them
- did not care about one of his loyal fan Tyler's parents dying in a car crash
- says he won't bring up nonsense but always does when reacting to troll comments
- admitted he doesn't want to react to detractor content as he'll have to admit his wrongdoings
- subscribed to HBO Max despite his dire financial situation
- lean-in-manual-banned a fan who pointed out he skimps on groceries and yet can afford HBO Max
- might have seriously considered suing HBO Max for not having Harry Potter if he had the money
- did no research on what HBO Max provides, raged that there's no Harry Potter films on there
- "Destiny does not have an audience." (gets millions of views)
- assumes that all of Destiny's audience are hateful people he wants nothing to do with
- watched just 5 minutes of Destiny and assumes he knows all there is to know about his content
- accidentally admitted the purpose of the interview he wants is to attract new whales to tip him
- called off the interview because he reckons he'll never gain loyal paypigs from interviewers' fans
- said people have had multiple YT channels for decades but YT wasn't 20 years old when he said it
- exclaimed having no tips is a terrible day for him but mocks people who call it a terrible day
- complained that he's not complaining
- surmised The Last of Us TV series to be inferior to the games because it focuses on people more
- reacts to videos by pausing every few seconds to add input or look at the chat
- says the FGC became both a “corporate shill environment” and “bunch of immature kids"
- says Billy Blanks wasn't anyone before Tae Bo, but he was a famous martial artists before that
- tells his viewers if they don't want to click the Like button they better leave
- called the Infinity Ward devs losers because the latest CoD patch reenabled his notifications
- humblebragged that Christmas Day was the only free day with no responsibilities he has
- shat on Ninja for wearing a hat and yet is convinced him wearing hats is not the same thing
- shat on Ninja for upgrading his lighting and yet is convinced him doing the same is different
- said Ninja is appealing to kids in his animal hats... said this while wearing the Pikachu hat
- joked that his penis is a hotdog he keeps in a holster (Derichsydephil)
- wants YouTube to apply stricter moderation, unaware his channel will be one of the first to go
- refuses to believe he's become the person he hates (an e-ebegger who makes reaction content)
- believes he is living his best life almost at his 'final form'
- admits he is a boring person but thinks that alone disqualifies him for lolcow status
- said he makes exciting content but admits stream is boring with nothing going on
- shat on his own pre-stream, calling it boring, is puzzled how detractors get content from it
- believes that content creators insulting him generates them money most of the time
- exclaimed he never said PC gaming is dying whilst also saying PC gaming is dwindling hard
- thinks he is special because he doesn't take sponsorships
- blamed his fans for wanting reaction content when in reality it's another bandwagon to fleece tips
- invented the lie that people are calling him a horrible person for doing reaction content
- yelled at his chat to stop giving him "mindless memes" to react to
- thinks Hogwarts Legacy not having DLC means the devs “gave in to the hate mob”
- thinks Section 230 passing means no more nasty comments as you'll be held personally accountable
- thinks YouTube is doing whatever it wants, but they're obeying the law
- keeps making comparisons to restaurants as it the closest to life experience he has
- is bewildered that Japanese game developers use sex appeal but no outright sexual content
- believes Japanese culture with sex appeal is "fractured" and needs fixing
- sees nothing wrong between barely clothed women and barely clothed men
- complained about the character design in One Piece despite allegedly liking the series
- stated that fans of scantily-clad women must be sheltered; barely leaves the house
- refers to trans people as "fake" and "those people" to avoid outright naming them in his rants
- said you either support LGBT or don't support LGBT, then says he falls in neither category
- “Rickroll isn’t actually funny, it’s just people recognizing a pattern!”
- seriously desires to sue every detractor who makes content about him if he has the money and time
- not so seriously desires to sue YouTube as a company for failing to take down detractor content
- believes that any negative video about him is slander and/or defamation and is actionable
- finds it odd that Keemstar doxed people and yet is on YT; has doxed PwDubz and YT did nothing
- brought out his decade-old YT Silver Play Button as proof of his success
- refuses to take blame for willingly playing game his audience doesn't like and doesn't choose
- admitted he watches YouTube playthroughs with his wife of new games he's playing
- wore a donated hat because it was a "disservice" not to, but charged his fans to wear it anyways
- “This has been an amazing game and playthrough!”, then “Let end this already! Fuck this!”
- told viewers to wash your teeth after drinking juice ASAP even though dentists say don't do that
- lamented that his fans are "the most immature viewers out there" despite stating they are not kids
- ranted that he wasn't accepted into an Ivy League school because he wasn't a minority
- ranted that “American systems” chose black athletes other him
- “I have a family life! I have a meaningful existence now!”
- opined that people tend to waste their money on junk... as he sets in a room surrounded by junk
- humblebragged he did lots of extracurriculars but he was forced to and he hated it
- allegedly was told by his wife to tone down the sexual humour and so he massive overcompensated
- refuses to react to positive videos about him from "drama channels"
- ragequit Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 due to shit skills and not enough tips
- called his fans idiots with no common sense because they want him to lower the tips goals
- “I don’t eat there! (McDonald’s) I don’t eat there at all! I eat there maybe one a year.”
- refuses to believe he made $2m in 11 years because he spends his money as soon as he gets it
- immediately talks about taxes and fees on his income to downplay how much he makes
- admitted he's "pissed away" his money but does not lament digging himself into his financial hole
- blames trolls and detractors for being unable to deal with budgeting and reigning in his spending
- refuses to apologise to defaming ProJared even after Jared was proven innocent of the accusations
- believes he only ever tweeted at ProJared twice
- believes detractor content is literally made for stupid people
- beclowned himself impersonating what he thinks his detractors talk like
- complained of detractors using out of context clips while acting like a clown, providing the clips
- insulted his audience by saying they have no patience, hence why they leave
- got seriously upset by the upgrade machine in Atomic Heart as it talks sexually so he muted audio
- admitted he muted Atomic Heart because sexual talk got to him, banned people who pointed that out
- threatened to uninstall Atomic Heart because the sexy robots say sexual things
- paused the stream to rant about Atomic Heart, got baffled why his viewer count plummeted
- called the sexual humour in Atomic Heart juvenile; own sense of humour has scat and racism
- called Atomic Heart a modern version of Half Life when they are not really anything alike
- had no qualms with the naked bath fight scenes in Like a Dragon: Ishin (Gaysydephil)
- played a cringe animation made by troll DasBoSchitt
- reckons videos of him done in a “documentarian style” are "taken as fact”
- got Kat's meds delivered via unreliable same-day extra-cost delivery service rather than mail order
- "No one uploads 4 hours of raw footage of react content, they break it down."; uploads 1 hour vids
- had a flare up of gout (a goutbreak) proving he isn't sticking to his diet
- is confused why he has gout when he recently drank gin and ate pizza and burgers on stream
- disregards criticism if it also applies to other content creators or streamers
- believes that most streamers do 30-45 minute pre-streams like he does
- continues to do 30-45 long pre-streams just because other streamers (allegedly) do it too
- admitted he's copying other content creators despite being proud to not be like them
- refuses to own the lolcow status to rob it of power because the lolcow label is one of 'hate'
- believes that if you like laughing at lolcows you are a lolcow yourself
- tried to get the 'DSP is asexual' meme going so it could burn out and die quickly
- left leaked ant bait on the kitchen floor for months because he's too lazy to clean it
- bans people for pointing out the correct amount of dislikes on his videos
- accidentally revealed he's subscribed to his own channels (organic growth btw)
- does not believe that 84% of his memberships on DSPReacts are gifted (organic growth btw)
- suggested that 'ragequitting' doesn't count if he quits a game due to frustration (aka rage)
- read an e-book on how to be successful despite boasting of his methodology and business degree
- assumes that if you insult someone's looks you must be physically ugly
- defended ProJared despite cheering on people cancelling him
- stated that if you are married you shouldn't watch anime
- compared watching anime to being in a polyamorous relationship
- believes people actually take waifus seriously as if they are in a real relationship with them
- “Marriage is a legal document that says this is the rest of your life.”; rushed to marry Kat
- believes he only called his viewers idiots one time
- ranted for ten minutes about idiots in his chat even though he said he quietly deals with them
- ranted that he does not rant all the time
- admitted that no one cares about him other than long-time fans
- believes that if you say anything negative about him it speaks more about you than him
- admitted he will toss anyone he doesn't like out of his chat (possible YT ToS violation)
- laughed hysterically at an early video of ProJared 'cumming' on camera, Phil can relate
- reckoned if he had made comedy skits his channel would have exploded in popularity
- thinks he and his wife have a faithful relationship but she cheated on him with the Subaru man
- bemoaned he was the whipping before of the internet before meeting Kat (still is)
- claimed he never cared about views when he bitches about views almost every stream
- believes that if a content creator admits to sharing nudes with fans you must stop watching them
- thinks it is heinous ProJared had nudes of fans; Phil had nudes of Leanna, a fan at the time
- turned anything sympathetic about ProJared (bullying, stress) into a comparison to himself
- said he had a legit reason to fire back at ProJared; did it years later after Jared's expose
- said he only went after ProJared's tweet, but he mocked him relentlessly in the pre-streams
- claimed he never accused ProJared of anything but he literally did (infidelity, pedophilia, etc)
- thinks that if he didn't make a video dedicated to a topic then he didn't talk about it
- whined that Morrowind crashed even though he saves the game every minute
- claimed he wanted to do a charity stream in 2015 but couldn't due to swattings and DDoS attacks
- refused to name any of the content creators he was to do the 2015 charity stream with
- admitted he adopted his Christian policy on charity out of fear he would expose his sins publicly
- claimed the ice bucket challenge did nothing for no one, then sheepishly admitted it raised money
- “If I do any kind of charity I’m going to do it for myself” which hardly makes it charity
- "Guys, if we don't hit the tips goal it's fine, I'm not going to harp on it" and then harps on it
- was puzzled why Joon The King's video was not demonitized yet his reaction to JTK's video was
- whined when part 1 of his ProJared reaction got monitized after everyone already watched it
- lied that he's taken paywalls away when he literally put more up for his reaction channel
- told fans to stop buying Nintendo games so Nintendo would improve; used to shit on boycotts
- labels anyone 'concerned' about him or his business as a troll to dismiss them
- expects businesses to research his past and why he was called the King of Hate in the first place
- “Everything people accuse me of is bullshit” except he's confessed to a few things
- gave the reason why he e-begs so much: “If I didn’t bring it up nobody would do it!”
- planned to phase out memberships but still have membership goals... that won't be anything
- thinks he is superior to Boogie and Wings because they are being paid to be in a boxing match
- believes if he were in charge of YouTube he'd fix efficiency overnight by 97%
- wants the ability to transfer YT members-exclusive emotes from one channel to another
- admitted one reason he won't return to Twitch as it would be admitting defeat
- was asked if he'd consider hiring the guy who edits his YT Shorts, turned it into a rant
- assumed the fan asking if he'd hire his YT Shorts editor to be prying into his business
- shat on the fan who politely requested he consider making highlights videos
- "I take feedback, criticism, and advice!"; roasts anyone who offers feedback, criticism, and advice
- “Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it!” yet won't match any positive changes
- says that his YT members have 'power' yet mocks $1 tippers and says that have no power
- states it'll be the last time he'll means tips and contributions that stream, lies and e-begs
- lied about PayPal's cut to fool and shame his fans into tipping more than $1 at a time
- could not process the concept of giving exclusive merch to his YT members
- mistakenly believe he never owned a portrait of Doc Louis from Punch-Out
- found the portrait of Doc Louis and presented it on stream as something new and exciting
- paused his game to waste four minutes looking up his YouTube analytics page
- decided not to ban a fan talking about Derich because he promised to member-bomb soon
- equated American people from the 1800s to the modern Amish people
- could not answer if he's eveyr been in a fist fight, deflected with a joke
- called The Last of Us Tv show a "father son" story
- spent his day off replying (with uncited sources on his info) to Elon Musk on Twitter for attention
- believes that dropping fertility rates is only a problem outside the USA
- fails to read graph data and thus draws incorrect interpretations from it
- lied that there's no dip in support when he's had constant slow streams
- tends to make a tweet hyping a game he'll play on stream only to change his mind and play another
- was invited to Suttering Craig's podcast, bent over backwards excusing himself out of it
- had no idea what turmeric was, pretended he accurately guessed it was turmeric after reading chat
- did no research on Greek cuisine, mispronounces every Greek word he uses
- hyped up his daily tips goal even though he immediately admitted nothing interesting will happen
- acknowledges Twitch wants to remove toxic people, can't piece together that means him
- believes Twitch must legally justify anyone they remove from their private platform
- views being removed from Twitch's partner program to be as bad as being banned
- sees the word 'autistic' as a slur, refuses to say the word
- mocked the idea of quitting something because it bores you but he recently quit Atomic Heart
- banned a fan who pointed out trolls were in the chat
- banned a fan who kept "distracting the chat" by talking about things that weren't Phil
- blamed Stuttering Craig for making the podcast episode about Phil
- assumed Stuttering Craig was inviting him onto his podcast to be his 'whipping boy'
- allowed Stuttering Craig to ask him any question even though he bemoaned getting 'troll questions'
- seriously believes his detractors turn everything he says into an attack on him and his family
- defends Derich, saying he doesn't do a thing wrong; Derich sexually harasses pornstars daily
- "The trolls hate Derich, because he talks to Phil a lot on his stream, and he's a nice guy!"
- exclaimed Derich is not a whale, but he is a paypig who donates with his mother's stolen card
- got very toxic when he learned Stuttering Craig discovered Derich and his harassment of pornstars
- turned the Sidescrollers podcast announcement into a pity stream full of salt and victimization
- stated he wouldn't limit the questions on the podcast... so long as they aren't 'drama' questions
- lied that The Quartering interview had no pre-arranged questions
- thinks his content isn't toxic and it's his detractors that twist it to make it seem toxic
- pointed out the identity theft to cover for the fact it exposed his bank account and spending
- won't talk about things that could 'expose' him like his bank leaks but will talk about his car bill
- claimed he lost “thousands of dollars” in his identity theft but van't name a thing that caused it
- said the best way to judge him is to watch him (his boring e-begging salty content)
- truly believes he's lost all his friends, opportunities, and credibility due to his trolls
- truly believes Twitch got kicked out of the partner program because trolls harassed Twitch
- says he tries to ignore the trolls but he just ranted 20 minutes about trolls 'ruining' his life
- admits he cannot prove he is 100% innocent because he HAS done mistakes (and still does)
- instead of wanting 100 memberships a month he now wants 8-10 a day instead
- hated having to talk about his monthly membership goal, now talks about his daily membership goal
- prepared for a debunking stream despite saying he's going to the podcast to hang out and have fun
- “I’m 40 years old and I have to play games...”
- “I am one of the most harassed people online!”
- has an obsession to stream at maximum quality, leading to the bitrate choking his framerate
- “They expect you to learn a boss pattern!”
- pronounced Shitieshou as "shit-show"
- “When I say things are terrible I mean it’s not really that bad, it’s certainly playable.”
- "I'm not a YouTube shill!" and then shills YouTube Premium to make money on his demonitized vids
- “Roman Catholic charity means sacrifice”
- gets his information on Mr. Beast from an animated parody video
- clicked through Angry Joe's skits and feels he knows what Joe's content is generally like
- called his detractors idiots for taking note of him e-begging even if its “best behavior style”
- admits he doesn't record him e-begging to deprive detractors of video content (doesn't work)
- thinks calling his statements "facts" and "transparency" makes them true
- thinks giving his viewers a heads-up to tip him doesn't count as begging
- believes that people who are financial struggling use DoorDash once a week like he does
- stated that because he spends $150 a week on DoorDash, not $200, it's totally different
- believes that tutorials shouldn't have skill checks, they should pass you regardless of skill
- admitted that because he's middle aged he doesn't care for reading and would rather his chat help
- acts like an entitled gamer when games don't teach him everything and makes him experiment
- ragequit Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty for a stream because his controller battery was low
- considers it bad game design when a game has him steamrolling bosses and then get bodied
- celebrated uploading 63k videos to his main YT channel when almost all are non-editted dumps
- does not realise that one of his hats is a woman's sunhat
- mocked LTG despite their similarities: feces-focus humour, prone to rages, and racism
- laughed at a LTG clip despite hating the exact same kind of clips made about him
- wants permission to react to videos of people despite reacting to an LTG clip without consent
- rescinded his ban on “long form” react content because now he's getting paid to react to them
- “I have big knowledge of Wings and Boogie” despite knowing shit all a month ago
- believes he was “1 million percent” and “majorly involved” as a part of That Guy With the Glasses
- “2 big bills out of nowhere” even though they are his monthly bills
- gets mad when viewership is higher than normal but tips don't increase
- says he'll stop e-begging for his fans, then soon e-begged whining about losing Twitch partnership
- gets bewildered when chill streams earn less tips than usual streams
- believes that if a chill stream surges in views it must be detractors watching to get content
- thinks he can get away with begging because it is 'transparent', won't prove what he's spending
- thinks he can get away with begging if it calls it "suggesting" when it is 100% begging
- "I'm not going to beg like a pathetic person."
- “I don’t know of a way to say I need help without pissing people off.”
- got filtered by Wo Long, hating the same tropes the game uses as Soulslike games he enjoys
- doesn't think he/others should run a death counter during Wo Long since he thinks the deaths are BS
- openly welcomes criticism from fans... yet he can decide you're not a fan to avoid criticism
- doesn't like when people tally his tips as they can prove his claims to be lies
- doesn't mention chargebacks when he gets them (so much for transparency)
- knows how much money he needs to pay his bills, refuses to say how much (so much for transparency)
- thinks that because trolls' tips tally isn't 100% accurate it is 100% wrong and a waste of time
- assumes that if you tell him to slow down on the spending you must be richer than him
- “When you run your own business you never get money back on your taxes.”
- says Higashihara correctly and then corrects himself to say "Niggashihara"
- said "Niggashihara" two more times, with his giggle indicating he was saying it on purpose
- found it odd that an anime girl is in Like a Dragon: Ishin but not Kenny Omega and other cameos
- equated people suggesting Stuttering Craig questions for Phil to begging him to interrogate Phil
- lied that he's doxed people before; PwDubz and other people whose names he's seen via PayPal
- bemoaned he had to get up early (9am!) to appear on the Side Scrollers podcast
- joked that he may have to take a coffee break or masturbate during the Side Scrollers podcast
- turned the notion of going to see a movie with his wife into a stress-inducing nightmare
- lied that he's always been 100% in charge of his content, but he does let fans vote for games
- lied that he'll never be unfair towards a game for clickbait since he's not getting paid for it
- likes that hard games bring in more viewers, dislikes that they're only there to see him rage
- said Romeo and Juliet is “ok” but “has a weird ending”
- believes that blind people have "massively enhanced other senses" like Daredevil
- insinuated he's getting too old to play games and would rather sit around doing Q+As and reactions
- apologised for e-begging so much and then went right back to e-begging the very next day
- thinks being unable to speak his mind clearly is an age issue that he is suffering from
- embarrassingly made "no tips?" comments to guilt trip his viewers into tipping
- blames viewers' changing tastes for low views when the truth is his audience is leaving him
- called his viewers idiots if they want to see him suffer playing a difficult video game
- didn't think Hogwarts Legacy was a success but it sold 12m+ copies at the time he said it
- “Who cares about playing the ultra hard stuff anymore! Not me!” yet wanted to replay Elden Ring
- said his e-begging is fundraising, though fundraisers are legally bound to show where the money goes
- believes detractors pointing out his e-begging is a new thing but it's been a 5+ years ago
- "It's actually impossible to always please myself."
- wasted a few minutes correcting a troll's obviously exaggerated take on Phil
- somehow convinced Stuttering Craig that most info on DSP is slanderous lies
- ranted that Twitch ran ads for a game that allegedly had spoilers
- explained in great detail how mobile games are addictive with little return... hmmm...
- believes that marketing is run by suits that are out-of-touch and delusional
- believes that popular content creators are paid advertisers and are boring
- "If TIHYDP never happened I'd be a 1 million subscriber YouTuber!"
- lied that people can tip to get unbanned, it's happened before and likely will keep happening
- thinks highly of himself for putting together assorted items in his fridge to make dinner
- “We ordered Mexican food”, and then “I had to penny pinch this week”
- sometimes suddenly gets better at a game after a ten minute bathroom break... hmmm...
- reviewed Joker (four years after its release) and gave a shallow normie take
- knows the names of many of his detractors despite stating he doesn't see their content
- described how lazy content creators review games, describing himself in the process
- spoke of not letting your hopes get too high; has high hopes for the growth of his react channel
- banned a fan because he assumed the fan's name meant he was secretly trolling
- creepily stares at his wife without realising he's creepily staring at her
- turned a fan's typo into a clownish skit where he wears all his hats at once
- "I utterly despise this game but I will play it if the money is decent."
- accidentally confirmed the Sidescrollers interview was a publicity stunt and not "for his fans"
- cannot remember the last time he worked out (can do 25 pushups off-camera btw)
- vowed to play the RE4 Remake on hard despite ranting at others for playing on Hard
- stated that people who sit around for an hour talking about games are only in it for the money
- “It should come hand-in-hand that if you’re enjoying the stream you support the creator.”
- “Everything rolls off my back like a duck in water.”
- refuses to eat anything that leaves grease on a paper towel, everything else is aye-okay
- lied that he never watches Angry Joe videos
- compared Elon's rocket to a penis
- took the 'Sh*t Civic Owners Say' video completely seriously
- refused to react to the Sterling video because he wants to mock trans people but can't
- can't eat long pasta like spaghetti without making a mess, hence why he prefers short pasta
- lied that he doesn't like penne pasta but he has previously spoken highly of it
- defined what a cult is which funnily enough sounds like what he's doing (DSP cult leader)
- lied that he didn't take donations back when he was accused of being a cult leader
- lamented that he keeps buying themed hats for playthroughs that barely get worn via tips goal met
- stated he will throw out all unsolicited gifts sent to him... unless they are alcohol
- won't restart Cooking with the King despite getting a Street Fighter themed cookbook
- wondered what clothes LTG is wearing (possibly to buy his merch)
- pondered way too hard about why the LTG fanbase is called the Covenant
- refuses to believe he looks - or will look - anything like Steven Seagal
- claims he's never doxed anyone before; doxed people with their IP addresses on his old website
- refuses to do interviews with his fans because he has to 'protect muh family!'
- claimed people clicked the ads on his early vlogs out of sympathy but he begged people to click 'em
- believes he would have been a big name at Channel Awesome if he were signed aboard
- believes there wouldn't be TIHYDP videos made if he was with Channel Awesome
- seriously thinks a movie about his life would do well but would cut out the drama (the best parts)
- claimed he made for money than the CEO at his former employment yet still went bankrupt
- had aspirations to hire a video editor who he previously worked with at the helicopter company
- had aspirations to do a gaming news show with a desk and green screen
- had aspirations to create an office in his Connecticut condo for his workstation and such
- believe TIHYDP turned him into a joke, but it's own terrible content on display
- blamed TIHYDP for ruining his income but he already blamed Blip.tv and adpocalypse
- believes people loved him until TIHYDPs told them not to, doesn't respect his fans' intelligence
- insinuated that his detractors didn't make him an e-begger because he always was (it's business)
- stated that detractors broke the law to make TIHYDP even though he said they are legally fair use
- talks to fans who ask about TIHYDP as if they are detractors fishing for content
- blamed the detractors into forcing him to e-beg to make ends meet when he could get a job
- lied that he never talks about his haters unless someone brings them up
- lied that he never plays the victim when every stream has at least one 'woe is me' pity tips beg
- said he isn't playing the victim after ranting for 15+ minutes about how detractors ruined his life
- bans trolls who foolishly send him troll-donations, depriving himself of easy money
- ranted about daylight saving being governmental incompetence due to losing an hour of sleep
- blamed YouTube for shifting YT video comments around for being unable to finish members' posts
- thinks him having a sleepover with some fans and all them blowing bubbles is a twisted fantasy
- made disgusting scat, dick, and pedo jokes during the traditional dance scene in Wo Long
- implied his fans are idiots because they could not remember the date of the Sidescrollers podcast
- said he'd only address his haters in the Sidescrollers podcast, making content for the detractors
- admitted he would give the tired old "it isn't true" answer to every interview question about him
- thought he one-upped the trolls by making the Sidescrollers interview as pointless as possible
- began craving Wendy's burgers, which is not helpful to his weight or gout
- admitted to rushing through Hogwarts Legacy because he was taking so long viewership dropped off
- was shocked that running past most NPCs in Hogwarts Legacy resulted in missing meaningful dialogue
- mispelt the word 'watching' ("THANKS FOR WACHING") for his DSP Reacts outro
- included the text @DSPReacts to his reaction stream bumper despite it being a troll account
- “I don’t look at how the videos are doing over on the React channel” and then mentioned the views
- equated wanting to see Boogie and Wings box each other to bullying them
- refused to react to a movie until someone paid for it for him
- downplayed the Sidescrollers podcast and was bewildered when fans thought he meant don't attend
- thinks the Sidescrollers podcast is tainted because of a top-voted troll comment on their video
- assumed that the Sidescrollers cast weren't excited for his appearance because he wasn't
- called his fans scumbags for pressuring him to appear on the Sidescrollers podcast
- had zero foresight that his trolls would mess with his podcast appearance
- “I make content for a curated audience.”
- lies that he doesn't apy attention to detractors, brings up troll memes and gayops all the time
- called himself a "peripheral victim" to avoid calling himself a victim
- called The Last of Us Part II a "a feel good do-gooder game”
- calls condensation “perspiration”
- “I have a right to dip out [in the interview] whenever I want. It’s my life! It’s my time!"
- sometimes deliberately does not count tips until near the end of the stream to deny fans the vest
- “No one is talking to me for some odd reason...”
- ranted about Naughty Dog charging for their new multiplayer game... but it's free to play
- proclaims he enjoyed Sekiro even though he hated it the entire time for its difficulty
- says his 'authentic' Italian sauce requires multiple exotic ingredients but most of it is sugar
- dodges the question if he still plays mobile games especially WWE Champions
- stated that he used the KoH monikor to gather the hate he gets when making racist jokes; still does
- said that his content two years ago vs today is night and day (still boring as fuck)
- tried to excuse his joke of selling a black girl into slavery as edgy humour taken out of context
- tried to excuse his edgy humour as it being something his viewers expect of him
- lied that he never intended to use the race of the black girl in his human trafficking joke
- claims he apologised for the aforementioned joke but he actually told his audience to shut up
- blasts trolls for sharing years old clips of him, invites them to share more recent clips
- believes you will never find 47 examples in one year range of his vids of him being a scumbag
- said that he used to be bitter that people 'steal' his content to make videos (still is)
- said that he used to think that because he's a successful YTer he's not bad at games (still does)
- finds it disgusting when streamers run ads over everything; ran ads in his most infamous videos
- lied that he does not keep an eye on the tips tracker all stream
- doesn't like content creators who only do things for money
- lied that he doesn't know what his business expenses are (he'd have to explain the $5k a month)
- wants a full year of uninterrupted money saving but he's had 15 years to save money
- "Currently do I have a business plan? No." (business degree btw)
- stated that no company would pay him what he earns streaming (hinting at the 5k a month)
- lied on the Sidescrollers podcast that prior to 2013 he's never asked for tips and donations
- confirmed he still plays WWE Champions but then acts like he knows nothing when called out
- refused to privately show Stuttering Craig proof of his real bank account
- declared the leaked bank statement is false because doesn't spend that much on his cat (he does)
- blamed medical issues on why he spluttered and couldn't answer questions on the podcast
- refuses to believe he's guilty of the same things he accuses Keemstar of doing
- said he would be respectful to Keem and then immediately shat on him on his own podcast
- “How the hell would I see a therapist! I’m here 6 days a week!”
- unblocked ReviewTechUSA on Twitter and ranted about him
- refused to believe that Keemstar approached him with the podcast offer the right way
- admitted he got the phone call from Keem despite previous saying he never got a phone call
- thinks he is very different from Keemstar even though they b oth got their start in drama
- admitted he has spent $100-1000 on WWE Champions, won't state the true amount (way more)
- admitted he got addicted to WWE Supercard, thinks that's the problem despite spending more in WWEC
- doesn't know why people think he spends lots on WWE Champions but there is the Discord leaks
- stated that the bank account leaks are not his account despite raging about it at the time
- admitted he never went to the police after his 'identity was stolen', assumed they'd no nothing
- could not answer how the bank leak can be fake if it aligns with his spending at the time
- believe someone would go to meticulous lengths to fake a bank statement, spening thousands
- lied that you don't tie your mobile phone number to a WWE Champions account
- admitted he threatened to dox a troll but assured he seriously wouldn't have done it
- refused to believe that his detractors revealed he was innocent all along in the escort saga
- lied that he rolled with the fapping on stream incident, he actually denied it at first
- lied that he thought Keemstar covered the fappening fairly, he actually ranted at the time
- shared some of his expenses on the podcast but avoided the $5k a month business expenses
- admitted he spent at least $15 on Street Fighter: Duel, a mobile game
- admitted he learned much about Keemstar from Keem's detractors despite not liking detractors
- believed a documentary he watched about Keemstar, but all documentaries about DSP are lies
- chided Keem for the Wings vs Boogie boxing but agrees that as adults they can make own decisions
- stated he doesn't document important things he ought to, complains that detractors document it
- knew in advance that Keem would contact him, chose not to answer Keem's call
- insinuated that gaming (and e-begging) was more important than taking Keem's call
- lied that the only videos he's ever tried to take down were raw uploads; TIHYDPs like Minecraft...
- lied on the Sidescrollers podcast that he first made content with PandaLee when she was an adult
- brought up a weird lie that DSP is an abusing womanizer when no troll/detractor ever said that
- pretty much encouraged his detractors to find the restraining order Kat put on her abusive ex
- says he won't ban people from chat if they talk shit in other chats but he has done that before
- unashamedly e-begged the day after he acknowledged on the Sidescrollers podcast he begs too much
- acknowledged that blocking Rich and other big names from his chat was dumb as it created beef
- admitted he wouldn't take the $50k offer from Keemstar as it means be would be beholden to Keem
- stated he would do a podcast with Boogie and Wings but not with Keemstar involved
- "I don't want to be Mr. Lolcow for the rest of my life."
- claimed Keemstar invaded his podcast interview but he was invited by the hosts
- claimed the Sidescrollers podcast interview was not an interrogation... until he decided it was
- claims he has post-nasal drip but he did not snort at all during the 5 hour podcast interview
- says putting out 'meaningful' but low-pay content is better than a "quick pay day"
- assumed that Keem's lolcow podcast HAS to be full of drama despite Keem insisting the opposite
- defended the Sidescrollers crew until he learned they were criticizing him post-interview
- talked shit about the Sidescrollers crew after the questioned if Phil was being honest at all
- assumes the Sidescrollers crew now suddenly believe all detractor claims of DSP at face value
- considers lying about not playing WWE Champions a white lie but he still spends fans' money on it
- “My streams are my social life”, which curiously leaves out his wife and his cat
- ranted that the Sidescrollers podcast got lots of superchats from his detractors
- offered to send Craig screenshots of his phone to disprove mobile games lies, changed his mind
- assumed that the Sidescrollers podcast wouldn't have invited Keemstar on if DSP wasn't a guest
- assumed that the Sidescrollers podcast only had DSP on to make money
- thinks it's not that people besmirch him when he's not present; does the same to everyone else
- lied that he's never done an ACKACKACK seal laugh in his life
- finds it odd that Suttering Craig wants to hear both sides of the story aka talking to detractors
- finds it off that Keem was even on the podcast even though he made several huge points
- assumed that Stuttering Craig went into the interview as a non-neutral just from a positive email
- thinks that Craig listened to detractors about the mobile games but Phil himself told him
- insulted the Sidescrollers podcast, calling them small, saying they were lucky to get him
- got upset that Sidescrollers podcast made money off demeaning him; does the same to his fans
- declared the Sidescrollers destroyed their own show despite praising their soaring views and tips
- wanted a 'decompression' stream post-interview, got mad when the Sidescrollers did it
- thinks elevating his status to 'level 2' means shitting on others
- thinks Keem added nothing to the podcast but he explained in detail the failed lolcow podcast
- assumed that Keemstar doesn't know who Stuttering Craig or his podcast is
- stated that the Sidescrollers cast made up lies from half-truths to shit on Phil
- skipped over big chunks of the Sidescrollers post-interview discussion stream when reacting
- assumed that Stuttering Craig didn't want to see his phone screenshots, hence he didn't send them
- couldn't accept praise from the Sidescrollers crew without turning it into an insult at them
- assumes that no one who is guilty will stick around for a long interview
- hates that the Sidescrollers talked shit about phil post-interview even though he did it to Keem
- "If you have something to say, say it to my face!"
- called Keemstar a "misery broker" for profiting off other's misery; does the same to Wings
- says the Sidescrollers crew watched nothing, but then said they only watched detractor content
- assumes the Sidescrollers are 100% wrong about him but they're repeating what he said to them
- 'proved' his paper has writing on it by holding it up to the camera, making it blurry and whited
- got very upset that Stuttering Craig was happy they did a podcast episode with DSP
- hates that Craig called Phil "Level 1" despite Phil naming his podcast "The Level 1 Podcast"
- blames trolls and detractors for his poor mental health
- doesn't believe the Sidescrollers want what's best for him, has to spin it to make him the victim
- thinks sitting on his ass gaming and dumping unedited videos makes him a hard worker
- believes everyone who insults him gets exposed but can only name ProJared (who is innocent)
- stopped watching the Sidescrollers podcast aftershow stream because their truth cut him deep
- believes that the podcast interview was just a trap to use him for views/tips/clout
- claims his appearance on the Sidescrollers podcast was just to test them (CopiumSydePhil)
- believes that the Sidescrollers cast got themselves into legal trouble when they bashed DSP
- assumes he will never get a fair neutral interview because he assumes everyone wants to use him
- wants to do podcast interviews on his platform (so he can get superchats)
- ranted that Nintendo's website doesn't keep his purchase history for his taxes (business degree btw)
- talked about feces and "measuring his poo" for fifteen minutes
- reblocked ReviewTechUSA after 72 hours, only a few days after talk of burying the hatchet with Rich
- admitted that he's nobody and no one should care about his opinion
- lied that Keemstar is the only person he's ever criticized in his 15 year 'legacy'
- knows that Keem talks about DSP on Twitter and on his streams despite not watching his detractors
- couldn't help insulting Keem with his plans of making a Netflix documentary on DSP
- fell for the reverse-reverse psychology Keem used in his chat
- found a feces themed restaurant hilarious and wants to eat there
- sometimes pretends that his tips counter froze so he could claim tips are low when they aren't
- so paranoid of his trolls he can't see his parents without fearing of troll interference
- thinks he is okay at Wo Long; has died 100+ times and has ragequit multiple times
- subtly admitted that his trolls were right to warn him of the gaming chair scam he fell for
- implied that although he hated the gaming chairs he would have still taken the sponsorship
- believes that all detractor channels make money because he thinks they won't do it for free
- complained about the Sidescrollers interview for many days even after most people moved on
- "You can't really faze me anyone."; gets fazed on every stream
- shat on his fans who suggested he rise above the drama rather than ignore it
- stopped making negative reviews because he didn't like that his audience craves more of the same
- wants to portray himself as a positive person but he barely smiles and is always toxic
- threatened to air the Sidescroller crew's dirty laundry as a childish retaliatory attack
- researched Stuttering Craig and Adam Crigler to get dirt on them
- tried to shift attention to Craig and Adam's mistakes to deflect from his own mistakes
- “I’m not in to drama crap!”, then reacted to 'The Continued Downfall of Wings of Redemption'
- feels the original Resident Evil 4 isn't outdated
- “Entertainment is suppose to be fantasy!”
- says his cat “isn’t traumatized by having his front claws removed” because “it’s been a long time”
- “You can’t trust anyone on the internet, even if you talk to them every day!”; married a fan of his
- “Currently do I have a business plan? ...no.”
- refused to do any walking outdoors due to the weather getting a bit cooler
- hint hinted he wants a portable treadmill
- hint hinted more people become YT members so he can see the 'first time member' balloons
- made a disgusting comment about how teabagging is based on size of forehead and testicles applied
- made a disgusting comment about public toilet seats being wet with piss and you slip and shit
- says he would like to poop in the beds of trolls (more scat talk)
- went total clown mode, complete with clown mating calls, when encountering glitched ragdoll physics
- believes the documented evidence about Keem but says don't believe the document evidence about him
- assumes that people, especially the Sidescrollers cast, automatically believe Keem 100%
- assumes that if he were big, powerful, and rich, everyone would believe his words
- exclaims he refuses to engage with drama as he rants about Keemstar for the 6th time that week
- pointed out one of his mods faked being a girl, which reconfirms the Discord leaks to be true
- blamed the Discord leaks on one rogue mod, but he had several mods who betrayed him out of disgust
- smugly said the rogue mod wasted their time, but the leaks proved Phil was doxing and scamming fans
- made up a strange story about how a rogue mod encourage Nightbot spam, but commands have timeouts
- banned a fan who innocently encouraged people to tip more
- believes Keem's lolcow podcast will inevitably fail without him
- thinks “the banana song” is a song of his
- “Metroid Prime has no story.”
- bemoaned how his reaction channel is a lot of work, but the fans sending the clips do the most work
- assumed that because Wings didn't answer his questions he doesn't care about Phil
- bans anyone who brings up drama from outside the stream North Korea style
- finds it odd that his fans would want to hear the banana song during the new Donkey Kong game
- admitted that his obsession with YouTube eroded his friendships, his health, and his personal life
- believes his friendship with John Rambo fell apart due to him being a workaholic
- moral grandstanded about misplaced trust; violates trust all the time (WWE champions, Rambo texts)
- tends to not understand wordplay and when he finally gets it he calls it unintelligent and lame
- had his stream derailed by him trying to work out if a tip message was mocking Doody or not
- forgot he unbanned RTU and re-banned him but RTU did nothing wrong (possible ToS violation)
- joked that he would make a collage of all his detractors and take a shit on the collage on stream
- lied that he didn't watch a reaction video ahead of time but the thumbnail shows the red bar
- agreed with Craig and Adam that 'Feasting with the King' was pretentious, then said it wasn't
- credited Craig and Adam for changing his mukbang segment name and then took away credit
- thinks it isn't fair people only learn about lolcows from one source; gets his info the same way
- bans anyone who requests he stop the hour-long pre-stream 'podcast' and play a game already
- invited Wings to join his reaction of a Wings documentary, was confused when Wings ignored him
- speaks on Wings' behalf about what he goes through, but Wings himself disputes this
- boasted of his big delivered lunch and Kat had; claims he doesn't spend $100+ on DoorDash weekly
- “I’ve made a commitment to my viewers to not talk about the drama anymore.”, fails that same stream
- said a Middle Earth person was “speaking in Muslim” (he means Arabic)
- turned a video about a Muslim talking about Islamophobia into a rant about also being judged
- exclaims he gives peace to toxic people but in actuality he goes on toxic rants instead
- pretty much admitted he withholds shoutouts to encourage more tips
- advised Wings to keep the story straight and stop changing narratives or it'll hurt his credibility
- cannot fathom why him turning down Keem's $50k podcast offer lead to Wings and Boogie boxing
- ponders why Maximilian Dood gets lots of views despite not being "good at games"
- keeps reading $1 troll tip messages despite saying he won't read them
- did not count a $1 troll tip just so he'd be at $99/$100 and not wear a hat for the stream
- took a $25 tip for a video react but stream was almost over, never added the video to next stream
- admits he will steal your money and not react to your suggested video if he finds it objectionable
- wanted Wings to be in his YT chat during the react stream rather than say a Discord voicechat
- didn't plan with Wings on how to do the collab stream in advance
- didn't remove sub-only mode on his YT chat, meaning Wings couldn't interact with Phil
- refused to make Wings a mod or verify him in any way
- thinks modding Wings would be bad as he clearly doesn't trust him despite defending him
- assumed that Wings knows that Phil's chat is sub-only mode and would subscribe
- laughs that Wings bans anyone for any reason; does the same
- gave an example of a troll message that reveals he knows quite a lot of detractor memes
- acknowledges Wings' method of using troll interactions to gain views and money, won't learn from it
- says his fans who don't like him 'leaning' into detractor memes, but his audience does like it
- turned a Wings' documentary react into a rant about him and his content
- hates that lies get repeated enough to be believed, but he's believed such lies about others
- takes Joon the King's videos at face value, won't do follow-up research because it's troll material
- "If there's no evidence it didn't fucking happen!"
- said that Wings "milks his lolcow status" (pot calling the kettle black)
- claims that Twitter is dying every time Elon Musk makes a tweet about the site
- claimed that SunnyV2 did no research on him... meaning contacting Phil to fact-check the video
- reckons he can win a libel lawsuit with SunnyV2
- says if you are on the internet all day it is not normal behaviour; is on the internet all day
- believes that everyone on Kiwfarms sits on there all day shitting on him and other lolcows
- called all Kiwifarms users lolcows, proving he does not know the definition of the word
- so desperate to mock Kiwifarms users he uses the cringe term 'sadcow' because they are 'sad people'
- thinks if you mock reprehensible people, like pedos and scammers, you are worse than them
- has no idea how the YouTube copyright system works, thinks he can flag all detractor videos and win
- encourages lolcows to take bribes from detractors to permit them to make their videos
- acknowledged what he proposed (threatening for bribes) is blackmail, encourages it anyways
- says he doesn't understand fake rage, does it anyways
- thinks if you talk shit about people who aren't there to defend themselves you are vile and toxic
- calls Sidescrollers and PKA podcast misery brokers, but he's doing the same thing about them
- believes that all info from troll channels is suspect, even if it's blaatantly verifiably true
- said that Wings talking about his health on stream is problematic; does the same with ear and gout
- boasted that his audience doesn't know about his health woes, but we know of his eczema and stroke
- has no idea why Wings shares so much personal info, but he does the same thing
- went wild at Wings buying a Mustang but was all ho-hum at Wings allegedly killing a cat
- was ready to defend Wings until he unpaused the video and learned Wings sent dick pics
- gave advice on being trolled: don't give the trolls any attention; then reacted to troll comments
- criticized Wings for poor pet care; declawed Jasper and let him get a urinary tract infection
- can't fathom why being a control freak about his chat would make him 'level one'
- assumes that everyone wants to be at 'level one' as that is the sensible option
- is proud that his 15 year career resulting in 500 viewers per stream and constant begging
- assumed that because he ate all of a restaurant meal that was cooked poorly he shouldn't have to pay
- couldn't believe that customers that got up and left without eating didn't have to pay
- was gobsmacked that the restaurant didn't respond to his complaint thought he's in the wrong
- refuses to look for another type of job as he may injure his back again
- gave away $10 in PSN credit and a 3 month Xbox trial and immediately begs for tips
- can't shave more than once a week due to having sensitive skin
- “All religions are the same things.”
- assumes that if lolcows stop getting money from fans/trolls they'll stop doing lolcowish things
- derailed his reaction to a Wings documentary when he noticed Keem made an appearance in the video
- acknowledged that a lot of what is said about Keem may be lies and slander, still doesn't trust him
- gave advice: do the opposite of what Keemstar says
- refuses to believe that anyone has ever benefited from associating with Keemstar
- ranted wildly about Boogie and Wings boxing, imagines two obese amateurs will legit kill each other
- thinks audience feedback to reactions is dying, but it's his boring personality that kills interest
- pretended to receive a tip from 1MinuteMan right after claiming he's not 1MinuteMan
- played the Resident 4 Remake on Hardcore difficulty, raged salty tears when he got slaughtered
- praised the original RE4's difficulty even though he played that on Normal difficulty
- complained that resources are scarce in RE4 Remake, a survival horror game
- stated that playing a game first on Hard will ruin your opinion of the game; sometimes does this
- admitted he will dock points if a game is too hard (can play any game at professional level btw)
- stated that Japanese hostess clubs have nudity and heavily implied sex work is done there
- said his cat Jasper “doesn’t understand he has back claws”
- used the news of Steam dropping Windows 8 as an excuse to shill for a new PC (not even a PC gamer)
- turned down a fan's offer for their $1000 computer as it wasn't a top of the line model
- says he stopping PC gaming when his computer got fried during a thunderstorm (shared PC)
- said Elon Musk is the dumbest man he knows, but he doesn't know him
- ranted about new Twitter policy, not because it affects others but because it may affect him
- hates that Twitter requires verified accounts to vote in polls despite lamenting trolls/bots rigging
- ranted about Twitter being a horrible mismanaged website but admitted he will still use it
- wipes down the outer case of his PC to keep the fans clean
- said that multivitamins don't work as you'll just piss them out anyways
- was told multivitamins don't work like 15 years ago, kept buying them until he decided they suck
- insisted he did not flag DoodyStreams but couldn't keep a straight face or maintain eye contact
- hates WatchMojo mainly because they made a video mentioning his fappening incident
- stated WatchMojo was 100% wrong about his fappening, refuses to react to it to correct the record
- was wrong about WatchMojo being wrong as they never said he was on Twitch nor mentioned his viewers
- “I don’t know if I deadlifted when I use to work out.” (former bodybuilder btw)
- “No. I’m not grumpy today at all.” then went on a rant about a minute later
- “Ask the king is coming back from hiatus” but it's always been a bimonthly show
- “No one should be seeing my tip but my wife!”
- pronounces Gaijin as “Guyzsheen"
- lied that he turned comments back on because his fans wanted it (he wanted monetisation)
- gets very happy and entertained at homosexual situations like in the Yakuza games
- ranted that his detractors focus on his "one moment of weakness"; does the same to others
- bans femboys from his chat (so much for tolerance dood)
- lamented that news happens on his day off even though he talks about tips and trolls and not news
- got a haircut that made him look like Adolf Hitler (Ackdolf Pigler)
- said he deleted John Rambo's info so he couldn't contact him when drunk like a lover
- said that if he ever did talk to Rambo again no one will ever know, but he would let it slip
- whined that DoorDash sometimes delivers his food too early like a Karen
- let the delivered food go cold rather than reheat it or keep it warm in an oven
- went to a $15 car wash and complained when his car was hardly cleaned
- his laziness at cleaning the kitchen floor resulted in Kat's bare foot being skewered
- was somehow unable to buy slippers from a local store
- claimed that a local seafood restaurant let him have dinner for free since it was his birthday
- "I'm not going to become a toxic joke on the internet."
- called his fans "ignorant idiots" for suggesting he take an extra day off
- ended Ask the King because he decided every question that didn't kiss his ass was a troll question
- takes the fighting game community bait as an excuse to bitch about it
- claims he would like to do a meet-and-greet with fans but won't do it anymore because of trolls
- wants the police to be involved because detractors profit off him but 99% of them don't
- took Keem's troll threat of doxing Phil's fans seriously, thinks he doxed Derich but he didn't
- cancelled three upcoming interviews because he assumes he would be 'mistreated'
- assumes no one would want to interview DSP because he is so toxic they would get 'harassed'
- “Everyone laughed at me for saying E3 wasn’t needed anymore”, truth was nobody cared
- doesn't realise that people like him killed E3
- “I don’t want the podcast to become a podcast.”
- likes zucchini “because he is Italian” and it “has a larger water content”
- “The game assumes you have resources!” as do most games
- reckons the Resident Evil 4 Remake changed a lot and screwed everything up but it's mostly the same
- said chicken wings are not "real chicken"
- stated that if you ever get banned, even accidentally, don't ask for unban because he won't do it
- called his fans shitheads for 'spamming' his chat while he's dealing with 1-2 troublesome trolls
- got temporatily banned from livestreaming on YouTube while reacting to copyrighted content
- got temp banned just as he was gloating about doghing a copyright claim (KarmaSydephil)
- barely reacted to copyrighted content, meanwhile his restreamers are more transformative
- says he appreciates people in chat helping him yet rants if they backseat co-op the stream
- compared himself to 50 Cent in that both of them 'blew up' and lost friends due to their success
- insinuated that his friends deserted him after he moved but they left because they knew he was bad
- refused to wear the Ken wig because he saves it for special occasions, refused to elaborate
- called a fan an idiot for suggesting he play with fans like Wings and LTG do
- turned the Lily Gao harassment drama into a soapbox rant about his harassment
- defending being unable to save money saying it is a typical adult life to spend all money ASAP
- “Every dollar I make is accounted for somewhere else” but refused to elaborate
- “I owe money to a lot of businesses.” (Scopely, Doordash, Total Wine, WWE Champions...)
- "As I get older, I realize its not that big of a deal", said when he was 40 years old
- stated he doesn't watch wrestling and explains in a way that suggests he still watches it
- lies that he only gets his wrestling news from social media, he clearly still watches it
- is such a shut-in he got all paranoid over a visit from the in-home alarm inspector
- derailed his stream to talk shit about Stuttering Craig
- said he doesn't care about Stuttering Craig and spent five minutes making his point
- desperately wants to talk shit about Craig and Adam but abstains out of 'morals'
- believes the Sidescrollers crew messed with him for personal gain and they deserve a comeuppance
- hint hinted with poorly disguised reverse psychology that Craig and Adam should get harassed
- knows that troll tippers bait him into talking about drama, does it anyways
- gets confused that while talking about drama his chat talks about the drama
- bans his fans who he assumes are trolling but are saying what they think is accurate but isn't
- joked that he looks like Jeffery Dahmer
- joked that the best advice he has for playing horror games is to wear adult diapers (scat fetish)
- joked that women terrify him but in actuality he doesn't like them much
- thinks that 24*1.5=100+ (Valedictorian btw)
- refused to admit his math mistake by using semantics of 'increase' versus 'multiply'
- blamed Capcom for wording it wrong but it shows on-screen what the calculation is
- thinks that 10*1.5=25
- thinks that multiplying a number by 150% (x1.5) gives more than that number plus itself (x2)
- called his fans idiots for trying to correct his maths and poor reading comprehension
- thought RE4 Remake meant x2.5, not x1.5, but 24*2.5 still does not equal 100+
- criticized RE4 Remake for randomly giving him healing items but he already had them (BlindSydePhil)
- “Please refrain from using the !tips command if you’re actually not going to tip!”
- "Your YouTube account will be deleted for lying", unaware this logic will also affect him
- said his inability to name his favourite of something is he needs time (he actually doesn't care)
- got excited and hyped to make a tier list of fast food companies
- admitted he kept getting pulls in Street Fighter Duel until he got M. Bison, who is OP
- claimed he got M. Bison in Street Fighter Duel within 10-15 tries but he has a 0.16% drop rate
- claimed that everyone has M. Bison in Street Fighter Duel but then said he got very lucky
- banned someone who pointed out M. Bison in Street Fighter Duel costs $99.99 and hinted that's how
- claimed Kat wanted to appear on a Halloween stream but Kiwifarms found a porn video of Kat's sister
- assumes that most people who want to see Kat on stream are trolls who want to harass her
- believes the only difference Metroid Prime Remastered has with the original is the graphics
- thinks you need a strategy guide to beat Metroid Prime
- believes that platforming in a FPS game is outdated
- refused to condemn the fan who hit detractors like Snort Hogan with false copyright strikes
- claimed he never files copyright strikes and then said he does do it to raw reuploads
- says he doesn't give copyright strikes and yet is quite knowledgable of how it works
- lied that he never receives notifications when strikes are given in his name
- thinks that his word alone is evidence enough he is uninvolved in filing copyright strikes
- threatened Snort Hogan, implied he will report him to get his channel taken down
- was more concerned about him losing his channel than a detractor losing theirs from false strikes
- gave his blessing to detractors to use his content just so long as it is transformative
- believes that detractor channel names are a sign that things have gone too far and need to stop
- believes that detractor channels are flagging each other to reduce competition
- wants detractor channels to fight amongst each other, tries to fan the flames
- wants detractors to defend him by stating what Snort Hogan is doing hurts the troll community
- acts like he's running a business and yet can't sotp people acting on behalf of his business
- believes that every detractor with 'Snort' in their name means they are “biting off each other”
- asked a wheelchair bound fan if he walked around Universal Studios while there
- admitted he knows when large tips are incoming because he gets heads-up emails that go to spam
- sometimes derails streams to find emails notifying him of big tips incoming
- claims he isn't getting a bald spot, merely just thinning hair
- called out his own e-begging and then doubled down
- immediately burnt bridges with Rich after the latter's light-hearted jabs on Twitter
- acted like an idiot claiming he can use his pignosis to change how his detractors and YouTube think
- believes that his detractors will suffer greatly if he can't make content
- yelled at his fans for giving him hints in chat that he interpreted as cheating advice
- has an issue with 'cheating advice' from chat, but has no issue with cheating advice off-stream
- claims he worked full work days plus 15 hours at home while at the helicopter company (23 hr days?)
- believes he is an expert at helicopters because he did desk work at a helicopter company for 5 years
- “Can you guys stop picking on Derich! Just because he’s an easy target doesn’t mean you have to!”
- tried to get YouTube to help with his copyright strikes by using their support line, not email
- wasted his birthday spending hours on YouTube support line rather than emailing them
- also spent his "exceptionally busy" day tweeting at Biden for not stopping another mass shooting
- “I’ve never struck anyone!” then admits he's struck down literal reuploads and TIHYDPs
- showed 'evidence' of his removal requests but didn't show the Archive tab
- the 'evidence' of his removal requests did not show the takedowns he issued in 2018 (diff channel?)
- says he doesn't know who "these people" are but his screenshot shows he's flagged those people
- claimed he has definitive evidence he is innocent though he admits he's flagged channels & videos
- believes bait he reads on Kiwifarms, such as he has a 'super secret YouTube account for flagging'
- tells people what's on the Archive tab and doesn't show it on screen because it makes him look bad
- used Kat's accident with scalding water burns to deflect from the copyright strikes drama
- told everyone not to ask him for anything ever again because you will get nothing
- instructs fans not to ask him for anything; asks his fans to considering contributing $$
- encouraged people to get a lawyer and YouTube
- tends to eat a lot of “late night snacks” that are just regular meals
- mispronounced the word 'prosciutto' as "bra joo tuh" (Italian and proud btw)
- “Voodoo came later in the Child’s Play series” but it's at the start of the first movie
- consumed way too much alcohol and red meat on his birthday despite his gout
- acted like a clown when he said the phrase "fit... for a king" (King of Hate)
- pretended to be angered that The 0utsyder's channel got taken down
- wanted to react to an 0utsyder's TIHYDP but he had years to do it
- received a $164 tip from an anonymous tipper and pretended it wasn't from a whale like OIC
- allowed fans to tip $100+ for him, a former alcoholic with gout, to drink gin on stream
- acted like a connoisseur when drinking gin on cam even though he guzzles it like water IRL
- took a shot of gin despite getting a $100 superchat and not a $100 tip
- kept upping the the tips goal $50 at a time when it was met during his 2023 birthday stream
- sneezed and got a nose bleed
- self-inserted himself in a WWE 2K23 Royal Rumble match and got eliminated within 15 seconds
- got $600 for his birthday stream and began ordering shit tonnes of stuff from Amazon
- doesn’t like eating food that is messy “because he’s old”
- got upset that an informative video on some food dish didn't include a random fact he knew
- refuses to react to KingCobra videos as he doesn't want to be reminded he's a lolcow too
- believes in appeal to popularity in that if only one person in chat complains they must be wrong
- got $600+ in tips from fans on his 2023 birthday stream, next day refused to react to their vids
- almost scammed his fans by threatening to uninstall Elden Ring for the paid NG+ run
- claimed to surpass 99+ wins on an arcade version of Street Fighter II Turbo
- claimed to get around 80-99+ wins as E. Honda in an arcade version of Street Fighter IV
- again had his stream temporarily taken down for copyright, this time for reacting to Star Wars
- accidentally spilt seltzer water on his laptop and was perplexed when it started acting up
- was stunned that his Metroid Prime Remastered playthrough has the least views ever, blamed the game
- blames viral memes and other content creators for why his video views drop off
- proposed a sleeping stream and jokingly added in a hot tub and ASMR
- claims not to have dirt on Adam Crigler despite boasting that he did have dirt on him
- doesn't care that the whale Emil member bombed the Sidescrollers podcast
- admits he doesn't listen to fans' advice because he's paranoid trolls will say he did it wrong
- bragged about his verified checkmark on Twitter, now say it's worthless since he lost his
- called Elon Musk an idiot for buying Twitter, then e-begs his teen audience to pay his bills
- thinks Twitter is worthless until one of his tweet go 'viral'
- said he doesn't care he lost his Twitter blue checkmark during his rant about losing it
- sprayed his cat with the water bottle as the cat was chewing electric cables
- thinks his chat moves too fast but there's hardly anyone and he says he's alone every other stream
- admitted he reads guides and pretends to do it himself
- calls his blind playthroughs 'honest' but it's likely he's read guides or watched videos
- thinks he is blessed to have his chat handhold him and that the average gamer would be utterly lost
- said the cake Kat baked made him and her get “intestinal pain” so they threw the cake in the trash
- explained in creepy detail the way one should wipe their ass with toilet paper
- got bad skin from washing dishes, wears surgical gloves while doing them
- called his fans "toxic morons" for suggesting he change how he talks to people he doesn't like
- had called Elden Ring repetitive, then played NG+ as it were new experience
- couldn't get tip animations to work until he refreshed the page (expert at computers btw)
- claimed that the fighting game community (FGC) is full of cheaters and drug addicts
- stated that many FGC players were on performance-enhancing drugs during tournaments
- found it odd that playing PlayStation games online requires PS+, which is mandatory since 2013
- threatened to uninstall Elden Ring because his chat criticized his piss-poor gameplay
- said he didn't want to spend money so he went out and purchased burritos from a Mexican place
- experimented with the bitrate as if it would fix his boring content
- complained that Chicken Katsu is white chicken meat, but it literally is chicken breast
- “PS5 is only selling what it is because of how well the PS4 did!”
- doesn't understand that game studios can't afford to keep delaying games for 6-12 months
- stated that 4K @ 60fps is "industry standard" and every game has to run on that standard
- went total clown mode, making Zoidberg noises, when reacting to Lil Wayne hosting a SF6 showcase
- couldn't understand why a gaming company would hire a celebrity to showcase a new game
- his idea of spamming his chat is posting the same message 3 times over 5 minutes
- has gotten so lazy that he and Kat only go out once a month now
- blamed Kat for them not going out on their anniversary, citing her taking half the day with makeup
- stated he's making "special content" on a "low end spectrum" (autism spectrum?)
- told a Russian fan with an odd surname to legally change it because he sees it as innuendo
- assumed Hidetaka Miyazaki made it on the Time 100 list just because of his work on Elden Ring
- stated Miyazaki "kind of revolutionized" the Soulslike genre (he basically created it)
- complained that his public email address gets tons of spam and scam emails
- “Seltzer flavored water.”
- “I don’t crash from drinking coffee at all” yet falls asleep on stream
- stated that swimming is easy: just stay horizontal, flail your arms, and keep your head up for air
- “We have improved for the better! My content is meaningful!"
- described a fried pickle as 'hydrating'
- “My 41-year-old decrepit body.”
- instructed his viewers to “go above and beyond” tipping him, then said he wasn't begging
- banned a fan who felt disrespected by Phil burping into the microphone and not apologizing
- thinks it's bullshit when you can't block and heal at the same time in any game
- has a shower stool so he can sit down when he showers
- said his reaction channel isn't about the money but the content is buy-in
- wants his restreamers to not have their accounts terminated, a total 180 of his stance last year
- “A handheld sandwich.”
- admitted he spent the honeymoon money his mother sent on taxes and didn't mention the 10 year plan
- plans to refinance his home to get more credit
- claimed the "Hobos and Dogs" song stole the beat but the video description says where it came from
- stated that the beat from The Passion HiFi says it's free on their Soundcloud page (it doesn't)
- sang the "Hobos and Dogs" from memory and butchered the timing despite hearing it every day
- admitted the fan-donated Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion is gathering dust in his closet
- did very little thinking prior to the fast food tier stream, leading to lots of dead air
- added every fast food chain he could think, so half the stream were places he never ate at
- insinuated he would try fast food at place he's never tried (money problems and gout btw)
- claimed in “The Suicide Squad” review that it gave Harley Quinn "white skin" but it is canonical
- stated that content uploaded to Soundcloud has to follow US law, but it's headquarted in Germany
- claims he didn't flag a detractor's YT channel because he showed his screen; one time, no archives
- held his photo to the camera in such a way to hide any notifications he may get (from mobile games)
- whinged that the Twitter buyout changed the feed algorithm meaning he can't block/report everything
- complained that Twitter's feed algorithm is getting worse yet only allegedly uses it for business
- wore a red trilby hat, thinking he looked like Rocky, but instead looked like a cringey Redditor
- blamed Amazon that his new hat was berry red colour and not "dark wine red" colour
- immediately suspected people will hack the SF6 beta to play early (an excuse why he'll get bodied)
- states TIHYDPs make people think he's bad at games but he's admitted he rushed through them
- purchased the FF Pixel Remastered games for the themes, but the PS5 doesn't use themes
- wants games to be "meaningful" so he can make "meaningful" content
- intentionally provokes 'trolls' (actual trolls or fans) so he can ban them instead of gaming
- got up and walked off-camera in investigate what noises his gated community neighbours were making
- claimed that in 'old times' people peed in bed pans (he means chamber pots)
- called a superchatter a "mentally ill challenged idiot" for 'threatening' him
- "I have no tolerance for threats in my chat. ZERO." yet tolerated OIC threatening to dox people
- hint hinted that he would like a Steam Deck
- stated he isn't asking for a Steam Deck, which is accurate since he's more like telling
- claimed that images of the 1582 dancing plague of Strasburg aren't legit since they're not photos
- somehow connected videos exposing zoosadism (animal abuse) to Mr. Beast
- paused the animal abuse video with abuse on screen to comment on it
- gets up to "stretch" at times and mutes the mic while being going for minutes a time... hmmm...
- gets up to go on bathroom breaks and takes his phone with him... hmmm...
- excused being away by saying he was petting Jasper but had muted the mic and didn't say beforehand
- strokes his ego hard when YT members send him his own videos to react to
- paused a video featuring a fat man ass to talk about how to properly wipe one's own ass
- will not allow the name 'Mike Litorous' in his chat, but will allow variations of 'Scat'
- openly calls his Q+A a time-waster even though he considers it "meaningful content"
- believes Hot Topic used to only sell goth products and now has gone 'mainstream'
- keeps raising the daily membership goal once it's hit to keep begging for more
- is very paranoid and wanders off camera several times a stream to look out his window
- banned someone from chat who had a profile pic of David Koresh, meanwhile lets Derich do whatever
- believes that people who make fun of his “medical condition” should be removed from YouTube
- says he doesn't identify as an cultural group... after years of proudly calling himself Italian
- said the biggest portion of his DNA is Italian but he's quarter-Italian quarter-Polish
- got a Street Fighter cookbook for a taste-test stream, then said he wasn't going to use it
- banned people for suggesting recipes from the aforementioned Street Fighter cookbook
- received 150 gifted memberships worth $400 and still asked for tips
- complained of receiving takedown notices after being secretly gleeful he DMCA'd detractor channels
- assumed the trolls DMCA'd him but he actually used copyrighted music for his prestream
- claimed he is getting copyright strikes but never showed proof (which means he could've lied)
- announced he'd return to Twitch if his channel is banned after years of saying he'd never return
- “I won’t rule out the possibility of going back to Twitch.”
- said he can't afford a lawyer to file against YT, then later said he was talking to his lawyer
- hint hinted he needs money for a lawyer
- “I’ve talked to a few lawyers” but never mentions what they said
- called a fan a fool who pointed out he needs a stable job and to only do YouTube as a side hustle
- put a bucket on his head to thank his fans for donating him $300 for a lawyer
- "Nobody gives a fuck about Keemstar!" and ranted about him for the next five minutes
- posted an anti-bait meme reply to Keem on Twitter, thereby taking the bait
- “I have him blocked everywhere” but then quote-tweeted Keem
- doesn’t drink energy drinks “because he doesn’t want to support those guys”
- bans people who has Derich in their profile pic
- hint hinted he wants blackout blinds but they cost $500-$600
- said there was always a plan to buy blackout blinds but he never publicly mentioned it until now
- stated he can't be frivolously spending money, two minutes later he talked about buying Indian food
- continuously climbs the ranks in WWE Champions despite professing to only spend $1 here and ther
- was shocked to learn most people don't finish games they get from PS+ or Gamepass
- didn't like YouTube's response to his legal threats even though it's just legal procedure
- "I would say, I have not been impressed whatsoever been impressed by my content."
- was surprised to learn that cleaning out his air conditioner would not make his room stink
- threatened to ban anyone who said he was overreacting to Jedi Survivor 'ruining' his night
- was puzzled that turning off Performance Mode makes the framerate worse
- threatened violence to the devs of Jedi Survivor for not playtesting the game enough
- thinks Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order was an open-world game that ran perfectly at launch
- mocked people boycotting Jedi Survivor until it's patched, soon did the same thing after playing it
- believes “it’s time to stop with the cross-platform nonsense” and only have exclusive games
- declared he intends to react to “drama content videos” despite swearing up and down he wouldn't
- agrees with MoistCr1TiKaL on a lot of things but laments that Moist sees Phil as a lolcow
- thinks Moist sees him as a lolcow due to detractors and drama and not from his own unbiased view
- tends to pause videos he's reacting to so he can repeat what was just said like a parrot
- “I’m not complaining!” as he says while complaining
- blamed his fans for why DSP Reacts doesn't get much support/interest
- drank soda and ate Indian food while supposedly sticking to a diet
- called his audience great and then implied they weren't since he didn't get many tips
- “I have to go! I have a lot of things to do tonight!” then stayed rambling another five minutes
- feels he can’t react to lolcows because he doesn’t want to be seen as one
- assumed his fans would 100% be interested in a special project he hyped up
- admitted that he will snap at people and possibly ban them if he has a bad attitude that day
- said he can't review recent movies because he can't record inside a movie theatre
- claimed to be so poor he can't afford a movie ticket unless he earns that money back immediately
- brought up Rich's kids in a rant about him'and how Rich is allegedly a bad father
- stated he couldn't live with himself exploiting people; exploits his whales into tipping more
- told Rich in Twitter DMs he's over the fapcident but is still very bothered by it
- now bans any mention of the fapcident despite prior claims of "owning the meme"
- “I need to start promoting my Street Fighter 6 event”, wants fans to make him all the artwork
- got stuck in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion because no one in chat could help him
- made a big deal about not being able to stream for a few days, with much sighing and woe-is-me cope
- "Two days off. Lot of pain, lot of misery, lot of emotions."
- made a snarky tweet at an IGN tweet of their Star Wars Survivor guide, suggesting he used a guide
- bans people who make jokes about marriage and divorce, hinting this may be a struggle of his
- stated that people who don't understand how he "cherishes" his marriage are probably lonely singles
- insinuated he might have committed suicide without Kat being his wife during his pity party
- thinks Rich's little raid was pointless, but mass-banning people from chat is against YT ToS
- said that reaction content is just boring that don't add anything; does the same thing
- stated he reaction content that is 'intelligent'; does the same shtick as other reactors
- said he puts in effort to his reactions... with barely any editing and with long pauses
- called his restreamers morons for being low-effort but they do more editing than he does
- tends to do endgame stuff mid-game, such as superbosses, then bitches when he gets stomped on
- acts like a teacher when telling people in chat to change their problematic names
- thinks the name 'Kyle Baxter' is offensive, refused to elaborate why
- thinks the name 'Mike Litorous' is offensive, but allowed 'Crap Cock' for years
- asserted that Keem's lolcow podcast will fail without it but it saw success without him
- retconned his narrative that he never had any intention of doing the lolcow podcast (he did)
- lied that the lolcow podcast was never pitched to him, but it was and he hated it because of Keem
- lied that he was never offered $50k and that Boogie and Wings must have also been lied to as well
- admitted that Keemstar DID try to call him about offering $50k to be in the lolcow podcast
- hates Keemstar so much he smugly said Keem doesn't have connections but is instead a lonely loser
- said he will never talk about Keem again but after the stream he made a video whining about Keem
- “I don’t want to put too much effort in to the reacting so that it takes away from the gaming.”
- says the Microsoft spokesman should step down for admitting Xbox sales are less than PS5 sales
- his advice to Phil Spencer: “Get in there and tell them to work there ass off!”
- told Phil Spencer to stop crying on a podcast... as he cries about console wars
- says he doesn’t have the desire to watch wresting anymore because he’s a married man
- believes anyone can easily cut themselves off a gambling addiction
- said that Prince Charles is “the leader of a country”
- exclaimed that jokes shouldn't need to be explained; tends to explain every joke he makes/sees
- encouraged his fans to delete social media because his detractors are so unhinged or something
- refuses to stream simultaneously on YouTube and Twitch because he can't mod both chats at once
- believes you cannot call him a lolcow because he doesn’t think he’s a lolcow by his own definition
- equates him losing his Twitter verification checkmark as him being fired from Twitter
- assumed the lolcow podcast will involve self-degradation but it is literally chill free-flow talk
- considers ReviewTechUSA to be a lolcow but he really isn't (cucumber sucking notwithstanding)
- tends to believe unfounded rumours about Keemstar out of malice and spite for the man
- said he talked to Boogie directly but later on says to talked to him through a third party
- “I don’t care! I want nothing to do with it!” then he contacted Boogie and Wings
- says Keemstar is obsessed but Phil talks about Keem more than Keem talks about Phil
- finds it odd that YouTube does not allow gore content
- gladly ate the gormuet chocolates and cookies Keemstar sent him, still hates him
- seriously considered filing a restraining order against Keemstar
- made a Zelda games tier list despite not playing a majority of them
- said A Link to the Past was first Zelda game to use battery backup (original NES game did it first)
- assumed everyone at Evo 2004 was against him and wanted him to lose badly
- pretty much admitted he won't play the SF6 beta because he will be bodied by better players
- stated he can only handle “meaningful and tasteful” sexual content in games
- made his Ken cosplay his Twitter profile pic, making him look like a typical transgender user
- wastes much time trying to get his cat to meow to his audience
- “I’m not planning to have Subway anytime soon on purpose.” (as opposed to accidentally)
- “I’m not doing anymore side content” and then does side content
- admits he looks at guides and yet attempts endgame side content and rages when he gets destroyed
- casually mentioned his wife has “online returns” to drop off aka eBay instead of helping pay bills
- pretended OIC hasn't been around when the tipping patterns never ceased
- spent $837 on WWE Champions during May 2023, buying a new character with coins like a whale
- let his dad sell off his bike to avoid bullying
- complained when his dad won (not purchased) a high-end bike thinking he'll get mugged for it
- said that tips "can be put towards a game”, doesn't specify he meant WWE Champions
- wanted to quit Star Wars: Jedi Survivor because other content creators were ragequitting it
- spent a while comparing wet feces compared to dry feces
- called his own fans "no life losers" because they are there every day
- is pleased that Google will find a way to bypass ad blockers so he can make more money
- praised YouTube premium to such an extent it sounded like shilling or a sponsor or commercial
- wanted Street Fighter VI to be 2023 game of the year, not The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
- believes that game reviewers gave Tears of the Kingdom 9s and 10s simply because it's a Zelda game
- thinks David Jaffe's surname has a silent e
- thinks “punch drunk” means 'desensitized'
- says he doesn’t have all his eggs in one basket” because he has two active YouTube channels
- thinks that if you eat, you “poop it out” later the same day
- said 50% of homes in his state has A/C, then next day said no one has A/C in his state
- pinned a comment to the chat warning them not to talk about drama, still talked about it
- pronounced Evangelion “Evan jelly on”
- received $150 from someone (OIC?) and his reaction was “thank you guys”
- assumes that new safety guidelines are implemented because someone MUST have gotten hurt prior
- believes that since he's 'changed' five years ago his detractors have little reason to roast him
- wasted money on a lawyer despite knowing for a fact his copyright strikes were 100% bogus
- admitted that he's not worth $5 million and wants way more in a hypothetical buy-off
- doesn't think his audience of minors would be interested in him playing with Lego
- got quite upset that speedrunners beat Zelda Tears of the Kingdom in 94 minutes soon after release
- assumed that speedrunners spoiled TOTK for themselves by skipping content they've never seen
- doesn't do the chores on his day off despite his wife working three times a week
- got surprised by 'new' mechanics in Zelda TOTK... that were carried over from Zelda BOTW
- jumped into freezing water in Zelda TOTK and was shocked that the freezing water killed him
- “How do I give the wheels propulsion!?”
- got a $300+ in tip several days in a row and still begged for more tips
- believes that the respect one gets online has nothing to do with IRL reality
- called his own content "immature stupid shit" in reference to what his restreamers react to
- stated that him playing online mobile games has nothing to do with what he does online
- "They turned me into a weird drama meme."
- claimed he'll quit making content if only trolls remain
- banned the whale that had tipped him over $150 the past few days because he spoke up against Phil
- unbanned the aforementioned whale because he wants that money
- unbanned the whale during the stream despite prior claims that he can't unban people during streams
- exclaimed his Zelda TOTK videos aren't doing well because his audience doesn't like Nintendo
- “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is supposed to be grounded in reality.”
- was stunned to learn that miniature statues of video game girls are sexualised to sell
- reacted to a video of a girl farting and found it hilarious
- believes that Niagara Falls is in Toronto (it's in Ontario)
- "Newfoundland is a little fishing town on the water."
- assumed a person who tipped him was a troll because they charge-backed because Phil ignored them
- asserted that Zelda TOTK has shitty puzzles because he can't solve them within 10 minutes
- hates it when games encourage exploration and experimentation, wants constant clues
- does side content in Zelda TOTK, “The game's pacing is bad.”
- demoted Zelda TOTK, a much-hyped classic, to a chill stream slot since he's not getting much tips
- restarted the vest streak despite dropping it because “other people made it about the money”
- says that people more famous than him are “a flash in the plan”
- explained that he's still around because of "work ethic"
- “The Sidescrollers only listened to detractors and watched none of my videos!”
- forgot that he went on the Sidescrollers to debunk the claims
- talked shit about Stuttering Craig and ran away from Craig's offer to a live debate
- laments people derailing the chat by talking about money; derails the gameplay to beg for tips
- revealed that he didn't show proof the mobile games is because no one would believe him
- lied that Stuttering Craig turned down Phil's mobile games evidence after the show in an email
- refuses to believe rumours about whales being trolls even though he's been fooled before e.g. Tut
- refuses to believe rumours about fans shit-talking him in other chats even though it's happened
- believes that trolls are working on gayops like fake tips support to pull the rug from under him
- bans people from chat for posting emotes he dislikes regardless of their tips
- joked about using mind control to force his viewers to tip him (aka pignosis)
- got a $150 tip and instructed his fans to focus on superchats and YT memberships
- accidentally referred to Jinx as OnlyIcedCoffee, confirming his latest whale is OIC
- read Jinx's message: "even though we were donating at the same time FROM DIFFERENT ACCOUNTS"
- launched into conspiracy theory talk about OIC on alt accounts even though he proved the theory
- lied that there are "thousands of fake chat logs" about him
- wanted his viewers to tip him to test if the donation animations stopped working or not
- has a tendency to call any tipper a troll if they mention Wings or Boogie in a positive light
- pretended not to be jealous that Wings received $1000+ in tips in his post-boxing stream
- hyped up a big surprise that would change everything... bubble guns
- joked that his fans are idiots for possibly mistaking a bubble gun for a real firearm
- dual fires bubble guns when the tips goal is met (not a clown or children's entertainer btw)
- made the “double bubble blast” a $150 tips goal... for five seconds of bubble blowing
- fires lots of bubbles in an enclosed room with electronics (valedictorian btw)
- doesn't even go fullscreen to fire off the bubble guns, arguably scamming his tippers
- bans anyone who calls a whale OIC regardless if they are him or not
- is excited for more open-world games despite the fact he always does side content and gets bored
- wants "streamlined" games that basically handhold his every move
- tried to equate terrorist recruitment videos being on YT to people making “drama videos”
- only received $100 from Jinx (OIC) so he swiftly pleaded his viewers to tip $50 to make up for it
- stated there is no Overwatch 2 news and then rattled off Overwatch 2 news for four minutes
- asked his viewers to call out trolls in chat and then later on yelled to stop talking about trolls
- banned 10 people in a row who pointed out Jinx/OIC lied about never tipping again
- bans people who just want to talk to OIC, even if it's friendly good-faith conversation
- “I just banned 14 people and now half my chat is gone!”
- assumes that his chat always has some of the same 15-20 trolls on alt accounts for years
- allows sockpuppet accounts if they tip him, doesn't allow sockpuppet accounts if they don't
- doesn't think he needs a redemption arc as he hasn't 'fallen from grace' and needs no redemption
- admitted he has fallen from grace upon the advent of TIHYDP and the detractor communities
- "I don't put out immature nonsense"; wears silly hats and sprays bubbles
- doesn't think that dressing silly and doing silly things like blowing bubbles is acting clownish
- doesn't believe that his audience tune in to see him dress up and blow bubbles (some do)
- stated that he's happy even though he always e-begs and looks miserable and unsatisfied
- doesn't think Wings is on a redemption arc despite Wings' positive projection post-boxing bout
- thinks getting pre-arranged tips is 'progress'
- thinks being prolific means he is successful
- didn't question why the UK has a say in the MS acquisition of Activision, questioned why China does
- thinks he can't review new movies because he's not a big YouTuber
- was surprised that a tipper he insulted would chargeback the tips
- said he would entertain non-related topics in chat; rants about off-topic discussions in his chat
- said Oblivion has the worst ending ever because he was running into overtime and wanted to go eat
- claims he inspired Reviewbrah with the camcorder screen you watch glance at off-camera
- claims he inspired Reviewbrah with food reviews just because he started his first (2010 vs 2011)
- lied that he never claimed he inspired Reviewbrah when he just did a minute ago
- hid his jealousy that Reviewbrah has success with food reviews meanwhile Phil quit it
- blames occasional internet stutter and downtime on unproven DDoS attacks on him
- received $4500 in a fortnight (thanks to OIC) but still hasn't purchased the PC he's hint hinting
- admitted he will lessen gaming and do more react content, becoming the kind of person he hates
- ignored Derich when he typed his porn search results in the chat
- stated he loves mushrooms as he grew up eating Italian cuisine like a flexing pompous buffoon
- stated that money solves all your problems, revealing his true colours
- announced he was drinking tequila and admitted he drank a fair bit of it the night before
- downed shot after shot of tequila without much drunkenness, suggesting high alcohol tolerance
- admitted he drank tequila heavily in his last years of high school
- thinks there is nothing wrong him, a former (current?) alcoholic, getting tipsy on tequila
- acts like he doesn't drink alcohol regularly but we have the bank leaks and his own admission
- joked that he would consider co-hosting Drama Alert with Keemstar for a $1,000,000 sign-up bonus
- assumed that his trolls and detractors will take him seriously about partnering with Keemstar
- admitted he used to troll and rile up people a decade ago but his detractors memed it up
- believes that charging back tips is “breaking the law”
- said his wife made the curry paste and then three minutes later stated he didn't know what it was
- asserted that Kat's recipe book must be flawed because she followed it precisely and it was raw
- resorted to DoorDash after Kat botched another dish, rendering the stream's gimmick null and void
- accidentally called OIC by his first name (Ryan)
- banned many people for saying the name Ryan (OIC's real name) and blamed a rogue mode for the bans
- “I think the biggest tip I ever received was $2000... but I don’t remember.”
- “I didn’t know they had weed or where it was.”, 4 minutes later, “We knew where the weed was.”
- “Authentic milkshakes are thick.”
- believes that if critics of him watch his content and not detractor content they'd become his fans
- planned his big “Independence Day event” to have food, games, and tier maker
- claimed his "I did nothing wrong" moment was a joke and "smart people" would have understood it
- somehow had a wheel stolen off his car
- subtly blamed his wife for their chair's stolen tyre by saying she was at work when it happened
- said his wife “needs to learn to park in better places where this won’t happen”
- cancelled his late evening stream to deal with his car's stolen tyre
- stated that the cat tyre thief left behind the car jack, casting doubt on the story
- said in the morning stream he has surplus funds, then later on hint hinted he needs a new tyre
- milked the tyre jacking incident for money and humour despite it being a serious incident
- fumbled with damage control of calling OIC the name Ryab, proving that OIC = Ryan
- knows all too well about having to pay to make reasonable progress in mobile games
- admitted to watching movies/TV and play mobile games at the same time
- doesn't care if a whale said quasi-racist things in chat because he tipped $100
- hint hinted a new car wheel will cost $700 (they cost around $200-250)
- would not buy a used rim to save $200, wanted "everything new"
- threatened trolls to test his patience as he wore a red trilby, reaching peak levels of cringe
- found it strange that no one questioned him replacing his car tyre in a "normal parking lot"
- returned to the stream joking and taking it well despite his car supposedly having a tyre stolen
- “Ask the King is not a concern right now”, still pockets money from Patreon pledgers who want it
- bans people who post emotes, even fans, because he misinterprets them as 'spam' from 'trolls'
- bans people who post the cherry emote because it's a reference to Derich harassing pornstars
- treats people getting banned from his chat as a life-changing event they must seriously think over
- “The new PlayStation remote play device is just a Vita lite!”
- supports gaming going digital-only because he's too socially stunted to buy & sell physical games
- “I’m not doing anymore side content” then wasted 30 minutes doing side content before game crashed
- “It saved nothing! Well I’m not doing this! Fuck this!”, then did the side content again
- “There are no updates to the theft and there never will be!”, proving the car tyre theft was a hoax
- can't answer recommendation requests without citing what other people recommend
- “[Street Fighter VI] might fail because Capcom allowed a hacked beta to go out there!”
- believes casual gamers care about competitive modes in fighting games
- took 82 hours, spread over 152 days, to beat The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + all DLC
- explicitly stated he wants to avoid drama but allows himself to bring it up (if he can milk tips)
- considers himself to act like a dad since he acknowledges how immature his audience is
- said that Breath of the Wild was “a waste of a game” now that Tears of the Kingdom is out
- claimed Tears of the Kingdom isn't really a kids game because he struggles to understand it
- claimed Tears of the Kingdom isn't really a Nintendo game because it kicks his ass
- ranted about how there are people out there looking to rip you off
- uses the term “marinaded” for anything with a sauce
- “How do you fly in space? There is no air!”
- thinks blowjob jokes are unfunny but Donkey Kong singing about "cream pies" is hilarious
- thinks you can go after people 'harassing' you if you say "leave me alone" first
- tried to convince fans he's good with money... as he's reacting to a video of his gaming statues
- told a man who makes YT shorts for him to buy YT membership if he wants Phil to react to them
- “Ok guys, if you could talk about the game or directly to me that would be great!”
- accidentally reused a numbered thumbnail for his Star Wars Jedi Survivor playthrough
- blames marketing for low views: “Jedi Survivor didn’t really get a mainstream push.”
- blatantly cheated in old Final Fantasy games despite grinding to be overpowered
- told YT members that submit videos he doesn't watch just have to accept it
- allows his mod to badmouth him off-stream daily because he doesn't care about off-stream drama
- was forced to pay a “absentee owners fee” on his own condo because he had nobody living there
- refuses to elaborate on the tyre story since he got his tips, confirming it was all bait for $$
- got a $50 superchat and said support was slow
- hint hinted he wants to be gifted a Steam Deck
- “Ghostbusters was a defunct property in the 90’s”; had a cartoon series in the 90's
- thinks being lactose intolerant is hereditary
- looks away from every kiss he sees
- found it "bullshit" that he cannot outrun lightning in Zelda TOTK, or any game
- wanted the aforementioned TOTK lightning moment to go viral (it did but he regretted it)
- subtly admitted he barely has an audience because he can tell who isn't a regular immediately
- assumes the occasional influx of trolls he gets are Wings' trolls, blames Wings
- bans his YT members when they say questionable things and calls them stupid for not renewing
- thinks there's a huge difference between him insulting himself and someone saying the same words
- called his audience immature because they bring up Wings and other drama in his chat
- wants to ban everyone who brings up trolls but won't because he'd lose his entire audience
- "Reacting is something new to me, I've only been doing it for about 1 year."
- pronounced Bahamut as "Ba-ha-moot"
- sees nothing special about Memorial Day, feels nothing for fallen soldiers or national pride
- Tears of the kingdom isn’t Zelda gameplay because they added "crafting to it”
- doesn't care that Derich tweeted about if men breastfed babies with their cocks
- threatened to ban anyone who asks why people are getting banned
- pondered how IGN can list 25 negatives about Diablo IV and still give it 9/10; does the same thing
- still thinks 10/10 scores means a perfect game with no flaws
- extrapolated that a review mentioned one bug means “the game is full of bugs!”
- thinks his method of choosing videos to react to (YT member submitted) is very unique
- revealed his shower is still broken two years after he first announced it
- can't trust average game completion times because he stalls, dies a lot, and does side content
- blames bad pacing after he ignores the story missions and does side content
- told people who wanted a change to the react video system to leave, panicked that they were members
- doesn't think married women should talk alone with men
- says a Switch game has "no excuse for the graphics looking last generation”
- struggles to understand how the X-axis and Y-axis works
- retconned why he won't have kids, from being poor to now the trolls
- obviously read guides for the shrines in TOTK but failed miserably at executing the solutions
- knows about new wrestlers because he sees them in WWE Champions and follows trends on Twitter
- “When I’m not in the room I’m not focused on games! That’s my family time!”; plays mobile games
- banned anyone who posted pro-LGBT comments or pride flags despite being a “proud ally”
- rage-swapped Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom for Diablo IV due to being clowned for the lightning vid
- banned anyone who pointed out his clownish TOTK lightning moment went viral
- “How are you suppose to play these games without a stream chat to help you!”
- stated it's bad to pay extra to plat Diablo IV early but it is better to pay to play SF6 early
- stated that everything detractors say about him is "conspiracy nonsense", even if it's 100% true
- admitted he has bubble solution over everything in his office and hasn’t bothered to clean it off
- pronounced orchestral as “or-ka-stral”
- lamented the 'mass misinformation' campaign against him citing one fan mistook Persona 5 for 4
- spoke in great detail of getting diarrhoea from Wendy's Taco Salad
- wanted to buy Street Fighter 6 Ultimate Edition ($105) just to get alternate outfits
- bitched that he didn't know what the SF6 Ultimate Edition had in it but never looked it up
- assumed the SF6 Ultimate Edition would give him in-game currency to buy costumes
- assumed the SF6 Ultimate Edition would include all the costumes, which it never said it would
- lied that he didn't play Street Fighter V enough to say he's bad at it, but he did try really hard
- couldn't figure out how to block invite requests in SF6, leading to a game crash
- lost 16 rounds in a row on his first day playing SF6, blamed people who played it in beta
- claimed that E. Honda “has never looked the correct ethnicity” until SF6
- got $1k in tips, immediately asked for more tips and took the hat off after 20 minutes
- retconned his business cards, claiming a troll “photoshopped it on to the internet”
- bans people who bring up his business cards, which he did print out and hand out at conventions
- stated you have to be a good loser before you can be a winner
- stated that the worst losses are the ones where you learn nothing; gets those all the time
- got very salty that by telling trolls to stop being YT members meant he wouldn't hit his goal
- called the shuffle button on a YouTube playlist a “technique”
- believes Thai cooking can’t use soy sauce because it’s Chinese
- “If you make a food with with a colour in the name it has to be the colour it has in it.”
- got a new PayPal link while the previous one is still active... hmmm...
- possibly broke PayPal ToS by having more than one account, doesn't care
- went back to the original PayPal link once he realise no one was fooled into tipping more
- insists he “needs context” to find physical comedy funny because “it’s not intelligent”
- shits all over YT member reaction video suggestions, like from Tyler1, ensuring he lose members
- overreacts to boring videos, underreacts to hyperactive videos
- retconned that he never used guides, confirmed he purchased and used them
- called Eastern-style dragons “Chinese lions”
- let it slip that the 'fan-donated' Xbox arcade stick was actually a gift he purchased for himself
- assumed some attacks in SF6 are unblockable, forgot the training opponent cannot block
- claimed he got a headache because his moves drop too often in SF6
- got very demoralised getting his ass handed to him in SF6 because he’s “a former pro player”
- spent $24 on the ingame currency in SF6 ontop of the $105 spent on the Ultimate Edition
- considers 10am to be "very early"
- wants to lose weight and gain muscle yet does nothing about it
- thinks he has to lose fat and then gain muscle
- bemoaned he has no time to exercise; makes his own schedule
- blamed USPS for his sore throat for making him go outside and upset his allergies
- makes scat jokes, knows Derich watches scat porn... hmmm...
- refuses to do giveaways because he can't get over people roasting him for his empty box giveaways
- “People buying the Apple headset are just stupid people! It’s a waste of money!”; plays mobile games
- “Jasper loves this house! This is the cat house!”
- blamed Diablo IV for being a boring game for why the tips are low
- derails stream to see if big tips came through (usually these are from OIC alts)
- stated that how he spends fan-donated money is nobody's business
- says he's not stupid for not telling right away that an obvious troll name is not genuine
- turned The Iron Sheik's death about him
- assumes that his fans ask him to play a game and support is low then those fans must've been trolls
- is puzzled when he streams during game conferences that his views and support drops off
- stated that he would temporarily go back to Twitch after years of burning bridges with them
- watches his wife play Diablo IV but won't get spoiled because he does not care for the story
- believes that MMOs should not advertise new expansions because they already have a fanbase
- claimed he hadn't banned anybody minutes after banning trolls and fans who pointed out the trolls
- had no idea why Spider-Man 2 isn't called 'Spider-Men 2' because there are multiple Spider-Men
- wanted people to give him tips as if he were an employee who deserves tips for doing good work
- complains when his opponents spam moves yet can audibly be heard mashing buttons
- welcomed a troll with a name that is a dig at Derich because the troll gave money
- decided not to do anymore live video reactions in the off-chance one video gets blocked
- assumes that any problem with YouTube he faces is something every other content creator gets
- said that diets are easy so long as you aren't exposed to junk food; orders and eats junk food
- “If it’s not in the house the temptation isn’t there!”
- lamented that Jasper's litter box is always full despite saying he cleans it regularly
- refuses to cut down on the lengthy prestream so he can have more playtime
- said 800 views isn't even half of his active userbase but can't get 800 views a video
- admitted that his biggest fans don't watch his raw content, they watch detractor restreams
- admitted that most of his audience are trolls and they they dwarf his “true fans"
- called his biggest fans "idiots" because they talk about him everywhere attracting negative press
- believes that if you watch his content you are a fan of him
- mentioned Rich, Side Scrollers, and detractors in one rant, all three he said he'd never mention
- claims he invented the term 'playthrough', though it was first used in 1948
- was interested in the video excerpt of two muscular men talking in a gay porn video
- wanted to drop Zelda TOTK because he couldn't get over people mocking him for playing poorly
- almost did an Asian impression during a reaction but held it in
- assumes that people who make rage compilations of him work on them all day and don't play games
- believes you can't be a narcissist/egoist if your prideful boasts are backed up by evidence
- believes he once had the popularity/clout to affect the real world, like informing of SOPA & PIPA
- said he's got enough views to not worry about them; still asks for more views
- said he doesn't focus on the "white noise" outside his stream and yet watches detractor videos
- admitted that he is affected by the negativity that he claims doesn't affect him
- “You never see anyone clipping me for when I play well! Notice that?”
- claims that his headphones have caused a dent in his skull from constant use
- took a break from TOTK for a week and got puzzled why viewers and tips were diminished
- played TOTK in the "dumbest way possible", thinking it would 'own' those mocking the viral clip
- deliberately played TOTK sloppily hoping to create another viral clip he can benefit from
- believes that the Zelda series shouldn't do realistic things, like metal attracting lightning
- too lazy to briefly unequip armour in TOTK, spends more time ranting about it than doing it
- admitted he won't try to learn from the mistakes that make him go viral, to stick it to the haters
- doesn't think you can have a 1v1 match with a content creator for fun, there must be a benefit
- believes that games can't be both AAA and not be 60 fps
- won't play Starfield because he doesn't want another Skyrim
- smugly sneered at Starfield PC players and assumed/hoped the game would be a mess at launch
- think you're a dork if you have a 9-5 job while he plays games and e-begs every day
- knows that the word 'dork' means giant whale penis
- learned how to refresh his capture without restarting his entire stream after a decade
- retired the bubble guns due to the mess they made despite hyping them up as a game changer
- now allows you to tip $100 for him to take a shot of gin with no special event/occasion required
- played Diablo IV like a tank: stands still, not dodging, and whining when inevitably killed
- thinks that games should be designed around the needs of "live interactive streamers"
- calls anyone who beats him in a fighting game a no life tryhard loser
- doesn't believe that a more expanded internet (e.g. wikis) makes learning game mechanics faster
- claimed he would be a master of SF6 if he wasn't a "variety streamer" who played othger games
- claimed the FGC hate him because he got famous, citing his SF4 videos that "blew up"
- began playing SF6 trying out every character, gave up and stuck to the same three
- “I asked you to send me videos on how to play and nobody did!”
- believes his website “was destroyed” by Google disabling third party connections
- said he hasn't plateaued despite years of saying he's getting older and not as competitive
- calls himself a "centrist" despite clearly being a fencesitter who knows nothing
- got $400+ in superchats and 40+ gifted memberships in one stream and still pushed for tips
- “Zelda will be in my best games of the year for sure” after trashing it every stream
- thinks that if attendance is poor but tips are good then he has a good audience and vice versa
- refuses to believe Meta Quest sales numbers because no one he knows owns one
- jokingly encouraged his fans to get drunk so they can tip him more often
- believes that 'omnisexual' means you are attracted to everything including inanimate objects
- “Privatizing videos doesn’t ruin your stance in the algorithm because you still keep those numbers.”
- called out his fans who were derailing the stream with "the dumbest topics"
- and "idiotic questions"
- declared his fans were trolls because he often misinterprets their advice and wastes time
- said YouTube needs to copy Twitch's business model even as Twitch was screwing theirs up
- orders delivery for McDonald's despite living within a 10 minute drive of one
- lied that he had only DoorDashed McDonald's once in 2023 but he had done it at least 3 times
- lied that he stopped DSP Tries It because of lack of food, reason is “it’s not profitable anymore”
- admitted his parents are worth nothing, thus he'll gain very little in inheritance
- prefers playing games on Easy because on Hard difficulty the enemies are sponges and it is boring
- thinks that if you have to figure out how you died in a game then it is a bullshit death
- admitted he has very poor impulse control, hence he needs cooked meals or he will DoorDash
- admitted his poor impulse control leads to him occasionally DoorDashing fast food at 11pm
- defends Derich to the point even his fans question if Derich is blackmailing Phil
- knows that Derich told a pornstar that her pussy tastes like tacos, defends him
- threatened to ban people if they post taco emojis in chat
- thinks that if you correct him then you are "nitpicking" and just want him to look bad
- admitted he watches pros play SF6 and copies their combos
- coped that people pointing out Derich's weirdness are trolls who have switched targets
- assumed that people commenting on Derich have run out of material to use on Phil
- told Derich and others to ignore the haters; never ignores the haters
- allows names like “Phil smokes shit” to talk in chat because they tip
- told a story that he used his knowledge of pro wrestling to take a fall from slipping on black ice
- thinks paying him $20 for him to (possibly) react to a video you submit to him “is a bargain”
- tells fans that when they nominate videos they have the power yet takes that power away randomly
- incorrectly told a history lesson of how the Nintendo 64 came into being
- explained that the N64 was to use CDs and Sony backed out (it was the SNES and Nintendo backed out)
- said the N64 cartridges were "64 bit" (they were 64 megabytes)
- thinks his sauce “can technically be considered a meat sauce” because he adds meatballs afterwords
- insists Mr. Beast doesn't do charity because Mr. Beast isn't personally sacrificing to do it
- lost internet for 7+ hours, never switched to data or 5G (business class internet!)
- used the limited Wi-Fi he had to beg over Twitter
- ranted about not knowing when his internet would return because he was told “estimated time”
- “So I’m like what do we do? Everything we do requires internet!”
- planned a day out with Kat but dropped it all as soon as the internet returned
- thinks that internet lines being disconnected for maintenance is actually a vandal cutting them
- cancelled another Zelda TOTK stream because his horrid gameplay went viral again
- reckoned Zelda TOTK must have been made for adults as he assumed no child could solve the puzzles
- finally won a match in SF6 and ranted and complained when he said he was leaving after the win
- said that e-begging is him "going back to his old ways", but he does it every stream
- said that him e-begging is "out of character", does it anyways
- has played some Zelda games and yet is weirded out that Ganon is a male in a race of females
- will do a tier list of Zelda games despite only playing only around 25% of them
- rants about "rich people" because he has it in his mind that he's the perpetual underdog
- claims he isn't talking about $$ support as much but subtly hint hints every so often
- considers drinking alcohol on stream once a month to be normal (ex-alcoholic btw)
- declared YouTube Shorts to be no big deal only after his barely made an impact
- got shocked to learn that the people he bans don't always email him begging to be unbanned
- went on a tirade about memes about his balding hair... from just one person in chat
- felt exhausted played FFXVI even the game is mostly cutscenes
- called his audience "dumb fucking kids" because they kept talking about his uneven haircut
- gets very defensive about his hair, knows it is balding, patchy, and often gets botched haircuts
- assumes all memes posted in his chat that he doesn't get are detractor memes aimed at him
- hates games that emphasize exploration as he wants directions and waypoints
- retconned how Machinima never helped him, now said they did help his channel and gave him "swag"
- confirmed he is helping Joon the King make the video on him despite wanting to be left alone
- pronounces 'duchy' as "dookie" (“The archduke of the grand dookie”)
- boasted about being caffeinated and then proceeded to fall asleep on stream not long after
- disliked FF16 due to “not knowing how to fight new enemies when you first encounter them”
- disliked FF16 because it feels like a movie; loves Telltales Games games, which are FMV heavy
- doesn't think FF games should cater to a more mature audience, think it's always been kid-friendly
- doesn't want to see sex scenes, would rather be told about the sex rather than see it
- upset when said sex scenes doesn't show everything, think it's pointless if there is censorship
- considers himself to be a very mature person yet shields his eyes from sex like a child
- retconned his aversion to sexual content to nothing to do with marriage
- banned a fan who isn't in the know about the Fighting Game Community as he is
- “I AM TIRED OF LOSING TO BASIC SHIT!” (former pro fighting game player btw)
- “I’m playing for fun, I’m not a competitive player” yet rages like a salty bitch when he loses
- breaks YouTube's ToS (section 6 under Permissions and Restrictions) by asking fans to up engagement
- boasts of his demographics yet has previously stated no one uses their real age online
- tries to appeal to adults like him yet assumes they don't like adult things, like risque scenes
- says he doesn't mind people's opinions but will ban if he interprets them as discrediting his
- said he feels like he could stream as a job forever” even though he laments getting older and slower
- ranted against a credit card advice video because "spending what you can’t afford part"
- said that credit cards are evil temptations but he wants better credit to get more credit cards
- skips ultra YT member video submissions just because
- revealed he will eventually go back to Connecticut... when his parents pass to inherit their house
- hates people who argue and treat others like he does
- can't enjoy a YT video without picking apart the legality of the content and the view count
- sucks lozenges for “throat lubrication”, not “medicinal purposes”
- hates upgrading gear in games, keeps hoping to find better equipment for free
- “Snow?? How can there be snow in the desert!” while standing on top of a 5000 ft mountain
- boasted of his BOTW playthrough having 200 parts; each part is 10-20 minutes long
- used a guide to skip parts of Zelda TOTK because he was sick of the game
- thinks it is okay to rush through a game once you reach 40+ hours of gameplay
- yelled at a fan for assuming he has no nest egg, implied he still doesn't have one
- stated that you must be living a life of luxury if you can plan a life schedule and stick to it
- thinks you must be lucky to have a retirement fund like a 401k
- said he "stumbled" through a life of stability (then he stumbled out of it due to his many vices)
- thinks tomatoes from Italy are special compared to every other tomato, calls them "generic"
- “These game companies don’t understand trends.”; complained last year all they did was follow them
- believes that if you are married then you don't have a life
- does not believe there are people who stream longer than him and yet have lives
- thinks it is physically impossible to stream for longer than 16 hours without falling asleep
- reckoned that people who stream so much will lose their partners; Leanna left Phil for this reason
- “I’m not saying that if I stay later I’m expecting something for it” yet he said that to Sir Moist
- gave advice on how to be more active and less sedentary
- commented how Asmongold lives in a pigsty; likewise surrounds himself with junk and dust
- stated that calling Asmongold a no-life hoarder is not an insult in any way
- bans people who point out that his cat is not a "human child" and is no substitute for family
- bans people who point out he is having a slow stream yet he is free to make that judgement
- hint hinted he would like a PS5
- wanted a new PS5 so he can rebuy Street Fighter 6 and play it online
- “I left Machinma” but in actuality they dumped him (which is why he's always hated them)
- turned a fan's injury into a pity party about himself and how “we help each other”
- “There hasn’t been a classic Zelda game in forever"; Link's Awakening remake in 2019
- blames Nintendo for making puzzles in Zelda TOTK that his aging brain can't solve
- regularly fails at contextual button mapping, leading to deaths and/or defeats and a rant
- admitted he can barely hear music in games due to his neck phones
- used to jam Q-tips (cotton buds) deep in his ears, possibly leading to his ear infection
- thinks that characters who look Asian (but sometimes aren't) should have an Asian accent
- wants gaming companies to innovate and try new things, but also wants rehashes the same old games
- believes that Apple ruins people's batteries; in reality they throttle devices to prolong batteries
- makes scat jokes and says he's “just emotional because that’s what being competitive is”
- agreed that he is the King of Stool owing to all the scat jokes he makes
- bans people who complain if he makes too many jokes about poo, pee, and anuses
- said he used to be really unhealthy 15 years ago; still eats fast food and guzzles down alcohol
- called a fan an idiot for stating that SF6 seems to drop inputs, a complaint he makes all the time
- assumed that Asmongold reacted to "out of context" clips of him
- kissed Asmongold's ass when Asmongold did not shit on Phil
- claimed he was joking when he claimed to be one of the best gamers in the country
- hint hinted he will restore removed emotes once he hits YT memberships milestones
- assumed he played well enough in SF6 that his detractors struggled to make fail compilations
- lied that superchats were down but in reality they were above average the past six months
- redefined the word 'context' to ignore any and all clips of him, only he can provide context
- permanently banned someone who pointed out that an unedited stream is not taking him out of context
- banned a fan who asked what "derailing" is
- always runs underneath huge bosses, even if they are doing AoE attacks which gets him hit
- assumes Amiibos for games are mostly worthless, gets blindsided when some turn out to be useful
- believes that The Sims 4 killed the franchise and barely sold
- believes that God of War and The Last of Us are console exclusives
- "I didn't want to play good players, I wanted to learn!"
- can barely win with characters he claims you can easily win with by button mashing
- played SF6 ranked competitive even though he wants to learn the characters and combos
- still claims he was set up on the Side Scrollers interview even though he said all questions allowed
- “I will be nice and loose for you all on Saturday” (ex-alcoholic btw)
- thinks pausing for 2 minutes every 30 seconds to a video is transformative enough to not be claimed
- think that 'freedom of speech' should supercede all operation costs of the platform
- praised freedom of speech yet bans anyone from his chat for using their freedom of speech
- assumes he knows what Elon Musk is thinking at all times
- ranted about Twitter despite claiming he only uses it to advertise his streams (+ e-beg)
- claimed Elon Musk "ran his business into the ground"; Phil went bankrupt from gacha gaming
- raged that Elon Musk is using Twitter to make money; Phil uses YouTube to make money
- is so spiteful he refuses to go 1v1 in SF6 against Stuttering Craig just because of the interview
- assumed his fans don't want to see him 1v1 Stuttering Craig in SF6, but his fans did want it
- admitted he is not good at Street Fighter games despite boasting of his history e.g. EVO 2005
- admitted the main reason he won't 1v1 Stuttering Craig in SF6 is because he won't get paid for it
- defamed Stuttering Craig by calling him "the dumbest motherfucker" who just wants to milk content
- told a weird dream that had dogs pissing and shitting in his house (scat on the mind 24/7)
- believes that all Final Fantasy games are basically the same until FFx
- watched a video that shat on his business model, his broken ego keeping him stunned in silence
- claimed that successful YouTubers are “all filthy rich”
- stated that the police don't care because they never followed up on his missing car tyre
- retconned the Sidescrollers interview by saying Craig begged for him but it was Phil who wanted it
- refuses to answer hypothetical questions without doing research, calls such questions stupid
- refuses to answer how much he lifted back in his bodybuilding days
- brought up penne as an example of a forced meme, unintentionally forcing the meme
- wore a Hawaiian shirt with shorts and sunglasses, looking like a retiree dork
- assumes that no one knows how to hang up the American flag respectfully
- banned anyone who pointed out he displayed the American flag incorrectly
- “I don’t expect anything today” then got salty that nothing happened that day
- stated that Spider-Man 2 should be called 'Spider-Men 2' due to there being multiple Spider-Man
- “Part of the appeal of my content is the rage” yet told people who wanted rage to leave
- “I’m making fun of the game because I’m honest!” yet went out of his way to find faults
- thinks that if a YouTuber is neutral to him they must like him
- “Yeah I make my own hours, but the thing is I still have a life!”
- “I have to get out of here! I don’t have time tonight!” but stayed another 5 minutes to ramble
- “Mentally ill people are not real people!”
- celebrated 4th of July 2023 by spending $965 that week in a WWE Champions event
- did not do his 15 year anniversary stream in time because the month was packed with new releases
- killed the hype for his 15 year anniversary by ranting about trolls and detractors
- claimed that the 'old guard' of the fighting game community hated him because he had skill
- assumes that all his detractors swarm over videos that are neutral-to-positive about him
- assumes he can't do any kind of collab or group event due to trolls
- believes that he simply cannot ignore the trolls, feels a need to rant about them
- won't disclose his exercise routine in case he gets criticized or corrected
- complained that FF16 having side quests is a problem because they distract from the main plot
- doesn't understand world building in regards to poor NPCs not giving him end-game items
- thinks Grimace from McDonald's is a "spud" (he's a tastebud)
- received a $30 tip and complained he lost quite a few YT memberships and would like some more
- believes that enemies being higher level deeper in a game is a "beginner's trap"
- gets upset when a game doesn't warn him that things would get harder later on e.g. Diablo IV
- played three lengthy RPGs at once despite only wanting one at a time
- believes the button input display in fighting games are often wrong
- thinks games 'disrespect' him when they don't give hints of how to get to the next area
- “I will skip every single side quest they give me! I have better things to do!”
- thinks that once he's put 50+ hours in a game he's earned the right to have everything in the game
- speculates on game lore that turns out to be accurate, later admits he read chat or the wiki
- received a $50 tip, immediately fished for more tips
- called out young streamers who have tons of time to stream; talks to every NPC and wastes time
- doesn't like it when games are packed full of content because he has a schedule
- doesn't like doing fun engaging side content if those NPCs will die/disappear from a story event
- believes it is the game's job to entertain his audience, not him
- “Do we really want to spend our time playing a game where we spend half the time bored to tears?”
- blamed the Zelda TOTK devs for why his armour sucks at endgame; barely crafted/upgraded anything
- defined 'immersion' as 'time spent playing', thinks you can't get immersed until many hours in
- skipped side content in FFXVI, later got bitter and angry he didn't get the items from said content
- skipped side content in FFXVI because it's 'menial' yet always does side content in Yakuza games
- banned a fan who pointed out that SFVI correctly tallies his win count, not Gametrekker
- lied that Kat got the wrong meat for their dinner when he previously said she stayed home all day
- made racist remarks about Jill Warrick from FFXI turning Asian
- stated that Tifa Lockhart is Asian, but she's from Nibelheim, which is more Swiss than Asia
- believes that views dropping off a playthrough is indicative of the game's lack of quality
- insisted he never agreed with Machinima striking people on his behalf, never made them stop it
- refuses to sell merch with businesses that do 'woke culture' like rainbows during Pride Month
- believes he never said “hurtful or racist things” because “back then it was just normal”
- believes that calcium intake is no longer really necessary once you hit a certain age
- claimed that every single dollar he's made since streaming has been recorded and taxes paid on it
- so paranoid of trolls lip-reading a phone call he switched away from the webcam
- believes that Zelda TOTK and FFXVI sales are low due to their release schedule
- "Cleaning out all the fridge for fresh food 'cause we cook all week" yet DoorDashes all the time
- pointed out he separates his personal life and public life, yet always brings up his public life
- “I have done the absolute maximum to remove my private life from the internet and my business.”
- admits he knows all about what his trolls get up to because he sees it i.e. no informants
- ranted about trolls trying to see his phone screen... that he accidentally broadcasted live
- finds it bizarre that he has to make a wheelie bin for his trash last two weeks between pickups
- told a story of him getting his garbage disposal fixed that he wrecked putting chicken bones into
- had hired a random plumber he found on online in mid-2020, did no research whatsoever
- revealed he got scammed by a shady plumber who replaced his garbage disposal with a faulty one
- got further scammed when a new plumber forced him to pay for a repair job that never needed doing
- had his garbage disposal warranty voided because he refused to pay for the plumber's visit
- hint hinted he would like more tips to cover the latest plumber visit that fixed everything
- hint hinted that his fans want to buy him a Steam Deck, and he isn't asking but he would like one
- wants a Steam Deck to play Chrono Trigger, a 30 year old game he can easy stream on his PC
- reckons he hasn't e-begged in ages and only did it “when he was at the lowest of his low”
- proposed a final solution to dealing with his trolls: shame them and yell at them
- can’t compost his food waste because he "doesn't have time”
- told a mod to shut up after they pointed out food waste is to be composted, not food disposal'd
- "Context is an insane paradox."
- thinks the increased blade count of his food disposal means chicken bones and food waste are okay
- pours grease and oil down his brand new food disposal
- retconned liking his condo association, now calls them useless who left his house in disrepair
- wants Ken removed from Street Fighter 6 because he is constantly bodied by Ken players
- refuses to play PC games, even if they are low-spec and easily be streamed on his lemon of a PC
- said that Vaush had a punchable face yet has a similar face
- refused to react to a popular video of his because it was hosted on a 'detractor' channel
- compared himself to organized religion because he too is persecuted for taking donations
- called out scammy religions/cults that exist for taking donations (pot kettle black)
- thinks that if someone talks nonsense but others support them then that's fine; Derich, OIC, etc
- thinks that offering things like salvation for donations is scummy; offers 'rewards' for tips
- stated that every negative video about him is taking him out of context, even full restreams
- assumes that most people who hate him know nothing about him other than contextless lies
- "I am not a large creator and I don’t want to be!"; wants 800 memberships and 100+ likes a stream
- doesn't want to be compared to Angry Joe and Maximilian yet he's compared himself to them before
- decided to shower in the morning to be refreshed rather than not shower
- “My streams are dependent on the games.”
- made numerous dumb observations in Zelda TOTK that made it clear he didn't pay attention at all
- “The cooking mechanic isn’t needed! Why is it in the game?” as he is buffing his stats via cooking
- stopped his stream just before Ganon in Zelda TOTK so he could look up the boss fight beforehand
- took 45+ minutes to beat Ganon in Zelda TOTK
- boasted about beating Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, acted like he dunked on his detractors
- “I actually didn’t want to quit, I wanted to keep playing. Tonight I wanted to quit.”
- spent more time watching his PayPal screen than the ending of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
- skipped the credits to The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which skipped the final cutscene
- “I like the game but it didn’t have enough direction.”; ignored the markers to do side content
- exclaimed that only "toxic idiots" are saying he hates Zelda TOTK when he shit-talked it constantly
- believed that side content in Zelda TOTK gave you nothing but his chat said it gives more hearts
- declared his Zelda TOTK playthrough wasn't bad because he says so
- banned someone who asked if he believes in censorship
- admitted he used a guide to play FFXVI
- “I’m not trying to be offensive"; is naturally offensive
- got offended by the sight of an ass until he noticed it belong to a male
- thinks the Mario movie has “current generation console graphics”
- said the devs of Zelda TOTk, Diablo IV, and FFXVI are stupid for releasing their games so soon
- complained that FFXVI is too easy, refused to up the difficulty
- declared that because of a few trolls he will ignore all his fans and do things his way
- thinks that him being bad at video games is a meme that he can dispel by sharing his content
- his retort to being told he's bad at a game is that he didn't make the game
- cannot act neutral towards a game, must either shit on it or kiss its ass
- says that he can deal with 'mature themes' like criticism... pffft
- says that he does things "on a whim", implying he plans them ahead of time i.e. not on a whim
- whined that a master level SF6 squashing him was "wasting his time", gave up and let him win
- won't allow his fans to pick a character ranked higher than him “because that’s not the point"
- wouldn't play in a SF6 match with Jayde, a loyal fan who has donated $1000+ to Phil
- bans people who point out Phil bans people, especially innocent fans that aren't trolls
- called his audience immature children who must be four years old because they point out unfair bans
- declared his SF6 lobby night a failure because some fans crushed him instead of letting him win
- bemoaned having to take his cat to the vet despite saying the cat is family and his 'son'
- ranted about how the veterinarian almost scammed Phil, declined getting blood tests for his cat
- believes that if you show up to a doctor/veterinarian early you'll be seen early
- was bewildered why his cat would need a blood test when it is standard procedure for a checkup
- insisted that nothing is wrong with his cat, defeating the purpose of taking it to the vet
- showed a pic of Jasper on his phone despite refusing to show his phone screen ever
- asks for feedback and gets upset that it isn't the feedback he wants to hear
- surmised that only his "hate watchers" and detractors think he is bad at fighting games
- based his SF6 character tier list on his feelings about them, not functionality and move set
- stated that 'pattern players' are easy but said that people are getting Diamond rank from patterns
- “There never was anything like pattern play back in the day.”
- did a reaction of a video of his fallout with Machinima despite not doing drama content
- boasted that he's a one-man show but then hastily spun it around to include his viewers and fans
- considers a garbage disposal more important than a new computer and equipment for his streaming job
- claims he's been 'independent' for 15 years yet has done sponorships, MCNs, and Project 7
- says he does his thing without influence yet is clearly swayed by his whales
- “My content is good because it’s different.”
- retconned his stance on 'elites' getting games early, now says he meant it when he called them out
- picks at his zits and wipes the pus on his pants on camera
- believes that trolls convinced him to play Amnesia: The Bunker and that's why he barely got tips
- believes because he was right about one thing that entirely discredits his trolls' claims
- assumes that being Diamond rank in SF6 means you must be good at the game
- refuses to do a food channel because he is too lazy to cook while filming
- cannot find time in his schedule to do a cooking episode a week
- admitted he may have trashed expensive gifts his fans have sent him out of paranoia
- skipped over a member's paid video reaction because the channel, SunnyV2, has videos about him
- reckons that SunnyV2 can and should be sued for defamation for shit-talking DSP
- admitted he has always had urges to unleash violence on people and things that annoy him
- thinks that preloading assets are only used on “underpowered” consoles like the Switch
- laments how predators try to relate to their victims to exploit them; does the same to his viewers
- played a SF6 match against someone named 'ButFukDaddee', didn't notice the name
- believes that the entire world would be a better place if all the toxic content about him vanishes
- got upset that a survival game has item management in it
- sometimes blames backtracking when the fault is him rushing ahead without finding what he needs
- cheated in Amnesia: The Bunker by looking up door codes ahead of time
- lectured on the importance of friendship despite having no friends outside of Kat
- stated that he can never consider himself being close friends with his fans (even his whales)
- laments that female streamers attract creeps, but he attracts creeps too
- stated that people who watch camgirls are "sad people"; his biggest fan Derich does just that
- blames his mother combing his hair as a child for 'killing' his hairline
- insinuates he wants his viewers to call problematic chatters trolls so he has a reason to ban them
- begged his fans for free fanmade artwork and animations for his 15 year anniversary stream
- “It’s $9.99 a month and you get to play all the games for free.” (DarksydeConsoomer)
- was genuinely surprised his viewers notice him bathing and washing his hair more
- “I don’t have a positive self image of myself.”
- “Listen, I didn’t dislike Divinity 2!” yet spent the whole playthrough shitting on it
- "It seems you're trying to get me to say Doody Streams", denies he said it
- pretended that the times he fell asleep on stream was his just faking it for fun
- “I didn’t do anything! I swear! So why did I get hit??? Maybe I was trying to parry, I don’t know.”
- proclaimed that Junior Mints are “primarily a mint”
- implied that he values his chatroom as importantly as his wife
- outright begged for just one new YT member to make up for a very slow stream
- promotes playlists despite the fact no many people search for playlists on YouTube
- asked his viewers to like his videos even if they didn't like the video
- believes that because his YT account is in good standing that YouTube should take his side
- thinks he is better than other streamers for not taking sponsorships though he wishes he had them
- thinks he is better than other streamers for not taking sponsorships though e-begging is worse
- stated that SF6's worst part is the music despite admitting he can't hear music in his neckphones
- talked about how his house is choked with dust with almost a bragging tone
- said he and Kat dusted the house but there was dust visible on his mic
- announces he's paid off his bills prior to streaming to convince his viewers he's broke again
- lamented the packed months of game releases and yet replayed GTA5 for the third time
- hint hinted that if he plays a game with copyrighted music then you need to step up with tips $$
- doesn't have a contact to Machinima despite saving all his emails from them
- implied that his wife pays for all the streaming services in the house
- got drunk, played SF6 miserably, banned half his chat, and barely got tips (a typical stream)
- got so heated from getting crushed in SF6 he cranked up he had to “pump his AC full blast” to cope
- claims Machinima tried to scam him in 2009 with their Respawn channel
- hypocritically shits all over Machinima after years of kissing their ass
- said that he didn't care about Machinima taking down TIHYDP videos but he had asked them to
- said that his detractors categorizing events in his life as 'sagas' is both dumb and true
- warned his viewers not to bite the hand that feeds, then turned around to expose Machinima
- has emails from Machinima but won't read them word for word, rather he wanted to tell 'stories'
- said “never viewed what he did as a job for the first few years he did it” but called it business
- said he went 50/50 with John Rambo but then switched to a $200 flat rate, less than 50/50
- didn't install GTA5 before the stream started
- didn't check to see if he installed the correct version of GTA5 prior to playing
- thinks the light of the sun in GTA5 is “ray tracing”
- said he's better than LTG then was shocked that LTG gets 2k~ views per SF6 stream
- can't handle mean words even when it's someone else's chat shown on screen e.g. LTG's streams
- acted like the detractor video of LTG he watched was the very first content of LTG he's seen
- found it sad that LTG was making money from haters; Phil also gets troll tips from detractors
- doesn't realise the reason his chat is not like LGT's is because his is overly-moderated and dead
- criticized LTG for doing things that he does e.g. blacklisting 'toxic' opponents
- believes that retail jobs are worthless since you are overpaid to do shitty work and are replacable
- believes that volcanoes only emit rocks and soot and are only dangerous if you are “right beside it”
- thinks that everyone on Earth is capable of elevating themselves out of a bad environment
- said that a nail biting video isn't relevant to him despite her perchant for biting his nails
- admits his current audience isn't as mature as it was a decade ago, hence more toilet humour
- implied that the reason he began harping on LTG is because Joon the King and LTG hate each other
- watched an LTG restreamer despite saying restreaming is morally wrong
- "I haven't watched LTG's video yet." - a few minutes later... - "I skimmed through it."
- plays dumb to pick apart anything in an argument to cause confusion and deflection
- “Huh? LTG's talking about my beard? What? Huh?? That’s not logical!”
- ranted against LTG's channel size with heavy tones of coping and seething with jealousy
- ranted that LTG insulted Phil's looks; got suspended from Twitch for insulting someone's looks
- got salty that LTG leaked their DMs which showed how desperate Phil is for a DSP-LTG collab
- was told he has a 'pedo goatee' and replied "and?"
- believes he is bigger than EVO in terms of influence and sway in the fighting game community
- uses the word 'unkept' when he means 'unkempt'
- missed the part where LTG bragged about his donation total and so was confused how much it is
- said that his SF6 videos bring in the views but they aren't much higher than other gaming vids
- flipped out when LTG rejected the collab, told Phil to stop clout chasing and blocked him
- “I wasn’t trying to clout chase!” but he literally was, chasing LTG's superior influence
- “I’m not trying to clout chase the man!” but was willing to bribe him for two years for a collab
- “I want to finish this in a way that is productive rather than destructive”, “STOP BEING A BITCH!”
- got very salted that LTG told him to stop being immature, reacted to that immaturely
- “I don’t prefer to do drama content! I don’t want to do anymore of it so let’s hope he shuts up!”
- played against low-ranking players on community night, breaking his own rules about fair matches
- “I’ve never said hateful slurs ever and if I have it was never in a hateful or derogatory way!”
- "My social skills are fine", then admitted that a vast majority of him socializing is to his chat
- hated FF16 and wanted to quit it but refused to because that's what the detractors wanted
- "I spent 70 dollars and 32 hours on FF16 even though I hate it!"
- didn't want to play Project L simply because the founders of EVO are involved
- ranted that GTA5 does not follow “real life rules” in regards to losing cops on your trail
- claimed his detractors get very salty when he ignores and blocks their emails
- is happy to ignore his detractors yet bitched up a storm when LTG ignored him
- hint hinted he wants a new joystick for fighting games
- ordered joystick buttons off of Amazon when the majority of his issues are stick related
- stated that no 'professional' SF6 players swap lots of characters, they only use 1-4
- blamed his fans for him playing GTA5 again when it was his own decision
- “What is the type of game I’m second-best at after fighting games? Uhh... I have no idea.”
- blames his camera for why his patchy beard looks patchy and not full as he believes he has
- 'suddenly remembered' that 1MinuteMan tipped him (more proof it's all a lie)
- assumed SF6 no longer appeals to people because people stopped watching his spammed SF6 uploads
- regularly bans fans who argue with trolls because he's too lazy and so bans all 'troublemakers'
- defamed Machinima by claiming they lied to investors when Machinima was creating their own content
- acts like he always knew Machinima's contract was bad, still signed it anyways
- only showed emails from Machinima and not his emails to them
- whined that Respawn - a gameplay channel - did not include Project 7, a non-gaming series
- wanted to prove Machinima's malintent but the emails show they went out of their way to help Phil
- permabanned a fan who laughed a joke in chat and assumed the fan was laughing at him
- asked his viewers if they were willing to donate to see him down shots of whiskey
- showed proof Machinima struck TIHYDP videos, couldn't answer why he didn't show evidence sooner
- found it bizarre that Machinima claimed TIHYDP vids but he never saw a dime
- called LTG his bitch because LTG ignores Phil's desperate pleas for attention
- never caught on that PDFFileDerich was a dig at Derich
- believes Machinima severed the contract because he got into a spat emailing the wrong department
- “I can’t have half my major streams not getting support” and then plays games that get no support
- wants game companies to block people who played the beta of an online game because it's 'unfair'
- his idea of the 15th anniversary stream decorations: put on display unsold shirts he used to sell
- insinuated that if you are having fun in his chat then you ought to send him tips and donations
- talked through emotional cutscenes in FF16 with dumb commentary, lame jokes, and cringe singing
- accidentally admitted that the Xbox controller he hint hinted for was to replace Kat's controller
- has consecutively logged into WWE Champions for over 2000 days (that's 5 years, every day)
- spent $527.50 for a WWE Champions "spend loot coins" rebate event for a character in August 2023
- stated he used to have dandruff, implied he still does since he still uses the special shampoo
- gets his gaming news from IGN
- “Final Fantasy 16 only sold 3 million preorders because of its name.”
- refuses to play “PC-centric RPG games” because “they would take him six months to finish”
- believes Bethesda is “trying to hide something” by “framelocking” Starfield to 30fps
- decided he won't play Armored Core VI because it's not a Souls game
- won't play Armored Core VI because “it’s not the right game for us”
- lied that he wanted to play FF7 Remake on Switch but in actuality he avoided playing it
- refuses to believe that LTG makes more money than him
- put images of his face all over his Twitter for his 15 year anniversary, making him look narcissist
- was obsessed with getting Master Rank in SF6 despite saying he didn't care for it
- thinks that getting Master Rank in SF6 proves he's a pro at fighting games
- bragged of getting Master Rank in SF6 when most other players reached it weeks ago
- laments that trolls will laugh at him regardless of whatever evidence he presents, still complains
- hosted an 'unscheduled' unboxing stream for something he received and then scheduled
- got a mini computer and has no idea what specs it has or how useful it will be for him
- got a mini computer to play Chrono Trigger despite emulating it on his lemon PC a decade ago
- hardly knew what he was looking at on the mini computer despite building PCs for a living
- hint hinted for a gaming joystick despite winding down on the fighting games e.g. MK1
- was quite disheartened that his fans did not rush to buy him a $300 joystick
- refused to use his mini computer for gaming even though it's perfectly fine emulating old games
- believes his mini computer will "melt down" or explode if used for extended periods of time
- wants a 1TB HDD for the new 'proper' computer he wishes to own
- purchased Street Fighter 5 for PS5 despite already owning it on PS4 and admitting it runs the same
- purchased a new $320 joystick for fighting games, a niche his own audience hardly watches
- spent an additional $25 on buttons for the joystick he hardly used
- spent over $400 on games and gaming accessories, yet states he can't afford vet care for his cat
- e-begged for two weeks for the joystick, made no money, purchased it, then said he's not broke
- decided be might play Fightcade after years of declaring it full of cheaters and not worth it
- mass-banned much of his chat after they posted F for respect after Phil mistreated a fan of his
- believes the fan he banned was a known troll on a sock account
- believes that trolls orchestrate things to make him look bad
- called his fans assholes for pointing out that he was acting like an asshole
- equates 'experience' with 'trauma' while talking about relationships
- said the key to a successful relationship is to prioritise your partner's happiness over yours
- said that liking other peoples' posts on Instagram while in a “significant relationship” is “weird”
- ranted that latecomers to the stream were asking why he ranted earlier, banned some fans asking
- believes that hardly anyone watches movies using their computer
- has spies in detractor Discord servers that inform him of who is a troll in his chat
- lies that he doesn't ask his spies for info on trolls
- thinks emulating games is "breaking the law" even when he owns copies of the original games
- cares about emulation and law even though his original Chrono Trigger playthrough was emulated
- hint hinted on Twitter that he doesn't want to first mini computer stream to get low tips
- got crushed in SF6 and got demoted back to Platinum rank, blamed his new $320 joystick
- really enjoyed the torture scene in GTAV (PsychopathSydePhil)
- stated he doesn't care about views anymore but he still drop games when views are low
- insinuated that the flaws with his mini computer apply to all PCs, hence no PC gaming for him
- wished there were a console version of Chrono Trigger; SNES original and PS1 port
- called his fans "gullible idiots" because they believe and parrot what trolls in his chat say
- takes 1-2 troll comments as proof of a coordinated effort
- read outloud an alleged fan email that used “I hope I see you well”, a phrase Phil often uses
- “I haven’t been in dire straights for 3 years” and yet still e-begs as if he is in dire straights
- saw a fan in chat talk about Jasper's health and assumed trolls were spreading misinfo on Jasper
- said he can tell sock-accounts by how they talk, yet says you can't tell his accounts like that
- “I told you guys I don’t pay attention to anything those shitheads say about me and I don’t care!”
- brings up “personal behind the scenes stuff I can’t talk about" and talks about it
- “I wish I could share my private life with all of you, I miss it” after years of wanting privacy
- claimed the veterinarian tried to "upsell him" with bloodwork to make extra money off Phil
- never got his cat's bloodwork done out of spite for the vet allegedly tacking it on like an extra
- ranted that his viewers "think they know better than a vet!”; thinks he knows better than a vet too
- blamed SF6 for matchmaking him with players that counter his Blanka rather than get better
- made comments about Starfield being GOTY despite saying the GOTY Awards don't matter
- takes people's opinions about their GOTY very seriously
- often types FFXVI wrong in his tweets, proving he doesn't know Roman numerals
- declared that because "I increased my winwate-winrate by 1%" it was worth buying SF6 for the PS5
- openly called for pro players to challenge him at SF6, turned down most for 'trolling' or toxicity
- admitted that eating less and not drinking himself to sleep is helping him feel better
- boasted that an hour of yard work made him feel the best he's ever been in years
- spent an hour cleaning up his yard which is a 12 foot strip of concrete and a small patch of grass
- publicly announces when he follows people on Twitter despite them getting notifications
- made a gender stereotype joke of women taking a day off to watch Barbie; takes a day off to game
- “The nice thing about this community is how generous it is.”
- plays competitive games and complains he has competition
- got a $25 tip from Jaxx Raxor but added 1MinuteMan to the leaderboard instead... hmmm...
- complained he had to restart stream to install updates to Windows 8.1 he'd been sitting on for ages
- was confused why he has separate ISP appointments for his separate internet lines
- didn't know that using Wi-Fi amplifiers with two internet lines slowed his internet down
- wanted to do a “most disappointing ever” SF6 tier list, but asked his viewers to make it for him
- said Chrono Trigger was one of his fave games yet can barely remember anything about it
- after ragequitting a game he searches Twitter for posts praising the game and shit-replies to them
- deleted fanmade YouTube shorts after trolls tricked him into thinking said fan was a troll
- banned said fan after he questioned why his fanmade YouTube shorts were deleted
- believes that Teespring kicked him off because trolls showed them a 'portfolio' of DSP's actions
- blames this 'portfolio' of his problematic content with no evidence of its existence
- asked his viewers to set him up with a company that won't cancel him for his problematic content
- stated that xQc barely adds to his reactions to content; does the same
- blames his viewers if they call the stream boring, tell them to come back later
- claimed not to know the banana song despite singing it
- claimed that "obsessive idiots" listen to the clip of him singing the banana song on a loop
- claimed to not be in it for the money despite asking viewers to help set up a shop for his merch
- hint hinted he wants a $120 'emulation box' despite acquiring a $300 mini PC
- now bans sock accounts after liking sock accounts before so he could receive YT memberships
- throws innocent fans under the bus when he suspects they are trolls (as he said in his Discord)
- blames his fans in his Discord server for leaking their messages
- takes great pride in banning trolls, thinks it wounds their egos and feelings when he bans them
- blames trolls for why he can't make friends
- lies about not caring about detractor communities because he uses that info to ban sock accounts
- openly admitted he is friends with some detractors because they 'backstab' other detractors
- lamented that he is getting older so that is why he must do meaningful things; prestreams 2 hours
- said he doesn't seek out Twitter accounts to block, but he has blocked uncontacted troll accounts
- said he only blocks people who spam but has blocked accounts just for talking to troll accounts
- justified his racist humour by saying no one was offended and it was "equal opportunity" (mocking)
- acts like a melodramatic clown when someone in chat mentions they will be gifting memberships
- blocks big YouTubers when they offer to interview him because he assumes they'll exploit him
- got into a spat with Adam on Twitter because Phil only sees the interview as a money-grab
- wanted to talk to Suttering Craig face-to-face yet cowardly ignored the invitation on his time off
- says he is done with drama and then inserts himself into drama for 'woe is me' victimhood
- claimed Side Scrollers scammed their viewers... by giving them what they wanted
- said he supports what Side Scrollers does and then screamed to stop giving them money
- “The Side Scrollers are using you to make money!"; made his top-tippers mods for his dead chat
- confessed in his Discord he can't eat meat due to his bad teeth and possibility of gout flare-up
- confessed in his Discord his second PayPal was set up to keep milking his dents for money
- warns his viewers not to do chargebacks because they don't work (but they do)
- spent five minutes ranting about superchats because he always has money on his mind
- called a fan an idiot because he kept superchatting to get Phil's attention
- believes that podcasts can't accept money if they talk about him or else they are "milking" him
- sees Craig demanding Phil on his podcast is wrong, sees himself demanding LTG on his podcast is good
- said he can’t have a motorcycle because it’s too wet in Washington state for one
- whined when Elon Musk announced the removal of blocking on Twitter/X as it would ruin his safe space
- ranted about Twitter/X removing blocking even though he barely uses it
- called Elon Musk an idiot despite previously stating it's his company and can do what he likes
- at times bases his schedule on a game's release, has no Plan B if said game is delayed
- ranted that MK1 wasn't available and he isn't stupid but found it while ranting and looked stupid
- banned a fan who pointed out that e-begging may be violating YouTube's ToS
- got an infestation of flies and ants from leaving trash in his garage during the summer
- admitted he reads superchats slowly, to let them 'sink in', to avoid putting on the glasses/hats
- gave a touching sendoff to Gametrekker when he retired (mainly due to his big tips $$)
- ramped up the e-begging as soon as Gametrekker the whale left
- feeds stray cats in his neighbourhood peanuts, which could be dangerous and a choking hazard
- claimed that “puffy cats” don’t exist in the wild and “it’s weird” if you see one
- “Jasper has almost never seen other cats.”
- “It’s time for DSP gaming news” and then quickly ranted about Elon Musk and Twitter again
- got 20 gifted members to hit 500 again and then hint hinted that he may have miscounted
- assumes that most comments about wrestling is a dig at him still playing WWE Champions
- “Brains function like hard drives.”
- “I live in Seattle, which is a hotbed of gaming!”
- said that people doing soyfaces in thumbnails were stupid; does the same for his YT shorts
- assumes people care about his opinions about fighting games
- thinks he is the only one honest about Mortal Kombat 1, assumes everyone defending it is lying
- told his chat not to reveal where they live, then informs everyone one of his mods lives in LA
- cut back on the SF6 streams as he realized he wasn't getting tipped enough for the humiliation
- hint hinted he was “spending extra money” to play Starfield early
- encouraged people to swing on by to say hello, and banned them once he recognised them as trolls
- pretended to be shocked that there are leaks for Starfield; uses leaks and early reviews for news
- believes that early review codes are to "create hype" but they literally are for early reviews
- said Jasper doesn’t have cat friends because he is an indoor cat and doesn’t go outside
- “There is no ideal number of memberships a channel can have” yet still wants 500 for the support
- “Sometimes this channel has had over 1000 members”; just once and they were botted
- thinks New Delhi isn't in India (it's India's capital city)
- “I am good at fighting games again!”
- made an edgy tweet that most female streamers are titty tub streamers that's doing sex work
- gets puzzled when people in chat talk about non-gaming topics during the non-gaming prestream
- had fruit flies breach his office, suggesting he still hadn't cleaned up the trash in the garage
- at times dozes off during cutscenes in games, snaps out of it if money is mentioned
- bashes his $300 arcade stick when he gets defeated in an online fighting game game
- “It eats me up! It heats me up when the game doesn’t agree with me!”
- always references his helicopter job from 2012 because his life experience ends there
- thinks job security doesn't exist and thus made zero attempt to obtain it when he was employed
- defended Derich even after he insulted Phil in the chat
- called a supporter an idiot for calling out Derich's mischief, then pondered why the supporter left
- “When I originally played GTA V I had bought the strategy guide.”
- bashes the practice of paying $30 extra to play a game early yet considers doing it at times
- bans people that Derich requests be banned, only investigates the reason why after the fact
- believes that trolls impersonate his fans, but some of his fans really do say unhinged things
- admitted he Doordash'd burritoes from a place that is literally a five minute drive away
- assumed that his Doordash driver had no other deliveries scheduled when he ordered
- believes his Doordash driver lied when he said he other deliveries scheduled before Phil ordered
- thinks that the Doordash app does tell you if the driver has other deliveries to make before yours
- "If you have to run multiple delivery apps to make a living, you shouldn't do it."
- stated that the Sons of Kojima trolls are better than his current detractors
- stated that TIHYDPs have value in that they show Phil how he can improve
- called himself "one of the most resilient content creators" as he rants about trolls ruining him
- lied that Armored Core 6 has no hype anywhere to avoid playing it
- admitted he has a stock of tequila, bourbon, orange liquor, and coconut rum in the house
- encouraged his fans to tip so they can choose which alcohol he swigs (former alcoholic btw)
- “DLC shouldn’t be worked on until the main game is out! That's ridiculous!"
- thinks DLC should be worked into the main game
- banned a fan who superchatted a legit tip to improve in SF6
- “I am not going to get upset! There is no point!” and then got upset
- included people who haven't been in his chat in ages as 'regulars'
- believes The Witcher 3 wasn’t popular until the Netflix show came out
- showed the bottles of tequila, bourbon, orange liquor, and coconut rum, almost all half-empty
- believes that changing his style of humour improved his channel but the stats say otherwise
- believes that focusing on reacting to his chat rather than focus on the game is a good idea
- thinks it's okay to make jokes that Jesus Christ is a zombie
- humble-bragged that he “doesn’t react to pain anymore” because he's used to suffering every day
- is puzzled that ice cream shops don't deliver after 8pm
- thinks that screws loosening over time means whatever's affixed to it is “on its way out”
- can't remember how long he's been married
- unbanned a racist fan because said fan is a regular tipper
- accidentally referred to Kat's cooking as "whore-made"
- spent $900 on WWE Champions after the 15 years legacy retrospective marathon
- believes that he has tons of $$ support given his viewer and subscriber count (inorganic by whales)
- admitted he won't change for his fans anymore because he's tired of changing what he does
- called his own fans morons for pointing out the low support his marathon stream made
- “I don’t care about making lots of money.”
- “I’m not trying to spoil myself on Starfield” and then talked about the leaks
- defended Starfield for it's engine limitations even though they broke the devs' promises
- stated that statistics “don’t make factual sense and are presented out of context” for "narratives"
- “Spin me the right data to tell me things objectively.” (spinning data doesn't make it objective)
- ranted that statistics are stupid yet spends 10 minutes giving SF6 stats daily
- stated that all humanity has become "negative and toxic” because they dislike him and don't tip
- ranted about toxicity while berating his viewers for tuning out of his Armored Core 6 streams
- assumed that people didn't watch his AC6 streams because he likes the game and they wanted rage
- bans people who correct him after he has done "hours of research"
- allegedly hurt himself turning his neck, got massive pain in his right shoulder, asked for tips
- stated he was in “debilitating pain” yet was moving back and forth as usual
- bemoaned his pain even though two days ago he said he no longer felt pain
- later that stream turned his neck back and forth with no pain just fine
- blamed his dad for his bad back even though he's previously blamed his aunt for his back (and gout)
- said he doesn’t have to worry about exercise “because his house was built for cats”
- stated that he cannot have children because trolls will ruin his child's life
- implied he was pathetic because trolls will mock his future child with his own failures
- called himself selfish and irresponsible for letting his life get to where he can't have kids
- blames trolls for no plans for kids even though last year (2022) the reason was lack of money
- finds it odd that his cat doesn't like belly rubs
- bragged after defeating Balteus in Armored Core 6 even though he had help from his chat
- made fun of content creators who quit AC6 at Balteus; spent hours trying even with chat helping
- retconned his aforementioned mocking of content creators as a joke once he got heat for it
- ranted for 15 minutes justifying being handheld by his chat to beat any tough challenge in a game
- believes that if all his 'hate watchers' were to vanish he'd been even more successful
- inadvertently admitted his AC6 views stink because “the hate watchers” don’t care
- revealed how he “distracts himself from pain”: alcohol and video games
- allows video game spoilers in his chat but not wrestling PPV spoilers
- justifies attacking or blaming other content creators with “I’m an interactive streamer”
- pointed out he gets tips for being entertaining, not stream length; still does marathons
- pretends not to see problematic comments from supporters in his chat because he won't ban them
- pretends not to see problematic fans in his chat and yet talks about what they say
- went full clown mode in a SF6 stream with wild body movement, disproving his "shooting pain" claim
- spent $2267 on WWE Champions in a week (late August 2023), $967 of that in just one day (Aug 30)
- is still salty about the bitrate incident on Twitch from over a decade ago
- complained that people go out of their way to find things to complain about; does the same
- believes that people who have DSP detractor channels are 100% invested in just him and nothing else
- claimed that if he were a politician he'd help the people; never paid John Rambo a fair wage
- claimed that he has never taken payoffs and shilling; has taken paid sponsorships and brand deals
- said he has always turned out sponsorships but has complained trolls ruined those opportunities
- sees zero connection between raising money for political campaigns and him e-begging on stream
- believes that once the weather stops being so hot it must be signalling the end of summer
- got nervous once he found out Srarfield is another Bethesda RPG
- pre-emptively called out his viewers for "expecting too much" when he played Starfield
- pre-emptively blamed his viewers for not understanding Starfield to excuse low attendance
- cleaned out his air conditioner but didn't open any doors and windows, leading to clouds of dust
- admitted that 'on-demand views' don't matter to him
- encourages his viewers to become his 'expert' who tip him tips and advice on the game
- “I feel like Super Mario Wonder is the first true sequel to Mario World.”
- bans people posting 'X' in his chat as it means they disagree with what he's saying/doing
- hint hinted that because YouTube demonitized his react videos he needs support
- grumbled about the react videos getting demonitized despite expecting it from the beginning
- clout-chased on Twitter by stating that no one is 'debating' over pronouns in Starfield
- told his fans not to watch drama videos despite saying “you can watch whoever you want”
- had weeks to cancel the Mortal Kombat 1 preorder but never did
- wanted to cancel the MK1 1 preorder because he ordered the wrong version and couldn't play early
- confirmed he scours and unblocks then blocks again on Twitter to see what detractors are saying
- called detractor SF6 loss montage videos "toxic"; 90% of his SF6 matches is toxic content
- bragged about getting Master Rank in SF6 yet also said those with bad W/L ratio also made Master
- ranted that he has depression after no one liked his depression joke
- stated matter-of-factly that because he has depression he can make depression jokes
- “Serious topics should be talked about in a serious way” yet talked about depression during SF6
- implied that the detractor who made Phil's depression joke clip should kill himself
- thinks that detractors making him look bad deserve to receive thinly-veiled death threats
- wants his detractors to be bullied for just existing, let alone just the ones making content
- wants his detractors to clip “his good parts as well” (then they wouldn't be detractors)
- admitted he wants MK1 early for the 'day one views' (a practice he hates other people doing)
- takes recommendations for optimal builds in games rather than experiment on his own
- lied he doesn't watch other streamers; has said he watches other streamers with Kat
- lied that he's never watched any Asmongold content but he is one of the streamers he watch with Kat
- said that he does his own things in games... which happen to be optimal builds/strategies
- ranted about how is isn't hand-holding, later that stream he thanked his chat for hand-holding him
- stated if he had the money to travel he would probably do well in Street Fighter tournaments
- admitted that he lets detractors on Twitter get to him, causing him to fumble in fighting games
- had an annivesary event for the Burger King 'fiasco' of 2021 where the service was terrible
- assumes that a larger player base means better connections
- ranted that the PlayStation service agent asked him how his day was going
- “I’ve told you guys, I don’t like monetizing you.”
- stated he doesn't want his viewers getting ads but got excited about Twitch streams with ads
- acknowledges that the majority of his audience are long-term viewers, not new viewers
- "Why does it take so long to get chat help!"; chat is mostly dead due to dents and banned trolls
- believes that you should not have pet insurance if you take good care of your pet/s
- spent ages ranting about the ranking system in SF6 rather than prepare for his wife's birthday
- backed down from his 'FGC bad' stance once an FGC old guard chimed in with logic
- went to Safeway with a Middle-Eastern woman who was not his wife
- denies he was spotted at Safeway with another woman, lean-in-manual-bans anyone who talks about it
- reveal new additions to his stream: unfunny 'lol randumb xD' decals for the background
- thinks he isn't “like those other guys” because he's legit; it's because he's a beggar
- talked about how he can't eat a whole pie when he's supposed to be buying it for Kat's birthday
- "I want $50 a day" and still thinks he rakes in more than a typical office job like once had
- keeps reading aloud people's real names, proving he can see their names and not anonymously
- hint hinted he wanted >600 YT members without saying the exact number
- cleaned his air conditioner filters and said they were black, filthy, and full of soot and dirt
- said 7 year “is not a long amount of time” to pass because “that’s half” of his “YouTube career”
- whined that he has no money to repair things in his house; still buys pulls from WWE Champions
- says he has no time to make repairs; no commute, no kids, doesn’t cook, streams 7.5 hours a day
- "I don't have time to clean up the garage" yet won't do it on his day off
- believes that no one is 100% accountable for their actions, someone/something always shares blame
- believes people should either fix their problems solo or others should pony up to help them
- thinks inventory space and weight limits is unrealistic in video games and wants less of it
- asked his viewers to suggest sites to sell his merch that won't remove him if 'trolls' brigade them
- took the bait from his trolls that suggested selling his merch on a 'right wing' merch store
- called a clinic to get diagnosed, went there to get the medication, did not go to the appointment
- thinks that any futuristic city with neon lights copies Cyberpunk
- said that Starfield's persuasion mechanic isn't like Skyrim, so “Bethesda lost their way”
- kept reloading in Starfield every time he failed a persuasion
- commemorated the anniversary of 9/11 with an insensitive tweet about himself improving his life
- assumes that if a game is 25+% off a few months after release the sales - and game - must be bad
- assumes that no one outside of the YouTube gaming community and the FGC know who he is
- thinks Square blaming "online hate" is ridiculous; when he does it is "factual observation"
- called FF16 a failure because it didn't get him the amount of $$ support he wanted
- admitted that his reactions when playing fighting games online is exaggerated
- lamented while watching clips of his old vids that he used to play for fun and have fun doing so
- his first instinct when seeing there's a clip of him getting perfected is to say they cheated
- "I give credit where credit is due."; 99% of his losses are unearned according to him
- spent longer justifying a video clip and doing damage control than actually watching it
- thinks his cat dragging his headphones around and destroying his stuff is typical cat behaviour
- “I don’t bombard my content with ads”; advertises his stream constantly with reminders to tip
- mixed up the DLC release dates for Mario Kart World Tour with Mario Kart 8
- doesn't save money for days off with Kat, wants viewers to give him "liquidity" (tips) to do so
- doesn't want to leave his cat alone as it may traumatize him; left him alone when he got married
- believes you need a "specialty ID" to get on a plane, even just to fly to a different state
- believes that to get this "specialty ID" it takes a year due to the backlog
- “It takes a year or more to get a REAL ID to fly!” (it takes 15 business days)
- blames his parents for not moving out to Seattle with him because they took too long
- refuses to go to tourist areas in Seattle because it's high crime
- won't go to downtown Seattle or it will “Put myself at personal risk”, or even outdoors at all
- wants his react channel to work "long term" while hint hinting it's not about the money (but it is)
- says no one cares about the vests but then is like "it sure would be nice to wear a vest today"
- "WHY IS NO ONE TALKING TO ME?!", literally only had 13 people in chat (not counting bot)
- assumes that "no one is laughing" at a joke if he isn't laughing at it
- pondered why people go to McDonald's when they can just to expensive restaurants weekly like he does
- "If you like Bethesda games you have to like Starfield!"
- "The point of my streams is not to shit on games."
- doesn’t even know if his phone is paid off (business degree btw)
- “I made the banana song” despite previously saying he didn't know what it was
- didn't embrace the banana song despite it being the funniest creative thing he's done on stream
- “Crono never talks in the game.” (Chrono Trigger is allegedly one of his fave games)
- complained about Apple despite their devices being so easy to use even he can do it
- showed his phone during his Apple rant despite "I can't show my phone, that would be dangerous"
- ranted that Apple charges $30 for a charger; charges $50 to put on sunglasses
- compared Unity charging $0.20 per download being “like credit cards” (credit cards on his mind)
- called Unity scummy for charging for use of their engine; Unreal does it too
- baited tips by claiming it was his last stream playing SF6
- banned half his chat (9/19) because they were allegedly sock accounts
- spent $120 on Mortal Kombat 1 just to play the story mode (too scared to get bodied online)
- spent $120 on Mortal Kombat 1 and didn't play it on launch (no day one views!)
- told his viewers to stop saying every game he plays sucks when they are jokingly parroting him
- "Those comments will be manually removed by me. No human will ever see them." (Phil isn't human)
- did an “in depth” Street Fighter 6 coverage yet hadn't even tried all characters
- believes that because 'everyone' calls him a scrub he can call everyone else a scrub
- said Mortal Kombat 1 can’t be fun because it isn’t competitive
- talked about Twitter and Elon Musk news on his gaming news podcast
- exclaimed he doesn't condone death threats to Unity but that they should have expected them
- compared staff cuts at Unity to him losing his job at the helicopter company and bad CEOs
- believes people commenting on videos but not watching them is actual engagement
- said Street Fighter 6 has a bad “input reader” and “everyone is talking.about it”
- almost said a racial slur when talking in an elderly Chinese accent
- hint hinted that because he spent $120 on Mortal Kombat 1 he'd like to make it worth his while
- spent $493 on WWEC during his day off, then did an impromptu stream to e-beg for more
- called the big house cleaning a "relaxed day", implying his wife did most of the work
- complained that a restaurant's food and his wife's cooking of the same dish have the same flavour
- complained that gamers have already found amazing combos in MK1 shortly after its release
- assumed that many players in Mortal Kombat 1 will unleash "endgame" combos and ruin online play
- was overlevelled in Chrono Trigger, spammed Dark Matter on the final boss, acted like it was tough
- cried during the end credits of Chrono Trigger, kept a teary eye out for tips
- gets emotional during Hulk Hogan's entrance
- hated the 'shills' who got MK1 early yet paid $120 to get MK1 early
- stated that the entire content creator industry is paid shills getting games early
- stated that those who get games early are shills, then said those who get games early are not shills
- said that all content creators are in it for money; calls it his 'business' to stream and e-beg
- ruined his experience with MK1 by thinking too much about the lore
- made no secret that his fave part of MK1 was the rewards part (aka the gacha pulls)
- gets nervous when the view bot doesn't show up, tells his viewers not to notice the view count
- revealed that he gets post nasal drip while eating and thus he needs tissues handy
- declared that Derich didn't ask HIM about incest, didn't deny Derich talking about incest at all
- banned a paypig who pointed out that his unhinged rant about detractors is why he has them
- gets depressed when tips are low even if the game is fun, views are high, and the chat is hyped
- focuses on the fluctuating view count and commenting on it rather than gaming
- ponders why his view count is steadily declining even though he's said YouTube is a sinking ship
- admitted that giving his videos a thumbs down affects the algorithm
- admitted his feelings get really hurt to see his videos getting thumbs down'd
- admitted he used to look up walkthroughs between video parts to progress
- said that a detractor video did not make a point, had it paused with onscreen text making its point
- doesn't even know when games he plans to play come out
- assumed that if a detractor mocks DSP by impersonating him whatever they say was something he said
- called a detractor video unfunny despite his chat laughing, called them stupid
- says detractor videos are a waste of time, reacts to them, confirms he just wasted his time
- called his mannerisms and medical conditions "stupid", anyone who makes jokes of them also stupid
- called TIHYDP videos "intelligent", praised evilaj2010 and The 0utsyder
- assumes that if you make a video mocking his snorting then you must 'hate-watch' all his content
- "He tried to take my mannerisms and impersonate me!" when watching a parody video of him
- "For the record I'm not offended" yet ragequit the video and never finished watching it
- "I see them and ignore them" but then rants about it for 10 minutes
- said he can't taste meals, meaning that all the 'robust' dishes he had may not have been robust
- lamented having a nasal drip despite not snorting even once during the Sidescrollers interview
- doesn’t know anything about XQc’s condition but expects others to know his exact medical problems
- did not realise that a video he reacted to of people to avoid were all points that apply to him
- disapproves of incest... because both partners spent so long together that it's not fresh
- loves classic games yet spams save states, “I don’t have the time for this! I’m a modern gamer!”
- “Passion for the classics” yet plays plays a PC port of a mobile port on a $400 micro PC
- treated his cat “vomiting all over the house" as a mere annoyance rather than one of concern
- “Tell me what you want to see me do first” and then does his own thing
- clarified that when he says “give me $50 a day” what he really means is more than $50 a day
- hint hinted he wants $100 a day; $50 for the day stream, $50 for the night stream
- said people like 1MM dictate what he does, even though 1MM tips regardless of what he's doing
- banned people who use his “speak with their wallets" line against him by saying they won't tip him
- blamed his viewers for making him spend $120 on MK1 and made him think they wanted it
- “It’s not about playing the hot new releases anymore"; dropped Starfield for Lies of P
- takes credit for 'outliving' people that took jabs at him even though they failed regardless of him
- credits his "work ethic" to outliving his critics; does the bare minimum and sometimes not even that
- claimed that he "never sold out"; did a Twitch bounty stream and had shilled gamer chairs
- was shocked that he got barely any support for an impromptu MK1 stream no one asked for
- “You need to grow up!”; is a 41 year old man e-begging so he can play video games all day every day
- admitted he doesn't want to do streams that make people laugh, he wants streams where they tip him
- threatened to strike restreamers, even if they add commentary to make it transformative
- “I don’t make insane drama content” as he ranted for 10 minutes about drama
- literally used his chat to solve the quests in Lies of P rather than solve them himself
- tried to kill the training dummy in Lies of P, ranted that it wouldn't die
- “I have always been a solo creator.”; John, Howard, and others don't exist to him anymore
- pronounces 'archival' as "“ark a vul”
- held his phone screen to the camera, revealing a dirty uncleaned phone case
- said Gamepass was worth it in 2022 because he got to play Skyrim; same price buys the game forever
- won’t use death counters for games anymore “because his trolls will use it to laugh at him”
- “No one uses death counters anymore!”
- reckons Nintendo needs to apologise for the Wii-U
- thinks he's special for reading superchats, assumes other streamers don't; ignores most superchats
- believes that autumn is perfect weather for gaming because it’s nice outside
- hint hinted he wants $700-800 blackout curtains, will have to hire a guy to install them
- wanted 500 YT members consistently, now wants 650
- “I never liked the competitive aspect of Mortal Kombat games”, keeps buying them
- assumed that the people who got Lies of P early and criticized it only did it for clickbait
- believes we are in a gaming renaissance; only plays AAA games or meme games
- talks with authority about the fighting game community despite only playing consoles over a decade
- called a troll a loser for bothering him for 10 minutes during his 3 hour streams
- calls viewers pointing out his flaws to be sock accounts of a "psycho" so he can ignore criticism
- reasoned, with zero self-awareness, that gamers and content creators should get jobs
- very poorly defined NFTs, thinks screenshotting them suddenly defeats the purpose of them
- implied he would pay for an NFT in a fighting game if it buffed his health or damage
- called out a troll allegedly superchatting on sock accounts, gives the troll attention every time
- said the trolls have no impact on his content and then went on a 20 minute rant about trolls
- dedicated most of the 'news' segment of his podcast talking about combo meals at fast food joints
- lamented his declining viewership but will punish anyone who mentions it
- convinced himself that YouTube isn’t showing the “real” viewer count on his videos
- does not understand why his views drop off after the first part of a playthrough
- said views don't matter to him during a rant about how views matter to him
- praises a game until he can no longer win via button mashing and then he declares the game sucks
- gave parenting advice despite never raising a child
- couldn't answer about Secret Limited because it was a "crazy loaded question"
- defamed Secret Limited by saying he presented the escort saga as 100% true
- didn't watch Secret Limited's videos, only guessed the content based on the thumbnail
- shat all over SecretLimited after his retirement, had barely a positive thing to say
- got a superchat of 100 Argentine Peso ($0.30 USD) and assumed it was worth a lot
- assumed that if the YouTube superchat is in a yellow box it must be more than $10 USD
- said he doesn't care about people finding his videos and yet wants engagement for the algorithm
- said that if you are using a scissor lift you shouldn’t be wearing a T-shirt
- barely reacted to a clip of a guy almost eating feces, meaning he's desensitised to such things
- made a thumbnail of him mimicking Asian eyes by squinting his with his hands
- stated that nobody cares about Cyberpunk 2077 anymore despite it's resurgence in popularity
- wagequit MK1 after putting $440 into it ($120 for the game early, $320 for the joystick)
- “Morons support morons.”
- said “offensive” and “racial humor” from the past is “still ok to laugh at”
- gave advice on how to be offended: don't be
- orders McDonald's via DoorDash despite living an eight minute walk away
- was relieved when YouTube fixed the viewcount glitch despite claiming not to have been concerned
- warned everyone to ignore his emotional outbursts from "personal problems at home" e.g. divorce?
- needed to leave for dinner but stayed for another 20 minutes to game and e-beg
- has been a YT member of Justin Wong despite having no time to watch streams or money to support
- insisted he has given zero evidence or implication as to his personal problems
- "I'm a very transparent guy" but won't give any details as to his present problems
- did a review of Halloween (2018) which amounted to little more than a plot summary and ranting
- “I want you guys to be able to watch and support the content freely” and then asked for tips
- yanks off any 'rewards' (hats, glasses, vests) when he gets serious at gaming
- apologised for being in a "bad mood" yet behaved no different than every other day of the year
- took out his bad mood on his audience, apologised and e-begged
- looked forward to Final Fantasy VII Rebirth despite not liking changes Final Fantasy VII Remake made
- said his day off is determined by the release of new games; previously cited his wife's schedule
- refused fans' advice to take a break when mad, will instead double-down with forced positivity
- "If I feel like I put out content that's crappy or worthless it hurts me."
- refuses to believe that some see his content as meaningless, assumes they are all losers
- believes that if game developers patch their game from community feedback they must be incompetent
- blames big name developers like Todd Howard and Ed Boon even if they aren't involved at all
- said he was going to control his temper and then did a massive rant over a bug in Mortal Kombat 1
- wants all of a game's bugs and glitches to be fixed before launch, no need for post-launch patches
- says that he has to be different than the shills; has said he'd like to be a shill but can't
- hates it when game devs 'crowd source'; gets his banner, music, shorts, and intros from his fans
- said he makes "curated" content for a target audience, implied it was a small audience
- “I have no interest in Forza or sim racers. I won’t be playing it.", then played Forza in October
- “Looks like my chat has frozen. It hasn’t moved in 2 minutes.”, chat is dead because he's boring
- did not want to play a long game during a gaming marathon
- did not want horror or spooky games for the Hallowe'en marathon
- admitted he sucks at fighting games due to getting older and having slower reaction speed
- admitted he prefers 'basic' characters (read: button-mashing characters) in fighting games
- said he hasn't sunk so low as to be play viral games and make dumb faces in thumbnails (but he has)
- doesn't understand that some content creators, like Dr. Disrespect, are portraying characters
- said he doesn't do lolcow shit intentionally like a clown; does it unintentionally like a lolcow
- "I'm not here to make content for a buck, I never was."
- "I don't put on stupid outfits or do dumb stunts for money"; wears costumes and blows bubbles
- insisted he will retire when people in his chat tell him what he does isn't fun or meaningful
- admitted he purchased the second PS5 controller, disproving the lie that a fan donated it to him
- gave a retarded solution to 'fix' lag involving revamping the rollback netcode
- incorrectly defined predictive rollback as guessing your every input
- celebrated October with a collage of his 'spooky' costumes, none of which are unironically scary
- tsk tsk'd his viewers into renewing their memberships
- guessed he has around 10,000 genuine fans with no evidence of that figure
- "There's nothing worse than an angry adult pest! They'll start doing really awful things for money."
- spent more time mocking an DSP impersonator's appearance than the content of the satire
- can’t laugh at himself and doesn’t want to be “school yard bullied”
- "It's the equivalent of school yard bullying", "he is fatter and has a worse hairline than mine."
- says he doesn't care about detractors but seems to know about everything Keemstar has tweeted
- stated that streamers and content creators deliberately die in Soulsbourne games for the content
- asserted that absolutely nobody steamrolls Soulsborne games on their first playthrough
- "I have learned the game and the mechanics. I'm a better gamer now."; mashes attack button and dies
- thinks he doesn't play Soulsborne games worse than an average person
- thinks his deaths in Soulsborne games entertain only "toxic" people
- believes that having a death counter, or a counter for anything, defeats the purpose of gaming
- wants to play games his way even if his viewers beg and plead for him to change
- got very toxic when addressing the toxicity of his "hate watchers"
- assumes no one can answer why he's wrong about anything (ignores and bans all answers given)
- stated current Phil is better at games than old Phil even though he's suffering from slower reflexes
- stated current Phil is better at games than old Phil; current Phil reads chat and guides for help
- “I am good at games now! I go out of my way to learn!”
- says he's great at a game but also says he's not very good at it
- mocks anyone declaring they will chargeback tips even though it's been proven to him it happens
- pointed out that back in 2009 his audience was immature and liked sexual humour (not much changed)
- thinks YouTube has no right to be angry with no not having ads even though they take cuts from tips
- tends to answer aggressively to innocent questions
- “What am I having for dinner tonight? I don’t know! I don’t do the cooking here, my wife does!”
- cannot answer what he's done the past decade to improve his life through self-change
- creates his own tier list of fighting game characters and is bewildered when they underperform
- declared PC to be the home for fighting games soon after saying SF6 was made for consoles
- lied that he played against majority PC opponents in SF6 when it reality it was almost 50:50
- assumes that every PC player of fighting games uses monster tweaked gaming PCs to outdo him
- got double perfected in SF6 but claims he won because his opponent "didn't earn it"
- barely cared when OIC closed his Twitch account and donated $10 to Doody, a known DSP detractor
- whined that streaming platforms released things too late for his Halloween reaction streams
- insisted he was removed from businesses because they are "left-leaning" and also detractor groups
- sometimes uses Spanish albeit incorrectly
- complained that people under-report length of games yet he stops playing to chat, ban, and e-beg
- blamed everything (joystick, lag, PC gamers, rollback netcode) rather than himself during SF6
- set up a suggestion box for improving his content despite claims he is doing well with no problems
- set up a suggestion box but added he won't accept most suggestions since they'd be from trolls
- told a story of using cream on his eczema but did not follow the instructions on the label
- was told to apply the eczema cream twice a day for 14 days, only applied it when he flared up
- assumes he knows more than his doctors about treating his conditions
- revealed a new Halloween costume incentive: a white cloth over his face so he resembles a ghost
- believes Disney owns the rights to Pinocchio and that's why Lies of P is called that
- wanted to do a second run of Lies of P with a different build; says he has no time for new games
- won almost every crossplay match in SF6 in a stream and yet still complained about crossplay
- “There’s no reason for them to play on the PC.”; has no reason to play games on either console
- hint hinted for a new PC so he can join the PC master race that he despises
- wants a new better PC so he can play fighting games online once a week for two hours
- wants a new better PC so he can run fgcOS, which is designed for lower spec PCs like his
- ignored his fans who pointed out with proof he does better against console players in SF6
- blamed his fans for him paying extra to get Starfield early only to not attend his streams or tip
- believes that Naughty Dog halted its TLOU multiplayer game due to their incompetency
- thinks that not running ten ads per stream/video makes up with him e-begging every few minutes
- whined that detractors make it seem all he does is e-beg
- said that all his detractors take him out of content but some are re-streaming with all the context
- proclaimed he likes being called out as it allows him to improve; ignores or bans being called out
- thinks people are more entertained by hours of his successes than a single "moment of weakness"
- believes that most PC gamers are min/maxing their setups for minimal latency
- can't answer why he spent $450 on 2nd copy of SF6 and a joystick rather than save for a better PC
- slandered the FGC by stating they mostly play on PC and provided zero evidence in doing so
- cannot answer why pro fighting game players do well on consoles when they supposedly only play PC
- finds it bizarre that content creators prefer to play everything on PC when he prefers consoles
- put Starfield on hold to play other games in the middle of story missions due to doing side content
- blamed his office being hot on global warming when his AC is choked with dust
- thinks "something is wrong" when his power bill is a record high; got a new AC, running three total
- wants nothing to do with big name FGC people yet wants to 1v1 them in various fighting games
- said he doesn't know who Mutahar is despite having him blocked on Twitter/X
- assumes Mutahar hates him even though Mutahar offered $5k for an interview
- stated he is not important enough to be paid for an interview; once said he'd charge $800 for one
- said he was done with drama but then said he'd like to talk about Sidescrollers 'profiting' off him
- semi-apologised for calling an opponent in SF6 a talentless scrub after learning he was a pro player
- hint hinted he wanted a $100 tip to play a new Hallowe'en tip animation
- believes that YouTube is no way criminally complicent with any illegal content uploaded there
- compared 'slanderous' videos about him to be just as troublesome as actual illegal content
- called himself a liar due to calling restreams and videos of his unedited content to be lies
- stated it is legally defamation for detractors to use his content wholesale to expose him
- his typical reaction to being spotted in a stealth section of a game is to just let himself die
- whined about his hot office room and never thought to open the door
- proudly showed off his big blue hand fan that is very loud and looks like a wand vibrator
- finally changed the encoding on his YT streaming after years of not doing so
- exclaimed he never changed the YT stream encoding because YouTube never gave him a tutorial for it
- assumed the low latency caused significant stream delay but his audience is slow at reacting
- lamented the alleged 9 second stream delay even though his skeleton crew of dents hardly talk
- tends to jokingly refer to small phallic-shaped objects to be suppositories
- refuses to believe his laugh sounds like ACKACKACK despite playing footage of him laughing like that
- “Who cares what I sound like?!” yet will ban anyone saying "ackackack" in his chat
- admitted he was seriously seeking a lawyer to take down detractors, gave up because of the costs
- believes if he were to sue YouTube or Twitch for hosting detractor content he will win
- thinks that by proving to detractors how incorrect an anti-DSP is they will stop using it
- proved he is a lolcow by refusing to acknowledge that the memes about him are accurate
- refuses to believe his audience isn't still teenagers, thinks they are "intelligent adults"
- subtly admitted he is nice to his audience so that when he has 'emergencies' people will tip more
- called The Wizard of Oz a fairy tale
- demanded a public apology from some in chat, reread their message and realised he read it wrong
- stated he does public apologies because he is "the bigger man"
- “I don’t think I’ve ever eaten more than half a pizza in one sitting before”, ate other things too
- can't answer a yes or no question without an essay explaining his reasoning
- stated that if he was a millionaire he would still be a streamer and still ask for tips
- won't play Baldurs Gate 3 because 100+ hour RPG games aren't good content; plays every Bethesda game
- thinks that playing whatever game he wants and not new releases or viral games is "fantasy land"
- stated that JRPGs are in his blood and yet always looks up guide and at chat when playing them
- stated that views don't matter even though he whines about low views pretty much every day
- "I don't play games for money", but then "I have to make sure my content earns revenue"
- revealed that long ago he had the '3 medium pizzas from Domino's Pizza for $5 each' deal many times
- revealed that long ago he went to McDonald's and had the '2 double cheeseburgers for $1 each' deal
- admits he loves it when his haters raid his chat because he has a reason to complain about them
- hint hint that he still has a broken shower and broken dishwasher and would like them fixed
- thinks that refinancing his home will get him out of the financial hole he's in
- says he is doing fine financially but a two day delay of his payment causes an emergency
- so inept he presses the wrong buttons at times and swears his controller is busted (hint hint)
- declared he will bring up the lack of support every chance he gets until “we figure it out"
- claimed during one stream he had 400 "troll viewers", meaning he only had 20 "legit" viewers
- makes up fantasies that trolls will declare every slow (low tips) night to be the end of him
- is shocked that he can get 500 views a stream and only make like $10
- assumes that if one of his mods goes rogue it is because they were trolling the entire time
- said that the Discord leaks were nothing of interest despite routinely denying the leaks are real
- stated that he wants people to stop totaling his tips as that makes him accountable
- reckons that people who tally his tips help nobody, but concerned fans are interested
- prefers counting his tips total and not trolls (because DSP 'forgets' to include tips at times)
- ranted that it's not about the money after spending ten minutes ranting about tips and money
- assumes his viewers are mostly trolls because one person said the fans stay away because of trolls
- implied landscapers are doing yard work based around his days off just to mess with him
- gets paranoid about any questions regarding money, assumes they are a troll or a misguided fan
- said trolls demanded he turn off crossplay, does it, then said trolls demanded he turn on crossplay
- ignores fans when they say they don't like him mad at a game, then blames trolls for the sour mood
- hint hinted he wanted to buy new games and bunch of YT memberships expired
- assumes that you cannot talk shit about him unless you talk to him and he personally vexes you
- believes that if he had joined the Lolcow podcast it would be very successful and "meaningful"
- told his new mods to ban anyone sneak-dissing him as it means they are only there to be toxic
- planned to clip excerpts from his 'podcast' as separate videos, quickly got too lazy to do it
- too lazy to take notes on timestamps for the aforementioned stream excerpts
- wants his fans to clip notable segments of his podcast for him (and do it for free)
- thinks that streaming 10-12 hours a day is a big deal and helps him
- believed “the whole entertainment industry is currently on strike”
- said his subscriber count means nothing because that doesn't translate into tips
- acts like he is the originator of “YouTuber podcasts”
- charged viewers $100 a day for new hats and $150 a day for new vests
- forgets to call fans/whales by their aliases, tends to refer to them by their real name
- e-begged to pay a big bill and used that money to took his wife out to dinner instead
- admitted he lets YouTube apply maximum amount of ads they can because he's too lazy to adjust them
- shills for YouTube Premium whenever he can
- talked like Michael Jackson to entertain his viewers after being owned in MW3 failed to impress
- spent $699 on WWE Champions pulls in a single week in mid-October 2023
- spent an additional $597 on WWE Champions pulls the day after the previous weekly total was done
- blamed Fridays as the ideal time for SF6 players to 'abuse' rollback netcode to crush him
- appreciates YouTube showing filtered messages in his chat as he can be even more restrictive
- doesn't want his chat to notice whales dropping memberships or donating big as attention is bad
- told his chat to stop telling him to skip videos to react to, skips whenever he feels like it
- said that crying because you're scared "makes you a pussy"; cried at the ending of Chrono Trigger
- coped with his constant dying in CoD: MW3 with song ideas for his deaths like "I spawn I die"
- coped with the beta of CoD: MW3 by saying it being free meant it had "Fortnite kids" playing
- laughed hysterically at an old video of him reading fans' PMs and being very disrespectful to them
- says he's changed even though he's passive aggressive to fans in 2009 and present day
- believes Gordon Ramsay's "entire existence" is reality TV and doesn't cook when off set
- doesn't want to play video games outside of his 'office', not even co-op games with his wife
- lamented that 'enablers' cause obesity through bad eating habits; enables his wife with her cooking
- condemns people who keep unhealthy food in their house; orders unhealthy food, keeps leftovers
- threatened to run ads on his stream during his bathroom break if his regulars don't behave
- reckoned he'd make a dollar from the aforementioned ads despite claims he'd only make $0.6 a stream
- says DLC for games should be meaningful but it also shouldn't contain required story elements
- brought the infamous Sonic hat out of retirement to shill it as a donation incentive to wear
- pondered why tips suddenly dried up as soon as he made the Sonic hat the $100 tips goal
- thinks he hasn't worn the Sonic hat in years but he last wore it 11 months ago for Sonic Frontiers
- begged for likes and comments to boost his channel, welcolmed all comments even the retarded ones
- still has not realised that trolls can tip and chargeback and win those claims
- claims it's a crime to chargeback $1 on YouTube; committed bankruptcy fraud
- stated that although he is fat he feels much better than when he was WingsofRedemption's size
- told a story of when he was 240lbs and threw his knee out just from standing
- refuses to clarify or give details about his personal life because people will shame him somehow
- doesn't like being told what he's doing or has done is wrong
- doesn't want 'trolls' correcting him constantly despite not caring what trolls say
- calls anyone who believes what detractors say are stupid even if they legit don't know about him
- doesn't understand that trolls will mock him for any reason whatsoever
- “A lot of effort went in to the tip animations” but it's basically FaceApp
- keeps stopping to fix his hair, likely haven taken advice from Kat to take better care of himself
- expected a 10+ hour long experience for Sonic Superstars, a traditional Sonic platformer
- hated Sonic Superstars, a $60 6-hour game; loved The Callisto Protocol, a $70 6-hour game
- believes he knows the value of a dollar, thinks e-begging for tips 'earns' him money
- said his success happened naturally but then said he worked his ass off and put in the work
- said bison burgers are better than beef burgers as they are “pure protein”
- brought Starfield back and immediately regretted it as the low tips made him ragequit it
- went on a "philosophical” rant about sex and procreation after an NPC in Starfield talked about it
- believes that "99.99999%" of parents never planned to have kids
- thinks that you shouldn't have kids if you aren't rich, hence why he doesn't have kids
- thinks comic books created multiverse plot lines
- doesn't like that Starfield has multiverse plotlines as it makes the story more complicated for him
- bragged that he stayed away from drama even though he said he watched the drama doco about Boogie
- “Have you noticed there’s NO DRAMA around here?”, unaware he creates drama via e-begging
- declared that drama content is 'flash in the pan' and never has a lasting impression
- said that SSSniperwolf doxing a detractor means nothing but YouTube defended illegal activity
- disingenuously stated that being offered to be on Keem's podcast was akin to being threatened
- did not pay attention to the Lolcow podcast, assumes it never happened since he isn't involved
- is bewildered that podcasters are more interested in the drama than his boring opinions
- compared himself to a rock whom the water splashes against, unaware that rocks erode and crumble
- believes that memes aren't facts and that if something is true it can't be a meme or meme'd on
- said he'd outlive others as they fall to obscurity, but calls himself obscure and unworthy of scorn
- scolded Derich, one of his most biggest fans, for bringing up recently deceased FGC member fLoE
- gave a very insincere condolence to recently deceased FGC member fLoE
- “I'm not going to stop my playthrough to talk about the passing of a colleague.”
- loves pointing out that Spider-Man 2 should have been called Spider-Men 2 due to Peter and Miles
- complained that he has to divide his trash and he can't put styrofoam out with his old TV
- did not drop off his 8-9 bags of styrofoam since before COVID-19 until October 2023
- swapped the summer bedding for autumn bedding then his cat vomited all over it
- assumes the content creators bigger than him are worse than him (based on few people he observed)
- spent a day off hate-watching content creators bigger than him with his and DoorDash'd dinner
- watched Twitch VODs with low settings, assumed the original stream was pixellated as hell
- called out streamers who keep stopping gameplay to look/talk to chat
- called out streamers who "dick around" in menus; began Spider-Man 2 dicking around in menus
- declared that he is a decent gamer and streamer based on the few streamers he glanced at
- lied that “people said my stuff sucked for years and I believed it” but he never believed it
- thinks that people getting 'special treatment' should be gaming skill-based, not with personality
- remarked with disgust that people donate to content creators bigger than him
- admitted he is envious other gamers get 'special treatment', copes by calling them "dishonest"
- is puzzled how some companies and streamers became popular even though he barely pays attention
- assumes that if a content creator has fast growth it must be inorganic (shilling, botting, etc)
- believes that companies hand-pick content creators to be the faces of their brands
- welcomes new viewers by telling to subscribe and tip him if possible
- assumes the previous occupant of his house ran an illegal business fixing cars in the garage
- saw an oil stain on his garage floor and immediately suspected it was an illegal chop-shop
- believes you’re not allowed to run a business out of your home in his private community
- acted up when encountering clutter in a game; lives in a cluttered office in a cluttered house
- ignores context (willingly or unknowingly) to make jokes or observations
- pretended his chat had “crashed” for 5 minutes just to transition to a beg for tips
- “I have an unnatural fear of heights.” (as opposed to a natural fear of heights)
- doesn't like it when YouTubers insert their face over characters yet did it for Spider-Man 2
- assumed his Super Mario Bros. Wonder playthrough would go viral, hasn't realised the problem is him
- missed obvious collectables in Super Mario Bros. Wonder, claimed they disappeared
- did not know how to activate the PAL blocks in Super Mario Bros. Wonder
- hint hinted he wanted a new PS5 controller as his current one had a battery life of 3 hours
- is puzzled why Twitch prefers multi-streamers to pay attention to Twitch chat and not ignore it
- does not understand why Twitch does not like users promoting their competition
- does not believe Twitch can enforce their new ToS
- does not understand or care that businesses care about profit most of all
- wants Twitch to allow you to stream in at 4K bitrate, does not care about server costs
- called a network specialist in his chat an idiot for correcting him about bitrates
- thinks detractors monetize their anti-DSP content; has monetized videos about friends and family
- calls music tracks "soundtracks"
- believes he only asks for tips once per stream in a dedicated segment but he e-begs constantly
- thinks that by playing Spider-Man 2 a day after launch day makes him a 'variety' streamer
- spent $1265 in WWE Champions in one week in late-October 2023, including a $99 loot pack
- joked that his 90s era shirt makes him resemble a rockstar and he should be treated as such
- remarked that his "real adult life" didn't start until he moved to Seattle... at age 32
- exclaimed his move wasn't meant to cut ties with his family but said it "cut the cord" (so he did)
- said that back in Connecticut he frivolously spent money; still does DoorDash and mobile games
- said him binning his Wii was a stunt and he treats consoles better; lets them clog with dust
- stated that he sucks lollipops rather than licks them, did very suggestive gestures demonstrating
- makes rants about banning trolls in his chat rather than just baning them and moving on
- tends to ban innocent people in chat because they get popular and that 'derails' the chat
- lied that the viewers wanted no more Viewers' Choice when in fact he wanted to "weekly goals"
- literally played every level in Super Mario Bros. Wonder focused on his chat for handholding
- humble-bragged that he knew the Metal Gear Solid Collection were just ports (still hates Konami)
- claims not to be into pro wrestling yet still bans PPV spoilers and still plays WWE Champions
- "I drink to get buzzed, I don't drink to get drunk."
- did not like Mars Attacks for being a shlocky B-movie, had expected a serious movie
- said the 80's were great for Americans because they didn't have to fear anything; Cold War
- said he is “disappointed his chat isn’t engaging on a game he really likes.” (hint hint $$)
- can now plug his controllers into the console despite claiming it was too far away
- proclaimed he doesn't have time for longer streams despite doing longer streams for SF6
- admitted he exaggerates his emotions when playing games because it shows his "passion"
- denies he has vision problems even though he requires glasses when driving and he squints a lot
- joked that he would personally stream in your room for $1000; wouldn't be on Keem's podcast for $50k
- tried to convince his fans that he appreciates every tip gets; ignores some, always e-begs for more
- stated that 'spamming' emotes in his chat ruins the 'spirit' of his stream
- forgets that everyone has money problems and they can't donating him money every day
- bans innocent people thinking they are trolls on alt-accounts there to derail the stream
- confessed that the trolls have pretty much taken over his chat
- believes that anyone in his chat talking about tips is a troll from an anti-DSP Discord server
- reckons his trolls don't bother him despite ranting every stream about them
- brags that he works longer daily than a full time job
- asked his viewers for help troubleshooting an ethernet port (has been streaming 10+ years btw)
- got upset that restarting his modem didn't fix the local area internet problem
- cannot stream gameplay without his chat (because he wants handholding and to encourage tippers)
- refused to stream on the downstairs internet, requires the upstairs internet
- thinks his Switch won’t play games without internet and he won’t bother to try it
- legit cannot think of anything he and his wife can do with no internet
- refused to go his ISP's website or use their app to see an outage map
- “I will punch someone in the face if they restart this modem! There is no fucking way!”
- said the IPV4 address is an “internal address to his router”
- stayed an hour to bitch about his internet outage despite always ending streams early due to no time
- revealed that his internet came back as soon as the stream ended making people think it was a scam
- uploaded the two hour troubleshooting stream and monetized it
- refused to believe that his area has an internet outages, thinks his ISP pushed an update
- refused Comcast's offer to send a techie to fix his internet because it was his day off
- remembered he has a 4G Wi-Fi hotspot, used it to track tips rather than play games
- got very upset that he and his wife had to watch videos on their phone rather than the TV
- yells that he can only play one RPG at a time, then played three at a time and blamed his viewers
- believes that hotdogs are already precooked therefore you cannot get food poisoning from a hotdog
- detailed his 2018 staycation with Kat despite hiding it at the time (since he claimed it was bills)
- “Kat beat Starfield weeks ago” meanwhile he ragequit it because he kept getting lost and dying
- blames everyone but himself for his current situation
- still believes the Discord leaks are an elaborate detractor fabrication
- believes a troll working for Comcast messed with his internet
- reckoned that getting a haircut was more important than letting a techie fix his internet
- commented that the Comcast technician is at his gate, did not get up to let them in
- refused to talk about his internet being fixed despite whining about it for 30 hours
- compared the drop-off with tips to a fast food restaurant losing customers
- genuinely believes that his content is perfect and hilarious restreamers make it worse
- was proud he finally clean his garage after 4-5 years of putting it off
- cannot answer a simple question without a 2+ minute long explanation/rant
- said it was 13 years since he played Alan Wake (he played the remaster a few years ago)
- pronounces Cthulu as “Ka twoooo Lu”
- said his coffee spilled but the napkin he used to wipe the mess was completely clean
- threatens to ban people from chat if they suggest he play a game on a harder difficulty
- ponders why nobody talks in his chat after threatening to ban anyone for "derailing" the chat
- got a random nosebleed, thought nothing of it
- advice for gambling: “When you're up just quit and go take your money and buy yourself a nice meal.”
- kept the Comcast techie in his house until the internet was fixed
- did not explain what was wrong with is internet despite assuring viewers he would tell them
- does no research on games prior to buying them, was stunned he needed a mic for Phasmophobia
- won't buy new pants even though all his current pants slip down due to him losing weight
- doesn't like that his chat has noticed that he can ban whomever he feels is a sock-account
- thinks an atmospheric video game can't be challenging
- feels a need to point out poor lip syncing every time he sees it
- stated that giving the stream a like helps with the “level of immersion”
- claimed to be sick and cancelled the day stream yet had a night stream
- "My throat is involved, meaning it would be difficult for me to talk", won't play without talking
- “I feel like crap and my postal nasal is going crazy” yet didn't sniffle or snort
- hint hinted he would like a step up in donations and tips after he gets ill
- admitted he knows people accurately track the money he earns
- “My detractors made up that I was seeing an escort” when it was literally two foreign people
- notices his fan Kirk being racist in his chat and yet does nothing because Kirk tips a lot
- “Mary Jane was never a heroine in the comics! She was a supermodel and that’s it!”
- cancelled the much-hyped 2023 Halloween marathon, asked for a super thanks or a tip anyways
- assumes that if someone says the stream is boring they are referring to the game and not him
- pretended not to know who 1MinuteMan is despite suspect behaviour and seeing all tippers' info
- took antihistamine and aspirin when sick, never consulted a doctor
- streamed will being so sick he didn't e-beg for hours (which even his fans noticed)
- never bothered changing his name for Halloween 2023 despite it being tradition
- never showed up to his Halloween 2023 stream, left his viewers (all 15 of them) waiting for him
- said he may have COVID but due to his ignorance he infected his wife
- "We think we have COVID but we're not testing, just treating it like we do."
- did not spend the few dollars for COVID tests, would rather spend it on groceries deliveries
- pretty much begged for people to not unsubscribe or not renew their YT membership
- says he doesn't really pay attention to his chat but he always calls out alleged sock accounts
- emailed his father rather than call him because “he was sick so he couldn’t use the phone”
- treated putting out paper plates and cleaning up the litter box as a monumental task
- received $273 in a stream and magically seemed to have overcome his cold
- told his fans to shut up about trolls because only he can prattle on about trolls
- bans trolls as well as the fans pointing out the trolls
- believes that without him doing streams his detractors would have nothing to talk about
- lied that he had never had his groceries delivered to his home since he moved there in 2014
- was stunned to learn you have to pay a delivery cost when having your groceries delivered
- was surprised that getting groceries delivered is more expensive than buying them in store
- was shocked that the groceries truck driver left the groceries at his doorstep and left
- doesn't realise that "quarantine" means contactless pick ups and deliveries
- acted like the groceries delivery service being a "subscription service" is a new thing
- made a big deal that the default tip to the truck driver is 5%
- whined that if the groceries delivery is late he can only get a $10 credit back
- complained that the delivery time could melt his groceries but he only purchased bread and soup
- got a free bag of cheese and pears, didn't state that were spoiled, undermining the previous point
- “Running around the house putting groceries away” and it exhausted him
- fully expected the delivery truck to return to his house to retrieve a bag they mistakenly gave him
- was too lazy to go out and buy medicine for his sick wife, had those delivered too
- didn't add the over-the-counter meds to his groceries delivery order
- stated he lives super close to a pharmacy, had them deliver meds out of laziness
- made a big deal out of having to remember to take a single Advil at a set time
- temp-banned a fan who politely requested Phil have a belated Halloween marathon since he skipped it
- called marathons "extremely draining"; sits still for hours casually playing games and chilling
- had a mental breakdown when he realized he has to work harder due to time off, bans fans even more
- publicly shamed and temp-banned the paypig six70two, who donated $1000 to Phil, who called him lazy
- misunderstood a joke, banned the fan who told it, but refused to unban the fan after realizing
- let his wife do the laundry despite her being very sick, showed off his Legend of Zelda pyjamas
- won't call parents on the phone because he’s sick but will call customer service to complain
- “We had no appetite from the sickness” then complained about DoorDash delivery taking so long
- believes that Amazon's “guaranteed shipping date” is a legally-binding promise to customers
- said he works 6 days a week and yet still does not find any time to spend with his wife
- boasted that he has been holding back on e-begging but only lasted a single day before resuming
- announced a Thanksgiving marathon a day after letting Halloween pass by without doing a marathon
- celebrated with glee that Bungie had massive layoffs because Destiny didn't make him much money
- doesn't like that the Halo franchise caters to fratbro gamers (because he's no longer one)
- demanded people stop giving money to those that do not innovate and blame others (pot kettle black)
- doesn't know his Xbox Live login after being so used to it saving his details
- does not understand why Microsoft and Sony would ask for his login for things like changing details
- lamented that men these days would rather sit around playing games than living a meaningful life
- judges others for loving digital things than IRL things; loves digital like games and WWE champions
- shits on people who would spent $700 on concert tickets, would spend $700 for Wrestlemania tickets
- shits on Taylor Swift and calls her and her fans "mouth-drooling morons"
- described how people drink alcohol to cope with reality a little too personally
- brought up Magfest to complain and seethe at how they didn't allow him to have a panel
- found it weird that Magfest would host panels for likable people and not notorious or literal whos
- was angered Magfest had a panel for Garry's Mod and not him, back when he was still an unknown
- stopped going to Magfest because they chose the panel for Garry's Mod over him
- lied that his panel at Magfest was at full capacity when his own videos shows tons of empty seats
- called his Magfest panel attendance "revisionist history" when his own videos debunk his claims
- compared a wall with gum stuck on it to a wall with feces stuck to it
- wanted support for the Halloween marathon and react shows he never did due to illness
- hates it when games fill in dead air with audio because he uses that time to rant or e-beg
- uses his chat as a blog to ramble about the hardships of his life
- claimed only “a certain cultural group of people” care about Fortnite, did not elaborate
- “League of legends is huge but nobody knows anything about it.”
- “Everyone will forget Fortnite when it’s done and over! It’s a flash in the pan!"
- tried to say only children like Fortnite but it came out as him saying only people of colour like it
- cannot connect how money and marketing makes franchises popular including ones he likes
- blatantly e-begged to buy $50 worth of wet cat treats for his cat
- sadly reported he lost $100 in chargebacks and yet still boasts he always wins them
- feels the need to 'correct' his 'community' weekly, hasn't realised the problem is him
- reckoned inflation being the cause of spiking prices to be dumb because people "spend more"
- gets angered when his chat is not engaged with his content and can't punish them for doing so
- cannot understand that religion is important to some people and mockery might upset them
- posts on Instagram photos of his cat eating an unhealthy amount of treats
- joked that if he were Spider-Man he would "shoot sticky web out of [his] butthole and swing around”
- “In reality Kraven is a badass!” (fictional characters are not real)
- tweeted that he saw the Boogie video by Joon the King despite not wanting anything to do with drama
- refused to take blame for e-begging himself into a cycle of needing more tips and memberships
- doesn’t know if he would enjoy camping because he doesn’t know how he would deal with all the bugs
- “This is my hobby as well as my business”, thinks that makes him special and above others
- “I have to leave and tell my wife I’m late.”
- activated automatic ads for his videos despite years of insisting he would never do that
- believes his content is free despite now forcing ads onto them
- cannot mention ads on YouTube without shilling YouTUbe premium
- cannot understand that some people don't like his opnions, assumes they must be detractors
- assumed that the two whales who stopped donating must have watched detractor content or were trolls
- hint hinted he wants more membership bombs because his fans leave if they don't get free membership
- claimed he never calls out specific people if they call HIM out
- still so salty about the Sidescrollers that he laughs at every mishap they have however minor
- implied that he was fine with the Sidescrollers interview until he saw others' reaction to it
- assumes that any project with Keemstar involved is doomed to fail
- acts like he has never said a negative thing about Boogie but he has roasted him e.g. boxing match
- defines a 'content creator' as someone who creates content with no drama in it
- does not realise that by his own invented definition he is not a content creator himself
- states he doesn't care about Boogie or Wings or Keem but rants for ages about them
- assumes that anyone interested in lolcows wants to make others miserable because they are miserable
- admitted he had "cut the cord" with drama in 2023 despite saying he's stayed away from it for years
- stated he doesn't care about the Sidescrollers interview while calling it fabricated nonsense
- seriously believes his content is for the betterment of the "human condition"
- pats himself on the back for staying out of drama even though he brings up drama every day
- lied that he only just discovered LowTierGod in 2023 but he's known about him for years
- refuses to go back to Twitch for mistreating him; stays with YouTube despite them mistreating him
- doesn’t expect support but he won’t shut up until he receives it
- had spent $100-150 on DoorDash'd sushi and still bellows how he's living paycheck to paycheck
- barely reacted to emotional parts of Spider-Man 2, indicating he watched the scenes ahead of time
- only just realised in 2023 that the Golden Joystick Awards are not to be taken seriously
- decided the Golden Joystick Awards weren't worth it after they gave Baldur's Gate 3 some awards
- blamed his ex Leanna for animosity towards his wife because his ex fought with fans
- believes that the only people who take issue with his wife are "loser stalker idiots"
- lamented he could have done co-op gaming vids with Kat but he had said that was never gonna happen
- “If you notice I go out of my way to not bring up my personal life."
- “Everyone hated Final Fantasy 16!”, thinks sales tanked but they weren't disclosed at the time
- claims he “never took YouTube seriously until 2016-2017" but he's been serious since 2013-2014
- says you're not allowed to talk about him without his permission despite him being a public figure
- confirmed that he sees his views memberships as money, thus demeaning his supporters as paypigs
- believes he is the first example of an audience turning on a creator on YouTube
- said he was a lone wolf at the time but he was with Machinima
- said he had a toxic audience but in reality his toxicity made his audience more toxic too
- admitted he had no one to copy on how to handle backlash so it "took root" against him
- claimed he was goaded into the Sidescrollers interview but he was totally willing to do it
- hyper-analyzes every video he reacts to instead of laughing at the silly content
- stated over and over that the Lolcow Podcast cannot happen without him (it did)
- blocked Keemstar on Twitter after he learned they did the Lolcow Podcast without it
- said he doesn't care about Turkey Tom's video about him but still ranted for many minutes about it
- did not watch Turkey Tom's video on him but reckons he dunked the video just by the title alone
- says you cannot slam something you haven't seen yet does it all the time
- decries that he hasn't had a 'decade of failure' as if his current year wipes out the past 10 years
- assumes Turkey Tom is desperate for content and has to "rip people apart" to make it
- slandered Turkey Tom for being a callous bully and expanded his reasoning to slander all his trolls
- believes troll gossip about what is in the Turkey Tom video on him rather than watching it himself
- denies it was nepotism that got him the helicopter company job but he had said it was nepotism
- thinks that because his father was laid off a year after him disproves any and all nepotism
- tells his viewers not to bring up drama when most of the time he's the one bringing up drama
- claims he eats "way better" than he used to a few years ago
- claims he spends more time with his wife than he used to, which is currently hardly enough time
- blasted Stuttering Craig for wasting a stream just talking... as he sits there talking
- didn't like that Stuttering Craig did a Q&A with his viewers; Phil often does Q&A when bored
- admits he doesn't mind when people bring him up in a "razzy" way aka for drama
- admits that he withholds talking about all the negative things in his life aka his life isn't happy
- exclaims he isn't a drama person without realising he's the reason for his haters and the drama
- pondered why people like to see people get hurt; loves it when his detractors get hurt
- implied that it is okay for someone to make videos about him if he mentions them on his stream
- compared watching detractor videos of him to being Rickrolled
- blasted iJustine and Toby Turner for only playing games to make money; only plays games for money
- assumes that if a content creator gets popular without him knowing they must be shills
- does not realise that when his 'commentary' is overtly negative it is considered ranting
- didn't like that TOTK was nominated for GOTY “because it’s the same game as BOTW”
- had no issues with Spider-Man 2 being nominated nominated for GOTY despite it being just Spider-Man
- didn't like TOTW had the same map as BOTW; didn't mind Spider-Man 2 had the same map as Spider-Man
- enjoyed Spider-Man 2 “despite the liberal progressive agenda that all games put in them nowadays”
- “I’m just a normal dude with a normal build”, but still has a fat gut and bitch tits
- claims he's isn't fat but it he is a "mid build", refused to prove it
- excuses his questionable choice of clothing as he's not a model obsessed over fashion
- stated that he himself dictates his clothing but LTG roasting him made him change clothes
- says that you must be a "fucking weirdo" if you take umbrage with whatever someone is wearing
- got addicted to the Standee Shop in Super Mario Wonder despite alleging has no gambling issues
- could not handle that a special challenge stage in SMBW was a challenge and considered cheating
- coped with the Super Mario Bros. Wonder challenge stage even though he couldn't beat tbe base game
- stated matter-of-factly that optional content in games is optional and doesn't have to be done
- pondered why the 'reward' for beating a game is pride and accomplishment, says it's not worth it
- can't play games off-camera because “it will conflict with his work”
- “It’s like an engineer who designers buildings going home and working on buildings.”
- was willing to have an interview with Turkey Tom despite not wanting to do that ever again
- stated that no content creator has asked for his side of the story but he ignores everyone
- lied that no content creator has gotten his side of the story but Joon the King did it
- hint hinted he has a new $20 dancing tip animation and he wants to see it
- dismisses low tips with some hollow praise because he wants $20 tips to see the new tip animation
- blamed his fans for the low tips 'forcing' him to do a Q&A to fish for more tips
- sometimes lies about not hitting any tips goals so he can get sympathy tips
- acted like an immature child during the live-action cabaret scenes in Like a Dragon Gaiden
- said Capcom was immature for their Yakuza games... he says while wearing a Pikachu hat
- made racist comments about the Japanese by insinuating that exploiting women was their culture
- “Here we go... These fucking Japanese... Nothing you can do about it...”
- criticized the Japanese for being reclusive and having parasocial relationships
- outright begged for money because he really wanted to buy two new games
- complained about lack of funds but then drank from a $4 bottle of flavoured water
- still refuses to believe he ragequits games, admits maybe a few but he's done it dozens of times
- considered shifting to a mindset of not finishing games if it ends the comments about ragequitting
- cried about missing his Halloween stream and being set back financially for months after the fact
- started to fake coughing for a while after mentioning his illness around October 2023
- dropped Ask the King on Thanksgiving (a yearly tradition), rendering the special event just ordinary
- at times rallies his fans together to discuss 'a path forward' which always involves more tips
- claimed he was robbed in mid-November 2023 but all that happened was his shopping cart got stolen
- equated having his yet-unpaid groceries stolen as being 'robbed' which isn't legally true
- made a big deal over losing his reusable grocery bags in the 'robbery'
- allegedly put his phone in his trolley and left it unattended like an idiot
- claimed he timed how long he was away from his cart, lost count and assumed less than 120 seconds
- “Imagine if I had an infant son and I left him in the shopping cart and they stole it.”
- assumed his shopping cart was relocated but, always the victim, convinced himseif it was stolen
- refused to elaborate on the 'robbery', leading to speculation he misplaced his trolley
- commented on the high crime in Seattle despite moving to a region of Seattle with alleged low crime
- claimed his fans wanted him to monitize his videos with more ads but he said he was turning them on
- went 180 degrees on ads in just one year, from never wanting them on to needing them on
- remembered he had three gift codes for Robocop that he never gave away due to cancelling Halloween
- repeats ad nauseam he lost a week of work from being sick but it was only 3 days
- hesitated on the Turkey Tom interview because unsavoury topics would arise
- admitted he does not want to be in any interview where he cannot choose what questions he is asked
- wanted to react to the Turkey Tom video on him the day after he declared he won't involve himself
- stated his intent to react to the Turkey Tom video on him just after it hit 1M views... hmmm...
- believes every doomer theory of how Twitter/X is dying and soon to be gone
- spent quite a while talking about Twitter vs Media Matters despite not caring about any drama
- "Keemstar treated me like dirt" yet Keem offered him $50k to be on his podcast
- admitted he used to drink and drive in his 20s
- told a story of him drink driving during a snowstorm
- hint hinted his controller is faulty and he would like a new one
- bashes and smacks his controller when upset, ponders how he goes through them so fast
- believes YouTube created his “lolcow” status by allowing people to “misrepresent him”
- wanted the Turkey Tom interview to be only about gaming (aka preemptive damage control)
- regrets doing the Sidescrollers interview despite wanting it and being fine with it for ages
- stated that Keem is stupid for renaming the Lolcow Podcast from it's original prototype name
- takes any chance he can to shit on representations of people that are more successful than him
- goes on rants when the words “failure” and “milking” are applied to him by others
- dedicated another 'podcast' to drama, ponders how he can be a lolcow when he's always milked
- watched Turkey Tom's reaction video to Phil but not the actual documentary, thereby got no context
- did not realise that Turkey Tom makes videos on lolcows and is aware of lolcow culture
- finds it weird that Turkey Tom and Mutahar aren't presented as lolcows on the podcast (they aren't)
- is not aware that the Lolcow Podcast has two sets of hosts: the lolcows and the 'farmers'
- has done zero research on the Lolcow Podcast and thus looks foolish when he criticises it
- got told by one person in chat he was wise not to work with Keemstar, proudly used that as evidence
- roasted Boogie and Wings for shopping at Walmart but has said he's shopped at his local Walmart
- thinks he is successful compared to the Lolcow Podcast (which had only just started by then)
- believes that if you laugh at lolcows you need therapy and are pathetic no-life toxic losers
- believes that if you laugh at lolcows you must automatically think you are better than them
- implied he is a lolcow when he stated Turkey Tom had milked him
- said that 'success' must be done in a positive way and success from negativity doesn't count
- gave lolcow enjoyers a warning but said it's not coming from him
- gave Turkey Tom business advice despite not knowing that lolcow culture is Tom's business model
- claimed that talking about Turkey Tom for an hour isn't milking him despite it being the case
- admitted talking about drama is a waste of time that makes him no money, does it anyways
- calls game developers idiots when they put mazes in their games without providing a map
- so narcissistic he believes that he is one of few people on YT that are successful by being positive
- tells his fans to not donate money to him to stick it to his haters, thus cutting off potential tips
- made the EA account banning drama about him and his streams
- stated that people should be accountable and explain the reasons for banning people; doesn't do so
- still believes if he had sued Twitch for banning him for hate speech he would have won
- refuses to see charity as a way to bring publicity to himself, it MUST be a selfless sacrifice
- cannot take a suggestion to tone down the e-begging without seething and coping
- thinks those who makes suggestions to improve streams are 'entitled' and want to 'dictate' his life
- refuses to read all the suggestions if he doesn't like the first few
- bragged that his passionate workload means he only sees his wife for like 2 hours a day
- casually mentioned he has legal appointments with lawyers without elaborating
- acknowledged “I can’t even name any notable moments from my streams”
- asked his fans to make YT shorts for him because he doesn't absorb what he's doing
- cannot name his favourite game of the year every single year he has been asked
- “My wife just arrived home so I have to get Jasper downstairs.”
- stated The Super Mario Bros. Movie sucked because there was no morals or life lessons in it
- asked what the fans wanted, they wanted Robocop, he was donated Robocop, so he played Mario instead
- asked what the fans wanted, they wanted gameplay and not a drama rant, so he went on a drama rant
- got extremely toxic to the guy who beat him 14 times in a row in one stream in Street Fighter 6
- says having an “adult life” with a home means saving money to maintain it and not wasting it
- spent $700+ on a “food disposal” and complains he can’t afford to buy a new dishwasher
- summed up being an adult as: always needing money and always having unsolvable problems
- believes he has had water dripping inside his walls for years and only just noticed
- hint hinted he wants “custom blinds” for his windows even though he lives in a prefab condo
- scolded his fans for not donating during every stream
- is bewildered why doing the same content in every stream results in bored viewers and declining tips
- told his viewers "you're an asshole" if they didn't vote in the poll to enable ads on his streams
- has not realised you turn slower when crouching in Call of Duty games (he's been playing 15+ years)
- assumes that everyone uses their real legal names on their PayPal accounts
- spent Thanksgiving Day 2023 gaming on stream rather than taking a day off to be with his 'family'
- encouraged his viewers to spend Thanksgiving Day watching him play games on stream
- believes that no one in America should be working on Thanksgiving Day... except Asian restaurants
- “No, I’m not someone who dwells in the past.”
- claims he “stayed out of the drama this year” yet spent most of 2023 talking about drama
- thinks playing slots at casinos is smart because you can take your time and you get free drinks
- spent $814 on WWE Champions during the 2023 Black Friday deal
- outright admitted his tips-for-alcohol marathons are to raise money (may be against YouTube ToS)
- got so desperate for tips he lowered the price of the alcohol shots to $50
- took a shot of alcohol and swished it in his mouth to savour it, much like an alcoholic does
- was crestfallen that his viewers don't care when he gets sloshed on liquor
- treated the Thanksgiving 2023 marathon like an extended react and Q&A stream with no new fun stuff
- tried to sell the YT memberships with no slow mode in chat... that is already nearly dead
- pretended that his viewers will be excited when the channel reaches 500 members, so please join
- confessed he cried on Christmas as a child because he had a lump of coal in his stocking
- thinks he should be allowed to enable ads on videos safe for kids because no kids are watching him
- puts up in Christmas decorations in November yet blasts retail stores that do the same thing
- heavily implying that since he hasn’t had an event in awhile that he should be rewarded for it today
- nowadays approves of restreamers because “ they keep the negative people away from his streams”
- lied that no one is able to see the amount of gifted memberships and who is gifting them
- says he didn't eat fast food much as a kid but then confessed he had a collection of McDonald's toys
- "Me and my whole family wake up around the same time", didn't disclose this is around noon
- implied that if the fighting game community (FGC) wanted him back, he would return
- “This game is wasting my time!”, still plays it (Street Fighter 6) regularly
- left his alcohol lying around for his cat to drink and subsequently puke its guts out everywhere
- pretended that his 2023 year-in-review of best and worst games of 2023 was a brand new thing
- wants fans to help him with his big projects more than ever (i.e. he is getting lazier)
- stopped making YT shorts because he wasn't making money or getting new viewers (so much for passion)
- says it is okay for him to beg for money several times a day now because he isn't really begging
- says he doesn't beg that much for money but there are compilations of him begging
- talks shit about content creators that run small unobtrusive ads; runs big fullscreen ads
- "I eat dinner and feel like I am in a coma every day", drinks coffee and crashes even harder
- found it hard to buy his wife a surprise Xmas gift since they share an Amazon account
- acts like a battered housewife whenever something sexual happens onscreen (mature adult btw)
- claims he doesn't care what people say about him but he's proven to keep tabs and has a Discord
- pretended that he never said he had spies that report everything to him
- suggested that because he is middle-aged he doesn't care about drama
- said he didn't get presents, he earned them, even when he got impressive report cards or was good
- internet went down a few times a stream, instantly blamed trolls DDoSing him
- refused to switch to his home internet line, wasting his money on an internet line he doesn't use
- called a viewer an idiot for suggesting he restart his modem
- “I’m trying to make up for the fact I missed half my earlier stream”, hint hinted for tips
- accidentally revealed he still has viewbots on his streams as the viewcount went from 500->150
- pronounces the YouTuber Mutahar as “Mooo-TUH-har" despite Mutahar saying his name in every video
- stated that detractors will result outright lies about him to get content and attention from him
- assumes that Doody Streams is how all his detractors act and they all believe what Doody does
- admitted he is still a lolcow because he always takes the bait, even when it's outright lies
- stated that advertisements exist just to sell you products to make money
- doesn't believe that him stopping gameplay to e-beg counts as advertising
- admitted e-begging for tips and memberships is being a shill and "pushing crap down your throat"
- hates that YouTubers do sponsorships and yet wants them as well
- implied he has never shilled products in his 15 year career; gamer chairs, YouTube Premium...
- finds it odd that advertisers would not want their shills to be acting out and causing bad PR
- finds it odd that fans would "turn on him" for taking sponsorships after shitting on them
- thinks that hypocrisy doesn't apply when it is to make money or be destitute
- was worried that if he took sponsorships people would laugh at him but they laugh at him regardless
- stated he will retire when he feels like it but has lamented he'll be forced to if tips dry up
- stated that tippers will get their donated video guaranteed to be reacted to but can veto it
- said he has no crazy toxic fans but Derich was in the chat at the time
- assumes that most newcomers to his channel think he is a drama channel, start crap, and then leave
- got very uncomfortable reacting to videos about autism, suggesting he is autistic himself
- refused to make tons of money with Text-To-Speech donations because trolls may abuse it
- admits he manually edits the tips leaderboard because he wants to "control it" (and fudge numbers)
- said he isn't about quitting games because they don't make him money but he wagequit Starfield
- said he has been sending merch vendors his backstory of being a trolled lolcow
- wants merch vendors to not drop him for what he says and does and/or what he has said or done
- lied that he achieved "Twitch numbers" and is thus a success but he has not gotten Twitch numbers
- showed photo evidence that Comcast was screwing him over but it looks really sketchy
- showed photo evidence of his Comcast account that revealed his home address
- showed screenshot evidence of his changed router names that revealed his home phone number
- claimed that only Comcast could have changed his router names but he could have done it himself
- claimed Comcast changed his email but he would have been notified and have had to verify it
- revealed his modem blocks YouTube and Twitter, which is so false it destroys his case
- claimed he has evidence that it was Comcast employee who messed with him, did not show this evidence
- assumes the thoughts and intentions of the alleged Comcast employee, raising even more doubt
- his 'smoking gun' evidence is a post from Kiwifarms that is unverified and highly suspect
- believes it is against the law for an ISP to make changes to your internet or modem settings
- finds it odd that an ISP has access to a modem they provided him and they have his modem data
- does not know the legal definition of fraud, misuses it when it better applies to him
- claimed that Comcast ignored him which is legally not possible since a crime was allegedly committed
- assumes that 'fraud' was committed but won't lawyer up because they cost money and it takes time
- refuses to find a pro bono lawyer even though he's sure he would win the lawsuit
- said he can't afford a lawyer and yet claimed he had "lawyer appointments"
- said he had a legal case but went on the internet and possibly jeopardized his case talking about it
- wants a dedicated Comcast agent that works and reports to him daily
- stated he has had internet problems since March 2023 and then said he's had it for years... hmmm...
- took a phone call during stream yet has said he doesn't take calls during "business hours"
- said that he CAN take calls during "business hours", meaning he lied about not getting Keem's call
- ranted for four hours about the Comcast drama and then told his chat to STFU as the drama is over
- insinuated he is the only streamer that has had someone within an ISP mess with him
- “I don’t like drama! I don’t like bringing it to my streams!” yet his recommended videos are drama
- made a 'muh depression' pity rant; doesn't go to therapy and drinks gin and pulls gacha instead
- self-diagnosed himself with "depression" while being "the happiest I've ever been in my life"
- said his latest depression happened for no reason but he had a spat with Comcast
- told people in his chat who commented their struggle with depression to stop derailing the stream
- admitted that he, a man in his 40s, has be dragged out of bed by his wife on some mornings
- brings up his wife a lot despite her not being part of the content or the streams
- exclaimed he can't have kids because... his ISP allegedly messed with his internet
- responds to the bullying even though he claims he does not respond to the bullying
- calls detractor videos "bullying" and wants them removed from YouTube for that reason
- still believes that detractors make money off him and only make anti-DSP videos for the money
- admitted Starfield is a "failure" because it didn't get him as many tips as he'd like
- brings up other creators in "natural conversation”, doesn't like it when other creators bring him up
- stated cellphones use satellites at least 4 times over the last year, claims he misspoke
- said his ISP agents have too much power to abuse him and yet not enough power to help him
- thinks Japanese don't shake hands because they are "avoiding illness" and it is not cultural
- “Nobody shakes hands in Yakuza games.”
- “I’ve learned a lot about Japanese culture from the game [Yakuza].”
- spent $70 on two Doordash'd sandwiches bur he really needs your tips
- “I will still be here when all these other people are gone! I’ll decide when I leave!”
- “Everyone wants to know what’s going on with my internet”, droned on anyways
- claimed that the alleged Comcast employee who messed with him got arrested, provided zero proof
- humble-bragged that he gets more attention from Comcast than all of their other customers
- “I’m not like the common person!” yet claims he is just a regular guy and no one special
- thinks being doted on by Comcast makes him special, doesn't realise Comcast may dislike him
- fully believes that his YouTube video is the only reasons he received help, not anything else
- implied he sat on knowledge that his internet was being messed with and yet did nothing
- lamented that his personal info was leaked but in his evidence it showed his address and phone #
- stated that he never wanted to rant about Comcast but made hours-long rants several days in a row
- “I have my own modem now! I will not allow it to be fucked with!”
- admitted that a good portion of his subscribers are inactive and will get wiped in a Google purge
- quickly changed his subs-pushing tune once he realised he was never going to get 200k subs
- insists he is fine with his viewcount but he has ended streams and playthroughs over low views
- believes he gets 10k views on his videos
- got worried when Street Fighter 6 updated to show the username and user code of ragequitters
- went on a nasty minute long rant about a troll eating his shit and describing its rancid taste
- failed many parts of Super Mario RPG remake even when shamelessly using a guide
- “Normal people don’t sit around and hope for drama”, is proud his stream is boring with no drama
- blamed Comcast for lag spikes when playing SF6 even though the rogue employee was allegedly gone
- “I played this because you guys wanted it and asked for it” and then learned no one did
- clowns on Walmart and its shoppers because he considers himself too high class to shop from there
- finds it weird that strangers would give someone money for nothing, then e-begged
- said that he doesn't wagequit games, he just stops playing them if he gets low tips (aka a wagequit)
- stated that if you use the term 'wagequit' you are a moron; has used the term before
- seriously compared his lifestyle of playing games to an office job
- insinuated that if you stream video games for free and don't make money doing so, you're an idiot
- admitted that his high membership total is due to membership bombs and aren't legit viewers
- condemned ignorant people who don't listen to criticism and advice that they're doing things wrong
- condemned ignorant people who lack self-awareness and waste their time gaming or watching trash
- "Too many people are coddled in today's society. They don't want to hear the truth."
- believes that YouTube promotes "lolcow culture" and detractor content when the opposite is true
- believes that ther are "thousands" like him who had to give up streaming because of detractors
- called his parents today to tell them all about his Comcast story
- turned a simple question about physical gifts into tips and support, hint hint
- “I based my spending on the amount I was making”, hence why he has so many credit cards
- got gifted Robocop from three different fans yet played Call of Duty for months after the fact
- gave away all his gifted copies of Robocop and didn't care if trolls won them
- acted like giving him game codes made him charitable... but they came from his fans, not him
- called out his fans who call out detractors as if gives them attention; calls them out himself
- "There's always people who turn a positive into a negative."
- found it bizarre that a 2 hour reaction video to K-pop videos would get copyright claims
- lamented he had to re-record an hour of reacting to K-pop videos because YT cut those segments out
- hint hinted he would like a new PC as to not corrupt any more videos after they render
- admitted his rants are meaningless and probably boring but he likes to vent
- went into graphic detail about how reaction content is like his testicles used as a punching bag
- “We had fun tonight” but he ignored chat 95% of the time to yell at the game
- messed up lineup puzzle in Super Mario RPG then blamed the game devs for being Japanese
- didn't like the GTA 6 teaser trailer because it only teased the game
- called people “idiots” for enjoying a trailer for a game they are excited to play
- assumes he knows Rockstar's business plan precisely
- assumes that because "on PC" was not in the GTA 6 trailer, Rockstar plans to sell it over and over
- mocked people who buy every Call of Duty games despite sameness; does the same thing
- believes that GTA 6 is the first game in the series with a female protagonist
- doesn't like it when women are depicted as evil (DarkSimpPhil)
- “I don’t want a victim game!", doesn't realise that all GTA protagonists are forced into crime
- tried to understand the plot of GTA 6 from the trailer (published 2023, release date of 2025)
- tried to justify his piss-poor viewer count by coping that he forms a more personal bond with them
- coped that his low views and subscribers makes him a 'success', better than having peaks and dips
- revealed his obsession with suing people when he said Rockstar could sue YouTube for the leak
- “I have never had a sex scandal unlike other content creators!"; jerked off on stream
- feels the need to talk about every single interaction with a detractor emailing him
- does not realise that insulting trolls goes against his 'positive chill' vibes
- got mad over potential abuse of a cat in a Yakuza game; had Jasper declawed and sprays him w/ water
- hint hinted that he wanted to play Baldur's Gate 3 but wasn't comfortable paying $70 for it
- “$70 for a game that’s 2 months old is ridiculously priced!”
- got gifted 60-70 memberships to get over 600, immediately coaxed for more to jump on the bandwagon
- banned several 'trolls' for 'nonsense' and was puzzled why his regulars wouldn't talk out of fear
- refused to believe that his barely-talking 500+ viewers weren't viewbots
- decided not to play Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora because it didn't get nominated at The Game Awards
- wasted everyone's time looking at the star ratings and prices of games he wants to buy
- praised No Man's Sky for its redemption patches but won't play Cyberpunk 2077 after its patches
- does not allow Kat to fill up the gas tank on the car, he controls how much and when it’s allowed
- “I love my job”, then rambled about how he hates half of the stuff required to do it
- “I don’t bring up other content creators or talk about them in a negative way!”
- followed his 2023 Game Awards stream with... a dull Q&A
- refused to admit he was wrong about Baldur's Gate 3 becoming irrelevant once Starfield released
- refused to admit he was wrong that Baldur's Gate 3 would never win Game of the Year for 2023
- lied that he implied Baldur's Gate 3 might win GOTY yet he never did
- coped that taking him at his word "that one time" is unfair but he said it many times
- assumed that Baldur's Gate 3 was PC-centric and thus wouldn't win the 2023 GOTY award
- “The Game Awards don’t mean anything” yet the biggest people in the gaming industry go there
- defended his ego by boasting that he knew TLoZ Tears of the Kingdom wouldn't win GOTY
- said he changed his 2023 GOTY prediction yet never provided any proof of this
- called his own fans losers when they point out his incorrect 2023 GOTY prediction
- said that "nobody cares" about his failure to predict the GOTY award yet his chat roasted him
- claims to love indie games and yet hates indie games and thinks no one will play them
- hates how announcements and trailers for indie games bloat conferences like E3 and The Game Awards
- got gifted Balder's Gate 3 and was displeased as it meant he had to swallow his pride and play it
- announced he will ragequit/wagequit Baldur's Gate 3 if it did not meet his unrealistic expectations
- admitted he came up with excuses not to play Baldur's Gate 3
- admitted the infamous 'bear sex scene' was a reason he chose not to buy and play Baldur's Gate 3
- “I have no excuse now to not play it” aka being forced to play it and already negative about it
- prematurely blamed his viewers for "overhyping" Baldur's Gate 3 and his future quitting of it
- “I’m setting myself up for failure."
- angrily called out viewers claiming he'd ragequit BG3, then said he'd love to be proven wrong
- demanded his viewers show up to his Baldur's Gate 3 since they "begged" him to play it
- “Put your money where your mouth is” yet was gifted Baldur's Gate 3 for free
- sees no problem streaming a game months after release when the hype and interest has died down
- lies that he does not insult viewers that disagree with him
- went into major damage control in his chat because he couldn't admit he was wrong about BG3
- smacked his dying PC live on air, hint hinted he wants a new computer
- implied that he hasn't cleaned his computer's fans in a long time, showed his dusty fingers
- changed his mind on the FFVII Remake, now likes it because "it’s a totally new game”
- believes LEGO being put in Fortnite proves it's kids game
- said Superblindman “used to be a major part of my streams” but he only showed up once every 5 months
- believes he is better than streamers that stick to only one game, calls them "gimmick streamers"
- informed his viewers they can skip his Baldur's Gate 3 streams if they think he's being toxic
- asked his viewers to artificially inflate his “small guy” numbers back to “medium guy” numbers
- compared streaming to an office job in which you are over-worked, under-paid, and under-appreciated
- compared streaming to an office job even though that's a salary and he is crowdfunded
- confirmed he only streams for money and not a passion for gaming
- confirmed he wagequits because if a game 'fails' (brings low tips) he will quit it
- stated he only plays games that "resonate" with his audience i.e. they tip him and buy memberships
- denies he save scums and only reloads saves if there is a glitch/bug or he missed an explanation
- denies he save scums to cherry pick the best option in an RPG, states he stands by his decisions
- claims he has a "philosophy of gaming” and much like his Catholic beliefs he decides what to obey
- plays fighting games exclusively online and yet tells others to get offline
- went so anti-simp during the live action cabaret scenes in Yakuza his own fans clowned him
- ranted yet again that the 'elite' (journalists and influencers) get review copies and not him
- believes he can only get review copies of games if he "schmoozed" and sucked up to game studios
- believes that if you get a review copy of a game you are obligated to only say nice things about it
- thinks reminding his viewers of his schedule every so often adds 'variety' to his 'podcast'
- confessed that he thinks the 'podcast' is the real content
- goes on a daily 'woe is me I'm just like you, the common person' pity parties, so tip him now
- will spend $70 on sandwiches but won't spend $70 game on a new video game (business degree btw)
- admits he is bad at handling money but will assure you if you tip him it will go to good use
- stated it is never too late to play a game but he has skipped games for thinking the hype had died
- guilt-tripped his fans by warning them if you don't attend his BG3 streams it means you lied to him
- insinuated he never cared for Baldur's Gate 3 until it won the Game of the Year award
- “A good game is a good game forever!”
- was proud of the first time he managed to watch all the videos on DSP Reacts... but he skipped some
- hint hinted he really wanted 50 new memberships to replace the ones that had just expired
- “I don’t care about the numbers” but then asked for more likes and memberships
- requested no one post game tips in chat unless he asks, doesn't ban when people do anyways
- did a very cringe 30 second "no no no" rant about sharing his financial situation
- assumed a dumb dent's $200 superchat was from a troll and refused to add it to his tips total
- instructed the dent who tipped $200 to chargeback him, won't refund it
- picks his ears, stares at the earwax, and either wipes it on his clothes or eats it
- admitted he isn't smart enough to properly play Baldur's Gate 3
- believes if you choose to be non-binary that means you should “look different”
- believes having Vitiligo means being a burn victim
- declared 50ms of lag is now “unplayable” even though he boasted 50ms of lag was perfect for him
- banned a fan who advised him in a tip message to relax and play a more chill game
- hint hinted he needs a “high end gaming PC” to “fix his issues with Street Fighter 6”
- doesn't understand the concept of medical tourism and thinks it's a holiday with surgery involved
- asked his chat what choices to make in Baldur's Gate 3, a game built around the choices you make
- refuses to wear glasses while playing Baldur's Gate 3, resulting in him unable to see poison gas
- thinks he knows how to run a business because he's survived on e-begging since 2011
- "Phil has no idea how to operate a business."; his 'business' declared bankruptcy
- thinks that 99% the way YouTubers operate is not normal and we're desensitized into thinking it is
- invented the myth that many YTers/streamers dropped BG3, so he can wagequit it without hypocrisy
- blasted YTers/streamers who drop games... not long after admitting he wagequits games
- claims he doesn't "jump on what's popular"; Minecraft, Fall Guys, PUGB, every new hype game...
- believes giveaways are to generate "artificial popularity" and can't be genuine
- stated it isn't about gaming, it's about fan interaction; ignores chat and lean-in-manual-bans
- believes most streamers only play viral games and barely interact with their community
- believes people won't watch him play popular games because he's older than the average streamer
- is proud when he sticks to his schedule because he autistically plans thing a two weeks in advance
- doesn't know how to set up Fightcade even though it's already on his mini PC
- got ten free memberships to give away for free, was pissed off as it meant he wasn't get money
- asked his viewers to remind him to gift the monthly free subs (because being charitable is rare)
- calculated 60+50=100 so he could squeeze more tips from the dents
- blasted E3 ending for being a "failure", not realising the industry has evolved beyond needing it
- admitted he purchased and ate a huge amount of Hershey's chocolate on his day off
- won't play the God of War Ragnarok DLC despite loving the base game
- stated he did not play Baldur's Gate 3 with the intention of quitting it but his tone betrays him
- lied that he never said Baldur's Gate 3 was unfair in his first stream of playing it
- believes you cannot be invested in a game's lore if you are a streamer (because he can't)
- told his audience to respect him or stay quiet, then asks his chat why they are so quiet
- said “what sets you apart from the other guys” is that “you listen to what your audience wants”…
- said he listens to his audience but ignored them when they said play Baldur's Gate 3 on launch
- complained of multiple internet issues even after the alleged rogue Comcast employee 'scandal'
- can't do late streams if he has to order DoorDash deliveries the next day
- his response to being caught in a lie: "I don't care. You're boring me."
- said an hour of BG3 was "boring for the viewers" but sees dying to the same boss for an hour is good
- claims to love RPGs yet has no idea of mechanics and simple strategy
- “BG3 has exactly the same gameplay as Divinity 2” yet was confused the entire time playing
- pondered why his $3k lemon PC is dying after a decade of not cleaning it often enough
- hint hinted he wants extra tips to make up for him buying another battery backup
- “My back up is I could do podcasts for a week and not stream games.”
- admitted he almost defecated himself because his lemon PC did not turn on at first
- ranted that Neil Druckmann is only getting by because he "brainwashes" with his ideology
- believes Neil Druckmann is doing "cult-like activity" by asking for money and not delivering
- called Neil Druckmann a scammer for asking for money for The Last of Us Online (no pre-orders)
- finds it weird that The Last of Us Online was cancelled and yet no one was up in arms about it
- believes we are owed The Last of Us Online and its cancellation equals a broken promise
- did not understand why The Last of Us Online was cancelled, assumed it was a quick cash-grab
- believes that because The Last of Us Online was cancelled, we should get The Last of Us Factions
- at times says "pull" instead of "poll" (his inner desires revealed)
- held Baldur's Gate 3 hostage, "Donate and engage, or I fucking quit!"
- confessed he would not upload his "lost media" because going through his HDDs "it's a lot of work"
- reckons that because smacking his equipment made it work better one time he should do it more often
- stated that Baldur's Gate 3 doesn't teach you anything yet can't explain how people make guides
- assumes that if he can't understand a game and gets mad at it then the average gamer feels the same
- compares every hard game to Dark Souls like the gaming journalists he dislikes
- hint hinted that a $50 Patreon pledge gets you a private video from him (no guarantees)
- whinged that Platinum rank in SF6 is full of shitty players; still gets stomped by them
- did some mental gymnastics with copium to exclaim that his detractors secretly admire him
- implemented a new rule on tipping: no referencing detractor memes (which he can interpret at will)
- acts like the rule on no memes in tip messages is new but he's implemented it for years
- lied again that he can't see personal information in a PayPal tip
- responded to "Who is he talking to?" in a very toxic mean-spirited manner (Mr. Positivity)
- "Maybe it's time to hang up the rope." (Suicidesydephil)
- said he can block people tipping but can’t block people who tip “anonymously”
- keeps bringing up Sidescrollers because he wants them to respond so he can get attention
- “I don’t care about the drama! I don’t bring up drama!”
- admitted he never expected the Sidescrollers crew to not talk about DSP after the interview
- reminded his viewers to tip him so he can buy alcohol for the Xmas event (former alcoholic btw)
- asserted that “stating a fact" means you are “not pushing an agenda”
- “I’m just a guy who plays video games on the internet!”, said during his 40 minute rant about drama
- believes he has an obligation to respond to obvious troll bait and rant about detractors
- admitted he's a hypocrite for acknowledging trolls but reckons you all must be hypocrites too
- reckons it takes "tremendous amount of self-control" to make him not respond to drama
- states there is zero reason for him to address detractor content yet does it every stream
- said he doesn't have to "act if it's true", meaning all his clown antics is him being legit
- stated that if you declare something you cannot walk it back; has tried to walk back statements
- coped by exclaiming that detractors make him look good because he doesn't play "their game"
- said that people trash-talk to vent frustration, but when he does it the game has legit flaws
- implied all detractors and drama creators should die as the world would be better without them
- made a disgusting comment about how trolls regurgitate their content by eating and shitting vomit
- believes that the majority of what detractors say about him is disproven by fact-checking
- told his viewers not to believe any company's word but his own interpretation of events
- still reckons his dislike for Hideo Kojima is just a woke
- found it weird that some people might not like him shitting on Kojima and not taking MGS seriously
- stated that trolls rewrite history by omitting his disclaimers, which he had never made
- thinks trolls believe he despises Kojima and his games, but trolls believe he only mildly dislikes
- believes bigger content creators than him are jealous of him and want to be successful like him
- convinced himself that Street Fighter 6, and other online games, are only decent on certain days
- believes that trolls live their lives just to get a rise out of others
- thinks that by applying insulting nicknames to himself he takes away their hurtful power
- assumed his trolls are "legit upset" he hadn't dropped BG3, yet he threatened to do so all the time
- “My audience are adults, no kids watch me”, then blew bubbles five minutes later
- "I'm not gonna complain about it all day."
- says he has a wonderful family... a wife he hardly sees and a declawed cat that makes trouble
- seriously believes that every positive thing that happens in his life upsets his detractors
- stated that him playing games for the money isn't true but also stated he 'fundraisers' for income
- protested his trolls posting nasty comments "no one will see", but he reads them and quotes them
- “I don’t pay attention to the white noise surrounding me.”
- went on a toxic negative rant whilst calling his detractors toxic and negative
- lamented that his trolls were acting up around Christmas yet he wasn't in the jolly spirit either
- called himself a miserable person because lolcows that get milked for lulz are miserable people
- believes there are millions of active lolcows on the internet
- thinks you cannot fire a rifle while running and that's why Call of Duty games are unrealistic
- blames ghosts in his room 'pulling' his controller and making him drop inputs
- reviewed Christmas with the Kranks, a Christmas movie during his gaming-focused 'podcast'
- revealed why he cringes at romance: it is "private" and should not be shown
- doesn't like it when romance is public but will talk about his day off, medical conditions, & more
- doesn't like public displays of affection: “It’s weird to want to broadcast that stuff.”
- "Broadcast every piece of your life"; broadcasts every piece of his life
- thinks "gay stuff" is "hilarious" but hetero stuff is "gross"... hmmm...
- relied on his chat to help him avoid romance scenes in Baldur's Gate 3
- shares photos of his setup on Instagram, revealing dusty clutter and twisted cables
- gave thanks to his viewers for handholding him during BG3 but declared he was not handholding
- believes that if viewers teach him how to play a game step-by-step it isn't handholding
- “I don’t know what I’m doing without you guys telling me what I’m suppose to be doing.”
- hint hinted he wanted a new printer
- could not be bothered going to a store to get documents printed, wanted to buy a printer instead
- admitted he pirated music and movies from Limewire back in the 2000s
- silently turned up the ads, tried to justify it with “you don’t mind the ads” when called out
- admitted he doesn't play games on his day off, instead he watches his wife play games instead
- “Just because one person made a big donation doesn’t mean all of you should withhold tips.”
- knows all about incidents where streamers willingly or accidentally flash their dicks onscreen
- delightfully swished whiskey in his mouth on stream ('former alcoholic' btw)
- revealed that he does miss his family...'s cooking
- “When people are desperate for attention they pull stunts.”; shower video, fapping moment, etc
- advised a fan with a terminated YT account to make a new account and rejoin (aka break ToS)
- defended the fan (Kirk the racist paypig) and scolded mods when they timed him out
- believes that Kirk was impersonated by trolls who then made racist comments to frame Kirk
- “We are not doing a tips goal today” yet had the tips goal active
- said he “doesn’t have to degrade himself on stream” yet got drunk and called Kat his mother again
- assumed his trolls did a deep-dive analysis of why he mixes up his wife and his mother
- thinks Harley Quinn is normal but canon lore has her enhanced via a serum from Poison Ivy
- retconned his hatred of FFVII, could barely justify a decade of calling it the worst FF game
- feels a need to voice act every visual novel and will refuse to do them to save his voice
- lied that he never had green bean casserole
- plays co-op games like Phasmophobia as if they are single player games, no mic, ignoring everyone
- "I don't have a microphone to interact with a PC", speaking into a microphone interacting with a PC
- held up a whiskey bottle, "I'm about to try this for the first time", yet it was already open
- lied that he opened the whiskey bottle just to smell it but some whiskey was missing
- ate on stream a Christmas Eve feast: a pudding cup for one that he microwaved
- spent Christmas 2023 in opposite rooms to his wife eating their Doordash alone
- reached rank #1 in a WWE Champions event on Christmas Day 2023
- made an Instagram post of his tired face with text declaring he was working on his taxes
- eats all food from paper plates and plastic bowls, but won't dare drink alcohol from a plastic cup
- claimed that "everyone" mixes up their mothers and wives as they get older (OedipusSydePhil)
- gets occasional numb hands with pain shooting through them, shrugs it off as common aging thing
- pretended to be blind-sided that Phasmophobia needs a mic but he knew about it for months
- pointed out he left the alcohol in the office so he didn't drink it off-stream... hmmm...
- thinks you cannot understand that something is fake and still enjoy it (still enjoys pro wrestling)
- accidentally admitted the 'Week in Preview' and 'The Daily Wrap' are pretty much the same thing
- “I was drinking the rum trying to get loose so I could be entertaining for you guys.”
- said he couldn't afford a PC but he earned $500+ the previous stream
- “Retail jobs don’t have Christmas parties.”
- pretty much confessed that Kat visited him soon after his relationship with Leanna ended
- still insists he broke up with Leanna but in actuality she broke up with him
- spent $1246 on WWE Champions after his 2023 Xmas Holiday Marathon
- wore a sweater his wife got him for Christmas 2023 that turned out to be a woman's cardigan
- said he also received cologne for Christmas 2023 but couldn't bothered to remember the name of it
- "Why would you impose your beliefs on others?"; imposes his beliefs on others daily
- laughed hysterically at a handbag that cost $3435 yet spends thousands on mobile games
- could not resist delving into the leaked GTAV source code drama that revealed scrapped DLC
- dislikes people playing whatever they like because they might play Fortnite and other games he hates
- pondered why people pay for microtransanctions if they don't get any "meaning" out of it
- "Stop rewarding mediocrity" then a minute later reminded people to $upport the stream
- hates GTA Online for being a time waster; plays WWE Champions which is a time and money waster
- hates games with a focus on socialization because he has no one to play with
- revealed an revelation: gaming companies make what makes them money!
- pronounces minotaur as "meenotaur"
- said Ralph Macchio should've known "conversational Mandarin", but Mr. Miyagi is Japanese
- wasted everyone's time trying to set up his printer rather than do it when not streaming
- so creatively bankrupt he replays games to make up for his poor playthroughs in the past
- reads outloud very positive tip messages written in the way he talks, claims he isn't writing them
- “I can’t afford a new vacuum cleaner”, then 5 minutes later "“So anyway we ordered sushi”
- retconned his dislike for Hogwarts Legacy after it transpired it was never at The Game Awards
- cares about The Game Awards' nominations after years of declaring not to care about award shows
- “Not everything is about politics!” while scolding people using political leanings in writing
- stated you need a special vacuum if you have a cat and a normal one won't work
- hint hinted he wants tips and memberships to buy-in his "lost media" backup channel
- kept playing SF6 after months of continuously reiterating he was quitting it soon
- uses detractor terms in his usual manner of speech
- lied that dropped inputs aren't included in the SF6 replay, but inputs are 'recorded' locally
- justifies save scumming in BG3 so he can get the "correct" rolls and play "properly"
- believes that only athletes should take Vitamin B
- whined that he had pigeon-holded himself so deeply into gaming he can't do anything else
- admitted he is bad at gaming due to health issues and slower reflexes with age
- calls pro fighting gamers he 1v1s good when he wins and no-life loser trash when they win
- pretends not to recognise well known pro fighting game players when he 1v1s them
- says he “doesn’t review games directly after playing them” but he does sort of review them
- gave advice to his trolls on how to make convincing sock accounts to sneak back into his chat
- assumed that if he launched a political channel his main gaming channel will swiftly lose viewers
- blames his viewers when he sucks at a game that was recommended to him, not his own ineptitude
- claims he's overworked even though he is his own boss and sets his own schedule
- pondered why his react channel has declining viewers before saying being zany and high-energy works
- did a recap of 2023 and mainly coped and seethed over the negatives
- said he averted the trolls pulling them into their "vortex of bullshit"; stuck in a e-begging vortex
- declared the biggest positive he had for 2023 was... better visual output quality
- shared the 2nd biggest positive of 2023: started wearing nice clothes and washing his hair
- was proud that he keeps making a living e-begging off dents and calls it a success story
- stated that viewercount isn't important since some are hate-watchers yet bitches about views daily
- insinuated that all influxes of viewers are hate-watchers but some instances are from viewbots
- wants to "cultivate" his audience to be "positive" and then to "spread the word" (not a cult btw)
- thinks people like Keanu Reeves and Elijah Wood should start streaming once they retire from acting
- at times seems to enjos talking with his fans more than talking with his wife
- joked that he keeps making the same mistakes time and time again because he hates history class
- promised not to trash-talk and insult his opponents in online games (bashing the game is fine)
- stated that if you have a problem with how he plays games then you shouldn't play games
- acknowledged that getting tea-bagged and namecalled WILL make him flip out and rage and insult
- planned to monitise his reuploaded old playthroughs even if they have Rambo and Howard in them
- confirmed his reupload channel's purpose to get ads and memberships for more income
- “I’m not doing bad! I’m doing well! I don’t have the issues people say I have!” then e-begged
- confessed he needs to make “double the income” to live the life he desires
- pondered more money-making schemes despite allegedly being on top of all his bills
- blames the economy for his financial state despite his home having two income earners with no kids
- can't decide if his toxic behaviour is an act or a natural reaction
- convinced himself other larger creators don’t do taxes correctly
- “When the game is working I win! When it’s not I lose. it’s as simple as that!"
- blames lag on why he was quitting SF6 but as soon as game ended he confessed it was due to low tips
- shilled his PayPal on his first upload of the reupload channel despite claiming it's not for tips
- implied his plans to do livestreams on the reupload channel is just to accumulate watch hours
- “You can’t just jump into Baldur's Gate 3 without guides.”
- thinks if that most of his income immediately goes towards bills be must be doing something right
- lamented that he couldn't mass-upload all his old playthroughs, he had to babysit the process
- believes that YouTube specifically targeted him by upholding an ancient copyright strike for FFXIII
- believes he is immune to being cancelled as he already would have been if he could be cancelled
- thinks by using AI to upscale and 'fix' his old videos it will make them more watchable
- converted his old videos to 60fps, resulting in ghosting and smearing
- dislikes remakes and remasters yet remade his DSPGaming channel with remastered videos
- sought to monitize his reuploaded playthroughs despite it being against ToS
- claims his old content was for “a young teen audience”, retconning his claim it was for adults
- was confused about whether Resident Evil 0 is a prequel
- ignored a tip from 1MM and almost forgot to include it before catching himself... hmmm...
- said the Yakuza games are “significant” because they allow him to “learn about Japan”
- started 2024 by talking about drama despite it being a New Year's resolution not to bring up drama
- implores people to make 'positive' documentaries about him so it's free advertisement for him
- believes he is totally different to Boogie2988; both obese, health issues, financial woes, etc
- protested the various detractor communities even though there was only really the Sons of Kojima
- doesn't see how talking about the drama in his life is talking about drama
- "My life is not a sob story" but will cry about the last 15 years being rough with hardships
- realised he can talk back about his detractors in the doco but he talks about them every day
- seemed genuinely proud of himself to rhyme 'vest' with 'best'
- liked one of Tevin's comments on his video (he likely didn't know it was Tevin)
- put cringe-inducing disclaimers warning of his 'old' style of humour in his playthrough reuploads
- believes his views declined due to trolls since 2015 but his views have been declining since 2013
- believes, thanks to YouTube analytics, that more people over 65 watch him than teenagers
- got crushed 1v1 in SF6 and cried out “he didn’t beat me, his internet did!”
- still insults fans and trolls alike despite it being a 2024 resolution to not do so
- changed his "no insulting other players personally" resolution to just "no insulting other players"
- spent $1000~ on WWE Champions during the first week of 2024
- "Don't sit in my chat expecting a member", hint hints for viewers to buy membership
- said he's setup for disappointment for TLOU3, which goes against “playing games for what they are”
- yells at his audience when they ask him questions and then gives the answer anyways
- informed everyone he will be paying his interns for the Throwback video if it's monetised... pffft
- calls jokes about statue boobs "immature"; makes constantly scat jokes and laughs at naked men
- lamented that A.I. cannot reliably censor the hateful slurs he's made in old playthroughs
- justified his use of derogatory language back then as the FGC having a toxic culture
- wastes his ammo in survival-horror games and calls it bad game design that he's always out of ammo
- considers himself softlocked if he has low ammo before a tough segment
- is happy to be handholded in games because it eases his stress (until trolls lead him into shit)
- remarked that the A.I. upscaling of his old videos is makes it look "close to direct capture”
- “Extra frames of ghosting on top of the original ghosting” but still good in his mind
- likes the “new frames of animation” being added to his old videos
- stated "this content doesn't represent me" even though he's proudly upscaling and reuploading it
- his 'new ideas' for the throwback channel are live-reacting and event streams, which he already does
- “The thing is I always used guides, but nobody figured it out” yet everyone has known for years
- received a massive 200+ membership bomb and requested others follow the paypig's example
- thinks the upscaling and disclaimers makes the old content different enough to not be demonitised
- claimed he inspired LTG and all crude content that comes from him
- roasted LTG for wearing an Infinity Gauntlet as immature; blows bubbles and uses a magic 8-ball
- roasted LTG for his collection of gems, but Phil has his own gems in WWE Champions
- does not consider the bubble guns he owns to be a toy (so he can feel superior to LTG)
- stated he won't watch videos of people "who have been nasty to him"... except LTG
- seriously exclaimed he will pull out of the Mike Clum documentary if Keemstar is involved at all
- believes PewDiePie was scapegoated as the cause of the Adpocalypse but he did blame PDP at the time
- pointedly asked when the last time he used the bubble guns (it was a few months prior)
- roasted a young fan with a childish username, assumed nothing they say is of value based on name
- demanded all 'conspiracy theories' have proof attached yet won't look at the proof
- admitted that if you provide lots of evidence for a theory he won't look at it all out of laziness
- assumes that if you provide lots of evidence for a theory you legit need mental help
- stated that he only makes a big deal out of certain things because viewers/trolls made it a big deal
- reckons if you like sexually-charged moments in games or movies you need to see a therapist
- says with romance in any media: “You shouldn’t be watching that stuff together as a group.”
- researches games for any romance to avoid it and flips out when he encounters any
- alleged his reactions to criticism was due to "didn't have others to model how to react to it after”
- blamed his fans for the vest streak being a meme even though he had embraced it to "own" the haters
- blames COVID for killing his homemade sauce, now he just buys it
- says he will skip the new Prince of Persia game because “2D games shouldn’t be 20 hours long”
- put Hogwarts Legacy on his most disappointing game list despite bemoaning how it didn't win GOTY
- put Dead Space Remake on his most disappointing game list because it was too much like the original
- blamed his audience for talking him into playing Diablo 4, hence on his most disappointing game list
- “Nintendo sold you the same game for $70 with Tear of the Kingdom.”
- demonstrated he didn't pay attention to Tear of the Kingdom when he failed to recall the plot
- claimed MK1 failed because it didn’t copy what SF6 was doing
- thinks Sonic Superstars was made by the people who made Sonic Mania
- criticized FFXVI for its poor plot and combat yet took the most offence to the "adult content"
- acts like 30 FPS means a game is broken despite playing on consoles where 30 FPS is standard
- hint hinted he wants his fans to say they don't mind clickbaiting his videos so he can do it
- called out YouTubers doing clickbait for attention yet ponders doing clickbait for catchy titles
- laments his declining views though blesses his trolls for increasingly not hate-watching him
- “Now that I am paused I can be honest”, suggesting when he is recording he may be telling lies
- ragequit RE:0 whilst save-scumming and playing on Hard, three things he says streamers do for clout
- had to rely on a playthrough he did of RE:0 back in 2016 to learn how to beat a boss
- “I only like Baldur's Gate 3 because of your interactions” (read: hand-holding and tips $$)
- hates BG3 but he’s still put it on his “honourable mentions” of best games of 2023
- believes he is courageous to play Hogwarts Legacy on stream when streamers got 'cancelled' for it
- believes “most people” get Dead Space Remake and The Callisto Protocol “confused with one another”
- did not prepare for the Best Playthroughs of 2023 list, leading to missing footage for some entries
- refused to believe his viewers seriously voted his Starfield playthrough as one of the best of 2023
- refused to believe his viewers seriously voted his BG3 playthrough as one of the best of 2023
- said he likes Tears of the Kingdom after shitting on it on its entry on his most disappointing game
- put Jedi Survivor as #10 on his best games of 2023 despite shitting on it for being laggy and buggy
- put Tears of the Kingdom as #10 on his best games of 2023 despite shitting on it all the while
- had his wife Kat on a 'mystery stream' revealing her weight gain from DoorDash and laziness
- “We didn’t plan this steam out” despite informing people about the 'mystery stream' for a week
- agrees with his wife that her "haters" are cowards even though she cowardly hid from them for years
- tends to speak over Kat and attempt to answer her questions for her
- won't kiss his wife on camera, says such things are private and off-camera only
- "Please watch my videos if you're interested in my wife."
- retconned his stance on his wife never appearing again, claimed her returning was always an option
- either lied that Kat likes K-pop or doesn't know what K-pop exactly is since Kat doesn't like BTS
- admitted he only loves BG3 for the "interactions" (tips) and without them the playthrough is dead
- "No one is teaching me every step of the game anymore. I quit."
- made a scat joke about children while he was playing Sea of Stars
- always makes similes and comparisons using video games as examples
- admitted he hasn't divulged his WWE Champions spending habits to Kat
- did not fact-check the upscaled old playthroughs, leading to stolen footage being included
- got 500 gifted memberships within a week and panicked they would expire, hint hinted to buy some
- got worried someone might refund their memberships despite claiming you cannot refund it
- was not suspicious that one of the donators is named Doody (a troll) because he knows it is OIC
- did not feel like he talks over Kat and answers for her when the proof is in the stream
- said he doesn't talk over Kat but then said he had to talk over John Rambo or he'd never talk
- made fun of his low views by citing "the few people that watched" his 'mystery stream' with Kat
- “My wife being on stream was 100% her choice!” yet he said he pressured her over the years
- already begun treating Kat like an object to make money, called her a “feedback device"
- "You're not allowed to bring conspiracy and nonsense to my streams" yet always talks about them
- hint hinted his neck headphones are failing and he would like a replacement
- blamed his chat for poorly handholding him in BG3 leading to his defeat multiple times
- "How can you call me a lazy person who isn't trying to improve unless you are a disingenuous idiot."
- claimed BG3 only won awards because of “the games media”
- stated that BG3 is “inaccessible” to a “common player base audience”
- can't figure out why viewers are complaining about ads that interrupt his SF6 matches
- blamed YouTube for the "random ads" in his videos even though he turned the ads on
- thinks that calling someone a scrub for 'exploiting' lag or 'online combos' is not toxic trash talk
- raged at SF6 every time he played it despite saying he would stop playing the game by end of 2023
- claims YouTube at times steals his membership revenue
- derailed his stream to whine that YT might not pay him on time
- coached his viewers to report detractor channels
- acts all smug when he says people in Seattle don't know how to drive in snow unlike him
- believes PayPal illegally "takes money away" when in reality they put suspicious transfers on hold
- believes if you are black and eat Cajun fried chicken you're being racist
- derailed stream because OIC's memberships didn't count despite insisting he doesn't track them
- derailed stream because its “YouTube’s fault for emailing him in the middle of his stream”
- claims he knows the ins-and-outs of his 'contract' with YouTube
- confirmed all the recent 500+ gifted memberships are from "one fan" on alt accounts (i.e. OIC)
- is puzzled why he isn't being paid for YT memberships that aren't claimed
- believes all memberships cost the same, is puzzled why the membership $ total doesn't add up
- left for a "bathroom break", came back and got a $100 tip and hardly reacted to it at all
- wants to bring Kat back for more chill streams because they like it (more like the increased tips)
- promised Kat would be back next chill stream but yanked it away for another Sea of Stars stream
- “If you don’t support at all I go out of business!”
- claimed that if YouTube doesn’t tell him what’s wrong with his account they are violating the law
- believes he is owed $1000+ for the 500+ memberships (purchased in Argentina and are worth far less)
- said YouTube has a “weird coding mentality” and have book-smarts and not street-smarts
- wanted his viewers to give him feedback on the membership situation (none are legal experts)
- confirmed he still does not have a saving account as of January 2024 (business degree btw)
- derailed the React stream to watch videos on how to best monetize your channel
- called his fans selfish for always wanting bubble blowing and he doesn't want to entertain them
- thinks it's not fair to require a certain amount of viewers for monetization since he isn't in it
- assumes the YT monetization tier requirement amounts were decided randomly
- hint hinted he barely sees super thanks and would like to see one
- hint hinted he wants fans to turn auto-renewal for their memberships but it is illegal in places
- informs his audience that he will lash out at them when he's grumpy (mature adult btw)
- "My streams are for your to escape the realities of life” and then complains about his life
- enabled super thanks and memberships for his throwback channel, cementing the lie it isn't for money
- thinks grooming your beard is "vanity” and is “hipster behaviour"
- thinks that playing on easy difficulty "just gives you double health"
- implied that his views are botted because membership bombs hardly get redeemed despite the views
- believes that Mr. Beast isn't simply foolish, he's outright malicious with his business practices
- conveniently forgets one of his 2024 resolutions was not to be toxic so he can be toxic to trolls
- "I don't revel in banning people, I don't want to moderate my community, I would prefer not to."
- protested Ubisoft saying you don't own your games after a decade of wanting digital-only gaming
- believes that if you buy a game you “bought the rights” to stream it
- admits he uses an ad blocker on his own channel but will yell if people use ad block on his channel
- “My legs are extremely tired from sitting here all morning.”
- can't answer a simple multi-answer question without wanting to set up a stream and make a tier list
- sees funny insults as sarcasm but if he doesn't laugh then it is plain insulting and he will ban it
- acknowledges his viewer base is “much younger than he is” so he can’t play a lot of RPGs
- confirmed that the photo of him and Kat driving in their car is real and legit
- claimed he was shown evidence that the 500+ memberships are fake, refused to show the proof
- announced that he's going to start banning every single person that tips him in a foreign currency
- berated a fan that innocently asked why the reupload channel even exists
- still believes he has never ragequit a game or stopped playing it until he beats it
- believes YouTube has "incorrect pricing" for memberships in other countries (he wants that money)
- thinks people buying YT memberships from other countries is illegal to both the buyer and YouTube
- admitted he doesn't care about his viewers' perks from memberships, it's all about the money
- thinks you don't own games and can't legally copy the data
- "I don't need clickbait to survive. I make quality."
- has a problem with Doody because of his name, meanwhile makes constant scat jokes a stream
- assumes that anyone who makes a reference to poop must be the troll Doody
- “I am not someone who has absolute memories.”
- bans people who type in Spanish because he's paranoid it could be a troll message
- spent $2,200 on WWE Champions within the first month of 2024
- keeps bringing Kat on for Q&A streams even though she clearly does not want to be there
- feels nothing wrong with bringing Kat on for a Q&A stream and talking 85% of the time
- claims he and Kat eat healthy despite their faces haven gotten fatter over the years
- feels the need to give a rundown at the start and end of every stream as if he doesn't want viewers
- “No one wants a declawed cat” yet owns one
- tends to wear clothing that resembles pyjamas on his stream
- believes the cheap gifted memberships aren't "real" (they are but he barely makes money on them)
- breaks YT ToS by informing his fans to use VPNs to appear in the USA to buy memberships for him
- claimed that nobody is watching him from Argentina and other "loophole" countries (cheap membership)
- insinuated Argentina is a third-world country not capable of using YouTube
- played Palworld not out of genuine curiosity but more to cash in on its popularity at the time
- made a disgusting comment that his detractors feed each other lies like The Human Centipede shitting
- feels that if people make him 'disgusted' then he has carte blanche to make sickening comments
- assumes that if an account that membership bombs him has no uploads it must be a troll
- banned a fan who donated memberships who happened to not be in the USA
- compared buying memberships with VPN to using coupons from another store (totally inaccurate)
- retconned YT memberships from helping to community to now being for money (perks are a bonus)
- gets disgruntled when his viewers get membership perks if he doesn't get paid
- stated that game sales does not always indicate quality, but he had brought up Hogwarts Legacy sales
- doesn’t understand that the same game genre can have different audiences (e.g. SF6 vs MK1)
- believes that if he hates something that now means everyone should hate it as equally
- believes that other streamers are getting trolled with cheap membership bombs but it is mainly him
- lied that he knew about the cheap memberships exploit for a year and yet did research after the fact
- assumed his detractors are happy that the documentary about him got cancelled
- admitted the documentary was canned because of his laziness and unwillingness to bend his schedule
- cancelled the documentary shortly after Mike Clum began interviewing people... hmmm...
- warned that trolls dox his fans but DSP has doxed his fans before (e.g. PwDubz and PayPal tippers)
- disliked that a documentary about him would cover his past, especially the controversies
- refuses to make a documentary about himself out of sheer laziness
- reckoned a documentary made about him without his direct involvement is doomed to fail
- assumed that any documentary made about him without his consent is a hit piece on him
- insinuated he will sue Mike Clum if he makes the documentary without his involvement
- “I barley talked about it” yet he dedicated a 2 hour pre-stream to the DSP documentary
- said his throwback channel takes up a lot of time; doesn't edit videos, do thumbnails, just upload
- exclaimed the memberships issue doesn't affect him but it does affect fans who might have re-up'd
- watched his old playthroughs as livestreams “because that’s how you grow as a person”
- accepts emails from viewers with puzzle solutions when he is stuck ("I'm an average gamer" btw)
- implied his content is garbage because restreamers make "garbage content"
- thinks his detractors have no "human existence"
- thinks people making content about a lolcow makes them a lolcow
- complained that his trolls waste their lives mocking a man who plays video games for a 'living'
- "Self-awareness is something very rare in this world."
- is anxious that his fans worry that he may be overworking
- called Boogie an idiot in a YouTube comment response and deleted all responses to his comment
- wanted a Super Bowl party where the Super Bowl is not allowed
- wanted a Super Bowl event with no sports games allowed (wanted COD, Tekken, and Foamstars)
- said the trolls are wrong about how much Mike Clum wasted on the doco but Mike gave the numbers
- thinks it’s aye-okay he wasted Mike's time because “he’s a busy guy anyways”
- claimed he dropped his monikers because they don't fit the "modern day" and not because he changed
- declared only his “true fans” are now allowed to submit videos for the react channel
- declared he will ban "ironic fans" after previously tolerating them so long as they don't act up
- said he is willing to do a doco once he has better material to absolve the sins of his past
- admits he switched cutscene footage in reuploaded vids, didn't admit that footage is stolen
- claimed he's never been burnt out doing YT but he made KO Gaming in 2016 because he was burnt out
- admitted he was streaming on his throwback channel just to get more views to get ads back
- believes that you cannot achieve wealth without copying everyone else
- believes "being moral" means you are "not being able to not retire"
- lied about the bank leaks declaring them to be fake but he said they were real at the beginning
- proclaimed that natural food is not better than processed food
- gave health food advice despite DoorDashing fast food and making pasta sauce with too much sugar
- believes world hunger can be solved if people stopped caring about chemicals in food
- thinks “processed food” isn't all bad (including the ones loaded with high-fructose corn syrup)
- criticized content creators that get stuck in a rut; is the same way, gaming and e-begging daily
- announced if he won the lottery he would still be streaming (and e-begging) as usual
- "I have no aspirations to do other things. I would like to keep doing this as long as I can."
- joked that he kidnapped people to edit his old playthroughs
- “My team of editors” i.e. a ragtag team of dents doing unpaid labour
- admitted his editors are exorcising anything that might get the videos demonitized
- raised the price of YT membership tiers, blamed YouTube and trolls exploiting cheaper options
- insinuated he won't lower his YT membership prices if the cheaper membership 'exploit' is fixed
- reasoned the "added value" (more emotes) makes up for the prince increase in YT memberships
- believes that raising the price of his YT memberships will stop the Argentina membership bombs
- added a Q&A session to the membership tiers... something he does for free
- ragequit Resident Evil 0, coped by saying he had beaten it before so it is acceptable to ragequit
- “Rollback Netcode favors people mashing a button, that’s just a fact.”
- tends to use the word 'mash' for any attack that hits him, even non-mashable moves
- “You didn’t deserve to outplay me.”
- insulted SplicedHelix, who legit has Multiple Sclerosis, after he beat Phil in Street Fighter 6
- called his trolls braindead for their "lame" comments but he has to read them
- called his fans stupid if they respond to trolls' "toxic comments"
- admitted him taking everyone's memberships away and upping the price is a money-grubbing scheme
- “I can’t do it for free, as a hobby“, meanwhile most streamers do it for free as a hobby
- boasted the $2 membership price hike lets you “have a chance” to have a question answered
- says he doesn't want to give his trolls power but he does give them attention
- insults his fans who implore him not to give the trolls attention, feels he HAS to
- still thinks memberships from Argentina aren't real (they are, he just barely gets money from them)
- admitted he makes thousands of dollars a month from YT memberships, still e-begs to pay his bills
- spent $1575 between 20/01/24-22/01/24 even as he loses thousands from "fake memberships"
- insists that insulting people isn't so, he's “criticizing their gameplay”
- thinks getting trolled by "fake" membership bombs doesn't make him a lolcow (it's his reaction)
- blames being "made a lolcow" means that YouTube no longer takes his complaints seriously
- “So when you made a lolcow out of me, you took my power away.”
- laments his income fell 37% but he had said he was doing fine when the documentary got cancelled
- says that a troll being rude violates the rules but a loyal paypig being rude is freedom of speech
- felt "burnt" that he purchased SF6 twice and “didn’t really get anything out of it”
- thinks the 0 in Resident Evil 0 is a “spelling error” and Capcom “do not know what they are doing”
- "I'm not going to talk about it endlessly" then talked about it endlessly
- his solution to saving his reaction channel: give him more money
- treats the 'gaming news' segment of his 'podcast' as a therapy session to vent about his trolls
- was puzzled why only 10 people chose to upgrade their memberships after having them taken away
- treated the lack of memberships as his viewers' fault and their problem to fix
- accepts A.I. art for his animations and banners despite speaking out against A.I. art
- says he “knows how to play Paul in Tekken” but he "needs to learn the inputs for him first”
- “I’m not asking you to go above and beyond!" yet wants fans to renew a more expensive membership
- thinks new shirts, led lights and react content are “improvements" yet bitched when creators do it
- admitted the Argentinian memberships affects him after days of saying it only affected his viewers
- confessed he 'lost' $1500 due to Argentinian memberships and hint hinted his viewers can improve it
- played the English dub of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (Japanese voices put him to sleep)
- insulted his own fans who use memes by telling them to shove their memes up their ass and STFU
- seriously compared himself to the characters in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- raged when his chat disagreed that his life mirrors the plot to Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- thinks that comparing himself to the plight of fictional characters is a "factual observation"
- insulted his own fans by stating they are no better than his trolls when they deny his 'reality'
- yelled his chat called him cringe and then used a Thanos finger-snap meme to wish his trolls away
- "I can say whatever the fuck I want and you like it or you shut the fuck up!"
- began banning people calling him out... the day after championing freedom of speech
- laments not being in the Twitch Partnership Program despite hating Twitch for 'abusing' him
- said Twitch couldn't provide proof of his "hateful speech" and then made a hateful speech
- seriously believes his content helps people
- thinks hours of gameplay and 'podcasts' are the proof he needs to win any slander/defamation case
- thinks that lolcows shouldn't poke fun at themselves for the amusement of others
- admitted the WWE Champions revelations soured his interest in WWE wrestling entirely
- stated that “real people” can’t play long games
- began falling asleep during Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, even with the English dub
- subtly revealed he finds himself boring since he thinks Infinite Wealth's plot mirrors his life
- plays multiple RPGs at a time despite stating he was a variety streamer with little time
- admitted the people making fun of him outnumber his fans by a large margin
- thinks Tekken 8 did well on his stream... because Jaxx tipped $100 and OIC tipped $50 one time
- jokingly mocked losers who spend all day playing games knowing full well that includes himself
- subtly roasted his own content by saying casual viewers get "burnt out" by it
- spent $1078 during the last week of January 2024
- blames game devs on "poor pacing" because he has to unlock a co-op minigame he wants to do with Kat
- admitted he is slow as shit playing games if it takes him two weeks to play 1/5 of Infinite Wealth
- claims to love playing Yakuza games despite falling asleep and constantly watching the chat
- “Memberships don’t matter anymore” yet still wants you to buy them
- "I don’t have 10 different income sources like everyone else does", yet doesn't want to branch out
- says his DSP Gaming channel “can’t be gaming all the time”
- “I have the right to be taken seriously.”
- jokingly admitted he uses pignosis to keep his viewers watching and whales tipping
- admitted he would be addicted to pachinko machines if he access to them
- hint hinted that due to Argentina memberships he will not be able to pay his February 2024 bills
- pignositised by audience by announcing he has tri-mothly bills on top of monthly and bi-monthly
- made a few 'Asians have small dicks' racist jokes during Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- gave Suicide Squad spoilers because the game was already spoiled and assumed his viewers know of it
- "What’s for dinner tonight? I don’t know! I don’t make dinner!”
- called independent contractors "mercenaries"
- retconning his old panini sandwich video as “the point of it was that I made it shitty”
- remarked “the culture back in the day” was “talking shit to your friends”
- exclaimed The Lion King was "the Game of Thrones for children" and that’s why he liked it growing up
- demoted the viral white-popular game Palworld to once-a-week because he didn't get enough tips
- often gets lost in caves in games due to low lighting, poor memory, and similar scenery
- stated that he nor his viewers want to hear him "bitching" about needing tips but does so anyway
- implied that it is racist that LTG is partnered on Twitch but he is not
- raged at a fan who asked for the stream schedule due to arriving late and missing it
- stated that viewers not $upporting his RPG playthroughs “have a prejudice”
- “I can’t keep having slow streams like this! My business will go in to decay!”
- turned his his thrownback channel in to a weekly react show by watching his own content
- blamed game developers for making long games rather than speed up getting through them
- wants game devs to give him the "full package": story and good gameplay
- won't allow his wife Kat to be on his channel unless he can milk her for money (Q&A and co-op)
- still insists he never said racial slurs on Twitch but he did albeit accidentally
- “I’m trying to figure out things that you guys will support.”
- plays a new fighting game, doesn't use Practice mode, goes online, gets crushed, whines, repeat
- laments that "it's life" that people don't pay you for your hobby
- tends to hold his gameplay stream hostage until he gets enough tips so he'll resume gameplay
- pleaded with his fans for suggestions of what games to play, vetoes almost all their suggestions
- "“I need to acknowledge when I make mistakes", and then 15 mins later, “I don’t do anything wrong”
- wants an aquarium because it would be "relaxing” to have “lights and the sound bubbling”
- made an empty deadpan preemptive apology that what he says and does may offend his community
- "I apologize for being stressed out."
- "I'll continue to make those mistakes." (apology immediately worthless)
- assumes his audience sees him as the Devil and thus he cannot compare himself to positive things
- denies that him trying to compare himself to positive things is just like the "fr fr" meme
- cannot admit that some of the vitriol he receives is well-deserved from his own actions
- compared his trolls to a pulsating hemorrhoid on his ass that's about to burst
- took one person in chat's snarky comment to mean "20,000 jackasses" were saying it
- stops to admire sexy male physique whenever it appears (GaySydePhil)
- instructed a paypig who got banned from chat for racism to make another account (ToS violation)
- derailed his stream to rant about his toxicity and upholding the 'safety' of his community
- unbanned the racist paypig, undermining his entire speech, because the paypig donates daily
- "You can't buy ban immunity" yet sixty seconds ago unbanned a racist fan who promised more tips
- admitted he pays little attention to chat comments that don't kiss his ass or give helpful advice
- wishes it were 2010 again so he make off-colour (sexist and racist) 'jokes' and get away with it
- "First of all, don't ever threaten me."; hid in a bathroom to avoid a beating IRL
- describes unrealistic moves in fighting games as "anime moves"
- was more offended by someone impersonating him than said impersonator flagging detractor channels
- stated he isn't liable for the impersonator's actions but they are using Phil's legal name
- claims not to be aware of detractor content yet knows their names and latest 'conspiracy theories'
- seriously believed the fake troll bait scheme that his detractors planned to sue him
- laughed that lawyers take money from 'suckers'; claims to have lawyers that will defend him
- was bewildered that an email sent to YouTube got a generic impersonal response
- believes that if he is sued the prosecution must only be doing it for the money
- believes that YouTube lawyers are not real practicing lawyers
- feels a need to address anything that threatens his livelihood, even if it is obviously trolling
- thinks his detractors won't seriously sue him because they 'need' him to make money
- "It has been years since I did anything" yet he has provably struck down a video
- wants YouTube to lose a class action lawsuit on the grounds it is too easy to DCMA him
- “There is no point to suing YouTube, it won’t change anything”, ruining his rant
- “I run a thriving business here” yet can't afford alcohol for the Super Bowl event
- lied that his fans asked him to disable comments but he actually disabled them to thwart TIHYDP vids
- seriously believes he can sue detractor channels for "slander and defamation” and win
- got just one lawyer's opinion on the viability of suing his detractors
- doesn’t know the difference between slander and defamation
- “I have never asked for a refund ever"; Mortal Kombat, Cyberpunk 2077, possibly more
- thinks “ambiguous endings” mean “you’ve failed as a writer”
- claims that he's never struck down any detractor videos to "teach them a lesson"; Supercrazy's video
- knows the ins-and-outs of the hostess businesses of Japan just from playing the Yakuza games
- thinks hostesses are like scams in that you fork over money just to feel good (hint hint)
- still thinks his detractors 'irrationally' hate him "for no good reason"
- got teary-eyed and emotion when reacting to a clip of Hulk Hogan's entrance at WWE
- spent $862 on WWE Champions during the first week of February 2024
- uses whataboutism to deflect criticism to himself towards other people
- will not jokingly accept being someone's husbando as he is Kat's husband, no jokes or fun allowed
- seriously thinks his detractors take one thing he said/did to make hour long video/stream about it
- admitted he will only sue his detractors that can afford the 'damages' (always about the money)
- admitted that him being coddled by overprotective parents affected his decision making skills
- confessed that he recently learned that actions have consequences (something you learn in childhood)
- tried to entice pity by pointing out old videos of him swaying is him experiencing pain at the time
- insinuated that making fun of someone's conditions is worse than outright bigotry
- believes that racism jokes is fine because they are aimed at a community, not an individual
- stated that his racist jokes were always in jest and were never malicious or cruel
- thinks 300 views minimum within 24 hours for a newly uploaded video is the correct standard
- thinks that if his videos don't reach 300+ views within 24 hours it must be the game's fault
- harps on about being discouraged by low views despite proclaiming he doesn't want to be Mr. Views
- asks for feedback but then calls feedback he doesn't like 'complaining' from a "moronic idiot"
- "I need your feedback! I cherish your feedback!"
- e-begged his viewers who got 'free' Argentian memberships to tip him to offset them
- gave a pathetic "I already answered this, check my podcast for the answer" response to a $100 tip
- claims worried about the legality of emulation but only really cares if it gets demonitized
- said he was worried about emulating ROMs but then decides to use Fightcade to emulate old games
- “These supposed credible sources everyone uses”, is unaware 'credible' means accurate
- would rather tell people to ignore Derich than to scold Derich when he spams or says creepy shit
- rages at his chat when they 'bully' Derich (by telling him to not spam or say creepy shit)
- “How do I picture my life in 10 years? Uhh... I don’t.”
- “Shaved ice is chopped ice that’s been chopped in to small shavings.”
- nowadays enjoys Animal Crossing after years of saying “Animal crossing is for 5 year olds”
- spent over 5 mins giving tips how to lose weight
- killed off the suggestion box because viewers already give suggestions in the chat
- “It doesn’t matter what I do, I disappoint people.”
- thinks it is okay to be toxic online because growing up people were toxic all the time in arcades
- ponders why his chat has racism and toxicity when he allows the paypig Canadian Kirk stay unbanned
- gave up on caring if his fans get unfairly moderated by power-tripping mods as he is tired of drama
- blames his viewers who get unfairly moderated as they must have done something wrong
- stated you either agree with him or be silent/moderated
- "If every day there is a problem, you are part of the problem."
- equates asking Derich for porn recommendations as bullying but Derich welcomes it
- spent 10+ minutes ranting about how he was cool with the FGC until they turned into hateful clowns
- believes the FGC should still have “name calling, shit talking and hazings”
- thinks the FGC hates him because he's talented at fighting games and funny
- says all his insults are just 'jokes' and only his detractors would care that he insults people
- justifies his insults to others online in that he doesn't know them so they aren't personal attacks
- “You need to support what I’m doing so I can keep operating a successful business.”
- believes he is a “normal level person”
- believes Splatoon only got popular because it is a Nintendo game and for kids
- called Foamstars a “cheap knockoff” of Splatoon but supports it because the devs reached out to him
- hates r/ScrubQuotes because it exposes him for being a scrub
- admitted that the Argentian membership bombs don't really affect his bottom line despite the rants
- hint hinted he wants a new phone and may switch to Android
- says he doesn't care about Lolcow Live but will rant about them whenever they are brought up
- "Immoral people, how do they make their money? Milking stupid people of their money."
- refuses to see sexual things in video games because he allegedly gets "laid by my wife"
- thinks fanservice is by horny nerds for horny nerds
- can't name what he does wrong, only jokingly names "what the detractors think I do wrong"
- assumes that if he can't understand a game's writing it must be cringe and for kids/nerds
- believes that sexual feelings and lust can't be obtained/written without friendship first
- thinks that if game devs try to make characters look sexy it MUST pandering to horny people
- "People only talked about Baldur's Gate 3 and Stellar Blade because of the sexual content!"
- said that you can't declare Baldur's Gate 3 to be your fave game without admitting it's for the sex
- said that the creatures and mythological beings in Baldur's Gate 3 don't talk like regular humans
- “That’s not how real relationships work!”, says the anti-social hermit
- thinks giving his opinion on something is 'exposing' it and you have to deal with it
- assumes that if a game is trending on social media it must be because of sexual content or shills
- claimed that if Stellar Blade had a main character that was a regular dude no one would care at all
- ranted about Mr. Beast Bars because he still hates Mr. Beast (still purchased two bars to eat)
- won't pay $2 for a chocolate bar but will spent $300 for 'business class' internet
- called the Mr. Beast Bars "mean spirited" as he guilt trips for tips and donations
- “You don't need organic ingredients for your chocolate bar!” (cocoa beans are organic)
- ranted about organic ingredients in food after years of praising them in his DoorDash deliveries
- described the Mr. Beast Bar as "it looks moist"
- thinks Mr. Beast is an idiot for putting cane sugar in chocolate and says it's only for sweet tea
- pretends not to notice requests from fans to reduce the ads, still claims he can't control them
- thinks that a joke about Derich and Canadian Kirk doing a podcast together is bullying them
- said that a decade ago his content was for adults, retconning his previous claim it was for teens
- decided he will ban/time-out people with no given reason to let them work it out for themselves
- "American Super Bowl food."
- obeyed his wife's command to ban people from chat who dissed her cooking (WhippedSydePhil)
- “My problem is lack of knowledge.”
- spent around 20% of the 2024 Super Bowl marathon wasting time and around 15% on the 'podcast'
- accidentally called Kat his mother when talking about their DoorDash'd dinner on the 'podcast'
- spilt something and blamed the previous homeowner for installing white carpets in his office
- went on a lengthy rant when a viewer gave advice on basic table manners
- skipped Stellar Blade, a much anticipated hyped game, because the MC is too sexualised
- laments when game devs give gamers what they want when it involves sexual things
- cannot appreciate fanservice or anything aesthetic that doesn't benefit gameplay
- thinks he is drinking healthier when he swaps Coke for Sprite or ice tea
- thought Chad Warden was real until his chat corrected him
- reasoned that if his trolls got off their asses and went outside they wouldn't be lonely
- says rice tastes sweet and of vanilla
- "My problems are real problems".
- blames YouTube when the frequency of ads on his videos increases, acts like he is powerless
- said the whole point of YouTube is to be an anti-bullying platform
- bans Canadian Kirk impersonators but not the real Kirk who blasts racism and other hate speech
- got triple perfected in Tekken 8 and blamed his viewers for not helping him learn the character
- “I live a happy life, yes I do!”
- thinks people in his chat saying goodbye to Derich when Derich leaves is trolling him
- puts any and all popular viral games on a “pay up or game goes away” hostage situation
- allows his paypigs to control what he does, enabling his transition from gaming into commentary
- assumes a daily podcast can pay more than his gaming streams can
- rejected all suggestions of shifting to doing podcasts until he got tip messages suggesting it
- wants more chill gaming streams, unaware people (and paypigs) tune in see him suffer in hard games
- lamented that if he modernized his tech and editing back in 2012/2013 he might be more "successful"
- admits he ragequits and wagequits games but won't allow anyone to call them ragequits and wagequits
- pushed the work of doing the co-op stuff on Kat in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- considers co-op to mean Kat does all the work while he reads out superchats
- allowed himself to get shown up by Kat, who is 10x more competent at gaming than he is
- said Kat finishes games before he does, even if he focuses 100% on the game
- said Kat has "busywork expertise"
- wants YouTube to block his channel in Argentina thinking it will stop membership bombs from there
- gets excited when he gets lots of money in a game so he can go on a shopping spree or gamble
- began relaying his wife's gaming experiences on social media despite saying she is never involved
- did not snort or burp around Kat during their co-op, suggesting he can hold it in but won't
- acted like content creators lied when saying Xbox was 'dying' when they said no such thing
- acted like content creators were making up lies about Microsoft, but they were addressing rumours
- ranted about the Microsoft rumours wasting time, but he already spent 20+ minutes ranting last week
- decries people who use clickbait as scumbag scammers; does the same thing with his videos
- wants content creators to focus on positivity but most of his 'podcast' is talking about negativity
- broke his promise not to e-beg so much, resumed full force because of the Argentian membership bombs
- hardcore begs whenever he stops recording
- say people “need to stop reveling in peoples failures”, meanwhile he does just that
- got over $100 in tips and said "tips were ok... but why not also superchats and "legit" members?"
- claimed he got $0 from the 2000 memberships he has, provided no proof whatsoever
- yells at his audience for help in a game, gets help, then yells back at them that they are wrong
- puts words in his wife's mouth, like how she liked how 'successful' ($$) the streams were
- does zero research on a fighting game's terminology, is confused when it shows up in chat
- "Are you afraid of working this hard? No, I've always been a hard worker."
- “I choose to work hard because that’s just who I am", then says "Also, I’m forced to do this."
- “I’m a work horse”; leaves the room to dead air, doesn't upload videos in correct order, laziness...
- spent $1228 on WWE Champions for the Valentine's Day event, still only got 4th place
- was proud to have found a way to lessen the membership bombs, wants to deny his fans memberships
- believes Ice Poseidon is fully innocent of the self-ruination of his life
- swapped Baldur's Gate 3 for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth ASAP, confirming it was all about the money
- subtly admitted he couldn't get into BG3 because it had rules and he couldn't just powergrind
- kept awkwardly touching Kat like a desperate virgin while she gamed next to him during 'co-op'
- could not take hints from Kat that his constant commentary distracted her gaming
- said Kat is not a streamer, but she was a streamer prior to living with Phil
- make a joke that he drugged and coerced Kat into streaming with him
- banned a fan who arrived late and asked if Kat was on, assumed it was a troll stirring up trouble
- ended the much-hyped Kat co-op streams after only one stream due to 'boredom' (and low tips)
- blamed everyone but himself for Kat ragequitting the co-op stream
- called every single question fans asked about Kat "stupid" because it wasn't about the gameplay
- pretty much blamed his fans for the lackluster Kat co-op stream due to them not buying in ($$)
- wants to play bare-bones co-op games with Kat that doesn't feel like 'work', so no It Takes Two
- "Aspire to have what I have, I'm a happy man."
- said he would not live on a tropical island because “they tend to have cultural problems”
- “There wouldn’t be homeless people on a resort island.”
- purchased the premium version of Infinite Wealth, which had extra supplies but still grinded
- believes in the conspiracy theory that ALL religion was made to control people
- thinks that faith must be supported with evidence, but the definition of faith is without evidence
- compared himself to Job from the Bible until he learned the moral was to have faith
- thinks gherkins and pickles are two different things
- believes you can publicly shoplift from stores in America with no resistance from security
- “I live in one of the hotbeds of crime and theft.”
- “Politicians have great intentions.”
- assumes that life in Seattle is similar to typical life in America
- “The only Valentine’s Day gift that I ever received was from my parents.”
- admits he likes South Park style dark humour (e.g. child abuse) but won't make such jokes nowadays
- said he had the mindset of a 9 year old in his 20s (not much has changed since)
- was shocked at a slavery joke he made in 2010, but he made a similar joke in 2023
- was flabbergasted at all the cringe 'jokes' he made in his old playthroughs; still makes them
- gets more engaged watching his old content than he was on the co-op streams with his wife
- stated that Pewdiepie was directly inspired by him to be an LPer, offered zero proof
- claims his old commentary as an act but yet years later he laughs and makes similar comments
- stated that the 'empty box giveaway' meme was coined by jealous detractors who didn't win them
- said he had money back in the days but used that money to send empty boxes to fans rather tnan games
- said he won't do political content on YouTube bur does do political takes on Twitter (it's the $$)
- got a 1MM tip and went on a 15 minute rant about how he's changed
- hates that BG3 is “forcing” him to “do things he doesn’t like” (romance and sex)
- says his trolls are a cult, meanwhile his fanbase is hardly different
- does not know the root words of the word 'helicopter'; used to work at a helicopter company
- “Long skates can’t be used for speed skating.”
- “Have we seen a single word in Hawaiian that has a 'W'in it?”
- “Why would you cut leaves with hedge clippers? That’s absolute stupidity!”
- refuses to talk about politics because he knows his viewers will hate his political views and takes
- reckons Washington making Uber Eats cost more would be a good talking point if he talks politics
- "The reason I moved out to Washington was to become a variety guy!" (it was to start his adult life)
- thinks that if you can criticize something without hating it you are not mentally a five year old
- assumes that Rumble is majority conservative
- wants feedback but rejects all feedback he doesn't like as "conflicting feedback"
- said that sex is for "8 year olds" and scat jokes are for an adult audience
- can't help but bring up the infamous bear sex scene in BG3 as a reason for why he won't do romance
- compared the bear sex scene in BG3 to the LGBT community
- thought Washington was the "hot bed of gaming"
- thought he would be the face of the gaming industry (only his orgasm face is widely known)
- "I never once criticized Troy Baker's work", but he HAS criticized Troy Baker's appearance
- has no intention of retiring, says “we’ve just begun” despite complaints of getting old and slower
- said he did not rant after he went on a rant about Twitch punishing him
- knows a rant is an emotionally-charged monologue, which is a common thing he does
- "You’re banned now! You said I ranted! There hasn’t been a rant tonight at all! Enjoy you ban!”
- assumes Destiny (the streamer) was trying to trap him in a gotcha interview
- ranted for ten minutes about Destiny despite not knowing who he really is
- believes that him being cancelled for antisemitic jokes raised the bar of humour from creators
- “Twitch has no warning system before they punish you”, yet his partner contact warned him four times
- “Twitch never warned me EVER that I was doing something wrong!”
- “Unlike with Twitch, I’ve never been removed from a YouTube partner program!”; lost his Adsense
- “Destiny is just Halo reskinned.”
- believes online-only games and games based around playing with others are “not meaningful”
- believes he gave himself a “full meaningful life” (by becoming a recluse hermit lolcow)
- does a Q&A every other day and then ponders why he gets the same questions over and over
- reckons that if he had played BG3 on launch day he still wouldn't have finished it six months later
- “I have no interactions with the younger generation and all of my viewers are adults.”
- “I don’t know where delete is on this keyboard.” (built PCs for a living btw)
- said The Rock is not an action star but Nicolas Cage is
- “You’re a fool and a sucker if you played and liked GTA Online”, then said there's nothing wrong
- lied about not watching other content creators when he said he separates politics from content
- "How could I have been one of the top gaming YouTubers back in 2010 if I wasn't funny?"
- equates your wife/husband being your best friend to being them being your only close friend
- believes he has no time for friends due to being married and streaming six days a week
- reiterates he has a meaningful life as he states he has no friends and relies on tips for income
- revealed that he has never been on a honeymoon with his wife since they got married five years ago
- confessed that when he was younger (his 20s) he didn't know his words "had weight" and could offend
- subtly admitted he doesn't regret his sexist racist jokes since he was too young to see the harm
- more openly admitted he would still make his bigoted jokes if he could relive the last ten years
- believes his edgy commentary is the only reason he got haters to begin with
- doesn't know what a MSRP is, thinks retailers should permanently lower prices on older stock
- states he is "wired to be straight" yet approves of male sexual things and not female sexuality
- admitted he has had homoerotic thoughts about John Stamos
- ranted that Elden Ring's DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, was priced too high for what it allegedly was
- can not accept that a game-sized DLC expansion can be priced almost the same as a regular game
- refused to believe he was spreading misinformation about the Elden Ring DLC (he was)
- stated he likes Elden Ring despite hating it while playing it, only liking it once he got big tips
- pinned a comment on his video saying he didn't call the ER DLC a scam, he only speculated it was
- coped that the only reason people call him out is in defense of what he is protesting
- takes a few fan requests for more co-op with Kat to many people "demanding" she return
- "Kat is a bonus, Kat is not an employee."
- confirmed he does not compensate Kat for appearing on his stream
- talks about ReviewTechUSA drama despite disliking both ReviewTechUSA and drama
- has too much toxicity to emphasize or say nice things about aggrevied people he dislikes
- lamented that he isn't allowed to laugh at others' misfortunes, does so anyways
- "I actually don't wish ill will against anyone."
- pretends to dislike the meme of him outlasting his detractors, uses the meme to gloat
- claimed he never did a stream attacking Craig and Adam after the Sidescrollers interview (he did)
- “There is no demand for [Tekken 8]”, still played it twice a week
- “Ultra lame terrible player! What a fucking asshole! Shitty player! Shitty button pressing!”
- thinks it is good business practice to react to gaming news a week late when the hype is gone
- thinks only sell-outs do reaction streams to news, called it "fluff" for "unintelligent viewers"
- called his podcast “my real podcast”, implying he has a false one
- says he has a "remarkable memory" yet can't remember what he says and does on a daily basis
- stated his FFXIII playthrough gets good 30 parts in, thinks there is nothing wrong there
- assumed a podcast edited his Elden Ring DLC video to take him out of context but they watched it all
- claimed his takes on the ER DLC happened “because the information didn’t exist” at the time (it was)
- wants reactions to his ER DLC video to watch all 2 hours of it to get all the context
- “Lightning in a can.”
- modeled his humor and “comedy” on edgy comedians, meaning he doesn't have original comedy mindset
- isn't aware that regular people don't play games for 2+ hours at a time like he does
- says you need a guide or stream audience to walk you through games like BG3
- said the only way people beat BG3 and had time for it is that they were home all day and are rich
- thinks that if he doesn't mention tipping him all stream then he deserves tips as a 'reward'
- assumes that if people in chat say the same stuff over and over they are bots or trolls and bans
- believes that cats randomly throwing up is fine and typical cat behaviour
- assumes all criticism about him getting help from chat is for his BG3 playthrough but it's all games
- wants his viewers to point out missable content rather than him exploring and finding it on his own
- thinks that if there is no step-by-step guide typed in guide then he isn't being hand-held
- created a strawman of his critics to 'dismantle' their strawman arguments
- got trolled by someone submitting a bannable video on DSP Reacts, tried to ban the troll, couldn't
- thinks that people with YouTube channels his size don't hire or pay editors
- “I’m a blue collar streamer!”
- believes you come to watch him “because he knows how the games industry works”
- said only people “around his own age watch him”, everyone else” is “haters and idiots”
- said a 12 hour video takes “2 weeks” to encode and “you would need a server farm” to make it
- exclaimed he doesn't have time to look at his YouTube analytics on how to improve his 'podcast'
- asserted there are “no future plans for DSP Gaming” due to “the channel being just fine right now”
- said he doesn't want kids but his wife Kat is free to choose if she wants them... hmmm...
- told a very unfunny cringe joke about locking an unconscious man in his basement as a slave
- makes similar off-colour jokes to ones he made 15 year ago, proving he's always been unfunny cringe
- did not compute that daily headaches and lack of appetite was caused by him drinking heavily
- spent a morning stream drunk from celebrating the previous night's $300 donation from a dent
- laughed at a joke he made in his Walking Dead LP about jerking off to Clementine (an 8 year old)
- believes if you have insomnia you must have a mental problem
- suddenly decided to do more retro reaction streams after a slow stream was saved by big tips
- whined that fighting games are "too accessible" for normies; wants easy mode in FromSoftware games
- bashes Nintendo and their games and fans and then ponders why his Nintendo streams get low views
- “Regular boxer shorts are hard to find right now.”
- said he's “the best he’s ever been competitively in Tekken” but never played Tekken competitively
- can't give a simple yes or no when asked if he can afford to take a vacation
- complained that the Capcom Cup is boring due to limited character picks; likewise always picks 1-3
- seriously thinks he can begin talking about politics without 'drama' arising
- cannot seem to block low attacks in fighting games, thinks most are unblockable
- cannot think of a way go on a vacation without his cat, has not considered pet-sitting or catteries
- insinuated that nobody with a cat has ever gone on vacation
- "I literally, literally, live in a bubble", thereby admitting he is a asocial recluse
- claimed he was the best badminton player at gym class in school
- acknowledged he was near the end of BG3 as he reduced streaming of the game, e-begged harder
- acknowledged he was getting lots of tips while streaming BG3, reduced streaming of the game
- "I've been honest in Baldur's Gate 3!" yet save-scummed like a scrub the entire run
- "All my money is going to important stuff!" (WWE Champions and alcohol)
- "Thank you to those who held my hand."
- “Nip it in the butt.”
- turned a substory in Like a Dragon about online harassment into a "just like me" diatribe
- stuck with Tekken 8 over Street Fighter 6 because he couldn't handle being bodied in SF6
- took over 90 hours of gameplay to fix the low volume in Baldur's Gate 3
- believes he might have to get surgery for his carpal tunnel eventually
- assumes he has medical conditions via self-diagnosis
- calls MIDI music low quality (MIDI files aren't music files)
- hyped up FF7 Rebirth despite claiming only shill streamers and kids do hype streams
- admitted he only pays attention to chat for help with games and tip messages
- claims to not listen to his detractors yet always responds to them
- got a new whale donating to him and gave the whale an indoctrination speech
- took his day off early and started streaming FF7 Rebirth early despite not really liking FF7 Remake
- 'received from a fan' (read: purchased) a Cloud Strife wig that looks more like a Karen hairstyle
- reacted to the Cloud Strife wig knowledgeable and disappointed, as if it didn't match the photo
- admits that he hates Niel Druckmann, only elaboration is Druckmann making TLOU2 'woke'
- is happy when his fans get memberships but is unhappy when they are given for 'free' from Argentina
- ranted full Karen first-world-problems style about his missing fries from his fast food dinner
- “So we had to complain.”
- forgets many aspects of FFVII despite stating he loves the original game
- said Jenova in FFVII was found "encased in ice” and it “was never said if it was actually evil”
- somehow got Sephiroth, a near demigod, killed in a boss battle in FF7 Rebirth
- doesn't realise you need a full ATB gauge to do actions in an RPG
- reduced streaming for FF7 Rebirth to return to BG3, a complete 180
- dedicated a disturbing amount of time in FF7 Rebirth to the Gacha minigame
- was bewildered why no one really cared about the Cloud Strife wig
- refuses to bring back vests, which his fans like, but instead shills silly wigs and dumb hats
- admitted that even when the $100 tips goal is met he might not even wear the wig if it itches
- claimed his FF7 Rebirth streams were false copyright struck by the cover songs, provided no proof
- believes that no videos/streams that has copyrighted music playing should ever be claimed
- insists that he doesn't make games boring as he wastes time getting distracted by side content
- “Criticize the game, not the streamer.”
- blamed RPGs for a decline in tips, still plays them
- “I’ve been playing RPGs nonstop for the last six months.”
- will ban people who request for another game be played, calls them trolls to justify it
- gave business advice for devs: stop making RPGs because he can't play them all at once
- blames game devs for setting release dates but that's the publishers doing that
- blames trolls for all his woes but does ponder why he even has trolls, assumes it is jealousy
- said no one was talking about Final Fantasy Rebirth the week it came out
- asks for feedback and disregards it to the point even his own fans suspect it's to waste time
- claimed you can't turn down the music volume in FF7 Rebirth
- liked the materia system in FF7 but said it's too complicated in FF7 Rebirth (it's the same system)
- derailed a stream for two minutes to give attention to a tip because he wants to "give them credit”
- said he uses the "royal 'we'" to refer to "us", but the royal we is first-person
- believes RPGs are a major reason, if not sole reason, why his audience get bored and tunes out
- exclaimed that with RPGs you should not skip side content and rush the story and does just that
- said being unable to accept "the truth of reality" is stupid and shows lack of maturity... pffft
- thinks his streaming 'job' being 'easy' makes it much more worthwhile than a 9-5 he could enjoy
- thinks streaming 6 hours a day is full time work, isn't even 'working' all those hours
- likes his react streams because they are easy for his lazy ass, dislikes them when support is low
- takes every opportunity to condemn his old style of humour but still laughs at all his bigotry
- finds it weird that some widows may be happy their partner is dead, cannot fathom why
- said that thinking of his 'family' gets him sentimental and teary-eyed; has a wife, cat, no kids
- got teary-eyed imagining his death and his wife and cat being happy about it
- described his sad emotional state as experiencing "invalid emotions"
- acknowledges that for over 16 years he's been told he's bad at gaming, still blames the games
- reckons that if there is high demand he play a particular game they will be there to support it
- is bewildered when a 'chill game' gets more tips than a mainstream AAA new release game
- pondered when support for FF7 Rebirth is low when he dislikes FF7 and "Japanese culture" games
- takes the role-playing part of a Role Playing Game a little too literally
- “I need a surge of interest!”
- asks for feedback but won't read chat messages that are a few lines long
- does not mind his streams being viewbotted until it is called out, then he has a problem with it
- does not criticize tippers with offensive names if he recognises them as sock accounts of whales
- compared his Nautica sweater to Chris Chan's second-hand rugby shirts
- admitted he toned down his offensive style of jokes to get in good with publishers and YouTube
- admitted he wouldn't go through Saw-style trials to save his cat
- refuses to give a shoutout to fans on stream as it violate his principle of promoting others
- blamed YouTube for why he uploads videos out of order rather than manually publishing them
- admits that he will always do things wrong because fans and trolls give conflicting feedback
- lied that in his 16+ years of content creation he's never cared about views or subscriber count
- brought up his Homefront video that got a million views (still says he's not Mr. Views)
- thinks trolls are mass-buying cheap memberships to ruin his channel, but it's just to upset him
- tends to use the 'damned if you do, damned if you don't" phrase to scenarios it doesn't apply to
- thinks he dodged a bullet not doing the Mike Clum doco as Clum then moved onto covering EDP445
- indirectly compared himself to EDP445 in relation to Mike Clum switching doco subjects
- claimed to barely know of EDP445 and then gave an accurate recount of how EDP got catfished
- said EDP445 was framed and that's why he escaped justice
- condemns those who only see the world in black and white; sees trolls, Keem, and others the same
- stated that truth doesn't matter, only perception of information does (which explains how he lies)
- believes people only compare him to Wings and Boogie because trolls tell others to say that
- proclaimed nobody is allowed to “clap back” at him when he insults because he is "just a small guy”
- said he has another 20 years left as a streamer
- “I got a high caliber rifle! Who uses that?!”
- did not realise rest stops in FF7 Remake and Rebirth heal you
- thinks Sephiroth in FF7 is just naturally evil and that “he is just a chaotic entity”
- warned his viewers not to talk about trolls, but of course HE is allowed to rant about trolls
- uses whataboutism to shift focus from him to his detractors and their sins
- stated trolls bring up 'minor' things about him, said his trolls are probably murderers or cheaters
- said no one has proof that he has done "heinous acts", bans people who do provide it
- ranted that he did not defend EDP445, then defended EDP by saying he was set up by his detractors
- insists people watch his 2 hour podcasts to get all the context, but most times it hardly matters
- gloated he outlived Rooster Teeth despite allegedly disliking the 'outliving his detractors' meme
- had the gall to be proud of outlasting companies with paid employees losing their jobs/livelihoods
- wants to react to a documentary of Rooster Teeth so he can profit off outliving them
- complains about low views even when getting big tips and being whaled out
- is trying to to retcon the "I can be good at games if I want to" line
- “I don’t know anything about ____" but then talks about the subject in detail
- says as an adult you shouldn't watch cartoons; hangs video game up art in his house
- believes he could get a job with Microsoft because of playing video games online for a living
- claims he has inspired other content creators but can't name a single one
- scolded a troll for photoshopping a pic of him to be ugly but it is legit from a video Phil made
- wrote a eulogy for Akira Toriyama on Twitter even though he barely mentions the man or his works
- still claims to be a big Dragon Ball fan despite proving over the years he barely knows anything
- crapped on Akira Toriyama for making his last game, Sand Land, an RPG, which he's sick of playing
- refuses to believe that heavily sighing at Toriyama's Sand Land isn't a slant at the man
- hasn't connected that Toriyama mainly did art and character design for mainly RPGs
- claimed Japanese culture didn't have influence in America in the 80s and 90s
- believes that companies in Japan are like those in the USA and anyone can be fired for any reason
- "Even if it's true, or not, what they're saying about me, no matter what it is, it doesn't matter!"
- gets so heated when playing fighting games online he bans viewers who point out when he has lost
- believes his online opponents 'guess' his moves, cannot cope that he gets outwitted and outplayed
- believes his opponents learn from online opponent who don't spam moves
- claims he can't block low attacks online and anyone who uses low attacks is spamming them
- “I don’t want to fucking play this anymore! None of this is fun!”, said in every Tekken 8 stream
- spent most of the gaming news segment of his 'podcast' bitching about getting wrecked in Tekken 8
- cannot understand why deeply traumatized characters can't speak and act like 'normal people'
- stated he quit a Tekken 8 stream because he “had to go downstairs angry and apologize to my wife”
- admitted the real reason he quit the Tekken 8 stream was due to low tips (a more pathetic excuse)
- begged for more comments on his videos and then stated he would remove lots of comments
- assumes that if you interpret something he says in a way he doesn't like, you watch troll content
- is puzzled when he goes into a scheduled stream before it starts to find the chat empty
- thinks that repeatedly pointing out a lack of tips isn't complaining, just "making an observation"
- assumes all rich people have easy lives
- thinks that even though he hasn't applied for a job in 10+ years he knows how things work
- pretends to do audio and visual checks to waste time
- assures we don't know the real him, even though he's a shut-in and terminally-online
- stated he isn't trying to be like other content creators; has spent since 2020 doing just that
- wants his viewers to tip if they like the 'content', wants tips during the 'podcast' (no content)
- tends to recap what he rambled about when he returns from a break even though they just heard it
- acts like a whiny liberal whenever a black man is suspected of a crime
- gave medical misinformation about how to treat burn wounds
- was surprised to learn he has been save scumming in games since Heavy Rain in 2010 (and earlier)
- criticized his gameplay in old playthroughs but he's still as bad today and slower when using chat
- face-palmed his frequent use of crude dick jokes in old playthroughs but he still makes them
- tends to end his streams with one final beg for tips in the outro
- assumes half the content creators who played Starfield dropped it
- strokes his ego when he points out he finished Starfield while others didn't
- is not consistent on games he drops due to low support vs games he 'toughs out' with low support
- assumes people mainly mock him as it is "profitable and beneficial" to do so
- likens the 'harassment' against him to be a meme that will eventually go style and out of fashion
- considers himself to be a meme with a "fucked up backstory"
- believes that if people memeing on him learn about his "fucked up backstory" they may stop
- thinks he can sue the FGC for defamation but they use evidence Phil provides in his videos/streams
- "If it doesn't make logical sense, I don't pay attention to it."
- lied that he doesn't stream for money
- says he can't get another job because it doesn't pay as well, contradicting his previous point
- “I don’t want another job, I love what I do! Who else can say that???”
- tends to yell at the character he's controlling that they just stood there and took the hit
- never takes into account duration of attack animations, spams attacks and yells when he's hit
- believes getting paid $50 to do a single private react video “takes away my chance to earn money”
- assumes his detractors only know him for playing video games, but he's done plenty more than that
- advised everyone to listen to his 'podcast' via YouTube Music
- pretended not to take personal offence to Ludwig Goransson's anti-gamer joke at the 2024 Oscars
- turned talk of the 2024 Oscars into himself
- sees his fans as customers and not his boss, meaning he wants money and doesn't listen to them
- thinks a scheduled stream with 'stream is starting soon' intro counts as starting on time
- “I don’t look at views at all!” then commented the views dropping when he launched Baldur's Gate 3
- said he loved his life the day after lamenting he could not afford to go on trips and not work
- “I love social interactions!”; blocks and bans anyone he deems as being disrespectful
- “I only beg because people mess with my income!”
- can't think of a happy medium between running no ads and running half a dozen ads per stream/video
- could not handle a suggestion of co-op gameplay with Kat without exploding at the fan who said it
- took a suggestion for a co-op stream to be a suggestion for a "highly-produced professional stream"
- thinks having a co-op gameplay stream with Kat is like going from "0 to 100"
- insinuated that two people doing co-op gameplay streams are fake in that they are faking enjoyment
- confirmed that he and Kat don't get along well since they won't handle doing co-op together
- thinks his audience is demanding Kat be on stream even though he brought he her on as a surprise
- insists he needs the "perfect game" for Kat co-op, but Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth was that game
- stated that he isn't doing co-op for a paycheck... after bitching how he's running a business
- autistically suggested that people should be aware of how he's done things the past 16 years
- said he doesn't do a Q&A every day but him chilling and answering questions counts as a Q&A
- said he HAS to do Q&A before starting gameplay because that's what other streamers do
- “When my wife is here with me we can’t just sit and answer questions” yet he does it solo daily
- declared that if you disagree with him you must be a sock account
- tends to have fun with a game until his audience points out the flaws, then he sours on the game
- admitted he wasted his money buying DLC he'll never play for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
- told his chat to ignore 'trolls' talking about contributions, then reminded his chat to contribute
- chastised a fan in chat talking about "poopy farts" but he couldn't help but smile at it
- said he can make more money flipping burgers, a viewer asks why doesn't he, bans the viewer
- wagequit FF7 Rebirth, declaring the game is bad and no one cares (based on how well the streams do)
- blamed other RPGs for why his FF7 Rebirth streams underperformed right after blaming the game
- believes FF7 Rebirth “tanked” in sales but he was only looking at Japan physical copies sold
- claimed FF7 Rebirth was “GOTY candidate” and then wagequit the “GOTY candidate” two streams later
- said “no exaggeration” and then said he was down hundreds of thousands of views
- believes that first impressions are everything, thus if a game launches broken he won't replay it
- these days commits himself to rushing through every RPG, "cutting corners" and skipping content
- notices how his chat is quiet in most streams, blames the games for being boring
- commented that RPGs tend be binged by gamers and then soon forgotten about on social media
- knows what social media says about certain games despite professing to only use it for 'business'
- lamented content creators giving up on games to get to more games; does the same thing
- criticized content creators that vary their schedule, calls it "harmful"; does the same thing
- takes fans asking a question to them being obsessed with the topic and for them to stop watching
- "I am one of the least quitting streamers there is."
- equates quitting a game to putting it on hiatus as to avoid accusations of quitting them
- didn't know how to check trophies on PS5 despite owning the console for 3 years
- planned to only play Dragon's Dogma 2 on launch day for day one views, then put it on the backlog
- told his audience to "commit to being at the playthrough" because "it's my job" to make money
- stated that you cannot "nitpick" Kat if she's boring because he is the streamer, not her
- stated that Kat will be boring during co-op streams because she's not a streamer or "professional"
- won't play actual co-op games like Overcooked because they can't concentrate on chat as well
- “The heatwave has begun here in Washington state”, said during the coldest time of the month'
- "You guys are desensitized to streaming."
- thinks pausing OBS is a “new feature”
- drinks cans of expired Coke, insists he's quit soda
- “I like to eat a variety of foods in rotation.”
- equates "life in America" to being sold a car that was in an accident but never reported
- hates corporate-made “committee games” yet that's what he mostly plays
- spent $10,685 minimum on WWE Champions from the start of January 2024 to mid-March 2024
- denies being burnout after complaining for week of experiencing burnout from playing too many RPGs
- admits he doesn't have fave foods because he doesn't want fave foods in case he gets bored of it
- laments he can't do his offensive "old style" commentary despite allegedly turning over a new leaf
- insists there exists YouTube channels dedicated to defaming him, can't/won't name a single one
- was wrong when he said Namco banning frequent disconnectors from playing online was brand new
- criticized LTG for being a frequent disconnector in online fighting games, but he's done it before
- revealed he has not cleaned his fridge since 2021
- answered why he plays new mobile games: “I’m only playing for experimental purposes.”
- “You guys are dying for anything but RPGs”, which is a lie to avoid playing RPGs
- lied that he stopped drinking coffee for health reasons, still drinks it every morning
- now e-begs for people to buy him clothes to wear
- assumes the home inspectors hid water damage and mislead about the furnace + vents not pushing air
- reckons he could have sued the previous homeowners for leaving an oil spill in the garage
- likes to bring up how he was called a cult leader "back when I was big"
- freaked out when Baldur's Gate 3 glitched and unequipped his equipped clothes
- claims to love the Yakuza games yet confesses the cutscenes put him to sleep, literally at times
- lied that him exploding at his viewers in 2022 was a one-off and he hasn't done it since
- assures his viewers that when his whales, like OIC, stop supporting him he'll still be fine
- assures his viewers that he is consciously aware of how much he e-begs and thinks he is fine
- stated he manually tracks how often he e-begs, but his detractors have more accurate data
- insists he has never derailed his stream for a long period to rant about money (he has)
- thinks delay-based netcode never drops inputs
- thinks “predictive” netcode makes up everything being pressed
- spent more time reacting (ranting) to a video about rollback netcode than the video's length
- believes he was banned from SRK for his beliefs about netcode (he was banned for attacking others)
- believes kids and teachers can’t have mentor relationships anymore in modern day because romance
- said the fist time he tasted lobster was with his “high end math teacher” who took him for dinner
- wishes teacher-student dinners were allowed because he got free food
- thinks a "happy medium” should exist for teachers having “personal relationships” with students
- admitted his e-begging segments/reminders go on for too long, still makes just as long
- told people to just not attend his streams if they don't want to see him e-begging and ranting
- assumes people who ask him "dumb questions" that they "should know" only watch detractor content
- assumes problems people have with him aren't real and are lies/exaggerations from detractor content
- does not realise how often he yells at the chat for any reason, assumes he hardly does so
- calls his chat a 'chill' place and yet doesn't allow anyone to talk about things that aren't DSP
- turned off ads to make a point, proving he CAN turn them off and is lying when he says he can't
- stated that average cost of living figures are meaningless because every US state is different
- gave a 'donate to me what you think I'm worth' argument similar to the Twitch thots he dislikes
- said that anyone who doesn't check his stream schedule on Twitter is a moron
- won't play Stellar Blade because his chat can't handle a sexualised girl, but he's the one doing it
- said “99% of my audience will be immature idiots” despite harping on that they are mature adults
- confessed he never felt he had matured into an actual adult until his early 30s
- said he is not into women's “jiggling buttcheeks” (GaySydePhil)
- “Ok I paused recording! I’m going to go blow my nose!”
- flat out admitted he doesn’t care what you like as a viewer, will ignore feedback he doesn't like
- said you can't use lack of money as a reason for not giving tips
- “I have so much going on in my life right now. I’m running three YouTube channels.”
- doesn't like woke content but thinks people should be able to enjoy whatever they want
- states he doesn't know enough about law to comment on legal things but will bloviate for minutes
- “I pay in exposure and experience” despite saying you should never do those things
- gets flabbergasted when a character in an RPG leaves the party without giving back their equipment
- decides not (or forgets) to use save scumming to prevent losing his gear to departing party members
- likes it when choices in games have consequences, yet will hate the game if the consequences are bad
- blames the devs for negative choice consequences yet acknowledges he can reload to avoid them
- wants realism in high fantasy games, expects non-human races to use "logic" like a human
- could not resist engaging/starting drama, which cost him a "chill stream" with RTU's editor Jay
- assumed RTU's editor Jay must have been trolling with the intention of causing drama (opposite true)
- lied that he didn't know Jay was but he's talked about him before
- talked in Jay in Twitter DMs despite stating he never DMs on Twitter
- says he has no time for drama but he made time to engage in drama with Jay on Twitter on his break
- said he was done with drama with Jay, but ranted about it on the next stream
- says “he bought BG3” so “he’s allowed” to have the opinion the game is bad, but BG3 was donated
- insists he's a customer even though he got BG3 for free and is by definition not a customer
- demonstrates he cannot end grudges as he still seethes at Sidescrollers and Keemstar to this day
- was upset that he never got to be a recurring guest on Sidescrollers but their offer is still up
- declared that he is not hard to reach and yet he ignored Keem during a stream
- still thinks Keem lied about not reaching out to him but he called Phil multiple times on stream
- gets puzzled whenever an enemy turns invisible and he attacks it and it misses e.g. BG3
- thinks 4K and 1080p don’t show much of a difference
- retconned his stance on 60fps in games, now says people who want 60fps are “entitled” and “picky”
- wouldn't accept an easy $150 to switch to FF7 Rebirth as he autistically stuck to his schedule
- suddenly realised that years of not wanting to interact with content creators has made him isolated
- said he never hurt anyone in his 15 years of YouTube (however, attempting to hurt still counts)
- doesn’t understand social eating, fully expects the chefs to do all of the cooking/prepping for him
- "In a hot pot restaurant you have to wait for the food to cook!"
- “I came for the food to be ready for me to ingest so I can eat it and digest.”
- assumes that after BG3 no one would be bothered to make a game based on D&D
- believes that if someone changes 'for the better' they cannot and/or should not revert back
- thinks that because he bothers to uniquely name the titles of his videos they deserve more views
- “My stuff is actually some of the most well-organized best managed content on YouTube.”
- calls himself a negative meme and yet does nothing to disprove it
- "I used to think my shit didn't stink", still does
- claims he not longer "chases the glory" of finishing a game... as he rushes through BG3
- gets gobsmacked when he chooses the troll dialogue choice and the game makes him redo the convo
- gets gobsmacked when choosing a 'Restart from Checkpoint' option makes him lose lots of progress
- “The RE Engine is called the RE Engine because it was made for the Resident Evil games.” (wrong)
- is puzzled why people install blinds over a vent that doesn't close
- purchased a family meal from chicken place and complained it had too much chicken
- thinks that a “chicken wing” is suppose to be just the wing tip and anything more is wrong
- accidentally called his own content awful by saying content creators who rush games is awful
- seems to think that content creators "condition" their audiences rather than simply entertain them
- “Spending time with family” aka ordering DoorDash and watching Kat play games
- pronounces 'usurp' as “oooo surp”
- needed a guide and chat help from the very first stream of Dragon's Dogma 2; “it’s too cryptic.”
- “In the original FF7 I remember Zack is a main character.”
- defends games being set at 30fps because he has to be a contrarian to people saying 60fps or bust
- tends to mention trolls have small dicks and no balls, almost to the point of homosexual obsession
- stated that a game needs a guide if it rewards exploration and doesn't point to everything
- stated that his viewers 'force' him to finish games, even the ones that hurt hus 'business' (RPGs)
- called anyone who dislikes a game he's playing a stupid moron and "completely off base"
- called the Nintendo Switch a "children's toy" and belittled Nintendo despite allegedly liking them
- calls the Switch a kiddie console yet buys every Mario game as “they are throwbacks to my childhood”
- shat on Nintendo for always making underpowered consoles because he wants good graphics
- believes that you cannot decry criticism for the Switch unless you working on designing it
- seems to think that 4K is a "graphics level" (it's a screen resolution)
- kisses Dragon Dogma 2's ass despite poor performance, meaning shits on other likewise AAA games
- kisses Dragon Dogma 2's ass despite almost falling asleep while playing it
- reckons he has beaten all of the FGC legends at least once
- insists the tournament results prove his FGC victory claims but doesn't mention which tournaments
- used to do money matches at tournaments but turned them down even when he knew he could win
- blamed his fans for wanting BG3 when he put it on the schedule to begin win
- said that FF7 Rebirth “has 5-7 hours of cutscenes at the start of the game”
- said people complaining about micro-transactions in reviews “are idiots”
- thinks “it’s exciting” to do a hour-long schedule segment during his birthday stream
- doesn't like Stellar Blade because he sees the sexy ladies as a genuine threat to his 'business'
- said that Bayonetta "didn’t get sexualized comments” but he made sexualized comments as he played it
- said Nier Automata being sexualized was okay because “it had a 4th wall breaking storyline”
- doesn’t care about the sexual misconduct that happened at Nickelodeon because it wasn't his era
- said playing BG3 for so long ruined the channel but playing Skyrim and Oblivion for so long is fine
- stopped praising BG3's writing as soon as his "right choice" resulted in an undesirable outcome
- will skip “meaningful content” if he rushes, said to go watch someone else if you dislike that
- says he does not give into fan favouritism; Jaxx_Razor, OIC, Tut, E7, even Kirk the racist
- banned a fan who advised Phil to "consider an exit strategy"
- refuses to allow even one positive thing be said about Keemstar without bringing up the negatives
- took a comment about his excessive phlegm to be a personal insult
- tends to make dumb pseudo-intellectual comments and then calls out "shitbags" who cringe at him
- tends to make dumb pseudo-intellectual comments while wearing his red fedora
- calls people who correct him "stupid idiots" and bans them so no one can correct him
- proclaimed his 'job' is profitable yet constantly whines about tips and memberships and e-begging
- acts as though his viewers beg for his daily 20-30 minute discussions about his schedule
- defended scrubbing audio from his old playthrough reaction streams
- wanted to do a Mario game tier list less than 24 hours of shitting on Nintendo
- gave this business advice: if a company has layoffs, it should be corporate heads fired instead
- defended making a serial child trafficking joke saying you're a racist if you assumed he was racist
- reckons he proved Stuttering Craig wrong with the child trafficking joke because of the racism
- cares more about the child trafficking joke being seen as racist than the child trafficking part
- "I have never been a racist in my life."
- believes that if a racist joke does not target someone personally it can't be seen as racism
- said his achievements should still be respected, but the toxicity should be forgotten
- blatantly lied whilst doing a mental age quiz to make himself look good
- assumes that people are only negative to him because it gets them attention/content
- assumes Sidescrollers only got popular because they were negative about him for clout
- “Everyone’s toxic but me.”
- was disturbed by his cat's eyes being watery and burning, let the problem heal itself
- walked out of his streaming room, returned to make a joke about money, and then left again
- did not know basic BG3 mechanics even 130 hours in
- declared “the coding is incorrect” when BG3 glitched, assumed the devs stopped supporting the game
- implied Larian Studios won't make any more D&D games after he experienced a glitch in BG3
- tried to "own the meme" of a troll AI-generated image that ended up being bad optics for him
- “I’m trying my best to not advertise myself as much as before.”
- plans to be a full-time reactor, becoming the same lazy vapid content creator he has criticized
- gave unsolicited business advice to Phil Spencer, thinking he can make better decisions than him
- said that corporate America fails at their jobs and still gets rich... like him
- was flabbergasted that ignoring the female characters got him the "gay ending" in BG3
- mocked BG3 for the 'bear sex' scene but ended up marrying in-game the guy that bangs the bear
- assumes Microsoft and Sony make most of their revenue from video games and gaming consoles
- thinks Microsoft is a worthless company because of the Xbox brand decline (Microsoft is worth $500b)
- complains about Xbox yet buys their systems, plays games on their systems, and renews Gamepass
- believes he is a “master of my own destiny” yet e-begs for support or “I will go out of business”
- refuses to play online games with his fans because he is terrified of trolls ruining things
- assumes a vast majority of requests for community multiplayer is from trolls
- thinks banter and teabagging is a form of trolling by clearly toxic people
- notices people in chat "fall asleep" and talk about unrelated things, blames the games being boring
- believes playing RPGs "kills" his 'business', won't play them if he can help it
- bragged that he purchased five shirts for <$12 each from a second-hand store
- thinks he is wealthy/rich as he thinks he is better off in life than his detractors
- lied that he has NEVER made any piece of content with the goal of making money or getting views
- believes that if you laugh at someone's expense you do so wanting to bring them down
- expressed a desire to play a Marvel gacha game
- plays games that are hype and fun and brings in views but drops in when tips/support is low
- dropped FF7 Rebirth because of low tips even though some streams brought in above average
- finished BG3 with over 200 hours in despite low support for most of the playthrough
- never saw the "RPG overload" coming despite doing his schedule every day
- “Variable moving parts style games.”
- blamed trolls for ruining the bubble blowing but he stopped doing it due to the mess it makes
- said BG3 was like a "sexual predator" for 'forcing' a gay relationship on him
- admitted, without being asked, that one person kept BG3 streams afloat “behind the scenes”
- tells his fans to "shut the fuck up" and calls them infants if they ever talk about vests or bubbles
- at times demonstrates a fear of women, which explains a few things...
- assumes all modern games uses autosaves, sometimes forgets to save and thus loses progress
- “I am successful and profitable!”, but a week later, “BG3 nearly put me out of business!”
- won't spend $40 on a shirt; will spend lots on SF6 skins and mobile game pulls
- made a blasphemous joke calling a bleeding crucified Jesus Christ a squirter (Roman Catholic btw)
- is reluctant to thank tips he gets in currencies that aren't the USD
- declares any stream with piss-poor tips to be a "chill stream" to save face
- defends games with short lengths as it means its over sooner and on to the next game
- laments reviewers and YouTubers going out of their way to find flaws in games; does the same thing
- completely made up a quote from Phil Spencer even after he read the real quote on his stream
- “I don’t think I’m better or more deserving than anyone else” but wants to hit tier one tips goal
- cries about big gaming corporations ruining art and culture yet still buys and plays their games
- believes all religions are wrong because they preach non-violence yet engage in holy wars
- retconned his social status his school; was cool with everyone, but now says he was badly bullied
- claims he 'immune' to having a midlife crisis but he is currently in one
- makes sexual jokes about underage girls and then gives a disclaimer downplaying it as a “schtick”
- defended an old joke he made of asking 15 year old character to get naked, gave no 'disclaimer'
- has zero empathy for the victims of Dan Schneider as he was "too old" for those Nickelodeon shows
- disliked the fan requests for a reaction to his Bully playthrough so he pulled it from the polls
- will discard a poll results if the comments for it are detractor memes
- laughed hard at racist humour from Father Ted
- claims to know how much money Elon Musk readily has and assumes he can't afford to buy companies
- still thinks Twitter hasn't made a profit since Elon Musk purchased it
- assumes all shirts that look alike must be alike and be priced similarly
- claims he doesn't brag about his clothing but does brags about buying nice clothes cheaply
- declared his "Retro React" streams disappointing because it did not get $100 in tips
- thinks Easter is meaningless as an adult because he doesn’t have children
- identifies with the plot of Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth despite not really understanding it
- began (poorly) putting on a tie as a tips incentive and a spiritual successor to the vest streak
- said putting on a tie was "second nature to him", butchers it
- put food ahead of his parents in a list of positive things about living in Washington
- thinks smart watches are about telling what time it is
- thinks “We Like to Party” was sang by “Vengabus” (it's 'Vengaboys')
- soured on Dragon's Dogma 2 the moment the tips dried up and his wife lost interest in it
- panicked when playing Alone in the Dark when he was stuck in a room with sexy women
- admitted without shame he will use chat and guides to cheat his way through games
- admitted he won't even try to solve puzzles on his own, will immediately seek answers if he's stuck
- spent at least $783 on WWE Champions during the 2024 Easter event
- knows his audience is pitifully small and thus when his polls are being messed with
- begged his viewers to attend his streams or he will be demoralised and quit the game
- banned a viewer for pleading for Phil to stop fracturing his community by banning them
- likes to one-up his detractors and prove them wrong even if it makes him look worse
- stated that his detractors must get their facts from liars, but they get them from Phil (a liar)
- denounces that he is a prude while admitting he has changed his commentary to be less edgy
- says he isn't a prude but did not play Stellar Blade because the protagonist is a sexy woman
- overreacted to people pointing out he overreacts to certain things, like things of a sexual nature
- thinks that seeing the world beyond being in black and white makes him an intellectual
- announced he wanted to replay FF6 right after days of ranting of suffering from an "RPG overload"
- “I have nothing against pot” despite repeated instances of being against it
- said he was quitting Dragon's Dogma 2, changed his mind and was shocked barely anyone attended
- read outloud a superchat from OIC that was a subtle dig at him but played it off as anti-troll
- thinks everywhere is like America and doesn’t have wild dogs
- says COVID made him more home-bound, but he barely left the house even years before COVID
- believes people WILL spend money on entertainment even when they can barely afford food and bills
- derailed his own stream to spend 10 minutes talking about Will Smith and rap his songs
- dismisses feedback he knows is correct because it "brings down the mood" to acknowledge it
- "Lets see, how do I resize the image?" (content creator for 16+ years btw)
- said he was "sick of Street Fighter 6" and talked shit about Helldivers 2, then played both
- was fully against co-op shooters but then played Helldivers 2, a co-op shooter with friendly fire
- died in the tutorial of Helldivers 2
- got griefed by a teamkiller in Helldivers 2, insisted he wasn't upset, and then ranted later on
- is shocked whenever a game not made by a AAA studio has graphics as good as those games
- boasted about "NEW GAMES HAVE RETURNED" on Twitter, but the games aren't new if he's replaying them
- insists that his daily e-begging to pay his bills is not fundraising
- “I don’t have a bar that fills up” but literally has a tips goal for every stream
- doesn't even bother having themes for his fundraisers anymore, just does them without shame
- denies that holding something behind a tips goal counts as a paywall e.g. Jasper kitty
- thinks his detractors don't like fundraisers in general and thus must be heartless people
- can't comprehend that his wife has a job and yet gets further in games faster than him
- holds yearly birthday stream that double as both fundraisers and pity parties
- claims trolls do "revisionist history" about him e-begging even if they are only restreams of him
- did his own revisionist history to declare he never charged $1000 to reveal Jasper (it was $2000)
- did his own revisionist history to declare he never did a stream where his viewers buy a TV for him
- believes that fighting game tournaments are rigged and corrupt, won't elaborate why and how
- implied that if a pro fighting game player says they haven't heard of DSP they are probably lying
- “I’m not here to make money.”
- claimed he never has money goals for things anymore
- said he could never celebrate his wedding anniversary because COVID shut everything down
- threatened to ban people who repeat what Phil said about BG3 carrying his channel and LAG did not
- tends to leave for 10+ minutes, return and then scroll through chat for people to ban
- told his chat to behave and not say offensive things yet always allows Kirk the racist to stay
- cannot name a fave birthday he has ever had
- "I don't play WWE games."
- said that if you put “Middle Eastern countries” in your PayPal tip you’ll be flagged for “terrorism”
- at times responds on Twitter to people posting images of fast food
- claims to be the "antithesis" of a lolcow while responding to drama like a lolcow
- stopped saying the allegations about him come from "nuggets of truth", now says it's all 100% lies
- did a react stream to react to positive things about his past, had a very tough time
- keeps retconning when he 'changed' to become less toxic; from mid-2010s to mid-2000s
- hasn't had the dishwasher repaired for years so he's been using paper plates ever since
- said he uses paper plates is so his wife doesn't have to suffer doing the dishes
- claimed he invented most things on the internet
- claimed he invented/innovated Video essays, Vlogging, shorts, food reviews, LPs, and co-op LPS
- believes he popularised the term “playthrough” but it's been used since the 80s
- lambasted people who hype up game releases for attention yet does the same e.g. Dragon's Dogma 2
- thinks lots of people changed their perspective of Street Fighter V after Street Fighter VI released
- thinks people should believe him above all other content creators is because he doesn't 'benefit'
- spent over $13,000 on WWE champions from January 1st 2024 to April 1st 2024
- believes big birthday parties are more for appearances and other people than the birthday boy/girl
- believes events like birthdays/weddings are better with very small turnout, barely elaborated
- finds it silly people take out loans to afford wedding events; has 13 maxed out credit cards
- confessed he was still mentally a child in his 30s, became an adult in 2017 aged 35
- will ignore suggestions in the 'suggestion box' if there are two or more things he could change
- refuses to shorten his 'podcast' because allegedly his YT analytics say it is the most watched
- retcons that he was never hyped for MK1 but he purchased a joystick just for MK1
- believes that no first aid kits include nitroglycerin
- refuses to believe that the fatigue he gets after eating is from lack of exercise, just food
- “I’ve held a million retail jobs.” (has held only 3)
- thinks the Argentina memberships is “an epidemic” on YouTube now and it could kill the platform
- refused to watch a video an ultramember sent him, thereby outright lying that he watches them
- thinks mixed-race people cannot have racial biases
- thinks SocialBlade is 100% inaccurate and revealed he only cares about the money earned section
- let it slip that chargebacks do happen and do affect his income
- slanders people who call him out but makes exceptions for whales who say the same thing
- “It’s no one’s business" but will mention it when it's a slow night
- "You have no concept of the number of tips I get" despite having an on-screen tips counter
- tends to declare a game has no issues prior to playing it and then change his mind afterwards
- revealed he cancelled the DSP documentary because trolls were more excited for it than his fans
- said he has no opinion of RTU deactivating his Twitter account, then rambled 10 minutes about it
- acknowledged that engaging with trolls gives them power, does it anyways
- yelled at a fan who asked if he could remove the ghosting from his old playthrough videos
- acts like his viewers are ungrateful and will find anything minor to complain; does the same
- stole gameplay footage from other YouTubers for his 'upgraded' content
- thinks streamers who charge a minimum to have a message read live on stream are ridiculous
- got teabagged, “isn’t bothered by it”, then spent 3 minutes tracking down the person to block them
- said he would rather play Tekken 8 over Street Fighter 6 yet stuck with SF6a
- admitted he is so boring he can't make viral games like Among Us entertaining
- refuses to believe a game was ever viral popular if his streams got low attendance and low tips
- claims to know what works for his channel yet won't do it because he's not a 'big' sell-out
- told his fans that Helldivers 2 wasn't going to work for him because he knows better than them
- confessed he doesn't play games for fun, rather he plays them for money and views
- refuses to believe his BG3 playthrough underperformed because he played it 2 months after launch
- is scared to fighting games ranked matched despite regular boasting of his past accomplishments
- calls disconnectors in online games undisciplined bitches; lets his opponent win when it's "BS"
- proclaimed his “game forte” are horror games, Souls games, and fighting games
- did no research on Sweet Baby Inc when addressing it, leading to spreading false information
- confirmed the documentary on him was designed to be a puff piece to make him look good
- confirmed he watched Turkey Tom's video on him despite calling it a detractor hate video
- reckons he is so boring he does not deserve or warrant the amount of scrutiny he gets
- declared he would wane off RPGs, rattled off mental gymnastics to excuse replaying Elden Ring
- wrote to himself on an alt account a lengthy essay so he could react with a woe-is-me pity rant
- chided his detractors for saying 'dent', but he himself first used that towards his detractors
- refuses to believe that any of his fans/community have mental disabilities (Jayde, Derich, + more)
- “I only call people mouth droolers for spamming buttons in fighting games.” (incorrect)
- believes that YouTube ignores him because he is not a woman
- could not give any examples of YouTube's alleged sexism of siding with female creators over men
- was elated to learn that Doody was bullied out of the Wings detractor community
- thinks no normal people watch DSP detractor content
- thinks the only people that watch DSP detractor content automatically agree with the content
- mixed up sheep with cows when he called his detractors that repeat each other 'cows'
- seriously believes his detractors 1) e-beg, and 2) e-beg 10x more than he does
- begrudgingly admitted that the Sons of Kojima meant no malice and only wanted Phil to improve
- thinks one of the reasons the Sons of Kojima disbanded was due to an obsession with Kojima
- declared detractors craft a narrative about him as he crafts a narrative about his detractors
- got salty that a tweet that compared him to the Fallout TV show got 10k retweets
- calls out mindless sheep but literally praised the Fallout TV show for showing V.A.T.S.
- believes that if a social media post that mocks him goes 'viral', they must not know the real DSP
- said that people who restreaming him are by default bullies (even the raw restreamers)
- crowned himself as the "textbook case" of a harassed content creator
- thinks that because he is a white male, YouTube will not step in to defend him
- mused on becoming "the villain" and stoop to the level of those who 'slander' him
- said he ignores the drama and yet ranted for 30 minutes about drama and detractors
- "Do something about it, instead of siting on your lumpy ass and watching crap and toxicity."
- instructed his viewers to unsubscribe from toxic content creators (i.e. himself)
- still thinks his detractors exist out of jealousy of him
- still thinks his detractors are losers who crap on him to make up for their pathetic lives
- said his detractors can only hate on him and nothing else, meanwhile cannot do other things himself
- said he has not done over-the-top sexual stuff; shower video, fapping on stream...
- claims to not know the history of his detractors yet can list the generations of his trolls
- declared that negative rants about people make you toxic, as he negatively rants about his trolls
- “I don’t pay attention to any of it! As you know I just ignore it!”
- refuses to believe that he creates detractors, insists it is other people who make them 'hate' him
- thinks it is slander to show his own words to people without his permission
- "I used to be one of the highest, most positively regarded gaming YouTubers."
- reckons he cannot get a job because "America is broken"
- believes no jobs in America offer “good healthcare"
- wanted a refund from Capcom for SF6 not giving him matches fast enough
- got penalised in SF6 for quitting too many matches, switched to other characters to bypass the ban
- believes he has only ever quit out of 3 matches since he started playing SF6 (more like 10+)
- said that just repeating what is found online “isn’t a documentary” (i.e. Joon, Turkey Tom)
- retconned why he quit the Clum doco about him, says it was to avoid associating with Boogie and EDP
- believes that he is different from other content creators in that all all want to "milk" you
- said that you can’t hold him accountable for anything he’s already fessed up to
- pondered why electronics don't last in his house... in 100F humid air full of dust
- "First off, let's just address the elephant in the room" and then talked about Kat
- replaced a co-op stream with Kat with a new controller unboxing stream
- “I treat my controllers nicely. I don’t know why I go through so many of them.”
- refuses to help with wife with the laundry and dinner, leading to her get stressed daily
- paradoxically calls videos that expose him to be very fair but also toxic
- refuses to believe there is enough content about him for a four hour documentary
- admitted that Joon the King will hate him researching his past, debunking his claim of innocence
- claims his trolls try to delve into his personal life... that he freely talks of on his prestreams
- declared he will confirm/deny allegations in a documenary about him but won't provide evidence
- outright admitted he wants his detractors to be doxed and exposed
- thinks his detractors are as 'interesting' as him and hint hints he wants to know more about them
- told his chat to mute Derich rather than moderate Derich for spamming
- retconned his stance on people making content about him, now says he never talked to a lawyer
- lied that he's never taken down detractor content; restreams, the TIDYDP Minecraft vid, and more
- lied that his detractors emerged when he mocked Kojima, then said they existed before then
- bragged that he buy discount clothes and that if you buy new clothes you are dumb
- confessed he hates doing “instant gratification” shoutouts for tips, thereby costing him tips
- wants all games to focus on 1080p 60FPS and no going above this
- blames trolls for costing him sponsorships despite proud declarations that he's not a shill
- believes that large content creators don’t get trolled, harassed, or hated on, and are 'immune'
- said he's not a meme while whining about trolls and e-begging like the memes says he does
- laughed at a streamer who skipped dialogue in a game and got lost; has done the same e.g. MGS3
- blames 'America' on everything wrong with his personal life outside of the house
- “I’m just a rinky dink small-time streamer.” (makes six figures)
- complained that the dishwasher was broken for 2+ years, purchased a $300 arcade stick instead
- believes trolls are the only/majority reason he doesn't get sponsorship offers
- believes trolls are the only/majority reason most people who have heard of him dislike him
- professed a desire to do collabs despite years of saying he doesn't want to be a sellout
- seriously thinks that without trolls his income would double and his channel would flourish
- criticized President Biden for his childish name-calling; does the same thing to hid viewers
- claims he has never been harmful; death threats, career-ending defamation to iJustine, and more
- insinuated that he wants his 'no life losers' trolls to mess with him IRL so he can attack/sue them
- claims his income was halved in 2014 but he previously claimed it was halved in 2016
- wants more free time to spend with his family yet wastes like rambling about food
- spent $614 on a zombies event in WWE Champions in mid-April 2024
- thinks that the '8K' and '4K 120 fps' text on the PS5 box is misleading
- doesn't realise that many games can run at 120 fps with a compatible monitor (which he doesn't own)
- gave unsolicited business advice for Nintendo to make a new console and Sony and Microsoft to stop
- yelled at people who buy upgraded consoles, like PS4 Pro, will buy them anyways (like the PS4 Pro)
- blames people buying upgraded consoles, like PS4 Pro, for GTA VI taking so long to develop
- blames "morons with money" for the state of the gaming industry; buys day 1 editions, DLC, gacha...
- “Every year I gotta go out and buy the new thing" and thinks most normal people do that too
- confirmed, once again, he can see email addresses and other info on tips
- got a $150 tip from 'anonymous', and then pretended he couldn't tell who sent it
- yelled at his chat that the Fallout TV show was canon, then retconned it for his 'live review'
- thinks that no good games came out in 2024, cites Dragons Dogma 2 (dropped) and Rise of the Ronin
- says “it’s perfectly fine” if 1MinuteMan doesn't tip but will derail stream to check if he did
- won't ban fake fans that spam walls of text that overly-praise DSP
- “If I didn’t play casuals, all the sweaty tryhards would spank me!” (former pro fighting champ btw)
- cannot understand why anyone would play ranked multiplayer in games, especially fighting games
- said that if you beat him in SF6 you are a loser because “all you do is play the game 24/7”
- bitches like a child whenever he has to wear rewards that a whale pays to see him wear, may ban
- dropped Harold Halibut, a chill easy game tailor-made for people like him, because of low tips
- scolded his chat for disliking Harold Halibut, quit the game 10 minutes later since no one cared
- doesn't like playing indie games because they bring in low tips despite claims he loves indie games
- wanted to replay Fallout 4 despite wanting to play less RPGs
- thinks a game review consists mostly of plot summary
- kept flip-flopping on whether the Fallout show was canon or not and if it matters if it is or not
- confessed it took until he reached 40-years-old that he should take his streaming 'job' seriously
- stated that if your channel is dedicated to lore of a franchise you are a loser wasting your time
- thinks that 37 is not an “able-bodied” age
- pondered why a new segment he suddenly unveiled would garner negative attention from regulars
- yelled at fans who want to see him play games, seems to make excuse to avoid playing them
- reached a new low of laziness as he does 'live reviews' and doesn't live react to anything
- did some game reviews based on his wife's experience playing (while she was stressed and busy)
- made up arguments about the Fallout show about it being woke
- thinks “woke stuff” is okay as long as it’s not made a focus of the products
- turned a topic about transsexual characters into him being okay with interracial couples
- instructed his dead chat to tell him ASAP if replaying Fallout 4 is a bad idea
- said Bethesda don’t know what they’re doing, then said Fallout show is great and wants the remasters
- his idea of co-op with Kat: she plays the game while he looms over and watches the chat
- doesn't find it odd that every schedule co-op stream with Kat gets cancelled due to her
- could not tell that his wife was suffering from anxiety could by stress from job and co-op streams
- assumes trolls would bother inventing 'conspiracy theories' as to why Kat keeps cancelling co-op
- talks shit about scrubs in SF6 yet blocks people ingame who are better than him
- called a fan a "fucking idiot" for suggesting Phil set up the mini PC off-stream than waste time
- called out fake fans that tip him yet talk shit about him, but his top supporters do this too
- claimed that since he grew up in a multicultural area he couldn’t be racist
- wants to do political talk but only “nice politics” i.e. fence-sitting soft-ball mid stuff
- thinks anti-heroes are basically villains, cannot tell them apart
- insists Kiwi Farms has 100% lies about him despite often providing legit evidence
- claimed that you will likely be doxed if you visit Kiwi Farms
- sometimes has game audio too loud, may acknowledge it but probably won't fix it
- insists that his 2024 taxes are fully filed and paid for
- his idea of a game 'working' is a game that makes lots of tips when streaming it
- ponders why when he plays a game after months of demand no one watches (e.g. BG3 and Helldivers 2)
- wonders why Sackboy: A Big Adventure wasn’t called LittleBigPlanet 4
- thinks Media Molecule made LittleBigPlanet 2 and then Dreams afterwards
- doesn't think LBP and Dreams should exist because 'gamers are not game developers'
- tried to described how tasers work and got it completely wrong
- insinuated he may have a paralysis kink such as when being tasered
- encouraged viewers to make big tips as Paypal takes $0.30 transaction fee so $1 tips aren't worth it
- made a big deal about his chat being spammed while he was AFK but insists it's no big deal
- thinks that trolls spamming and membership-bombing are actively trying to end his channel
- got very salty when he received 250 Argentian memberships and claimed they don't upset him at all
- hyped up Fightcade streams but quickly gave up because he couldn't handle the banter
- quickly gave up on reviewing TV shows and movies because it wasn't worth his time (hint hint $$)
- teased replaying Fortnite after years of shitting on the game and its fans
- said, proudly matter-of-factly, that online-focused games are better if you play with friends
- believes that the PS5 produces more heat than a Series X based on his own PS5 heating up his room
- excuses his poor pronunciation by saying he went to "British literature class"
- said he likes diet soda after years of claiming he doesn't drink soda anymore
- blames inflation on the primary reason he cannot relocation to another location
- refuses to “play so painstakingly much” to get better at SF6 (pro fighting game player btw)
- boasts that trolls barely phase him yet Fightcade streams are held hostage by concerns of trolling
- was deathly afraid of having his IP leaked, refuses to use a VPN
- claims he couldn't have googled his IP address
- perma-banned a fan who pleaded that Phil google his problems rather than waste time asking chat
- had ten years to research Fightcade but only did the research in the pre-stream
- admitted he cannot play Fightcade with friends because he has no friends
- insinuated that he does not see his fans as his friends nor can he make friends with his fans
- says that personal info posted about him is outdated yet swiftly bans it (suggesting it isn't old)
- "Your mom probably does everything for you.", "Guys? Anyone know what to do?"
- doesn't think to cycle fresh air into his gaming room, gets more fans/AC units instead
- claims he can’t be good at fighting games anymore because he’s a business man now
- “I am not a professional victim! I don’t want people to feel bad for me!”
- somehow confuses the flavours of beef brisket with goat meat
- admits he can't do mobile game content because he can't shake the stigma of WWE Champions
- "I have mentally ill people following me for the past decade", doesn't realise that includes fans
- said he doesn't want to talk about mobile games with a defeated tone of voice
- swings from lamenting how shit his life is, to bragging about the money he earns streaming
- fact-checked "detractor narratives" and accidentally admitted he is propped up by whales
- lumped 1MinuteMan with other tippers that "come and go" despite 1MinuteMan not going anywhere
- seems to think that 'normal people' care that people make money off him, but only he cares
- insulted a fan in chat but then said he wasn't insulting them but someone else, barely apologised
- instructed viewers not to take his insults seriously unless he is naming a person directly
- declared that him constantly feeling like a victim is not a victim complex
- justified his daily ranting about detractors as he has to remind everyone of what they allegedly do
- refuses to take responsibility for his life as his trolls allegedly fucked it up beyond saving
- refuses to believe his whales tip him on alt accounts, think it's a detractor conspiracy theory
- believes that his trolls believe the dumb theory that OIC and Jeff make up 90~% of his tips
- makes fun of detractor theories by making up his own that are even more retarded
- acknowledges that sometimes a stream may only have 1-2 tippers, proving his trolls right
- hates the tips tracker his detractors operate because it exposes that he is carried by 1-2 whales
- will call someone an obsessed troll if they ask him multiple questions about a topic he dislikes
- called out all his viewers as "insignificant on this planet", which also includes his loyal fans
- told everyone to get away from their devices and do something meaningful with their lives
- stated that even if 100% of what trolls say is true it wouldn't make him a bad person
- dared his detractors to demonitize their videos on him, even though most aren't even monitized
- tends to say he had a fun time on stream... after a long toxic rant
- limits who can reply to his Twitter, and then ponders why his Twitter polls get so few votes
- blamed Twitter/X and Elon Musk for his piss-poor engagement on the platform
- seems to believe that ALL of Elon Musk's companies and projects are failing
- believes the "Hard R" didn't always refer to the N-word, but social media and SJWs changed it
- whines like a baby whenever a console game is locked at 30fps, might not even play it
- started his Fallout 4 replay a day before the upcoming big update
- admitted in a reply on YouTube that he replayed Fallout 4 to clout chase following the TV show
- bragged about his Fallout 4 replay views despite not caring about views
- seemed proud that his pre-update Fallout 4 replay video clickbaited people into viewing his video
- admitted he put "60fps" in the title of his Fallout 4 replay video for clickbait
- made a big deal about his Fallout 4 replay video hitting the algorithm for 3 hours, no one cared
- changed his schedule to play more Fallout 4 after his first replay vid went 'viral' (Mr. Views)
- snarked that his trolls made his Fallout 4 replay video go 'viral', accidentally crediting them
- revealed the money he made from his 'viral' Fallout 4 replay video: $0.03
- keeps conflating clicks and views, thinks they are interchangeable
- does not understand viewer retention, thinks all he needs for success is the YT algorithm
- said his average viewtime for part 1 of his Fallout 4 replay video was 30 seconds
- claimed his 'viral' Fallout 4 replay video has legit non-botted views, refuses to show analytics
- thinks that licensed music in a video game being in his playthroughs makes it transformative
- believes that the 'elite' people who get games early are personally selected by the YT algorithm
- believes that the 'elite' people who get games early don't have a passion for gaming, only money
- made the same 'elitist' rant that got him roasted on Twitter a few years prior, has learned nothing
- denounces "woke" as something non-existent although he has been 'cancelled' by wokeness
- hates smurfs in online fighting games (people playing on alt accounts) but did the same thing
- thinks 'pattern players' in online fighting games are "impossible" to beat, opposite of last year
- took credit for the boycott of Stellar Blade following the revelation that there is censorship
- believes most of the people boycotting Stellar Blade are sex-obsessed virgin losers
- said that Stellar Blade “focuses on the sexuality of the main character”, which is plain wrong
- stated it's wrong to lied about no censorship and then censor it, excuses it when it's sexual
- said that Stellar Blade lied about it's gameplay in promos but there is gameplay promos online
- tends to compare things in open-world games (biomes, optional superbosses, looting) to Souls games
- finds it weird that the underwater physics in Another Crab's Treasure is floaty
- disliked the recent Fallout 4 patch because he wanted a new Fallout game
- does not realize Starfield was delayed twice and that everyone at Bethesda was working on it
- tends to pick at his ear or nose when giving serious speeches what is wrong with society
- turned the situation of Twitch erroneously banning EVO Japan into a rant about his own Twitch drama
- still has a grudge against Twitch for making him lower his bitrate and removing him for hate speech
- thinks Twitch is not suited for gaming because it doesn't do 4K 1080p streaming
- wants Twitch to go out of business and does not care for those who rely on it for their livelihood
- “I’m getting old, I’m saying the wrong things” (also brain damaged from alcohol abuse)
- hint hints that he wants to do tips shoutouts when there are none that stream
- ranted that he wasted time going to get his eczema examined rather than simply by eczema cream
- said that people playing games early “harms people” and “you should stop watching people who do it”
- hint hinted he wanted to get a GeForce Now subscription to play the PC version of SF6
- ranted about the cost of K-Cups without realizing the cost of technology and convenience
- thinks you barely have to clean out a K-cup machine
- panicked that a slow day of no tips made him reevaluate things, then said he never panicks about $$
- gets puzzled when his boring stale content fails to attract views and, more importantly, tips
- acknowledges a single video hitting the algorithm isn't a success despite carrying on about it
- stated that he has never let tippers control his content; E7, King Tut, OIC, Derich...
- said he doesn't insult and demean to get tips; true since he insults and demeans when lack of tips
- cannot fathom why a react stream with not much boring reactions gets more tips than normal
- outright asked his viewers to “make up for the poor performance” of his streams with some tips
- does plugs for his react channel, apologises for it, and repeats this every other stream
- thinks his react channel is a success despite always plugging it and asking viewers to tip
- can't go 15 minutes into his podcast without reiterating his schedule or doing a Q&A or shoutouts
- autistically runs his life on a strict schedule, operating under “normal business hours”
- "We'd be getting up at 7am on our day off to do what? Sit around cause there's nothing open at 7am."
- thinks it's stupid to expect something for liking his streams; used to do bubble blowing
- banned a channel member for posting a meme in chat rather laugh along with the chat
- at times tells viewers to get excited for gameplay and then takes a 10~ minute long break
- still laments getting chargebacks despite repeated insistence it doesn't work or doesn't affect him
- lists the chargeback totals, which happens to match the amount he was ahead by... hmmm...
- “I’m not in a huge hurry to log off tonight” so then wastes everyone's time rambling
- stated what makes a game GOTY for him: top notch graphics and a "gripping" story
- insulted a fan that asked if streams were doing well without bubble blowing, assumed they're a troll
- doesn't want to give rewards or do anything special for getting likes on videos/streams
- tends to cough into the back of his hand and wipe his face with the same hand
- brags he makes good money streaming while e-begging daily and complaining of can't afford things
- said Rekieta doesn't know law despite having a law degree
- doesn't believe that Rekieta is a practising lawyer (he was at the time Phil said that)
- doesn't believe that you can be both a lawyer and a content creator
- thinks that 'real' lawyers are constantly in the office or courthouse
- said he wouldn't go to Rekieta for legal advice; wanted Rekieta's legal advice when upset at YT
- believes he has the smarts to become a doctor
- said his car registration would cost $200 even though Washington state only charges $40
- stated FF7 Rebirth sold poorly due to being a PS exclusive despite FF7 Remake selling well
- began using 'modern' terms like 'based', emulating the elite streamers he despises
- said he can't get another cat or his current cat will pee and poo all over the house in protest
- says he cannot collab with people because of "the black cloud he has that follows me around”
- claimed he was "making a living" doing a minimum wage mall food court job
- stated that companies these days push 20 hour work weeks, refused to elaborate which companies
- boasted Malenia in ER “I find it crazy how easy the first form actually is” and then was bodied
- bragged when he defeated Malenia in ER even though he used a guide and cheesed the fight
- accepts some anonymous tips despite alleged vigilance against troll tips that will get chargebacked
- sent a takedown notice to a detractor game on Steam but incorrectly said he was located in Alaska
- bragged that he beat Malenia in Elden Ring in two hours
- believes that because he beat Malenia in in two hours you can no longer say he sucks at the game
- boasted of his Soulsgame prowess and then got wiped in Another Crab's Treasure
- admitted his fanbase is tiny and wouldn't be worth having IRL events if it trolls didn't exist
- said he has “international appeal” i.e. has a few fans outside the USA
- won't give advice on how to prevent financial abuse as he doesn't want to give his trolls ideas
- tends to bring up a topic and then say “I don’t wanna talk about it” shortly after talking about it
- wants video games to all be "narrative adventures"
- thinks video games should all be “artistic experiences”
- believes video games are still “an emerging industry”
- thinks you are evil if you give money to things he doesn't like
- stated gamers should run gaming companies and that if anyone else does it they are doing it wrong
- will deny paid-for incentives, like the vests, if he's trying to be 'serious'
- tends to hint hint by putting the !tip command in his chat at the end of a stream
- “I don’t personally insult people! I critique their gameplay!”
- complained that he can't make money off old KO Gaming videos due to the music now being claimed
- thinks he owns the copyright to fan remixes to his content
- complained about the lack of realism in Street Fighter 6... as he describes jumping over fireballs
- wants to return to Twitch if they become more 'professional'
- doesn't realise or care that the Twitch mod who 'banned' him has likely been let go or has left
- “Indie games don’t have substance.”
- replayed Fallout 4 due to hype from the TV show yet retired it early on due to the hype dying off
- denies that people get banned for no reason in his chat if the person saying it hasn't been banned
- reads news articles and then fills in the blanks with inaccurate theories to argue about it
- thinks that having a webcam makes his content more 'meaningful'
- called Menat from the Street Fighter series “Egyptian mummy girl” (she's a fortune teller)
- admitted he DID make a slur on Twitch that got him in trouble albeit it was a drunken impersonation
- finds it odd that people would vent their issues to YouTubers; Phil met his (now) wife Kat this way
- has no problem with YTers/streamers covering others' situations as content... until they cover him
- still assumes that anyone who uses Kiwifarms is a toxic person you shouldn't associate with
- pretended to cry when reacting to a motivational video and made it all about his own struggles
- assumes that trolls bragging about chargebacking tips are actually doing them
- admitted his biggest problem with troll-tipping is that is discourages fans from tipping
- said matter-of-factly he is in the games industry “as an independent guy”
- laments whenever game studios lay off staff even though people like DSP are why studios do that
- gave a solution to businesses having to lay off people: fire the management
- tends to go on scat-based rants whenever he is beaten in online fighting games (not a clown btw)
- insists he was never beaten in an online fighting game if his opponent 'won' with rollback netcode
- gets very annoyed when he is penalised points for losing in SF6 despite claiming not to care
- began ragequitting matches in SF6 whenever he is matched with a 'spammable' character
- will refuse to take responsibility to striking detractor content as he wants no part of the 'drama'
- refuses to simply deny involvement in striking detractor content without a very toxic rant
- denies ever striking detractor content; Minecraft TIHYDP, Meerkat Mob restreams, Ardnas...
- thinks you have to train a domesticated cat to hunt mice or they won’t know how to do it
- thinks that domesticated dogs don't know how to hunt and couldn't survive in the wild
- decided to wait until the 2024 US presidential election was over before giving political opinions
- said that he, a man in his 40s, is too young to talk about politics
- changes the definition of 'success' to fit himself in it
- doesn't plan ahead because “who knows what’s the future holds? It’s pointless to think about.”
- declared that green screens are outdated in this day and age
- refuses to be friends with his fans because he thinks friendships should be deeply personal
- bragged that Kat "putting up with me" is a strong indicator of their chemistry and compatibility
- believes he is better than Justin Wong at Super Street Fighter II Turbo
- insinuated he could easily out-think a slasher horror movie villain unlike the eventual victims
- revealed his greed when his first wish from a genie is more wishes or another wish-granting item
- said that RTU sold out by shifting to drama content, but Phil wants to shift to political content
- believes that if a YouTuber steps away from YouTube that they are a failure who quit
- implied the issue he had with pro-FGC players beta-testing SF6 changes was that he wasn't included
- stated that his commentary and likeness should take priority over copyrighted music in his content
- refuses to include stream chat in his videos and VODs because he can't be bothered policing trolls
- “I was about to freak out” as he is freaking out
- was unimpressed with his upgraded internet speed despite claiming he can't upgrade his internet
- assumes his gated community doesn't have fiber internet
- is proud to use weatherproof tape to fix everything in his house
- cannot help but complain about how CEOs are bad in every analysis of business news
- called the Xbox 360 the "golden age" despite buying six 360s due to them red ringing
- decided he hated Halo Infinite after seeing the content roadmap not even yet implemented yet
- refuses to block playing trolls in SF6 because he is greedy for the points upon defeating them
- will block people who beat him multiple times in SF6 and accuse them of stalking
- tends to give long recaps to every game he plays, even kids games like Little Kitty, Big City
- complains about his room being cold despite having three AC units
- “Yes, I am definitely going to be around in 3 years.”
- is willing to watch Kpop, which he doesn't care about, if it gets him $50 from Slayer
- refuses to give people in gis chat the benefit of the doubt, they must prove they aren't trolls
- not even bothering to fact-check the random newbies tipping him, suggesting they are alts
- suddenly cared about the "stupid" Sonic hat after his fans offered to pay him to wear it
- likes the goodies from pre-ordered games despite professing to hate people who pre-order games
- likes physical pre-order goodies from physical video games despite wanting games to go digital
- his solution to fixing the video game industry: don't buy their video games
- assumes that people who are materialistic and/or wealthy must hate himselves and possibly be shills
- thinks it's odd that supermax prisons don't do rehabilitation... for prisoners that can never leave
- can’t remember if he is triple or double vaxxed
- hasn't realised that admitting to losing to unskilled players makes him look very weak
- got 1st place in the May 2024 WWE Champions event, which only cost him $2000~
- suggested that content creators who get games early are living life easy
- stated that if a content creator obeys the contract then they are a boot-licking shill
- said that content creators will lie about a bad game's quality to get views and not lose business
- thinks that if a content creator is honest a bad game's quality no one will watch them play it
- projected hard that he resents the "golden boys" who get games early because he wants to be one too
- "So you're okay being lied to? You literally like being told half-truths?"; does it all the time
- is smug that he refuses to be get games early and be a shill... but he wants that opportunity
- stated that he's never "kissed butt" in his life; gaming chair sponsorship, apologising to Jaha...
- is confused why competitive fighting-game players beta test changes before the patch goes live
- confessed he sometimes has “nice dreams” about his wife and being on vacation with her
- hint hinted for fans to make new YT accounts so they can receive 'real' gifted memberships
- sometimes simultaneously remarks that trolling doesn't affect him whilst it has ruined his business
- talked shit about his previous neighbour for drinking all day... as Phil plays video games all day
- hyped up reacting to the first time he "bawled like a baby” over a game... and it was a sniffle
- banned a fan who was incorrect about game modes in Fallout 4 rather than politely correct them
- claims to hate the government yet believes what scientists paid by the government say
- believes the organic food industry is a marketing scam to jack up prices
- says overpaying for organic food is bad; overpays for Doordash fast food slop
- defends GMOs because he thinks there is an overwhelming hatred for them
- boasts of the "scientific evidence" that supports his views yet fails to name any
- "It's literally not possible for me to have a midlife crisis" yet is currently suffering one
- said one reason he can't have a midlife crisis is he "looks better than he ever has looked before"
- declared he will never evolve the 'podcast' to Level 2 because he's not an egotist
- tends to get utterly bewildered when he enters water and drowns in a video game
- thinks he can lead a video game development project better than a regular project leads
- allows his editor/s to edit out profanity from his throwback uploads
- thinks internet connect and lag affect one another
- calls his obsessed fans idiots for viewbotting him saying it doesn't matter or change anything
- blamed his teachers for poorly teaching him rather than take initiative to learn on his own
- says he “dodged a bullet” not completing a computer programming degree
- thinks a computer programming degree would have been useless after the dot com bubble burst
- keeps pressuring his wife into doing co-op streams even though she clearly doesn't want to do it
- takes issue with female samurai as not historically accurate but has no issue with a black samurai
- speaks with authority on tier lists for SF6 fighters, yet sucks with top tier and loses to shit tier
- admits he "loses all reason" when he feels threatened, which is how he interprets most feedback
- takes suggestions as demands so he can loudly refuses them
- uses his “correction technique” on his cat out of anger, not to teach his cat
- claims YouTube is more professional than Twitch despite his constant complaints of YT
- ponders why his alleged utterance of hateful slurs caused business relationships to sour
- will do merch again once he finds a store that takes his word and never removes himfor anything
- hyped up reacting to "gaming's saddest moment"... and had to point out he was crying
- claimed nobody in Japan cares about the Assassins Creed games (they are always top-charting)
- assumed not many people in Japan appreciated Ghost of Tsushima as it is a Western take on Japan
- complained when he had a pathetic 6 views during the stream
- cannot cover gaming news without injecting his 'hot take'
- “I’m not just supported by one or two people.”
- retconned his Twitch termination from a hypothesis to an invented "whistleblower" at Twitch
- admitted he is a "pattern player" in fighting games and dropped inputs causes him to flub and lose
- believes that his channel having 65k videos should have the YouTube algorithm favour him
- can't comprehend why mass-privating his videos have had a negative impact on him in the algorithm
- can't comprehend why a highly-edited detractor video would have higher views than his own videos
- deletes most YT comments as trolling or spam, then wonders why he has so little engagement on YT
- says people who watch restreams of him are "little loser idiots"... for watching his gameplay
- says he isn't bothered by low views... after ranting that detractors leech viewers off of him
- lambastes content creators chasing trends; eventually adapts to the trends past its prime
- doesn't like it when his viewers vote for him to play games rather than do the Q&A he wants to do
- ignored the aforementioned poll and did the Q&A anyways
- blamed "the trolls" for rigging his poll even though barely anyone voted
- does not see panhandling his viewers for tips and having tips incentives counts as monitizing them
- yelled at his chat for talking too much, then yelled at his chat for being too quiet
- stated he can't be racist because he was "basically" a minority in his neighbourhood
- thinks “can you take me higher” is a Bush song (it's from Creed)
- claimed he “never intended to piss people off” in his early years, a lie since he tried shock humour
- believes YouTube downgraded itself by putting content he dislikes on the main page
- thinks YouTube intentionally puts ads on videos spreading hate, but it was (mostly) automatic
- said YouTube is for idiots and teens and then ponders why prank content and drama get big views
- believes that 'meaningful' content made with passion is not likely to get many views
- lambastes YouTube for being generally terrible and then shills YouTube Red
- spent $1634 on WWE Champions during May 2024
- laments having to edit his content to be ad-friendly despite the channel not being money-focused
- flat-out admitted he does the throwback channel to make money
- retconned his love of racing games, now dislikes them (because they don't get him enough tips)
- thinks being rich means you must have not fairly earned it and don't have to work and squander it
- hint hints he doesn't expect support on the throwback channel, then gets upset when he gets no tips
- fails to see why YouTube and advertisers would see a problem with saying "dick"
- thinks most fan concerns about him and/or his content is concern trolling
- says he isn't "afraid of the past" yet shuts down any topics from the past that make him look bad
- confessed he let his houseplants die due to laziness (lack of sunlight and maintenance)
- does not have a fave exercises despite giving a list of workouts he allegedly used to do
- "I was drinking those whey protein... uh... smoothie things."
- “Online in this game is shit! And this is why it’s sad! Because that guy now looks better than me!”
- blames netcode in online fighting games yet cannot define it
- sent false DMCAs, or allowed a fan of his to send false DMCAs, to various Twitter accounts
- is terrified of AI because he fears detractors will make lulzy AI-generated videos of him
- sometimes act like a clown having a stroke to entertain braindead dents like Jayde
- allows the editors of his throwback channel videos to fast-forward through the boring parts
- claimed the internet lied about Hellblade II's length but, like always, he pads it out with begging
- tends to waste viewers' time training offline in fighting games like Street Fighter 6
- tends to waste viewer's time going over patch notes for a game and setting up future complaints
- still holds a grudge against Wario64 for clipping him being bad at Elden Ring
- occasionally roasts side content in games when said content has little to do with the main story
- chooses not to buy a microphone for his mini-PC because of intense fear of multiplayer trolling
- claims fighting game players use 'patterns' yet can't counter them (former FGC champion btw)
- “The game is unplayable because of the milliseconds.”
- “I don’t want to play the game anymore!”, continues to play it
- “People are not beating me! They aren’t wins! People are not beating me intelligently!”
- takes his anger out on fans when heated, unfairly berates and possibly bans them for minor things
- “I’m sorry for my frustration and outbursts all night but it’s unavoidable.”
- copes and seethes hard when negatively compared to Justin Wong, Tokido, and Maximilian Dood
- assumes pro-fighting game players exhaustively studies fighting games to get good, not have skill
- at times will ban people to stop an unpleasant conversation rather than changing the topic
- admitted he farts all the time when streaming but denies ripping any loud ones that everyone hears
- talks to his cat like it's a child even though it's like 40 in cat years
- spent $12 buying more in-game music in SF6 yesterday, then wasted time assigning music tracks
- chooses not to wear the glasses/hat/vests, then gets toxic when chargebacks for fraud are made
- complains when businesses 'mis-sell' their products, but he mis-sells his (glasses/hat/vests)
- hyped up a special Street Fighter 6 stream... of him playing with Bryan, one of his dents
- did not complain when fan Bryan did everything he hates in SF6 during their stream together
- assumes that when his chat is concentrating on what he's doing they must be bored or AFK
- refuses to accept a free gifted game if the condition is he has to play it
- cannot have fun playing games without tips, will decide he didn't have fun if he gets low tips
- assumes his viewers aren't having fun if they aren't tipping even if chat is very positive
- realized PC gamers have higher framerate, hasn't realized he could switch to a monitor
- hint hinted he wanted a new gaming PC ASAP to play Street Fighter 6
- thinks courtrooms can preemptively mute people to bring them under control
- believes the attorneys and judge should be dismissed from a trial if the defendant has an outburst
- rattled out legal advice to Rekieta's then said he was unqualified to give legal advice
- cannot watch a video of him and John and/or Howard without prattling about their 'betrayal'
- said that if you can monetize a video you should... then said John and Howard forced it too hard
- "No one told me to stop monetizing all the people around me" but he was told by John Rambo
- instructs his viewers to spend Memorial Day with family enjoying freedom; plays video games alone
- thinks v-sync is a “bonus option” when PC gaming
- thinks refresh rate and frame rate are the same thing
- thinks screen tearing is a console issue with SF6 but he simply disabled v-sync
- aims to play games in 4K after years of proclaiming it was a gimmick and pointless
- blames inflation for destroying his financial future and his current situation
- spent at least $1724 on WWE Champions during May 2024
- tends to call his online opponents a "button pusher", which is how most games are played
- hint hints he wants a new capture card to prevent screen-tearing in SF6
- “I don’t even know if a new capture card would work” but still wants a new one
- “My TV is a high-end mid-range TV.”
- says he has no time to fix hardware issues... unless a fan offers to buy him the solution
- “It tasted very aromatic.”
- believes smokers and those exposed to secondhand smoke give off the same exact smell
- demonstrated he can remember conversations from 20+ years ago but not events from 10~ years ago
- can't afford to save money to buy a new PC but can afford to buy a $300 arcade stick and hats
- at times makes a schedule for the next day's stream but forgets to decide what games to play
- does not know if USB 1.0 was around in the early 2010s (built PCs for a living btw)
- “If I’m having fun, others are having fun, and will want to reciprocate with support.”
- ordered and received a 4K capture card and pretended a fan donated it to him
- claims Variable Refresh Rate allows his games to run at "120 resolutions"
- praised HDR but did not notice for ages that it saturated the colours in streaming media
- "This is the biggest improvement ever to my stuff!" about his 4K capture card
- said he's “willing to change his opinions on rollback netcode now”... around when Joon was around
- said his 4K capture card is "lying" because it says it needs USB 3.0 but it runs on USB 2.0
- doesn't know what color space is despite making video content for over 15 years
- complains of screen tearing yet cannot define it or explain what it looks like
- so lazy he wants plastic forks to come with his Doordash'd dinner to avoid doing more dishes
- claimed he knows the exact milliseconds his webcam is delayed by
- claimed delayed webcam audio is a major pet peeve of his, even though he has never brought it up
- stated people playing SF6 with 60hz screen are cheaters but nowadays plays SF6 with a 60hz screen
- thinks $100 for a microphone is a "crazy investment"; purchased $300 arcade stick and new mini PC
- hint hinted that his current computer is “probably going to die soon”
- wants to have two PCs, one for gaming and one to capture video (something he used to make fun of)
- warns his detractors to stay away from his streams and then ponders why views are so low
- admitted that without detractors and hate-watchers he only gets a few hundred views per stream
- stated that if you find his reaction content boring to become a YT member and submit clips
- blamed his YT members for submitting unfunny boring clips to react to
- showed off a microphone he purchased and then used every excuse not to use it for online fan MP
- was eager to use the PS5 Discord integration despite insisting he doesn't have a Discord account
- returned to MultiVersus, a game no one in his chat asked for, then pondered why he got no tips
- asked his viewers what they would rather see him play and ignored all requests for Stellar Blade
- at times talks about eating McNuggets and "quick snack" burgers despite not eating fast food
- started playing brand new PC games and can't work out that he's the reason views are still low
- called Hades 2 "brand new" even though he played it a month after release
- was upset that Hades 2 was carried by two paypigs, but the first Hades was carried by just one
- thinks that if he enjoys playing a game that is reason enough for people to attend and tips
- "Do you understand what I'm trying to sell-, tell you now?" (FreudianSlipPhil)
- wants to bring back RPGs after years of saying they don't bring in views and tips
- prides on being a "variety streamer" but is puzzled why "my audience is split" between his content
- almost realised his audience is there for the AAA games and not him but never connected the dots
- blames "this generation" for the lack of $upport as they want "instant gratification"
- outright called his viewers "spoiled" if they enjoy his content but don't tip him
- told his viewers that if they suggest a game he play they better show up and support, or shut up
- "The streams are not about money" yet brings up money constantly
- does not believe he has to make his viewers want to show up to his streams
- believes he needs an audience first before he can prove he’s worth watching
- “I want more people to show up and just hang out in chat” yet yells at people for talking in chat
- “I’ve not had a single complaint about support" because he blocks/bans anyone who complains
- “I haven’t made anything about money!” but kept playing Multiversus because he got good tips
- bans viewers if they say the game sucks if he likes it because it "ruins the mood"
- assumes Tevin only got popular for roasting DSP
- agrees with viewers that he treats them more like customers than fans, doesn't change his ways
- justifies himself and others e-begging as without it they would be "losing themselves"
- believes Pokimaine shouldn't exist as she is propped up by losers (is the same)
- complained that too many people growing up were coddled and sheltered (was the same)
- called his fans assholes and entitled for wanting him to play new games soon after release
- "This PC used to do things randomly" and still refuses to enable Windows 11 updates
- thinks people should sue Microsoft for those insisting users install updates
- implied the modding community are playing games wrong when they modded
- refuses to react to gaming events due to lack of tips not making the snooze-fest worth it
- said Twitch is basically a softcore porn site, but YouTube also has softcore (educational) porn
- blames adults buying LEGO sets making them too expensive for kids, but many LEGO sets are for adults
- rejected a fan's idea to swap out the background decor and called it "the most childish suggestion"
- confirmed he decides if he wears glasses/hats/vests and ignores tips goals if he's not in the mood
- wanted to do away with all his tips tier rewards around the time JTK was making the doco... hmmm...
- pondered why his dusty uncleaned PS5 suddenly turned off mid-game
- “I’m glad I don’t care about ad revenue” yet panics over ad money
- purchased indie games no one cares about, streamed to near-nobody, then blasted fans for the mess
- insisted his fans asked him to buy and play the indie games despite the chat proving otherwise
- wagequit Hades 2 despite loving the game because money comes first
- refuses to believe that he doesn't regularly drop games but his YT channel has the proof
- somewhat confesses to regularly dropping games but justifies it as the audience (and $) isn't there
- tends to play games based on 1-2 recommendations and gets pissed when no one attends (and tips)
- can't "see the point" of playing indie games if he doesn't get that money
- shat on PC games and indie games for years, tries them and ponders why no one shows up
- admitted to avoided ranked play in SF6 to avoid the roasting he'd get for losing
- will ban you for telling him what to do despite pleading his viewers to tell him what to do
- wants everyone who isn’t willing to support him to “fuck off”
- said Stellar Blade is an outdated 15 year old game; played Crow Country, a PS1-inspired game
- admits to lying how much money he makes, thinks it's a win against his trolls and detractors
- claims rank points in SF6 don't matter yet is paradoxically anxious about losing them
- won't play ranked matches in SF6 because "the stakes are too low", implying he's do money matches
- implied he is bad at SF6 since he will "lose a lot" and generate salty tears for his haters
- refuses to believe any good games came out in 2024
- admitted he isn't entertaining and that those seeking entertainment should go elsewhere
- called himself depressed and nihilistic and his detractors are making these conditions worse
- believes that when he is being 'honest' he can be abrasive and rude so long as he speaks 'truth'
- commented that everything he does creates drama, then exclaimed "where is the drama?" like an idiot
- admitted that there is no proof that any tip/donation he receives is legit and he may be lying
- jokingly confessed that 1MinuteMan may never have existed; in reality 1MinuteMan never existed
- grumbled about streaming six days a week despite allegedly loving his job and his life
- replayed Fallout 4 despite having RPG burnout, wouldn't play FF7 Rebirth because of Fallout 4
- wants to strike while the iron is hot but also thinks instant gratification is for children
- “Strike while the fire is hot as they say.”
- doesn't know what temperatures CPUs and GPUs can take before they fail (former PC builder btw)
- assumes his GPU is running mildly hot and it is due to die, hint hint he wants a new PC
- said his 129°F GPU is "as hot as the surface of the sun” (104-149°F is normal)
- tends to take a few troll comments as proof of a movement (a gayops) to destroy his business
- will ban people if what they in chat say isn't related to him or the game (no fun allowed)
- refuses to believe he can be seriously invited to a SF6 tournament and assumes it must be a joke
- will delete a poll and claim trolls sabotaged it as soon as the numbers don't sway in his direction
- exclaimed no one should feel bullied in his chat; bullies people for 'spamming' or shitposting
- got $100 in a stream, asked for $50 more, then went on a long break
- thinks encoding things shouldn’t heat up a processor
- can't work out why he, who rotates 4-5 characters, loses to people who main 1 character in SF6
- complains about ads in a gaming showcase like Summer Game Fest
- assumes that if he gets copyright claimed reacting to a gaming event everyone else will too
- doesn't like how YouTube is now people live-reacting to events like sheep; does the same thing
- wants all staff at YouTube to be fired because ads (automatically) get put on 'dangerous' videos
- assumes no one at YouTube is policing irresponsible content and allows it if it makes them money
- acts like stupid stunts are a new thing on YouTube, but they've been monitised for years
- believes YouTube is "ruining it for everyone" for daring to run ads to make revenue to stay afloat
- believes YouTube "hides behind the law" and is very hands-on when policing content
- said M. Bison in SF6 is not interesting to him despite buying a military cap to resemble M. Bison
- “Gaming News by Philip Burnell” then reads news articles sometimes not even about gaming
- said 1 hour of time is “not enough time to play a game on stream”
- is “kind of depressed” he can’t play Tekken anymore, didn't elaborate
- used "extrapolate" when he meant to say "exaggerate"
- “Nobody is asking for FF7 anymore”, “except one guy who mentions it everyday”
- will ban you if you declare you are bored in his chat as he takes it personally
- professed to like Crow Country yet openly unashamedly looked up a walkthrough
- spent more time derailing a stream to read a walkthrough to Crow Country rather than solve it
- likes that Crow Country resembles a PS1 game, dislikes it makes you experiment like a PS1 game
- calls livestream reactions to his content illegal yet livestream reacts to game shows
- admitted his content is boring as livestreaming his content with no commentary or edits is boring
- assumes anyone who restreams him is a loser with no talent
- ranted that every new game has a female minority as the MC, then backtracked and said no problems
- ranted about politics in gaming and wondered why the chat was dead and tips dried up
- complains about copyrighted music in game events as he feels entitled to make money reacting to them
- yelled about people buying microtransactions in games; purchased music tracks in SF6
- “What does how I did yesterday have to do with how well I do today?” yet complains all the same
- doesn't like when a franchise evolves into something new, wants it to remain static
- doesn't like that Doom isn't "faithful" to the games; save stated OG Doom and ragequit Doom Eternal
- claimed he won't laugh at Rekieta and his downfall but did it anyways on his reaction show
- trashed Rekieta for streaming while drunk; DSP once got a suspended license for drunk driving
- says he doesn't revel in laughing at people at their lowest; did so at ProJared and DrDisrespect
- pretends at times not to know who Chris Chan is despite knowing who he is
- blames the YouTube algorithm on both a bot and a single person
- states that the YouTube algorithm favours toxic creators that stir up drama... hmmm...
- markets his streams as being in 4K at 60fps despite calling them "gimmicks" a few months prior
- derailed his stream to rant about fraudulent DMCA takedowns that was obvious bait to waste his time
- gets offended when his address is doxed despite pretty much leaking it the month he moved in
- encouraged his viewers to research the suspended YT account that did fake DMCAs in his name
- “Get a lawyer. I have no involvement!” but he involved himself when bringing it up
- thinks to be successful on YouTube you need a team of editors and a ton of money to invest
- called people who tip smaller amounts “odds and ends”
- retconned replaying Fallout 4 as "filler" when it WAS to capitalize on the hype of the TV show
- ranted about how hard DIscord is to set up on PS5, proving yet again he has an active Discord acc
- thinks doing a 24 hours stream would be bad for his health; streams 8-10 hours a day
- derailed his indie games stream to check the analytics of the regions people are watching him from
- believes the majority of people who played Elden Ring never finished it and have been meme'ing it
- thinks it is bad that Elden Ring DLC requires you beat a later boss to unlock it
- wants to hear multiple perspectives as it'll help him grow... unless he sees it as trolling
- “I need to see how my family is doing.”
- dislikes Stardew Valley in 2024 than in 2016 because he expected more tips and donations
- trashed casual gamers that don't finish games, meanwhile fully admits at times he drops games
- bragged about having almost all the He-Man figures as a kid despite claims he barely had anything
- has one hand that feels “smooth and loose” and the other hand is "stiff and tight”
- “If I go away my shithead stalkers have everything to lose.”
- said he will only endorse products he likes, uses and feels add value (not a shill btw)
- “I want a positive and fun community” yet won't allow positive fun talk that isn't about him/game
- shat on his viewers that want to talk about things about than the game: "Go somewhere else!"
- assumed a random meme about steaks is a meme by detractors that makes no sense because they're dumb
- got corrected about the origins of the steak meme and declared it even dumber to save face
- thinks people in chat hated the steak meme even though his own chat didn't notice it or care
- knew the steak meme was by one person on "clone accounts" but only banned half of them hours later
- admitted his chat is pretty dead and that's why he cracks down on 'spam', for the loyal few
- admitted he is Discord servers and sees detractors talking about trolling him on sock accounts
- acknowledges he wastes time getting derailed by trolls, still does it every stream
- still believes detractor channels are making money off of him, but almost all can't or won't
- claims "no adult" cares about detractors, implying the kids and teens watching him do care
- finally realised he was wrong about playing SF6 poorly having wasted money on unnecessary gear
- admitted he was just shit at online games, blaming rollback for dropped moves when he did them wrong
- acted like confessing to being wrong about netcode excuses his rude behaviour to Capcom and others
- went right back to blaming netcode, declaring 20ms connections lead to poor unfair matches
- bragged about his day off: ordered DoorDash, too spicy, got a refund for more food, got diarrhoea
- wanted to review The Boys' latest season even though he hadn’t watched the previous season
- somehow found time to watch The Boys and Battlebots despite allegedly being busy 'like an adult'
- tends to ignore question marks in comments, enabling him to 'debunk' statements rather than answer
- warned he will yell at you when he plays SF6 because he "is agitated" and "blood pressure is up”
- “You guys absolutely loved Stardew valley last time so I’m bringing it back!” (hint hint tips)
- will outright ask his viewers for solutions to ingame puzzles when he wants to quit/rush a game
- wants advice on what to do for $50, $100, and $150 tips desite disliking forced gimmicks
- so lazy he and Kat make breakfast burritos, freeze them, and microwave them for future breakfasts
- wasted a week migrating to Kat's neglected PC just to hint hint he wants a new one because it's bad
- gives health advice despite the drinking, not exercising, and DoorDashing fast food constantly
- cites homemade breakfast burritos as healthy
- somehow thinks that reacting to his old content means he is not monetizing his reaction to it
- hint hinted he wanted a Steam Deck if his viewers can't/won't contribute to buying him a new PC
- doesn't realise or care he could have purchased a top-end PC had he been saving money since 2021
- “I’m cutting out all dairy, it’s useless fat and calories” and then ate a burrito with cheese
- believes "authentic" Mexican restaurants use tortillas purchased from a supermarket
- believes nothing he ever did in the past should have gotten him “cancelled”
- accidentally streamed a tranny getting fucked on stream when reacting to a troll's vid submission
- banned a fan who was impersonated by the troll who submitted the porn video
- claimed classic Doom had a cover system
- only began counting superchats to the tips goal to milk more money out of the dents
- laments that people tips to see vests & hats and not the gameplay content, yet wants more tips
- does not see himself as someone who does 'stunts' for money yet wants to do them to make more money
- made fun of Markiplier and Pewdiepie for an overacting "schtick"; used to have a mean drunk schtick
- believes he has more hair than most other streamers
- said not to worry about your hair and then shade-dissed Keemstar for dying his beard hair
- proclaimed “I have more hair than Wings” like it was a sick flex
- said he was "aging gracefully" yet the jowls say otherwise
- believes he is different than streamers in that he breaks up his streams into separate uploads
- at times doesn't watch the gaming event he's supposed to be react to, only read the press releases
- can't share what streamers he watches for fear of troll harassment despite saying he doesn't watch
- blames the economy on his financial hole, not moving states, getting 14 credit cards, and WWEC
- boasts of being a variety streamer yet spends 25-30% of every stream going over his schedule
- now think 4K gaming is awesome despite calling it a gimmick before he himself started using it
- says he can't do anything because he has a family... a wife he barely sees and a cat
- finds it weird that people marry toxic people, even if they seem completely normal at first
- thinks he is not in competition with others for views on YouTube
- calls people in his chat toxic so he can be toxic to them and verbally abuse them and ban them
- calls people who correct his lies/mistakes "contrarians"
- hint hinted he would like to see detractor content mass-reported to get it removed from YouTube
- doesn't realise or care that if mass-reporting works like he says it works he would be gone
- stated that content creators have thick skin and ignore detractor content (making DSP thin-skinned)
- tried to name three things he likes about streaming but only named two
- showed his dirty dusty air filter to the camera and wasted time going AFK to clean it
- doesn't know or care that his air filter does not filter out pollen
- threatened to ban someone for saying the person who just beat DSP in a SF6 match "decent"
- quits after 1 match, calls his opponent a loser; opponent quits after 1 match, calls them a bitch
- took a day off the same day the much-hyped Elden Ring DLC released (business degree btw)
- knew of the much-hyped Elden Ring DLC releasing soon, made barely any emotes or artwork
- went into Elden Ring DLC to embrace the challenge yet quit most bosses to level grind and gear up
- hated that the Elden Ring DLC still wants you to explore, just wanted the map to show everything
- conveniently ended each Elden Ring DLC stream before each boss (so he can research it off-stream)
- outright admitted to watching streamers play the Elden Ring DLC so he knows where the new loot is
- “I looked at the chat and looked back and was dead! Gee thanks!”
- got irate when magic spam didn't work in the Elden Ring DLC
- resorted to his trusty jump+R2 spam attack to shamelessly the cheese Elden Ring DLC
- asked for chat to help with his Elden Ring build, ignored their advice and made a shitty build
- went for a glass cannon build in Elden Ring DLC yet hated that he was dying in two hits
- cited some base game Elden Ring bosses as "fine" despite dying to them within literal seconds
- did a 180 and declared the Elden Ring DLC to be great as soon as he got an OP weapon
- assumed the review bombs of the Elden Ring DLC was due to FromSoftware fixing the cheesing strats
- celebrated that YouTube fixed getting YouTube Premium with a VPN, shilled YouTube Premium again
- confused YouTube Premium with Channel Memberships, meaning the Argentina membership bombs will go on
- hasn't brought back member goals despite (believing) the 'fake' memberships crisis is over
- banned a fan because the fan shares DSP's father's name and assumed it was a troll
- blamed Microsoft for The Evil Within 2 failing despite Microsoft not buying the studio until 2021
- thinks 0.2*50 = 2
- claims to block all trolls in SF6, then claimed all casuals are the same trolls he has blocked
- lamented “retail” tortillas that rip and fall apart, “it’s not their fault”
- thinks Dsp Reacts isn’t growing "because I don’t mention it enough or as much I should be"
- spent five minutes incorrectly detailing how garbage disposal and food waste disposal are different
- spent five minutes revealing how lazy he is with trash and then said it's not anyone's business
- “Everything is a double edged sword in life.”
- believes that as he has “positioned himself” to not be popular he is above other streamers
- did a 180 on filming Kat in the kitchen, saying it's a dumb idea despite hinting at a cooking show
- hint hinted he wants to build Lego kits on stream but you (the viewers) have to chip in to buy them
- wants to play boardgames on stream because they could be fun “laughing at the dice rolls”
- wants to expand into streaming himself building models, playing chess, and playing boardgames
- considers game devs reusing assets to be a sign of laziness
- thinks AI is "book smart but not street smart”
- “Consoles are great because you can just pop in a disk and play! No installs, no problems!”
- is not aware or doesn't care that most current consoles require game installs
- believes all Apple products are all bad and overpriced
- doesn't like that Apple throttles batteries, unaware it is an option you can simply uncheck
- spent $1646 on WWE champions during all of June 2024
- thinks that him playing games slow as hell is normal and that others are 'rushing'
- called out people who skipped content in the Elden Ring DLC despite skipping content in base game
- assumes most streamers replay FromSoftware games multiple times
- laughs at those who rake up tons of student loan debt; he himself raked up tonsof credit card debt
- believes that the only people that have nice weddings are the ones who have rich parents
- thinks that bosses with AoE attacks that can't be dodged by hiding between their feet is bullshit
- coerced his audience into telling him that doesn't need to do video game stuff all the time
- wants his trolls to be “medically monitored” for talking about topics that he himself brought up
- keeps spraying his cat with water out of anger and saying it’s a “deterrent” method
- admitted he hates “playing dress up like a fucking 4 year old" with the hats, vests, and glasses
- tends to confuse allegations with facts and even inserts his own opinions labelled as 'facts'
- ranted about Dr. Disrepect DMing a minor; likewise had private exchanges with an underaged PandaLee
- gave a long monologue about the 2024 Dr. Disrespect drama despite allegedly shying away from drama
- pointed out numerous times that Dr. Disrepect is wealthy (EnvySydePhil)
- believes that some people actually see Dr. Disrespect as a "hero"
- spent a great deal of his 'podcast' reading out the misdeeds and apology tweets of Dr. Disrepect
- believes that it is a mistake when someone makes a public apology and admit wrongdoing
- felt personally slighted when Dr. Disrespect called out his permanently-online haters
- chuckled that Dr. Disrespect won't have sponsors and will have to rely on tips... much like DSP
- can't understand that you CAN separate the artist from their art yet wants that same treatment
- then said you shouldn't support Dr. Disrespect anymore based on the allegations
- lied by declaring PandaLee was 18 when she messaged him (she was 16)
- told Dr. Disrespect to keep streaming and ignore the haters, unaware that he is one of the haters
- doesn't understand why an e-celeb will step out of the spotlight when exposed and faced with drama
- said it is immoral for a streamer to date his fans; has dated two of his fans (Leanna and Kat)
- shilled the M. Bison hat to capitalize on the Dr. Disrespect drama
- doesn’t quite understand the difference between pedophile and adulterer
- doesn’t quite understand that settling out of court doesn't mean losing by default
- felt proud to beat bosses in the Elden Ring DLC with an OP build and jump+R2'ing to cheese them
- ranted for an hour about Dr. Disrespect, then the next day said he was mostly wrong in his rant
- spent $20 on the M. Bison DLC for SF6 for the included music (business degree btw)
- said he watched videos on SF6 characters and then trained for an hour pretending he's just learning
- keeps on stating he was playing a 'character' in his past, uses that lie to avoid accountability
- had choice words to say about the 2024 US presidential debates despite not voting and not caring
- said both Trump and Biden bicker and don't answer the questions; does the same thing to his viewers
- doesn't want to go back to building PCs despite his doing it for a living for a while
- wants to buy a Lego set that is "pre-made"
- won't spend $100 for a Lego set but will spend several hundred dollars on a better webcam
- hint hinted he wants his viewers to buy him $100 Lego sets
- “I don’t have time for a hobby right now! I don’t! I don’t fucking care about that stuff!”
- now blames his blurry eyes on the “vivid colors” of Street Fighter 6 and his “adrenaline”
- instructed his viewers to tell him to take breaks so he can rest his eyes
- believes America is a democracy
- told his viewers to vote for whichever presidential candidate they had the best experience with
- thinks “you have to research” to play Fromsoft games “properly” (i.e. look up builds and strats)
- couldn't use a random number generator because he didn't have a new PC
- wants to explore the lore of Souls games despite saying doing such a thing was a waste of time
- believes buying a Tesla makes you a green hippy and a mindless follower
- “I have no intention or money to buy a PC right now” but has wanted a new PC for the past two years
- thinks a PC that is 10 years old has reached its life expectancy and needs replacing
- “You know me, I only talk about games that have solid release dates” (blatantly untrue)
- still thinks he was never banned from Twitch (had been banned twice from Twitch)
- pretended to cry when SuperBlindMan passed away
- claimed he won't monetize SuperBlindMan tribute video but did enable Super Chats and Super Thanks
- doesn't like that he can't turn off Super Thanks as it means he cannot claim it is unmonetized
- said that he barely cries when loved ones die; "i don't usually do something like this"
- switched from crying mournful tears to giving angry rants within a few moments
- later on ranted about his trolls about the SuperBlindMan tribute video, undermining it entirely
- asked his fans for feedback in the comments but in actuality it's just engagement for the algorithm
- now calls his streams "transactional" despite previously yelling at viewers calling them that
- "I'm not putting the word 'shart' onto my leaderboard, for the record."; has done it before
- acknowledged he had scammed patreons over Project 7 for hundreds of dollars
- lied that only one person complained about the Project 7 scam but many did complain
- did not mention that the one person who complained was KGhaleon, an old superfan (aka a dent)
- said he is too old to eat chicken nuggets and hamburgers
- can't understand why playing a boring tank build in Elden Ring isn't bringing him big donations
- implied he now dislikes professional wrestling due to his addiction to WWE champions being exposed
- got a stream suspended for being homophobic in a DSP Reacts segment
- said it is okay to agree with Osama, but flying a plane into a building is an “extreme action”
- claimed his streams of the Yakuza games spread more awareness of the franchise than anyone else
- played SF6 when most people were at school or work and complained about getting the same players
- laments SF6 content all being similar because players look up character guides; does the same thing
- competitive fighting games and yet gets upset when there are more competitive people
- can't understand that if viewers are bored during 'exciting' gameplay, it's his fault, not the game
- assumed that Riven, a modern remake of a puzzle-heavy game, would draw in the views and tips
- talked about how he can get to diamond rank in SF6 easily but can't stand how they play
- seemed proud to have given Joon the King the idea to make a video on ReviewTechUSA
- plans to react to the Joon video on ReviewTechUSA (not a drama channel btw)
- confirmed he has talked to drama-adjacent people like Keem and Mutaha in private
- pretends he was "playing a heel" to cope with people in his past not liking him
- did a 4th of July stream rather than spent quality time with his wife
- wore the M. Bison military cap (aka the Nazi hat) during the 2024 4th of July stream
- used the discovery of auto-playing scripts (cheats) in SF6 as proof he was defeated by cheaters
- assumes you can spot script-users in SF6 in real-time, but you actually do it in the replays
- tried to earn goodwill after being proven right... by demanding his doubters literally kiss his ass
- acts like older Street Fighter games has some kind of perfect balance between the fighters
- just happened to be using certain shields and weapons to trivialize final boss of Elden Ring DLC
- “I want new ways to play and unique character types” but will call them 'gimmick characters'
- tends to complain that companies make games to make money over artistic vision yet still buys them
- said he won't play Stellar Blade because it's a "DMC knock-off" but he's heard only positives
- wants “new gaming experiences” but also wants a new Grand Theft Auto like the ones he likes
- spent $2429 on WWE Champions during the month of June 2024
- cannot accept his viewers are happy with free gifted memberships, assumes they want to pay for one
- wouldn't have been frustrated at YT had he read their crackdown was on Premium, not gifted subs
- loves having good views while streaming but hates that some are hate-watching it
- assumes that if he plays a really good SF6 match he should be showered in praise
- outright lied that he didn't watch Elden Ring help videos after admitting to it prior
- clumsily made fun of SF6 clothing merch for being too "urban"
- has no problems if a viewer wants to send him SF6 clothing merch despite his rant about it
- argued that using summons in Elden Ring is fair since unlocking them are tricky
- argued that using summons in Elden Ring is fair since some are lore related
- believes that since "I didn't make the game" it enables him to cheat and cheese his way to victory
- believes there is “no valid criticism” of his Elden Ring gameplay
- uses guides, summons, spams attacks and cheeses bosses and wonders why attendance and tips is low
- roasted a video on how to be depressed, blissfully unaware the video sums him up perfectly
- called the video on self-misery "sarcastic" even though it's been truthful directly
- did mental gymnastics to believe that the his trolls are terminally-online depressed losers
- laments that zoomers feel they are entitled and deserve things; acts the same way
- confirmed that whenever he sings silly little jingles he wants his fans to make remixes of them
- thinks “sex jokes with a child” was acceptable back around 2017
- thinks the Xbox 360 was the start of modern gaming because that’s how he feels about it
- said “gangbusters” is a “hip term” adults use to appeal to youth
- said some fireworks are not meant for “visual”, they are meant for “explosion”
- “You should never drive in an open hood car while in tiger country, are you stupid?”
- ignores Derich's spam in chat and only acknowledges him arriving, tipping, and leaving
- can't help telling his origin story of being a content creator, changes facts to fit the narrative
- removes any YT comment that doesn't kiss his ass and then ponders why there aren't many comments
- seems to think view count and comment count has some kind of connection
- admitted he has been using guides for games back even back in his 'glory days'
- "This is my only stream of the day, so I am just gonna say it now and you better get used to it."
- claims GTA Online is responsible for games having season passes and in game purchases
- said Argentina should only be able to gift other Argentinians memberships
- admitted his 10 minutes 'break' periods in SF6 streams are for getting money, not just rest
- tends to give political opinions and then backpedal to be wishy-washy fencesitting
- admitted his $300 fightstick may be acting up after months of coping that it was the game's fault
- pondered why his fightstick was acting up after much physical abuse when raging
- tends to test directional controls in menus rather than during gameplay where it matters
- advertised his fightstick repair stream as chill yet ranted at the manufacturer in a toxic manner
- “I’m having a problem with my joystick inputs” so he decided to replace the buttons
- called the fightstick manufacturer morons for not testing every single face button you can replace
- attempted to repair his $300 fightstick without consulting the manual or doing research
- attempted to repair his fightstick, voiding the warranty, instead of using his warranted to fix it
- used a swiss army knife to disassemble his fightstick
- clumsily disassembled his fightstick like a caveman and acted like he did nothing wrong
- hint hinted he would like to replace his $300 fightstick
- expected to get tips during the fightstick repair stream to ease his (self-inflicted) suffering
- asked for suggestions and avoided them because he didn't like them
- replaced his suggestion box after the previous one got so full (of suggestions he ignored)
- considers suggestions of games to play to be valid despite previously saying not to do that
- gives the shitty non-excuse of living an "adult life" as to why he cannot save money
- will call you a child if you disagree that his 'adult life' is preventing him from saving money
- jokingly confessed it is his M.O. to always blame the game/devs and never himself
- was not surprised to learn that some of his fans still live with their doting mothers
- said Xbox Gamepass was bad value for money until he realised how much money he made streaming
- mistakenly thought he played Hellblade 2 on PS5 but he had actually played it on Xbox Series X
- cannot bring himself to admit he practices SF6 in his spare time (EgoSydePhil)
- hint hinted he wants a $400 fightstick, the "Rolls-Royce" of fightsticks
- worried that his new fightstick might not have tracking info, alluding to the fact he purchased it
- acquired the $400 fightstick and coped and seethed hard not to blame it as he got bodied in SF6
- declared the new fightstick will help yet was perfected 7 times and double perfected that stream
- “It’s the game! We know for sure now it’s not the stick!”
- occasionally posts comments on his Street Fighter V videos still seething at the game
- was called out for a gloating comment he made on a SF5 video, blamed people who found it
- “I'm not a shill! I don’t have or want sponsorships or the backing of big cooperations!”
- claimed his detractors doxed him but he put his address on his business cards
- claimed his detractors doxed him but he filmed a vlog that had his mailing address exposed
- wants Nintendo games to have realistic graphics despite previously prizing gameplay more
- wants Nintendo to run their company like Microsoft or Sony
- used a Swiss Army screwdriver on his fightstick and pondered why the screws weren't turning
- confessed he doesn't know shit about fightsticks as Howard and Rambo handled those
- confessed that when he moves back and forth in his chair during late streams it means he's farting
- “I’ve been notified that I’ve missed two bosses” i.e. he realised he skipped a part of the guide
- thinks a 50/50 guess is “safe”
- "We got $50 to reach the tips goal. Now I can finally just enjoy the game."
- admitted he stopped doing death counters in hard games because it gave his detractors evidence
- subtly admitted he was a 'puppet on a string' by doing what his detractors wanted (play badly)
- can't help talking about politics when something major happens, even if it doesn't affect him
- often says his streams are not about contributions but he'd REALLY like it if you contribute
- monetized the stream in which he talked about the attempted assassination attempt on Donald Trump
- declared he had a 'right' to monetize the aforementioned Trump assassination stream
- considered his stream of the Trump assassination attempt a "chill stream" despite getting heated
- doesn't like how people use others' misfortunes as 'content'; does the same thing
- made the Trump assassination attempt stream about him
- compared Trump almost getting killed to trolls messing with his life and livelihood
- kept scratching his ear as he talked about Trump getting shot in the ear
- dared his viewers to compare him to before he met Kat (got fatter, less hair, more alcohol damage)
- can't help but name-drop Keemstar and Destiny when trying to prove his life is good
- can't understand why someone might want to step away from his stream after losing money on a bet
- lied that he quit FF7 Rebrith because “my audience shouted at me to stop” but they said the opposite
- believes he can't get popular but he has gone viral a few times (for negative reasons)
- believes ads for YouTubers on his videos are morally wrong because he was raised Roman catholic
- doesn't want to work with Mike Clum due to association with EDP445; is associated with Derich
- went full simp Will Smith style on one of his dents who talked about Kat one too many times
- threatened to permaban the fan who mentions "Romace Kat"; won't ban creepy Derich for his antics
- lamented that Boogie may have lied for personal gain; has done the same thing (e.g. Project 7)
- "I'm definitely not a money-motivated person, I'm a morals-motivated person!"
- admitted he only changed to direct capture due to being forced in to it due to declining views
- wants to upgrade his camera so he can be "on par with other streamers”
- wants to do 1440p streams because “others are already doing it”
- wants to do variety content but doesn't see taste testing soda flavours as variety content
- watches pros play SF6 and ponders why he can't do what they are doing
- “Nobody deserves the amount of frustration over this game”, still plays it
- can't play Stardew Valley - a very chill game - and talk to people in chat at the same time
- won't talk about his personal life but will talk about his wife's life if he doesn't say her name
- turned the problems of his wife into a rant about the poor luck in his life
- said he never summons in Elden Ring but the previous stream he said "I am summoning, fuck this game"
- will call you a troll if you suggest he drop Street Fighter 6
- stated that Boogie2988 potentially lying about his cancer is "not a big deal"
- lamented that his honesty ensues he never gets free things; supposedly got a free fightstick
- tries to fix his image by condemning his actions from 20 years ago... but not actions 5+ years ago
- “I got a tip... I didn’t even ask.”
- admitted he can tell tippers apart from the email addresses they use on PayPal
- shamelessly looked up puzzle guides for Riven because he was “not wanting to waste time”
- called Riven a bad game because he can't solve basic math and logic puzzles
- said Riven's puzzles were stupid because he had to actually pay attention and memorize things
- sperged out upon learning that a puzzle in Riven randomizes the solution each playthrough
- doesn't like skill-based matchmaking as he wants to crush newbs and get crushed by pros for content
- got up and stood out of frame to show where he was standing in his room
- puts too many clothes in the washing machine and is puzzled when it says "uneven load"
- said he watches the house hunter shows to laugh at people making stupid decisions
- hint hinted he needs more AC units because he can't feel cool air in the hallway
- presented a new tips incentive: changing the colour of his gamepad
- says if you have numbness go see a doctor immediately; refuses to see a doctor for his numbness
- "I can't go overtime because when I go overtime I lose", went overtime and lost four more sets
- stated that if a detractor shares with you proof that DSP is a scumbag you should seek mental help
- lamented that his detractors dox his fans, doesn't mention his fans also dox his detractors
- paradoxically doesn't mind if support for a stream is low but really wants those tips, it's his job
- ragequit Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess within an hour, a possible personal best record
- played a tower defence game despite hating them, only played three levels, then ragequit it
- “We have no shoutouts to give”, ignored the superchats that mocked him or corrected him
- believes his cat is puking in the house on purpose and is mere "misbehaving"
- lied that every account he bans is a sockpuppet so he can blame it all on one guy
- fills in the dead air by checking PayPal on his phone and scrolling Twitter
- wants SF6 to balance the 'hard' characters to easily beat the 'easy' characters i.e. unbalanced 180
- does no research on upcoming games the week before release, gets salty when its unexpectedly mid
- banned a fan who said he couldn't tip because of student loans and an upcoming disbursement
- thought it would be smart to have a private SF6 lobby with his fans only to be bodied hard
- now suddenly cares about black samurai in Assassin's Creed Mirage despite months of not caring
- sometimes accidentally injures himself when raging while playing games
- said he uses Jasper as “cathartic healing” tool
- bemoans that he has to learn boss patterns in Souls-like games
- doesn't realised that the camera in Elden Ring is focused on the target, not himself
- “I don’t care if we have low attendance streams as long as they end up working out.”
- fangirled that the wrestler Mansoor tweeted at him, but Mansoor has mocked DSP over WWE Champions
- gets toxic whenever his chat tell him to change his OP build in a Souls game
- made a big deal about Joe Biden dropping out despite not wanting to derail into politics
- got argumentative in chat about politics, further dividing his dwindling viewerbase
- wants all 60+ year old politicians kicked out of office to get “young vibrant” people in
- declared he did no research for the Elden Ring DLC but he previously mentioned he used guides
- thinks 42 years old is the age when you suddenly start sucking at everything
- “At 42 years old my brain is kind of the best it’s ever been!” (discounting alcohol abuse)
- “Rich people make infinite money.”
- got very lucky with the last boss of ER DLC (stagger and bleeding), acted like it was all skill
- hates generational wealth but has absolutely no idea how to stop it
- wants to play the MvC Collection despite hating "pattern play", which those games are in spades
- believes he is unique for being a variety streamer and no one else does what he does
- believes he beat Radahn in Elden Ring 'legit', but he used a broken build and cheesed him
- thinks it is odd that no one praises him for doing so many things with games
- thinks he used to be heralded as a 'hero' on YT but he was mildly popular at best
- assumes a tipper named Harvey Dent is a troll because 'dent' is a slang term for his fans
- faked surprise that he received a big tip while on a bathroom break
- gets perplexed when he doesn't change his boring stream and viewers & support drops off
- used the 2 Cammies were in the top 30 players of Evo 2024 as proof that she was a broken character
- ranted for 5+ minutes about Jaha, who had only mentioned DSP a few times on Twitter
- admits Jaha was right to physically harm DSP for being toxic back then, but he's changed, guys!
- wanted to react to RTU's doco and his doco despite wanting to stay away from drama content
- “People hate me because of my ex.”
- “I thought being a troll was helping the community at the time” despite not caring about it
- said he quit drinking alcohol when Kat moved in; has drunken alcohol on stream for tips
- admitted he doesn't really want to game/react, he just wants to chill and get paid to talk
- thinks showcasing his crops in Stardew Valley is exciting content
- tends to trod out the “I’m sorry for the things I did” line without going into specifics
- said Capcom isn’t price gouging any of their games yet called the SF6 deluxe edition a rip-off
- compared Ezio from AC2 (a fictional character) to Yasuke from AC Shadows (a real historical person)
- played Stardew Valley for 190 viewers but didn't play FF7 Rebirth because he only had 200 viewers
- hint hinted he would return to FF7 Rebirth if he was "convinced" to return to it
- said “You didn’t beat me. You actually have no clue how to play fighting games" after being beaten
- finds it odd that Boogie and Wings would rather get paid by Keem than do a podcast with DSP for free
- thinks the purpose of Lolcow Live is to publicly bully Boogie and Wings
- believes 100% of the hosts' drama on Lolcow Live is scripted
- subtly admitted he believes Boogie faked cancer to get more attention for Lolcow Live
- still believes Keem never "legitimately" contacted him, but he called him while DSP was streaming
- repeatedly demonstrates he has no idea what Lolcow Live is about or what happens on there
- doesn't watch Lolcow Live because it is "scripted and fake"; still watches WWE wrestling
- roasted the portion of his audience that does watch Lolcow Live (some have admitted to)
- ranted for 10+ minutes about Lolcow Live despite protesting even talking about them
- “You know how you handle drama content? You don’t bring it up! You don’t talk about it!”
- called Lolcow Live toxic and yet feels justified in being nasty and toxic about the show
- wants to be informed about the goings-on of Lolcow Live despite him seeming disinterested
- believes he is vindicated about Lolcow Live after a few fans said it is bad
- believes he stayed completely out of drama in 2024
- thinks Anna Nicole Smith committed suicide due to mass harassment (proven to be untrue)
- thinks Stardew Valley is so intense he has to take regular 10 minute breaks to decompress and chat
- “That’s it! I’ve said my piece! I’m done!”, then talked about it another five minutes
- purchased alcohol for a marathon but did not buy any games for the marathon, e-begs for money
- ordered pizza and a pasta carbonara despite money allegedly being tight
- whines that his DSP Reacts channel, “not a money making venture”, keeps getting videos demonitized
- e-begged so he can buy Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition and then admitted he can afford it
- lamented Kat being sick but still made her cook dinner (Leanna 2.0)
- hardly updates his Nintendo Switch and wonders why it has a problem going online
- ranted that the Nintendo Switch does not have a hard reset option or button
- called the viewers correcting him on a supposed Nintendo Switch design flaw "Nintendo apologists"
- complained that he has to get off his ass and hold down the power button on his Switch console
- shits on ReviewTechUSA maintaining low views on his videos, yet he is hardly any better
- takes memes of him having a fake family seriously (still thinks his cat is his son)
- says he does have a family: parents and extended family (haven't seen since 2019), wife, and cat
- chides those who think they're superior for having kids, but he does think he's superior for not
- thinks having a kid is the easiest thing in the world
- “Anyone can have kids. It’s easy.”
- chides ReviewTechUSA for talking about other people for 10+ years; has done the same thing
- says he stays out of drama but couldn't help himself talking about RTU threatening to sue Joon
- believes ReviewTechUSA only got popular for making drama content (he got popular reviewing tech)
- died to the first goomba in Super Mario Bros
- blames his Switch controller for dropping his inputs yet never switches to his other controller
- ragequit Nintendo World Championships after being made a fool of by others
- lied that he was gifted a new webcam as he never accepts random gifts
- subtly admitted he purchased the webcam by stating "who cares if I purchased it" multiple times
- knew all the technical details of the webcam despite it allegedly appearing out of nowhere
- used the new webcam but was vexed when his chat said they couldn't notice the difference
- warns of people talking about lolcows when he himself does so all the time (e.g. Boogie and RTU)
- "I can't tell my audience how to behave", "stop derailing the stream or I'll ban you"
- admits he likes Kino Casino, a podcast that operates rather much like Lolcow Live, which he hates
- thinks Kino Casino is decent, unaware they will treat him just like Sidescrollers did
- did say he wanted nothing to do with Kino Casino but he later made a Kick account to talk to them
- says he only heard about Kino Casino in 2024 even though he’s talked about them since 2022
- sees Kino Casino as fair even though his trolls say the same things/jokes and get called haters
- knows the Kino Casino guys do drama but sees it as okay as they don't treat him like dirt (publicly)
- won't punish Derich for being a creep off-stream but will ban you if you shit-talk him off-stream
- called his viewers who tell him when fans are actually detractors idiots for pursuing drama
- says it's not his job to ban 'fans' that are secretly detractors, but he used to do it
- lied that no one in his chat has ever complained about Derich
- doesn't want to ban Derich as that is what his detractors allegedly want
- asserts that if you gather evidence on a heinous person you must have stalked their social media
- reckons that if you gather evidence on a 'fan' of his you must have watched detractor videos
- lied that he has never looked at someone's Twitter profile on-stream but he just looked at Kat's
- spent $369 on WWE Champions during the last week of July 2024
- got tipsy from alcohol shots in the July 2024 marathon ('ex-alcoholic' btw)
- wasted the first half hour of a stream testing his webcam settings, upset he can't get 60 fps
- now accepts random Amazon packages (hint hint)
- treated his viewers to eating slop from a sideways profile
- “I rage at the game and everyone laughs, it’s a silly thing and then we all move on”.
- has removed the smoke detector in his gaming room, which is full of electronics and dust
- lied that he ended the marathon due to feeling sick, he was clearly intoxicated
- thinks putting a 'this is my opinion' disclaimer in video descriptions shield him from being sued
- 'Maybe I don't have direct children, human children."
- wasted five minutes pondering if a video submitted to him is trolling him before even watching it
- says he has nothing to do with Twitter but he is active there daily
- believes he never made more than $100k a year ever
- “No one I know takes Ozempic” yet knows 3 people that do
- claims Ozempic is a “conspiracy theory” people have made up about him
- sees no problem with the Xbox 360 shop shut down, but has a problem with the Wii/WiiU eshop closed
- lamented that missing a day of 'work' has seriously screwed him over
- claimed you don’t need to floss your teeth
- reckons he brushes his teeth three times a day and uses mouthwash before he goes to bed
- thinks everyone follows a 'movement' when changing a lifestyle habit, such as losing weight
- said if people didn’t hate him and nobody cared about him he would have just left the internet
- believes over-the-counter meds are scams to make money because they try to treat multiple symptoms
- thinks GameStop no longer sells physical copies of games in any of their retail stores
- insists people are wrong/trolling when they show proof of GameStop still selling physical games
- still believes that John Rambo was the reason their friendship soured
- says he is vindicated when he calls out foolish behaviour, considers it bullying if you do it to him
- believes "a lot" of people respect him for turning down the offer to be on Lolcow Live
- admits he has dark fantasies of his detractors getting their comeuppance and people trolling them
- believes that most detractors that make fun of him or others probably have a miserable life
- “I’m a firm believer in if you bring people down that you’re not happy yourself.”
- uses ReviewTechUSA as a typical example of the average detractor/troll online
- has a term for schadenfreude: "accidental masturbation"
- thinks 'detractor' streams never stick up for him or defend him in any way
- subtly admitted his mobile game is addiction is real because how he spends his money is his business
- vindicated Sidescrollers by stating it was the trolls, not them, that spiraled it into drama
- admitted he allowed his Sidescrollers appearance to turn into an interview, vindicating them more
- get stressed when he can't be bothered DoorDashing when he lives 10~ mins from everything he needs
- said his lawyers told him not to talk about WWE Champions (because it will incriminate him)
- declared that him hiding Jasper behind a $1000 paywall is an "unfair spin" but it's the actual truth
- can't remember or won't admit where all his tip money goes, still wants tips
- claims he is aging gracefully (receding hairline, patchy beard, droopy face, lazy eye, gout...)
- posted in Kino Casino's live chat encouraging their viewers to watch his raw content
- engaged with Kino Casino, learning about other lolcows, watching drama content
- lamented he was sick and wanted a good nights sleep but stayed up to 2am chatting on Kino Casino
- still believes Mr. Beast has only ever done charity work to benefit himself
- knows a disturbing amount about what not to eat in your car because it gives you the shits
- "Don't talk about the haters at all."
- vows to react to the RTU Joon the King video (so much for staying out of drama)
- believes said he could have sued Twitch for lost revenue
- admits he calls every opponent in a fighting game a scrub even if they aren't
- tends to make bait tweets and pretend he isn't checking them and acts surprised when they blow up
- wants his detractors to stop being like a cult, exclaimed towards his cult-like fanbase
- sees no problem with Kino Casino fans calling his wife fat because he likes Kino Casino
- raged at YouTube's music removal tool not being an all-cure fix, doesn't bother editing it himself
- stated he has "insane stalkers" but can't name a single one
- reckons he is only getting trolled because it is the 'in thing'; has been going on for 10+ years
- assumes YouTube flags an entire channel for demonitization if just a few videos get flagged
- knew his Dante's Inferno videos would get flagged, upload anyways, whined when flagged
- tends to refer to his flexible schedule, that he sets himself, as "logitistics"
- “I need more people to defend me.”
- "Sometimes you gotta tip your- DIP your toes!"
- complains about the heat despite owning three AC units
- plans to milk reacting to the Joon the King video by watching only one hour of it a night
- admitted he will skip the "shit that doesn’t matter anymore” parts of the Joon video on him
- defined the “shit that doesn’t matter anymore” parts as the e-begging and fundraisers
- “There are people worse than me.”
- lied that the bankruptcy judge was aware of his trolls and wanted to see his financials offline
- doesn't know what his business expenses are because he has an accountant (finance degree btw)
- tends to call victorious opponents in SF6 "level one" despite embracing the term (like his podcast)
- compared his Street Fighter ranking points being reset to someone stealing his property
- “Pateron is a way for you to support me kinda behind the scenes if you don’t watch my content.”
- wants you to give him tips rather than give money to corporations
- will accuse a fan of being a "circlejerker" if they announce they are leaving his content behind
- surmises he is still around because "intelligent people" tip him to see more 'intelligent' content
- assumes more successful creators/streamers have dumb fans who don't tip
- assumes that highly-viewed livestreams (e.g. 20k views) barely get tips/superchats
- thinks the supposed upcoming recession won't affect him
- believes his fans see giving him tips as high priority during a financial recession
- "No one hates me anymore."
- believes a random fan sending him a gaming PC won't be crawling with keyloggers and backdoors
- soon after let it slip he likely purchased the new gaming PC himself
- did file migration from wife's computer to his computer as he was getting a new PC
- doesn't understand the specs of his new gaming computer (built them for a living btw)
- somehow knew the specs of his new PC were middle-of-the-road for the time
- at times will be block the camera to cough up phlegm, unaware it doesn't mute the mic
- wants to make PC his primary gaming platform despite shitting on PC gaming for years
- thinks putting his new PC on a piece of cardboard and not directly on the carpet makes a difference
- seems to be more offended at YTers who run scams than the YTers who are actual predators
- insinuated people who stream Fortnite are doing it to attract kids to exploit them
- believes the Dreamcast failed because of P2P piracy
- said he can't do co-op streams anymore because he is married
- believes he invented recording co-op gameplay via a camera aimed at the TV
- “I believe charity should be done in private”, “If someone wants to donate me a new PC let me know!”
- gets very confused when his dead chat and low viewerbase barely chip in with tips
- has convinced himself that if anything positive happens to him it makes his detractors very upset
- uses troll terms like 'seething' and 'cope', becoming the very person he hates
- e-begged to buy SF6 on PC so he can play the 'optimal' port competitively
- believes 'whale' to refer to MMOs players when in actuality the word has its roots in gambling
- got a new iPhone right around the time WWE Champions announced no support for his old model... hmmm
- set aside an entire stream to unboxing his new PC and it never arrived in time, no backup plan
- somehow locked himself out of being admin on his new PC
- uninstalled a few drivers on his new PC after someone in chat mentioned it
- “How do I see my drivers on Windows 11?”
- "I might have to return this because I dont know how to install drivers."
- mocked his chat for suggesting he check the BIOS for the hardware/chipset he has
- claimed his new PC is a “unique build” but it is prebuilt
- was suggested he restart his router, yelled at his chat, then later restarted his router
- "Why would I apologize!? Everyone gave me a different answer. Somehow I'm at fault."
- took two hours to realize restarting his modem would fix his internet issues
- accidentally reset his Steam password, locking himself out of his account
- accidentally made a new Steam account when trying to reset his password
- believes a troll may have hacked his Steam account
- "Did this close the game or just leave the window? I pressed alt+F4, what does that do?"
- took two hours to unbox his new PC, set it up, open Steam and buy SF6
- “My new PC will work endlessly and I’ll never have to touch it.”
- stated he can't afford to play WWE Champions yet he purchased SF6 for like the third time
- “The word 'dent' is not acceptable in today’s day and age, it’s insulting! It’s offensive!"
- hates the word 'dent' but uses other similar words and expressions
- spent $2k on a new PC and SF6 only to do the same gameplay and give the same excuses
- “This game is stupid! I should be in diamond!”
- treated the Kino Casino collab stream seriously despite all the shade thrown at him
- did not get any of the anti-DSP references on Kino Casino despite supposedly knowing them all
- has become increasingly more toxic after appearing on the drama podcast Kino Casino
- “I don’t have a favourite cheese because there are different cheeses.”
- said he would "probably" choose to have dinner with Prince over Hitler
- thinks that fan-donated tips can be freely spent however he wants as "it's my money"
- shat on Sidescrollers after appearing on Kino Casino even though they both treated him similarly
- can't understand how Kino Casino getting 10k viewers hasn’t translated to him having more views
- said his appearance on Kino Casino was was like his second coming
- became a graphics whore - a type of person he disliked - after getting his new PC
- hint hints he now wants people to send him PC games
- “My TV speakers have full true bass and they sound like 3D surround audio.”
- subtley admitted his own audience doesn't add to "intelligent conversations" unlike Kino Casino's
- can't seem to understand that lambasting content creators getting games early gets him blowback
- loves 'calling out' content creators yet can't stand being called out himself
- believes that if you review a game early you are automatically shilling the game and should STFU
- thinks he needs no redemption as he has nothing to redeem
- "I literally make fine content, wholesome fair meaningful content every day."
- seriously thinks that calling out his flaws is a meme
- wasted everyone's time testing his new lemon of a computer with the chat solving his PC problems
- declared that streaming is quite easy despite prior claims that streaming was difficult
- purchased the “highest quality HDMI cables available” only to find out “they changed nothing”
- whinges about taking days off as he makes no money but he lives in a two-income household
- unveiled the crown for tips goal reached... and it is too small for his fat head
- relegated the crown to a mere background prop once the tips goal is reach to the dismay of his fans
- “I’m a minimalist” as he sits in a crowded room of crap and dusty appliances
- hates it when his chat yells at him for disrespecting fans in the chat, yells at them as well
- accidentally admitted that the 'fan donated' Switch controller was actually purchased by himself
- was worried Square Enix would cancel FF7R part 3 despite him dropping Rebirth
- made the assumption of Square Enix's financial health based on outdated revenue reports
- began making YouTube shorts featuring him on Kino Casino, milking it for all its worth
- thinks his 'slam' of Sidescrollers was so 'epic' it warranted a YouTube short
- scoffed at a troll who fought him in SF6 multiple times on alt accounts (who won every set)
- tends to believe every 'fact' his fans relay to him about detractor activity
- admitted he fell for the troll, avoided every Cammy player in SF6 even if they were legit players
- seriously believes it is "embarrassing" to be 'hating' on him nowadays
- knows that Kino Casino insulted his wife, has forgiven them, doesn't know they still slander him
- doesn't want to be interviewed about 'drama', then ponders why he barely gets interview offers
- stated that Doody is his least-bad detractor as he is "fair" and calls out Phil for legit things
- responds super serious to trash-talk 'threats', the same kind he gives to others when raging
- does not know what a piña colada is made of, thinks it has "other fruity tones”
- revealed he had purchased the new crown hat despite previously telling us it was fan-donated
- blames Amazon when a 'fan-donated' item is falsely advertised (a sure sign he himself purchased it)
- stated his lawyer told him not to bring up mobile games stuff yet does it all the time
- doesn't want the Mike Clum doco to have an analysis of his finances, “I don’t find it interesting”
- believes he can't progress in master rank in SF6 because “people are gatekeeping” him
- “Whatever Rich has said about me has never bothered me."
- “The days of hating me are over! Don’t you see?”
- thinks him collabing with Kino Casino makes his haters 'seethe' but it's just more self-sabotage
- thinks ever since his collab with Kino Casino the future is bright with only positive attention
- “Public opinion about me is now positive.”
- still thinks that the only 'bad' things he's ever done are "years behind him"
- believes the lowest part of your back controls your bowels
- believes what his detractors do or have done is "10 times worse" than what he does or has ever done
- considers his Quartering interview to disprove detractors even though no evidence was discussed
- "If Kino Casino betrays me, people will get angry."
- loses a match in SF6 and declares "You literally didn't win."
- never does any setup prior to a stream, leading to him fiddling with game settings
- thinks a desktop shortcut is the same as a game's executable
- allows Kino Casino viewers to troll him with memes because he likes their community
- “I don’t do lolcow shit because I’m not a lolcow! It doesn’t matter how much people say I am!”
- didn't notice when the Kino Casino hosts casually compared him to ReviewTechUSA
- considers DSP Reacts a “passion project”
- believes his collab with Kino Casino made his trolls lose their minds but most didn't care
- still thinks his trolls actively seek to pester him but most are just casual observers
- called his detractors "sperging losers", using the same 'hateful' language he accuses them off
- subtly admitted he only did the collab with Kino Casino to recapture the popularity he once had
- stated his wife is more important than money despite co-op streaming with her to make money
- claimed his old Street Fighter days are "outdated" and irrelevant (this includes 4th place at EVO)
- insisted he will no longer give detractors content to use yet will still stream like usual
- won't apologise to rawphil for accusing him of 'stalking' him on SF6 when he wasn't
- pretends not to know who Mister Metokur is in a way that shows nervousness
- deliberately mispronounces Mister Metokur's name as a childish slight at him
- has no idea why Mister Metokur, who covers lolcows, would want to talk to DSP, a lolcow
- only reconsidered interviewing Metokur after learning he exposed Sons of Kojima and the escorts
- screwed over Slayer, a devoted paypig, by calling his K-pop content boring and won't react anymore
- so paranoid he believes all his new-found positivity is a trap
- got an influx of tips after Kino Casino but still won't pay $500+ to fix/replace broken appliances
- wants to refinance his house to pay for installation of central air in his house
- blames the economy for his house falling apart and the mold spreading in the walls
- called a victorious SF6 opponent a "waste of meat"; has thrown out meat from big dinners
- spent a good part of a stream fiddling with the LED lights on his PC, wasting everyone's time
- boasted of his PC's cool LED lights... that only he can see
- considered getting a subscription to the software for lighting setups for his computer's LED lights
- showed his gaming room when presenting the LED lights, accidentally revealing a new phone
- apparently purchased a Galaxy S24 Ultra but has no plans to use it for playing Android games
- presents himself as a victim of bullying, with RTU as a bully, doesn't mention his own actions
- went full King of Hate mode, addressing his trolls after telling Kino Casino he won't do that
- believes that addressing his detractors is "an L for them"
- whined that he is living life to the fullest... as he complains about detractors and lack of money
- can't find games in his Steam library if they are in the Recent Games section
- mocked PC gamers for being the "master race" as he cannot solve basic PC problems without help
- somehow mapped the Stream screenshot button to his Xbox One controller
- could not solve the basic Pipe Mania puzzles in System Shock without help from chat
- claims PayPal takes 30% for every $1 but in reality it's 2.99% for every $1
- claims that no one chastises Kino Casino for e-begging but it does happen
- thinks only he gets shit for e-begging but in reality everybody get shit for e-begging
- doesn't realise that e-begging as often as he does is why he is loathed and mocked for e-begging
- realises that Kino Casino DO roast him for e-begging but still stands by them and their viewers
- begged his viewers to click the Like button to show how easy it is to beg for something
- thinks getting 100 likes a stream makes or breaks his ability to pay bills and groceries that week
- thinks begging for likes is morally justifiable because it is "free and easy"
- “Circumstantial evidence is not evidence and would never hold up in a legal court of law.”
- assumed he would wipe the floor with the Kino Casino hosts in a fighting game
- considers co-op games like Chained Together to be 'meme' games because he has nobody to play with
- won't do an interview with Mutahar for $5k but may play games co-op with Mutahar for free
- sheepishly admitted he blocked Mutahar on Twitter after months of believing Mutahar had blocked him
- knew he had blocked Mutahar because of Muta's appearance on Keem's podcast Lolcow Live
- wants Kiwifarms closed for talking about drama, meanwhile he talks about drama every stream
- ponders why his Kiwifarms thread is still up whilst doing things that justify its existence
- talked about 'pulling Hogans' in a lame attempt to own the WWE Champions meme
- removed the foam from the walls despite stating he couldn't lest it "rip off the paint"
- “A ding dong is two patties of cakes.”
- put screws directly into the wall and entered another room to see if they poked through
- installed hexagonal panels to his wall just like the streamers he dislikes
- admitted the hexagonal panels on his wall are to look cool, not for any type of functionality
- admitted the sound-proofing foam he previously had on his wall was "just fine"
- joking asked for tips by declaring he was the king demanding his tax revenue
- now refers to tips as the "king's taxes"; went into debt for not paying his taxes
- believes that
- it is the way he words his e-begging that is the problem, not the frequency of it
- feels embarrassment by the e-begging he did in his Scorn playthrough but he is isn't much different
- can't answer a question about people spending too much on games without assuming it's about him
- subtly admitted he "pulls Hogans" most nights and it's not his detractors' business that he does
- lamented his previous addiction to WWE Supercard, swears he doesn't have any mobile game addiction
- jokes that he blows all his donation money on WWE Champions, which is not helping his case
- made very poor-taste comments about his detractors soaking in their own piss and shit
- namedrops Doody, Memology, and Tevin a fair amount (they live rent-free in his head)
- assumes the term "pigroach" is the trolls' way of 'dehumanizing' him to justify how they treat him
- purchased blackout curtains for his kitchen despite wanting them for his office for 5+ years
- "Pro players don't pull those kind of numbers. That's nuts!", ashamed of rival SF6 players
- warned against being an embarrassment on the internet as it will come back to haunt you
- “There is no point in retreading the past.”; has a channel dedicated to his past: DSP Reacts
- kicks out his more critical fans on assumption they are undercover trolls
- complains about grocery store bread rather than going to a bakery
- at times appears to get sexually gratified when he receives big $100 tips
- thinks he is 'based' because he has been "sticking to his guns" and being himself
- outright admitted he has an active WWE Champions account but won't show it because it will dox him
- subtly admitted that his active WWE Champions account is indeed DownFromTheRafters
- somehow equated him showing his WWE Champions account to his bank account getting hacked
- called people who sit in his chat most streams "losers" and "fucked up in the head"
- “When you put on the clown makeup, it doesn’t wash off.”
- proclaims not to know detractor memes yet can explain them in great detail
- admitted that he has gotten so boring his "pocket watchers" (detractors) leave and go elsewhere
- believes his detractors deserve all misfortunes that happen upon them, considers it justice
- doesn't realise that his rants about trolls profiting off him only apply to the only ones doing it
- doesn't care that his 'DSP is a king' "jokes" bother his fans as it supposedly bothers his trolls
- doesn't care that Josh Moon (aka Null) bans detractors, still hates him for hosting his KF thread
- won't give Null a pass no matter what he does because the KF theads on DSP gave him misery
- equates a few posters on Kiwifarms to the general attitude of people there as a whole
- stated he will shut the stream down if he doesn't get $50 and hurriedly assured it was a "joke"
- is proud that his boring repetitive content makes detractors give up on him
- thinks that Doody invented the "lie" that PayPal reveals the personal details of those who donate
- thinks DoodyStreams had a change of heart and quit in reality he retired
- "Name ONE person who has ever tipped me who then I doxed their information.": PWdubz, OIC...
- called himself a "waste of life piece of shit" when referencing the content restreamers put out
- showed the 'secret detractor Discord server' despite assuring he was stepping away from drama
- values privacy immensely but will violate detractors' privacy if it means he can expose them
- had a meltdown reacting to doctored screenshots of the 'secret detractor Discord server'
- thinks that an old unused detractor server getting nuked is a win for him
- believes that the most current 'secret detractor Discord server' has 100,000+ people in it
- rages to this day that Memology101 (correctly) asserted Phil ragequits games
- wants to sue Memology101 for slander/defamation for clipping DSP's ragequits and other antics
- misuses the term 'felt' after learning of it from Kino Casino
- calls detractor messages "self-felt" and then self-felts himself by calling himself a nobody loser
- can't believe that a group of detractors can have fun chatting and gaming together
- behaves just like Keemstar when 'owning' trolls and detractors
- goes full clown-mode when imitating what he presumes anti-DSP memes are like
- doesn't believe what an anti-DSP troll say unless said troll confesses to something
- claimed that he and his fanbase do more productive things together than his detractor communities
- urges his detractors to go outside and get some fresh air, "I'm not going anywhere!" (not outside)
- refuses to use the word 'dent' because it's a slur but will use the word 'retard' and 'degenerate'
- is very proud to make more money than his detractors do (unaware they don't profit off him at all)
- doesn't care that his clownish antics is clip content for trolls as he still get tips in the end
- seriously believes his trolls make the majority of their meager income making content on DSP
- called his trolls "Cringe" while wearing a 'pimp' outfit (fedora and GUNNAR Glasses)
- assumes that overly-positive tip messages are from Kino Casino watchers
- proclaims everyone loves him now but Kino Casino and Mutahar still won't play co-op with him
- whined about the US government reporting on job growth, complained that those jobs are crappy
- espoused on poor-paying blue collar jobs as he streams sitting on his ass in his gated community
- stated he is healthy; gout, ear infection, partial face paralyse, nasal drip, alcohol damage...
- began using the "king's tax" as a streak, proving he will shamelessly monitize everything
- admits to having no savings despite previously stating he did have savings
- pretended to make breathing a meme to entertain his viewers (not a clown btw)
- offered to dance to a kaleidoscopic background if he gets a $100 tip (not a clown btw)
- hint hinted that giving him tips makes his trolls "cry" and "seethe"
- "There is a change happening" as he wears the same old vest, Pokemon hat, and GUNNAR glasses
- asked his followers if he should respond to Keem calling him out despite not wanting any Keem at all
- dedicated a stream to his drama with Keemstar, Mutahar, & Doody, yet will insist he doesn't do drama
- reckons that every good card pulled in WWE Champions is a "big L" to everyone who shits on him
- doesn't care when Kino Casino uploads old clips of them roasting DSP as he is "chill" with them
- spun the old Kino Casino clips as trolls blowing it out of proportion when it was his fans that did
- assumes that Null, owner of Kiwifarms, endorses everything anti-DSP on the website
- still thinks Null is anti-DSP when Null is pro-DSP and anti-detractor (especially the gayops shit)
- mentions "vitriol" slander against him on Kiwifarms but cannot present a shred of evidence
- called Lolcow Live a "dead show" when their typical stream gets 10x the views of his typical videos
- didn't accept Keem's apology to him as Keem didn't apologise for 100% of what he said and done
- also didn't accept Keem's apology as Keem was convinced by his chat, not from self-reflection
- realises his anti-Keemstar hate is hypocritical as he is in a "redemption arc", still insults him
- acknowledges he may return to his clout-chasing drama-baiting ways if he changes, shrugs, "oh well"
- believes he could "destroy" Keem if he spent an hour microanalysing Keem's opinions on DSP
- thinks Keem made a statement about Phil thinking Lolcow Live was scripted but it was opinion
- doesn't understand the difference between something scripted and something planned
- knows a suspicious amount of detail about Lolcow Live that suggests he watches it
- still thinks the Boogie vs Wings boxing match was a failure but it was actually a big success
- seriously requested $50k from Keem for a 2-hour appearance on Lolcow Live
- self-depreciated himself by saying Keem being on the Level One Podcast is a HUGE downgrade
- still salty that Keem called him for the Lolcow Live offer during a livestream, not "like a man"
- made a big deal about unlocking Keemstar on Twitter
- is puzzled why Doody, who uploads DSP content, would put DSP's name in the video tags
- called himself pathetic when stating that any video tags in relation to him are pathetic
- criticized the '1651' meme as it is a reference to how much he spent in WWE Champions (it's more)
- was bewildered that a caricature of him isn't fully accurate
- still thinks anti-DSP YouTubers care about their view count and ad revenue
- gawked at Doody's YT analytics despite "not paying attention to the detractors"
- assumes all his detractors act like Doody and make content that "slander" him for money
- called Doody a pathetic no-life loser not too soon after praising him for being fair at times
- gets very toxic when Doody uploads edited DSP clips before DSP can upload the raw footage
- changes his stated height at times, especially swinging between 5'11 and 6'
- stated something to the effectt of 'if you don’t need money you should just stop making it'
- spent $2448 on WWE Champions during the month of August 2024
- flexes on "felting" his haters when tallying tips, even the tips he suspects will get chargebacked
- allows himself to get pussywhipped by his wife, hence his insistence on ending streams earlier
- lamented 'working' late hours making clips, considers it a lot of work
- invited Keemstar to do an interview on his 'podcast' despite allegedly not doinf drama
- insisted the Keemstar interview won't be an interrogation, but will interrogate him about behaviour
- hated it when his trolls sent Sidescrollers tips, loves when Kino Casino fans send him tips
- considers what Sidescrollers did was "illegitimate" because they made money at his "expense"
- actually believed Doody's claims of being a multimillionaire
- believes Doody has no life and income outside of making and monetizing DSP content
- accused Doody of leading a "mass flagging campaign" on DSPGaming and Kino Casino with no evidence
- is proud to have not flagged a channel in a decade, hasn't shown his flagging history recently
- hasn't realised that e-begging itself is not the issue but the massive amounts of e-begging
- played co-op with Kino Casino (who act like Keem but are pro-DSP) but won't play co-op with fans
- proclaimed Doody's videos are lies and bullshit but will talk at length about them
- insulted Doody for having someone make him YT thumbnails, meanwhile has OIC making him thumbnails
- stated he can't show his WWE Champions account as his phone might get hacked & backdoors installed
- can't explain why the DownFromTheRafters account hasn't been hacked if it is 'allegedly' his
- still mad that his past prominence on YouTube did not result in free stuff and review copies
- believes that everyone making content based on him, including restreamers, are committing libel
- urges those who hate-watch him and his fans that genuinely don't like the content to send him tips
- offered to act like Hulk Hogan for the rest of the stream if someone donated $100
- only acted like Hulk Hogan for 30 seconds when someone did donate $100 (not a clown btw)
- lied that if he really was DownFromTheRafters he would have already played WWE Champions on stream
- knows that in WWE Champions, "You could spend $400 dollars and pull 3 rare dudes."
- explained why the 'pulling Hogans' meme is eloquent and then called it brainless stupidity
- stated he CAN fake tip animations if he wants to... hmmm...
- lied on Kino Casino that his chat barely has any moderation these days
- lied on Kino Casino that Derich has never donated money
- refused to ban Derich for being a pedo creep because that's his own business off-stream
- didn't ban Derich for being a pedo creep off-screen but will ban if you're a detractor off-stream
- justified not banning Derich because if he does the detractors win
- doesn't want to ban Derich because his detractors exposed Derich and that would admit they are right
- supposedly consulted with his mods in Discord about whether to ban Derich rather than manning up
- felt sad for banning Derich the pedo creep because "he's nice in my chat"
- banned fans asking about Derich as they hadn't seen the Kino Casino interview with Null yet
- implied on Kino Casino that the bank leaks are legit
- “Once you put on the clown makeup, it never washes off.” i.e. he's still the same old DSP
- removed banned words from the chatbot despite stating there were no banned words
- confessed that the soundproofing foam was purchased by him and was not fan donated
- wanted to play WWE Champions on stream despite alleging his lawyer advised him not to do that
- believes being an addict is fine so long as you are not 100% focused on your addiction
- says only "obsessed weirdos" talk about his taxes yet brings up his taxes pretty often
- played WWE Champions on stream to 'own the meme' but it only confirmed his addiction to the game
- admits to playing WWE Champions most nights whilst unwinding with his wife
- refunded a big tip that stated he was losing to the detractors
- went mask off and showed that his idea of 'winning' is making money
- “I didn’t give into the detractors” but had played WWE Champions which his detractors asked for
- gets big tips but doesn't act like the game he's playing is any good, hinting they are fake tips
- called out his trolls for impersonating him to issue DMCAs on detractor vids but it was his fans
- claimed he doesn't care about the false DMCAs but approved of a fan-run fundraiser to fight for it
- admitted he DID false strike SuperCrazy but later repealed it because he had "taught him a lesson"
- "I don't know how the strike system works", "I've never struck anyone."
- "I don't know who SuperCrazy is", "Ok I guess I did issue the strike."
- talked shit about Keemstar for years but seemed very apologetic when finally confronting him 1v1
- admitted he started the drama with Keemstar only after confronted by Keem
- admitted he started the drama out of jealousy of Keem's success
- “Wonder if what I did today changed Keems mind about me or anyone else’s.”
- truly believes he has nothing to redeem for despite promoting his so-called 'redemption arc'
- thinks he has never banned anyone for asking mundane personal questions like what's for dinner
- thinks that because he apologised for insulting his fans with fixing his PC no one can bring it up
- doesn't know how anyone can hate him unless they are mindless idiots who believe detractor lies
- describes his trolls as insignificant worms he steps on (not a toxic person btw)
- still thinks it costs money to transfer money from PayPal to a bank account
- still thinks you cannot pay for things with insufficient PayPal balance (it draws from bank account)
- won't show his true WWE Champions account because it could dox him, but a new one is aye-okay
- is afraid to show his Discord screen because it would expose too much (i.e. debunk his claims)
- claimed he never used Discord before but he had a Twitch contact on Discord for years
- "I'm not a strongly money motivated person" but promoted the new $100 tips animation
- said him and his wife have psychological issues because of his fapcident and it triggers him
- wants to work with Maximilian Dood to continue the drama gravy train
- admitted he's been playing WWE Champions on an account for seven years (i.e. DownFromTheRafters)
- "I never called anyone an idiot for asking a simple question.", does this pretty much every stream
- admitted the bank leaks were real but then did a 180 and said they weren't real
- lied that “I don’t even know how to contact Scopely” as he did contact them to try and change names
- "I thoroughly felted the haters tonight!"
- purchased the VIP Club on his new WWE Champions account, not his helping his addiction case
- knows a suspicious amount about good WWE Champions cards despite allegedly hardly playing it
- roasted an 'idiot' who pointed out he knows too much about WWEC, stated he IS addicted to it
- namedropped Doody even when Doody hadn't uploaded in days (rent-free in his head)
- spent $100 on a 69 card pull pack in WWE Champions
- got visibly energetic and excited when pulling cards in WWE Champions
- immediately purchased a card pack without hesitation when prompted in WWE Champions
- purchased coin microtransactions in WWE Champions to upgrade his cards
- spent $255 during a stream of WWE Champions; can't "waste" $300 for a medical check-up for his cat
- so egotistical he thinks WWE Champions will get 1000+ new players thanks to him streaming the game
- stated that losing a match to a good player makes you feel good but he has never felt good losing
- showed people's replies to his tweets, struggled to debunk their claims and roastings
- revealed he wants to collab with Sidescrollers in co-op games despite shitting them for over a year
- thinks Sidescrollers does "hack shit to get attention"; earlier played WWE Champions on-stream
- insulted Sidescrollers' business model, even though their typical videos dwarf his in view-count
- used a My Little Pony "get felted" reaction gif in response to ReviewTechUSA's anti-DSP meme
- knows reacting to ReviewTechUSA is a waste of time, does it anyways
- "Don't get hooked on it", said by a man addicted to e-begging and mobile games
- wants to collab with Maximillion Dood yet has him muted on Twitter
- blamed his detractors as to why he muted Maximillion Dood and Mutahar on Twitter
- didn't see Maximillion Dood's business contact in his Twitter bio, pondered how to contact him
- didn't contact Maximillion Dood via email yet he ranted that Keem likewise didn't email him
- encouraged him viewers to pester Maximillion Dood into replying to DSP
- "People love me and will pay for my defense completely!"
- eager that discovery phase of a trial will unearth dirt on SuperCrazy, unaware it affects him too
- admitted he flagged people without watching the content, but retracted claims if they are “legal”
- justified his false-flagging of videos as an accident, unintentional, or fine if he retracts it
- doesn’t know the difference between liable and slander, wants to pursue legal action anyways
- believes “casual” statements are not allowed to be taken in to legal consideration
- replaced Stardew Valley and SF6 with WWE Champions in his stream schedule (not an addict btw)
- called Kino Casino "Far Right" yet still associates with them
- gets angry when detractors use DSP in titles and descriptions, even though DSP is the subject
- wants to set a $1000 tips goal of ripping a cheap shirt off whilst playing WWE Champions
- claimed his detractors tried to get his new WWE Champions account shut down, provided no proof
- announced more of the new content he has been doing: drama and gambling in WWE Champions
- says he doesn't want 'detractors' on his podcast... unless they are popular (like Keem and Craig)
- slowly realised his Level One Podcast turned into a drama segment, milked it all her could
- pondered why the Sidescrollers cast don't like him after a year of slandering them
- said he never had bad blood with Adam Crigler, butr the post-interview stream disproves this
- roasted a SuperCrazy's obviously false intentions to sue him, plans to counter-sue
- roasted SuperCrazy's plea to raise money to sue DSP, then he e-begged to raise money to counter-sue
- demonstrated that he has no idea how the law works during his reaction of SuperCrazy's video
- said that settling out of court is "extortion"
- doesn't realise that 'lolsuit' means a trolling frivolous lawsuit, thinks it's a detractor meme
- 'knows' he can slam-dunk his detractors by showing his 'real' WWE Champions account, won't
- wants to have Wings on his podcast despite insisting he doesn't want a watered-down Lolcow Live
- wants to have Craig on his podcast but doesn't want him to ask questions directly
- thinks Man on the Moon is a movie about Andy Warhol
- implied his whole career is like an Andy Kaufman act
- returned to Call of Duty and resumed treating it like a tactical shooter
- declared Call of Duty to be a waste of his time because he can't kill anyone
- his solution to getting the loot he wanted in WWE Champions: buy more stuff to "unstick" the loot
- demonstrated how predatory mobile games are by buying so much until he cannot buy anything else
- shifted the tips goal from $50 to $150 per stream to keep the "King's Streak" going
- spent hundreds of dollars on WWE Champions on-stream and still didn't get the best loot
- won't play WWE Champions with his fans unless they are at his level
- immediately coped when Joon's doco on him released, wanted an update video with more positivity
- assured his viewers that “he’s having a renaissance” and told Joon of that
- assumed no one would know of his hateful comments about iJustine if detractors kept quiet
- thinks no one cares about him playing poorly at Zelda but himself cared with much ranting about it
- rambled for 30 minutes about the Joon doco on him just from the thumbnail and timestamp names
- “For the last few months I have been seeing a resurgence” but it had only been 3 weeks
- believes that retconning events from his past is actually "adding context"
- revealed he has a treadmill despite alleged money woes
- thinks that RTU “ruined his life by turning to drama” , meanwhile Phil is doing the same thing
- surmised that the more people tipping him means the less people will get doxed that do it
- thinks a mild upswing in his YT analytics = people love him now
- is proud that he has more videos than ever growing his audience, unaware most views are from trolls
- is proud that he has more viewers allegedly over 65 than allegedly under 18
- seriously believes most YT accounts accurately portray their age
- whinged that detractor videos steal his views despite years of proclaiming he's not Mr. Views
- did not notice that the top three channels his viewers watch are detractor channels
- calls Doody an insignificant loser despite Doody's channel being the #1 channel his viewers watch
- was very pleased to be sent a video of Shrek raping people to react to
- implores fans addicted to donating to him to seek therapy, still keeps their money
- “Stop donated if you’re addicted.”
- can see danger signs of someone falling in gambling addiction, sees his own signs, does nothing
- still doesn't believe he doxed PwDubz
- stated he never doxed anyone but suddenly remembered he did post a fan's drivers license in Discord
- dropped a big hint he was DownFromTheRafters on Twitter to distract from the Joon video on him
- apologised to Joon for lying to his fans for spending tips on taxes, didn't apologise to those fans
- treated the Joon documentary on him as if he made it
- stated the Joon doc “doesn’t matter” because “it’s nothing his detractors haven’t spewed before”
- stated he's above shit-talking people... pffft
- claims the "king joke" is to 'felt' his haters, monitising his haters just like Keem does
- called himself a dunce since the Joon doco is full of “full of dunce level thinking”
- “I am stepping forward in to the next level of my existence.”
- credited his “renaissance” is due to “the camera being put on others” i.e. not his own effort
- credit his parents who “forced him to be the best in everything” to why he became an “an e-thug”
- claimed him being 4th place at EVO is a troll move, discrediting every brag about it
- wants an apology from Justin Wong as he feels Wong is in the wrong
- demands apologies from the Fighting Game Community despite being in a 'redemption arc'
- believes that telling the truth about something after previously lying about it is not retconning
- takes great pride in deconstructing Doody's arguments, thinks this 'felts' all of his detractors
- demanded Doody remove monitisation, Doody loses monitisation, but Phil blames Keemstar for it
- stated that Doody doesn't add commentary or criticism to DSP clips but it's literally all he does
- doesn't want people 'punching down' on him, but he can and will 'punch down' on his detractors
- described Doody's YT career as a long log of shit getting stuck while being flushed (scat fetish)
- hint hinted he wants Doody's privated anti-DSP videos to be reported
- said Maximilian Dood is a "good dude" but ponders why Max keeps his distance from him
- mocked Msx for making his dog a part of his content; Phil gatekept his cat behind a $2k paywall
- says he "wants nothing to do with the FGC" but ponders why the FGC wants nothing to do with him
- declared the Joon video about him will not be a part of his downfall... less than a day it released
- derailed a stream to investigate why Kirk the raging racist was banned from his chat
- doesn't want you to say unpleasant truths about him: “keep the current positivity going for awhile”
- won't put 'Fart smella smart fella' on the tips leaderboards but has put up far worse
- blamed detractors for making John Rambo believe Phil was withholding P7 money, but Phil really was
- “Maybe I did lie about that, I don’t remember!”
- called a savings account “hoarding money”
- stated that TIHYDP made people hate him, but the screenshots in the TIHYDP vids prove otherwise
- rejects Joon's examples of frivolous spending as “worthless drama that didn’t amount to anything”
- stated that him inflating the cost of his lemon PC by double “wasn’t intentional”
- admitted he lied for years about Pewdiepie liking his content to get clout
- tried to disprove John and Howard's claims against him, couldn't, gave up and said "fuck those guys"
- “It’s always been the fault of the detractors!”
- vows to tell the whole truth about WWE Champions but refuses to show any proof, making it pointless
- admits he would rather you see him as a scumbag liar than an innocent victim that will get harassed
- stated he never doxed himself but his early Seattle vlogs did it for him
- stated his business card never doxes himself but the info on it makes it easy to dox him
- made a big deal about the PO Box address on his business card even though the address is close by
- calls his own fans idiots for believing the "troll koolaid" aka the unpleasant truth
- “Full truth from my perspective” aka not the full truth
- “This is all untrue! Well... it's half-true.”
- doubled down on his BMW oil change story, saying they refused to service the car in his new state
- claimed he never knew of PandaLee's fake wedding ring until Joon's vid but Panda said he knew
- declared that “Joon shot himself in the foot” by showing how DSP mistreats people make him look bad
- thinks no kids today know what Minecraft is
- “If you go to a store like Target there is no Minecraft merchandise! Nobody will know what it is!”
- says the PC is “the best experience for gaming” after years of shitting on PC
- says Xbox is “the best value in gaming” because it give you “free games every month” (for $19.99)
- revealed that at the Panda hospital visit is she gave back her engagement ring while she was there
- blamed his detractors for registered him as a business on Google even though he says it's business
- refuses to believe his trolls hated the escort catfishing gayops scheme, “This is bullshit”
- “It doesn’t matter what people say about since I’m already the most hated man on the internet!"
- lied that only one person on Kiwifarms saw the escort catfishing as fake, but thread says otherwise
- called himself based because he got to keep the cheap Chinese chair he briefly shilled
- “Those chairs sucked! Every one of them was cheap junk!”, still tried to sell them
- admitted that an 11 year old calling him an idiot really offended him
- “If they are going to say shit to me I’m going to say shit back!” to an 11 year old
- can't read a graph, thought one graph showed he banned 100+ people every day but it says 'over days'
- refuses to believe he banned over 400 people his cat reveal video
- admits he IS DownFromTheRafters but sold the account (violating ToS)
- refuses to show his WWE Champions account but will sell the account to a sketchy third-party website
- claimed he sold his WWE Champions account due to no money but he was the vest streak going strong
- planned to write off WWE Champions on his bankruptcy form (this would be bankruptcy fraud)
- thinks that because the bankruptcy being granted means that it was fine
- “It’s none of anyone’s business”, made it people's business
- “Every single time I talked about WWE Champions, I lied”, proving how easy he finds lying is
- "I've been lying to everyone for years about WWE Champions, but this time I'm telling the truth."
- "Sure, I lied for the past seven years, but why would I lie now?"
- believes there is nothing morally or ethically wrong with lying so he doesn't need to apologise
- hated to admit his detractors were right whilst reacting to Joon's video on him
- admitted his detractors were right but still considers himself to be victorious and trolls "felted"
- nervously laughed as Joon revealed Phil's lies in the doco (a sign of guilt and nervousness)
- was puzzled as to why a YT video in which he wished violence upon a child would get struck down
- admitted he has always used Discord all this time in a failed attempt at gaslighting
- pondered why anyone would care about how much fan-donated money he squanders on mobile games
- confessed he lied on Sidescrollers about not owning a WWE Champion account but he allegedly sold it
- thinks his podcast guests cancelled on him because of Craig 'bullying' DSP but its the opposite
- believes that the Sidescrollers interview made people hate Sidescrollers but its the opposite
- claims he never "monetized hate" on Craig but he still took superchats shittalking Craig
- still thinks that being asked to prove he has no WWE Champions account is bullying
- “I know Craig! Craig is a straight guy! He is not going to screw me!”
- believes Craig defamed him even though Phil now admits he was lying during his Sidescrollers show
- blames his detractors as to why he lied during his Sidescrollers show
- made a big deal that Craig didn't read the email Phil sent him (because Craig logged off)
- made a big deal that Craig "monetized hate" with a stream; does the same thing taking superchats
- “It doesn’t matter if it’s honesty or not, it’s still an answer.”
- admitted his interview with Craig was for Craig to confess to treating him poorly (didn't work)
- ragequit his interview with Craig and childishly got the last laugh in (redemption arc btw)
- told Craig to go fuck himself and was shocked when Craig told him to go fuck himself
- believes the tips tracker doesn't take into account service fees (it does)
- claimed he couldn't show his WWEC account on his phone in 2023 but his new phone is from 2024
- thinks that lying about his 'secret' Discord server not existing does not make it secret
- claimed that someone had access to his bank account despite claiming on Sidescrollers no one did
- believes Craig "systematically harassed" him for 1.5 years after the Sidescrollers interview
- thinks it is your opinion that he had a temple tantrum like a child after the Craig interview
- broke his promise not to talk about Craig again by talking about Craig again the next day
- “The only people who like [Craig] are my detractors” yet Craig gets 20,000 views a show
- "I'll never lie to you, that's not who I am" but has admitted he has lied for years
- doesn't know what was in his bankruptcy filing despite alleging to go through it line item again
- "I learned how to use Discord" despite using it for years
- spent $1168 on WWE Champions during the first week of September 2024
- refuses to believe some of his detractors are vindicated by Joon's vid on him, they're all guilty
- kept a vest streak going despite the documentary showcasing how greedy it makes him look
- believes Craig told his viewers to mass-downvote Phil's videos (defamation)
- wanted to do an interview with Mister Metokur "before it's too late" (Metokur dying from cancer)
- thinks that people intentionally spin his tweets to make him look bad
- is bewildered as to how his insensitivity to Metokur can be seen negatively
- said "it would be a grave error" to misspeak to Metokur, a man who is gravely ill
- told Metokur, a man with a terminal illness, to “get well soon”
- thinks that because Metokur jokes about his illness that it's okay for him to joke about it too
- revealed he only wants to do the interview with Metokur while people "still care" about him
- doesn't want to be held accountable for his actions, will call you a hypocrite if you do to him
- wants a little respect after lying and e-begging for years to fund his WWE Champions addiction
- warns of parasocial relationships, tells his viewers he loves them as they pay his bills for him
- wants a new washing machine because old one doesn't like washing clothes and table cloths together
- whined he is losing momentum because Kino casino is on vacation even though he takes all the credit
- subtly admitted he does things to flex and 'felt' on his detractors
- ramped up the e-begging once he realised the post-Joon doco boom period was over
- likes the 'normalcy' despite loving the increased "positivity" he got from Kino Casino et al
- wasted money buying cheap Hulkamania shirts for ripping up during his WWE Champions streams
- hint hinted he wants a new PC, another gaming chair, a soundboard, and LEGO sets as props
- made a wishlist of things he wants his fans to buy him from a shop that caters to e-girls
- explained the store isn't for e-girls but the simps to gift things anonymously (aka his fans)
- allows tips from a 'fan' named "Anon" (likely himself or OIC) despite not wanting anonymous people
- considers doing charity streams despite making it clear “charity is meant to be done in private"
- “systematically harassed” LTG in the same way he accused Craig of doing to him
- whined about LTG blocking him on Twitter despite also blocking people for the same reason he was
- stated he wants no drama and yet is pestering LTG to do a "nice" interview with him
- "You don't get rewarded for nothing, you are not God's gift to humanity."
- considered paying LTG for the interview even though he turned down $50k to co-host Lolcow Live
- boiled the hypothetical 'DSP & LTG' interview down to making money for both of them
- doesn't think that bothering LTG with an interview offer is clout-chasing
- roasted LTG for having no setup or background like the streaming 'clowns' he hates
- roasted LTG for wanting money to do the interview yet Phil asks for money for just talking to chat
- roasted LTG for wanting $10k but Phil asked Keem for $50k to co-host Lolcow Live
- "All these things I could do with the funds." (alcohol, DoorDash, and WWE Champions)
- proclaimed LTG doesn't want to "get out of his bubble" (pot kettle black)
- watched a LTG detractor video despite hating detractor videos (it's fine if he;s not the subject)
- proclaimed Black Myth Wukong to be a bad game because he can't cheese it like a Dark Souls game
- ragequit Black Myth Wukong because the King's Streak ended and thus couldn't contain his anger
- accidentally called the King's Streak the vest streak
- believes Black Myth Wukong killed the King's Streak but it actually him replacing it with drama
- admits he wagequit Black Myth Wukong but justified it as his viewers hated watching him play it
- “I don’t mention money that much” yet mentions money more than ever
- believes he will “age gracefully” and “become the elder statesman” of content creation
- thinks continually restarting the King's Streak is a jab at the trolls and detractors
- moved the goalposts so that Feasting with the King is now unlocked at a 50 King's Streak
- encouraged his viewers to click the Like button to trick his trolls into thinking he's successful
- announced his plan to farm engagement to an audience he knows has a portion of trolls
- gets triggered when he sees "30 to 40" dislikes on his videos, struggles to pretend he isn't upset
- seriously believes his detractors get genuinely upset when he has a successful stream
- justifies e-begging as him getting tips is somehow sticking it to his trolls and detractors
- "I'm putting out good stuff!"
- “I guarantee you it will happen!”, “I could be wrong”
- hint hinted he wants to be gifted Lego sets because “I'm not dropping $100 on a crazy Lego set”
- complained of getting $1 tips, doesn't bother raising the minimum tip amount
- encouraged his viewers to restart the tips streak, unaware/uncaring how pathetic an e-begger he is
- will take dumb advice from his viewers but will blame detractors when the advice doesn't pan out
- will declare a meme to not be a meme so he can justify banning memes he dislikes from his chat
- gleefully celebrates when tips amounts are good, assumes trolls are "crying" but no one cares
- put the 'ripping the cheap Hulkamania shirt' perk behind a $1000 (one thousand) paywall
- gets extremely excited like a child when he pulls five star Hogans in WWEC (not an addict btw)
- bitched about the price of Space Marines 2 for a week then blew $200 on WWE Champions within 2 hours
- described how predatory games like WWE Champions are after he wasted money on failed pulls
- said he was addicted to WWE Supercard and Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, but WWE Champions is a meme
- made a wishlist and hint hinted he would like his viewers to gift him desired items
- mass-banned everyone who said the wishlist makes him look greedy
- kept reacting to LTG's reactions to him, caught in the drama that he alleges only idiots get into
- engaged with Ethan Ralph, one of the worst people he could interact with, because he wanted clout
- compared talking to drama-magnets like Ethan Ralph to him and other lolcows as the Ghostbusters
- lied that he received a $100 tip as his stream went offline so he can keep the King's Streak going
- claimed that he didn't feel disrespected when Maximilian Dood didn't respond to him, still ranted
- got stuck with a black screen in Discord for 10+ minutes after saying “I’ve figured out Discord now”
- admitted to Joon that he confessed to WWE Champions to take the sting out of the upcoming video
- asked Joon a question he pretended came from a fan, still got shut-down by logic and reasoning
- pondered why Joon didn't treat third-party sources with skepticism (he did)
- couldn't piece together why years of lying would make him untrustworthy
- stated that “I gotta work on that” on being more honest going forward
- is happy that fans "look past" his years of lying rather than himself feel guilt for lying for years
- hint hinted to Joon an expose video on his biggest detractors would do well
- tried to convince Joon that some detractors (like Doody) are worse than the lolcows (liek him)
- in the end only asked Joon like two questions as he spent most of the time failing to debunk things
- blamed Joon for being “a bad person to interview”, even though Phil rambled non-questions
- planned to reuse his 2023 Halloween costume for Halloween 2024 (CheapskateSydePhil)
- says he has an "offline life", cites his wife and "internet friends"
- assumes that any content creator that wants to do an interview with him has ulterior motives
- "I know more about fighting games than 99% of the planet!"
- hint hinted he wants another PC not too long after he acquired a top-end gaming PC
- lambasted LTG for saying streaming pays more than a 9-5 job; has stated the same thing for years
- can't talk about LTG being unemployable without bringing up how hiw trolls made him unemployable
- projected hard when he said LTG puts up goalposts to prevent the DSP vs LTG spectacle
- called LTG a scammer for wanting money for doing an interview; wanted $50k from Keem for Lolcow Live
- admits he does what his detractors do to him (live-reacting to a stream/video) but he's different
- self-dissed himself by doing what his detractors do and calling it "fucking empty-headed"
- roasted LTG for exaggerating things not long after admitting the Joon doco proves he's done the same
- roasted LTG's lack of a streamer setup, meanwhile Phil's setup is clownishly overdone
- implied he showers more, lost weight and changed his attire as a way to 'own' LTG
- stated that LTG is like him from the 2000s but never grew up; DSP likewise is the same
- gave LTG hours of attention vs LTG giving Phil minutes of attention, thinks LTG is the obsessed one
- "I've never played a game on Easy mode in my life."
- hint hinted he wants the King's Streak to continue so he can buy a new dishwasher
- wanted Kino Casino to “boost him back up”, revealing how he treats them and their fans
- “The little white lies I’ve told over the years haven’t been so bad.”
- doesn't believe that all the "little white lies" he's told add up to be a big deal
- wants to keep playing WWE Champions on-stream despite desiring to drop it (AddictionSydePhil)
- struggled hard in Astro Bot, a game celebrated for how easy and accessible it is
- spent $1135 on WWE Champions during the second week of September 2024
- hint hinted he wanted a new top tipper while on his break, was disappointed that no one tipped
- wanted big tips to take "a big chink... in the goal", didn't realise he said a racial slur
- assumes his Spring store was shut down because of politics (it was dormant for years)
- shilled a new shirt featuring him as Dan Hibiki, a copyrighted character owned by Capcom
- warned of his new shirts smelling poorly upon unboxing them
- believes that using a variation of the Hulkamania logo for a shirt design does not violate copyright
- proudly declared he didn't make the Philamania shirt and thus can't be sued for copyright
- won't give a shoutout to the original owner of the Philamania logo that he is using
- showed the 'receipts' to prove he didn't steal the Philamania logo, ended up proving he did
- showed that the Philamania logo was made on a website, didn't prove he paid $10 to use it
- claimed that he donated $10 to the logo-generator website, ergo he has legal use to use the logo
- only (allegedly) donated the $10 to the logo-generator website after being called out for stealing
- thinks that because the Philamania logo was created a decade prior to him using it, it is free use
- “Nobody bothers to trademark since it’s not worth it.”
- “Many people want Philamania mugs” but hardly anyone wanted anything Philamania-related
- said Philamania isn't trademarked so he can use it; 'DSP Gaming' isn't trademarked either
- wasted 15+ minutes 'debunking' the Philamania logo bait the trolls laid, boring his viewers
- realised he fell for the Philamania logo troll bait, justified it as having to educate new viewers
- warned if a detractor has a history of defaming him, he'll win a legal case; has a history of lying
- called his detractors "no-life losers" yet seems to know what they're doing all the time
- "As you know, I'm not a hateful person."
- cautioned his viewers of detractors twisting his words; usually twists THEIR words
- hint hinted to tip so he and his wife can enjoy a staycation
- roasted simps that defend girls on the internet, accidentally roasting OIC in the process
- assumes anyone complaining about his overly long intro must be a detractor complaining as usual
- shared a photo of his fat leg and gouty toe to disprove about not having buff legs
- does not consider his fat leg with little muscle to be atrophied
- tried to justified having man boobs that jiggle as he every man not flat-chested has that
- insinuated his man boobs are muscle despite stating he is still overweight
- called himself boring as his detractors clip his content verbatim
- wastes so much time dunking on "no life losers" on Twitter to the point he is a no-life loser
- ranted that no one is the police of how you spend your money yet wants fake tippers to stop
- stated autism is not an insult despite using it as an insult on "hyper focused" the previous week
- did not deny that walking on one's toes (such as his own) is a sign of autism
- stated WWE Champions is silly and can't understand why people care so much; lied about it for years
- thinks that anyone who asks people for money in return for attention or work is actually broke
- “I’m aging gracefully” yet looks 10-15 years older than he is
- boasted that he doesn't dye his balding hair or use hair plugs or wax his patchy beard
- stopped hint hinting and outright commanded his viewers to donate $100 so he can do pulls in WWEC
- “WWE Champions is fun, but the only way we will be able to keep up with it is to spend money.”
- “I just spent $100 in this game so tips would be really appreciated right now.”
- received $100 to gamble in WWE Champions, blew it all on shit pulls, asked for more money
- showed his private DMs with LTG on stream because he just can't let the drama dry up
- criticized LTG's attitude towards money even though he follows a similar patten
- thinks he's better than LTG because of better webcam, better stream setup, more viewers...
- stated that he, unlike LTG, is welcome to attend fighting game tournaments
- "I can go anywhere I want!" yet hasn't left Renton in 10+ years
- pondered why no one tipped him during his tantrum drama spat with LTG
- so toxic that mentions of him on the WWE Champions subreddit is bannable, thinks that's an honour
- "I'm playing a game... like intelligent person."
- hint hinted he wants you to buy his merch because he gets a bigger cut than the previous store
- devours the bait Ethan Ralph leaves him because he can't resist the drama
- gets especially riled up when insulted with wrestling terms like being called a mark
- called out Ethan Ralph admitting to wasting money on whores; DSP wasted money on mobile games
- took umbrage at Ethan Ralph's alcohol abuse; DSP likewise abuses alcohol
- believes that by confessing that he is DownFromTheRafters it can't be used against him anymore
- believes that all the lies he's told over the years don't matter as it is no one's business
- admitted he WILL lie about things that make him look bad
- "I don't come here and lay out all my dirty laundry to everyone every day on my streams."
- exclaimed that he has never held a fake fundraiser (WWE Champions leaderboard prove otherwise)
- admitted that one of his fundraisers was actually false as exposed by Joon the King
- thinks that if few people in his tiny community don't care about drama then no one cares
- claimed his fans never cared about WWE Champions drama but some have left because of it
- demands people tip if the top tip that stream is low like $5
- "I got a wife AND a loving family." (counts his cat as his entire 'loving family')
- reacted to a news article of Nintendo suing Palworld without ever reading the article
- “There is no way to get seen on YouTube unless you game the system”, feels justified doing it
- so desperate to keep the King's Streak going he allows both tips and superchats
- raised the tip goal to $200 shortly after allowing both tips and superchats to count towards it
- pointed out he never apologized for lying about not playing WWE Champions
- hopes there is no drama to cover in his 'podcast' despite picking the topics himself
- “I just want to show up, play games, and have fun” but wastes time talking about money and drama
- stated he will guess currency conversion of tips in USD (allowing himself wiggle room to e-beg)
- started doing currency conversion for tips despite saying for years he couldn't do it
- spent $1234 on WWE Champions during the third week of September 2024
- hates it when his viewers talk about pro fighting game players that aren't him
- said that calling him an e-begger is stupid but when he e-begs it is okay
- doesn't believe that the definition of 'begging' involves asking someone for something
- gave an example of e-begging that is pretty spot-on for how he usually asks for tips
- shat on all his viewers that pointed out that how he asks for contributions sounds like e-begging
- shat on his viewers who calculated that him getting more tips per stream means he should e-beg less
- assumed his viewers didn't subtract the cut YouTube/PayPal takes from tips but they did
- assumed his viewers want him to e-beg because he reads out tips messages (some don't want it)
- called his viewers assholes for assuming sends tips to buy his cat toys is somehow wrong
- calls his opponents in fighting games "mentally slow" even if they outwit and counter to punish him
- "Mashing scrub, online pattern flowchart play."
- does not understand why people care about him lying about spending thousands in WWE Champions
- “When I lie, it’s about things people shouldn’t care about.”
- joked that he can't afford body pillows and other luxuries due to his addiction to WWE Champions
- got $400 in one stream and his immediate thought process was pulls in WWE Champions
- suspected the unknown whale who mass-tipped him of being a troll, did not refund the money
- hint hinted he wants more money to replace his “standardized sized” blackout curtains
- wants to pay an electrician to install a ceiling fan thinking it will make his stuffy room cooler
- wants to return to Sea of Stars despite putting his playthrough of it on hiatus for 7+ months
- "Without someone else doing the all work to make my content watchable, nobody wants to watch it."
- deconstructed the failure of a gambling addict content creator, unaware he described himself
- justified spending $220 in WWE Champions pulls on a stream because a whale gave him $400
- lambasted people that give tips to addicts who will gamble the donations away... pffft
- stated he has no power to stop defamation against him despite proudly stating he CAN sue offenders
- "I've never made a piece of content that hurt anyone."
- thinks that the offensive content he's made about people don't count as it wasn't aimed TO them
- dislikes rich people on the dumb assumption that they must have made their wealth illegally
- called out Mr. Beast for scamming children; e-begs his underage audience for $$ for WWE Champions
- sees nothing wrong with scratching his acne on-camera constantly as it is "normal human"
- promised a day-long special event if the King's Streak gets to 100, sounds like a regular day
- blamed Astro Bot for killing the King's Streak... because he sucks at it and no one supported him
- doesn't find it weird that his cat refuses to eat treats from his hands but will eat off the floor
- promised special detractor segments despite insisting they should be ignored
- stated that it is "the cool thing" nowadays to “helping Phil’s personal life” to "felt" his haters
- "People are being very very 'withholding' today" aka 'send me more donations and tips, cheapskates'
- lost to a guy in a game, ranted so much he was sweating, “nobody cares about that guy anyways”
- “Someone do a bigger superchat right now!”
- mocked his detractors for taking glee in his King's Streak ending... for the 5th time in a month
- thinks with streaks “It is what it is... you can’t hit them every time”
- “The clothing goals are years outdated!" despite wanting to bring back hats and vests
- proclaimed that wanting him to get a fidget spinner is calling him autistic; owns a stress ball
- wants to make his detractors cry, takes delight in imagining bullying internet strangers
- claimed his detractors are making an effort in downvoting all his videos with no proof provided
- will show proof of some lame troll gayop, accidentally giving trolls ideas on how to troll him
- calls himself stupid by inventing what he thinks his detractors do and calling it stupid
- gave his detractors attention by reacting to their videos of him failing at games
- is upset that the viral clips didn’t tag him so he gets nothing out of it (Mr. Views)
- laments that people react to "out of context" clips of him, showed such a clip with full context
- watched a few clips that showcase his piss poor gameplay, copes by calling it out of context
- tried to laugh off failing at a puzzle in TOTK but he was furious when people roasted him for it
- tried in vain to justify failing at said puzzle in TOTK but revealed he knows shit about physics
- assumed with coping that the Vtuber besting him in TOTK was experienced but it was her blind run
- lied that he never looks up solutions beforehand but he does, has confessed to it for Elden Ring
- pondered why Asmongold, who reacts to lots of videos, would react to a video on him
- upset that Asmongold reacted to a detractor video; has reacted to a Destiny video a detractor made
- acknowledged the point of the detractor video but a few minutes later said the video had no point
- doubled-down on calling Asmongold's room a cluttered pigsty, but his own room is becoming one too
- assumes a detractor video's title is lying, didn't bother watching the whole video (it is accurate)
- now blames detractors for the King's Streak ending despite always blaming an underperforming game
- wants to hit the tips goal beforehand despite insisting to tip only if you like the content
- realized too late that reflective curtains block not only sunlight but also fresh air
- admitted he needs Kino Casino in order to make people interested in him
- hint hinted he needs to get central AC... that costs the same amount as the leaky pipes
- coped, in vain, to explain that him getting heated at online fighting games is an act
- vowed to give what his audience missed... more e-begging
- gets "heat stroke" from sitting in a 75°F/24°C room yet allegedly can do 25 pushups in a row
- SF6: “This game sucks, it’s too scrub friendly.”, MvC2: “This game sucks, everyone is too tryhard.”
- now blames the detractors for not watching pro wrestling anymore despite saying he had no time
- scaled back his daily tips goal from $200->$150 after realising he overreached
- says he won't complain about support because he is grateful; will complain if he gets $1 tips
- keeps pestering for a collab and is bothered why he keeps being told there is no benefit to it
- can't figured out why LTG and RTU are "ghosting" him after years of roasting them
- refuses to paint models since he does not have “ventilation” in his room and insists you need it
- “Please support the stream tonight! I’m about to do a mega pull and that’s $100 gone instantly.”
- asked for $300 to make up for wasting $100 on shit pulls in WWE Champions
- asks for money, does pulls in WWE Champions on-stream, asks for more money, but blames the game
- at times has a 'decompression' stream to relax only to get anxious and vexed when no tips come in
- tends to give advice not to gamble and fall into addiction without a shred of irony
- blamed trolls for his loss of friendship with Tolomeo but Tolomeo stated Phil was the reason
- admitted he blamed Tolomeo not liking Monster Hunter World to get out of playing co-op with him
- admitted he did the same thing with John Rambo, saying he didn't like a game to avoid playing it
- confessed he has a bad habit of speaking before thinking, assures it's not common these days
- stated he knew Derich was a pedo and defended him but had to be convinced by Kino Casino to ban him
- acknowledged his detractors also knew Derich was a pedo for years but won't credit them
- assures that Derich had never said anything pedophilic or creepy in his chat (he has)
- acted like Derich was only a "casual viewer" and never donated any money
- stated he will ignore warnings about problematic fans of his if those warning him are detractors
- said he does not want to fact-check detractors if they claim a fan of his is toxic
- assumes that if he fact-checks a fan if they are toxic he will be flooded with false warnings
- outright admitted he did not ban Derich the pedo because it would give his 'haters' satisfaction
- refuses to be grateful to detractors who point out toxic fans because he hates their methodology
- thinks his detractors 'stalked' Derich, but a mere glance at Derich's Twitter would have sufficed
- took over ten minutes of blaming detractors before finally relenting and taking accountability
- acknowledges his fear of trolls one-upping him has blinded him to the truth many times
- stated that it was only detractors warning him of Derich but it was everyone in chat saying it
- “I didn’t listen because it was my detractors saying it” but even his own mods were saying it
- cannot give credit to his detractors without adding they are assholes and were right this one time
- “The thing my detractors ever got correct was the escort and Derich”; WWE Champions, SoK, Tut...
- gave a final "fuck you" to those who 'harassed' him about Derich for 2 years, wasting his apology
- cannot say if he left Twitch or was banned without blaming his detractors
- uses terms he learned from Kino Casino, like 'A-Log' and 'felt', incorrectly like a tourist newfag
- blames detractors on where he is in life after having a heart-to-heart dialogue on accountability
- doesn't think he should've gotten in trouble for 'referencing' Ninja's hair in a slanderous way
- “I should be allowed to use appearance against someone! It was public!”
- exploded in rage when he got a Steam popup while playing the Metaphor: ReFantazio demo
- couldn't figure out how to block popups in the Steam settings, blamed Steam
- was baffled that closing Steam would also close the game he was actively playing
- believes viewers who inform him of active restreamers, didn't believe viewers who warned of Derich
- openly plans to file DMCA reports to YT accounts allegedly restreaming him
- expressed interest in an interview with ReviewTechUSA yet called Rich out for offering to do one
- values money more than fun, tends to drop games he likes if tips support is low
- can't figure out why RPG streams - long games he plays very slowly - tend to have low attendance
- hint hinted he wants tips whilst playing RPGs to prove that they can be fun and engaging streams
- took the troll bait RTU left who replied to DSP with a P. Diddy Batman meme
- gave a psychoanalysis of the troll tweet RTU left him
- called RTU a nobody "afterthought" a week after expressing interest in an interview with him
- asked RTU to DM him on Twitter to talk; refused to talk to Keem because he DM'd him instead of email
- won't show his private DMs with RTU but will show his private DMs with LTG and Keem
- seems to think he deserves a 'turn' in a fighting game
- gave lifestyle tips to Wings despite not taking good care of himself
- "fessed up" to playing mobile games, won't fess up he played mobile games while begging for money
- “Things can easily be disproved”, then proceeded to not prove or disprove anything
- “Yes I spent thousands of dollars on [WWE Champions] over the years...but my detractors...”
- lied about accidentally leaking him playing WWE Champions, now says he did that deliberately
- stated he showed his phone playing WWE Champions to "see how people reacted"
- “I lied about my cat... a little white lie that was nothing” (put his cat behind a $2000 paywall)
- said Kino Casino gave him “an act of kindness to show who he really was”: a lying gambler addict
- “You know me, I’m an honest guy.”
- made a big spectacle on Twitter of wishing Wings a speedy recovery
- “I have a voice now to speak up”, acts like he never could speak up
- admitted on the Cultaholic podcast that him 'changing' was branching out content to make more money
- declared that guests that he interviews from now on are not allowed to shit on him
- purported you can't track his income as he may lie about it (a possible crime)
- said it's good he's a small react channel as he can get away with not giving credit to the sources
- died died 401 times in Astro Bot, an easy game for kids
- stated that reactionary content is bad... as he is reacting to a video
- believes that him reacting to content is totally different than Asmongold reacting to content
- detests 'clipping channels' that clip a streamer's reactions; does YouTube shorts in a similar way
- predictably turned the 'Asmongold's reaction clips steal views' drama into drama about him
- believes that nobody would go watch his content just because Asmongold reacted to a vid on him
- wanted Asmongold to react to his own content but the only content is unedited playthroughs
- still believes that detractors that make vids/clips of his content make enough money to justify it
- took the troll bait that Keem is watching his content on Lolcow Live
- automatically assumed Keem was allegedly watching detractor videos (rent-free in his head)
- believes that all detractor videos are 100% lies, even if it's a stream dump with full context
- "Nothing in detractor videos is ever true."; exposing the escort, exposing Derich, WWE Champions...
- peddled his shirts and other merch not long after insulting his viewers for defending detractors
- can't understand why mentions of Derich is a meme after Derich got booted from the community
- pestered his merch store for sales numbers, got the numbers, badgered them for day 2 numbers
- celebrated the King's Streak resuming... only for it to end the same day, played the victim
- “One isn’t a streak”, and then, “don’t let the streak end at one”
- pondered how his reaction segment - which never does well with tips - killed the King's Streak
- believes all/most Vtubers are anime girls with high-pitched voices
- acknowledged his e-begging when a Vtuber joking emulated his e-begging, 'imitation is flattery'
- can't laugh at a joke at his expense without researching the joke-teller's Twitter for hypocrisy
- learned the Vtuber has a failing streaming career, meaning his is 'punching down'
- spent like 10 minutes 'deconstructing' a joke made at his expense rather than promptly moving on
- the joke at his expense was e-begging to dethrone a $2 tip; ranted and e-begged for a new top tipper
- thinks how he e-begs is so different from stereotypical begging it shouldn't count as begging
- said he is a man of all seasons but changes his mind and mindset all the time
- kept playing SF6 long after acknowledging “people are tired of me playing” for 5+ months
- roasted Cog for taking 2 hours to react to a 9 minute clip, acknowledges his reacts are too long
- ignored Cog insulting the vest streak to whine about his detractors supporting Cog
- tends to set a trap, eats his own bait, triggers the trap and goes "the detractors fell for it!"
- tends to say "even if I did" when he lies about something
- somehow declares he owns the trolls when they give tips and donations to people reacting to him
- still mentions Doody after he declared victory over Doody when he got demonitised by YouTube
- defends e-begging so heavily because it works
- hint hint he needs another PC since his files keep getting corrupted
- asked for free fanart of his cat so he can put it on a shirt and sell it
- pointed out that viewbotting him doesn't affect him in any way, will complain when it happens
- admitted he plays games whether or not people 'enjoy' it (i.e. give him tips)
- does annoying voiceovers for RPGs/VNs, then ponders why attendance and tips are low
- was very excited to get a $100 tip, excitedly spent that $100 on an event package in WWE Champions
- shows genuine joy when playing WWE Champions, still claims to only be a casual enjpyer
- “I pretty much make $300 a day”, still has broken things that need replacing in his house
- “My toilet isn’t a big deal I have 3 of them!", still hint hinted he wants a new toilet
- said he can’t install a ceiling fan himself because “the blades will fly off and chop up my cat”
- once claimed no one cares about The Sims, now retcons to why people care when hw was corrected
- decided he can't play “slow games” anymore, has changed the slow night stream to WWE Champions
- “We had no drama today” but talked about LTG, Cog, SideScrollers, and detractors
- “I’m a very busy person” yet wastes hours of his life in Kino Casino's chat
- dunks on feminists and yet acts just like a feminist about 'sexualized' games like Stellar Blade
- hated sexualized things, like waifus or lewd scenes, but has changed since meeting Kino Casino
- “My house probably has old wiring in it” but knows when the house as built
- was worse at the Dead Rising Remake than the original game
- roasts people who have Trump Derangement Syndrome yet himself has Detractor Derangement Syndrome
- accidentally shots and killed Burt in Dead Rising Remake and then was bewildered how he died
- heard a song about an obsessive stalker in a supermarket and made the lyrics about him
- admits he changed how long he plays games based on the whims of his audience, values $$ over fun
- admits he wagequits games when attendance and tips are low, blames the game every time
- proclaimed he liked Metaphor: ReFantazio despite bitching constantly and not buying the game
- wants to sell merch of his pet despite shit-talking content creators who did the same thing
- assumes every time he is viewbotted it must be a detractor sabotaging him
- assures if he doesn't acknowledge the viewbotting it will go away but he always complains about it
- “We have a few minutes to do Q&A” but it lasted for 40 minutes before he moved on
- wanted to distance himself from a tips streaks as they keep ending at 1, so he started a new one
- “I am no longer the laughing stock of the internet.”
- made fun of ReviewTechUSA for constant Uber/Doordash deliveries; likewise overdoes the deliveries
- pointed out that Rich didn't need to make his medical problems public; did the same with his own
- pondered why Rich takes 'abuse' from troll messages; does the same (often for free)
- pointed out that reacting to trolls all the time makes you a lolcow (making himself a lolcow)
- called out Rich being high while streaming; meanwhile has done streaming while drunk
- lamented Rich being high and making an ass of himself; meanwhile gets drunk and tweets nonsense
- wants to do an interview with Rich after Rich called DSP the n-word
- resumed DSP Tries It despite putting on hiatus due to health concerns (fat and gout)
- "It'd be cool because it's a burger, and it's a frosty."
- "I really wanna do that now..." but won't because he put DSP Tries It behind a paywall
- lowered the for streak goals for Special events lowered from 50 to 25 to 20 now 13, calls it a win
- stated that Scopley, developers of WWE Champions, is “afraid of him” and afraid to talk to hom
- ranted about the UPS delivery system and revealed he knows nothing about how it works
- hint hinted he wanted $200+ in a stream because the zombies pack in WWE Champions costs that much
- got scammed with shit pulls in WWE Champions and deflected by saying his trolls are seething
- proclaimed his detractors "cant handle my success"
- lean-in-manual-banned a fan who requested he play the Silent Hill 2 remake on Hard difficulty
- prides on playing games on the 'intended difficulty' but played the Silent Hill 2 remake on Easy
- banned real people he thought were impostors and then had a segment warning “beware of fake people”
- "If a streamer complains they only make $60-80 on a stream, they're an asshole, they're greedy."
- pondered if Kino Casino are actually his friends, got worried he offended them
- thinks it's okay to e-beg now that he offers 'rewards', like more props for his backdrop
- says no one cares what Rich says but will go into detail about what Rich says
- stated he has never scammed anyone; Jasper $2k paywall reveal, fake fundraisers, WWE Champions...
- believes he's been told he can't talk about money since he wastes it on WWE Champions
- does not believe it is hypocritical to watch detractor videos even though he calls out those who do
- lied that he never said his pipes would cost $12-20k to repair/replace
- said that no one who ordered the items off his merchandise shop have received their items yet
- insists he made the “intelligent decision to not reproduce”
- is unaware his YouTube videos also get viewbotted, brags of high view count when its abnormal
- claimed he was done with RTU but kept in touch with him, as the leaked DMs between them revealed
- believes that if multiple people in chat are calling him out they must be a troll's sock accounts
- exclaimed he's made racist jokes for years and it is only "pieces of disingenuous shit" who care
- stated that you must be a "sissy girl" if you are in any way offended by his racist jokes
- likes jokes about child trafficking but doesn't like jokes about gout
- will demand tips if there have been none since the stream started
- proclaimed he really wanted 7 day King Streak ($350 total) so he can eat fast food for DSP Tries It
- believes the trolls laughing at him must be seething and coping as they do it
- said that trolls reacting to his $350 fast food paywall "took the bait", meaning it is a scam
- laughed at his trolls for getting them to react to a fake fundraiser he did
- thinks he's better than RTU because a portion of Rich's viewers are trolls; DSP's viewers are too
- insists that the react streams are a "passion project" but he still wants tips or he ends early
- said that a 'troll' who pointed out his react streams get less viewers made "no point"
- "I don't like to get ahead of myself, and I don't like to over-promise and under-deliver."
- lied that he never said that Starfield would make Baldur's Gate 3 "irrelevant"
- lied that people were yelling at him to stop playing Metaphor because it was too much of an RPG
- insists he was not wrong when he said Starfield will make people forget all about Baldur's Gate 3
- can't understand the different types of milk and what fat % means
- “You don’t get time off or vacation time if you work American retail.”
- tends to analysis puzzles incorrectly and then blames devs when the clues don't make sense
- wants the puzzle solution/key to be nearby the clues (which would defeat the purpose)
- gave his reason for wanting to stream on Kick: the minimal cut taken from tips
- wants "big earnings" from streaming on Kick even though is community his 300 viewers and few whales
- so egotistical he expects he'd be "the biggest person" on Kick should he stream there
- is puzzled why his chat talks about drama after he talks about drama or gets into drama
- does not believe he would lose viewers if he does totally different streams on another platform
- does not believe his high-end gaming PC can stream on both YouTbe and Kick simultaneously
- knows that Kick is full of bigots and drama streamers, is greedy enough to see past all that
- "I've never said the N-word. I've only said variations quoting other people or playing a character."
- acts like an asshole towards Vtubers and then is bewildered why Vtubers are assholes towards him
- blames detractors and their content for why Vtubers 'suddenly' hate him
- retconned his "Top Racist Moments from DSP" video to state he ISN'T a racist
- expressed interest in a Vegas meet-up with the Kino Casino crew and fans in the future
- 1MinuteMan stopped showing up after years of speculation of it being an alias of DSP... hmmm...
- acknowledged he called a Vtuber who reacted to him a "screecher", won't apologised when confronted
- insists that Vtubers should apologise to HIM for believing detractor comments and detractor videos
- craps on Vtubers and then acts shocked when people state he's toxic towards Vtubers
- his reaction to anyone calling him a toxic person: "Go fuck yourself."
- jokingly made misogynist jokes by stating that women are useless making everything an escort mission
- will hint hint for more tips so he can get pulls where there is a WWE Champions event
- is baffled why 720p is the max streaming quality for free on Kick, must have a higher bitrate
- got a PS5 Pro pre-ordered despite having appliances in his house that need repairing/replacing
- talks of his marriage as more like dating rather than sharing responsibilities
- is either overestimating how much groceries he needs weekly or he and Kat really do eat too much
- says he won't go to Walmart because "it kills local stores", but uses Amazon, which is worse
- auto-played content on his Kick stream, gaming the system to get stream time to get monetization
- likes the emote of his orgasm face on Kick despite hating elsewhere like Twitch
- blocked the word 'fat' in his Kick stream chat
- called his own content "disgusting" when remarking his trolls clipped his raw videos for videos
- insists his viewers make positive clips of him for Kick to combat the ones that expose him
- acts like his videos being a bit blurry due to bitrate will cause fans and new viewers to leave
- keeps going about his 1440p stream quality even though he streams in 1080p
- put the Krabby Patty burger behind a $350 paywall, then put the next fats food item behind another
- stated the Krabby Patty burger was sold out without providing proof, pocketed the money
- had no idea what was going on in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero despite being a fan of the series
- glossed over the tutorials in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero and promptly got his shit kicked in
- hint hinted he wants his whales to move to Kick to donate to him there as ewll
- got over $500 in donations in a stream but refused to do a mega pull in WWE Champions as thanks
- failed to rip off the Philamania shirt (used to be a bodybuilder allegedly)
- spent $1849 on WWE Champions during the second week of October 2024
- said with a straight face that $200 for a pull in WWE Champions is "good value"
- hint hinted he wants more subs on Kick to get into the Incentive Program so he can make more money
- tried to drum up a 'support war' between his YouTube and Kick audiences to see who tips him more
- admitted he lied about Wendy's not having the Krabby Patty burger
- admitted he lied and scammed his audience so he and Kino Casino can talk about it
- lauded Kick for having a more 'mature' audience yet bans people more frequently there than YouTube
- flexed his stream viewcount to silence his haters: 80 viewers on Kick, 120 viewers on YouTube
- was aghast to learn that he only gets paid monthly on Kick as he would need to budget
- insisted he get more tips on YouTube to balance out the increase in tips on Kick
- assumes that if one of his mods bans someone from chat they must have done something to deserve it
- can't take a joke, will derail the stream to berate someone joking at his expense in chat
- lowered the difficulty in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero, something he said only gaming journalists do
- called his migration to Kick a net positive despite hovering around a whopping 53 viewers
- made homoerotic comments in Kino Casino's chat, such as suggesting Andy go topless for 50 subs
- spent 40+ minutes reacting to five seconds of watching ReviewTechUSA's stream
- called ReviewTechUSA's streams "detractor heaven" but he and Kino Casino are likewise the same
- "You have no right to sit there and try to make fun of others on your stream, dude!"
- made a massive cope rant when Kino Casino roasted him for lying about getting the Krabby Patty
- declared Doody a failure for using thumbnails others make; likewise uses thumbnails his fans make
- considers him lying about the Krabby Patty incident and pocketing $350 in tips a "tiny incident"
- will call you a miserable loser if you "hyper focus" on his lies and other negatives
- thinks that him fessing up to WWE Champions prevents any and all criticism of him still playing it
- his idea of fessing up about WWEC is that he plays it, didn't mention the account name
- “They got me on this one thing.”
- says he is bad bad but others are worse and still thinks he isn't a lolcow
- assumes that if anyone in Kick chat speaks negative of him it must be a troll impersonating them
- so hungry for money he jumped in on streaming on Kick without realising how he'd get paid
- purchased a top-model washer & drier despite money being tight (business degree btw)
- purchased a too-model washer & drier with extra capacity despite only living with his wife
- advised those begging for subs to get jobs without a shred of irony or realization
- sent ReviewTechUSA private messages at 3am but insists it is Rich who is the no-life loser
- "I'm a worker. I'm a hard worker."
- "Working my ass off" aka asking people to get in a Discord call
- advised his viewers to report any detractors videos that violate ToS rather than do it himself
- "I'm a man of my word" yet has broken many promises
- admitted he won't do an interview with a neutral person if he can't win rhem over
- so lazy he only watched one horror movie for most of October 2024 when he has plenty of spare time
- roasted RTU for accidentally having an echo in his audio, uses it to denounce everything RTU says
- 'corrected' RTU referencing Phil scamming his viewers with the Krabby Patty but RTU was right
- "No one in their right mind hates me! No one who is an intelligent human wants to see my downfall!"
- believes his detractors 'know' they are wrong about Phil but must keep it up to save face
- remarked that everything RTU says can be reversed onto him, but the same applies to DSP
- was astounded that Kick, a website for free speech, would be infested with trolls
- believes his Keemstar interview was “internet breaking”
- believes he “completely destroyed” Stuttering Craig in the interview
- admitted he got ghosted by 20 people when trying to find someone to interview
- requested $50k for the interview with Boogie after their schedules clashed
- tore into Boogie for lying about barely using Discord; DSP also lied about barely using Discord
- told Boogie to set up a second private Discord account
- had a $1950 paywall to eat cookies just a week after the Krabby Patty paywall rug-pull debacle
- decided to Doordash the cookie place, which he stated is a few minutes walk away from his house
- believes that you cannot be held accountable for jokes or statements you made 10+ years ago
- tends to use the word 'forewarn' when he should just use 'warn'
- lost interest in an interview with Boogie after Keemstar offered to mediate
- pondered why Kick, a much smaller website than YouTube, garners so much less viewership
- at times will be in Andy's Kick stream chat up until 2am (busy schedule btw)
- began using the word 'retard' and 'retarded' more often despite calling them bigoted words
- accidentally showed his extremely messy desktop, revealing many disorganized files and folders
- was blissfully unaware Kino Casino was laughing at DSP being racist, not just laughing with him
- will hate a game's online fighting modes if he can't cheese the mechanics or use OP gear
- ragequit an online match in Dragon Ball Sparking Zero via Task Manager, had no shame doing so
- actually said it was "pretty fucked up" that no one was tipping him during a stream
- still believes people hate him for no reason and some of his trolls must have mental illnesses
- will ban you if you say in his chat you'll wait until someone donates big so you can match it
- violates YouTube's ToS by threatening to ban those who promise to donate but donate
- called Reforge a real fan of his but Reforge admitted to Doody he doesn't watch DSP, only tips him
- "Trolls don't live rent-free in my head" yet always brings up Doody and detractors
- pretended that he stumbled onto a detractor account and read aloud tweets by them
- knows that the aforementioned detractor account is tongue-in-cheek, still got offended
- realised that Kino Casino grifts off him for profit, but will stream with them to profit as well
- proclaims he can win a physical fight 1v1 even though he has never been in a real fight
- can't decide if he wants to do drama streams on Kick or not, at times changes definition of drama
- "With a half hour left, someone drop a bomb, drop a 60 dollar tip."
- will dismiss the opinions of FGC members despite them playing fighting games for a living
- will use 'past pro-fighting game experience' to justify why a fighting game sucks (he's just bad)
- is ashamed that he falls for troll bait because he is so paranoid he wants to believe everything
- proclaimed he will "fuck them up" to anyone who tries to fight him IRL
- fell for the obvious food-tampering troll bait so hard he ended up changing the paywall food reward
- stated that he wants to believe in the goodness in everyone yet never does so
- "You don't have to believe me."
- is puzzled why his boring overly-sanitized react streams has declining viewers and tips
- tried to guilt-trip his viewers with quips like it being a shame if his react streams ended
- was briefly hosted by Pippa but DSP was only interested in the potential gains that may occur
- got caught faking a tip from Reforge Gaming, accused a random troll of being the 'impersonator'
- did not address the fake Reforge Gaming tip until two days after it happened
- said that trolling attempts are "illogical and nonsensical and stupid", still falls for it
- roasted Rich for falling for many trolling attempts, but DSP is no better
- thinks that talking about drama will make curious fans stop asking about it
- assumes that Keem tells his guests and co-hosts to lie/embellish for Lolcow Live content
- “I’m down for whatever” but won't do anything beyond what he already does (eat, game, and rant)
- stated he would love to do giveaway streams but will shoot down all suggestions to actually do one
- wanted ideas for a Halloween stream but didn't want to wear a costume or carve a pumpkin
- Enough with the late tipping nonsense", wants tips ASAP
- claims he doesn't control the prices on his merch, the online store he uses does
- “Family is way more valuable than money to me.”
- admits he has lots of liquidity, still e-begs as if he were actually poor
- began doing Call of Duty wagers - doing bounties for money - but opted for no penalties for failure
- refused to do a promised $100 pull in WWE Champions after the tips goal was reached
- will ban you if you point out when he pockets the money and won't do what he promised
- won't do a tips promise if the stream is over but will count tips post-stream to keep streak alive
- showed disgust when he pulled a female wrestler in WWE Champions, even if she was top-tier
- assumes all 50-membership bombs are fake, but assumes all 15-membership bombs are real
- stated matter-of-factly that before Skyrim and Dragon Age, dragons were not a big deal
- so desperate he began counting YouTube memberships to the Kings Coffers to keep the streak going
- claimed the original plan was for him to fess up to WWE Champions during the interview with Joon
- “I only got firehouse subs once and it was years ago.” (only ten months ago)
- finds nothing at all strange at receiving big tips and/or membership bombs before gameplay starts
- thinks he can get away with using hate speech on detractors because they are detractors
- "I don't care that they have a podcast and crap on me everyday" yet talks about them everyday
- "I don't care, I will never watch them" yet knows what these detractor podcasts say about him
- doesn't like podcasts that crap on him yet likes Kino Casino who do crap on him everyday
- received $180 in tips during one stream and still had the audacity to beg for more money
- get pissed when killed by campers in online FPS matches despite that being his same MO
- requests his mods to ban people from chat, rather much like Wings
- "It's okay, I'm not upset or anything" whilst visibly upset
- believes YouTube “thrown me out of the algorithm” for why his boring content dropped off in views
- wasted everyone's time by streaming himself browsing Subway sandwiches to buy
- drooled as he went over the menu for Katsu Burger despite his diet and gout
- roasted Rich for not owning up to a masturbating incident despite doing the same thing himself
- roasted Rich for his comeuppance from years of drama content, but DSP has likewise gotten karma
- insinuated his infamous masturbation moment was a one-time thing but he's done it a few times
- showed discomfort that he agreed with Keemstar that RTU is a hypocritical scumbag gooner
- called Rich a hypocrite despite Rich's incident being private consensual and DSP's public accident
- “Things have changed! People like me now!” yet still whines about detractors who don't like him
- called Kick his "side audience", alienating his fans and casual viewers there
- plays CoD on the “best platform” with “ultra low latency” and still sucks as much as ever
- will remind you that gambling is bad and then ask for tips so he can do pulls in WWE Champions
- will say his trolls "felt" themselves whilst also insisting he "felted" his trolls himself
- has trouble with melee weapons in FPS games: “The knife won’t auto aim.”
- gets tilted when he goes full Rambo spray-and-pray, hits no one, and gets outplayed
- roasted Rich for his poor diet and sleep and work schedule, meanwhile he's guilty of the same sins
- decided to wagequit WWE Champions because it wasn't 'viable' i.e. bringing in big tips for big pulls
- believes that no one brings up him playing mobile games ever since he confessed he still plays them
- thinks his detractors don't bring up him playing WWE Champions out of embarrassment somehow
- "The way I see it" i.e. not reality or the truth
- stated that NO ONE believes dumb conspiracy theories about it, still doesn't want them brought up
- "I'll do whatever I want and you'll like it."
- interprets his polls in his favour by taking out the 'skew' allegedly made by his trolls
- "I roll with the crowd" but mainly listens to his whales like OIC and Jayde
- tends to make daily "I can play what I want" rants because he keeps taking troll bait
- subtly admitted the bank leaks were accurate as he confessed to playing mobile games while poor
- said he has a “meaningful gaming community” that he leads
- called people who get review copies "fucktards" yet assures he isn't hateful or toxic
- “Reviews are not opinions!” meanwhile his reviews are full of his noted opinions
- joked that he will "mind control" to get tips but he actually does so with guilt-tripping
- claims he does not have "saggy baloney tits" aka man-boobs
- thinks he isn't fat despite being 195lbs at 5'11", giving him a BMI of 27.2 (medically overweight)
- finds it "odd" that his boring Kick streams yield a measly 9 (nine) concurrent viewers
- hint hinted he wanted to buy a better PC on Black Friday 2024
- wants a $1700 PC for $700
- reckons it would take a week to set up a new gaming PC (used to build them as a hobby btw)
- accidentally admitted he purchased his current prebuilt PC when it was allegedly gifted to him
- “I don’t need drama” but then talked about ReviewTechUSA drama
- lectured his viewers who point out his mistakes as them wasting their lives being wholly negative
- "Enjoy life, don't be a stick in the mud" and then whinged about his detractors
- has such little confidence in his viewers, assumes they'll get bored if a game is 8+ hours long
- "As you all know, I'm a baby gamer, I play in the baby zone."
- joked that he wishes there was a difficulty setting that wins the game for him, implied he wants it
- was 'forced' by donation to play CoD 6 on veteran, lowered the difficulty and insulted the whale
- feels it's okay if he complains 99% of the time but if a viewer has a complaint they should shut up
- wore a holy knight costume but called it a king costume
- refused to look up how to get F.E.A.R. to run properly on his current hardware (a 3 min fix)
- charged $100 in tips for every shot of alcohol he consumed on Halloween 2024 (not an alcoholic btw)
- acts like a pompous king in his 'king' costume, behaving just like the wacky streamers he dislikes
- now hates detractor memes again after spending the past year using them to 'felt' the detractors
- changes the definition of meme to mean 'insult' so he can ban those who use memes he dislikes
- "No one is above the rules" yet will give whales like OIC and Jayde a free pass
- retconned why he didn't want to play Stellar Blade: from 'eww fanservice' to 'not interested'
- advised his detractors to wrap themselves up with saran wrap, a potential dangerous endeavour
- insists he only eats fast food once a week and mainly eats healthy
- "If you eat fast food style fast food..."
- usually cannot remember what he ate for dinner last week
- cited his 'ban' from Twitch as partial credit for one of the reasons Twitch is falling apart
- roasted people who donate their disability cheques to streamer, unaware some of his whales do that
- "Not all of my contributors have a disability."
- gets toxic when called toxic
- banned one of his first Kick contributors because the fan disagreed with him
- laments dealing with drama despite being middle-aged, still does it
- finds nothing suspicious about a fresh Twitter account that 'owns' his detractors
- insulted a whale for clapping back at him, and the next day tried to bury the hatchet (to get tips)
- at times will fake a big tip to reach the tips goal so he can 'own' and 'felt' his haters
- “Twitch never gave me a chance to explain myself” but did say he talked to his contact at Twitch
- boasts of his stream views on YT and Kick but not even 1% of his subscribers actively watch him
- tends to rant about the latest 'woke' debacle in games some days after every one has chimed in
- tends to be a fencesitter when it comes to ''woke' stuff so he “doesn’t hurt people”
- doesn't know copyright law, ponders who owns the rights to an creation be it original or derivative
- planned to do a 2024 Election Day stream with Andy Warski and PPP, two Canadians who can't vote
- spent $1650 on WWE Champions during the first week of November 2024
- began saying "skibidi" and other brainrot lingo in late 2024 to cater to his underage audience
- tends to call a game "boring" when he's really bad at it
- pretended he came up with the time loop theory for Silent Hill 2 Remake but it has existed for ages
- claims detractors are ruining his public image despite claiming his public image is no longer bad
- claims he has plenty of content but then whines about no being able to do collabs
- blames detractors for why every potential collab fails when he is source of his bad image
- believes that any lawsuit filed against him will be directed towards YouTube and not him
- made fun of the idiots who got scammed by the troll suprcrzy
- doesn't believe his detractors warned him and others about suprcrzy being sketchy
- cannot help but comment on every single bit of drama involving himself
- believes Stuttering Craig scammed his viewers because he took superchats as he 'slandered' DSP
- believes Turkey Tom scammed his viewers because he took superchats as he 'slandered' DSP
- thinks all Stuttering Craig talks about is "right-wing political content"
- subtly implied he thinks that people save up to donate him money for his marathons
- thinks he is special because he did not an Election Day special for 2024
- stated that anyone rebroadcasting him or puts up a clip before he uploads is breaking the law
- acts all politically charged when on Kino Casino despite being apolitical when by himself
- started by saying he dislikes both US political parties and then shouted “fuck you Democrats!”
- stated his trolls are done and are "history" but still complains as if they never left (they didn't)
- was puzzled why his viewership and tips dropped during US Election Day
- so desperate for positivity he takes the +30 viewers he gets on Kick as a proof of growth
- claimed content creators now speak of him in a positive light but cannot name who
- took the troll bait that he was investigated by his detractors to see who he voted for
- stated no one cares about who votes for whom, but does care that his detractors allegedly care
- joked he would play Stellar Blade for $40,000 but did hint he does want a large amount
- only started doing political streams AFTER the 2024 Election Day when all the hype has died down
- “Strike while the iron is hot” but waited until after the elections to care about politics
- doesn't notice or care that his whales don't want political talk and may leave
- admits he doesn’t vote
- “Who cares if I vote or not" but wants to get tips and donations for political talk
- claims he "won over" Kino Casino even though he welcomed him from the very beginning
- claims he would only vote if he lived "in a swing state”
- repurposed his react channel because he is too lazy to build a new channel so he can monitize it
- listed out what he wants Trump to do as president, predictably it centered on benefiting him
- said his politics streams were too spicy for YouTube yet is a milquetoast fencesitter
- shouted out a newly made Twitter account that monitors his detractors, says it isn't him... hmmm...
- thinks the DetractorNEWS account is "trolling the trolls" but all it's doing is signal-boosting them
- called out detractor podcasts that waste 6+ hours talking about him but none of them do that
- said he used to be "the world's biggest lolcow" but didn't deny he was still a lolcow (still is)
- believes watching his streams and laughing at him in a negative way makes you a lolcow
- cited the one Twitter account (DetractorNEWS) as proof of an anti-detractor movement
- was mistaken when he said the DetractorNEWS account had 100+ followers (it didn't when he said it)
- thinks the DetractorNEWS account's followers are fans of DSP but most of them are detractors
- purchased a PS5 Pro but claimed it was gifted to him by a fan
- purchased $72 of stamps to do "mature adult" things (business degree btw)
- still doesn't know what anisotropic filtering is and bashes games that allegedly lack it
- called Dragon Age: The Veilguard woke garbage but liked the game and had a good time
- calls his detractors obsessed stalkers but DetractorNEWS made 100+ posts/replies 6+ hours a day
- replayed Bloodborne on his PS5 Pro and was worse at it than his first time playing it
- "I own the right for the Bloodborn DLC."
- acknowledged his political streams will cause his dwindling viewerbase to leave, did not reconsider
- confirmed he thinks about his trolls even on his day off
- stated he doesn't have time to use Twitter on his day off but knows what DetractorNEWS gets up to
- assumed that a guy named Tyrone MUST be black and made off-colour remarks about it
- asked for suggestions for his political show and then added he likely won't follow up on them
- incorrectly defined 'lolcow' as someone who trolls others
- believes he was a lolcow in his younger years but not anymore (still is)
- believes that if you watch restreams of him you will become a lolcow
- stated that the trolling "is done" because he doesn't e-beg or play WWE Champions quite as much
- stated that 'people' have given up trolling DSP now that's improved but won't name names
- "I'm not going to feed the trolls anymore" yet takes troll bait pretty much every stream
- believes he is no longer a lolcow and never will become a lolcow again
- encouraged his trolls that watch restreams to watch him on the raw streams
- coped that people can't see that he's a better man, "it's not cope!"
- is happy that people can't ruin his opportunities but is still sad over no sponsorships or collabs
- still thinks it was a good idea he didn't do the Mike Klum doco despite allegedly doing better
- boasted his depression is nonexistent despite prior claims that depression never goes away
- assumes his trolls watch many hours of his restreams so they obviously must like him
- remarked that Doody e-begs for support once in a while, the same thing he does
- did not realise that the "wrong" things his detractor do is what Kino Casino does
- “People say I’m only supported by 4 people! Well I’m not!” but only got tips from four people
- commented the PS5 Pro runs very hot but did not ponder if its due to many devices switched on
- stated Craig turning his gaming channel into a politics channel is much different than him
- pondered why his merch store is failing at shipping merch and then asked his viewes to buy his merch
- will call his fans morons if they talk to him as he plays a narrative-based game
- "I won't waste my time addressing mornic things detractors say" but does it anyways
- called his viewers "moronic losers" for believing things he lies about and retcons later on
- thinks a 39 ms connection will result in wild desync and major glitches and unfair deaths
- encouraged his viewers to investigate his detractors as they ae likely lolcows in hiding
- plans to waste a whole day streaming talking about his detractors (nothing new there)
- bemoans his trolls wasting their lives obsessed with DSP, meanwhile they live rent-free in his head
- took credit for Supercrzy leaving the internet even though Supercrazy scammed and ran with the $$
- thinks he took down Doody but Doody is still making content
- thinks people are dumb if they avoid his content once they learn what his political views are
- calls himself a success to shame his doubters yet e-begs to keep the momentum going
- ended the DSP vs The Internet react segment due to low support but did not admit that
- "Spent some money on WWE", didn't mention it was thousands of dollars
- “The game won’t let me control my character!” (ExcuseSydePhil)
- revealed the new politics stream are simply the react streams but now mainly political clips
- bought paper plates for Thanksgiving Day “to own the trolls”... somehow
- “We bought paper plates for our Thanksgiving Day meal to felt my detractors.”
- “I only eat in paper plates every once and awhile” yet purchased 200
- wanted to bring back the King moniker back but not the King of Hate, won't elaborate
- proclaims his trolls are upset when he crushes his tips goal but he gets upset when it isn't hit
- didn't realise that saying that no one cares if he purchased a PS5 Pro implied that he purchased it
- "Even if it was true, what's wrong with that?" aka it's true
- compared buying a PS5 Pro to his background signs even though they are merely props
- will say that nothing the detractors say matters but then will talk at length about what they say
- complains plenty about what his trolls do whilst also boasting what little effect they have on him
- calls his viewers trolls if they point out he didn't hit the tips streak thus ending it
- will ban people if he learns they also chat in detractor streams
- ponders if Kick is glitching when his barely present viewerbase barely talks
- is bewildered when in CoD he has a pistol, goes against a guy fighting long range sniper, and loses
- hit his tips goal and complained he is mainly supported by the same four people every stream
- "It shouldn't be the same people every night." (organic growth btw)
- stated he likes good vibes but would rather have money (hint hint)
- asked for help from chat whilst replaying Blooodborne and even resorted to summoning
- isn't fooling anyone when he gets suspicious tips that thank him for the "awesome gaming"
- flipflops on whether he supports recreational marijuana use
- admitted he doesn't like games Neil Druckmann writes because he dislikes his political views
- “I know nothing about this” and then talk about it like he has personal experience
- dislikes most CEOs of companies under the belief most are corrupt scumbags
- showed himself donating money on-stream, something he said only clout-chasers do
- demonstrated how to donate money to charity, betraying his alleged Roman Catholic beliefs
- lied that he doesn't care about views but will bitch about views if they are low
- spoke at length about an obviously racist troll bait news story
- turned a story about online harassment into a woe-is-me pity party
- "I have arguably received more harassment than probably almost every person on Earth."
- seriously believes the FBI or a police department can open an entire wing just to handle his trolls
- advised his viewers to report + block all trolling... advice he doesn't always take
- does not see the irony of talking about taxes when he failed to pay his own taxes for years
- doesn't like progressives as they want the best for themselves without thinking how to pay for it
- pondered how an economy runs on bailouts; his own 'business' constantly has bailouts
- praised the economy under Trump yet he declared bankruptcy under Trump's first term in office
- “At least [Craig] gave an explanation but I gave an answer, it doesn’t matter if it was truthful.”
- believes you couldn't save your game in games made before the SNES was released
- planned to spend Thanksgiving 2024 doing a stream instead of spending time with his wife
- took partial credit for Twitch's adpocalypse even though he left the platform three years prior
- takes pride in playing 'problematic' games longer than people expect... only to wagequit them
- calls people who correct him in chat "assholes who try to ruin everything"
- equates high viewcount to positivity even if it is merely morbid curiosity
- believes his detractors support Ethan Ralph but they roast Ralph for being an insufferable lolcow
- believes his detractors give $$ tips to content creators to stick it to Phil (almost all don't)
- whined about only having 139 views while streaming despite allegedly not caring about views
- returned to MvC only to run from players better than him
- hint hinted he wants/needs a new PC during Black Friday 2024 sale
- wants a new PC due to his uploads being slow trying to upload 7 different videos at the same time
- seriously thinks he's a whole new person compared to 10-15 years ago
- refuses to believe OIC has sock puppet accounts even though it has been proven to be the case
- acknowledged yet again he can see the email addresses of those who tip him via PayPal
- when asked how he deals with low tips: "I'm not sure but maybe we can figure it out together!"
- “I’m not the kind of guy that lies.”
- asked his viewers to "tip early and often", not at last minute of a stream (GratefulSydePhil)
- stated that his trolls maliciously messed with his Twitch account... by talking smack in the chat
- mocked the Game Awards judges' names as being weird and generic, so says DSP Gaming
- thinks he would be a good unbaised judge for the Game Awards
- won't do a live stream of the 2024 Game Awards as it is "boring" (business degree btw)
- denies he has ever sent a request for donations to his whales during a bathroom break
- denies he ever bans people for disagreeing with him (he banned his second-biggest Kick donor)
- is right that no one cares he plays WWE Champions, is wrong that no one cares he wastes tips on it
- thinks it's fine he's spending tons on WWE Champions so long as his 'family' is fed
- refuses to believe his chat is an echo chamber
- stated that he never said he spent tax money on WWE Champions but didn't deny that he didn't do it
- "It needs to be 30ms to be fun" but can have more fun with worse latency (if he wins)
- plays CoD without headphones and wonders why he gets killed from behind many times
- "Every dollar I raised for taxes cat food and groceries was spent on taxes cat food and groceries."
- thinks the George Foreman grill would “press and squeeze” the juices and fats out of the meat
- tried to prove that Twitch doesn't recommend smaller channels but was recommended smaller channels
- did his Twitch discoverability check not logged in
- made fun of the low viewer count of the smaller channels, the type of channels he was defending
- claims Twitch has no discoverability despite preferring Twitch as YouTube has a poor algorithm
- This boss isn’t hard” then wasted 10 minutes of his life dying to it
- asserts he is no ragequitter but he ragequits CoD matches so fluidly it is certainly muscle memory
- won't talk much about Kino Casino once he realised they were grifting off him at his expense
- wants people who beat him in SF6 to play “real fighting games” as they take “real intelligence”
- “The connection sucks.” says the guy with a dedicated business internet line
- mocks those in fighting games that "press buttons" even though he often yells "I'm pushing buttons!"
- calls devs lazy for not implementing crossplay even though he hates it because it makes games unfair
- will do bizarre math to convince you he reached his tips goal so he can reward himself
- asked someone to drop $200 or 40 subs on Kick so he can order more food on-stream
- had a tips goal of ordering burgers on-stream (gout and watching his weight btw)
- won't do cooking shows because he’s afraid to show what’s in his house, blames detractors
- can't understand why the USA would become involved in other nations' wars
- doesn't believe voters try to learn what kind of policies they are voting for
- “We’re going to have another WW2!”
- pondered why people why they would disown their family over anything; did the same thing with his
- “Life fluctuates like a sound wave.”
- stated that life “will go back to it” because “the pendulum swings”
- stated he doesn’t have an issue with his area being liberal but then cited crime and high taxes
- wants the parents of juveniles who commit crimes to be arrested
- confirmed he would NOT help in any way if he saw someone being stabbed in person
- instructed anyone who complains about living in the USA to leave the country (won't do it himself)
- hint hinted he wants a new $1500 PC
- wants a new PC... just for capturing game footage and streaming (business degree btw)
- "I need a PC to stream my PC."
- will ban anyone who points out that money is supposedly tight with him
- snides those who buy a $3000 Alienware PC; previously spent $3000 on an underpowered lemon PC
- thinks video bitrates and streaming bitrates of 15k-20k kb/s will make a difference to him
- wants to stream at both YouTube and Kick's maximum bitrate at the same time
- can't understand why someone like Asmongold would talk about him but not talk privately with him
- only wanted to reach out to Asmongold after Asmon jokingly offered to send Phil a free gaming PC
- offered to do a double or even triple DSP Tries It as a tips goal incentive (GoutSydePhil)
- stated he doesn't pay attention to Kino Casino drama, still weighed in as if he does
- defends Kino Casino like a battered housewife despite getting shat on by them behind his back
- chided Cog for saying the word 'retard' despite calling his detractors that not even a week ago
- got very upset when RTU superimposed himself onto DSP's set: "He stole my set!"
- mocked RTU's weight and size but he's a hefty lad himself
- plans to do a pro wrestling podcast with PPP despite allegedly barely watching wrestling
- "You can't block on reaction in this game!", opponent blocks on reaction, "Bullshit, they cheated!"
- spent $3000 on equipment dedicated to online fighting games, still gets his ass handed to him
- said he was done with interviews and then ponders why no one wants to do an interview with him
- assumes Boogie and Wings are “avoiding me to stir up drama” when it's his fault they're avoiding him
- stated he was ending the stream early but stuck around for 30+ mins for tips to keep streak going
- went 30+ mins overtime for tips, finally got a tip and scolded the tipper for making him wait
- proclaimed “Doody and Rich are felted”... becuase he wasted time begging for tips and got a pity tip
- “The streak doesn’t matter” yet spent 30+ minutes wanting tips as to not break the streak
- ruins every celebration of reaching the tips goal by rubbing it in his detractor's faces
- "They're not paying me to to eat fast food, it's just a celebration at the end of the week."
- admitted he is an idiot for not having a battery pack for his phones and PS5 controllers
- acted as if he is smart for buying a 4K capture card, something he should have gotten years ago
- permabanned a fan who pointed out Phil DID get Jasper declawed
- has an accidental penis in his background but called those who pointed it out as obssessed gays
- acknowledged Kino Casino turned on him but doesn't think it will affect him or his 'business'
- could not simply thank the tipper for saving the streak without the childish "trolls are seething!"
- realised most of his chat are detractors, thinks it is only a phase
- “I’ve never faked a donation” but later on “Weird, I dunno why that notification went off.”
- tends to e-beg for the same amount he already raised "in case anything comes up”
- thinks the PSP cost as much as a PS3 ($250 vs $499)
- accidentally admitted he spent all of $20k+ he got from Kino Casino viewers
- tested his new streaming PC... not with games but with browsing X and playing with the RGB lights
- acted childish when seeing the RGB lights on his PC and keyboard despite calling it "for children"
- actually pays a monthly fee to a program for RGB lighting setups (business degree btw)
- spent 3+ hours just putting parts into his new gaming PC (used to build PCs btw)
- "What the heck is Device Manager?!"
- putting the SSD in: “I angled it weird and forced it in” and then later: “It’s not working! Why!”
- did not turn the tab screw to hold in the SSD, instead twisted it until it bent enough to hold it
- thinks that he "owned" his trolls by not having a meltdown as he assembled his new PC
- made a very homoerotic comment about him staring at his own rectum in the mirror
- laments the tips streak ending... mostly because it gives his troll cause for celebration
- hyped up his new graphics card... only to learn it can't do both 4K and 60fps at the same time
- admitted he screwed up ordering his new pre-built PC as the motherboard can't handle everything
- “I’m a 42 year old man who has to be streaming 6 days a week! I can’t be building my own PC!”
- declared there is “nothing he can do” to fix the wires and hardware all over his floor
- admitted he doesn't count "leftover tips" because he is lazy
- will hint hint for more tips if he gets close to a nice round number like $200
- got $200 and immediately asked for $250
- purchased a new graphics card despite the capture card and motherboard being the problem
- chastised and shamed his viewers for keeping him on stream late as late nights annoy his wife
- “No one on Kick has talked in 13 minutes”, still thinks it is worth the effort streaming there
- confessed his money-raising marathons were an embarrassment, "lowest of lows"; still does them
- "I redid my whole bathroom!" but had only changed a shower head and got a new curtain rod
- purchased a $40 shower head from the $900 donations he fundraised for bathroom repairs
- blames his fans for recommending him a PC that didn't immediately work out of the box
- declared if he worked for a PC assembly company he would make everything “dunce proof”
- “Everyone is to blame” (except himself) for his new PC not being compatible with his capture cardwas s
- spent at least $1358 on WWE Champions during Black Friday 2024
- was 'donated' a 4TB SSD quite soon after e-begging for tips so he can buy it himself... hmmm...
- made Kat decorate the house and left her to go back in to his office to decorate it for is stream
- called his Wendy’s salad “overdressed” when he’s the one in control of putting dressing on the salad
- tends to spend around 1/4 of his political streams talking about things that aren't political
- defended Trump's proposed tariffs without understanding the actual impact they would make
- didn't care when tariffs would raise prices on fruit but did take notice when it affects fast food
- believes the USA is completely self-sustaining and does not need immigrant workers or trade deals
- was proud his first politics stream got 1k+ viewers, but once average was 200~ he said 1k were bots
- ranted on the Destiny drama despite not wanting to "lift a finger" about drama anymore
- is happy Destiny's sex tape got leaked despite claiming revenge porn is "fucked up"
- “I am not like other creators who put our significant others like a trophy.”; showed off Kat
- chastises those who have relationships with fans; has had relations with two fans (Leanna and Kat)
- tends to roast those on Twitter with misinfo he learns from Kino Casino e.g. the Destiny sex tape
- made homophobic remarks in regards to Destiny's leaks
- briefly suspended the tips streak as he shifted to his new PC, making up rules as he goes along
- rallied his viewers to help him set up his 41.7k lemon of a backup PC (built them as a hobby btw)
- wasted everyone's time by AI generating images in Grok... the same lame-brain content he hates
- got quite upset when AI generators used his name - Darksydephil - to generate a black person
- planned to (somehow) migrate a PC swap over an entire month
- did no research on how to do the aforementioned PC migrating, asked his chat for all the help
- wasted 10+ minutes going on an unprompted detailed personal history of his computers
- wasted 30+ minutes fiddling with the RGB lights on his new computer
- used the RGB lighting effects to create strobe lights that blinded and upset his viewers
- said the tips streak should only count when he plays a game
- blamed his new PC for why he got curbstomped in Call of Duty online
- thought he was smart to pause the tips streak only for it to end the very next stream
- uses the tips streak to 'felt' his haters but would rather not talk about the streak when it ends
- acknowledged the tips streak ended but then retconned it when he realized his haters were happy
- complains when flash grenades make his screen go white so he can't see
- was puzzled as to why streaming at a higher resolution and bitrate did not result in higher views
- believes hitting tips goals upsets his trolls but all the e-begging upsets his viewers
- finally realized his Kick chat is mostly trolls and bots, went ho hum and resumed as usual
- was told Kick is full of people similar to his detractors and was shocked when they show up
- asked for feedback on his lighting setup, gets positive feedback, “Ok, let’s stop nitpicking”
- complained that Amazon shouldn't be using USPS, unaware they have a partnership
- said he is ready to use “any gadget and gizmo you recommend” but will need to be handheld using it
- said he can't go on vacation because his cat is anti-social yet wanted to go on vacation for years
- grimly remarked his cat would need to die so he can feel comfortable leaving the house for 2+ days
- admitted he got his cat during a time he didn't have money and had no financial plan
- his proposed Christmas 2024 game to stream: Fast Food Simulator
- will talk about the 2024 Game Awards despite stating every year that he doesn't care about them
- blames taking him out of context but he sets himself up with his actions and choice of words
- at times will insist he has to leave at an exact time but will stick around 15~ mins for tips
- at times will gaslight his viewers that he never was going to leave at the exact time he said
- put his old PC in his garage unprotected from ants and other insects to invade and nest inside
- admitted he spent $8k on his current streamer setup (PC, lights, etc) and nothing was donated
- shamelessly switches between blaming his opponent button-mashing to changing their attack pattern
- said he cannot play fighting games IRL due to his bad back... which the Seattle air allegedly fixed
- scolded his whales who tip last minute to keep the streak going, wants the tips ASAP
- chortled that last minute tips upset his trolls even he is also vexed by last minute tips
- purchased a $60 mouse and a $150 keyboard to match his PC case (business degree btw)
- purchased a $60 mouse and a $150 keyboard but still plays Call of Duty with the controller
- has developed a habit of clapping like a seal whenever he achievest any task
- wasted time messing with custom backgrounds for his stream background (not a children's entertainer)
- lied that a $50 tip he got was not from Slayer despite the tip request is something Slayer wants
- “I make a living doing fun things."
- thinks he is justified mocking Destiny as Destiny had mocked DSP for years (he hasn't)
- won't take Destiny seriously due to the sex tape leak... that was intentionally & consensually made
- believes his WWE Champions addiction and fapcident are the only negative things he's done in years
- "I moved on with my life" but still talks about the fapcident a decade later
- can't answer why he has no sponsorships since he is now popular
- understood from Kino Casino that he should roll with the trolls but instead doubles down on ranting
- revealed his poor health by stating beards smell due to food wastre and bad breath embedded within
- exclaimed he doesn't blame trolls for everything... after listing everything he blamed on trolls
- stated that because is no longer an "equal opportunity jokester" which makes his bigoted jokes worse
- stated he is better nowadays as he doesn't "drink all the time", now it's only some of the time
- openly welcomes his 'friends' at Kino Casino to slander and ridicule him as "they gave me a chance"
- admits he only talks about fast food and alcohol and other junk as incentive for tips, hint hint
- brought back the noise box which most of his viewers dislike
- banned a fan who said DSP had Popeyes chicken earlier that year, realised fan was right. not unbanned
- still claims Twitch banned him for hate speech but it was 'hateful slurs', which he still says
- claims he won't talk about RTU's family as that's where he draws the line; has talked about his kids
- lies that he only drinks on stream as he as has talked about drinking with his wife
- stated that Columbus Ohio is not a racist city in the past or present
- “I’m not going to sit here and talk about it, it is what it is” but kept talking about it
- tends to name and shame his whales who don't save the tips streak
- I don't know what I'm eating tomorrow now because the streak ended."
- was shocked that that Kino Casino, who never were his friends, removed him as a mod from their chat
- is the grandchild of immigrants and yet wants millions of legal immigrants deported from the USA
- "You don’t deserve free things without hard work.”; sits on his ass 12h a day, games for 6h
- criticized people paying for other people's happiness, then reminded people to tip him
- compared a 'neo Nazi' march to pride marches
- assumed most of the neo Nazi march are "misinformed idiots" when some are likely undercover cops
- called 'white supremacy' a "heinous ideology" yet makes enough racial jokes to fit right in
- mocked the far-right protesters who wearing masks, ignored far-left protesters that do it too
- told all masked-up protesters to "man up" and show themselves, yet he barely leaves his gated house
- made remarks about the problematic Snow White live-action movie that bordered on racist
- lamented that his boring political streams keep killing his tips streak
- decided not to count his political streams towards the tips streak
- then decided to only count his political streams towards the tips streak if he hits the tips goal
- said that Getting $300 on stream will count as 2 goals hit, but said he couldn’t do that prior
- sheepishly asked Kino Casino to send their viewers to his Kick-exclusive streams to tip/sub him
- once again assumes his restreamers are talentless losers who break the law to rebroadcast him
- "Their talent is watching my talent and then talking about it."
- thinks that playing Stellar Blade for free and not behind a paywall makes it "socialist"
- thinks Stellar blade needing a new streak for only 100 days of $300 is “a great value”
- did not count a whale's donation to a food shelter in DSP's name towards the tips streak
- doubled down that he will not do anything for anyone who does something positive in his name
- went mask-off talking in the Kino Casino chat, speaks as if he is owed tips for doing streams
- decided to shift the tips goal system to a tiered system rather than just be thankful for the tips
- “There will be no pressure to hit the goals moving forward", broke that vow that same stream
- admitted the reason the goal is $150 is so he can have a day off with his wife eating out
- made the $150 tips goal tier 1 of the new tips tier
- stated that he used to be living very-tight financial wise but not anymore, still e-begs like he is
- refuses to believe that his excessive e-begging may be turning away potential viewers & tippers
- randomly bans people in his Kick chat that he suspects are detractors using aliases
- will ban you if you talk about drama and then talks about drama
- won't read $1 tip messages if they are dumb but will read them if they are $5+
- revealed he will only play 1 (one) hour of Stella Blade, which he put behind a massive paywall
- admitted he permits Kino Casino to slander him and he won't back as he wants no drama
- called his fans "slow" for not understanding that he is fine with Kino Casino slandering him
- stated he is fine with you believing whatever you want to believe... just not anti-DSP theories
- showed photos of his computer desk, revealing a dusty nightmare of cables and clutter
- sees nothing wrong with having his new PC sitting unprotected on his dusty crusty carpet
- left a box of tissues at his computer desk, leading to gooner and fapcident comments in chat
- pondered why a fanboy who shows up to most streams would critisize and correct Phi, says to leave
- boasted that his support is felting the trolls, then said he only got two $1 tips that stream
- keeps leaving stream early to "refine" his setup but his viewers see it as blatant stalling
- is thankful to play indie games despite saying they are killing his 'business' due to low tips
- was asked about A.I. and talked about many things not related to A.I.
- thinks that businesses wanting digital resumes are 'lazy' and should do only in-person scouting
- thinks him playing Microsoft Flight Simulator and getting lost and confused is "engaging content"
- said he doesn't start the podcast late, he just gets caught up doing other things (making him late)
- swapped the tips streak for the goals streak, acts like it isn't a rehash of the vest streak
- calls it a streak and then corrects himself saying it isn't a streak, repeat for next stream
- asked how his day is going, talked about tips and support
- said Balatro is one of his GOTY choices but it shouldn't be at the Game Awards because card game
- at times his internet drops, kicking viewers out of chat (business line internet btw)
- "Where is my wireless network?" (used to build computers btw)
- ranted about his RGB lights not syncing after a powercut rather than look up Troubleshooting
- was proud that he was the 2nd most popular Balatro streamer on Kick... with 20 viewers
- theorizes his dropping viewership is ONLY because he mainly plays AAA games
- assured his viewers that his cheap sweater doesn't resemble something Chris Chan wears (it does)
- thinks Chris Chan only wears one type of sweater
- denounced a longtime fan as a detractor who pointed out he still makes distasteful crass 'jokes'
- when told to stop e-begging he replied "so you want me to be silent" like a greedy child
- lied that he only brings up contributions on average three times a stream
- openly wishes karma bites his trolls in the ass rather than just simply ignoring them
- had no idea Path of Exile 2 existed even though he proclaims to be in the know with gaming
- panicked and wasted time in Path of Exile 2 trying to disable global chat lest he got trolled
- tends to say games have no story when he loses interest in the story
- cited the Yakuza games as having good stories; falls asleep while playing the games
- like Diablo II because you grind for loot, dislikes Path of Exile 2 because you grind for loot
- blamed Path of Exile 2 for why none of his mods showed up, certainly not because they aren't paid
- calls out trolls as being on sock accounts, won't speak out about his fans on sock accounts
- believed a troll who tipped him saying he turned over a new leaf... because the tip was $10
- got a $70 tip and read the tip message with no expression or excitement
- called restreaming illegal, was proven wrong with the laws cited, denounced the proof
- "You can't restream content you didn't create, it's illegal."; streams video games for a living
- “Upping the resolution of my webcam will overload my system with more pixels.”
- now believes TIHYDP was good at first but over time they were made specifically to 'harm' him
- was worried about his wife getting home late, did not bother sending her a text until after stream
- was willing to let himself be banned from Kino Casino if it gets him 100 subs
- “People ask me for stuff so I play it and then they don’t watch it!”, doesn't realise it's all him
- went from wearing a Chris Chan shirt to a Hillary Clinton sweater
- wears sweaters more fitting on a grandmother and mocks those who mock his attire
- called his own content "unhinged" and "mentally challenged" because it's all restreamers show
- said his restreamers "harass people online" even though they only restream DSP and nothing else
- still shows animosity towards Wolverine, revealing he still isn't over not getting the toy
- wants to replay all the Souls games again, still thinks his content is fresh and original
- seriously thinks people are criticizing him for being “too professional" now
- confirmed he's spent big money on clothes, sets, and RGB lights becuase people called him a bum
- remarked with his old content he was “having to talk to fill dead-air to appease teenagers”
- kept calling Path of Exile 2 a PC exclusive even though it launched on consoles too
- calls his detractors evil and want him to fail despite previously calling them his fans in denial
- pondered why Kick, which gets like 1% the traffic YouTube does, results in very low views
- knows that if he gets 100+ views on a Kick stream he is being botted, blames detractors as usual
- blamed co-streaming on Kick and Yt for declining views and tips
- wagequit Kick due to low views and payout but did stay up all night watching Kino Casino
- defined a lolcow as someone you can prod to get laughter, unaware that includes him
- thinks he is smart for saying there are different degrees of lolcows, which has always been true
- revealed his greed by stating with the new tips system that extra tips do not go to the next stream
- confirmed that $299 counts as one goal met and the other $149 doesn’t count to the next stream
- jokingly confessed he never paid John and Howard for their work, which is close to reality
- panicked that people might unsub from him due to his mass-spam uploads being so slow
- is worried that he can't retain an audience because he causes drama despite telling people to leave
- stated he can't upload whole stream VODs because they have “commercial breaks” i.e. e-begging
- admitted he upped the frequency of ads, meaning he had lied when he proclaimed he never did it
- told an unfunny fake story about seeing a psychiatrist that amounted to mocking therapy and suicide
- goes full mask-off by e-begging like a whore when he stops recording
- so greedy he at times paywalls the start of a stream behind a paywall
- had called $60 “good support” at the start of a stream, then said $60 isn’t good enough by the end
- wants his viewers to gift Kick badges despite considering leaving Kick
- thinks he can get away with e-begging if he calls tipping him 'liking' him, hint hint like please
- mainly blames the parents of people who do sickening crimes
- thinks that if you're broke you just need "to get the help you need" as if it's always an optionass
- asked his viewers "what are you doing here?" since they aren't tipping him
- "If you don't like it then leave now!", people leave, gets flabbergasted
- gets bothered when asked to do gaming during his politics show as that is what his viewers want
- stated that his politics show was requested to exist for years (by trolls to roast his shit takes)
- "I don't care about Astro Bot, this is DSPolitics" (passionate gamer btw)
- tends to waste time asking his dead chat for help rather than look up the solution himself
- was puzzled why his lighting is messed up before realizing the prop items behind him light up
- did an unrecorded 'give me $15000 as soon as possible' special segment at the end of the 'podcast'
- cut down the gameplay in his day streams to just 2 hours, can't fathom why contributions decline
- said chicken wings don't have much meat on them and is not worth the effort
- would rather you tip him $100 than $5 if you want him to beat whatever game he is playing
- gets puzzled when people come to his streams for him and not whatever game he is playing
- doesn't like it when people in chat have fun amongst themselves and not engage with Phil
- boasted he was beating Balatro that stream but he only beat one level of one deck
- called Indiana Jones and the Great Circle with 'Golden Circle' on multiple occasions
- so terminally online he feels the need to tweet about every inconvenience he faces
- offered to drink a 58% vol malt whiskey as a tips incentive (not an alcoholic btw)
- only went to one liquor store in search of Everclear, a very common spirit
- planned to drink Everclear straight even though it is intended to be mixed with other things
- wanted to invite Mister Metokur on his podcast to "chill" and only for "positive vibes"
- only wanted to 'interview' Mister Metokur after watching the Metokur documentary
- gave Mister Metokur, a terminally ill man who has no control over how his body feels, an exact date
- called people "complete morons" for correctly pointing out Metokur is very ill
- bitched that the gate in his gated community won't open even though it is manual release by law
- insinuated he is smarter than FGC members for recognising a scam some of them may have fallen for
- acknowledged he makes $10 a hour, which is less than minimum wage there, still won't get a job
- tends to start the stream completely unprepared
- doesn't mind that his sweaters make him look gay because gay means happy so it makes him look happy
- confirmed his wife xan no longer climb the stairs
- stated that he will NOT monetize the Metokur doco react stream but will still take tips
- stated that he will NOT monetize the Metokur interview stream but will still take tips
- thinks that being 'let go' from a job is quite different from being fired
- "Give me money to own the detractors."
- “For some reason, I lost half my subs on kick this month”, won't admit it's due to Kino Casino
- plans to refinance his house to fix his broken toilet
- thinks refinancing his house is a good idea but he has bad credit and mortgage payments will go up
- has allowed his master bedroom toilet and shower to leak into the drywall since 2016
- couldn't figure out why people weren't willing to donate lots during the Christmas season
- will look for new additions to fast food menus to kill time waiting for donations
- believes LinkedIn is a resume site and that you can lie about your work history and not get caught
- "I haven't had a vacation since 2012!" but has playlists of his vacations in 2013, 2015, and 2016
- “The McRib isn’t even ribs meat”, but then “It’s ground up ribs”
- can't fathom why a pizza company would offer to sell an uncooked pizza for cheap
- considers cooking a pizza that gets delivered to you to be 'work'
- went full dictator on Kick chat because one bored troll kept making alt accounts to mess with him
- thinks making the 24-hour account age requirement to talk in his Kick chat will make a difference
- thinks Kino Casino won't do collabs with him because it got 'old', but they had cut ties with him
- remarked that it is harder to make jokes about him nowadays... but didn't say he isn't a joke
- refused to buy games for the 2024 Christmas marathon because he only planned to play them one time
- forgot to switch accounts whilst taking a bathroom break, subjecting his chat to ads
- plans to make alcohol reviews a staple of DSP Tries It (not an alcoholic btw)
- tends to start his streams talking about his income and trolls
- accidentally shared on screen a fanboy's praise-dump (that contained a threat in it)
- hint hinted he wants a Couchmaster desk for PC gaming in his love chair
- refuses to play N64 games for his fans because he would have to find the ROMs and emulator
- kept enforcing Stellar Blade behind the paywall despite the game having a demo
- will say "no pressure" to his hint hints for tips
- has gotten to the point of e-begging so he can buy food for dinner and not have Kat do cooking
- had a 'woe is me' pity party remarking he can't afford ALL the Popeye's chicken he wanted, only some
- lied that Kat arrived home so he needed tips to buy dinner, admitted she wasn't home 40 mins later
- can't even eat fast food off-stream with his wife without wanting to use said food as a goal reward
- “This has made up for the days we missed in support now after tonight” but there is no streak btw
- chastised his trolls saying he talks about money too much, responded by flexing hitting tips goals
- won't give a Kick badge to multiple big tippers as he wants to make the badge more exclusive
- received $400 in tips and immediately asked for $600 to felt the trolls
- retconned the Comcast story to say the employee could have been sacked, suggesting they weren’t
- "I could have changed who I was during the summer" but he did change to be more mainstream
- said SideScrollers are "right-wing grifters" who care more about money than morality
- claimed Mister Metokur 'destroyed' his detractors even though that was never mentioned in the doco
- claimed Mister Metokur was why the Sons of Kojima, but in reality they disbanded years later
- called other podcasts unprofessional when he himself is usually late and wastes time e-begging
- yet again made a Joon the King video react all about him
- claimed Metokur is in it for the money even though he is demonitized
- can't understand why Metokur showed medical records proving his illness, says never show proof
- claims he was one of the first streamers to get swatted
- insinuated he believes the incorrect theory that Mister Metokur faked his cancer for money
- "Even if he was scamming people, he's making content people enjoy, so who cares?"
- admitted he would have been a grifter drama channel if he were in his 20s
- still thinks WWE Champions is a 'meme' even though he STILL wastes money on it
- turned on his mod IronChefSakai after his detractors exposed Sekai's unamusing gayops antics
- knew what was his detractors said towards IronChefSakai despite allegedly not listening to them
- believes his Discord server has nothing bad on it, but it's had drama and doxings
- believes no normal people cares about him e-begging but his viewers complain (the dents don't care)
- assumes that if he hasn't heard about a big-name detractor lately that they must be unpopular now
- tried telling people the terms 'fag' and 'tranny' were not slurs when he used them
- now says he lost weight by not snacking before bed
- “I didn’t have a lot as a kid” yet had an allowance he would use to rent games weekly
- pondered why anyone would have horse riding as a hobby considering the risks
- assures that it is impossible he can ever be homeless
- questions the validity of small tips but doesn't question the validity of big tips
- admitted he is the "laughing stock of the internet" and a "living meme"
- believes his videos on SOPA/PIPA made enough impact to prevent those bills from passing
- didn't mention that as soon as he got partnered by Machinima he barely mentioned SOPA
- can't believe he accumulated a negative stigma despite "actually going out of my way to help people"
- stated that he USED to help people, implying he doesn't anymore
- reacted with seething vitriol that people still clown on him, proving why he is a lolcow
- seriously blamed the content his detractors make for the current state of society
- called the content his detractors made "brainless" and idiotic, which includes raw restreams of him
- insinuated he can still help people but did not elaborate on how
- blamed and shamed his trolls for why he cannot help people
- "directly" blamed his trolls for his shitty life even though he fucked up his own finances himself
- associates people laughing at him for being a lolcow to why he cannot be taken seriously anymore
- stated that if he never became a content creator lots of "positive content" never will exist
- seriously believes that if he never existed then his detractors would have absolutely nothing to do
- still thinks detractors do nothing but crack jokes about him but many expose his lies and e-begging
- still believes that detractors are no-life losers that have accomplished nothing but hate on DSP
- so narcissistic be believes his existence is why his detractors are still living and breathing
- exclaimed he 'called out' Mr. Beast a decade ago... when Mr. Breast was doing gameplay commentaries
- assures that if he always taken seriously he could have prevented many being scammed somehow
- "Yeah, you spent 10 years turning me into a joke."
- said if he won the lottery he would stop streaming and uploading (passionate content creator btw)
- made a thinly veiled death threat to his trolls, saying if he won the lottery he'd end them
- vowed revenge on those who wronged him (Catholic morals btw)
- assumes that everyone who wears a stripped sweater gets called Chris Chan but it's really only him
- stated that if you dislike someone's attire he must be obsessed with them; dislike Ninja's attire
- said that comparing his clothing to what Chris Chan wears is a sign of brainrot in society
- cannot take a joke at his expense without thinking it is a personal attack
- wants FPS games to be simple run-and-game action with no puzzles to solve
- laughs that his detractors think he is supported by only a few people... which he literally is
- called a fan who mistook DSP saying he'd SWAT people a "mouth drooler" whose mom shat him out
- cannot help mentioning his trolls being felted when talking about tips goals
- won't refund or do something special for a mod who accidentally overpaid for a Kick badge
- hint hinted that you can do a 10-10 membership bomb for the Kick badge rather than 20 all at once
- drinks seltzer water out of a coffee mug
- hint hinted he wants a boom mic arm to complete his 'professional' setup
- said ReviewTechUSA doesn't need a boom mic because all he does is sit there talking
- implied that eating with his wife is a "disappointment"
- claims he really wants to spend time with his wife but hangs around waiting for last-minute tips
- spent thousands on upgrading his set to a dwindling audience who don't care (business degree btw)
- believes that spending thousands on upgrading his set overrides spending thousands on mobile games
- boasted how upgrading his set shows business savvy, but he's still spending money on WWE Champions
- “Stellar Blade is just Black Myth: Wukong.”
- dressed and acted like Santa despite calling such behaviour 'cringe'
- finally played Stellar Blade and bitched and trashed it despite it being a 'reward' to his fans
- got his ass handed to him in the tutorial section of Stellar Blade
- wanted $12k while playing Stellar Blade because “other content creators get that much”
- called Stellar Blade "fucking stupid" and blamed his fans for making him play it, it was his idea
- declared Stellar Blade to be an unoriginal rehash; plays WWE Champions, a Candy Crush clone
- dropped the Stellar Blade goal and replaced it with a viewers choice event
- got a 50 membership bomb and immediately asked for more support
- took shots of whiskey even when he wasn't getting $100 tips (ex-alcoholic btw)
- remarked his whiskey was strong at 100 proof yet swigged it like water
- "10% alcoholic volume"
- hint hinted he wanted a new chair
- complains that his viewers won’t allow him to play RPGs despite disliking them for low views & tips
- flamed his viewers who didn't watch his Christmas Eve 'podcast'
- assumed he would kick ass at CoD when switching to keyboard + mouse but hardly fared any better
- thinks $100k in $100 bills would be a massive package but a large coat pocket would suffice
- called a viewer “mentally stunted” for comparing Lies of P to Stellar Blade
- showed his hands when playing with mouse + keyboard, revealing his flailing incompetence
- got worried about what times he says he starts the strema at despite being late to all of them
- "My private life is none of your business!" but also talks about his personal life a lot
- purchased a new webcam for higher resolution Discord calls despite quitting interviews
- read aloud a fake script from an alleged fan who has trolls remorse
- only accepted Iron Chef Sekai being rude in his chat after Sekai tipped him
- nows says that almost everything he said in his early YT years was meant to be joking
- doesn't realise that portraying himself as a massive jokester makes him look like a massive liar
- will hint hint that you should step up and donate memberships to overthrow a new leaderboard #1
- will ban you if you point out that his new microphone is not that much better than his previous one
- lamented that Discord can only do 720p video
- pondered why Discord doesn't beef its bitrates so it can be a contender as a streaming platform
- dropped all the King's Tax hype and went back to regular old begging once the dents no longer cared
- “I don’t hold a grudge.”; John and Rambo, Machinima, helicopter company, RTU, parents, detractors...
- purchased a lot of junk for his background only to hide it behind a green screen
- took two hours to install the new mic boom
- criticized the lack of instruction manual with the new mic, never bothered to google one himself
- broke his new mic arm because he doesn't understand how threaded arms work
- switched to a new microphone with new software and expected a seamless transition, got fucked audio
- was told the audio is shit, assumed chat was mocking his voice and told them off
- believes his “real voice” has “real bass”
- thinks mono sound intrinsically captures “less sound”
- won't do his mic settings offline because “it would be endless hours messing with settings”
- stopped doing private videos for Patreon members out of laziness, blames lack of time
- got quite emotional when his DoorDash'd dinner did not come with nuggets
- spent over $50 on Taco Bell but only made around $20 that stream, whined like a child
- "Hello and welcome back to Marvel Champions. Champions? Holy crap, Marvel Rivals." (WWEC rent free)
- wagequit Marvel Rivals despite an impressive viewer support (he only cares about financial support)
- said he could have worked fast food and made more money that day, still won't get a job
- did not make any new year's resolutions for 2025 because he knew he couldn't keep them
- tends to throw flashbangs/smoke bombs away from enemies and is puzzled why they aren't blinded
- tends to brag that as he's "outlived" "countless" people who criticize him, he must be doing fine
- wanted to start doing "improv commentary" on his streams, which isn't any different than his usual
- wanted to play Minecraft for the 100 goal rewards
- got upset when he ordered a flower Lego set for his background and it didn't come with lighting kit
- got excited to announce building the Lego set with his viewers (not a children's entertainer btw)
- recycled his monthly events into his tips goal rewards
- purchased a shock mount for his new microphone, another unnecessary purchase
- implied he values what his detractors say more than his fans since he changes things to spite them
- believes wagequitting games is important for his 'business' (passionate gamer btw)
- yet again assumes that if no one gives tips as he games they must not like the game
- showed photos of his current gaming setup, unveiling a nightmare of twisted cables and dust
- purchased a rubber cover for his desk to cushion the sound of his palms hitting it
- tested the rubber cover by slamming his hand onto it, unrealistic for common use
- protested electric vehicles due to overused power grids... as flashing lights go off around him
- hint hinted he wants the new NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5080 graphics card ($2000 estimated cost)
- answered which gaming console you should buy: the one that runs games at the resolution you want
- claimed he has never scammed anyone
- loves all parts of the chicken without bones... which is only the breast meat
- bragged that he is one of the first streamers to use “A.I. green screen” (wrong and hardly a flex)
- "I never played Dino Crisis!", but he had played it in 2016, 2020, and 2024
- requested ReviewTechUSA tattoo DSP's face to his testicles, not his buttocks
- can't give a joke answer to a joke question, will either answer seriously and/or call them a moron
- didn't notice when a rogue mod was banning people for no reason
- only noticed the aforementioned rogue mod when said mod began unbanning people
- welcomes all tips, no matter how small, but will criticize you if you tip him in $1 amounts
- tried to install a mod for Dark Souls, somehow messed up his tips leaderboard, blamed his chat
- never learned that he could have undid the changed settings in OBS with a simple Ctrl + Z
- can’t name a generous thing he’s done in his whole life (mandatory volunteer work doesn't count)
- thinks that because detractors don't know the exact amount he's wasted on WWEC, it doesn't matter
- can't understand that people are upset he lied to them for years about not playing WWE Champions
- won't provide any proof he sold his WWE Champions account
- can't answer why his WWE Champions account can't be found on any website that sells accounts
- still believes marijuana is illegal in Washington (it was legalized in 2012)fl
- hyped up his wrestling podcast segment despite being disinterested in it for years
- declares he can now look things online now that he has a "modern set up”
- stated that Edge's run in WWE “wasn’t successful”
- calls SF6 opponents cheaters when they exploit his 'parry everything and do one combo' strat
- threw in the towel with learning in SF6, “I’m refusing to learn further”, will button mash
- "I let you win because I didn't move! This is how dumb SF6 players are!"
- while playing CoD he tends to throw a bomb at a wall, walk right into it, die, and blame the wall
- claimed that CoD players with a season pass were cheating
- "Lock in to a marathon event" as opposed to just doing the marathon event for the fun of it
- "Yeah I'm going to e-beg, but that's because I'm bringing you content that you like."
- asked to give him feedback if you don't like his content, only to discount that as trolling
- roasted LTG for having a "crappy bedroom"... as he says surrounded by flashing junk and dust
- believes he doesn't live in a bubble because so many people don't like him
- believed that the Estus animation in the Dark Souls mod is slower than original but it's unchanged
- encourages competition between his whales to see who tips him more
- laments that now searching 'DSP' returns detractor videos despite saying such things don't matter
- still believes all detractor videos are monitized and that no one would make content for free
- assumes all his detractors act like Doody and are only in it for the money, attention, and/or clout
- "I don't care about or know the wrestlers anymore, I'm just casually playing," still plays WWEC
- called the vests and hats "a symbol" but downgraded them to "gimmicks" once the $$ support fell off
- lied that he's never had Viewer's Choice and marathons during the vest/tips streak
- lied that his viewers have barely asked him for more DSP Tries It
- flat out admitted the tips were going towards “food for me and my wife”
- wasted an entire stream messing with OBS and his new mic
- doesn’t understand why settings won't carry over between scenes in OBS
- turned his most disappointing games of the year list into a rant about his detractors
- made it no secret that 'most disappointing games' = games that didn't give him much $$ support
- put free games on his most disappointing games list because people didn’t give him enough money
- believes Hades 2 was a disappointing game because he didn't get as many tips when playing original
- complained that Wukong wasn't a Souls game, and then complained Wukong copied Souls games
- Put FFVII Rebirth on the disappointing games list because “his audience didn’t enjoy it”
- loved Metaphor: ReFantazio but put it on both GOTY and disappointing games lists
- put BG3 on his most disappointing games of the year list despite it being on his GOTY list
- stated that he'll do what he must to keep his 'business' going, but “I won’t change what I’m doing”
- assumes that if you don't like people who like his content then you MUST be jealous
- told his detractors to donate to him to put his whales in their places
- "I don't brainwash people to contribute to me. That's never happened."
- assumes that if you don't like him or his content it bothers you personally
- believes that if you criticize him you are personally make it a part of your 'business'
- claimed to be a "super successful streamer? when he propped up by a few whales and e-begs
- stated that only a few months he was broke and forced to e-beg; nowadays still e-begs
- figures that since he's still e-begging and wagequitting game to this game it can't be his fault
- “If you don’t like people giving me money to play games, then give me money to play different games”
- believes detractors are "grooming an entire generation of people to be awful people"
- believes that most viewers of detractor content are "antisocial sociopaths"
- believes all detractors have no lives and only have internet friends (pot kettle black)
- thinks that if he dresses up his e-begging like an ironic joke it makes it better
- tends to misuse the word "bereft"
- started a wrestling podcast segment but admitted he only skims shows the day before
- complains of pop-ups from sponsorships but has big tipping pop-ups and a leaderboard banner
- included his arms in the webcam greenscreen, looks like he's a baby in a invisible high chair
- doesn't realise that YouTube's bitrate undermines his desire to own the newest graphics cards
- flat out admits the DownfromTheRafters WWE Champions account is him
- cannot explain why selling his WWEC account hasn't resulted in it being banned for violating ToS
- had a 10 pack of 90 proof liquor shots for a marathon (ex-alcoholic btw)
- got a party park of whiskey shots... to drink alone
- took a shot of 99 Watermelons for a $100 tip, immediately followed it with 99 Cherries for free
- comes up with a new melody for the banana song every time, to pretend that he doesn’t remember it
- lied that the viewers agreed to a Megaman marathon as he decided the choice of games prior
- used save states during the Megaman Rage-a-Thon
- called the Megaman marathon the 'rage-a-thon' yet spent hours singing to himself
- calls himself a Megaman fan, wears a Megaman shirt, has Megaman art, but can hardly play the games
- implied wireless controllers somehow degrade in signal performance the longer you use them
- laughs when Kino Casino roasts his content, yet rants when detractors do the same exact thing
- assumed his trolls would think he'd hate Kino Casino roasting him considering KC are detractors
- claims there is no European food in Renton, Washington
- insinuates that if a restaurant near him doesn't do Doordash it might as well not exist to him
- called his detractors losers for wasting time doxing him, but he doxed himself with his house tour
- tends to flip-flop on whether to count anonymous tips/subs
- announced he was "wagequitting" Dark Souls, but he had said 'wagequitting' is a detractor term
- blatantly e-begs because he doesn't like "dead days"
- wants your money ASAP because he doesn't want low-supported streams to become "a pattern"
- requested that a banned user pay him $80 to get unbanned and he MAY consider unbanning
- doesn't know or care that demanding a tip to get unbanned is illegal and against YouTube's ToS
- wanted $1500 for a DSP Tries It, wanted another $150 to “make up for it being expensive”
- stated his trolls back in the day aren't as bad as his trolls nowadays, a reversal of his views
- refuses to believe he has "disabled people" who donate to him
- went from “my fans aren’t disabled” to “Oh hey Jayde” very quickly
- played into the pignosis meme but did no without a hint of sarcasm
- has the amazing ability to find bugs in every game he plays, can effortlessly softlock himself
- says he is chillin' but he constantly panics about money and tips goals
- tends to make his “let’s talk about the games we played last week” into talking about $$ support
- thought he softlocked Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, turns out he didn't read onscreen text
- believes that everyone playing SF6 online copies pro players, thus it's no longer fun to play
- doesn't notice or care that the shitty green-screen effect cuts chunks off his face
- eats cookies and drinks soda on stream despite allegedly being more health-conscious these days
- didn't know if four leaf clovers were real or not
- assumes that enemies have "spawned invisibly", doesn't realise they are hiding behind cover
- assumes that "no human" must have playtested Stalker 2 because he sucks at the game
- finds it weird that shotguns have spread
- failed miserably in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, doesn't realise wind affects aircraft
- skipped the helicopter tutorial in Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, then bitched about flying it
- refuses to see any similarities between him and Chris Chan
- didn't test the Dark Souls mods ahead of time, leading to wasted time fixing them
- installed a mod that makes Dark Souls more challenging, complained the game is more challenging
- decided NOT to include tips from his wrestling show to the tips goal as it is not "the same thing"
- wore a sweater that enhanced his manboobs, was surprised that IronChefSekai upped his support
- couldn't laugh along with his chat about his boobs-enhancing sweater, took the jokes too seriously
- laughed along with Ashten about his manboobs due to bundling the jokes with e-begging for Kick subs
- will gleefully use detractor memes when joking with Ashten, but won't let his chat say such memes
- can't colour coordinate his clothes, leading to the greenscreen chopping off sleeves or his neck
- offered to do a second wrestling podcast show that week for a meager tips goal of $500
- encourages tip wars between those with 'serious' usernames and those with 'immature' usernames
- now lies that his viewers "don't like" Stellar Blade, giving himself an excuse not to play it
- dropped the politics podcast due to having no time to read the news, instead of simply not reading
- will clean his microphone by blowing on it and wiping it, accidentally muting himself in the process
- stated that his detractors constantly lie about him but can't name any of the lies when asked
- can't name any of his detractors that steal his content and don't make it transformative
- stated that mere commentary over a video is not transformative, meaning his reacts show is illegal
- praises getting gout as it curbed his fast food habits; still eats fast food, now Doordashes them
- admitted he still gets gout flare ups from time to time
- revealed he is a poor judge of character due to his trend of modding people who go rogue
- considered re-modding IronChefSekai, who was demoted for going on a ban spree, due to $$ tips
- thinks lying about not playing WWE Champions wasn't worth confessing to as its a "dumb little thing"
- thinks the WWE Champions drama doesn't matter; has gambled thousands of fan-donated money on it
- tends to react to scary/creepy content with boredom and constant pausing to break immersion
- doesn't know if he has "appointments and stuff" next week (mature adult btw)
- believed consumed electronics shows had functioning Switch 2 consoles and not mock-ups
- hint hinted he wants a Switch 2 so he can "cover it at launch”
- wants Nintendo to appeal the Switch 2 to him, a middle-aged man, and not children
- whined like a Karen that the Switch 2 won't be released in colours befitting "a man" like him
- played Stalker 2, a survival horror game, like a pure guns-blazing braindead shooter
- called Stalker 2 “an unfinished mess of bad programming” because he got lost and died easily
- remarked that if got more tips while playing Stalker 2 "it probably could've been a great game"
- blamed the devs of Stalker 2 being Ukrainian for why the game's quality is lacking in his eyes
- denies having manboobs despite clutching one when his cat climbed up his chest and scratched it
- owns sweaters that resemble Chris Chan's attire, calls his viewers obsessed if they point it out
- ponders why his 'chill' podcast of just talking has dismal live views and a dead chat
- “Ever since my resurgence my time is more valuable than ever.”
- went to the bathroom, came back to an anonymous $35 donation... hmmm...
- cited his lack of tips streak as proof he isn't asking for tips behind the scenes
- denied faking tips to hit tips goals sooner but is very happy to hit the tips goals sooner
- said he has no incentive to do a tips streak anymore but still offers 'rewards' for one
- pretended that he has no relationship with Slayer, but Slayer is a mod and talks to DSP on Discord
- stopped doing private reacts even though it was guaranteed $50 vs streams that might not get half
- “Who cares what people on the internet say about you?” but wants to sue his detractors
- wagequit Stalker 2 but dressed it up as a bad game with not enough tips to make it worthwhile
- admitted his politics show failed because he is a fence-sitter who barely did research
- shifted the blame on why the politics show failed to a lack of tips support
- blamed the concept of politics being boring despite early 2025 being full of drama in US politics
- stated his politics show failed because “nobody wants intelligent takes”
- hint hinted he wants a new tablet to watch pro wrestling on
- gets upset at "meme names" that have memes about him, can't laugh at it
- spent $1176 during the January 2025 event in WWE Champions
- one time began his 'gloating at detractors' spiel with scat talk
- said he would do what it takes to provide for his family, but he won't take your suggestions
- must always have the latest technology. whinges when he gets tech issues
- ranted that his new webcam's auto-focus makes things blurry but there is legit barely a difference
- has lots of flashing lights in his background, “My camera won’t auto focus on me!"
- refused to rollback the camera driver update, instead hint hints he needs a new webcam
- called himself "fat and hairy and I have manboobs"
- stated he may take legal action on anyone who doesn't cancel their chargeback on him
- knows what a federal crime; cheated on his taxes and lied during a bankruptcy hearing
- pronounced ocarina as "oh-ka-reena"
- "If Kat comes home she doesn't have to cook", didn't elaborate on the 'if' part
- set the new webcam too far back, had to zoom himself, resulting in grainy bloated pixels
- refused to put on socks because he was only superchatted $30 and wanted more
- thinks socks around the house “makes your feet smell”
- tried to turn showing his feet to the webcam to be a tips incentive
- “I prefer an ankle sock... wait... what’s an ankle sock? I’m getting confused."
- believes spending thousands on 4k webcams and flashing RGB lights are "good things"
- refuses to believe he could in a midlife crisis
- showed an angle of his setup, showing he is shoved in a corner, making it both cluttered and empty
- accused a viewer who criticized his setup of being a sexual deviant
- stated his bedroom is now “too small and confined” despite choosing that house for the room size
- is not aware that the arm rest over his chair makes him resemble a giant baby in a highchair
- “What I have now is what I always wanted to have moving out here.”
- “The truth is now that I’m older I just don’t like having fast food often”, has it as a tips goal
- hint hinted he wants new headphones to replace his cheap nasty ones
- wanted to play Marvel Rivals again but blamed his viewers for "tricking" him into playing it again
- whined of no internet during an outage but used his wireless backup box to rant in his chat
- believes that since neighbourhood has redundancy power in case of outages they also do internet too
- skipped his 2025 Super Bowl event because he now “has a goal system”
- wants to sue his internet provider because vandalisers keep causing outages
- thinks Comcast should have security at every power pole to prevent vandalism
- proudly showed off his new socks and offered to change them as a tips reward
- entertained the possibility of writing a $100 tipper's name on his new socks with a marker
- flexed by boasting "I washed my socks!"
- clownishly danced to show off his new socks (not a children's entertainer btw)
- offered to do 10 pushups for 50 Kick subs
- his idea of pushups: lowered his waist to the ground whilst hardly bending his arms
- “The sandwich is not even spicy! I can’t taste the spice!”, wants "cooling ranch sauce”
- banned Kick supports for "being a dick" to him, demanded they apologise to be unbanned
- "We're trying to hit the $80 goal, which I already gave you the reward for by the way."
- eats cold fast food on a paper plate, calls it "kingly"
- "As an adult, you can do what you want, and nobody can tell you you can't do it."
- assumes that if you ponder where big tippers are you must be involved in "drama shit"
- assumes you can't be friends with big tippers without ulterior motives
- makes up inane hypothetical scenarios to justify punishing people in chat for asking questions
- ranted like a sissy girl when exclaiming that talking about his community makes you a "sissy girl"
- "I'm not gonna give you any attention at all", continues giving attention
- believes that clicking on a username to see if they are subscribed makes you a stalker
- pretends that he he hasn't looked up usernames in his chat to see if they are actually detractors
- doesn't realise or care that Kick's community is very different from YouTube's community
- stood up and danced with his ass to the camera for no real reason
- "The point of Viewer's Choice is I tell you what I want to play and then I play it!"
- admitted the Viewer's Choice is more like games he wants to play and will veto any games
- pondered if he should play Ninja Gaiden 2 Black remaster, the type of game he really hates
- admitted he WILL cheat during his Dino Crisis playthrough, but he “just won’t cheat right away”
- lied that he had a day off with no errands to do, then confessed he had done errands with his wife
- “No one likes Stellar Blade! Everyone hated it! I’m not going to play that game ever again!”
- hates Stella Blade, only played once; hates Street Fighter 6, still plays it
- wants to meet PPP or Andy IRL but they have to come to him
- “I’m looking forward to Doom," "then “I’m not looking forward to Doom because it’s not classic Doom”
- tried to define what 'woke' is, revealing he is a bigot who thinks black people = racism
- insults his viewers and then later on ponders why tips and support is low
- announced he can't go the zoo because of detractors, despite claiming not to care about them
- seriously believes his trolls would call the cops on him if he went to the zoo
- plans to put footage of his zoo trip vlog behind a paywall
- still believes a fake troll plan to rob his house while he was gone to Connecticut
- thinks getting blueprints to a house is difficult and only most persistent can do it
- “You never know where I am, that way I avoid harassment.”; never leaves the house
- now defends Amazon these days because they deliver everything he needs, no need to leave the house
- “I will never order anything from Walmart, I am morally against it”, buys from Amazon instead
- quickly shifted from the Walmart vs Amazon debate once his fans pointed out his hypocrisy
- banned a fan who pointed out that if he is gifted a game he ought to play it
- flat-out admitted if he is given money to buy and play a specific game he will buy food instead
- does not believe that pheromones can be put into a bar of soap
- requested $252 to get to the $300 tips goal so he can buy overpriced soap
- “We agreed at $300 I would buy tactical soap” yet his viewers were imploring he just save his money
- admitted that him doing pushups for tips is a "dumb brainless mouth-drooling meme"
- believes that anti-DSP memes are invented and used by detractors to make money
- believes that if detractors couldn't make money off their anti-DSP content they'd stop the memes
- stated that his detractors leech money off others to survive (pot kettle black)
- calls his detractors toxic and then fantasizes about them losing their livelihoods and dignity
- “There’s no cult-like following around ME”, said in a very unconvincing way
- “You guys know who anti-troll I am! I don’t bring up trolls or troll content!”
- reaffirmed he will not "roll with the memes" and will flip out and rant about them
- hint hinted he will fully shave his beard if he gets $1000 in a stream
- “I do everything correctly financially, I pay someone” yet hired a CT accountant to do his WA taxes
- gave advice on picking up women: wash yourself and wear cologne and that's basically it
- “I’m not in this just for the money! I’m in this to make content for the masses!”
- confessed he “thew up on stream” after eating jelly beans and “I just didn’t tell anyone”
- “Nothing I am using in my set up has been donated”... apart from his gaming PC
- doesn't test anything before streaming, leading to his camera turning its off at times
- refuses to take blame for his shitty PC setup leads to faults
- proudly proclaimed he made more money in 2024 than 2018-2023, didn't mention it's from 3-4 whales
- appeared to have a mini stroke when his lemon gaming PC began dying
- lied that he never said he had spent $3000 on his last lemon gaming PC
- can’t spend his own time to fix his tech issues because “it will take time away from my wife”
- quit Stalker 2 because no one in his dead chat asked he embarrass himself further with it
- stated that he can't take time off even though he boasts he no longer lives paycheck to paycheck
- is proud to have purchased a dust buster, something he should have purchased years ago
- is happy when his Kick stream views are high, doesn't realise 1000+ of them are bots
- doesn't realise that constantly wearing headphones is giving him a dent-head like Tyler1
- will not do a marathon stream without it being behind a paywall because he's running a 'business'
- cannot fathom why content creators do events, like marathon streams, for free
- offered to show his new boxers if the tips goal is hit
- hates puzzles that involve gathering clues and using them, along with logic, to deduce the solution
- shamelessly tried to looked up the puzzle solutions to Dino Crisis, gave up
- had to be told where to find the puzzle passcodes in Dino Crisis from a viewer in chat
- claimed he is “on par if not better than most streamers now” because “I'm in a studio-sized room”
- said he doesn’t have any time to do anything for his business because he’s happily married
- won't meet PPP and Andy because any travel he needs to do has to be with his wife and for his wife
- installed a motion-sensing tracker to his webcam even though he stays sitting 95% of his streams
- was sick with a sore throat and decided a good remedy was candy andcake
- took offense at being suggested to take a COVID test when he felt sick with a hoarse voice
- put eating a cake behind a paywall, urged for tips to surpass the paywall or the cake will "rot"
- claimed a troll used a VPN to impersonate a whale and send "fake" memberships to him
- refuses to play Dino Crisis on PC because he can’t save scum with save states like on the PS5
- lied that he has never looked into the exchange rate with Argentina's currency
- thinks he is getting $0.30 per Argentinian membership but it's more like $0.03
- thinks he felted the trolls by cashing out big with Argentinian memberships but it proved he lied
- celebrated hitting the subs goal even though he just calculated he's only making pennies from them
- boasted his trolls 'over-supported' him with fake subs, won't say how much he actually made
- believes Google and YouTube have no accurate exchange rate figures, hence trolls are "coping"
- purchased another $200 key light but can't figure out where to put it
- decided not to wear headphones for future Call of Duty sessions, think it'll better his performance
- “Seattle is a shithole? Yeah, well, so is New York! New York is worse!”
- “2024 had no games of any note and when I say this people come at me!”
- blames “a problem with society” and “social media” for his stream attendance dwindling
- wants you to buy games you like and support... unless they are sports or licensed games
- remarked you must live in a bubble if you like games that don’t sell well
- dislikes how dull and predictable gaming sales charts are yet plays those games for his 'business'
- wants good games to be promoted but won't play said games because "I have a business to run”
- thinks most Google employees do meditation and yoga all day rather than doing actual work
- called Google employees children... as he sits in a room with RGB lights and plays video games
- thinks kill cams in games are worthless and unhelpful
- retconned the bank leaks story to say someone got into his account through another account he had
- wants context for whenever someone calls his fat wife fat
- allows PPP to insult his wife because he's a friend
- thinks it is a privilege for you to watch him eat a donated cake that he put behind a paywall
- believes he inspired Reviewbrah and other fast food reviewers
- will bring back DSP Tries It because he cares about fans (who never wanted it gone to begin with)
- got proven wrong by PPP with his YT membership cost, coped by saying no one actually knows
- admitted that the bank leaks are both true and not true at the same time, won't elaborate
- accepts being crowned one of the biggest lolcows of all time (but you're the lolcow btw)
- nodded in agreement at being considered a lolcow "one step below Chris Chan"
- called a YT commenter 'retarded' because they pointed out excess tips can go towards other goals
- allows half of Smark Guys tips to count towards goals after calling a fan a retard for suggesting it
- stated being a YTer isn't hard or challenging despite years before claiming it was intensely so
- tends to get his YouTube and Kick audiences mixed up, leading him to use slurs on YouTube'
- still sees the word 'dent' as very offensive despite nowadays being fine using the word 'retard'
- vowed to stop allowing negative people affect him (i.e. anyone who disagrees with him)
- “If you’re not helping me, I’m not listening!”
- “I think this snack box is a good idea but it’s not a good idea for Dsp Tries it” brought it anyway
- said he can’t cook for his wife because he works, but she works too
- “Everyone loves me now” but then ranted about trolls in his chat
- wants Bloodborne to come to PC so he can pirate it and use mods (except "fucked up" nude mods)
- will share pictures of his fridge and freezer for $500
- didn't know how to load pictures into OBS
- “The people who make Street Fighter have no passion for it and you can tell!”
- got $100 from Jaxx but still threatened to drop SF6 because Jaxx shouldn't be the only whale
- wanted to add more lights and electronics to his cramped room in the middle of the summer heat
- "The people that complain do not support", the ones that do are trolls on sock-puppet accounts
- confirmed he only really does criticism from those who tip or are known tippers
- refuses to believe he is anything like KingCobraJFS
- proudly gloats when he wins against a single chargeback, says nothing when all the rest go through
- stated you will be investigated for chargebacks, unaware he will be investigated too in discovery
- equates chargebacks to stealing items from a brick and mortar store
- always gets too greedy in Souls games, attacking instead of dodging, leading to many deaths
- thinks fast food slop is more interesting than foreign snacks
- “I was made in to a lolcow.”
- “I have never done anything that deserves me being treated the way I have been treated.”
- remarked that react channels are suddenly getting demonitized, unaware he is also at risk
- gloated that his detractor react + restream channels are getting demonitized but most never were
- does not believe he was never told he couldn't stream the Elden Ring Nightreign network beta test
- “I don’t know what onigiri is” yet has eaten them in every single Yakuza game he played
- quit DSPolitcs for good due to “being successful” nowadays
- boasted he is making more money than ever these days but the onscreen numbers disprove it
- got very salty and upset when another 'DSP GET A JOB' sign was on display at a WWE show
- coped that the WWE Royal Rumble kickoff got barely any attention; it got 1.1 million views
- displayed envy when the detractor got into a WWE show and he can't afford it
- jokingly demanded $150 twice a day but he really wants $150 twice a day
- jokingly stated he has done lots of pulling in WWE Champions lately, in reality... it's true
- assumes his audience was "extreme drama" and "polarising" viewpoints from his politics streams
- assumes no one could have beaten Dino Crisis back in the day without internet or strategy guides
- got new mouthwash and has to stop gameplay and walk away twice a day to swish it “for it to work”
- checks his computer for upsets and gets upset when it finds updates
- “You’re allowed to vote for as many games as you want!” but yelled at those voting for everything
- lied that he hit all his tips goals while playing Stalker 2 so it wasn't a wagequit
- lied that he was "disappointed", not upset, that his parents didn't get him the Wolverine toy
- remarked that he is “his own boss who is able to control his own destiny”
- “Support! Please! Something! Anything!”
- Wasted 20 minutes getting his lights to work again, only to turn them back off 5 minutes later
- believes it is better to fail constantly and learn, than to be successful every first attempt
- believe that because he went through bankruptcy his financial advice carries more weight
- believes he can run Xbox better than Phil Spencer
- reckons he could make people buy Xboxes if he were the president of Xbox; barely plays Xbox games
- “The negative stigma surrounding me is gone” but still laments being seen as an untrustworthy lolcow
- really wants to play indie games but he really wants that $$ support hint hint
- seems to think of indie games as a collective genre
- thinks that Mr. Beast has absolutely no life experience at all
- said that Mr. Beast makes money by throwing money at things fail and are "stupid and suck ass"
- "I like doing variety."; SF6, CoD, replaying Souls games every year, 'redemption arcs'...
- banned a fan who asked why there is always pressure for tips
- got "shocked" when he played an indie game that one person asked for and not one person tipped
- did a pity party about getting shooting pain in his neck and having to "tough through it"
- curiously did not mention his agonizing neck pain for the rest of the day after mentioning it
- insinuated that e-begging like a bitch is preferable to being a sell-out that does sponsorships
- acknowledges he DOES have known tippers that anonymously tip him on alt accounts
- shamelessly requested those who watch restreams of him to tip him
- can't remember the rules of chess despite previously professing he was good at it
- complained that Lollipop Chainsaw is on the Viewer's Choice poll (it's actually DSP's Choice)
- blamed the gaming industry for his streams doing poorly
- doesn't believe anyone on disability/welfare tips him but he literally has dents that do that
- stated he'd like to be Lolcow Live but he wants an invite; has been invited multiple times
- began treating Keem and Lolcow Live a bit better once he realised they and Andy + PPP are similar
- thinks James Rolfe only does AVGN and that’s all he does for income
- said that he planned his life and career the way it’s gone but he has lamented the way it's gone
- “I’m successful because of my content.”
- believes he can get a sponsorship from WWE Champions
- reckons he could have been "THE Street Fighter Guy on YouTube"
- “I don’t sit here and shill shitty products" but has shilled his merch shop
- declared he has cut all red meat from his diet, though he tends to eat red meat most DSP Tries It
- lied that the vest streak was a "silly thing" but he had previously touted it as a symbol
- showed what is in his freezer: mostly frozen meals in ziplock bags
- showed what is in his fridge: a cluttered disorganized mess with alcohol
- “Those are gourmet frozen ramen.”
- believes Angry Joe got poor views for his review videos
- shamelessly flashed his underwear at PPP's request, wanted more tips to pull his pants down further
- got upset that obeying PPP's requests like a dog resulted in no tips whatsoever
- stated that Smark Guys is a successful show but then lamented the lack of tips
- stated he has never groomed people; groomed Panda Lee when she was underaged
- thinks that so long as he strikes videos that proves he groomed Leanna the evidence is invalid
- remembered he had neck pain, said he'd be moving slowly... sitting in a chair all day
- started a new segment: Grill Phil, where he talks to his detractors, making content just for them
- admitted he lied about doing the 25 pushups off-camera, "that was a meme"
- admitted he didn't do any proper pushups on the Smark Guys podcast
- “Who’s going to drop a hundo to get us to our first goal today?”
- You guys have to understand, I’ll be a working man until the day I die.”
- stated that due to his neck pain he can't cook a frozen burger for his wife, so he used DoorDash
- “Only rich people can afford to take days off” but his wife takes three days a week off
- insinuated that combos in fighting games are not patterns
- celebrated a SF6 victory by doing a Y-pose despite his agonizing neck pain
- got very toxic when a viewer pointed out the tips goal went from $50 to $150
- still claims to be in a financially good place despite raising the tips goal and e-begging hard
- implied to be writing alcohol off as a business expense (not an alcoholic btw)
- massively e-begged like a bitch because his cake arrived almost expired and he wants it eaten ASAP
- called UPS lazy for the late cake delivery but there was black ice causing accidents at the time
- showed that the top of his cake was "blatantly smashed” but the top is just whipped cream
- reckons alcohol will soothe his neck pain, hint hint tips
- tried to play chess online and got crushed, “If I had time I would win!”
- asserted he never technically lost a game of chess since he kept running out of time
- remarked he would've won every chess game if he didn't run out of time but didn't switch game modes
- ragequit Lollipop Chainsaw yet stated that being enraged from boredom doesn't count
- ragequit Factorio because the lack of tips didn't make up for the agitation
- only played Factorio for 17 minutes and ragequit during the tutorial
- blamed his fans for nominating bad games for the Viewer's Choice marathon, not his boring gameplay
- accused those who nominated "boring" games for "sabotaging" the Viewer's Choice marathon
- spent $2768 on WWE Champions during the first week of February 2025
- had 100 Kick memberships expire, hint hinted he wants them back
- failed miserably in the beta of Monster Hunter Wilds despite previous experience with the series
- "All you do is fight monsters in Monster Hunter."
- lied that “I am complete newcomer to Monster Hunter”
- reckoned Monster Hunter is “over-complicated for the sake of being complicated”
- pondered why making an ass of himself in Monster Hunter Wilds beta for an hour got him no tips
- gave feedback on Monster Hunter Wilds despite barely learning how to play it
- believes Monster Hunter Wilds will fail because it is “just fighting monsters over and over”
- was proud to be a PC user after PSN went down, unaware Steam has and could go down as well
- got worried about needing to upgrade PC parts every 3 years right after being proud of PC gaming
- thinks the PC cases being expensive means that they don’t collect dust
- admitted he doesn't play games for the fun of the games, it's all about the money
- “I’m sorry but my time is very much in demand! I could be doing something else with my time."
- e-begged during his Super Bowl Sunday event soon he blew the Viewer's Choice tips on WWEC
- rants about people quitting on him during SF6 despite doing the same thing
- “I’m not a fucking retard.”
- got $800 during Viewer's Choice, next day: "We have to make up for not hitting the goal earlier."
- believes SF6 and other games lie about an opponent's connection e.g. shows 4 bars but it's really 3
- mispronounces sakura as "sah-koo-rah"
- explained that 'retard' is not a slur yet won't allow people to say it in his YT chat
- doesn't believe the word 'retard' can be use as an insult and thus be considered hateful
- believes that most memes about him are made by detractors to hurt him
- believes that most memes about him are made from out of context clips/info
- reckons that people that like memes, especially anti-DSP memes, are not intelligent
- stated that if you refer to something/someone with a slur and it is accurate, it can't be offensive
- “I’m not a hateful person, people make that up!"{
- wants Doody to go to prison and believes what Doody is doing is enough to get him locked up
- stated that detractors are groomers that make trolls; DSP grooms viewers into becoming whales
- had a “debilitating” injury, but later said “as long as I don’t think about it doesn’t affect me”
- gave terrible medical advice: get used to your medical problems or you'll be bitching about it
- instructed you to come to terms with your medical problems and not go to the doctor for minor things
- "I've always tried to be the truthful person" yet lied about things for years to 'protect' himself
- his 2025 plan: replay all the Dark Souls games and more Fallout games (variety streamer btw)
- tends to outright namedrop known whales when e-begging
- began banning people using the word 'retard' the same day he defended his use of saying it
- banned a regular for saying 'retard', only unbanned him after chat exposed DSP's hypocrisy
- said 'retard' attacks groups of people, yet uses the word to attack his group of detractors
- outright demanded tips so he didn't have to manually update the tips leaderboard
- "Guys, my neck is in pain so let's hit the goal early."
- tends to throw smoke grenades at himself, "someone tell me what's going on, I can't see anything"
- expresses disdain for tutorial videos for fighting games for ruining the "meta" of the game
- expresses disdain for tutorial videos for fighting games but uses those videos himself
- believes knowing the meta of a fighting game gives you a huge advantage
- cannot comprehend that some people make combo guides for fighting games because they like helping
- doesn't believe combos were common at all in fighting games at arcades back in the day
- “Fighting games use to be about comradery and social interaction” yet he barely does either
- wants the FGC to reach out to him after years of telling him to leave him alone
- thinks “yeet” means orgasming
- made fun of IronChefSekai with PPP, admitted he keeps forgiving ICS because he gives big tips
- said he and PPP were just "jerking around" (FreudSlipPhil)
- told his fans to "shut the fuck up" if they can't provide proof for anything they tell him
- set up an Arby's delivery before got the money, hint hinted he wants that money
- wants $70 for the Arby's meal, even though the burgers he want only cost $6.99
- does not believe you could be reported for (illegally) streaming the Elden Ring Nightreign beta
- does not read the email he got from FromSoftware as it has the EULA in it
- did not want to click any links posted, which lead to the EULA page on FromSoftware's website
- believes none of his detractors have any effect on him yet still blames them for ruining everything
- stated that Google is pretty much useless for anything
- couldn't find the EULA on FromSoftware's website, so he assumed he COULD stream the Nightreign beta
- wants to send lawyers after trolls that send him multiple $1 tips, thinking that it's "mass fraud"
- said that sending him multiple $1 tips is "breaking" like "ten different laws"
- said of Street Fighter 6: “This game massively favors people pressing buttons.”
- thinks fish isn’t meat
- praised bacon from Arby's as being healthier than fried food but it's still processed meat
- seems to know the "pattern play" to most SF6 characters yet can't counter or play around them
- admitted the main reason he agreed to do an interview is for awareness and get more viewers
- seems to proud he defrauded the government with a fake bankruptcy (more like defrauded tippers)
- “I don’t know why people started hating me!”
- retconned an FGC person's video about DSP... the day after DSP praised the video and its creator
- assumed he won't enjoy Japanese treats because he's Caucasian
- asserted that every bit of e-begging and grifting is just "jokes"
- believes in free speech... so long as he isn't being insulted
- assumes anyone angry at him, for whatever reason, is jealous of him
- will not take a polygraph test from a retired FBI polygrapher despite declaring his truthfulness
- said he “needs incentive” if he’s to do a polygraph test (hint hint pay me)
- believes is NOT fraud to ask for money to do specific things and then spend it on other things
- can't answer questions that challenge him because “it doesn’t matter what I say”
- now says the bank leaks are fake despite crying at the time that they were illegally procured
- went mask off by saying he was copying what Kino Casino are doing (edgy 'jokes' and 'hot takes')
- said his “commitment to my wife” was “many years ago” and “it doesn’t matter anyways”
- “I don’t need redemption” but he's in a self-declared redemption arc
- wants "full context" of his rampant e-begging, is shown raw footage of it, “taken out of context”
- “Show me the evidence”, is shown the evidence, “Why are we showing this?!”
- “Begging for money and acting like I am destitute are two completely different things.”
- can't answer how often he uses Doordash, said he had lost weight so not a lot
- pretends like he never earned much on Twitch despite Twitch incomes were leaked and he confirmed it
- brought up his sizable debt and taxes to pay... not long after spending thousands on electronics
- "Do you think I'm destitute?" but still e-begs like he is
- proclaimed he has no savings and essentially lives paycheck to paycheck (not destitute btw)
- confirmed the bank leaks are real because they were "obtained through a federal crime”
- stated he is likely on the autistic spectrum but does not want to be medically diagnosed
- was nearly reduced to tears by the interview with Steven Cambian
- pondered why a guy known for calling out scammers would call out DSP as a scammer
- “He kept me for 3 hours and he told me I would be there for 90 minutes” but DSP never left early
- asserted that Camnian "yelled over" DSP before he could fully answer, but DSP always diverted
- tends to cowardly shit-talk who he did the interview with after the interview, not during it
- declared the interview with Steven Cambian a waste of time because he barely saw more tips
- "Me and my community just want to be left alone" but he wants to do more interiews in the future
- thinks that he and his community do not benefit from providing proof that will shut his trolls up
- refuses to believe his mods are secretly trolls... until they go rogue
- acknowledges he gets most of his tips when there is drama, but he won't get into drama
- “Drama doesn’t benefit me” despite literally saying he gets more tips when he is embroiled in drama
- suddenly brought up his neck pain flaring up just as his chat was calling him out... hmm...
- changed the Arby's narrative from using his wife as a reason to get to it, to it being "a joke"
- “Every single time I present evidence to prove my innocence, people just move the goalposts!”
- treats internet social interactions with the same depth and gravity as IRL social interactions
- said he asked a cop about how to handle PayPal chargebacks; never called them over identity theft
- will mistake any small grey bird for being a pigeon
- "OIC hasn't been around in years" but Phil personally thanked him for tipping earlier that month
- was told his audio is bad and somehow made it worse when correcting it
- “I have never had to degrade myself for money!”; vests, wigs, bubble blowing, dancing...
- created a stupid theory that every lapse in his schedule is due to him e-begging to his whales
- claimed he heard the aforementioned theory from his Kick chat even though he claimed they were bots
- “We move on from the drama today" yet still talked about drama
- asserted that he and PPP are bot friends as it's just a "working relationship", a total 180
- doesn't mind if Kino Casino use and abuse him like a cheap whore so long as he gets money out of it
- allows himself to get cucked by Kino Casino because “that’s what they do”
- created drama by forgetting to put Smark Guys on his schedule and making a big deal about it
- “I’m not sure why everyone is so split on Monster Hunter!”; he wagequit the demo and wanted money
- stated that evidence sourced from the internet is "invalid" and not legal (not even his raw vids)
- “I don’t stalk or keep up with my supporters”, said the same day he texted ICS to see if he was gone
- gave a PSA in which he warned his audience of a scam going around... pffft
- lied that he does allow freedom in chat and you can talk about things that aren't the game
- refuses to lessen moderation in chat as he thinks that gives his trolls more room to bother him
- admitted he is scared shitless of trolls that can derail his (dead) chat, hence no free speech
- said he is fine with off-topic convos in his chat... and soon after said he won't allow it at all
- lied that he never bans anyone for talking about sports while he plays non-sports games
- spent $1823 on WWE Champions during the second week of February 2025
- reckons if you look up what Phil says or does it is considered stalking
- still defends Derich despite his community still disliking him
- still defends Kirk despite his community still disliking him
- refuses to see the doctor for his chronic neck pain as they'd refer him to specialists
- thinks he's improved these days because he doesn't e-beg as hard as he used to
- exclaimed he HAS to e-beg or he could lose the house, something he stated he never said
- asserts to be avoiding drama yet wants to do a collab with Keemstar, such as being on Lolcow Live
- “I don’t remember the last time we had time to just hang out and have a chill session”; everyday
- moaned that the neatest Del Taco to him is 12 miles away - a 10 minute drive - so he can't get any
- pointed out he hasn't had ice cream in a "very long time"; he had ice cream 9 months ago
- “If a game doesn’t get supported it has to go” but keeps playing CoD despite low tips
- tends to hint hint for support to play certain games... that he was going to play regardless
- confirmed he will do DSP Tries It of popular places like McDonald's just to get in the YT algorithm
- 'exposed' how mismanaged Panda Express is, got upset when told he is wrong
- believes most AAA game development is entirely in-house, but 70% of games production is outsourced
- thinks Japanese companies wouldn’t cut jobs of “people in their homeland”
- thinks the games industry has only changed recently and outsourcing is new
- “Games didn’t sell in the millions until the 2010’s.”
- “Games 15 years ago were better than games today”, didn't elaborate
- said that knowing if you have a favourite thing is an “extremist mindset”
- said Chinese food is “fake food”, said “real” Chinese food is “Szechuan Chinese food”
- can't understand why appropriating a Tevin meme six months after it was relevant didn't work
- wants his "hate watchers" to support him but not to be in his chat
- assumes that anyone who points out something he should fix is only saying it for drama content
- assumes that anyone informing him of things to be fixed probably has a broken life that needs fixing
- remarks that his community is split about certain things when one side clearly favours one side
- can't seem to recognise when PPP when clearly mocking DSP with a thin veil of sarcasm
- doesn't stop PPP when he dumps praise on DSP to point where even he gets uncomfortable
- would rather spend thousands on WWE card packs than simply buying the card (business degree btw)
- ranted about “40 year old fucks” buying collectibles... after he trying to be WWE collectible cards
- said the fun of collecting cards is opening the packs, “Just owning them isn’t fun.”
- admits he was jealous of Keemstar for making "a good living" doing his thing, implied still jealous
- reckons he isn't e-begging too much, if anything he should be e-begging more
- won't do Smark Guys without PPP as he needs him to “be the hype man” (aka beg for subs)
- seriously believes people are jealous of him, a man in his 40s with no savings
- believes GameStop never had a business strategy yet said when he was younger he traded in his games
- thinks that buying used games “ruined your disc reader”
- is jealous of people with physical games collections, “it's an illusion that you have a collection”
- said collecting video games is pointless yet wants video game preservation
- "Detractors should stop bringing up things from 5 years ago" yet brings up what they did 5 years ago
- said that no one is forced to watch him; said his trolls are stuck 'hate-watching' him for content
- lied that he does roll with the jokes and memes aimed at him, will lean-in manual ban them
- believes that no one who tips him are disable, but some are (some physically, some mentally)
- remarked that because he changed "for the better", even a tiny bit, he doesn't deserve scrutiny
- said that because he is married he can’t do shower videos anymore
- still plans on making a LEGO set even though it was ICS' idea and DSP suspects him of being a troll
- exclaimed he cannot build LEGO models in his room because of “the fumes”
- “We don’t have a frier so we can’t deep fry.”
- thinks that his time streaming on Kick is what a typical newcomer will expect (600 subs, 40 viewers)
- seems to know what transpires on Lolcow Live despite alleging to not being interested in it
- took four games from Don't Nod Entertainment to realise they cater to LGBT
- wants to play an FMV game despite hating all the 'gameplay' to get to the cutscenes
- tends to spend most of his 'podcast' talking about tips goals
- said that because he is not a “a schmoozer” he cannot be in an industry
- says he is not a schmoozer (smooth talking to impress/manipulate others) but it is how he e-begs
- plans to order three “fast food pizzas” and compare them (on a diet btw)
- wants to buy himself a grill “now that he’s making good money” but “they outlawed them”
- thinks it is unfair that he cannot have a grill within 20 feet of his fence
- believes he is “a great resource” for gaming but “nobody takes me seriously”
- tells people to leave if they don't like the game he is playing, then ponders why low attendance
- asked for if he should play the new Yakuza game, was told “not interested”, but played it anyways
- refuses to believe the majority of his viewers are hate-watchers
- got 50 gifted Kick subs from IronChefSekai, thanked him and immediately asked for more tips & subs
- strongly implied in his thanking to IronChefSekai that he dislikes that he's the only tipper
- spent $353 on WWE Champions during the third week of February 2025
- admits he eats fast food like "shitty Taco Bell" not even for DSP Tries It (diet and gout btw)
- described how detractor videos transform his content with memes and said it's not transformative
- described an anti DSP meme: a clip of him followed by an another clip contradicting himself
- read aloud a fake tip from an allegedly remorseful ex-troll and predictably ranted about his trolls
- confessed he rages and takes his anger out on his viewers when he could leave and decompress
- got upset by his detractors so he decided to live react to RTU and 'dump'
- protests his trolls hate-watching him, and then proceeded to hate-watch RTU (done with drama btw)
- roasted RTU's greenscreen when his own is hardly better
- roasted RTU wasting time ranting about politics when he does the same thing
- roasted RTU having a static contributions text onscreen whereas his is scrolling
- declared RTU to be a worthless human being with no good content from just barely seeing his content
- mocked RTU as being a self-embarrassing e-begging clown, the same can be applied to DSP
- instructed his viewers to never give RTU money so he will "go away", behaving just like a detractor
- insults those in the FGC community but gets all buddy-buddy when one of them is neutral to DSP
- “The detractors said they wanted me to do better, and I have!”
- tends to say "out of nowhere" to describe things that are not out of nowhere
- tends to say “on a whim” for things he’s planned out
- was inspired by Kino Casino clips to make a clips channel, then said clip channels don't do well
- pronounced 'schadenfreude' as "shodenfrood", turning a German word into a French word
- lamented that getting up and using mouthwash to stall for time didn't get him any tips
- blamed his rotting teeth on bad genetics
- cited years of eating fast food and drinking alcohol for his health problems, still enjoys them
- thinks a network beta test is to convince people to buy the game
- called his drama content "just for fun" even though it is also mean-spirited like detractor content
- will play RPGs with long cutscenes and not much action, but won't play Monster Hunter Wilds
- enjoys the Yakuza games for being authentically Japanese... while playing with the English dub
- either is silent or does shitty voiceovers during cutscenes, ponders why no one shows up for RPGs
- exclaimed “I am very disappointed in you” to the viewers who attend his streams but don't tip
- hates that meta knowledge of a game ruins experience; got 4th place at EVO for his meta knowledge
- accidentally showed his Discord onscreen, revealing that he DMs fans and detractors
- wants nothing to do with RTU but accidentally revealed he talks to Becky Boop, a RTU affiliate
- thinks he's better than RTU because his tech issues are “wonky hardware” and not “lack of knowledge”
- was so quick to buy a new PC and equipment but will take years upgrading to fix his tech issues
- said Don't Nod “doesn’t understand the premise of a videogame” but they make the same type of game
- decried Don't Nod for 'secretly' making LGBT games when it says the target audience on their site
- believes that because he has been on YouTube for 15+ years he is an authority on the site and gaming
- got put on the Kick front page, acted on his best behaviour (i.e. more boring than ever)
- doubled down on the e-begging as soon as he confirmed he was no longer on the Kick front page
- lamented that Kick, a platform not known for gaming, isn't helping him get tips with his gameplay
- blamed lack of parenting for why kids teabag in video games
- "I hope you enjoy the chill vibes" after ranting about trolls and e-begging
- declared he isn't into gossip but also said he is talking with a woman about RTU (aka gossiping)
- did a racist Asian stereotype when told not to make such jokes
- tends to spend most of the gaming news segment ranting about layoffs, cancellations, and delays
- doesn't miss an opportunity to badmouth CEOs of studios and publishers
- “You can’t trend chase in gaming because games take too long to develop.”
- commented that "games are art" but he seems to prefer soulless AAA slop
- “Game studios have been instructed to not make games as a work of art.”
- hates sunflower seeds because “if I wanted to work for my food I would just go out and hunt for it!”
- thinks platformer game have been neglected due to CEOs chasing money
- gave business advice: don't spend all your money
- went on a permabanning spree in his Kick chat because they dared to talk about another streamer
- implied he was jealous of the other streamer because she is a chick ICS is simping and tipping for
- can't accept a loss in a fighting game without coping & seething, blaming combos, lag, netcode, etc
- got teabagged in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 and raged, behaved as immature as his opponent
- "I don't care, okay? I really don't care.", proceeded to rant for twenty minutes about not caring
- couldn't explain the strange stains on his shirt, denied it was jizz stains
- “I’m staring at it with my human eye.”
- admitted he wears cologne even on days he never leaves the house
- refuses to believe that teenage girls are interested in sexual things, blames male writers
- said he didn't care about the female streamer ICS was simping for, 8 hours later he ranted about it
- called StrangelyLex a slut for doing squats for tips; showed his underwear because PPP asked
- "You're fucking squatting on camera for money, you dumb shit. You fucking slut!"
- insinuated, and later boldly claimed, that girls doing squats for money is basically sex work
- treated ICS returning to his chat as a moral victory
- still defended Derich even after years of being told he's a pedo creep that harasses pornstars
- assembled a LEGO set with multiple cameras to give multiple views of him failing for an hour
- proved he has multiple cameras but refuses to use one to show his arcade stick during fighting games
- read tip messages aloud and raged at the tippers for distracting his LEGO set building
- got excited to find a "long black shaft" LEGO piece
- couldn't help ending the LEGO stream with a Q&A with e-begging
- banned ICS from his chat for "being unhinged" (i.e. giving money to a female streamer and not him)
- “All my detractors went over and started giving her money” when it was actually his viewers
- derailed his stream to ponder why and how 11 anonymous gifted subs vanished
- assumes that any time he has his channel reported it HAS to be a false report from a troll
- encouraged every mass report his channel as it make YouTube assume everyone is crying wolf
- reckons you must be stupid if you think YouTube cares that he defamed a female streamer
- remarked he can say the word 'slut' with impunity, then said it two dozen times to demonstrate
- permabanned IronChefSekai for mass-donating to a female streamer, which caused 'drama'
- jokingly said if ICS tipped him $1000 he'd unban him, then alluded he likely wasn't joking
- said that no one knew who StrangelyLex before ICS simped for her (she had 10k followers)
- dislikes games that try to be "friend simulators", says go outside and make friends; has no friends
- played a game designed for young bisexual girls and disliked it focused on young bisexual girls
- seemed more shocked that the aforementioned bisexuals were practicing witchcraft than being bi
- said he is still trying to get back “into normalcy” after COVID... three years after lockdowns ended
- will hint hint for extra tips if it is close to the day he gets paid by YouTube or Kick
- cheated his audience out of not eating the 4-5 snacks owed for the extra tips incentive met
- banned 'snacks' as a tips reward because he's too old to be eating them, won't eat the ones owed
- "I don't have a stroke.", "and then I followed followed soup."
- tries to justify every death he gets in a CoD game
- reassured he doesn't care what you do off-stream... unless it's talking to detractors
- plans to get a green cover for the top of his chair so it stops clipping in the green screen
- described the "silent majority" that watch his content, which summed up most of his community
- doesn't like vocal supporters but will vocalize whenever a known whale is in his chat
- didn't care when a paypig of his made a death threat to StrangelyLex
- didn't care that it was his 'detractors' that exposed the fan of his that made the death threat
- somehow turned the drama of one of his paypigs' death threats to StrangelyLex to rant about trolls
- "You know my content. You know I literally don't bother anyone."
- reckons the trolls invented the drama with StrangelyLex but he started it by calling her a slut
- stated he only retaliates but, again, he started the drama with StrangelyLex by calling her a slut
- stammered that he doesn't know who StrangelyLex is, but he called her a slut for doing squats
- "I don't condone awful behavior on or off the internet" yet still defends Derich
- refuses to take any responsibility for what his fans do
- doesn't realise that constantly saying that his life is good can come across as a coping mechanism
- says his life is the envy of others... as he sits depressed, e-begging and whining about trolls
- “The new seat cover looks horrible” but it blends in nicely with the flashing RGB lights
- said his detractors would go away if he went away, but also said they'd stick around if he left
- believes he beat Papers Please but he only got halfway through
- wanted to do a "Ninja Turtles pizza party” (middle aged man btw)
- exclaimed he was “doing the pizza party just to have fun” but still e-begged for money for it
- didn't play Monster Hunter Wilds because he's "not in following trends” (business degree btw)
- thinks his problem with e-begging is that he 'asks' too hard
- twisted the Christian saying "ask and you shall receive" into asking for money and getting it
- failed at A Game About Digging A Hole, a game literally about digging a hole
- wore a different sweater that again pronounced his curvy manboobs, blamed the sweater
- was "disappointed in humanity" when he realised no one believes he never slandered StrangelyLex
- doesn't realise that the 'bad vibe' he sometimes gets playing games is from him and not the game
- claimed White Castle burgers are crispy and charred, but they are steamed
- stated him e-begging isn't e-begging because he's not currently in a poor financial situation
- acts like his e-begging throughout the years was an act he had to put on
- lamented he can't do face-cam and "crotch-cam" at the same time, but he literally was
- kept zooming in his webcam on his greasy face to extort tips for it stop, freaking out his viewers
- banned a fan from Kick chat and threatened to ban anyone showing solidarity for the banned fan
- claimed Lost Records: Bloom & Rage "ruined my business"
- paid such little attention to Lost Records that he was blindsided by a very foreshadowed reveal
- tends to call character-building moments "pointless" but they often end up being relevant later
- roasted his biggest whale IronChefSekai for simping a lesbian streamer instead of simping for him
- poorly described the plot of Chasing Amy, hinting that he likely hasn't seen it
- "He's mastering this broken collection that no one cares about"; got 4th at EVO with a broken port
- started a stream 38 minutes late because he decided to rearrange his office at the last minute
- believes that all VPNs cause latency and thus are not suited for gaming
- thinks going out to hang out in the woods with your friends at 16 is “unrealistic”
- thinks teenagers doing stupid things is "unrealistic"
- stated that streamers using "gamer walls" are copying each other, but he's literally copying them
- devolved his 'gaming news' to just reading Twitter posts
- seems to think that digital games last forever and that physical game collections are pointless
- tends to assume most new accounts membership-bombing him are fake (some are whales' alt accounts)
- mistakenly said he's been harassed with fake memberships since 2022 but it started in late 2023
- will ask new accounts to superchat him to see if they are legit accounts
- called YouTube's way of dealing with multiple currencies a "leftist policy"
- accidentally added extra LEGO pieces to his assembly, failed for a while with the removal tool
- hyped up the Ninja Turtle bundle in CODBO6 even though he dislikes the game
- hyped up the Ninja Turtle bundle in CODBO6 and ragequit after a few matches
- tends to call others "mouth breathers" while audibly breathing through his mouth
- “What is car side delivery? Delivery to a car?!”
- “My wife will be cooking for our next event” but she's not a part of his content btw
- revealed when he goes to bed he sometimes "has to wear a glove” so his oozing hands can heal
- “Imagine horror games in VR? That could be cool!”
- “I can’t play lengthy RPGs so don’t even ask" but played Suikoden I & Ii HD Remaster
- protested that Neil Druckmann cannot take criticism and uses it as a scapegoat; does the same thing
- said that because TLOU 2 was a “liberal grift” that’s why TLOU multiplayer was cancelled
- thinks that if TLOU season 3 fails Neil Druckmann will “disappear and be never be heard from again”
- “Neil Druckmann couldn’t have wrote both TLOU games because they are completely different.”
- said the developers of TLOU being issued death threats from people online is “just online trolling”
- “I used to do gardening.”
- can’t figure out why fast food locations make you enter your address before you can see a menu
- stated that Kat isn't a part of his content yet still wants to do content with her together
- accidentally broke a mug by washing it incorrectly
- "I don't know how to wash dishes." (was 42 years old when he said this btw)
- lamented his dishwasher being broken three years ago yet purchased two new PCs and 3 new webcams
- can't understand why people were judging his poorly-assembled LEGO creation
- was very offended when a detractor assembled the same LEGO kit much faster than he did
- pretended like he didn't care he was outdone by a detractor at LEGO, ranted at length
- lied that he never mentions the names of his detractors in his streams and videos
- seriously believes he does not lack self-awareness, it is his trolls who lack self-awareness
- believes that if you insult him and he doesn't care, everything you said was wrong and invalid
- thinks he's the "innovator" and that his trolls are copying him
- doesn't seem to understand why some games don't allow you to change difficulty
- “What’s the difference between a hand-tossed pizza and a hand-tossed pan pizza?!”
- played Suikoden HD and Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii, creating the 'RPG overload' he hates
- refused to listen to PPP explaining why calling female streamers sluts isn't a good look
- thinks calling StrangelyLex a slut is aye-okay because it's his opinion
- refused to take accountability for slandering StrangelyLex
- admitted he gets involved in drama, “but it’s not the focus of my content”
- “I have to respond to it (drama) when people bring it up”, simply can't ignore it
(more to come)
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